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here we have your stanless zaku game 4 minutes into the game we've got ADC giving up on bot elego checking in mid our mid Lan refusing to swap and go B our support is solo bot laning and we are 02 into the game and the top has already died so now you might be thinking as the only same player in this game get me out this game ASAP this is unwinable but do you want to spend 15 minutes plus loading screen time plus champ SEL time plus Q time wasted losing LP when you could be climbing I don't know how much you care about LP but you should care about your time I'm going to show you how you can carry 1 v9 as Diana here's the proof check this check this my match history I'm self glazing right now my match history is banging on Diana so here we go so welcome to the game here's what El I'm playing at around diamond diamond four Diamond three ELO pretty standard ruines on Diana nothing much to talk about here I'll change the KRA with Last Stand if I need to depending on if they're tanky or not we trying we were trying to invade their buff unfortunately here Wukong gets caught out but he doesn't actually die thing is though he's going to be set back so much I think I'm make a whole di guide on I'll make a whole di guide at some point a proper guide because I have one trick Diana i' just only I played this champ since release I only played this Champ here and there I play some other Champs but this is literally my bread and butter I don't I feel much more comfortable on this than any other champ um so this is going to be pretty standard clear ideally I would want to start with red buff so I was looking for that invade level one but they CAU us out at their buff it's okay fall back to my blue buff start clearing at this point I'm seeing where I can go can I get an early gank in as you saw that wukong's not going to have any PRI cuz he lost half his health zeraf is going to be a hard gank so yeah um standard clear I'm just going to full clear this nothing really to look at at the moment nothing really to gank almost at bot Lane right I'm just finished my crugs heading there now something happens here that makes the something happens here that makes our ADC just rage qu up all Lane I mean he got caught right he got caught by the bubble that's it that ADC is now going to go ego it down mid but you got to be thinking you can't do anything about what your teammates have just done if you want to win these if you want to win these types of games you need to put the game on your shoulders you can rely on whatever your teammates are doing they might might come and help you they might not come and help you it doesn't matter you need to make decisions that put the game on your shoulders because if you're playing a champ like then you you can one v9 the game if you play if play properly okay yeah and there you can see this is your standard solo Q game ADC just just running it down mid so before we carry on I'm going to talk about items so on my first back I always try and buy a dark seal so here I bought a blasting one but I'm like no this game needs to go on my shoulders no one else in this team is going to be doing anything in in the early game unless I get them fed so I generally always buy a dark seal and if I've got any money if I full cleared I'll buy a dark seal and a amp or a dark seal and a dagger if I half cleared three camps I'll buy a dart seal but Dart seal is always my starter item just because I want to look for those kills early I want to snowball as quick as I can this is how you should be thinking how can I get a lead and snowball that lead how can I how can I and once I get that lead I need to keep that lead because if I throw it away at that point the game is over so I I the way I play is so that's the way you should be so that's the way you should be thinking you should be thinking I'm trying to get a lead as fast as I can and snowball that lead and carry the game with by being so far ahead with anyone else I give up on the game at the point where I die and get shut down and lose that lead and then I think okay I'm no long once I'm no longer ahead I can't snowball hard I can't snowball too well after that point and it makes it it makes the games go much harder but as long as I'm even and start to get ahead you should be able to snowball that lead so what you don't want to be doing at this point when you're even and when your team is losing you got no prior nothing is trying to fight over neutral objectives and Enemy enemy um trying to fight over neutral objectives and enemy you've got no pry your team is all over the place and here I'm I'm trying to again I'm trying to think how can I get ahead on the enemy jungler do I see any ganks anywhere no not at the moment I'm just farming I know that the Vio is going to be botside because he started red he's got the same Clear pattern as me at the moment so I come and meet the Vio just to just to scare him away a bit so that he's not going to gank he's not going to gank um he's not going to gank bot Lane and until them further because aari did actually end up switching switching with his Kaitlin for a bit over here even though even though she did even though she did we going back to Mid again but but yeah so just showing so that the Vier doesn't doesn't come here I actually do hang around a bit because I see a fight coming out and here's where you want to look so can you see any gank here they are loow but again you don't want to you don't want to int just because you're trying to look for something so yeah go back reset try and get some Tempo on that Vio because again you want to stay ahead you want to stay as far ahead as you can and at this at this point it's 04 right have a look at the game State 04 two deaths on that Caitlyn one death on the K one death on the Wukong and everyone in this team is saying ff15 ff15 get me out this game ASAP only it's only me saying at this point in this game going back to my top side I see that the grubs are but again at this point I'm pretty even on the vgo there's not really lead that I've got at the moment I'm going to fall back to my blue have a look if the crab is up try and try and get that crab but I don't really want to fight over the grubs at this point it's not worth it again our lane state is so bad if if we had prior if I was a bit ahead definitely take the neutral objectives but I don't want to waste Tempo taking these objectives at the moment I want to keep I want to keep getting through the map getting money getting experience because that's what's going to keep me level with this uh with this V and the enemy team so again standard star full clear there's nothing nothing I can gank anymore this guy is not going to be killable with both of us and there's a kin mid that's probably enough said but I do say that this I do see that this zerath is getting a bit low so instead of instead of so instead of continuing straight to my uh Raptors I do start to PA mid and I can see that the Camille went missing off top right so I'm trying to Shadow here see if this Camille pops up just just staying staying in the area this kin dies I'm doing my Raptors at this point but I can see that this guy is low is he going to Ego check it so start my I'm about to start my red I see this guy mid so this is where you want to take this is where you want to take opportunities so when you see something like this when you see laners greeding for a wave this is prime opportunity to start your lead if you can get one kill as a snowball assassin if you can get one kill early game you should be winning that game there's no reason for you to not snowball that lead if you've got one kill and look at this oh yeah my team my team are bad enemy team are so far ahead it's 06 at the moment 06 if you get one kill and you get ahead on your enemy jungler you can impact the game so much you can make everything instead of a 1 V one a 2v one and just add a number into every fight so yeah as you can see pretty basic stuff I see that he's overextending for the wave yeah Dash into the minion Dash into him get that kill and you'll see me do this a lot so you'll see me do this a lot just quickly again so here I'm going to pick this kill up but just a tip a tip when you're playing Diana if you e Dash onto something from far range so if I were to dash from here to this minion you will you will land in front of the minion so let's let's let's show you what I mean so I'm going max range Dash I will land in front of this minion right if I Dash as D um if I Dash as down um when I'm close range to something so now I'm going to prop my second Dash on the zeraf if I do that I'm going to end up behind the zeraf so I'm going to prop my second Dash and since I'm close to him I end up behind him can you see so in that dash time this is again a matchup tip just um if you for if you wanted to pick up Dan if you're against the Zera you want to Dash as soon as you can when you're near him to avoid that stun and if you dash you'll actually go you'll actually go through the stun you'll avoid that stun altogether and you'll see me do that a lot this game so again this is it in real time dash dash stun is avoided and he's dead so that's what that's how you want to that's how you want to do these things just a tip don't be overthinking everyone CC um let's have a look at this at this cannon yeah just y y that cannon at at this point just y the cannon because you need to get ahead yeah your teammates might hate you for it but if you win the game and the game is on your shoulders they're going to love you at the end of the day so LP is LP I don't I don't care if they love me well that's just that's just that's BS really they might not love you but I don't care if they love me I love LP that's what I'm here for right but at this point so at this point you got your kill ideally you want to reset as soon as possible to get your to get your item to get to get your items to get ahead um so you can start doing your damage but I see Ki I see the kin I see everyone mid there's a free wve bot let me push this wave in bot um to keep the tower pressure up to not lose any XP and and uh money so here you see him I'm just playing outside the Zer range I'm s I'm as as these assassins you don't want to make it clear that you're just going in on them even if you even if you're thirsting so hard and trust me I thirst so much on these types of kills on these Mages I'm literally just want to go onot them as much as every other assassin does but that's not the play if you do like that they're just going to run away from you Killers lost so you want to play a bit a bit slow when they don't expect it there see there's a chance there you go Q E straight away because I Dash from max range I land in front of him like we talked about earlier now what are you going to do Dash behind them so here we go don't overthink it I actually predict the stun for this one I didn't Dash straight away I'm I'm waiting to predict that stun so here we go and I don't predict it of course but we still get the kill because at this point he's dead anyway right say just save just save your save your second Dash until you really need to use it otherwise you're going to waste it right but we get that now we're two kills up we got a whole wave B and if you look at the if you look at um against the Vigo we're very far ahead now CS CS ahead and two kills up so now definitely we should take that reset so let's take that reset again this is just a standard thing always get ashes first I've seen other builds I mean other thing might be Proto Bel that you might go for but nashes is the way you clear so much faster with nashers you want to get through as many camps as you can it just gives you so much damage on your passive a attacks on here uh I just think it's it's it's really the first it's really the first item you should be building out of anything um so yeah we get we get we pick up the whole nashes I try and back when I've got either nashes or a big part of nashes because otherwise there's not really much point in backing when you can't buy too much right you can see I've got my boots as well so at this point I'm I'm fairly quick I'm looking for gangs nowy when you're ahead like this you want to stop full clearing if you see anything good on the map all right because you've got damage now you've got items you got damage at this point clearing your camps isn't going to help you pick up that snowball Place clearing your camps isn't going to help you progress the game carry the game snowball faster in the game one v9 that game one v9 and carry everyone on your shoulders so you want to be looking actively for kills now it doesn't matter really if you're losing golden experience by not clearing your cams you are ahead on everyone else so killing people should be easy for you at this point as you can see so I can see that the Camille is getting used to overextending on his Wukong I'm waiting waiting hovering over here out of vision waiting to see if I can catch her out yep see that that's the time to go so there we go in dash save the second Dash I flash here because I need this kill right when you buy dark seal when you buy dark seal when you buy Magi you need kills and as sad as it is if you want to carry the game on your back you need to be taking these kills right so we just got a kill top what do we do instead of falling back to our wolves we look mid I missed that q but we still get him on the tip on the tip let's just see that again look at this all we get him on the tip of that on the tip of that all nice so again that's already already two kills two kills in our pocket in 1 minute 1 minute and we got two kills and you can see the chat is already the chat is already pinging as we are a problem now and at this point our team's shut up now our team has calmed down why because you're doing something they they believe that something can happen Caitlyn has gone back B aari's mid everything seems to be calming down a bit now why because you kept your sanity you kept your why because you kept your mental you didn't get mental gapped like a child no one comes into this game trying to lose LP right so similar thing happens here I want to say that reset but I see the zeraf bot again and what I want to do Snowball the lead I've already got eight stacks on the dark seal right so so here that kin is actually One V oneing the Zera and getting killed by him somehow uh ghosted yeah I mean okay hopefully I don't face pal into that zeraf stun again because this is under Tower this time so let's have a look what do we do d one trick here am I going to mess this up Q E get that Q what do I do Dash the stun there we go there we go that's how it's done spam the Mastery spam the Mastery spam the Mastery because you know you know now you've got 10 stacks on the book you know you're going to win this game you've got that Bounty man what a game to be playing what a game to be playing ego checking everyone in this game because now it's winnable now people are starting to think yeah it's winnable and I've got enough money to buy a needlessly large Rod right when you're this far ahead what you want to be getting damage damage damage don't waste your time on small items resistances whatever if you're this far ahead you need to be doing you need to be the one doing the damage right no one else is going to be doing the damage in this game when you've got all the kills all the stacks and everything at this point in the game if you're losing this game it's on you as well no matter how hard you're trying to win this game no matter how hard everyone is inting you are 5 at 14 minutes you worked hard for this but if you lose this game it's on you now you you you have to do something here to to to pull it through so what am I doing just taking as much gold XP as I can clearing my cams no one's M clear the wave fall back to my bot side standard clearing again there are neutral objectives up the herald is up the grubs were up the dragons were up I'm not worried about this at the moment it's now I am because I'm very far ahead but before there's no point going for that so we see a fight coming but we see a fight happening B okay gets out and we missed that Q unfortunate but I'm going to hang around here because you do want to be taking these fights again not going to your CS that Camille in a bit with that Dash I in a bit with my q but I mean it is what it is I'm just going to go on the zerif again because I know he's I know he's easy peasy for me one thing I could have bought over here you could have swapped this large Ward with a MAG eyes it depends how confident you are realistically I probably would have gotone mag eyes now that I think about it knowing how far ahead I was and how confident I am but lwod is definitely the safe option it's definitely the the instead of gambling you could just go for that go for that um safe damage right picked up another kill here what am I doing now I'm starting to move up into their side starting to look at the neutral objectives because I know if they try and contest at this point when we're starting to get prior when when I've got when I've got all these kills when I've got all this damage it's going to be be so hard for them to contest if they come and contest we'll kill them that's fine so now we start going for the objectives we're not losing any Tempo here and we take them so fast as well look at this Nash's too look at the attack speed look at the damage that we take it so quick what is this it's only been around 5 or 6 seconds that dragon is gone don't waste your time own objectives early if your team is not there for you if you're behind if you've got camps to do it's not worth it you're going to lose so much Tempo you're going to lose so much time so what do we buy Here We bu bu the Magi now so yeah like I was talking about it I was wondering where my Magi was but I like to go Magi very early why especially if you're on 10 Stacks you get the bonus movement speed if you're on 10 Stacks that gain 10% bonus movement speed this is amazing on din with this s shoes 45 movement speed plus 10% movement speed you're sitting on 435 base speed as long as you don't lose these tacks 435 base speed you can rotate the map so fast and get all these kills influence the influence the map so far your movement speed is really important so really you want to be stacking this dark seal and getting this meiz as soon as possible and then preserving those Stacks as long as you can to get across that whole map to get all these kills and uh make a difference on the game so yeah let's carry on so we got we got Magis now now we're really looking for kills at this point in the game when youve just bought Magi if you die with Magis at this point that's when I'm going to tell you okay look the game might be over you've just spent that much money you've lost all all your Stacks you've lost so much AP you've lost so much movement speed you that the game might be over at that point so really you have to be really careful here once you buy this Magi to not die the way I look at it is if you get a kill game is W if you die game is lost that's how I look at it so I'm sort of I'm I'm very thirsty thirsting for these kills a lot now you can see I kind of make an in playay here going in um missing my abilities missing my flash yet so that wasn't the that wasn't the greatest but I'm really thirsting for these kills at this point so I see a fight going on top Wukong is Wukong is doing something now here because what we've done is we've we've pushed all the laners back that vigo's behind that zeraf kept dying so many times to us he's behind everyone's not doing well anymore that Camille died to us we've basically killed everyone on this map at this point so our team is slowly coming back when you're when you're this far aheading when you're making these game different when you're making the difference in this game your team will start climbing ahead no matter how bad they are they will get they will start to get back in this game get a kill win the game die lose the game so what's it going to be so we're so we're looking we're looking for this Camille Camille is going to recall at this point but we're seeing if we can catch anyone here this Vio is very close but I don't think we see him we don't we don't see him on the map he's in he's in War so this this um Leona is coming yeah we see the V coming now and this should be a kill for us okay let's dive this vle we we wait for the Leona to tank go in use our combo great he's dead we try and get that kill cuz we need to stay ahead um you can see that I've kept my second Dash here right Camille's just um TP yeah she TP behind us so we're in a bit of awkward position here but again you are so far ahead don't be afraid right um so I decided to go in on this yeah great but I use my second Dash here that is a bit risky if someone else was here because my Dash is down someone else would kill me at this point right I'm taking a lot of damage but yeah that Nami just got one shot added to the she added to our library that's great I'm overextending a lot here right I'm overextending so much here I think I do yeah I do get one kill I do get one kill that was really bad overextending so I do lose a lot of stacks but you can see see that I'm still on the 12 Stacks right I'm still on my 12 Stacks I'm still I'm still as long as you're above 10 Stacks you'll have that movement speed boost so it's not that much of a problem I'm not worried about it I'm still going to be roaming around that map very fast um but you did just give a big Bounty so be careful with his when you're ahead be careful with these ego plays because it can really get you if you're because it can can really get you if they get a shutdown and they know how to use that shutdown the game is the game is the game is not over but it's very much turned once they get that shutdown so be careful with make sure you ego check yourself when you have when you've got all these kills and you've got all these Stacks right because don't get don't get bigheaded so we're taking our camps you you definitely do want to take your blue buff and your red buff your camps take your camps if you don't see anything else on the map but again when you've got all these kills don't really waste too much time clearing you want to be actively looking for plays on the map so you can see I could have gone to my wolves but instead I'm going to look for objectives I'm going to look for the look for the herald again I take it really fast with nashes and I want them to come to me I want them I want something to happen here because I want more Stacks I want more damage I want to keep pushing the game forward you don't want to be not proactive when you've got all these stacks and damage because you're going to let them catch up to you and you're going to let them kill other people in the game game so make sure you stay yeah so make sure you stay ahead um wuk gets a nice engage I can't follow up on it I think I think I missed um I missed the engage on that but aari does manage to clean them up what I'm doing here taking that Herald driving it down mid get that crash on the tower I see that that Tower is low yeah so I'm going to take it because D's Tower so fast and then yeah another objective on the map the dragon so now we've got we've got enough pressure to just keep taking these objectives off the map one by one and no one can do anything about it and the more you pressure the game like this the more you keep the pace going the less chance that they can come back in this game see this see this Vio getting kills Vier just killed that Ki and then the Caitlyn he's going to he's coming fairly back in this game now look he's got uh he's got those two kills just picked up he's ahead on Cs and me let's why we need to keep pushing this I'm I'm pinging on the baron can you see so I do want to take that off the map get the gold keep the gold lead going right so again skipping all my so skipping all my camps going straight to my red buff because I'm I only really care about Buffs at this point and then I'm right back on the map trying to push the lead so we see everyone grouping mid on the map we see trying to make some plays so what do I do I see that this Lucian Nami are on the map and again once I get my all down on Lucian even if he dashes your Al is still in range yeah so you can actually time the dash you see how I timed I timed the the AL so that his Dash got canceled there um so carry on this this is good this is all good all this fighting is good because you know you're stronger than all of them so don't be afraid don't be afraid to take these fights when you're this far ahead I I shouldn't have got bubbled there there but it's fine yeah that's that's unfortunate IDE we should be killing them but instead of doing your camps you can take the enemy's camps because then they they have less gold less HP to come back from but what's even better taking these turrets off the map taking these objectives off the map good push the turrets push the turrets push the inhib fall back on that bar now yeah you can see all the pings on Baron I'm going to that Baron I want that Baron I want the gold off the map so yeah let's take it again look how fast we do it we got the nashes on D so they are contesting this when you see these long range alss Don't Panic right the the worst thing you can do is panic at this point you know your Smite does a lot of damage just wait just watch the health there we go yeah so we got that get the reset off if you can yeah I'm going to actually die for the team here because they they were going to get out I think you know maybe I could have gotten out of that without greeting for it but but it is what it is yeah so we're up again what did we buy we bought death cap okay so we actually bought death cap a while ago as our second item but again do not waste your time I used to build Zia's second item almost every single game because I thought okay let me try and protect the stacks with zos no just by the death cap you'll get so much AP look how much AP I'm on 600 right I've got another Rod but death cap just increases your damage so much and you need it to carry the game you need that death cap to carry the game it's going to make so much difference when you're when you're taking these fights but ideally pick up U sh seer's arm guard after because you do want the stasis to protect your Stacks a bit when you make these um plays where you make these um risky plays so yeah here I see another fight I should be landing those qes really um but it's all right so just keeping the pressure up you got Brown we want to keep the keep the pressure going I'm falling a bit low here that's why the SE armu guard is good again I do die twice in a row here which is not good so when I think my stacks are on 12 now so I still got above 10 but dying like this is not worth it you shouldn't you shouldn't really be looking to make a play one for one when you're this far ahead you should not be dying end of because because they they will take advantage of that and start um clearing the rest of your team you can see like everyone died well AAR cait died but that's on me I mean I went way too deep for that so okay picked up ouros now picked up ouros and we're again we're so farad we're 1234 start setting up for this Cloud I do like taking that crab just before any objective just to see any Vision any any people nearby but yeah I start the objective but you want to just take fights if you see the fights because you get money they're off the map your team can do something while you're taking the objective so yeah we take that kill then we take the objective just delay your e a bit when you que the dragon because you don't want to get knocked back on the uh dragon dragon reset okay so now I'm really trying to look to end the game over here so I see Theon coming going in try and help him out uh missed that kill again should really be getting that Towers low just take the tower yeah that's fine yeah so I'm in their face I'm really getting like in the face with this and I think I'm going to Greed for this yeah there we go span the Mastery as well span that Mastery but there we go am I going to grie for this as well surely not but here we go dodged heal uh I almost got out of this I almost got out of this look at this zeraus alting okay Dodge one shield shield one so at this point I almost get out so I dodged that Camille stun dodged that zeraf dodged another zeraf a man then I went back into it of course I almost I I you know with a conquer and everything out I could have definitely gotten out of that but ended up misplaying with that what do we bu what do we get now what am I building I'm getting a blasting wand into probably a um void stuff probably a void stuff because I want that I want pen in case they start building Mr and they've already got much Tre on team when you're this far ahead most likely they're going to get some Mr so you want to keep you want to start building I say you want to start building void stuff early just in case they start stacking mrr against you just to be safe so this is actually a misplay on my part over here I see that Wukong bot with two people really I should be walking to this Baron already but we still go to that Baron but it's quite late at this point the wukong's are already dead so I'm starting the baron pinging the baron let's do the baron my team it looks like they're zoning them off but they're all getting caught I mean they're all fighting at this point over here the Zara is alting and you know they're still they're still going they're still going so I'm still trying to do this D Bar really really I should have really I should have called it off um I do get it of course I get it it's um never in doubt but I do end up dying for it so I do still take it off the map but I do die for it at this point though look at the death timers look at death timers wukong's up in 10 seconds everyone else 20 30 40 seconds and they're all five man running it down mid right so at this point I'm thinking oh my God at this point I'm thinking oh my god I've literally just thrown this game because I've tried to I've tried to Ego check that Baron solo it while my team are fighting so do not make plays like that while you're ahead just just at this point when you're ahead you need to be looking for The Kills before we take the objectives unless the objectives are super fre then just go ahead but if you're doing Baron don't try and solo the baron bro in a ranked game and just helps your team or if your team are there for you then start the baron okay but luckily look at this our Wukong pulls through here well done Dash Al clone out clears the whole wave gets that gets that Al again look at that wave is gone look at that wave is gone gets a kill kills them and then we just clean up after that very nice very nice so if if you're watching this and your Wukong well played if you're on my team and you're watching this well played even though you guys got ego checked in the in the start of the game still pulled through but you can see how much just having having that mental can help your team just don't give up if you know you're a snowball champ find that kill get that kill snowball your lead bam you can turn the game all the way around so instead I think over here we just run we just run through to their base we literally reverse sweep them um and the game yeah so that's it thank you guys for watching if you like this video please subscribe to the channel I'm trying to grow it so yeah hope you enjoyed hope you enjoyed peace
Channel: Intellectual Adz
Views: 1,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leagueoflegends, gaming, ranked, gameplay
Id: aji7m05nvjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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