11 Must Have Unraid Plugins

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welcome back today we're going to cover my top 11 system utilities for unraid let's jump into it all right number 11 it's called folder view let's install it and I'll show you what it does to get started click on apps in the search box type in folder View and click install when it's done installing click done and then jump over to your Docker tab down at the bottom you'll now see that there's a new item here called add folder click on add folder for name I'm going to put in media Automation and for the icon you can select your own or you can or you can jump over on GitHub and use one of Hernando's animated unraid icons and I'll leave a link in the description below and that's what I'm going to choose over at hernandos GitHub page you'll see a list of all the icons if you scroll down a little bit you can see what they look like there's a blue collection a gray collection an orange collection yellow collection and a pale collection if you scroll down further you can get an idea of what the animation looks like so go ahead and look through the list here find a color that looks good for you I'm going to choose your orange collection so scroll back to the top find your collection in the list in this case orange collection so if you click on the orange collection the first option there there it'll show you all the icons what they look like and their names to make it easier to pick out the perfect icon for you since I'm doing one called media automation I'm going to choose the backup icon once you've got your icon picked out go and go back find it in the list and then click on it yep that'll do for me once you're happy with it right click on the icon and choose copy image address go back to your Docker and then for Icon paste it in the field and then for me I like to have vertical separator bars between the different Dockers so I'm going to go ahead and turn on preview vertical bars and for preview context I just turn that on to advanc scroll all the way down and then select the containers you would like inside of that folder since this is called Med Med automation I'm going to put sonar in there radar and overseer hit submit and there you go you've got one folder set up let's go ahead and create another one add folder name I'm going to call this media server and for the icon let's go back here orange collection and let's see what looks good for us this icon over here with the musical looks good for me it's called orange multimedia so go back to Orange collection find Orange multimedia there it is right click on it copy image address back to our unraid paste it in the icon field turn on the preview vertical bars Advanced and for that I am going to select Plex and submit and we'll create another one for let's go with our Deluge I'm going to call this one torrent the icon we'll go back to the collection and I believe there's one called torrent in here open that up copy image address back to the server paste it in the icon field preview vertical bars advance submit and now I'm just going to make a generic folder for these two now let's go back and see how you can add an additional one into it so I'm going to add the prowler one into the torrent group so if you click on the torrent name scroll to the bottom you just select which one you want and click the toggle switch hit submit and it shows up got one left here I'm just going to throw this under media server for now but you can set up whatever groups you would like and now you can see that your Docker dashboard is much cleaner give you a quick little rundown on how these work so you can click on the icon itself then you can start stop pause all the normal features but that actually does that for all the containers within that folder if you click on the drop- down arrow next to it it'll expand it and then you can select each individual container and do what you would like with it or on the icons listed within the folder you can control the containers just like you would normally you can click on the icon get a list of options the little planet icon down here if you click that it opens the web UI directly the three little Dash lines the hamburger menu if you click on that it brings up the logs and the little terminal symbol between the two will bring up the terminal for that Docker container and all the way to the right you'll find auto start there you can turn on the auto start for all the containers within the folder under version it'll tell you if it's up toate or if there's an update needed you'll notice here under media server it says apply update you can either click on that or you can expand it and see which one needs to be updated you can also tell that by the color of the name blue means it's up to date the orange e color here indicates that there's an update click on apply update it'll update that container so with folder view you pretty much go from this to this much cleaner all right moving on to number 10 parity check tuning go to apps and search for parity check tuning click install and done all right from there if you go to settings then under user preferences you go to scheduler and what the par check tuning does it adds a list of options inside of there you scroll down to that section it gives you a lot more options so you can tune your parody check to a better way that suits your needs the main reason I use it is to control hard drive temperatures parity check takes a long time to run and the drives can get hot so I turn on the pause and resume array operations if disc overheats and then below there you can set the pause and resume options and how many degrees below the warning disc temperature the default is 3 and8 which works fine for me so I'm going to leave that alone one of the things that turns on by default is the use increments for scheduled parity checks and what that's going to do it's going to break up the parity check because if you have a 20 terab hard drive it's going to take a long time for that parody check to run so you can split it up over multiple days I'm not worried about that so I just turned that option off but if you want that enabled you go down below the increment frequency you can have daily weekly on a custom schedule that you'd like when you're done with your selections scroll down and hit apply and you're all set there under number nine which is user scripts in a previous video we' set that up but if you haven't click on apps and then type in user scripts find it in the list and then click install once it's installed if you go under settings you'll find it down at the bottom this allows you to wrate custom scripts to control more fine details of the server I use it pretty much for doing scheduled backups all right number eight is called dis location go back to apps search for dis location there's the normal version and the Developer Edition I stick with the normal one just because the Developer Edition is under beta if you click install it's fairly quick so when it's done click done now you'll find it's under settings and then dislocation at the bottom to get the most out of this you got to set up the tray allocation what I use this for is to keep track of which Drive is which inside of my server in case you have a failure or some other issue with a drive and you need to know exactly which one it is it's nice to have the setup ahead of time so it's easy to find it go over to configuration scroll to the bottom first thing we have to do is set up the disk tray layout so click the plus here it lets you set up a visual representation of what your drives look like inside of your server under set grid size you can set the columns and the rows I have three columns and two rows in m so I'll set those and click save now if you're using like a desktop workstation type of machine and you only have one column four drives let's say you'd set up like that if you have more than one collection of drives in your server you can just click plus and add another one next to it I have one Cash Drive in my machine so I'm going to set a single one for that so it's one column one row and since I know this is my Cash Drive I'm going to call that cash and the other one I'm going to name data name this one cachee and save now under tray allocations you can select which desk is in which group you can match it up to the way it's laid out in your system so this bottom option here this bottom Drive is my cash drive so that's going to be under the cache group and that'll be dis one now click save if you have a true server and the drives have indicator lights in the front of them you can click on the locate icon and that drive light will start flashing so you know exactly which one is in the system if not I would take a screenshot of this shut the server off pull out the drives look at the device model and the serial number take a note of which Drive is in which location so that when you turn it back on you can fill out this information accordingly this one I know is my data drive it is Drive number six this is these are all data drives here this one is number one this one is number two number three this one is number Yep this one's number four and this one is number five for me once you have your selection done hit save now when you look at tray allocations it has all the drives in the order that you selected them for your system and by default the heat map is shown which gives you a visual indication of the status of each Drive the legend for that is up above it's kind of a sickly yellow color here that indicates that there all these drives are operating normally under system you can do a force scan to scan the smart attributes for each drive under configuration you can change the heat map to dis type and they'll just show the different colors according to what type of drive it is in this case red is parody Drive data drives are the orange color the unassigned discs are blue and then the Cash Drive is the yellow color personally I like the heat map so I'll turn that back on so you can see how this is Handy if you have a failing drive you can just go under settings and then under dis location click try allocations and you can see exactly which drive that is if you have an issue you can just open your server so you'll know exactly which drive to go to all right under number seven app data cleanup go to app search for app data select app data cleanup and then click install there's a warning here saying that if you clean up the wrong one to delete something that's in use it's going to cause problems on your system which which is to be understood so click okay in the warning once it's installed click done to use it click on settings and at the very bottom you'll find clean up app data once again you have the warning the way this works is if you've had Docker containers that have gotten uninstalled and there's left over data in your app data folder this will show all of that information in there it's an easy way to clean it out so you'll find the items listed here you select the ones that you do not want put a check mark in them and you hit delete selected but before you hit that make sure that you're actually deleting ones that you know are ones that you don't want on your system anymore it's just an easy way to clean up your app data folder number six is unassigned devices which under apps type in unassigned devices click install and done if you go under settings then unassigned devices here are some different configuration options for it I don't bother with any of this here my main use for it is if you go on the main tab you'll find a new category called unassigned devices here if you have a dis that's not assigned to your array it'll show up down here and you can click the mount option to read from it if you're doing a backup to an external hard drive like a USB drive this is a good place to assign that drive number five is Dynamics system temps to install that click on apps and search for system temp there it is Click install click okay and done now if you go to settings scroll down look for system temp there's no driver setup for it yet so let's click detect to detect the proper driver once it's found it click save down below the sensors the processor temperature you can choose whichever core you'd like to monitor I'm going to do core zero on the second processor since it is the hottest one and then the mainboard temperature is the same thing drop down and this motherboard does not have a sensor for that so it's not really going to do me any good and then under array fan speed you can select which fan to monitor mine does not have reporting for that either so I'll just leave that on none click apply now down on the very bottom you'll see a temperature listed down here it's just a handy quick little way to see what your system system temperatures are running at on to number four is dynamic system stats go back to apps and search for system stats click install and done now if you go over to settings at the very bottom you'll see stats settings there you can tell it where you want the stats menu to be placed by default it's in the header menu and if you look at the top up here you'll see it's listed up there now you can select what the opening page is along with several other settings I don't really change anything so I'm just going to hit done to view your stats go up to the top menu and click on stats the first option it shows you is the disk stats which is shows you the amount of data used on each drive under system stats it gives you the processor load the memory storage and the network load gives you a nice place just to check in the system stats real quick all right under number three it's called unbalanced you go to apps and search for unbalanced click install and done to access it you go to settings at the bottom again you'll find unbalanced this is something you typically leave off cuz what it's going to allow you to do is move data from one drive to another to basically unbalance your drives so to utilize it you enable the unbalance server hit apply in the top right you'll find open web UI you click on that and it gives you a web interface so you can move the data around so if you like to move the information from dis one to disk 2 you click on the disk you'd like to move select the folders you'd like to transfer and then you select the dis you'd like to transfer to then you'd click next and it'll start moving the files I have no reason to run this right now but if you're going to replace a drive it's nice to get all the data off at first so you can come in here move all the data from whatever dis it is to a drive that has space available so that you'll be able to pull that one out and not worry about losing any data I'm going to close that page now and turn this off it's not something I use a lot but when I need it it's really nice to have it all right under number two it's called fix common problems so we'll go to the App Store again we apps type in fix common problems install and done once again to access that you go under settings to the bottom and you'll find fixed common problems it's going to go through and scan your system to look for any problems and then I'll give you suggestions on how to resolve those problems adjust the settings here then you would apply it the default settings are usually fine for me you can force or rescan you can select to exclude certain options I don't worry about any of that the real information is down below if you scroll down a little bit you'll see all the errors that it's found for your system like there's warning here it's saying the plug-in Dynamics un raid. plugin is not up to date you can either choose to ignore that or you can jump over to plugin so you can update it right now I'm not going to worry about that so we're going to move on to number one my number one system app that I use for unraid is called auto update applications to get that you click on apps type in Auto maybe Auto update application select that and then click install and done and to get to the configuration side of that go to settings and then at the very bottom again you'll have auto update applications click on to that and the first section up here is purely for the plugins the other section next to it is for Dockers so on the plug-in auto update settings I like to have it notify me when something's been updated so I'm going to turn that notification to on and then it's by default a 3-day delay after a new plugin comes out which is typically a good thing in case there is an issue with it it gives the developer time to fix it before you apply a bad update to your system so 3 days is typically good for me and auto update all plugins I'm going to go with yes if you want to leave that on no down below you'll find each individual plugin and you can manually select which ones you'd want Auto updated but I'd rather have all of them updated so I'll turn that to yes then the update check frequency I like to have it check daily which you can do weekly monthly or custom schedule if you were on weekly you could select a certain day or month you can find two in those settings on the right under daily I'm going to select 2 a.m. that looks good to me I will hit apply then under Docker auto update settings is the same type of information yes I want it to tell me when it's updated something I want to update all Dockers frequency I want it to be daily and I will set that that for 3:00 a.m. and then apply now your system will update all by itself without any interaction from you it's a really nice feature that's why it's my number one pick there you go that's my top 11 picks for system utilities within unraid if you found this video helpful go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe while you're down there I'll leave a link in the description for our Facebook group so come on and join us if you want to hang out with some like-minded individuals it's a good place for the community to get together and answer each other's questions thanks for joining me today and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AlienTech42
Views: 13,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraid, plugins, unraid plugins, unraid setup, must have plugins
Id: MXav06SrH88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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