😱 Jellyfin has Never Looked this Good !!! Jellyfin Vue 3 Minute Tutorial

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now I really enjoy using jelly Fin and I even think the web UI looks pretty good especially when you apply custom themes however this right here in my opinion looks much better it looks much more modern you can switch between uh dark and light mode for example or just follow the system theme you can switch languages you can see your running tasks for instance right now it's actually scanning through my library and you have all the other functionality that you have in jelly fin as well and even the music player looks much much cleaner in my opinion I'm just going to go ahead and play a song right here and I think this looks much much nicer than the basic web UI you have from stock Jelly Fin and the best part is you don't even have to choose you can still use both of these so if that peaked your interest stay tuned to find out how it's done now this isn't a Plugin or anything of that kind it's simply a different front end that uses your uh jellyfin server as a back end and just displays your media in a different way it's actually made by jellyfin itself the container is called jelly fin view one thing that you have to keep in mind before trying to apply this to your setup is that you have to have it running behind a reverse proxy and have https set up correctly now that's a little bit outside the scope of this video however um if you need to get this working it's fairly easy there are tons of tutorials out there on how to do this but just keep that in mind so once you're ready go ahead and open your do compos file which contains all of your services I've left this service right here in a code simp it in the description so just go ahead open the description and copy this to your dock compose added to the services section and you should be good to go if for whatever reason you want to use Docker run instead I've also left this Command right here anyways once you're done I recommend changing this port from 80 to something else such as 8645 that's the way I preconfigured it it in the code SN it um however you can change this port to anyone any port that you like I just recommend not using 80 because that Port is often times occupied and used for different services so once we're ready we're going to run Docker compose up- D and pull the image once the container is up and running you can go ahead and access a browser Tab and type in the IP address of your server followed by the port which you just configured so in my case the IP address is this IP address right here followed by a colon and then the port which you just configured so that would be 8645 now you will be greeted by uh this configuration page right here which will ask you to type in the server address since my server is publicly available I'm not going to show the exact address here but it's going to be something like HTT GPS jin. mydomain.com or something along those lines if you have SSL or rather hhps and a reverse proxy configured properly you'll be able to access it using uh whatever URL you've configured here so hopefully that works and fingers cross we'll see each other in the next step so if you did everything correctly you should be uh redirected to this login page right here where you'll type in the user name and password of your user and now you can sign in and now you'll be greeted by this interface which I showed in the introduction which I just think looks really really nice I hope that you found that helpful if you enjoyed the video and found it helpful liking subscribing commenting and sharing would be greatly appreciated any of these will help the growth of the channel thank you and until next time
Channel: Leo Lab Tech
Views: 10,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yPwSdemMYy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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