Backyard Food Paradise!! Farm to Table THAI FOOD in the Rainforest!! | Khao Sok, Thailand

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens we are very near to khao silk national park which is an unbelievably lush rain forest in southern thailand and today we have the special opportunity to go to roonfa farm we're going to meet up with piu who is he is a man of natural living a man uh that is known for surviving in the jungle he cooks uh it's gonna be an adventure it's gonna be an experience we're gonna hang out with him today and i'm gonna share all of the food and everything that he cooks everything that we eat today in this video [Music] everybody say hello to pee you right what hello yes my name is this location here is unbelievable this is still but outside of the national park yes but very close from the center of the national park it is uh one of the world's oldest rainforests and right now his property you could see you have to get a look at this place what's behind us you can see the confirmation yeah and cursed formations in the clouds right now because of the morning and morning like around six until like eight o'clock uh-huh you see nothing all covered but it's all covered by clouds so how is uh our cooking style here in my place we cooking the foods real fresh from the farmer table we're gonna pick everything we need in our farm and then we get back to cooking even like curry paste or coconut milk yes you will learn how to cook how to cook curry and even better because you're learning from super basic like you have to peel up contact yourself you have to crush it all start everything or beginning yeah that's going to be the super fresh food you had in your life awesome an amazing character you can just sense his passion i've known him for five minutes now and already you can sense his passion and his love for getting back to the basics for knowing where your food source comes from and everything natural and i think we are ready to start walking around and we're gonna start picking lunch what today we're picking we say hey go away pick it i like you to help me you see the difference between chicken egg and the duck egg here yeah first coming to pick up some duck eggs specifically duck eggs maybe two more michael one more duck egg can you grab a duck egg thank you truly that is the definition of free range the ducks and the chickens they just roam around the property or the jungle all day long like of a bamboo we have bamboo shoot hoya rah but today i gonna feed you the super nice bamboo shoot in south thailand they all have in this season only in this time of year oh nice okay great in thai we call pai tong they are the one of the biggest bamboo in the world and they are they're chewed they are super tasty and here's the bamboo this one right here you want to only take the very young one because we're not 11 we cannot shoot the only one put it in like it to go with it oh yeah it's so thick broken why you can see the beautiful layer from here see see beautiful layer yeah it is damn it twitter knocks like this this way inside you want the inside of it yes the inside the softer one okay here we got it beautiful yes we're gonna cook it up today okay we're going for next dance the thing we need from here okay it is the galanga here we go a bit bushy here we go we need the the old one they got stronger textures that why i try hardly to get it oh you can immediately smell that yes of course for probably make the paste we need the own one to make the soup we use the young one oh i love galangal unbelievable flavor main ingredient for southern thailand food galangal yes here we go thank you okay come on okay right now we're gonna picking the super fresh pineapple oh oh this one is perfectly ripe yes natural yes it is here we go yeah that another four months then they are ripe wow okay another four months so we're gonna make temple right of it oh okay so now i'm gonna pick it after they are give us some fruit and then they are spread they cannot leave any more fruit then we pick it up whoa oh that's a big man so for europeans if you don't know how the how they're flowering look at this boom see the flower under the red kettle here we go oh so those are the flowers yes there are flowers but they don't give more fruit because the bun is too much already down oh okay the banana blossom has no use for the for the tree not right when we cut it even better because the fertilizer don't have to come down to here then the fruit is bigger ah okay i'm gonna show you the only mint we have in thailand the one we have we had in chewing gum and stuff like that the peppermint spearmint is not our mint they are european meat this is the mint from thailand yeah what we call lamb mints what is it smell it yeah they are growing in the bush oh my oh like curry leaves in india it's very common right ah i also have one tree at my house in bangkok by muy by muay thai this is like a difference okay and you can taste that it smells like mint and curry leaves all together in one a little hot yeah oh wow what whoa that's a little chalky too what a flavor what an aroma look at those thorns here it's dangerous look at that this one we call coffee lamb [Music] coffee lamb leaf whoa but i haven't seen a tree like this with thorns on it like this yeah don't run into this brunch please oh it smells so good you can eat it too but it's kind of tough mostly it's used as a fragrance and very important in thai cuisine so many dishes from soups to curry paste but what a tree that pu has with these thorns kaffir lime and one thing you can tell about kaffir lime is it has two two leaves together right yes and now that the clouds have cleared it is you can just feel that heat that sweat look at my i'm just like drenched in sweat and we're just walking around but the humidity of this rainforest and it's just so much fun walking around picking our ingredients for lunch and hanging out with piu who is he's so knowledgeable and he's such a friendly bubbly character personality pen donut tandem pendants we also make a tea today we're using our bamboo cooking we're gonna cook just mine right with pandan flavors today i know you look good look at that ones that thing is similar to dillon looks like there's also like dill but it's so big they're beautiful i like to plant them here because when i go like get a hug of it and i'm feeling like a buffalo like animal or a potion yeah this is how you respect plants oh yeah it's really fluffy oh you just want to bury your face in it please oh you want to bury your face come on oh there we go well i'm getting bored that is extremely fluffy and i just like it oh yeah it does smell like dill yes you can eat it right you can't eat it right we eat them curry with a chili dip like some intense humidity this morning just been leisurely walking around and i'm just completely drenched and just dripping in sweat oh you said let's go in get some shade for a little while [Music] mangosteen is one of the greatest fruits the baconstein they are the queen or the fruit of thailand so unbelievably sweet and juicy one of the the world's best fruits without a doubt i like to use the the compression method where you just kind of press it i hope this one's oh this one's not that right oh okay but it's okay oh look it's okay no i'm not crunchy oh okay oh it's perfect actually you're spicy oh yes you're gonna pick your chili over here what type of chili is it bird chili okay it's not the 100 chili maybe chicken nugget they got but actually they're smaller yeah the small ones yeah but this is this one this one is picking this one so p p u you grew up in this area in my hometown this is your hometown home area yes right here okay okay picking the papaya oh yes the ladder is right here whoa here we go that is a lot of papayas yes there's a big bun what type of papaya is it pollens oh holland so you eat this one sweet right it or do you cook it we eat them raw sweet okay coconut all right okay you put it down like this then we with the thing this this thing we push it like this and then we drag them out [Applause] for the old coconuts like this if you pick them and they can they can stay here for how long uh a few months ah three months and they stay fresh they stay fresh they start to sprout right yes they start to spill so you can just leave this like a natural storeroom yes uh the thing the thing what we're doing we put the stick on the air they don't touch the bottom if you take the bottom the moisture ah make them grow quicker but if they're hanging then they they're preserved on their own yes that's amazing and then just to be clear these are all very old mature coconuts so usually not for the drinking coconuts but for the coconut milk to get the thick meat to make coconut milk with they're all alcohol nut they have monkey face look at this you have to see the eyes the lip you have to bang on here in the middle like this with one bang on eye side not not like this bang see they're breaking two pieces can you get tested yes please here we go thank you you're welcome it's still excellent even though it's not yeah it's not like sweet like the young coconuts but still very good and the perfect natural cup and go one two three more little bit one two three one two three but i can't i'm gonna i'm gonna show you the proper way to do so when they finish they look like this that's a lot of experience and that has our own fashion wins ready for my half my turn one two three and then move yeah i've been numb you see mine always turns out like too juicy ah it's starting to come i think i'm doing it one two three so we're gonna get started cooking now just gonna boil some water to boil the bamboo shoots and then make the coconut milk and then prepare all the rest of the ingredients for lunch so the ingredients in our curry paste of south thailand lemongrass wild garlic turmeric galanga sea salt chili and pepper is it wild garlic in small pieces and you can eat the skin for wild garlic yes you can it's also a better thing yes you can eat the skin no need to peel yeah i'm so proud you know that high garlic got him tight whole thing okay depending on how much spicy you like you can add more we can add less okay more drying more dry actually moisture when you're smashing it [Applause] okay but specifically for southern thai curry paste is all of those herbs all of those spices but additionally turmeric which is also very important in southern thailand giving a lot of the dishes that signature kind of orange color and also pepper is also vibrantly used in southern thai cooking as well you can see that's coming to a nice paste consistency all of the oils are coming out of everything that's the best thing about curry paste get mixing get mixing like that and then squeak it get some piece it switch it mix again mix we only need the konami button and then brow either but on the last just put them away like this okay all right people do throw it away to make the meal more clear clean and clean bamboo shoot don't be picking onions we're gonna make cooking you have to cut in small pieces first slide it down like this keep chopping in the piece like it okay and yeah you can just see the the layers uh they're made up of so many different layers and another technique before your boiler you have put a bit of salt we chop this part away if you're spotting in the water we're going to add the water in the bottom of the water there are salt here this up see like two millimeter thin like rings like ring here and we put in the water [Music] get them separate pieces then they look a bit like onion rings yeah in bunch see very nice now they call it short [Music] to bread mosquito away and for cooking the rice is building a fire he's behind the smoke back there he's hiding behind the smoke right now pew you're going to cook the rice in bamboo all right then we've got the fires and this is part of your jungle survival scale skills and techniques [Music] which i believe is it is it this this family is adding a bit of rice in this this up right and then we put it down and you put a genji bully easier and then fold the small one and keep roll down until you are linearly get to the right then you flat it down like this and then you hold a little packet yellow effect and then you hope it up and then twist this side and then twist this side okay that's it one pack finished then it exactly same link if the one we picking from the farm okay we're going to make the jasmine right cooking with pandan flavors and then we put in the button a bamboo cube put in the bottle of bamboo cube like this and then we add in bamboo cubes like this and then you use a stick push it down into the bottom [Applause] put in here not push too hard when you are ripped when you're feeling you're ripped about to say the word one stop [Applause] first when you begin not don't put too close okay see the past from we are doing yeah those things burn really well they are high carbon they keep a lot of heat rice is on the fire high flame which is going to just boil that water which is then going to cook the rice but he's using all just the all the fuel for the fire is all just the coconut the dry coconut husk and the dry coconut shells and dry coconut soils burn really well they just kind of like hiss like propane almost natural we need the water ceilings between the bamboo and the leaf not to fit and i can really smell the pandan leaf now yeah okay pink guy yeah and i love how they're cooking over the clay pot too over the fire so that's giving it an extra fragrance that curry paste the the kaffir lime leaf in there oh that's coming along nicely that smells incredible this is flour rice flour yeah okay today we make the banana flower tempura okay yeah a modern invention for southern thailand their own creation here micah that's going to be really good [Music] this is the stir-fried bamboo shoots along with chicken and then he added in some sata which are the stink beans she added in some kaffir lime leaves and now it's adding in some basil sweet basil okay and then he seasoned that with some oyster sauce and soy sauce oh that's just sizzling around that smells incredible and that's the bamboo shoot that we take [Music] he's on the hammock okay so they're gonna serve us in the bamboo troughs all natural plating [Music] a lot of bunch of vegetables [Music] as he pulled out that rice opened up cracked open the rice just it puffed out the aroma pandan and just that steam that had been locked up in the rice and that bamboo pole in southern thailand in uh southern thai food it is essential to have a plate it's called pakhna which is all the different like vegetables all the different herbs that you can garnish your meal with uh usually with a nam prick which is which uh is made from shrimp paste and also the a fruit called uh which is it's a type of snake fruit and as we were cooking those other dishes uh pu was just darting around the the farm grabbing all these herbs and vegetables everything from i can see uh stink beans some of the bamboo shoots some of the uh oh these are cashew cashew tree leaves also i'm gonna begin with the the curry and especially oh yeah and the bamboo trough holds in all the juices and all the the curry sauce which is perfect oh yeah oh yeah just the freshness of all the ingredients oh that's delicious and then the rice i think what really stands out just the freshness and the quality and the the locality of all the ingredients which you they really specialize in and i'm really desperate to have some raw stink beans i love them in every shape form size and you when you do eat them raw you do want to kind of open half of it to make sure there's no worms inside because there can definitely be worms okay we're good on this one oh wow it's just single ingredient it's one of my favorite foods after chili's oh wow okay for my next one i'll get some of that shrimp paste oh wow yeah that number is amazing shrimp paste fragrant salty and that like salty salt or the sour sweetness from the the snake fruit i think the time has come for the banana blossom tempura this one is one of their modern inventions that is actually pretty awesomely good crispy on the banana blossom just like because it's uh they took all the rings and just kind of like it's really thin and fluffy and mmm i think i would like it better with the the num prick on that banana blossom oh yeah there we go that's awesome with that extra shrimp and then as you keep on eating you can just chase with herbs with leaves and that's really what gives your mouth the entire full experience this one is the bamboo shoot with a little bit of stink beans in here and chicken i can't wait to try these bamboo shoots and you can just see how fresh they are and how like meaty meaty they are wow the bamboo shoot is so good the texture it just is like kind of crisp and juicy and just collapses in your mouth the sweetness of it but i love how the bamboo shoot is just like the texture is so soft and fresh and then the last dish that i haven't tried so far is the stir fried melinda leaves with duck egg [Music] oh yeah and i always love melinda lewis they have this incredible texture to them and an incredible for me it's almost a nuttiness and then with that egg it's a very common southern thai dish you'll find at every southern thai restaurant it's even better with duck eggs [Music] you do really taste the the freshness of ingredients i really taste the freshness of the kaffir lime leaves which just have more of a vibrancy to them organic and naturally grown they have such a so much more of a stronger vibrant aroma and taste to them [Music] here's our cashew tree leaves [Music] oh yeah i always love it it has a very unique taste and especially a chalkiness that immediately just overwhelms your mouth it's a very medicinal flavor in your mouth this plate is just awesome all the different leaves so many dif such a variety all from right here sometimes you have no idea kind of what you're eating and sometimes you're just surprised with the flavor wow this one is kind of peppery yeah okay oh that's like a burst of sour chalkiness you can feel the cotton mouth on that one and then the fresh bamboo shoots as well oh wow what a combination and that bamboo shoot is so juicy and so naturally sweet so fresh [Music] uh pineapple for dessert this is the pineapple that we pick oh wow it is so unbelievably juicy and so juicy i could barely talk and here's the papaya we picked too it just melts in your mouth thank you micah you filmed it yeah lunch was delicious and what really stood out to me the most is just the use of natural ingredients almost everything that we harvested ourselves from the garden from just the food forest here what definitely also made today so special and so much fun is pu and his wife who run who have this rumfa farm they're so cool they're so passionate they're just nice people with huge hearts and so they do have a cooking class here you can come here you can walk around you can pick your own food you can cook and they even have a homestay which is really nice uh you can stay here the property is gorgeous backed up to khalsak national park it's so green it's so lush it's so fertile it's so like just it's jungle so i'll have their information in the description box when you come to khao sok you can sign up for one of their classes they're they're such cool people so huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published goodbye from kausauk national park and see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,338,022
Rating: 4.894958 out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, organic, organic food, jungle food, rainforest food, Mark Wiens, Rungfah Farm, farm stay, Thailand farm stay, Khao Sok national park, Khao Sok, things to do in Thailand, what to do in Thailand, Thailand food guide, Thailand travel guide, amazing Thailand, best food, food videos, food vlog, travel videos, travel vlog
Id: hD3gJ3n0lfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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