When the #1 Shen gets tired of losing... *28.0 KDA CARRY*

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greetings dear viewer it has been a while today oh we got atrox over here okay I'm starting Q I'm hitting this guy one two three okay Dodge the Q and now we chill in the bush for a little bit and now we're going to go cancel atro's recall he's recalling in the bush we're going to go hit him with the Q with a okay he's out or is he or is he okay check his recall spot here now if I'm a complete psychopath I will walk outside of tower range and then maybe IGN right here wait I took Tower ar oh no guys this is bad let me get out of here I'm going to take a little bit of damage but I'm fine this is this is not a good start to the lady face so if you guys don't know okay Shen into atrox it's classic counter pick if you don't ban atrox and you first pick Shen chances are there's going to be an atro coming in I use my que there to activate passive Shield so that I don't take the damage from the uh first Q from from atrox we're going to have to play this passively okay a little bit but once we hit level two there might be an opening now the HPS are quite even remember I have Doran Shield Second Wind okay so I have infinite sustain uh and by the way by the way guys I'm not going to show you but I'm running a new Rune okay you might notice it soon I have Precision secondary I wonder can you figure out why would you go Precision secondary now on Shen it it's been a while since I played and this is some new technology that I wait wait wait wait what is this okay Kane is fighting di Kane is fighting di I need to intercept atrox here e into two q's and then third Q or like get another q I got empow Q here we have to flash so that can out yes okay you see that guys you see that okay because atrox will kill Kane in One auto attack so we need to flash over the wall at the same time so that we can get the uh outo attack off so that the cane out attack will kill because we have vision of atrox and atrox doesn't have vision of Kane so Kane's Auto attack will go out before okay I take a little bit of damage here but it's fine because we are actually actually triple queing this guy I'm out okay check my runes guys you see that I'm absorbing life this game now you might be thinking a why are you running absorb life on Shen isn't that something that maybe an ad carry or a yasua or yon would take well the answer is that from my experience absorb life functions as second wind 2.0 basically okay I need to get this kind of Minion got it prep the minion got it get this minion I'm going to miss all of this I I can't they're all at bad HP okay I got that one prep the Mele minion if possible got it and then the question is after we have taken absorb life uh in second secondary runes what is the second Rune from Precision three that you want to take okay and in my mind I'm thinking okay first let's try stuff like Last Stand cut down is now a possibility because it's no longer reliant on having an HP uh negative HP difference or sorry well yeah depends on how you look at it uh and then Last Stand is also oh sorry uh cud grass is also possible I'm going to e out here so that don't get he he's trading in my minion wave this is very good for me like if I can get a recall off now we're in a beautiful situation I'm going to be going probably we could with this gold we could purchase like a chain West uh but if we stay more we're probably going to go maybe boots cuz movement speed is really important in this match up oh look at this oh oh ignite kills ignite kills by the way it's Checkmate for ATX I get this shoved in he's dead he misses this entire minion where we can go create it okay guys I'm going to build I'm going to build something crazy in this game we could go static sh we could go we could go blade of the ruin king or maybe we can go ccken Slayer maybe this okay I'm I'm teasing you guys I'm teasing you guys let's just start with the fundamentals okay get some boots Ruby Crystal see where we end up there okay boots of sweetness Ruby Crystal go back to Top Line so I tried tried out C grass I tried out cut down I tried out last hand and usually they give like very little damage Dage increase I don't know why but for Shen these runes just don't feel that good then we get into the legend three right the second row of the Precision tree okay you have access to new leg and haste you also have access to leg and alacrity and life steel now Shen doesn't really like life steel because uh you deal you even though you're out attacking all the time you deal a lot of magic damage which uh on hit Q magic damage from Shen's Q is not count towards life steel so that's not really a good stat and since we have anyways absorbed Life Second Wind we have lot of sustain uh so then I thought okay maybe we try out the haste uh but the thing is like if you go legend haste then you would like to take attack speed from runes in order to match that new uh ability haste with some attack speed so on Shen if you didn't uh look at my mathematical optimization video a couple of years ago on Shen you kind of want to balance attack speed and ability haste because if you have too much uh ability haste you won't have enough attack speed to get all your cues off so you don't get full value out of the ability haste and if you have too much attack speed you're just going to be attacking normally without getting empowered qes right so you're just attacking normally now Kane actually dies there in the mid line I might need to ult on way okay way flashes that's fine I I screwed up the minions because I was looking at mid line and maybe there was potential to ult Kane I I honestly didn't uh evaluate that situation in time uh anyways I was saying so then the question is do you want to go legend alacrity and ability Hast from runes try to look for a to here uh enemies might collapse here raan is moving we're going to have to we have boot of Fitness okay we just need to dodge stuff okay got hit by that need to dodge the Arro Q okay we are chilling I guess okay that could have been very very very dangerous but we managed to stay now chances are rakan is staying in that bush right but what we want to do is we want to maintain an aggressive positioning so that rakan feels compelled to stay so that it keeps wasting time so that our bot L gets an advantage we're going to W this so we know okay Dodge it with WS of fness movement speed crazy 60 flat movement speed just going completely crazy here now you know what rakan recall but he's going to stay in the bush Okay so we keep going at it and we're just going to bait the raan to overom it right he's still in the bush he's still in the bush we just know this like you know how juicy I I'm here okay I'm just going to bait their time I'm going to ATX you want to kill me oh okay I'm out okay it's time to go we can purchase a beautiful chain West on back it comes in this gorgeous glass bottle and gives you a lot of armor okay J West maybe ult mid Lan beautiful old mid Lan raan wasted all that time he's out of Mana we're just going to e him Q attack attack probably ignite here secure the kill uh cor is looking killable with Pike maybe I can Flash do some out damages here boom and another one boom okay and I tank the tower for pike bimo now we go back to Top Lane and as I was saying we have this potential of tradeoff right we can either go a legend haste which gives you at Max stack uh Max stack 15 basic ability haste so not affecting your ultimate uh and then taking attack speed from RS uh run shars or you can take Legend alacrity and take ability haste from run shards and the reason I go for eight ability haste from run shards and Legend alacrity is because you want to have that ultimate haste okay we are not running ultimate Hunter anymore so if we are going to go uh Legend haste we don't get any benefit for our ultimate okay at least by going ability haste Shard we have eight ability haste for our ultimate no matter the build right and since I am building dead man plate maybe into Titanic Hydra maybe into to uh Hollow Radiance depends on how fed di will be this game I'm going to walk into the tower to get out of the Arro W use my Q to activate passive Shield to block the tower shot W blocks atrox passive Auto attack and we are chilling with an HP Advantage now I can try to push here because I have look I have already 12 attack speed from Legend alacrity one thing that you want to do when you running a legend Rune it's very important that you want to actually participate in taking kugs if possible because uh each kug gives you an epic monster stack right from Legend alacrity so it's very easy to stack the legend runes if your jungler comes topside to take the K I'm going to go in for trade here I'm just going to side side step his Q then get my Empower q and run away look at the work that boots of sweetness is doing this game by the way okay Arro W completely negated all the time we're just dodging his sweet spots and uh having a great time I'm just going to try to get this wave shoed in so that I could possibly look for a Rec but just look at this oh yeah he de is obviously um actually I think we can get the minions here I'm going to move forward because he doesn't expect it again boots swiftness side stepping everything just going to channel Reco here uh probably have to stay actually I'm going to being here maybe Kane can go gank uh because if I recoil right now I will lose two Tower PL thingss so not worth okay I'm going to bait the atro a little bit uh I'm going to stay at low HP here try to bait him let's see that there's no di coming so I'm just going to take this wave uh wiy cane okay now we move for it now it's very important not to get caught by ATX Q flash here okay bait him a little bit and then e backwards so that we Dodge his Q flash okay Atrix is obviously looking for that he's going to try to get me low and then try to surprise me with the Q3 flash but at this point guys it's it's the oldest trick in the book if we see ATR channel in Q3 just e backwards Dodge it uh maybe we look for the ultimate b l here I would like to get recola first I don't have quite enough for dead M plate but we're just going to get the component Wing Moon plate Ruby Crystal nothing else because we can possibly ult botle and get a lot of money or hey look at the crugs we can get Legend Stacks here we look look 13.5 attack speed we are going to assist Kane in getting the DI kill here ignite got it 16.5 and then we are going to get Max Stacks because we assist these so even one is probably going to give me already Max Stacks yep 18 and now we have 18 attack speed from runes and we have eight abil haste from runes so we are feeling very good like actually oh we are not feeling good guys I repeat minus one going for a trade here uh use qw on the way to atrox so that we can block his healing and look at that I keep moving up just a bum bum bum bum keep moving in and out okay in and out we can look for a down here possibly possible King kill angle uh like eqw I need to maybe prep I need to prep EMP q i maybe no no no okay m q prepped okay he's dead he's dead I'm just e and one two three 4 well di kills me I trade one for one I get dead man plate am I upset about that no do we need magic resist for Di maybe I could purchase a n magic mantle here corki deals physical damage nowadays but if I go n magic mantle like I mean I want to be fighting atrox right I want power against atro so maybe Ruby crystal is better on this pack actually so none like you know what I mean like obviously null magic mantal is better versus Diana but I'm mostly playing in the One V one right and if Diana is coming then probably I don't want to play one V2 and we win 2v2 with Kane even if I have Ruby Crystal so I would rather just take the power in the 1 V one by getting the Ruby Crystal since although atrox does deal some magic damage nowadays uh I think he's uh empowered out attack from passive he I missed i i e in to try to get the Canon minion we could do stuff here we could do stuff here I have dead man plate I'm just going to run at him don't want to don't want to fight into his conqueror though look at that movement speed I'm just getting out of his Q range uh wait out his conqueror stacks and then re-engage just look at the movement speed Advantage here I'm controlling the lane with these boot sweetness and dead man purches here oh 40 seconds on ultimate I I think we're just going to chill like what is ATX going to do what is ATX going to do we don't need to push the wave if we push the wave then atrox gets free Farm if you keep the wave Frozen uh atrox is constantly losing something and because of absorb life we have excellent sustain here and like I'm two levels up I can just force him out he should not be able to basic attack the minions I got minion blocked a little little bit there so that I didn't get the empow Q I'm just going to run out here okay we're just going to run I don't want to fight him because he has conqueror he SS that's completely fine hello raon how you doing I'm just going to flash now because I don't want to get hit by the ra stuff Sid that inwards to dodge the atro Q then keep fighting keep fighting atro ignited so that he can't heal as much Pike is probably going to be able to finish that up okay going to Sid that the raan W backwards then look for a down on the arrox got it raan possible kill angle uh I'm going to cover his exit okay if Pike chases him there I'm just going to cover his exit Okay I need to get empowered Q here first for the slow guarantee the damage and then we still have access to e to finish the kill magnificent now we could be looking to get some power damage in here ideally maybe just shove The Wave in take a Reco purchase bom in there Ruby Crystal uh yeah I mean cuz there's no Tower plating there's no in dealing damage I like okay we got ATX DP by that I mean he would DP anyways right uh it might be that he cancels my recall here I'm just going to be greedy P Pike is looking for a possible play so if he stays here I'm going to try to bait him a little bit not going to get hit by the W to part for free though um look look look look extended trade six qes in a row back off cuz he's strong now now wait for empowered Q again Pike is moving up he dealt damage to the wave from his profane Hydra and q's so the wave is actually pushing towards me now we can look for an ultimate on Kane counted di nice he's probably going to okay she sorry uh I need help here like I don't want ad to get the tower maybe way could DP I can't ping it Riot games will not allow me to communicate with my team yeah now we're going to pick up the magic resistance since Diana is the I mean okay G is the most fed member I mean we just lose the tower because s didn't want to protect it I don't think it's worth trading Towers here like I man Towers die so quickly you do one ultimate away and your Tower is gone obviously it's past 40 minutes so there's no Tower plat look at this don't open with e By the way just open with Q just open with ow Q just use the dead man BL movement speed to close the gap and E to kill okay is my e damage normal by the way uh well this game is going pretty well uh ideally I try to take down the tower now atrox has no TP and we see Diana rakan in the Midland no don't want to miss this kind of Minion beautiful beautiful just keep pushing here look at twitch split pushing in the bot Lane right you see it on the map corki is coming there but now we know that the forces are there three people mid lane cor is bot Lane no one Top Lane obviously ATX has respawned by now so he's going to be coming to Lane but we can do some damage to the tower we don't really have a purchase yet in base so might as well just use by the way always move in between alack here cuz you have dead man plate it's doing more damage if you move and it's doing a lot of damage every every basic attack I'm getting an extra 30 to 40 damage from dead man plate works on Towers at full efficiency beautiful item possible kill angle here on ATX and a w again stop his passive Shield or sorry passive Auto de run away maybe ignite here maybe don't need to okay I wasted it I tried to kill still Kan almost died there actually that was kind of close I can get the tower now okay 35 seconds ultimate I took a to shot for no reason I'll block the next one with passive Shield h no Tower damage for me 30 second ultimate um probably just instantly recall after this or maybe we could take one more wave I think I'm going to take the tempo here by recalling so that we can be ready for an ultimate actually like it would have been probably worth to stay like do we go static Shi it's getting buffed next patch by the way like static Shi could actually be good next patch it's going to get more damage I'm kind of interested in this item also also no quick PL maybe there a lot of items that interest me they um yeah static ship is just a little bit different now whenever you get a kill okay okay big ta got two I think I need to run out though they have a lot of damage here yeah Cori damage is not normal how upset is at by the way I literally ran from the longest Direction possible away from atrox W um okay that was not good the reason that why that's not good is we engage on their front line and all Arcane damage goes on the front line and then Jin and Cori are just freeh hitting but yeah look at look at the electro spark so whenever you kill a minion uh you deal 90 magic damage to enemies around it and then if you kill a champion it this has no cool down just deals a lot of damage but it's legit getting like Omega buffed next patch so how much of a zo Am I by the way saying legit getting om my okay I'm just going to kill this Cory now he was being annoying hey Cori deals a lot of damage man I think they buffed him a little bit too much the right game special uh okay need to dodge di Q I'm going to use first e to dodge it next q I'm going to have to flash okay and then now we can re-engage with Kane just down to finish the kill nice Di's ankles broken static shiv maybe purchased let's go half bound uh let's go half bound axe I haven't tried this scout item yet uh going halfth bound axe opens me up to Pro possibly going uh kren Slayer as well if we have enough money for kren Slayer on the back we can go kren Slayer for the meme but honestly like it's not a bad item like I know it makes you Squishy but it's probably highest DPS item that you can purchase on Shen like blade of the ru king is up there and kren Slayer is up there but versus quy Champions kren Slayer is like highest DPS that you can purchase now the question is do you want to purchase High DPS on Shen answer is yes gigachad uh 30 seconds ultimate we might be able to H I mean is it I mean can be di is coming is probably not a good idea I don't think my K oh hey he we can set this up for a cane steel okay we just need to buy enough time so that Kane can come and steal the Drake okay so we we can't let them damage the Drake for free I'm POS positioning upwards here so that they don't get free DPS on Drake I'm going to to the Diana to get the DPS away try to burst her down Kane is coming Kane is coming Kane is coming he's St it I'm going to ult on Kane this way we have no potential of losing the fight okay beautiful double down to finish that off team is now putting Baron on the kind of uh on the radar I think I will just take bottom Lane Tower they are fighting for some reason they didn't go for but okay they got corki killed I'm just going to take this tower for free in these kind of situations like if team wants to go Baron you don't necessarily need to go there like sometimes as top ler Your Role is rather to establish another point of pressure on the map so that if the baron fails for some reason you still have acquired something and you you know what I have acquired 1,500 gold Ken Slayer atleast every third attack deals 242 physical damage and it's increased to 300 something uh if enemies have low HP I'm just going to use the hex te P here to reach enemies I'm not going to show myself on Vision enemies don't know that I have kren Slayer ideally uh I get to to out of bush without them knowing I have Kracken Slayer so that they're surprised by the damage okay perfect situation now we can kill someone at at least okay okay okay okay okay I mean if I get on anyone that guy is going to be dead but I just need to make sure I'm not thinking low okay hello corki d d oh I'm I'm going to kill him anyways I have dead M plate Ken slay movement speed boot [Music] sweetness bye-bye Gori good like okay despite the early difficulties in going under Tower at 1 minute and taking two Tower shots we have performed quite well this game uh next item I'm probably going to purchase more armor because the cor is just kind of one tapping me he's damage is absurd so as I was saying like corki changes came through they buff every one of his basic abilities give him insane uh lethality scaling basically because everything is doing physical damage now and then they hot fix buff him and give oh look at that look at that attack speed and that damage it doesn't even feel like Shen I'm just going um 800 gold armor item could go chain West could also go Bramble they do have a Roos I just pick up the Bramble here uh Jin has some healing rakan has some healing probably Bramble is like worse than chain West if I'm being honest but at least it deals damage right chain West doesn't deal damage pretty sure a is dead here DCH did you see that third out of that c is look my team noticed I have C Kade is just ping it oh oh I'm going to back off here don't want to take the Cory I could kill him but I won't I'm going to go for the corki here he's our priority Target all this movement speed that I have it just makes the game much more playable for me okay nice job and next next next next we could do B on here I am the DPS for our team right I got my Q's I got my Ken Slayers each Auto de is dealing D 300 damage um we have to be a little bit careful though because Jin is alive and bike is dead I kind of scared we can get the Bon we can get the Buton but the fight I don't want to get Charmed by roon so that's why I'm walking this way I can just e over the wall and kill Jin with an E Flash and then raan is dead as well can I clear the V with my high attack speed remember we also have that 18% attack speed from leged alacrity functioning well with the Ken Slayer Tech um what are we thinking it just maybe finish Thor mail here elixir of Wrath why not why not elixir of iron probably better but uh I think elixir of RA more fun in this game if you were wondering guys so if you followed my YouTube Community posts I had a little bit of a ranked breakdown let's say I was playing quite well and I lost a lot of games and after losing a lot of games I was not playing quite well so I lost even more games then I think took a one week break from League entirely and I came back with a mindset okay and the mindset is I'm going to build whatever I want I'm going to play sh and I'm going to have fun and since then I've not lost a single game so I think the moral of the story is please enjoy it video video game but just look at absorb Life by the way it has healed me for 1,881 okay and in my mind second wind is the most broken Rune in the game and this is reaching Second Wind levels of healing which is quite crazy like if I'm if I'm able to run two times Second Wind obviously I will run two times Second Wind uh plus it works you know out of combat so second wind is healing me in combat AB short life healing me out of combat I mean also in combat but you know out of combat is the ni thing um I don't know if we are okay Cori got blown up maybe we F here enemies are dying maybe we can dive next I I want one Ken Slayer out yeah I got okay well guys that's how you play kren Slayer Shen it's more like dead man play Chen and kren Slayer for fun but uh I thought it was quite a nice performance versus atro one of the worst counter picks you can go into what is actually interesting this game is I want to see the damage charts because I have a feeling I have a feeling that this game I was it yes most damage a Shen only possible with Ken Slayer technology thank you very much for watching guys and I'll see you in the next video maybe subscribe if you enjoyed bye-bye
Channel: xPetu
Views: 481,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xPetu, league of legends, lol challenger, league of legends guide, lol gameplay, lol commentary, lol full gameplay commentary, shen top, shen mid, shen gameplay, lol shen, shen build, shen commentary, shen full gameplay, shen top lane, challenger shen, high elo shen, petu, petu shen, shen buff, shen 1v5, shen season 14, shen s14, shen 2024 build, shen guide s14, xpetu challenger, xpetu shen, kraken slayer, kraken shen, shen carry, bruiser shen, kraken slayer shen
Id: R_0dLddlz1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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