How To Eat LOTUS STEMS (Water Lily)! Harvesting + Thai Plant Based Food! | Phatthalung, Thailand

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in the southern thailand province of patalong we are right next to lake songkai it's known for its wetlands we're staying at a homestay and uncle is gonna make us some plant-based dishes from uh some of the local vegetables if you look around it's this entire area is just filled with lotus and also water mimosa so we're gonna harvest some lotus stems and some water mimosa and then we're gonna go back to the house and uncle he's gonna cook us a couple of hopefully very spicy local patalong dishes from the local ingredients that we gather right here and great to have a lot of shade because it is really sunny but right now we're just going to stay within the canal area this wetlands area but we are very close to lake songkla and also to italian which is the bigger lake uh that feeds this entire wetlands area now we're starting to see lots of pakkasha inside it's called which in english is water mimosa and i love the texture of the vegetable it just kind of grows in the within the water we just went down a little side canal just into the vegetation this is the pakistan right here hey come on [Music] oh it has a little bit of a green taste to it yeah i mean it's fresh that was that's from this bush we're going to a place where he said we can harvest we can pick some of the the lotus stems he said some of the lotus that we're passing right now have white flowers but we want the red flowers or the pink flowers right you're gonna eat the ones with the pink flowers so we're on our way a little ways further this is such a cool boat right though that is just a sea of water mimosa all edible hello and you peel off that skin and you can eat it raw you can eat it cooked um oh it's kind of salty too a little bit salty a little bit sweet really juicy and so crisp and you can just we're just driving past in the boat and just plucking them but we got a few uh now we're heading back and on the way we're also going to get the water mimosa okay because often times if you get it at the market in bangkok they have this kind of like almost like foam natural foam on the stems you can see the older ones uh and you have to peel that off before you eat it but you can see that in the water but we're just getting the really young stems put it inside thank you micah whoa you got a lot man boat foraging so much a sea of edible out there oh [Music] okay we got it as fresh as possible tie it in kind of a knot like this lastly before we we get to shore he's harvesting some of the the lotus leaves for our plates they make perfect plates natural plates eco plates to eat out of [Music] [Music] it has this kind of like skin around it that you you take off and you only eat that soft juicy interior [Music] um he only stir-fried it for about 20 seconds 30 seconds uh so that it remains crisp really crisp and juicy [Applause] uh me [Music] foreign foreign so another dish that he's making to eat with everything is called uh that is an amazing recipe that's gonna be delicious full of turmeric [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] yeah that one's for you micah oh and on top of that what a cool setting this is the whole kitchen and family dining area and this is like a little window look out to the field to the tree look at this and that's the top of the house yeah this is uh oh hi okay let's eat also what he said is that the the lotus leaf also provides a fragrance that's why you want to wrap the hot rice in it and then wrap it up ah yes oh it smells so good i love the amount of turmeric and a little packet the amount of turmeric and the amount of pepper that he added in there okay i'm gonna take some of the lotus onto my rice there the water mimosa has an amazing fragrance to it put that onto my plate as well okay now we're ready to eat uncle said we can eat with our fingers the traditional traditional style which i'm always i'm always happy to eat with my fingers the garlic in there and the the black pepper um and this is something that you could and he add a little bit of soy sauce as well to that rice as he fried it this is something you could definitely just make at home uh just for an extra twist to your rice for a powerful i mean turmeric is a superfood some of the lotus in this bite and you can see that lotus stem just how fluffy how airy it is you can almost use it as a straw because there's little holes all the way through it um i love the lotus just the texture of it is what makes it look it's so soft and fluffy and crisp at the same time and then so light and the way he fried it his tip is to really um just barely cook it so that it remains crisp so that it doesn't get soggy so it doesn't get too soft or slimy but just a really fast cooked stir fry okay next up for the water mimosa again which we harvested and again his just like laid back cooking style toss in the whole pieces kind of mix it around that crispness is what i love it's so fresh and again the garlic pepper combination yeah you can hear the rooster we're like in the field we're eating lunch in the field there's roosters all over and that combination is delicious too that rice was like the surprise i didn't know he was gonna make that until we came back but yeah the delicious vegetables so local so fresh such unique vegetables too uh it's not big on chili he didn't use any chili [Music] but it is big on pepper spices [Music] wow [Music] that's like a full handful of pepper and garlic there must be like 20 20 peppercorns in this bite spicy from pepperoni oh i love pepperoni [Music] i cannot emphasize enough that there's nothing better than being able to harvest your own food before you eat it that's just it gives more meaning more value and just local freshness that's just what stands out and two unique vegetables plus the turmeric the bonus turmeric fried rice that uncle just came up with such a jolly character thank you very much to lungs uncle sanan and i'll have the information in the description box and i want to say big thank you for watching this video and please remember to subscribe i'm going to be publishing more videos especially focusing on unique fruits and vegetables food that's good for you and food that's big on spice thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 246,429
Rating: 4.9130173 out of 5
Keywords: lotus stems, water lily stems, water lily, Mark Wiens, Thai food, Thai vegan food, vegan Thai food, vegetarian Thai food, plant based Thai food, plant based, plant based food, plant based food videos, vegan food videos, Thailand, vegan Thailand, vegetarian Thailand, Phatthalung, พัทลุง, water mimosa
Id: 1qNdJUX7150
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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