qBittorrent Safely with built-in VPN on Unraid

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hello and welcome back to the channel where I share tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your media are you looking for a torrent client for unraid do you need VPN support for your Torrance don't know where to start qbit torrent VPN has you covered why Cubit torrent VPN it has Pia VPN or private internet access VPN support built right in it's solid and reliable lightweight has plug-in support and it just works so sit back and relax and I'll show you how to set up Cubit torrent VPN on your unraid media server let's get started first thing we're going to need to do is to create a download folder if you don't already have a download share on your server let's get that set up first to do that go up to shares do add share under share name we'll name this download and under primary storage if you have a cash Drive I would select that if not just go ahead and leave it on array and if you do have a cash drive under secondary storage change that to array then under the Mover action we're going to make sure that it says cache to array when the Mover runs it'll move the contents of the cache folder into the array itself when you're done hit add share I already have one so I'm just going to go back to shares now go back into your download share and if you scroll down at the bottom we want to make sure that the export option is set to yes otherwise you're not going to be able to browse to it from Windows when that's selected hit apply and then done now in your machine open up file explorer and browse to your server for me that is backback sl10 z011 once there you should see your downloads folder if you haven't set this up before go ahead and open that up and then you want to create some sub folders in there I've created completed incomplete and unzipped once those have been created you can close that window next let's get it installed to do that let's click over on apps and in the search box we're going to type Tye in Cubit torrent VPN and press enter I'm a fan of the bhex containers and that's what I've been using for everything else so I'm going to stick with that so go ahead and find the benex Cubit torrent VPN and click install and the first thing we need to check here is to make sure that the ports are available scroll all the way to the bottom open up the show Docker allocations option go back up and do contr f for a search and then type in the port number you're looking for in this case for host port number one is 6881 and it shows that four have been found if we scroll all the way down to the allocations you'll see that it's not listed there so that one is free then 8080 is the next one let's look for that and it says there's three let's look down here and those are all within this container so that one is good and then 8118 let's check that one out 8118 says there's four I bet that's in use by the bhex delus VPN let's look down here find out and I am correct so I'm going to have to change that port number if you have any conflicts in your system just go ahead and change to an Port that's available I'm going to do 8119 and just to make sure that it's not used I'm going to do another search and that is the only only one so we're good all right host path two this is going to be the location of our downloads so I will click into there and get rid of the beginning part and it's going to be back SL MNT back SL user back slash downloads click off there to minimize that and then for key1 we want that yes we want the VPN enabled all right down to key2 and key3 key2 is for your VPN user ID and key three is for your VPN password for the VPN username and password I will be entering those off screen key four this is the VPN client that you're going to be using inside there you've got Pia airvpn protonvpn or custom Pia is the default which I'm going to stick with if you're not familiar with Pia it stands for private internet access if you're not a private internet access customer go ahead and use the link in the description to get started there's an 83% discount and you get 4 months free in my opinion it's the best VPN out there I've been using it for years never had one problem with it so if you're not a customer yet go ahead and sign up it's well worth it so I'm going to be leaving that on Pia and then for key5 we've got a couple options here openvpn or wire guard I'm going to be doing wire guard key six we don't need to worry about key s we want port forwarding key8 we're going to change that to yes because we do want the privoxy and the web UI Port looks fine key1 this is going to be your Land network setting so it's going to be the first three digits of your land Network and if you look at your address for your unraid server the first three digits is going to be what you're needing so you can copy that and paste paste it down below or you can just type it in there so it's going to be in my case 10.0.0 and then it's going to end with 024 and the sl24 is a CER notation and it indicates that 255 addresses are available key2 are the name servers those are all fine we can scroll down everything else looks good so I'll hit apply all right when it's done scroll down hit done let's head over to the docker tab in there you'll now see the bhex Cubit torrent VPN container and it should be up and running first thing we're going to do here is to go over to auto start and turn that on and then if you've got Docker folder set up you'll be familiar with this layout I'm going to go ahead and add it to my folder if you haven't seen my video on my top 11 unraid system add-ons which includes this Docker folder setup I'll leave a link in the description so you can check that out next we need to stop this container so go ahead and go over to the icon for it drop down and select stop and once that stopped we need to browse to our app data folder so I'll drag mine over here to get to that you're going to go back slashback slash your server IP address and then back slash app data and press enter if you get an error that it cannot be reached then go to your share and adjust the export option let me show you how to do that real quick we go to shares app data at the bottom under export your's it probably set to know I set mine to yes hidden because it allows you to get to it but yet it's not publicly displayed then you hit apply and done all right back to our app data folder in here we want to go to the delus Cubit torrent VPN open that then we're going to go into the wire guard folder then we're going to edit the wg0 comp file I like to use notepad++ but you can use whatever text editor you'd like and there you'll find that the last line will say endpoint D nl- amsterdam. privat Network that is going to be the endpoint that the VPN connects to since I'm not remotely close to Amsterdam I'm going to change this to something a little more local so for me I'm changing it to Toronto ca- Toronto that all looks good I we'll save it and exit now let's go start our container again go back to Docker qbit VPN start all right it's started let's click back on the icon and go to web UI looks like it's not quite up yet go ahead and reload there we go all right the default username is admin default password is admin admin and if it doesn't work which I expected it wouldn't there's a bug that was introduced in the last update so let me show how to get around that what we need to do is go back to our unraid server we need to stop the container and there that it stopped let's go back to our file explorer and we need to browse to our server so back slashback slash your server IP address back slashback slash for me it's 10.0.0 do 11 back slash app data going to go into the binex qbit torrent VPN folder and then Cubit torrent and config and we need to edit the Cubit torrent.com file going to use notepad++ again go all the way down to the bottom of that file and we are going to add in going to add in that line I'll leave that in the top of the description so you can just copy and paste it make it easier on yourself once you've got that in there save it and then you can exit then we're going to restart the contain container start give it a moment for it to load back up going to refresh and let's try that again there you go had to hit refresh a few times but it came up so admin for the username password should be admin admin all one click login there you go now let's change that password so make it a little more secure so to do that go up to tools then options then over to web UI and then under authentication the username is listed there and the password you can change here so I'm going to change the username to demo and the password make it my super secret password scroll down and hit save now we're going to go up to file and then log out now let's log back in with our new credentials all right let's go ahead and configure it now let's go back to tools then options for behavior all the defaults are fine for me downloads I'm going to tell it to delete the torrent files after it's done enable that and then pre-allocate the dis space if you're using a ZFS file system then you don't want to have that option turned on and then for the default torrent management mode we want to set that to automatic the next three options you want those to be on relocate torrent or relocate affected torrent the default save path is going to be where the files end up so that would be our downloads folder and then completed so if you name your something different it's going to be whatever you have within your downloads folder whether it's complete completed finished whatever you named it there and I've got completed and then incomplete will be the other one so this is going to be for me for slata slash completed then we're going to enable keep incomplete torrent in and we are going to set that to forward SL data SL incomplete and the rest should be fine there so go down hit save we'll go back into there you don't have to hit save every time I just like to so I don't lose anything now we're going to go over to speed and the zeros here indicate that it's unlimited so the upload and download rates are unlimited and that's fine for me the alternative rate limits if you've got a meted connection in the day but you've got unlimited at night it's good to turn this on you can have a very slow speed or none at all in the daytime and then you can set the schedule to allow it to go to whatever you want it to I don't need that feature so I'm just going to leave that disabled next I'll head over to bit torrent going to enable torrent queuing and these you can set whatever your maximum active downloads or your active uploads to be the defaults are fine I'm not going to worry about that if you have got a fast internet connection and lots of bandwidth available then you can go ahead and up those I'll leave those on defaults for now I'm going to enable do not count slow Torance in these limits if you've got a slow connection and it's not really doing anything it's just kind of setting there or going really slow downloading then Cubit torrent will basically ignore that as active download it'll keep it going but it'll add another one to the queue up here I'm going to change mine to 10 and 10 so if the download Lo rate is less than 10 kilobits a second and the upload rate is less than 10 kilobits then it'll just consider it not active then I'm going to jump over to webui and I'm going to scroll down here and under security I'm going to disable enable carjack car jack clickjacking protection then scroll down and hit save there you go cbit torent should be all set up let's test it out going to do a quick search for a Linux Mint ISO this one looks good I want to copy the link address go back to cubbit torrent we'll click the add torrent link option right there paste it in and hit download there you go it's downloading 2.2% 3.3 now while that's downloading let's go back to our folders and see what it's doing all right so we're under downloads we go into completed it should be empty and it is we go to incomplete it should be listed there and it is so the folder options are moving the files accordingly and we'll give it a moment so when it finishes we'll see if it moves to completed while that's processing let's talk about the interface a little bit so as you know this option here is to add a torrent link the one next to it is to add a new torrent file to create one this is the trash can which allows you to delete it but I'm not going to do that right now the little play head indicates a resume option the pause pauses it so it pauses the download this next icon here moves it to the top of the queue this moves it up one this moves it down one and moves it to the very bottom and this gear icon is the options which we've already been in on the left under status you'll find a list for all for downloading for seating completed resumed so on and so forth gives you a quick way to sort it out and see what's what the bottom half you've got the general tab it shows you general information about the torrent file the transfer time information on the file tracker tab will show you the different trackers that are working on it the peers all the peers that are connected to and then the sources and then the content if you know anything about torting you know what all that stuff is it's kind of redundant that I'm explaining it it's almost done there we go it's complete let's go back to our download folder and see what happened go into incomplete and it it gone however I noticed that it's created its own folder for complete because I mistakenly named it that the completed folder where I wanted it to go remain remains empty so if we open complete it is there let's go fix that if you go back to options you can either go to tools and options or click on the little Cog wheel and under downloads the default save path here that was supposed to be completed so I'll fix that scroll down hit save and because we have that option turned on to move the torrent files around it should have moved it to the proper folder now and it has so that one is empty and now it's in the one that I wanted it to go into let's go to the complete folder and we're good since I don't need this file let's see if it deletes it we'll click on to it and hit the delete also permanently delete these files I'm going to enable that and then hit remove it removes it from the Cubit torrent client now let's go check the folder we go under completed it's gone so it's definitely doing its job there you go Cubit torrent set up and working VPN service is enabled so now you can Tor it with some peace of mind that your VPN service is behind it what VPN service do you use let me know in the comments I feel private internet access VPN is the best one out there combine it with Cubit torrent and you have a reliable torrent client and a secure VPN service you can't go wrong I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AlienTech42
Views: 9,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraid, unraid setup, unraid tutorial, unraid guide, docker, container, guide, tutorial, vpn, qbittorrent, qbittorrent tutorial, qbittorrent guide, pia, private internet access, private internet access vpn, private internet access vpn tutorial
Id: uZvZrI_x5J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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