CCNA v7.02 SRWE Packet Tracer Skills Assessment PTSA

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switching routing wireless essentials final packet raiser skills assessment ptsa this topology one router two switches to pcs you will configure the devices in a small network you must configure a router to switches and two pcs to support both ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity bill and table addressing table build the network move the required devices into the equipment rack place the pcs on the table okay this is the pocket tracer file if you are on logical mode go to physical modes click here and you will see this place the required devices drag r1 is the 43 4321 router draft this this router drag this router here and drag the switches 2960 switches okay this is a 3650 switch so there are 2960 switches this s1 and s2 the another 2960 switch and place the pieces on the table pci and pcb connect the devices according the topology diagram okay from gigabit zero zero one connect to faster not five on s1 okay from gigabit zero zero one on router r1 gonna do faster than five on s1 we go to cable backboard and use a straight through cable this green cable click here and from gigabit zero zero one on router to fast internet five on the switch as well faster the one on s1 connect faster than one on s2 and from first faster than a 2 on s1 connect faster than a2 on s2 okay go to cable backboard the green cable from faster than another one on s1 to face it another one on s2 and from another cable from faster than that to one s1 to versatile number two on s2 okay and finally from s1 to pca using faster note 6 and from s2 to pc using photonic 18. okay another table click here from faster not six on s1 to faster net port on the pc this is an port not this use faucet or not okay you have this connection from 596 to pca and and select another cable the green cable from face internet 18 fast internet 18 on s2 to [Music] fast internet on pcb okay this connection furthermore 18 on s2 to pcb configure initial device settings all ios device configuration must be made through a direct console connection okay and verify if if the router r1 is power on click here to power on the device click here and now you can see the green indicator is power on and switches are connected to the power distribution device s1 and s2 they are power ohm by default configure r1 prevent the router from attempting to resolve incorrectly entered commands as the my names okay and just a console cable from pci rs2382 port connect to the console port on the router console board okay you have the connection click on pca desktop device must be power on okay so click here to power on the pc pcb power on the pcb very nice and now click on pc desktop terminal okay enter would you like to enter initial configuration dialogue now enter enter enable configure terminal okay on r1 prevent router from attempting to resolve incorrectly entered comments with domain names no ip domain lookup configure the r1 hostname hostname r1 case sensitive configure and appropriate message of the day banner banner message of the day on authorized access is prohibited enter configure password security configure the console password and enable connections okay configure the line console line console password so enter the line console i console zero password cisco compass i will use this password cisco compass the password is not specified but i will use cisco compass enter don't forget login exit from line console okay configure and enable secret password and configure the enable enable password enable secret cisco and pass i will use this password enable secret cisco impulse encrypt all clear text passwords service password dash encryption set the minimum length of newly created passwords to 10 characters security passwords main dash length 10. configure ssh create an administrative user in the local user database username admin encrypted password admin onepass username admin encrypted password use secret admin onepass okay username admin secret password admin onepass okay enter and configure a domain name ap domain domain name ccna ccna enter great rsi crypto key with a modulus of 1024 bits creator key generate rsa general keys mod you lose 1024 enter okay this is the command and very good ensure that more secure version of ssh will be used okay use version 2 ip ssh version 2. very good configure the bty lines to authenticate logins against the local user database okay access to the bty lines line bty 0215 and use the local database to authenticate use this username so use login local configure bty lines to only accept connections over ssh okay transport input ssh enter and exit from the vty lines exit configure router interfaces configure r1 with a loopback interface configure blue box hero with ipv4 and ipv6 addressing according the addressing table okay this is the r1 debug zero configure this interface loopback zero okay immediately enable and ip address 219 165 201 1 27 is 224 ipv6 address 2001 the dba acad 209 column column one prefix 64 enter ipv6 fe h0 current column one this is the link local address finally you can add a description description [Music] you can use cloud or internet okay simulated internet or cloud simulated cloud enter configure router sub interfaces prepare the router to be configured with ipv6 addresses on its interfaces okay exit from loopback interface configuration mode exit from interface configuration mode exit and prepare the router to be configured with ipv6 addresses on its interfaces so use ipv6 unique as dash routing use the information in the addressing table and bill and table to configure sub-interfaces on r1 interfaces should be configured with ipv4 and ipv6 all other css interfaces should use fbh 0 column 1 as the link local address use the billing table to assign the billing membership to the sub interfaces then go to adoration table and now you have four sub interfaces four sub interfaces remember router is using gigabit 001 to connect the switch and on gigabit zero zero one you will create some interface two three four okay and six okay let's start with gigabit zero zero one dot two the sub interface interface you go with zero zero one that two okay set our first use the vlan table and billing table says that gigabit 001.2 belongs to belong number two okay and assign to vlan 2 and caps relation that one cube belong number two enter and you can set a description for example this belong is the belong name is bikes you can set any description but i will use bikes and then configure ipv4 ipv6 and ipv6 link local ipv4 ip address 10 19 a1 26 is 192. enter maybe six others okay you can repeat the previous address two zero zero one dba hcd a column column one prefix 64 okay enter and the link local is the same in all interfaces on the router ipv6 address fvac oracle one link local okay now continue with sub interface three sub interface 3 belongs sub interface 3 belongs to vlan 3. enter the description this night this belong is belong of trikes [Music] trikes enter ipv4 ipv6 link local ipv4 time 18 865 prefix 27 27 is 224 enter the ipv6 is b column column one the link local address is the sign fe a zero column one line local now sub interface number four encapsulation for and description management ipv4 address 97 10 18 8 97 and 29 is 48 okay 29 prefix is 4da on decimal ipv6 is c column column 1 prefix 64. the link local is the same okay sub interface number six six encapsulation number six belongs to belong six and is then a tip b land six and don't forget it's not deep okay enter you can set a description description you can use native for the description and that's it finally enable the sub interface now you can see the the indicator on the router is [Music] is down okay so enable gigabit zero zero one the physical interface interface with zero zero one not shut down and now you can see the indicator is on very nice be sure to configure the native lang interface okay this is the native lang interface sub interfaces configure descriptions for all interfaces these are the descriptions for all interfaces including the lookback including the loopback address description configure s1 and s2 with basic settings and device hardening okay configuration tasks for the switches as well and as you include the following configure basic settings on s1 and s2 okay so use a console connection to connect from a pc to first configure switch s1 it's a console cable from rs230 to port on pcb to s1 right click here inspect rear and connect to console port now this is the connection okay 2s1 click on pcb desktop terminal okay enter prevent the switches from attempting to resolve incorrectly and the red command is domain names okay enable configure terminal no ipv domain lookup configure the hostname hostname as one case sensitive banner banner message of the day um authorize access is raw heavy that okay and authorize that is prohibited uh device hardening on s1 and s2 configure console password and enable connections okay access the line console configuration like console zero the only one console set the password pass word cisco compass i will use this password cisco compass don't forget to enable the connection with login exit from line console configuration mode enable secret password enable enable secret cisco and pass encrypt all clear text passwords service password dash encryption configure association s1 and s2 create administrative user use your name admin secret password admin one plus configure the domain name maybe the main name ccna dash the crypto key create the key generate rsa general dash keys modulus 1024 very nice ensure that more secure by showing ssh will be used ap ssh version 2 and there okay it's better shown version 2 under very good wireless to authenticate logins against the local user database first access to bty lines live with ui midi way or btw lines from 0 to 15 and use login local to authenticate the local database to use this username and password and configure with the wireless to accept connections over ssh only transport into ssh then exit configure switch virtual interfaces on s1 s2 configure switch virtual interfaces on both switches use the information in the addressing table to configure switch builder interfaces on s1 and s2 for the management bill now go to addressing table s1 blm4 switch builder interface use this ip address and this default gateway okay so configure the switch so that the switch button interface can be reached from other networks over the management belong so that means configure default gateway okay and configure all this interface vlan 4 okay is blm4 enter ip address 10 19 8 98 29 is to divide you 55 to 48 okay and if you want set a description description management switchbuilder interface for example enabled interface now shutdown enter exit from interface configuration mode and set the default gateway maybe the file dash gateway 10 19a 97 enter very good configure network bilance ranking header channel on s1 and s2 create the blogs according to the vlan table re create all these belongs milan two name bikes case sensitive vlan 3 name trikes okay case sensitive belong for management vm5 name parking billing six nothing okay that's it okay be careful with the knives create ao2 that's one cubil and trunks on board faucet.1 repository okay remember ports facade one and two are connected to the another switch so configure strong keyboards interface range for the network fast ethernet one and two enter okay um switch for more trunk okay very good and don't forget usb lenov table and six enter and on s1 facetime 5 should also be configured strong further fast ethernet 5 is connected to the router so it should be trunk okay it's internet 5 trunk okay don't worry about these messages because the trunk is using nativiland 6 on s1 and on s2 then at belong is a still native language number one so they are different and you will see these messages but don't worry okay faster five trunk and nativilla six interface or exit interface for settlement five switchboard mode switchboard mode trunk switchboard mode trunk and switch port fragmented vlan 6 okay excellent okay interface faster not five switch four mode trunk switchboard track material and six exit okay very nice okay and copy your other channel create layer two other channel port group one that uses interfaces faster than the one uh zotero two of s1 and s2 both ends of the channel should negotiate the lacp link okay faster than one entry will form our other channel okay so enter access to interface range facility one and two enter create the channel group port one channel dash group one mode both ends of the channel should negotiate the lacp link okay enter again interface range for center net one and two channel group one mode and to negotiate should be active okay enter very nice active okay configure switch ports unless one configure the port that is connected to the host with the static access mode in vlan2 okay look at this port number six connected to pca and should be assigned it to vlan 2. okay enter exit okay exit from interface configuration mode interface for settlement 6 switch port mode access okay switch for mode access interface was at 6 switchboard mode access and switchboard access vlan 2 enter very nice okay and exit from interface configuration mode exit and this configuration is for s2 i will configure the next step configure port security on s1 and s2 active access ports to accept only three learned mac addresses okay on s1 configure the active access port okay so enter and access again faster not six the port connected to the pc enter and then activate port security switch port dash security enter and three learned mac addresses switchboard or security maximum three and to learn a mac address use the option mark dash address sticky enter i'm sorry it's sticky enter very nice okay enter then exit from interface configuration modes so you have interface asset.6 switchboard security switchboard switchboard or security maximum 3 and switchboard for security mac address sdk exit and you are on global configuration mode assign all the usage switch ports to blame five on both switches and shoot down the ports okay so on s1 the 14 use are one two five and six okay enter and interface range the unused ports are from three to four comma plus ethernet from seven to twenty and gigabit one and two okay one and two in use three and four five and six in use seven to twenty four and you go with one into when you support okay and should be on vlan 5 and should be access ports okay switch 4 access switchboard access vlan 5 and shut down the ports and configure a description on the unused ports that is relevant to their status okay enter a description user port enter and shut down shut down all these range of ports shut down and very nice and exit from interface configuration mode exit okay and repeat all this process repeat all this process but on s2 okay so [Music] i will change the console from pcb to s2 okay inspect the rear okay and right click inspect rear okay you have s1 rear s2 rear and drag this cable drag this console cable from s1 to s2 okay and review as one inspect rear now connection s2 inspect rear now the console is connected from pcb is connected to s2 okay and now the connection goes from pcb to console on s2 so click on pcb close the terminal open again terminal okay don't worry about these messages enter enable configure terminal okay uh my ip domain lookup no ip main lookup hostname host name s2 message of the day banner banner message of the day when authorized uh says is rohibi that on authorized axis prohibited okay enter a console password like so line space console 0 password cisco compass okay don't forget your passwords login to enable exit enable secret password enable secret cisco mpass okay don't forget this password encrypt clear that password service password dash encryption configure ssh username user name admin and secret admin oneplus okay the my name ip domain dash okay enter ip domain dash name ccna dash cryptokey crypto key generate rsa general dash keys modulus 1024 very good okay ssh version ip ssh version 2 pty lines using local database access to bty lines from 0 to 15 log in local and accept only ssh connections transport into ssh exit from bty line configuration mode switch virtual interface the virtual interface and default gateway so go to the addressing table and configure this under interface vlan 4 description so management interface ip address 10 19 8 99 and 29 is 248 okay enable the interface not shut down [Music] exit and on global configuration mode ip the file dash get way get way same 18 8 97 configure the balance go to the bill and table configure vlan 2 name by case sensitive bill 3 name strikes case sensitive bill on 4 enter name management okay belong for name management belong five name parking be careful with the knives ambulance 6 9 not deep exit okay exit from billing configuration mode enter and the trunks position at one and two the trunks okay remember the connection to the the connection to s1 force internet one and two trunks okay interface range facility one and two for settlement zero one and two switch port mo trunk switchboard trial knight d belong six ender okay and very nice and you will see this message uh interface range facility one and two switch four more trunks switchboard drama tv land six and look at c and look at this port consistency restored poor consistency restored and these messages will not appear anymore configure the other channel letter channel group 1 on interfaces one and two on s2 bot and channel should negotiate the lacp link okay remember you are still on interface range configuration mode you are still in faster than one and two so apply here and group one mode active and very good okay and poor channel one change it state what okay exit and and verify if the port channel is very well configured okay show the channel summary okay shorter channel summary uh port channel one su okay it's a liar to channel and you uh is in use it's okay and lacp the ports are facile one and two with p p state and p state is in poor channel so is configured very well if you see something like d is now you need to fix that okay but now the status p import channel su layer to channel in use very very nice okay configure switch ports this configuration is 4s1 unless you configure the port that is connected to the host with the static mode in vlan 3 vlan 3 and s2 is connected to pcb using faster 18 configure terminal interface faster than 80 switch port mode access switchboard access plan three okay should access vlan 3. configure port security on s1 s2 active access ports to accept only three learned mac addresses okay and you are still on fast internet 18 interface configuration mode so apply here switchboard port security to enable port security and now mod c mode three okay you can add uh others sticky but is configured by the file so it's not necessary but i will do it anyway mac uh there is sticky enter exit assign only used ports will on five on board switches and shut down the ports configure a description on the when you support okay what are the unused ports on s2 in use fast internet 1 and 2 and 18 so the range is interface range lesser than 3 to 17 comma for satellite 19 to 24 and gigabit 1 and two okay one and two use three to 17 18 and use 19 to 24 and gigabit one and two enter set a description when you said port and switchboard mode access switchboard access vlan 5 this is the parking billing milan file and shut down the ports shut down enter very good lexi now configure host support configure the whole routing on r1 okay go to r1 okay and remember that r1 is connected uh to pca okay so the console of r1 is connected to pca so as pca okay press enter okay and remember the password to access the console is cisco com pass enter enable remember my password is cisco m-pass okay very good privilege exec mode and configure ipv4 the forward that uses loopback interface as the exit interface for your terminal ip root the forward the loopback zero is the exit interface okay don't worry about this message ipv6 the forward uses the loopbox hero interfaces the exit interface ipv6 routes the forward on ipv6 is this and bluepro is the exit interface very nice configure ipv4 dhcp for vlan 2. and where one create acp pool called ccna a that consists of the last 10 horse addresses in the vlan 2 subnet only okay first exclude the addresses for this dhcp pool you need the last 10 host addresses so you need to exclude the another addresses look at this this is for for vlan 2 okay and vlan 2 is assigned to to sub interface 2 and sub interface 2 has this ipv4 address okay open a notepad for help and this is the address of the router this is the others of the router okay this is router sub interface and now i want to know the subnet the subnet of this is [Music] easy h0 prefix 26 and the range of range of host addresses okay the range is from 10 19 8 1 2 10 19 8 remember you have this prefix 26 26 permits 62 hosts from 1 to 62. okay and don't forget the dhcp will call it ccna dash a that consists of the last 10 host addresses okay you need only the last 10 host addresses of this range so you need to know the excluded addresses of the pool and the excluded will be from from one two to fifty two okay asks exclude from one to fifty two so from 53 to 62 you have 10 addresses okay you can count if you want so exclude this range ipdhcp excluded there is from 10 1981 to 10 1952 enter and now create this dhcp pool with this name case sensitive ipdhcp pull ccna dash a enter the network is this you have to network this the subnet okay 10 18 8 0 26 is [Music] 182. the default router is the interface on the router is the address on the router is one tag 19 a1 okay configure the correct default gateway the default gateway is the default router and do not configure dns but configure the domain name domain in ccna dash a dot net enter okay then exit from the pool i'm very good and configure rp for the sap for vlan 3. create a dhcp pool called ccna-v that consists of the last 10 horse addresses in the vlan 3 subnet only ok is vlan 3 vlan 3 assign it to sub interface number three this is this is the address on the router on the soap interface okay this is the router so interface address i want to know the subnet i want to know the range of host addresses i want to know the excluded addresses so the subnet ec 10 1964 prefix 27 okay okay and the range for this tablet the range of available addresses for hosts are from 10 18 8 the first is 65 and the last is 10 i think 8 is 94. okay because 27 prefix permits 30 hosts and you have the range of host addresses from 65 to 94 but you need the last 10 addresses for the pull so you need to exclude from the first that is 65 to the to 84 okay exclude from 65 to 84. so you have from 85 to 94 10 addresses okay from 85 to 94 10 addresses okay and exclude this this range okay this is the configuration for the excluded addresses for for the first dhcp pull this dhcp pulls ccna okay if you have this message press enter enter the the password cisco compass okay remember your console password enable the enable password is cisco and pass in my case okay and configure terminal ipdhcp excluded dash address saying 1965 and 10 19 84. okay very good create the dhcp pool okay ccna dash b okay sensitive ipdhcp put ccna dash b enter the network address is this the subnet 10 19 864 10 19 8 64 and 27 is 224 okay 10 18 864 224 the default router is the address on the router 65 7865 no dns but configure this okay this is the default router and this is my ccna dashboard domain ccna dash b that net okay k sensitive the name of the pool uppercase capital capital letters and the domain lowercase okay and enter exit very good configure host computers configure the host computer to use dhcp for ipv4 addressing okay click on pca close the terminal go to ipconfiguration and select dhcp okay and you got the ip address netmask and default gateway from the dhcp server on the router go to pcb close the terminal ip configuration dhcp okay very nice look at the pcb is in a different subnet of pca okay they are on different subnets you got the subnet mask are different because they are on different subnets on different vlans pci on vlan 2 and pcb on vlan 3. statically assigned the ipv6 global unicast and default gateway addresses using the values in the addressing table okay for ipv6 configuration one pcs use the addressing table look at for pci ipv4 is dhcp and the full gateway dhcp but for pca configure this aesthetically so click on pca and the ipv6 address is 2001 dba acad a column column 50 prefix 64 and default gateway fv80 column column one okay for the default gateway you can use the unicast address on the sub interface on the router with i'm i'm using the link local address on the sub interface on the router no dns and go to pcb this is pcb and use the addressing table 2001 dba hcid b column column 50 64 fe 8 0 column column 1 i'm very good and obviously verify connectivity okay use the other asymptote go to pca click on pca command prompt and from the command prompt ping the sub interface on r1 using ipv4 1019 a1 success the sub interfaces on the router 65 success 97 success look back 209 165 2011 success switch one 98 success you can repeat to be sure s2 99 into s2 switch s2 success you can repeat to be sure okay you are on pca ping to pcb ipv4 address review the pcb ipv4 others click on pcb it's 10198.85 okay go to pca again is 85 success and using ipv6 ping 2001 dba pcie a column column 1 success the sub interfaces b1 success c1 success look back two of nine current one success pca is this pcb v50 be 50 success also you can test the ssh configuration on the router okay the configuration one the router so go to pca and remember the ssh user is admin and password admin one pass you can use uh this method for for example ssh this is is not one is l admin is the user and the ip address of the router you can use any ip on the router you can use for example this 1019 a1 the password add me one pass very nice you are on router r1 exit test two two switches for example the switches are uh 98 98 admin one pass you are on s1 very good the banner exit and to test second switch you can use this another method this application in packet raiser telnet ssh client use ssh the ip address of the second switch 99 sharing 198.99 and username admin connect and password add mean one pass very good and you are on s2 exit okay yes or close this and no close yes okay thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 8,874
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, skills assessment, sa, vlans, subinterfaces, intervlan routing, trunking, etherchannel, port security, ipv6, dhcp, static routes, physical mode, packet tracer
Id: -Y5MjnuhvDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 10sec (4390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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