Breaking: Unraid's Top 10 Latest Updates and Licensing Changes

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Hi guys and welcome back to another IbraCorp  video. Thanks for coming back and checking out   the channel, it's a pleasure to have  you here. Today we're dissecting the   latest updates from Unraid And unveiling the  new licensing model that's stirring up the   community. Whether you're a seasoned  Unraid user, or new to the platform,   or you're thinking about checking it out,  then you'll want to stick around for this. Without further ado, let's dive in. So guys, I've reviewed the patch notes for  this latest update, 6. 12. 8, and I'll put   the link down in the description for you to  follow through if you want to have a read.   But today's video is going to help you digest  some of that information, and hopefully you   find it helpful. So here's the top 10 starting  with number one, Docker Security Enhancements. Kicking things off with security, Unraid has  patched Docker to safeguard against the latest   vulnerabilities. This move underscores Unraid's  commitment to protecting data and ensuring our   containers run smoothly without compromising  security. That's a really important update   guys if you are running Docker containers  or you even have Docker running at all. It's really important that you are  patching this as soon as possible.   There are two massive vulnerabilities  that get patched with this update,   so definitely important to make sure that you  do that as soon as reasonably practicable. A   critical fix in this update also addresses  an issue with array drives, showing as   unformatted after a reboot, particularly for  drives with non standard partition layouts. So this update is a relief for users who have  faced data loss scares, reinforcing the stability   of our storage setup. That was an annoying  bug, so if you had something coming up in,   uh, unformatted, unassigned devices, this  should help with that issue. Number three,   with networking and VM enhancements. On  the networking front, Unraid has stepped   up its game with improvements to VM  management and network performance. Something that we've had various  reports from the community about,   especially when it comes to Realtek drivers and  the like. It also includes enhanced support for   macOS Time Machine over SMB, ensuring our  backups are seamless and reliable. So again,   a big upgrade there with enhanced  support for Mac OS time machine. That's pretty big, especially for those using Macs  in their environment. It should really help the   process and ensure stability between your network  and those virtual machines. But number four on the   list, it's improved smart monitoring. So for those  keeping a close eye on their SSDs and NVMe drives. Unraid's enhanced smart monitoring tools now  provide better self tests and endurance tracking.   This proactive approach to drive health can help  prevent data loss before it happens. So make sure   you're using those tests. We've got the ability  here to run those tests now, as you can see. Just   go to your main, pick the drive that you want  to run the smart test on, being an SSD or NVMe. We can click on that, go to self test, and then  you can run those tests here. Number five on the   list, new user interface improvements. In 6. 12.  8, Unraid introduces user interface enhancements,   making navigation smoother and more  intuitive. These improvements aim to   enhance our user experience, making  it easier to manage our system. You can see from a variety of different UI  improvements over the last few versions,   makes it so much easier to get to where  we need to go, and providing critical   information where we need it. It also helps  streamline a lot of the approach, and a lot   of the questions I get around customization can  be found under settings and display settings. If you haven't come through this area yet,   it's really important you do. You can really  customize the look and feel of your server,   just to the way you like it. Maybe you like the  way we do it, I know a few people have asked. This   is where all those settings are, and you can  even copy what we've got here if you prefer. And that should make your life a little bit  easier. Number six on the list is better plug   in and app management. With this update  managing plugins and apps becomes more   streamlined thanks to optimizations in  the web UI. This means quicker access to   updates and smoother installations keeping  our system up to date with less hassle. So you can see here our ability to update  everything at once where necessary. Since   I've just upgraded to 6. 12. 8 it's probably  a good idea we now do this. Number seven,   enhanced disk performance. Unraid  has also focused on disk performance,   implementing changes that enhance  read write speeds and reduce latency. For users with heavy storage demands, this  translates to more efficient data access and   improved overall system performance. So that's  the majority of the updates in this patch.   There's obviously more detail in the changelog,  which I'll put in the description, but one very   important recommendation I'd like to make, and  it's also made in the changelog by Spencer J. Is to make sure you've got the FixCommonProblems   plugin installed. This is a really handy  plugin and it will give you the ability   to quickly and easily identify any issues  with setup. Make sure you have that running,   give it a scan and see what it tells you about  where you can improve or make any changes. It's especially important after you make  any updates to your server because it'll   help scan across and check for any changes.  So here's one for example. Docker patch   not installed. Due to a change in docker  executable, docker run errors may result   in certain circumstances. So then they pretty  much tell us to make sure we grab docker patch 6. 12. 8 from the apps tab. Let's jump over  there and here's the patch. So please make   sure you update that. If you've moved versions  to 6. 12. 8 and using Docker. Then of course,   run through your QA process and ensure your Docker  containers are running as you expect them to. And   now to probably the most talked about part is  number 8, introduction of new license types. So big news on the licensing front, Unraid  is introducing three new license types,   Starter, Unleashed, and Lifetime. This  change aims to offer more flexibility   and options to users at various levels, from  small home setups to large scale operations.   You can see the blog post here from  LimeTech themselves on the forums,   and they've also got it on the blog post  too, as well as in the Unraid Uncast show. So number nine out of this list is grandfathering  existing licenses. Are you worried about   your current license? Fear not. Unraid is  committed to grandfathering in all basic,   plus, and pro license holders. This means  we'll continue to enjoy updates and the   flexibility to upgrade our license as before  without any impact from the new pricing model. So a big, big praise to LimeTech for making  that very clear right from the start. Those   who have supported Unraid over the years  and have already purchased their licenses.   We really don't want to have to be facing  something like a subscription model, uh,   or be moved to that model, I should say, when  we've already paid and supported the process. Number 10 to finish things off is an optional  update extension fee. So a notable change   within the new starter and unleashed licenses.  is the introduction of an optional extension fee   for software updates after the first year. This  provides users with the choice to receive updates   for an additional year, ensuring flexibility  and control over their Unraid experience. Like I said, just to be clear, for those who  are already on a Basic Plus and Pro license,   we won't be affected. This is going to be  something that they're looking at moving   forward. So just keep that in mind though,  if you haven't had the opportunity to do so,   you can. So another important and final  note is, Pro Keys will still be offered. They might change the name, as it says  here, from Pro to Lifetime. And that is   one of the minor details they're still  working on. So that means there's still   going to be a Lifetime sort of option that  you can purchase. Uh, but just keep those   changes in mind if you're looking down the  track and deciding to do something later on. And there you have it. The top updates  in Unraid 6. 12. 8 and a look at the   new licensing model set to provide  more options and flexibility for us,   the users. Whether you're optimizing your current  setup or planning your next big build, Unraid   continues to evolve to meet our needs, which is  something we really like to see in the industry. Did you find this rundown helpful? Give us a  like, subscribe for more tech insights and hit   that notification bell to stay updated. If you've  got thoughts or questions about these updates,   drop a comment below. Until next time,  we'll see you in the next IBRACORP video.
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Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, Unraid 6.12.8, Unraid update, server security, Docker security fix, Unraid licensing, Unraid Starter license, Unraid Lifetime license, Unraid Unleashed, server management, tech news, Unraid plugins, Unraid tips, Unraid community, tech tutorials, ibracorp unraid, unraid tutorial, ibracorp tutorials, unraid, best unraid plugins, ibracorp youtube, selfhosted, ibracorp 6.9.1, unraid guide, unraid docker, unraid setup, top ten, unraid 6.12.8
Id: Fu3CddloIfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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