$1.30 Thai Salad at BAMBOO FOREST Market!! Thailand’s Green Food Paradise | Phatthalung (พัทลุง)

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in the southern thailand province of patalong and this province is so relaxed so laid back and something i was really looking forward to doing when i was here is visiting a market coming to a market called papaya which is the bamboo forest market it is very environmental natural environmental friendly and there's definitely going to be some unique foods and fruits and vegetables so we're going to walk through the market we're going to explore they have live music and we're gonna go on a full tour of the bamboo forest market in pataloon [Music] it's like a tunnel of bamboo there's live music there's stalls set up on either side it's so atmospheric it's so beautiful already [Music] the live music just sets the tone and the ambience and it's just so natural so so green inside of this tunnel of bamboo forest [Music] it just keeps going further and further back into the forest and there's areas for food there's artwork there's handicraft there's local products from this area all available if you just keep walking through this forest we're just kind of taking a quick loop around walk around first oh and another band on this side but we'll take a little loop around walk around first and then decide what to start [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eating [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] such a cool process how he makes that snack um and it's uh rice flour that's tasty you can really feel the strands of it it's just crispy lightly sweet [Music] really good foreign this is the type of fruit i've never seen before but we gotta try it and okay the market is not entirely waste free some things are wrapped in plastic but they are doing a big a big effort to reduce plastic for sure a lot of natural things it looks kind of like a plum you have to like like kind of like massage it in your fingers like this yeah to make it soft okay ah like release the juices yeah you can feel like the the juiciness coming out of it and now you eat the whole thing down my cup okay the whole thing me met my cup jacket [Music] oh that just unleashes like jam in your mouth it's kind of like a fig actually oh yeah it's just like a thing maybe that is a type of fig so you just kind of keep wandering and walking and mazing your way through the bamboo forest you don't even totally know where you are and it's so cool this would be a good time to just quickly share a little bit about the history and i'm learning and reading about it right now the whole project in the bamboo forest was started by kun kuan jai klap suksai who really emphasized the importance of natural growing of uh and she even has a real passion for bamboo because it grows fast and it's so versatile and it's so useful for different products and so she's grown something like 41 varieties of bamboo here some from china some varieties local some from taiwan and in addition to creating uh natural supplies like bamboo skewers and bamboo sticks she has also set up the market here within the bamboo forest so that's just a really really quick brief history so far i'm loving it it's so picturesque it's so beautiful [Music] i think this well that's pretty loud it mimics the sound of the insects or the crickets called i just stopped at her stall because she has some really unique really natural looking uh vegetables and fruits uh but a whole basket of deep blue which is long pepper those are just blooming and bright i love it and then she also has some of the mute which i just ate them a few days ago but they're called uh horse mango in english and then i also saw that she has some it's a really good quality of pomelo uh and hers looks so natural because they're just odd shaped they're not overly big they look very natural nicely peeled one and it's uh they're ruby ruby red almost like grapefruit got some seeds oh yeah that's delicious though oh it's juicy you feel every individual little segment of it oh man that just like pops with juice sweet kind of more on the sour side oh i love it looks so good am i going to more [Music] wow which is like a wrapped in a leaf but the mixture is lemongrass there's carrots there's onions all wrapped into a beetle leaf oh and it smells unbelievably good freshness and nuttiness oh it's so good oh wow the herbal sensation the lemongrass the the coconut and the the sweetness and the chilies the palm sugar well that's just juicy and extraordinary [Music] meat [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] i'm just going to drop that on the table and i'm gonna go back because the lady who just served me the that dish her friend i think uh has cow yum which is a rice salad with so many different herbs so i'm gonna go back for that and then we'll come to eat me she said a lot of strange vegetables and herbs in the rice salad um [Laughter] [Music] wow [Music] okay now i cannot wait to start eating two lotus leaves just blooming okay so for the rice salad uh she packed it first in a banana leaf because then she said because the the lotus leaf it's kind of on a on a swivel so you can't really transport so you have to then empty it out into the leaf and look at the rice she added the mix of different rice on there so there's the rice berry there's the local senior rice oh it's a mix and all the different herbs so incredibly beautiful and fresh there's mango there's long bean there is so many good things some chili in the bottom and coconut and uh there's lemongrass and then another leaf that's important is called uh by pahom which i'm not totally sure the english look at that though that is beautiful the colorful mixture the flowers oh even that aroma you just smell the herbs the natural herbs just popping squeeze the lime juice on and then you've got to mix it up so everything is mixed up with the rice with the different herbs one extraordinary salad i mean in every single bite you've probably got like 20 different 20 different ingredients and add that to the bite wow that is extraordinary oh man what a harmony of flavor so many things going on so many different textures all the herbs like little pops of sourness and acidity i love the ratio of this too how it's about 80 herbs and 20 rice that is just spectacular and as you keep on chewing like more and more flavors are released some of the herbs are more nutty some of the herbs are more green lemony um it's just what a diversity of flavor and one thing i should just quickly add is that the dressing that they make it does include fermented fish sauce called nambudu so just to let you know the dressing does contain fish sauce so you don't need to i mean but to be honest with you this would be good even without that dressing uh just that mix of herbs just powers the entire thing that is [Music] i extraordinary it it's even smoky and roasted and unbelievable herbal just overdose and now moving back over to this dish this lotus the lemongrass mix and she hooked me up with extra chilies we got that the special special chili mix [Music] and this is a butterfly pea flour put it on top thrilling for the tongue unbelievable powerful mixture of coconut sour mango lemongrass chilies peanuts shallots and probably a host of other things but like put all those ingredients together what a harmony on your tongue and eating natural food like this in a natural setting like this vines are hanging down bamboo is just like creating a tunnel in the shade this place is just beautiful unbelievably beautiful one of the most maybe one of the most beautiful markets i've been to been to and for sure in thailand there's an unbelievably refreshing [Music] mixture i think i could just eat that non-stop [Music] right next to where we're sitting uh ying had bought a bottle this is the juice the sap of the palmyra palm yummy yeah that's really good like a caramel flavor to it oh that's fresh that's really good wow that was good [Applause] an extraordinary lunch of just packed full of herbs and natural flavors that was delicious and they were so cool so friendly when you come to this market they are you come to kind of this central section you walk in through there at least we did from the main road and then you kind of come to this kind of central opening area where a bunch of lanes come together at least for right now they are selling right there is where you can get that and then the rice salad was a little bit further down but all right in this central kind of area and i think from here we're just going to leisurely stroll around a little bit oh i do want to buy some rice to bring back home with me and then we'll probably just wrap it up at this market and head out but i've thoroughly enjoyed it here [Music] yeah all right okay cartoon raspberry local tune up and that's what i'll bring back with me from the market uh but very cool local rice and so that completes the tour of the tala pai which is the the bamboo forest market in patalon highly recommended this was just beautiful i mean just the natural shade the canopy of bamboo it's just so natural beautiful delicious food and friendly people oh that's going to be it for this video i want to say a huge thank you for watching and please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and remember to click subscribe i'm going to be publishing a lot more videos especially about unique fruits and vegetables about food that's good for you and food that's big on spice thank you again for watching hope you're having a fantastic day and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 223,980
Rating: 4.9359617 out of 5
Keywords: Thai street food, Mark Wiens, vegetarian food, vegan food, plant based food, plant based Thai food, Thai vegan food, Thai vegetarian food, ตลาดป่าไผ่สร้างสุข, Phatthalung, พัทลุง, Bamboo Forest Market, things to do in Thailand, hidden gems Thailand, Thai food videos, vegan food vlog, vegan vlog, vegetarian vlog, vegan videos, plant based vlog
Id: O9wmo9nxpHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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