Unraid Drive Replacement and Upgrade | Easy Steps for Seamless Transition

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hey guys Jeff here just wanted to jump in real quick and let you know that you need to save this video or favored it bookmark it do something you may not need this video right now but at some point you will and you'll wish you had bookmarked it or saved it so do yourself a favor and go do that right now all right back to the video did your un raid server just lose a drive or did you notice that you have one that's starting to fail maybe you're running low on drive space are you wondering how to resolve this on unraid stick around to find out in today's video I show you how to replace a fail or failing Drive in your unraid server and as a bonus I'll show you how to add another drive to your array swap out a cach drive and swap out a parody Drive welcome back to the channel where I share tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your media let's get started I notic the other day that I have a failing Drive in my server so the first thing I need to do is find out which drive that is to do that I'm going to go over to the unraid dashboard and look at the array and you'll see that I've got two listed here that have Smart errors if I click on dis 5 and then under identification I'm going to copy the information listed there then I'm going to jump over to attributes then the errors will be highlighted here number five and number 187 so number five is the relocated sector count which is a preil state and then unreported uncorrect that's once again not a good sign so I'm going to definitely be replacing this drive and if you look at item 9 power on hours all the way over to the right it'll show you how long this drive has actually been up and running for me this one's been on for 6 years 1 month 6 days and 22 2 hours I looked up this drive earlier in my records and I've had the drive for about 10 years so it's definitely lived its life let's jump over to the identity tab here you can find the make and model of the drive and the serial number which is what we're interested in that information I had you copy earlier which I'll just throw up here if you look at this the first part here is the actual model number and then the last bit is the serial number if you watched my video on the 11 mus have plugins for unraid in there I installed dislocation plugin if you haven't seen that video I'll leave a link below if you have that installed then you can go to tools and then dis location and on the devices tab here it shows you the physical layout of the drives in your server on the front of my server I've got 12 drives and in the rear I've got two more so that drive that we copied earlier I'm going to just paste that in the address bar just so I can have a quick visual glance at it and if you recall a few moments ago the drive that's failing is dis 5 so we can just look down through the list of diss here and find disk 5 there it is so for me dis 5 is in this physical slot on my server but just to verify that we have the right Drive let's look at the drive model so if we compare this last part here to what we have up there that is identical now let's look at the actual serial number and those two are definitely a match so that is definitely the drive that's failing if you don't have the dis location plugin installed then you'll have to physically shut down your server and pull one disc at a time until you find the one that matches the drive information that we had found earlier the make and the mod model so while you're doing that if you're finding this video helpful let me know by liking it now I'm going to start up the unbalanced plugin so I can move the data off that drive to do that it's going to be under settings and then very last one is unbalanced and then here it says enable unbalanced server is currently set to no I'm going to turn that to yes and then hit apply that will actually start up the plugin now you'll see the green open web UI here clicking on that will open it up if you're not familiar with the unbalanced plugin let me explain a little bit of it for you the unbalanced plugin will will move data from one drive or multiple drives to another drive or to multiple drives since I'm looking to move data off from this drive I'm going to choose the scatter option and then step one we want to choose the drive that we want the data to come from which for me is disk 5 so we will click ENT that the center section here shows you all of the files and folders that are on that drive all the data so I'm just going to select all of those then on the right under Target disc this is where you want the data to go so next to each disc it'll show you the size of that disc and it's a little dark but it's says 4 terabytes here to the right of that it shows how much is free so I've got 800 gigs free out of the 4 terabytes I don't really want to move the data there that one's about half full that one is half full that one's a little less than half full half full that one's got space on it but if we look down here on dis n it's a 2 terab drive with pretty much two terabytes free so I'm going to select that one to move the data to then I'm going to click next I'm gonna go back real quick and just tell you one more thing if you wanted to move the data to different diss more than just one then you just select which ones you want it to go to but I only need the one so I'm just going to move it to dis n going back to next now on balance we'll go through and analyze the folder structure and see how much data is actually there usually only takes a second or two so once that's done hit next now in balanced we show you what it's planning on doing it's telling you that it's going to take the source dis of dis 5 and move the data to dis n top portion here shows you the current status of the drive on dis 5 it's showing it's got about 2.6 terby free and on disk N9 it's got 1.97 terab free and then below under planned it shows you what it's going to look like when it's done it's going to have 99% free and it's going to be 2.9 terabyt of free space and on dis n under planned it shows it's going to be 53% free and 1.05 terabyt of space available up in the top right under dry run you want to make sure that is not selected if that's selected it's just going to go through and mimic what it's going to do but not actually do anything so I want that to be unselected and then I'm going to click move now in Balance we'll start going through and moving the data so just below here it shows you some information the percent completed the speed of the transfer how much data has been transferred the total to be transferred the elapse time and the remaining time this whole process with unbalanced isn't 100% necessary I just like to run it because it moves the data off the drive that way the parody Drive doesn't have to rebuild everything this is going to be a while so I'm going to put this on hold for a moment and I'll be right back all right the transfer is done when the data transfer is done the history tab is displayed here it shows you the history of the operations that you've done before in this case the top one is the newest one and it's moved 914 GB now I need to go back to the server and actually replace the drive I'm not done with unbalance so I'm going to turn it off I'm going to go back to the server go back to the settings and then unbalanced and I'm going to disable that set it to no hit apply and done all right go back to the main page and now on dis 5 if you look at the total size that's used it's a lot smaller than what it was so rebuilding the drive at this point will be a lot faster at this point I'm ready to swap out the drive so I'm going to go to the main tab scroll down stop the array then I'm going to scroll all the way to the bottom and shut off the server now I'm going to physically go to the server and swap out that drive all right I'm back replace the drive and turn the server back on you notice here it says dis 5 is missing so we're going to need to assign the new disc to it we'll click in the field and then it'll select the drive that i' would like which in this case is this Toshiba 4 terabyte the drive that you're replacing has to be of the same size or larger than the drive that was in there it was a 3 tab so now I'm going with a 4 terabyte so it is totally fine over on the right it's going to give you warning saying that all data on this device will be overwritten when the array is started I'm aware of that I already know there's nothing on the drive so I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to hit start all right the array is started so I'll scroll back up and now you see dis 5 is listed here as a 4 TB drive and it's in the process of being rebuilt in the bottom left of the screen it'll show you that the array is started and the data rebuild process it's currently at 0.1% you know for disc this size it's going to take several hours in the bottom left it says array is started and the data rebuild is at 2% rebuilding all the data that's on this drive is going to take a while so I'm just going to pause here and come back in a moment 10 and 1 half hours later the drive is fully rebuilt now if we go over to the dashboard dis 5 has been fully replaced and it is now healthy dis Gate's got an error too so let's check that out looks like this one has some reallocation sector counts so I'm going to be replacing this drive too not get that one done off screen though so that's how you go about replacing a failed or failing drive all right here we are over on the demo server I'm going to show you how to add a drive to the array it's pretty simple process the first step is to shut down the server unless your server has hot swappable drives mine does so I'm not going to shut it down but I'll show you how to do it you go to dashboard and you hit the shut down power icon then once it's off you open it up grab your new Drive install it in the system and then start it back up and once it's started you go back to the main Tab and you scroll down and under array operation you'll press stop and then proceed once it's stopped you'll find the next available slot for me that's going to be dis 3 you'll select the drop down find the drive that you want to add in this case for me it is this one tab here I I select that then on the right it's going to give you a warning saying all existing data on the device will be overwritten when the array is started that's fine with me cuz I know there's nothing on that drive once you've got the drive selected scroll down and Press Start once the array has started back up you'll notice that there's a little blue icon for it now tells you it's a new device if you look at the bottom it's going to show you the array started and it's doing a disc clear and it's at a half of a percent scrolling down a little further it'll show you more on the current operation that's going on it shows you the date and time at which it was started the size of it the elapse time the current position the estimated speed and the estimated finish time so to add this 1 terab drive it's going to be about an hour and 16 minutes so I'll let this finish up and it'll be back in a moment all right welcome back that operation is finished up took an hour and 38 minutes for you couple seconds I'm going scroll back to the top and you'll now notice that the disc is listed here but it says unmountable needs to be formatted first so to do that go ahead and refresh the page and scroll back down now now you'll see the format option down here put a check mark in where it says yes I want to do this it's going to give you a warning hit okay and then click format then it'll Refresh on its own and now you'll see that dis 3 says it's formatting well now it's done that was quick now you'll also notice that the size of the array has increased from 2 terabytes now it's three that's how you add a drive to the array it's a pretty easy process now I'm going to show you how to replace the cach drive first thing we need to do there is go into our settings tab go to docker and then disable Docker and hit apply once that's done press done now we need to go to the VM manager and disable that as well it's already disabled on my system but if it's not on yours you would just select no and then hit apply wait for it to finish and then hit done now we need to go over to the shares tab we'll need to note the storage settings for each share under storage it'll show you the current setup that you have so take a moment and jot all that down but for me I'm just going to take a quick photo of it so I have handy reference once you have all that documented what we need to do is go into each one that has something on the cache so the app data folder here has some storage on the cache we'll go into that we want to change the primary storage to be cache secondary storage is the array and then the Mover action we want to move from Cache to the array then we'll hit apply and then done we'll find the next one down here domains we'll change that one now go into there primary storage is cache secondary storage is array move action is from array to C cash we want that to be cach to array apply and done downloads should already be set up that way but let's check cach array cash to array that is good that one should be all set for isos but let's check anyhow cash array cash and array yep done those are just the array and then the system folder down here is the last one we want to go to the cache secondary storage is array and we want to go from Cache to array then we'll head apply and done now that those are all set we need to go over to the main tab scroll all the way down find the move option down here and that'll Force everything that's on the cache to move to the array press move scrolling back down you can see the status of the move action and it says it's currently running so we just have to set and wait for it to finish there we go the move is done the move button is now available again now let's go verify that the Cash Drive is indeed empty all right scroll back up find the cach drive look over to the right and it shows that there's some used space on the drive so probably not completely empty to be sure all the way on the left click on the little box with an arrow in it you see the app data folder here we go into that oh yes there's still data on there we'll go back let's run the M again well first let's check the shares that's under the app data that's going from the cach to the array cach to array sending it to the array make sure that it is turned off under Docker and it is so let's run the Mover again that one's done still shows there's some used space so let's go back in there again app data cubit curent config and it shows one file with no btes so it's just an empty file all right I'll click done so now we need to go down and stop the array and if you have a hot swappable drive at this point you could just pull the drive out and put in the new one if you don't have a hot swappable drives then you'll need to actually shut the machine down and replace the drive I'm going to do that on this one so scroll to the bottom and hit shut down and then proceed once your server shut down open it up pull the drive out and replace it with a larger cach drive so I'm I'm going to go do that and I'll be right back all right the drive's been replaced Once you turn the server back on and log back in you will arrive back at the main page here but it looks a little different we need to set up the cach drive and turn it back on we scroll down to the cache section the pool devices it says no device and that the old drive is missing scroll down to the bottom here and the normal start button is great out to the right of that you'll see starting will remove the missing cache disc so I'm going to go ahead and hit yes I want to do this and then start then once it's started scroll back down stop the array again once it stopped scroll back down and under the cache section we're going to reassign that dis we're going to go to the 250 gig this time it's selected there we're going to scroll back down and hit start all right the array is back up the Cash Drive has been assigned and it says it is unmountable so we need to scroll back down the drive needs to be formatted so we will select yes I want to format it hit okay and then hit format and now it should be part of the system there it is it is attached it's formatting and everything is good all right it is finished formatting now let's go back to our shares and we'll need to set our shares back to how they were before so for app data it was on cache and array but it was going from the array to the cache so we'll head apply on that and done and the other one was domains we'll swap that back to what it was before apply done and system was the last one just going to verify my photo to make sure I'm correct and that's what I had before so I'm good all right once you've got all your storage settings set back to the way they were we need to go run the Mover again so we'll go down to main scroll down and click move now we'll just wait for the Mover to finish and once that's done we just have a couple things to change and then we'll be all done all right now that the Mover is done we can go turn the Dockers and the VMS back on so we'll go to settings and then Docker enable Docker change that to yes hit apply and then done now I'll go over to the VM manager and enable vmss and then hit apply and done and there you go cash drive has been upgraded go back to my dockor tab make sure everything is still working there and everything looks good they're all started up the ones that I want started so that's how you upgrade a cash drive next we're going to go over the process to replace a parody drive and unraid to do that on the main tab scroll to the bottom and press stop to stop the array press proceed once it's stopped we need to find the parody drive that we'd like to replace in this case I have one so it's going to be the top one going to drop down and select no device scroll to the bottom again going to select maintenance mode and then yes I want to do this and then press Start once the array is started we want to scroll back to the bottom and stop the array proceed and now you see that there is no Drive listed for parody if your drives are hot swappable then you can just pull the drive at this point and change it out if it is not then make sure to shut down the machine before you change out the drive mine is hot swappable but I'm going to shut it down anyhow scroll to the bottom and press shutdown and then proceed now at this point you can just go change out the drive and then turn the server back on all right I physically swap the drive and turns the server back on now in unr's main page under parody we want to drop down and select the larger Drive in my case it is this 2 TB drive and then scroll down and start the array once the array has been started you'll notice here that it says parody sync in progress the total size of that drive will be displayed here 2 tbytes the elapse time has been less than a minute it's at 4% done and it's going to take about 3 hours to finish up scrolling back to the top you'll see the Drive listed here and once the parody syn is fully done then your system will be protected again the parody drive replacement has finished its processing and is ready to go scrolling back to the top you'll see it's listed everything's green heading to the dashboard it's all active and it's all healthy and there you have it some General Drive maintenance for your unraid server we've covered replacing a failed or failing Drive adding a drive to your array replacing a Cash Drive and replacing a parody drive if you'd like to learn more about unbalanced or the drive location plug-in check out this video next but before you go if you found this video helpful make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of my future videos and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AlienTech42
Views: 990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraid, unraid setup, unraid tutorial, unraid guide, docker, container, guide, tutorial, maintenance, drive, drive failure, unraid drive setup, unraid drive replacement, unraid cache drive replacement, unraid parity swap, unraid parity drive upgrade, unraid parity drive, unraid upgrade drive, unraid change drive
Id: 1orfWpekkqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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