Simple Cloudflare Tunnel Setup on Unraid for Beginners!

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[Music] hi there guys so I thought I'd make a very quick video here to show you how to be able to connect to a service running on your server through a domain name without using a reverse proxy this can be especially useful for you guys who can't run a reverse proxy on your network maybe you're using starlink you got carrier grade now so you can't actually port forward or maybe your ISP just sucks and doesn't let you have incoming traffic on Port 443 whatever the reason whether it's that or you just don't want open ports on your firewall a cloud flare tunnel is a really good alternative I decided to release this video now a day or two before my image video just so all of you guys out there can definitely be able to reverse proxy image and host your own Google photos alternative okay so what do we need well obviously a domain name we're going to have to pay for that but other than that there's no additional cost at all I'm going to use god daddy here at the top of the list to buy a domain name they're fairly cheap and probably as good as any other now I'll skip the payment bit here but basically it costs me £12 a year so after we bought our domain we're going to want to link it to a cloud flare account and to do that we're going to need to change the DNS we're going to want Cloud flare to manage all of our DNS so in a moment when we know what we're going to have to change the name service to point to cloudflare so if you don't have a cloudflare account already obviously you're going to need to sign up for one so let's go to Cloud flare now and we'll see how to do that if you've already got an account just put your username and password in if not click on sign up pop your email address in here and make a good password as well and after of course click on sign up so once we've signed up we can click on to add site then we need to pop in our domain name for me it's my domain UK and doing this we'll add the domain to our Cloud flare account now here where we choose a plan we don't need anything special the free version will do everything we need it to so just select that and continue so what cloud flare is doing now is it scanning the domain name over at my registar at GoDaddy copying all the DNS that's there and then cloning it so when we point the actual name servers to Cloud flare the DNS will match what it used to be now this isn't really that important for me because I've just bought a new domain but if it already had a website or email with it it would be very important that the DNS is cloned so the transfer of name service is seamless and everything continues to run okay then so Cloud Flair grabbed the DNS so we can click on to continue now here Cloud Flair shows us the name servers that we need to copy across and give to our registar so I'm going to click here to copy the first one now I'm going to go back to GoDaddy Click Change name servers and I'm going to click use my own pop the first one in then go back over to Cloud flare to grab the second name server and paste that one in as well then we just need to save the changes name server changes can take up to 24 hours but normally I find they only take 5 or 10 minutes anyway with that done we need to go back to Cloud flare so now here on cloud flare we can just scroll down a little bit and click on continue and now you just wait for your domain to become active once it is you're going to see it here okay so the domain's now active now before we do anything we're going to have to set up some billing for our Cloud flare account before we can use what's called zero trust now although we're setting up billing it doesn't actually cost anything but there just needs to be some payment method in place so just click onto billing here and add some sort of the payment method now once you've done that we can go across here to zero trust then we click on networks here tunnels and here we can click add tunnel so we're going to use the cloud fled tunnel here which by default is selected so I'm going to click on to next so I'm going to give it a name I'm just going to call it unraid after naming it click save tunnel and now here we can see choose your environment now I'm going to click on Docker here and what I'm looking for is actually the token at the end here so I'm going to copy the whole thing by clicking here now I'm going to go to my un raid server I'm going to go to apps and here I'm going to type Cloud flare and what we're looking for here is this container the unraid cloud flar tunnel so just click on to install now there's only one thing we need to add here and that's the cloud flare token so I'm going to paste that whole line in that I copied earlier I'm going to go across here and I'm going to delete the actual Docker run command and everything to the left of where you see the token so I'm going to delete all of that so my token starts with e so I'm deleting the space in between token and the e as well so I'm just going to delete that so there's my cloud flare tunnel token I can click on apply that's going to pull down the container and run it so now I'm going to go back to the docker tab here and we can see the container running here now it's a good idea to make it auto start and for this video here I'm going to make the cloud flare tunnel connect here to my image server so what I need to know basically is the address that this connects on so for me that's 10102020 and P 8080 so I'm going to copy that now if you got a container that's that's got multiple ports and you're not sure which Port it is or just open the web UI and you'll see it up here as part of the URL okay so let's go back to Cloud flare and we can now see that it says the tunnels connected so now we can click on next and it's asking for our subdomain here so I'm going to put pick I think and then we need to choose the domain so just click on the drop- down box here and choose your domain now if you got multiple domains they'd all be listed here if you've only got one well of course there's only going to be one right so service type I'm going to choose HTTP and I'm going to paste now the URL into here so basically all the information for the routing is done in the cloud flare web so it's super easy so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to click on Save tunnel and we can see the tunnel name un raid it's created it's healthy it's been up for 3 minutes so now if I click onto the tunnel name we can see see some info about it here so let's open a new tab pop the domain name into the browser and we can see we're straight into image now if you notice at the top here it basically says the connections not secure now that's because I didn't type https and then colon SL SL and the name of my domain had I done that then the padlock would be here now it would be nice if we could have it always forc through https and yep we can do that go back to the cloud flare tunnel page so now we want to go back to the main page away from zero trust click onto our domain name now we want to go on to ssltls here and then here I'm going to go to Edge certificates then we just need to scroll down here and we need to check this here always use https now with that done if I open up a new tab and again I type px. myyy domain. UK it's directed through through to be https okay so one more thing I want to show you now the cloud flare tunnel is running here but on my other server here I've got a nexcloud container running and you can see this is on a different IP Now nexcloud by default if we have a look at the configuration here it actually connects by https so when that's the case with a cloud flare tunnel we need to do something slightly different so I'm going to grab the IP address again from here the IP address with the port number on I'm going to go back to Cloud flare back to zero trust back to networks and tunnels and I'm going to add another route to this tunnel because you can have multiple things with one tunnel so again I'm going to click on public host name I'm going to add a public host name and here I'm just going to put nextcloud choose my domain now this time it's https and I'm going to paste in the URL and port number now this is important I need to click click here onto additional settings and I'm going to go on to TLS this time and I'm going to enable here the no TLS verify so I'm going to click that on and I'm going to save the host name and so now if I go to my domain then we can see we're straight through to my next Cloud through the cloud flare tunnel okay so that's how to set up and run a cloud flare tunnel a great alternative to a reverse proxy anyway guys keep an eye out in the next day or two for my image videos image being a great self-hosted Google photos alternative so why not set that up and Link it all through this Cloud flare tunnel well I just like to thank everyone for watching this video but I want to give a really huge thanks to all of my patrons and supporters out there thank you so much guys for all of your support without you guys I really wouldn't be able to make these videos anyway guys it's getting late here and it's time for me to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day I hope it's good and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 36,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h5fAcE70xbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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