UNRAID Vs TRUENAS: Which Home Server NAS Is Best?

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are you team red with unraid or team blue with true Nas we're going to be evaluating both of these storage-based operating systems on the following criteria we're going to be doing this in real time as I install setup configure test and deploy and I think this is a great way for you to learn about each one of these and whether you're a noob or a seasoned hand get some additional insight into both of them and we're going to be doing it on some high capacity drives you can also find these at shop.digitalspaceport.com we're going to be using the r520 this platform has a tremendous amount of ram in it and while not one of the newest platforms I am vehemently opposed to creating E-Waste if you have functional machinery and for the purposes of a Nas this r520 will do and we've got 192 gigabytes of RAM in it we've got a 10 gigabit Nic and we've got some pretty decent processors as well we've got a GPU in it so that we would be able to do some of the things that you might be interested in doing in a home lab setup and especially if you've got true Nas or unraid some of the popular Docker items are going to need some pretty decent cash so we've got an Intel optane in there also for our testing we're going to be using an r520 and this I just had laying around you could use whatever basically this is a dual CPU system and it supports 12 dimms for really good storage density important for things like true Nats and if we look at these sticks they're 16 gigabyte each and that gives us a total of 192 gigabytes in this system that again provides really good cache performance in true Nas which uses ZFS and this Ram acts as a right buffer we also have dual E5 2470 V2 CPUs in here we've got our pcie risers here one of these is a full 16x and that supports a GPU and you can see there's an 8-pin power for GPU power right here that you can use for your GPU and r730 would have much better CPUs so I would recommend that over something like an r520 at this point so this pcie Riser here is a full 16x width so you can fit a full pcie E3 16 wide card in here like something like a Tesla a P4 like we've got here for doing really good desktop virtualization and getting some acceleration on that we also have this other Riser over here now this one supports three they are mechanically 16x but they are actually only 8X as far as their capability set so you would want to put things like nvme or SAS controllers or possibly even some high performance storage like we're going to be doing this is our h710 mini mono it's been flashed to it mode you can follow the guides on this channel that I've done in the past and that'll get you up and running quick that attaches to the SAS backplane you do want it mode flashed hbas we've got our 10 gigabit Nick that we're going to be using for demonstrating why you want high performance networking we also have our Tesla P4 which is a great little card for doing pass-through virtualization check the store if you've got a hot Tesla P4 because I had a bunch of these 3D printed sleeves so you can add some active cooling to your P4 in a Dell 12th generation server you will not be able to boot from nvme so we're going to actually be using a USB SSD and that'll be our boot drive that we install to and then we can access our nvmes from inside there and use those for things like high performance caching and I do love my Intel 900p this is a 480 gigabyte model really awesome in true Nas now for the drives we're going to be using their 22 terabyte exos x22 Seagate SATA discs you can find these on shop.digital spaceport.com as well as other high density disks and for eight disks that's going to provide us with some insanely good capacity and as you follow along with this video you're going to see some really cool write speeds when we're checking out the network share performance with this 10 gigabit Nic so we are set up to answer the question unraid or true Nas and there are reasons to use one over the other and a lot of it differs by your use case and so we're going to look at a couple of those use cases I also would be remiss not to say that you would also have a great time with a system like this this is an AMD epic 7302 on an h12 ssli and the main reason why is look at all of those pcie lanes and that is a lot of pcie lanes that are in one of these systems they all run at a full speed because the Epic lineup has 128 pcie 4 connectivity in the roam chipset also you've got so much storage configuration capacity we'll look at the prices because the price for this and the price for this are significantly not as different as you might expect all right let's get this put together and then we are going to have ourselves some software fun and I want to toss a big shout out to the channel members you guys make all of this fun that I'm doing here possible thanks for everything and the r520 is a nice platform also for another reason it has the Dual psus that provide redundancy in case one of them were to blow out you won't actually suffer data loss as well if you are doing something with storage configuration for True Nas or unraid and you value the data you're storing be sure to only use ECC memory and whatever your setup is I know there's a lot of other people out there that are Tech tubers that are talking about setups that do not utilize that but this could lead to catastrophic data loss I've actually had it happen to me and it was a result of using a system that did not have ECC RAM and a bad Ram chipset actually caused a lot of photos to get corrupted all right let's get this last drive in and then we're going to get started I'm using a burn DVD of true Nas scale to install it it's very easy to do if you look at just setting the external USB drive which I'm using here that's really all you have to do and having a CD DVD drive built into the r520 while a legacy type of setup is something that makes this actually pretty easy to do you can burn the iso directly to a disk in your Windows manager if you've got an external USB drive also or you could go the route of setting up a USB thumb drive do remember on these Dell 12th generation specifically machines you will not be able to install directly to nvme so you do need to have some sort of an external USB something there is the SD cards and the inside but those are maybe not the best of ideas all right let's uh go ahead grab one of these IP addresses and that'll allow us to log in here and make sure that your time your system time is set appropriately and make sure you're also in the right appropriate time zone whenever you get a chance and this is going to need a little bit of an update here so I'm going to go ahead run this update I will say this about true Nas scale it does a wonderful job of automatically updating itself going through that process on multiple different trunes instances that I administer I've got to say it is seamless I've yet to have any sort of a problem and as a matter of fact that's one of the stronger points about true navs is stability does not seem lacking to me in certain functions anything core storage related I have yet to run into a problem or unexpected Behavior everything does seem to perform as expected and that is something that I really think is to be desired especially when you have files that you really need to have access to and you really need to have security and integrity around the other thing is it will just automatically pick back up here as soon as it's done with its reboot process so it is a server it is a little bit slower keep that in mind if you're going with any server platform especially a 12th generation Dell your reboot times are probably going to be about a minute to possibly two minutes on most of those and I do like the update process with trunes it'll bring everything back up as soon as it's finished with the updates and as you can see we've got our 188 gigabytes of space here this is great because VFS will use essentially half of this for caching rights and that can dramatically speed up your access to your files that you're putting on your system and we're going to see that in effect here now if we look here we can see that we've got ethernet 1 and ethernet 2. however we don't have our 10 gigabit Nic connected yet so we're going to take a look at that and see what's going on there whether we can find that out is a good question let's see if we've got some settings okay so it does look like it is detecting the card but I need to check the cable that it's using to connect right now it looks like got our eight drives shown here and we'll call this storage change that to a raid Z2 which is a very good availability rate or a raid Z would be fine as well you can see the difference in what the space capacity would be 140 TB bytes or 120 TB bytes based upon how many disks you wanted to allocate to having redundancy on your security with the Z2 level that would be two discs with a raid Z that would be one disc for all intents and purposes I think that it's fairly safe to go with raid Z in many instances however these are very large capacity drives so a raid Z2 probably is a little bit better of an idea here especially if you really care about the data and what are you doing if you don't care about your data and the next thing that we're going to do is add our nvme here also and we're going to add this as a cache and this will give us some great capabilities as far as the performance that we should see out of this system let's go ahead and click create okay and next we're going to go ahead in our data sets and we're going to create a data set here before we do that we're going to click on edit data set details and you can leave all of these settings as they are I think that'll be a pretty common configuration for most of the people here however there's one thing that I am going to point out that I changed and that is the record size since I'll only be storing very large files over here one Mega is fine however if you are storing smart plot a lot of files that are smaller in size than that you could lose a considerable amount of space by setting this however this does give incredibly nice write performance let's click on Save there really quick and now let's go ahead and add our data set so our data set we can give it a name here and we're going to call it windshare and if we keep going down here we can go to our other options and our share type we can go to SMB and advanced options we can come down and go to ACL type of SMB and sf4 and we'll click on Save and the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to our credentials and create a local user that is not one of these users we do have a media user here and we could utilize that for this purpose but I'm going to go ahead and add a new user with my name and password that looks good click on Save now we're going to go back to our shares and we're going to create a share for this inside the windows SMB by clicking on ADD we'll scroll on down here to windshare and we're just going to leave this as the default share parameters click on Save and we're going to restart these services that it asked us to and we need to change our netbios name to Nas two and I forgot to do that because we have two true Nas servers so the other one is the first one and they both uh have the same netbios name and that should have restarted the service so we should see it there it is Nas two popping up right there and the first time that you log in it's going to ask you for those credentials that you created so I'm gonna go ahead and enter those in here and now we've got our wind chair so one of the things that I'm going to do really quick is grab some of the files off of my other true Nas instance and I'm going to go ahead and grab the I actually do keep a freakish amount of isos in my isos folder let's sort those by size and we'll create an ISO folder here and we'll take some of the largest ones that I've got here and make a copy of those and as you can see we've got our 10 gigabit Ethernet connection running over here so this will give us really good write speed and as you can see I've got pretty decent read speed considering this is coming off of platters directly and is definitely not in the cache the isos probably have been sitting there a while and been moved out of any of the caching systems that trunas has built in and the larger caching that you have in your tunaz instance the more speed you'll get so if you have a ton of things that are Super Fresh that you're putting in and accessing over and over again that will be a really great experience especially over 10 gigabit however if things get moved to the platter array then things will slow down and this is why you should always keep a bunch of Linux isos handy so that you can move things around and test really easily so I'm going to go ahead and now copy these from this directory and we're going to put them into the nas 2 directory I'm going to go ahead and create a new folder here and call this isos and now we're going to go ahead and paste that in and as you can see we are hitting one to 1.05 gigabytes per second and that is great and we are getting that kind of a performance because of the beauty of true Nas and trunas does allow you to really max out especially whenever you look at the caching services that are built in here you can kind of see that cash growing in real time this is why it's great if you have a Nas to have a tremendous amount of free memory inside it so that you can maintain these amazing write speeds because we are writing to the array of disks after we hit the memory essentially and that is really cool because we can spool off the memory super quick so we're actually going to do this again usually this is going to max out around 50 percent of the total available memory is what you can utilize and we're going to actually create 10 extras uh so we can max out this cache here really efficiently so you can see what the performance looks like once we're outside of the cache here but definitely when we're looking at high performance disk throughput seeing us able to max out our 10 gigabit adapter here does have me feeling like we may see an early indication of what could be the winner in the true Nas versus unraid high performance network storage and again high performance being in this instance moving incredibly large files and we should be past the cash here so we have exhausted the 50 of cash that is accessible for this and you see that we are still hitting this amazing speed so let's do it one more time here and we should still be able to hit this amazing speed so we're going to transfer some of the first isos back off of this and we're going to see what kind of speed we can hit I'm not really sure what we're going to see but I'm excited to see whether or not it's going to be the full gigabyte per second and so this one here should be the first one that came in so we're going to go ahead copy this and bring it back over to our other network location here uh and we're just going to go ahead and replace the destination file and you can see we are sailing along here this is a pretty decent nvme that I've got in here operating as my desktop drive so I believe we are picking out that also most likely and that is a Samsung 980 Pro one terabyte so it does look like that was able to still come off of incredibly fast uh storage over there so if we are looking for a really good high performance storage system this is really going to be one of the best ones out there as well you have the amazing ability inside here to do things like scrubbing managing your disks as well you can see the health and status of your array really quickly which is great because this is a operating system a storage based operating system geared towards having amazing capabilities for storage specifically and if we look at our storage pool for apps we're going to go ahead and choose storage here for that and we'll take a quick browse through the available applications and so when you look at the available applications that come by default you can see that there is a pretty good array of them some of the biggest ones that you would want are certainly going to be represented here you've got your next Cloud you've got MB sync thing Plex collabora photo prism grafana really cool stuff but it does actually not have a ton built in immediately so for most of that you're going to need to add in additional repositories so you can manage that catalog and add a new catalog and for example true charts is a very popular one just click on this and click copy and then we can toss this in over here and we'll call this uh parts and we can see the updating process happening here for the charts catalog and once you've got your new catalog read in here you can see that there are quite a few extra applications that are included here so this does definitely give you a much wider breadth that you wouldn't have if you were just sticking with the official all right so let's go ahead and take a look at one more function that we might have here and that is virtualization now if you have not enabled the CPU support for virtualization then you do need to do that I actually don't have it turned on yet but I'm going to go do that and then we'll be right back and see what the virtualization support looks like here we're going to go over here to our virtual machine for virtualizations and add a virtual machine ubu 23. and we're going to just allow these configuration options to stay the same we're going to select Legacy BIOS there though in case we run into any issues a little bit easier for me to troubleshoot click next on that and we're going to set this to 16 instead of maybe bytes we're going to set that to give me bytes you can leave the custom selection item there and then just set kwamu64 very good option to be honest with you and next Achi is fine for that and we will create a location in Nick share here we're going to make that 20 Gibby bytes click on next and the adapter type we're going to set that to vert IO and the Nick that it's going to attach to will be the 10 gigabit Nick that we've got here and we'll go ahead and click on next and we're going to pass through the GPU the Tesla P4 here to get a good desktop experience here and we'll click save and this will launch and provision our VM now if we toggle this switch here we can get this started up and so what we're seeing here is not untypical for my typical experience actually with setting up a VM inside true Nas I always use proxmox and I usually use something like ZFS or true Nas as the storage backend because the storage backend is robust the performance is exceptionally good however the virtual machine performance like what is happening right here right now couldn't even tell you there likely won't be a log file generated if I was able to get this to gracefully shut down but this is going to rate really low especially when we compare it to unraid here all right so we've wrapped up our true Nas uh demonstration now let's get that USB with the latest unraid tossed into the machine it will be a ZFS to ZFS comparison so let's go ahead and install unraid you're gonna need to get yourself a USB preferably 2.0 at least 16 gigabyte I'm going to be using a 32 gigabyte uh USB stick here go ahead and download for your operating system once that's downloaded go ahead and double click on the installation this will create the USB for you so you're going to be able to select from the stable branch which is the one we're going to be using and 6.12.1 is what we're going to be using here as well I like to give my servers food names so we're going to call this guac you could allow DHCP and it will automatically assign an IP address to your machine however I'm going to go ahead and choose static that way I can specify what IP address I want if you know you have an IP address in specific you could specify that here we're just going to put 100 here and I know my Gateway and my DNS server both live on my pfSense box and those are both at one so I'm going to specify those like this and if we go down here we're going to select the appropriate USB device that we have and then click Right image erase and write and everything on it will be destroyed but after this process is done all you literally have to do is go put this USB into the machine and then make sure that you hit your boot menu so that you can set the boot device to be the USB inside your bios or configuration when you're starting up your machine we're going to take this plug it in and get started so when you log into your unrage you'll have a dashboard view that you can get a quick overview of what's going on you can see your disks the health status of them once you start populating them the utilization level your CPU load your RAM and your network interface you can also see a bit of information about the shares that you have and how many people are on them at that point in time if you go to main here this is where we're going to do the vast majority of our configuration but the one thing that you want to configure first before you do that is your settings and you want to go to your settings and select what type of disk setting you want whether you want to go with the long time standard that they've used of xfs for the default system or whether you want to live on the edge and try out the new ZFS we're going to be living on the edge a little bit and trying out the new ZFS here so we'll go ahead and click apply here and we're going to go back to our main and now we're going to go ahead and select well let's get our disks in here and this should be pretty interesting I haven't done any testing so far around the Opera and what that looks like for setting up a unraid ZFS array so this is brand new to me pretty exciting to be honest with you and so if you note here we've got one two three four five six in this section here that is not the parity section so if you're looking at how many disks you have it does give you the option for dual parity I'm just going to go ahead and leave it like it was before that means I need to actually select that there's nine slots available and populate that last Drive in there also we're going to go ahead and add a pool device here so we'll click on that and we're gonna just let it be the name cache add that and then for the device we're going to select our Intel nvme all right so this is pretty much as close as we can get in a head-to-head comparison lineup of the two operating systems again using ZFS here on unrate and you're going to go ahead and initialize these by clicking the yes box and then clicking format down here and this will start your operation so that everything can be formatted and accessed and you can see here it's going through the formatting steps already it's going to give you automatic and notifications that'll kind of pop up here as they're underway and in just a little bit hopefully we'll see this is finished this is the same amount of space unrayed displays in terabytes versus Tibi bytes in true Nas and there we go we have 153 terabytes again this is not hippie bytes terabytes of space allocated here now a nun rate it's very easy to create shares and in general it's a very easy user interface for somebody to get used to so we're going to go ahead and create a share name and we'll call this just uh unraid and by selecting cash as your primary storage location and then as the array for your secondary storage location you can buffer your rights into the cache and then have them hit the array that's a pretty easy thing to do and then you can actually set a mover action that will be completed automatically at specific intervals to move from the cache to the array which could also be reversed from the array to the cache but for our use case cash to array does indeed meet the needs that we're after here so we'll click apply on this really quick and if you wanted to enable NSF and SMB on this it literally can be done right here so we're going to click yes on this and the share name will be called unraid we're going to have it set to public and uh that should be it very very quick to do click on apply and now when we come to our browser over here we should see guac which is the name of the server and it's going to ask us for our name and inside here we'll have our folder we can create our new folder and we're going to call this isos again and we're going to do the same write that we did before and we're going to write our isos over there to unrayed so we'll copy these and put them into our ISO share over here and on raid and you can see that we do have a difference in ripe ormonds here so we are looking at somewhere around 410 going down a little bit maybe going up a little bit but not as fast as what we were seeing with a true Nas again like I mentioned this is still very fast four gigabits per second you can actually change this uh over here to display Network traffic like that and it'll give you a little bit of a graph which is kind of nice so you can see that there is definitely a performance difference between the two and this is I need to look up a little bit more but I don't think that it's doing the same Ram allocation for ZFS like we would expect because if I'm looking over here right now now seeing that ZFS is taking 50 of the ram so that would be actually what I would expect but by default does not look like it's doing that a good deal of difference from what we were seeing as far as the rights that we were getting in true Nas which again like I mentioned there's trade-offs between these two and you're starting to see what some of them are can you tune this to where your ZFS tunables will utilize 50 I don't know I haven't taken a chance to configure and look around and see if it's something that is schedulable or something that can be set here I'm gonna guess that there probably is something uh somewhere to be able to set that so let's go ahead next and look at what makes unraid in my opinion just dynamite and that is the amazing store that they've got this is really really a wonderful well thought out store and it has almost everything if you search you can find a lot of different Flex types here and you can find your Plex paths your Plex I mean there are a ton of flexes if you're more into jelly then you can find your jelly fin here as well tons of different Jolly fan options and this is awesome as well they also have the ability for you to look at different uh like drivers so if you had like a coral and you wanted to use that for doing uh frigate or something like that you can do that if you had some odd antennas and you wanted to do dbb you could do that this is very very cool the amount of different things that they have in here and also the categorization that has gone into it it does actually set these two apart quite a bit if you look at home automation you can see that you've got definitely a ton of different home automation options here and so you can see how much difference there is and it really does make getting everything up and running quite quick in a system where you can actually install and run something like Debbie and Bullseye super fast so we're just going to go ahead and apply this really quick here give it our root password and it can install with a complete desktop that's handy there's even things like Mac in a box from the awesome YouTuber space invader one if you haven't taken a chance to check him out I really suggest you strongly do he's got amazing content that is hyper focused on unraid and it is Stellar so this is just the coolness of honorade is it a little bit of money yeah is it very user friendly it is incredibly user friendly so let me ask you in the comments again below team red unraid or team blue truenads and there you go you have a full operating system in your browser super cool go ahead and paste in our ISO file over here or Ubuntu desktop BM that we're going to create and next we're going to come to the VMS tab if you don't see the VMS tab check your settings and your VM manager and make sure that this is set to yes so in here click on ADD VM we're going to select Ubuntu for the little icon there we're gonna have host pass through as the type we're going to do 8192 for the RAM and we are going to go down here to the image and this is the Ubuntu 222.10 desktop AMD image that we've got here as you're scrolling down further you can create a shared path here which will allow you to access input information inside of and outside of this VM instance very easily you also have a multitude of different graphics cards options so we can choose the Tesla P4 for enabling us to have accelerator performance but you might not have that so we'll just select virtual here for that so that everybody can see something that they'll be able to get as far as the rest of this you can leave it as is if you wanted to pass through directly any USB devices that were plugged in you'd be able to select that here all right let's click on create of this size did not create the size so we're going to do a 20g for the disk size and there you go you have your virtual machine ready to be installed which is great and there you have it a really quick way to get up and running on Virtual machines so let's jump into the conclusions the final part of this video and I'm going to give you my takeaways on the differences and the strengths and the use cases that each one of these storage based operating systems can provide somebody specifically for home labs so let's get into the comparison of what I think are the strong points the weak points and also some of the hardware differences that you might be looking at so in this true Nas versus unraid Head to Head let's take a chance here and go Point by point on each one of the items that we evaluated take a chance really quick before we get started and send off below if you're already on one of these or if you're on something else let's hear what that is in the comments below alright so installation ease was the first topic that we were looking at unraid certainly has true Nas beat however this comes with some caveats USB devices are not necessarily the most reliable devices in the world so you can run into issues unraid actually has come a long way in allowing the reissuance of a new key for somebody in case you have a corrupted USB so that's good however the actual setup just being able to download the installer Creator and being able to create your USB is dead simple and that makes unraid the winner in this category next up let's take a look at the array setup and which one of these is easier to set up for somebody who's a noob well this one's a little bit more complicated both of them come with numerous strong points and actually some of them come with additional complexities as a result of that you have a lot of options for different device types that you can attach to your ZFS and that will give you varying types of performance things like cash things like slog these are interesting and they also expand the capability set of your storage configuration and can provide really wonderful additional performance especially focusing on the storage access speed that you might be after however at the same time true Nas does have a lot of ZFS background they have a lot of ZFS history and this is indeed their 4A so I have a great feeling and a great confidence whenever I put information store critical information on my true Nas instance that there's not going to be issues with it unread has a variety of different file systems that they support with ZFS being the most recent we did some tests we did some comparisons we're going to get to that in the performance but I think that you would see that there could be differences even between the file systems that you're using and selecting as far as their performance on something like unraid however unrades creation process is very easy it does give you the capability of having two parity drives which gives a good safety level for most people that have up to 24 discs in an array so I am going to actually go ahead and award this one to unraid but it's really closer than that it's a toss-up and that is just because it is very easy to set up in unraid a very quick array you do have the capability sets with pools that are coming along very nicely and unraid and I see that as being one of the differentiators between these two systems that is being closed rapidly is the ability to augment your file system performance of your platters with high performance in vme based devices so just barely point unraid next we're going to talk about setting up and configuring shares this one is actually one of the topics that I get asked about quite a bit after producing a few videos on true Nas and it is complicated on true Nas is it more secure on trunes absolutely it is is it a better setup that's hard to say because most people are going to try to misconfigure things given that these are very likely internal systems to your house only which is the only way that I recommend somebody who's not a professional deploy these I think that there's a strong case to be made that unray does have a easier shared deployment as you saw the underrated share was able to be deployed in just a few seconds there's not verbose permissioning surrounding it like there is in true Nas so you do have security concerns if you have people that may have access to it so that is a different set than what most home lab users would be after gonna give this one to unraid next we're going to look at Windows performance for accessing a file share the same is actually going to apply whether you were looking at an NFS share or if you're looking at something like a Samba share you're going to get substantially better performance on true Nas this is held true for me through quite a bit of testing and I am very impressed at the speeds that I'm able to hit on trunes which are what I expect to hit essentially maxing out the capability of the hardware when you're looking at unraid I've had a very hard time being able to sustain that kind of level of performance especially if you're doing tons of writing and you might possibly be pushing your cash on your pool outside of its range limits you're definitely going to run into issues huge point and true NASA's favor for this one their Network share performance is Top Notch indeed this is an Enterprise class system and most of the things that I'm saying could be weaknesses if you are an Enterprise user or if you are a power user on true Nas side actually start to become benefits instead of negatives however if you are a new person to using home lab if you are setting up your first then unraid may actually be the pathway to go but there are compromises one of those compromises with unraid is going to be the performance that you're going to see when accessing and writing large amounts of files over your file system Network share point true Nas if you're a home user and you're in this for something that is just really cool a lot of people are then definitely when you look at unraid their app store for Docker is by far superior to the experience you get intrunas the categorization the ability to quickly get what you're after and the huge spans of its Library makes unraid in this instance a clear-cut winner however you can expand the capability set of Docker if you are running true Nas fairly easily and you can get most of what you're after you just probably need to know a little bit what you're looking for when you go in again more power user friendly less Noob friendly point unraid however for Simplicity on this one and finally let's talk about virtualization one of my biggest gripes about true navs for a long time is that their virtualization setup is a little bit convoluted and not user friendly I think that there could be better tool tips or just a better workflow in general for setting up VMS inside true Nas it's not very Noob friendly at all and also if there is an issue it just sits there and Spins usually which is very confusing because you don't know what to do and you might be risking doing something stupid like resetting your device and that could be a problem for somebody I don't like the lack of clear-cut there's a problem let's abort this operation let's get the log file and submit it there's certain things that could definitely be improved in true Nas never been a fan of that setup for them however at the same time I've got to admit when it comes to either of these I am not using this technology on either of them I use proxbox for all my virtualization needs I think it is the best leader in the pack however it's not part of this evaluation and so when it comes to it if we look at the actual virtualization capabilities that you have I think unraid as we saw is definitely a winner in this capability set it's just very very simple they have so many apps also built in and plugins built in to assist you if you are passing through devices it really does make a very cohesive ecosystem and a very friendly interface for setting up virtual machines so once again point unraid and so what is my final Takeaway on this if you are a power user you're very likely to tend towards true Nas trunas is an excellent storage based operating system they have a lot of capabilities and their performance is absolutely exemplary if you are interested in the Integrity of your actual data then this is something you definitely need to consider if you are interested in the performance of accessing that data and using that data this is something that you need to consider if you are interested in something free true Nas scale is free and this is definitely something you should consider if you look at unraid on raid comes at different tier levels and that's based upon how many attached hard drives you would have so the cost can go up quite a bit with unraid and I can say this from experience you cannot attach super mini petabytes to an unread array without running into some fairly serious problems around the 300 disk Mark so if you do have large storage that you're connecting and configuring then you would probably want to be looking more at trunas for this or possibly just bare metal I think that it's hard to say as far as valuation that one has better value than the other they're both technically intended for slightly different audiences is my take on it you do see unraid trying to close a lot of the Gap and I think that's what the ZFS editions are actually aiming towards this is interesting to me because I don't see trunas as actually trying to close the gap on unraid I see them working towards scaling out more Enterprise feature sets I think that's a smart move will unraid be able to catch up to trunes let me know in the comments below what you think now let's take a little bit of a journey down the cost comparison between the system that we are using and something a little bit more modern that would give you a much different user experience and as I mentioned early on in the video I was going to talk about the difference in price between an AMD epic quite modern build versus something that's more like a 12th generation or 13th generation Dell server build and so just to give you an idea really quick of how good the storage layout can look inside a defined meshify XL you can fit a lot of drives inside here as well and on the other side of that you have tons of capacity for really cool nvme tons of awesome stuff check out the video on the Epic home lab server I think this has the potential to be a killer deal for people looking to build a all-in-one one and done Mega server and we'll definitely be having more content around this but the ability to go from 16 all the way up to 64 in this chip is just amazing AMD ROM chips are actually coming down in price also so there's a lot of trends that are just pretty optimistic but let's take a look I put together a sheet like I mentioned talking about the difference in price between these so let's take a look at what we've got for the price difference we have 909 in price difference between a r 730 XD and this was the only single one that I could find uh those you probably need to do to do a little bit of hunting on and so I was able to find one pretty decent deal on an r730 XD here they only had one listed but this is the nice 3.5 inch format it does come with 128 gigabytes of RAM the 2620 v4s are decent but you but you could easily cost efficiently upgrade those to whatever you wanted and it does come with dual 1100 watt power supplies I think that's very nice if you're looking at the caddies those you can find I found the cheapest price it looks like about 695 or something like that on eBay right now and so a total of 12 of those because that platform will hold 12 is about 83.40 and then an extra 128 gigabytes of RAM to which is about 124 or something like that it was the cheapest price I could find on eBay right now brings you to the 256 gigabytes of RAM that we have featured here on this AMD epic build and so that is just such a killer package and certainly if you look at the chip the 7302 and the h12 ssli that is a ton of pcie4 connectivity that you get on one of these I have a thousand watt power supply but I will be upgrading that because I actually run a ton of gpus inside it if you were doing that you would definitely want to have a larger power supply but if you have just a you know maybe two graphics cards in there uh that are high power graphics cards at that then you could probably get by on a thousand just fine and the defined fractional meshify XL2 is a killer killer platform to build a home lab in and the aim the Arctic cooling uh dual Tower CPU Cooler for the sp3 platform is significantly by a long shot the cheapest the h12 ssli motherboard also is cool because it gives you a ton of connectivity here you've got six SATA ports here you've got two SATA and these are actually SATA Dom compatible with 8-pin power so you can actually plug in a little Saturday Dom to boot off of which are really cool I've got one of those little devices that I'm using in one of mine as well you have two m.2 in vme slots or the slim slim slot here as well so you have a ton of storage capacity built just right into this motherboard now that's not to say that you don't have a ton of storage capacity built into an r730 XD these are great little systems and you do want to make sure that you try to get one that has the back plane this one I can't tell you whether it does have that backplane or not so you would be able to slide in and have two ssds in the back also it's a killer little function of these now I think this is just a good compelling kind of argument for the price difference of a thousand dollars is not insignificant but can you get a 64 core 128 thread in the AMD epic yes you can and the prices on those chips has been coming down recently can you get a 64 core 128 thread in the r730 XD the E5 V4 lineup is just not going to get you there's not enough cores in any of those chips to ever get you to that spot so the ability to upgrade will be capped on that system and both of them are in my opinion great options because they support like I've mentioned before ECC DDR Ram so after this video are you team unraid or are you team true Nas let me know in the comments below
Channel: Digital Spaceport
Views: 81,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: network attached storage, nas, unraid, truenas, home server, home datacenter, homelab, storage array, hard drives, hdds, unraid vs truenas, truenas vs unraid, truenas scale, truenas scale setup, unraid setup, noob nas, nas setup - network storage, nas setup guide, unraid setup guide, unraid setup guide 2023, truenas setup guide, truenas setup guide 2023, home nas, nas network performance, unraid 10Gb, truenas 10gb, diy nas, truenas core, diy nas case, server vs desktop
Id: z4CkJbUlkVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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