Eating 21 SPICY THAI FOODS in One Day!! | 3 MUST-EAT Restaurants in Phuket, Thailand!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in phuket in southern thailand and few things in the world make me more excited than southern thai food and so today we're gonna go on a local southern thai food tour of phuket we're gonna go to three different very popular local restaurants we are gonna order a huge variety of local dishes and i can't wait to share with you some of the best local southern thai food in phuket in this video [Music] so [Music] restaurant number one welcome to momodong this is an extremely it's a legendary restaurant in phuket every time i've come to phuket throughout the years we always make it a point to come here because the food is just solidly delicious they have some unique i like that they have unique dishes on their menu uh and i also love the atmosphere here which is spread out they're different bungalows different pavilions it's actually a mangrove forest here i believe but the atmosphere is great the food is reliable and we're going to order some of their unique dishes okay now we just walk around and try to find a place to sit because there's so many different choices here i think we found one that we'll we'll call home for this meal all right so they do have a couple of main dining sections but everything is over the mangrove forest and some over water but really i think the highlight are these individual private little bungalow pavilions with the palm branch roofs there's some with sit down tables and others with sit on the floor tables and one more thing as we look at the menu because we're gonna go to three different southern thai restaurants i'm gonna try to choose a huge variety we're gonna try to order a huge variety of different food and we'll try not to repeat the different dishes between the three well we'll try between the three restaurants [Music] whoa oh yeah there's a bunch of crabs down there small little crabs oh my god very excited to start off this food tour first meal and right now six dishes have arrived i think we ordered seven dish seven dishes uh but i can't remember what the last dish is that should be still on its way but let's start eating right now because the food is hot the food is fresh rice you can get blue rice here which is uh colored with dakanchan which is butterfly pea flowers we've got blue rice and all right let's start digging in let's start with this is probably the most famous dish that everybody orders which is called playa tsai which is stuffed fish short head mackerel which is then taken out i think then mixed with curry paste and spices then re-stuffed back into the skin and deep fried and this is a dish that you cannot miss oh yeah you can see on the inside in the belly there it's just stuffed stuffed back in full of spice full of flavor deep fried to crispy perfection and i'm thinking maybe to just break it in half so we can all see what's inside all beautiful and so oh yeah so you can smell kind of a red curry paste you can smell kaffir lime leaves kind of a citrusiness oh yeah that is hot oh yeah oh wow i love it you gotta eat it while it's hot and fresh the spongy texture um in thai there's a dish called tadman which are fried fish cakes they're usually fish and curry paste which is found pounded until it becomes spongy and that's exactly what's on the inside of it so i think they removed the fish they pound it with spices red curry paste in particular the citrusiness of kaffir lime leaf maybe lemongrass in there and then re-stuff it back into the skin of the fish it was basically a fish sausage which is then replaced back into the fish carcass and deep fried yeah it's extraordinary this is the dish that you have to order i mean if you come here and ate one dish this is it it's so good it doesn't get old you could snack on this all day but let's move on to the other dishes i really want to try the the seaweed with the the shellfish i'm gonna dump my rice onto the bigger plate wait so do you think how do you think we eat this so i think this is just a separate dish on its own in thai it's called hoity and it's they're they're similar she said they're similar to oysters but a little bit different like little small shellfish which are raw and then within a sauce of shrimp paste i believe shallots and chilies this looks really good and this is a specialty here too oh wow yeah wow those just completely melt in your mouth like oysters but even softer even more melt in your mouth than an oyster oh wow and then that flavor the shrimp paste in there the crunch of the shallots the chilies oh and that's delicious and it's uh salty not sweet just the fragrance of the shrimp paste melt in your mouth similar to oysters and the shallots oh that's delicious okay and then the common way to actually eat the shellfish is to take some of the seaweed and it's called salai puang grape seaweed i love them and these are fresh they're crispy that texture so take some of this i'm gonna put it onto the rice and grab some of the shellfish with a shrimp paste put on top and then eat this together like a dressing that contrast is gonna be incredible [Music] wow yeah that combination just works i love that texture of the grape seaweed pops like caviar in your mouth and has a bit of a seawater taste to it but then most of that shrimpy umami is coming from the shrimp paste and those similar to oysters with the shallots with their chilis it's just salty and full of umami that's seaweed and shrimp combination [Music] next up for the tom which is a sour soup a sour boil but i've never had a version like this with a vegetable that's called lampang don't know what it is in english it looks almost like tamarind leaves but it should be sour um and i don't even know if there's any okay there's a little bit of shrimp in there dried shrimp but there's no fish i don't see any fish so this is a new dish actually for me that i've never tried oh it has a smoky fish taste to it maybe they maybe in the broth it's made with smoked fish or uh grilled fish or grilled fish buns or dry fish ones it has a really smoky or shrimp paste too oh maybe that's the smokiness is the shrimp paste really heavy on the shrimp paste it's not as sour as i was expecting and then those leaves kind of have a similar to spinach a little bit of a sliminess to them but also a crunch at the same time oh it's really good i'm just gonna shine my light at it actually oh okay because we're kind of in a dark hut here now that you look at the color you can see that shrimp paste yeah brown from shrimp paste almost pink from shrimp paste and really has an incredible smokiness to it and i think it's a combination of shrimp paste and dried shrimp my first time to try it it's amazing okay and here comes the final dish the last dish oh that's what it was it was this cooking hub it's the squid fried in its own ink and since that came hot and fresh i think we might as well taste that real fast this is squid fried in its own ink that is a dark dark sauce with some crispy shallots i think on top i think we'll need need to eat this with rice gotta really make my first bite count with the ink there we go oh wow it is okay how do i even explain that at first okay the texture of that squid it seems like it's just barely steamed or boiled so it has this amazing rubberiness to it but not too rubbery that you can't chew it it's like a perfect texture and they've used a lot of the the tentacles rather than the body of the squid and maybe the way they've cut it the way they've scored it increases that texture and then that sauce oh it's rich at first you kind of taste sweet then you taste garlicky and shalloty and then you taste salty but it's sweet in a way where it's not nearly over sweet that's an amazing balance like just a harmony of rich ink and rubbery squid oh it's delicious wow next dish is hoikombai chapu this is a type of seawater snail i believe with my chopped blue which are wild beetle leaves cooked in curry paste oh there's even some of the oh no i think the shells okay all the shells are taken out so it's it's shellus and then we've got the wild beetles there's curry paste and i think there's coconut milk in here too to make it rich and thick this is a classic phuket southern thai dish that is thick making sure to get a little bit of everything on this bite or a lot of everything that's awesome too and actually those shells those snails they almost have the exact rubbery texture of that squid a little more earthy tasting but then that's countered by the strong taste of the curry paste the turmeric the the dry chilies in there and that is rich like buttery from coconut milk and then you always gotta pair it with a kind of a pungent strong leaf like beetle leaves in this case which give it that amazing refreshing pepperiness oh man yeah that's delicious that's so rich and creamy wow that's flavorful okay next dish is which is it's a type of fish head which it looks like the fish head has been fried and then boiled in a soup and the soup is specifically made from uh fermented black beans i'm just gonna taste that broth first oh and whole cloves of garlic whole chilies in there okay i think i'll i'll taste that broth first and maybe just add on a little bonus of a clove of garlic and a chili okay [Music] that's more of a mellow flavor to it even that garlic just melts in your mouth the chili in there it's kind of just a soothing kind of broth a little bit of a fish taste from the fish head but really kind of a soy sauce kind of flavor to it maybe from those fermented black beans it's simple there's lemon grass in there oh yeah if you dig down below you can see there's all a lot of fermented black beans down there giving it that flavor okay let me try this fish head it does look like the fish head has been uh fried first before being submerged in the soup boiled in the soup so the meat is just gonna fall apart it's gonna it's fully absorbed with the soup yeah it's crispy the jelly bits the eyeball the skin the fish jelly just collapses falls off the bones final dish we got at momodong is called nam prick blachenchang bachenchang is a type of small fish which i think is dried and then made into this chili dip there's chilis in here there should be probably some shrimp paste garlic lime juice a host of different ingredients and served with a boiled blanched vegetables so you can eat it with rice or you can dip and scoop and even scooping into this you can feel the crunchiness of that fish the flavor keeps on building the sticky shrimp paste it's sweet and sour balanced salty oh and then the crunch of that fish that just adds an extra texture adds an extra dimension adds an extra fishy component to it complexity it's spicy it's sweet it's salty oh that's wonderful and i think what is this thing is is this um banana stock maybe i'm not totally sure if that's banana stock i'm not sure if it's a banana stock usually when i've had a banana trunk usually when i've had banana trunk it's a little more sticky that's really crisp like airy celery like juicy celery that texture is awesome oh that dip is amazing though the spongy texture oh yeah feels good to stretch out the legs after that meal and relax for a little while uh our total bill came to 1055 baht for everything that we ordered and okay this is just the first restaurant out of three we have two more to go oh let's move on to the next place [Music] and so over the years this restaurant has become extremely famous and been recognized in all sorts of media but it is really for a reason because the food has held up it's consistent it's reliable it's well i mean the thing i like is that there's so many unique dishes that you won't find elsewhere so definitely highly recommended momodong is a must eat at restaurant when you're in phuket right restaurant number two authentic southern thai food and this place is hidden away in the neighborhood next to the mountains it's way off the beaten path this is the restaurant i am most excited to try i can't wait to try the food here [Music] this is the type of restaurant i immediately loved before we've been tasting the food but the restaurant is called maitai which means orchid i'll hit clampimo he is the chef he takes your order he is so friendly he is so cool like a like a ninja chef and what a place too just in their backyard there's fruits hanging around there's trees there's plants it's a beautiful location oh man okay i think we actually lost count of dishes i think we accidentally ordered eight dishes yeah we ordered eight dishes the vibrancy of the colors the different unique dishes they have dishes that you'll only find here as well as dishes that you only find in phuket it all looks amazing we got some fried fish we got some stir-fried vegetables this centerpiece though with the variety of different uh raw vegetables and the nam prick looks outstanding just look at all those vegetable stink beans this is a type of raw fig there's cucumbers i think that's some type of a mustard greens or oh yeah it tastes like wasabi i can't remember the name of it there's eggplant there's uh oh dip yes this is raw um taro stems there's cashew tree leaves there's some other leaves that i don't know the name of there is finally long beans and then finally nestled in the center this time we got nam pig kung siap which is a famous southern nam prick chili dip with dried shrimp sometimes they're almost like candied sweet shrimp but you can see lots of green chilies in there shrimp paste that looks amazing thai cup mud lime chef is the man he's awesome okay i'm gonna dip into some of that nam kung shia nam pike all the balance of flavor the sweet crunchy shrimp the shrimp paste the green chilies oh the chalkiness of those cashew tree leaves that's delicious that's chunky there's so many textures going on and such a like contrast of acid shrimpy flavor okay this dish is called blamong tadsung it's a type of fish called vamong which is deep-fried with curry paste and just look at that thick rich oily curry paste the fish underneath it it's so aromatic onto the rice that's just caked on there the curry paste is just caked on there oh wow looks like a sweet chili jam just loaded onto the fish you taste the dried shrimp in there too i believe i believe there's a bunch of dry shrimp in that that marinade that curry paste the dry chilies it has a nice balance not too overly sweet but salty full of shrimpiness um smokiness dried chili and it really has a jam consistency texture to it that's just like curry paste spread and then that fish underneath it just melts in your mouth [Music] next dish and this is another favorite dish in phuket which is called mutton which is pork i think this is pork belly because you can see those layers which is fried with garlic and salt [Music] that's just straight up the layers of pork juicy fatty tender salty and so aromatic with garlic this one is fried not completely crispy so you have different textures so you have both a crispy texture like a gooey skin texture other times it can be fried all the way crispy till it's golden brown mmm put the garlic in there there must be multiple heads of garlic within that one plate next dish is the genghsom which is the sour curry which is one of the most common dishes of southern thailand it's a sour curry there's turmeric in it there's chilies in it and you usually get it with fish and then also it's your choice usually of different vegetables so i chose uh on dip this time which are taro stems and i think i'll just go in with my spoon first to taste that soup taste that to taste that curry sauce that one is more well in phuket is a little more on the sweet side often so that's a balance of sweet spicy sour and just fragrant from that uh turmeric from the lemongrass and the fish in there that's good though it's really good it's just kind of almost soothing to the through the throat because it's hot it's kind of like hot sweet and sour yeah it just feels good going down your throat and again when it comes to gingsom it varies throughout southern thailand the different flavors some are more spicy some are more sweet phuket is usually on the sweeter side you can add some of that to your rice i forget do you know what type of fish this is i'm not totally sure what type of fish this is and a few seconds after you take that bite of the gangsom you start to feel the chili more of the heat of it and i always love the the on dip the taro stems just crunchy texture but spongy at the same time and just as you bite down it just releases all of that curry into your mouth okay here's one of the dishes that's famous here but it's pretty rare to find it's not common to find which is stir-fried banana stock banana stem looks like there's some shrimp paste in here some garlic and this looks awesome oh the shrimp paste is undeniable just coated in salty oily shrimp paste wow the depth the complexity of that shrimp paste and then the texture of that uh the banana stump again it's very crisp kind of similar to the otero stems but a little bit like celery but much more fluffy and airy next up is some fried bad which are seawater catfish and i think that they've been marinated probably in some turmeric uh maybe some light spices and then deep fried and when you chew that banana stock you just feel the fibers it's just straight fiber [Music] that's just simple delicious crunchy salty it has um i mean because it's catfish it has that amazing kind of silky very soft and melt in your mouth texture to it and then crispy on the edges oh yeah that's delicious and salty next dish is hetrang panki mao and mao is like the stir fried junk drunken noodles but this is without the noodles and with het krang which are split gill mushrooms and there's shrimp in here there's a bunch of chilies and a lot of basil in fact i don't even might not even need the shrimp because those mushrooms are so good that is awesome yeah just the mushrooms they're almost like minced meat you've got a bunch of chilies in there you taste a lot of holy basil in there it's so fragrant and lots of garlic oh that's awesome and then the final dish this is gaiban tom kamin which is boiled turmeric soup with lemongrass and free-range chicken and lots of turmeric in there too because it's not spicy but just a simple boil ah just soothing it's comforting oh yeah it is just comforting it's chicken soup but with so many added aromatics like turmeric and shallots lemongrass garlic and all the pieces of chicken little bite-sized pieces of chicken all cut up with the bones so what you kind of got to do is take little pieces of chicken and then just nibble off the and that is some real free range free running chicken you feel that texture that stretchy kind of slight chewiness but so much more flavor even the skin is delicious and if you're up for a big burst of a booster to the immune system usually the pieces of turmeric are only for aromatic to for the flavor to release into the the broth into the soup but i love to eat it [Music] sometimes you have no no idea what leaves the arteries are [Music] wow that is sour and chalky and like it tastes like um ming yeah it tastes like a water bug oh man that just makes your mouth water there's like liquid i'm salivating oh and it feels like soap suds are coming out of my mouth right now wow that's that is a little bit of water after that one [Music] and i believe this is a type of wild raw fig [Music] that pop that crunch in your mouth and then stink beans one of my favorite foods in the world you can just never have enough grab a chili on that [Music] did you notice why i rarely ever wear a white t-shirt that would be why but it was well worth it the amount of curries the amount of sauces the amount of dribble oh but it was so worth it ah great food southern thai flavor again unique dishes that he's serving here friendly service it's a home home atmosphere breezy oasis surrounded by lush greenery what a cool restaurant okay well that is two southern thai restaurants seven dishes eight dishes 15 dishes ah that's been a lot of good food already today and we have one more southern thai local southern thai restaurant in phuket to go to that's going to complete this tour we're on our way there next all right final place oh the seatbelt is a little bit tighter than the last restaurant [Music] we made it to the final restaurant this restaurant is called and it is a very popular local restaurant southern thai food it's completely on the up other side of phuket town from the other two restaurants that we ate at today and it's on the back side of one of the main hills of phuket so it's kind of a quieter area a very green area and the restaurant is just surrounded by green surrounded by bamboo surrounded by lush trees and this is gonna be my first time to eat here i'm very excited this place looks really good and a lot of friends have recommended it to me okay guys section is very cool all completely open air and then just surrounded by plants potted plants greenery i like the butte tablecloth going on section but we just made our order food next meal should be here soon and even though we've already had two full southern thai meals today i'm just as excited for this one just feeling a little sleepier and a little heavier than the last two meals nice oh and ying also ordered a kaijo an omelette and with that i think that completes our order all the dishes that we got this is a spectacular meal you can just see the it's just like overdose loaded with flavor authentic southern thai food oh man we got one two three four five six dishes so all together today that's we ordered uh seven then eight then six that's 21 total thai dishes southern thai dishes oh plus the bonus omelet okay first dish is gum and we you can also get it with uh shrimp paste but i got it with curry paste so pet it's called you cannot have a southern thai food food tour without stink beans and it also happens to be one of my favorite ingredients in the world and this looks incredible too meaty shrimp stink beans some basil in there it's aromatic you can see the chili's blooming look at that curry paste look at those steam beans look at the meatiness of that shrimp okay i will grab a little bit of this the thickness of that shrimp oh wow all right first bite at nam yay [Music] [Applause] that is insane flavor the chili the mix the curry paste the freshness of the stink beans the coolness of the basil and the meaty like muscular texture of that shrimp oh well that is flavor overdose oh i love it that is superbly done oh man the pepper in there is awesome too and i love how this is not too oily oh that's extraordinary crazy delicious okay next this dish is called muhong which is a very phuket dish of braised pork in a pepper soy sauce mixture and this is a dish very famous it's known from phuket um i think that's pork belly oh it's just fall apart tender too you could just kind of shred it [Music] that's just comfort food a hint of a sweetness salty from soy sauce you taste a hint of a little bit of a black pepper taste and just rich and thick from that pork fat that melted pork fat that melted pork belly i think that's white turmeric okay let's try the next dish oh man but just after tasting that first curry the pot pet oh man food here is sensational next dish is called genkua and genghua is a type of southern thai curry um and this is with again the split gill mushrooms with coconut milk this looks awesome too just look at the richness of that coconut milk and the [Applause] [Music] mushrooms yeah oh that is a real deal that is amazing flavor the meatiness of those mushrooms that texture and that curry sauce is so good it's so rich so thick buttery from coconut milk coconut cream a little bit of basil in there and you taste just the chilies the curry paste in there is so aromatic [Music] okay next up by liangpad kai which is stir-fried melinda leaves with eggs this is one of the classic southern thai vegetable dishes i can already tell this is exactly the way i like it dry fried so it's not saucy but all that sauce all that flavor is just coated onto the smoky leaves [Music] oh yeah here's the flavor is in the melinda leaves that have a nutty flavor to them and a perfect not a sliminess not like spinach but a very firm kind of crispness to them a little bit they're just very firm leaves yeah that's just really good really simple [Applause] all right and then the next dish is todd which are sand fish fried sand fish and usually you can just pick these up and eat them like french fries the whole thing head bones and all right [Music] they're just great and i think it would be even better dipped inside some of the curry sauces like scoop on some of the genghua that one is simple too but really good it goes together with a full meal and everything oh no we haven't tried the cooking yet okay this is quakling which is a dry curry and i love the color of this you can just see the the redness coming from the chili paste uh there's chili's in here there's peppercorns you can see the the finely sliced kaffir lime leaf also in there providing an amazing citrusy fragrance this looks fire [Music] oh wow yes that is as flavorful as it looks just pungent curry paste the flavor of dried chilies the kaffir lime leaf the green pepper in there it's salty it's and what i like about it i ordered chicken oftentimes it's with pork it's not oily at all it's just dry curry paste just putting every morsel of minced chicken and then every now and then you bite into a green peppercorn which just erupts which is just a burst of pepper freshness [Music] that is superb sensational okay and then moving over to the kaijeo the [Music] omelette [Music] [Music] that that quickly food here is outstanding the curry paste that they use the the amount of chilies the balance of flavor nothing is overly sweet like at some restaurants it's just powered by the curry pastes and the herbs the chilies oh man this is my kind of a meal this is some crazy good food this might be the best my new favorite restaurant in phuket [Music] these shrimp are huge too look at the size of these shrimp [Music] and this quickling is just banging with flavor wow [Music] that pepper that dried chili that [Music] lemongrass [Music] and step outside after that meal it's starting to rain now but wow that was an unbelievably tasty meal my kind of food powerful flavor balance of spices spicy fresh ingredients you could taste the love the passion the freshness the vibrancy the pungency of every single dish spot-on amazing restaurant loved it i think this this restaurant might be my new favorite restaurant in phuket must eat when you are here i know i can guarantee you every time i come back to phuket i will be eating here for sure without a doubt it will be the first russian i come to but again all three restaurants we went to today were superb uh some of the best southern thai food in phuket very local restaurants offering a unique variety and diversity of different dishes to try uh and so all together today 21 different dishes that was an awesome food day and so i'll have all the oh man it's starting to really rain i'm getting wet okay i better finish this video really fast but i'll have all the information in the description box below everything uh everything all the restaurants that we ate at uh so go check out the information in the description box below and hope you have an amazing time eating delicious food when you come to phuket and definitely try out these three restaurants thanks again for watching remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published okay i'm getting wet see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,285,835
Rating: 4.8925791 out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, Mark Wiens, spicy food, Phuket, Phuket food, Phuket food guide, best restaurants in Phuket, southern Thai food, food of Southern Thailand, Southern Thailand, food blog, food vlog, best food Phuket, best local food Phuket, street food Phuket, restaurants Phuket, Thai curry
Id: fzdTGM7p4Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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