Farm to Table Thai Food - Beautiful Mountain Meal in Chiang Rai, Thailand!!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in the mountains of chiang rai province in northern thailand and i'm staying at the langeah lodge which is an eco hill tribe community driven lodge and so cool such an amazing place to stay so many good people and it supports the community this afternoon and for dinner i wanted to focus on making some vegetarian food and so they have kindly arranged we're gonna go down to uh somebody's gardens backyard farm we're gonna pick some vegetables and then we're gonna head back to the lodge and do some cooking some plant-based dishes so it's gonna be fun we're gonna walk around a little bit we're gonna pick some vegetables and then plant-based meal coming up [Music] uh so a little ways down the hill from the lodge this is the house the home uh where we're gonna gather some vegetables harvest some vegetables from their garden from their backyard this is their little mountain plot on the side of the mountain in the village uh for homegrown organic vegetables and it's cool because it's just surrounded by houses i mean we are surrounded by the mountain we're surrounded by lush greenery and forest but at the same time we are in a village so there is uh development there is clearing of the forest right here uh but then right here this little plot of just pure green growth edible delicious i need to paint up and so she's going to be cooking us a hmong vegetarian meal uh and we're just going over the different vegetables that they have a lot of coriander uh some of the mustard greens some of the i think it's like chinese broccoli um and some of the i think similar to choy sum as well and then behind me these are the hmong long beans which are very common for hmong cuisine immediately as she starts picking plucking the coriander it's so vibrant it's so aromatic you can smell that um and now she's moving on to some of the mustard greens over there all organic okay no fertilizer and so the people around this village they would have up on the hills and on the sides of the mountains right outside the village they would grow more commercial crops and even they have some rubber trees uh depending on the family here but this particular plot of land is just for self-consumption [Music] the color the vibrancy the greenness it's beautiful and i believe that this is dragon fruit here but i don't see any fruits right now [Music] all right beautiful little garden [Music] chef is jumping on the motorbike up the hill to landia lodge we're gonna hike but not too far get a little bit of exercise before the meal whoa four kids okay [Music] first thing that she's getting started making is the nam prick mong which is the chili dip hmong style chili paste dip actually added chilies one clove of garlic salt and a bunch of cilantro coriander and that's it i can reassure you i've had it before it goes with anything and everything it tastes incredible and it just takes five minutes to make so you could make this at home easily and it's healthy it's nutritious it's packed full of natural vitamins and packed full of big on spice flavors next up is among vegetable soup with the mustard greens and she added in a spoonful of oil to the pan heated that up and then pour it in water so it really pissed and popped uh and then she's gonna chop up some chilies to go in it too she said you can add chilies or not but for me yes [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] come on [Music] okay stir fry it up with some salt with some chilies with some garlic sizzle that out that down in oil it smells so good and as fresh organic as possible and then the final dish i think she's going to make is genki 1 green curry so it's going to be going to be a mix of different dishes the hmong dishes she prepared already and then green curry [Music] capital limits basil and chili's go in [Music] so and now she's gonna make another there's a huge platter of stir-fried vegetables wow there's gonna be a lot of dishes that's a lot of food they're making okay cooking is done that is going to be a feast of a meal i think there's five different dishes i thought there was only two or three wow they've gone above and beyond and i'm looking forward to this just nutritious healthy local meal for dinner tonight [Music] [Music] i [Music] all the food is ready this turned into an unexpected massive plant-based meal there's five six six dishes i have to start with that chili dip though that has been on my mind and again the simplicity of it chili's a little bit of garlic coriander salt [Music] and those chilies are spicy the garlic in there and what really makes it is the coriander and the salt you'd be happy to eat that with vegetables to eat it with rice eat it with anything and again you can make that at home it would be so simple to make it just pound it down you mostly just want to bruise it until the juices come out and the flavors come out but you don't need to pound it long this one she called kana mong stir fried with uh garlic and chilis really good huh has a hint of a bitterness then it has a natural sweetness at the same time very green and a little bit of a chewy texture i love that balance and hint of bitterness next up for the for that hmong boiled vegetable the mustard greens she added in chilis in here and some of the fried tofu more like it's kind of like a bean curd this one i know is a classic hmong dish that i've had before but it's just always so good the simplicity the freshness it relies on freshly cut greens like this and again because it's so fresh you taste the sweetness and a hint of a bitterness just salt so it's pure that i like when she added a little bit of chilies and a little bit of that that tofu which is crunchy and she actually really cooked this down for maybe 15 minutes or so but it doesn't taste overcooked uh it just still has a nice green crunch to it okay next up for the green curry a mix of vegetables again more of the tofu in here she added in some of the some of the herbs like basil chilies kaffir lime leaves this is a huge meal i love the the basil the flavor of basil in there and that tofu that she uses i mean it is fried first but it has this lovely kind of crunchy but then soaked with flavor texture to it and then we've got the mixed vegetables here which this is such a good mix of vegetables too um there's probably at least half a dozen different vegetables from baby corn to broccoli to woody mushrooms to cabbage to snow peas i love how everything has a crisp texture to it because of the way that she stir-fried it on a hot heat fire and didn't let it overcook just good classic fried mixed vegetables final thing are these fried corn fruit oh wow they are crispy [Music] oh yeah that's like dangerously crunchy and good and spongy and bready and then just filled with corn and by the way they grow a lot of corn around here i'm so i'm sure this is corn from the field from the farm from the side of the mountain that they grow i know what would make it better though just oh yeah that hmong chili paste chili dip more like a coriander dip it's packed with flavor so incredibly tasty and you can eat it on everything and you will want to eat it on everything as soon as you taste it [Music] great meal all vegetables and so vibrant so so many different flavors as well [Music] after an amazing meal for dessert watermelon and honeydew melon with the honeydew melons is amazing oh nice honeydew melon is fantastic and end with some hot tea also as soon as the sun goes down here it just starts getting so cold and that breeze coming from the mekong valley from the mountains above makes it really cold [Music] but that's going to be it for this meal for this dinner for this just vibrant mix of plant-based vegetarian meal one of the best parts for me was going down to that small little plot family garden and picking some organic vegetables big thank you to chef she did an amazing job and also a huge thank you to lanjia lodge we've been staying here for two nights we've done all sorts of activities going around the village they've arranged some amazing experiences for us and this place is spectacular and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe to begun spice we're going to be exploring learning about unique fruits and vegetables eating food that's good for us and eating food that's big on spice thanks again for watching goodbye from chiang rai and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 172,481
Rating: 4.94383 out of 5
Keywords: Thailand, Thai food, Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai food, plant based, plant based food, vegetarian food, vegan food, vegan Thai food, vegan vlog, vegetarian vlog, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens Thailand, things to do in Thailand, Chiang Rai vegan food
Id: De1oFkMaUWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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