Huge Mangoes!! FARMER’S MARKET FOOD! 🥭 | Jing Jai Market (ตลาดจริงใจ), Chiang Mai, Thailand!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in chiang mai thailand and every saturday and sunday on the weekends there's a huge farmer's market called jinjai market and today we're gonna go to the market we're gonna explore we're gonna walk around we're gonna buy some vegetables i've heard this is my first time to go but i've heard that there's also a lot of pre-cooked food and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the farmers to the market and so we're going on a full tour of xinjiang market in chiang mai oh you've got to wash your hands washing your hands take it probably a temperature check as well drink station oh awesome okay temperature check washing hands check welcome to ching jai farmers market they're taking a lot of safety precautions here very good it looks like the market is divided into sections first we're gonna walk around this is a fresh fruits and vegetables section but there's also this market is actually huge there's different sections there's antiques uh there's a real focus on local artisans crafts local clothes and i think there's pre-cooked food as well so we're just gonna we're gonna walk around and explore and maybe first just walk through this vegetable section that's the oh wow this is actually my favorite mango that i've ever tried called thing unbelievable beauty this one could be over a kilometer [Applause] uh two mangoes they're each one and a half kilos each they're like head sized mangoes three kilos for two mangoes sixty bar a kilo but these are special mangoes all right into our bag that will make the base of our bag three kilos i've got a three kilo dumbbell that i'm carrying around a mango dumbbell that i'm now carrying around oh man if i was thinking maybe i should have bought that at the end when we're leaving but that's okay i'll just carry it around oh man i am excited for those mangoes okay we're gonna circle around and buy a few more vegetables uh before we go explore some of the other areas and explore some of the eating options at the um awesome [Music] and we stopped for some tomatoes she has some amazing looking cherry tomatoes and some other tomatoes and some produce from wazoo farms have a great day thank you she's so friendly so cool and her tomatoes look incredible organic tomatoes fresh from her farming [Applause] but she has a great selection of produce from sweet potatoes to mangoes to eggs to all sorts of herbs and ferns and pea eggplants i was also going to get some ginger and some galangal so friendly and the even the ladies we were we were all rummaging through the the ginger and then they were really friendly i said what are you going to make with that i told them i'll make a probably a smoothie with ginger avocado any kind of fruit and they were they were quite surprised that i would add ginger to the to the smoothie but i love ginger gives it that spice in that heat starting to get very thirsty i just bought a bottle of it in thai it's called in english it is called asiatic pennywort but also can be called gotukola which is the i know i've heard it called gotokola in sri lanka oh that's great it's just really green tasting there's no sugar in this one just very green gotu kola juice [Music] just really green really refreshing that's really good you can just taste the like earthiness of it [Music] after that juice i'm in desperate need of a coffee and they have there's probably half a dozen different coffee shops and they just have little stalls just individual coffee baristas setting up under the trees i think he looks pretty cool we're gonna get a coffee from him so i did [Music] as we were waiting for the coffee one table cleared up and we immediately you have to run to get the table because the tables can go really fast people of course are high in demand really relaxing pleasant way to spend a weekend morning we got the table yin got some food but i'm gonna walk around and try to get some food and then come back to the table they have so many different kind of sections of food but i'm thinking of going back to the section where they have uh there's one lady who serves a whole range of different food and then also some of the rice salad looks really good oh i'm gonna hit mickey mouse yeah like which means vegetarian in thai and then oh yeah you wanted me to buy some sticky rice i'll just buy a little bit of sticky rice real fast oh yeah that's sticky rice oh my god might be like up forever okay let's go back to the table [Music] oh and the ladies selling the the food they were so friendly amazingly nice food looks delicious too so rice which is the purple rice berry oh that smells good with sesame seeds on top and i got a yamamong which is a mango mango salad oh oh that smells amazing you can really smell the coconut in there and the nuts peanuts i believe coconut chilies shallots and then lastly these are oyster mushrooms with namprika made with dried chilies and also the key component is galangal i'll just dump that dump it out here i gotta start with one of these mushrooms and then what you typically do is just kind of dip it in and it should stick [Music] mushrooms are really juicy garlicky you taste the galangal kind of a little bit sweet at the same time mango salad green mango salad i think i'll put that onto my my rice and i might stick that chili on top for good measure [Music] oh green mango is awesome full of shredded coconut fresh dried coconut the the sour balance of the mango mango is kind of sweet and sour at the same time crisp there's roasted peanuts in there that roasted chili was delicious i could have a whole bowl of just those roasted chilies as well and the rice is nice too but those sesame seeds and i think i got a ginko a ginko nut in that bite as well oh yeah if you look through the rice there's corn there's uh carrots there's sesame seeds and there's a few ginkgo ginkgo nuts those are good that rice mix is amazing on the bottom here are some uh wild beetle leaves which you can fill in i might add some of the rice and maybe oh there's beans in there too that looks like a kidney bean and then a squeeze of of lime i always love the wild beetles just they just have an intense unique flavor almost peppery i love the leaves and those are some extremely juicy mushrooms [Music] purple sticky rice as she was cooking smelled so good and this will be really good with the mango salad as well i wish there were more dried chilies in here though [Music] hot fresh sticky rice one of the best things ever [Music] i think we're probably gonna wrap it up here we're probably gonna head out from here listen just quickly as we're leaving the market just i saw this banner here about the philosophy the jingkai market chiang mai's first organic market to support local farmers and vendors which will lead to the sustainable community development and again walking through the market met so many other vendors are so friendly uh because they can tell you can tell that they love what they do because these are independent producers farmers uh they grow with love and then they bring it to the market here and so many of them are so friendly and even the people that come here as well have that same kind of philosophy but very cool market for sure so big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below and remember to subscribe i'm going to be publishing a lot more videos about fruits and vegetables we're going big on spice that's it thanks again for watching see you on the next video [Music] and the massive bang chaka pot mango that i bought at the farmer's market uh the jingji farmers market in chiang mai is now ready and the aroma is starting to come out of it it smells so good you can smell the sweetness of it okay let's cut it look at it the comparison on the plate it is huge all right oh yes look at the color that's exactly what i was hoping for and that's exactly what i remember i've had this mango a few times one of my favorite mangoes in the world and i think probably my favorite yeah varieties that i've ever had perfect color okay that is exactly what we want though ripe on the inside but not not completely sweet not completely mushy mushy ripe but a little bit [Music] crispy i cannot wait to see how big the meat is on this mango you can't even grip it with your hand oh there we go okay oh juice is just squirting up [Music] wow that's just one one side okay we're transferring over to it this is a tray mango cut it in strips [Music] oh yeah my fingers are just dripping in juice talk about a family-sized mango [Music] oh wow it's outstanding yeah this is one of the world's best varieties oh wow unbelievably juicy sweet and tart at the same time just unbelievable natural goodness you cannot even believe it wow i know why these mangoes are so big because once you start eating it you can't stop
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 1,142,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jing Jai Market, ตลาดจริงใจ, Mark Wiens, Thailand, Chiang Mai, organic food, vegan food, vegetarian food, plant based food, Thai vegan food, Thai vegetarian food, Thai plant based food, vegan Chiang Mai, vegetarian Chiang Mai, plant based food videos, vegan food videos, vegetarian food videos, organic Thai food, farmers market, vegan vlog, vegetarian vlog, plant based vlog
Id: 1LsWrjvm5w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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