$10.88 Seafood Buffet!! ALL YOU CAN EAT BBQ at Your Table!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in hatyai which is a major city in southern thailand in the province of songkla and this city is famous for their all you can eat seafood street food buffets the restaurants are absolutely massive and you just pile on seafood you self-serve and then you cook over the grill over the griddle by yourself at your table you cook in front of you you cook it for yourself so this evening i am going to attempt to conquer the famous hatyai seafood buffet and share everything with you in this video [Music] there's a number of these just massive all you can eat seafood restaurants in hatyai the one we chose is called rimroa this restaurant is massive if you just walk around they have giant family seating areas from the entire yard section to the indoor outdoor section to the gymnasium sized indoor yet still open air still street food style section that's the massive the quantities of food that they serve here so once you immediately arrive you go straight to pay so you you pay first before you start eating before you start digging into the massive seafood buffet and we're here right as we're actually 10 minutes early before they haven't even opened yet and already there's like a small crowd of people waiting to jump onto the buffet and you get a ribbon to say we've paid we are in all-inclusive full access to the buffet and the seafood they actually have two different options that you can order one is the all you can eat seafood which is what we got which costs 339 baht that is about 10 per person all you can eat um and then the other option is i think it's 199 baht i think it's pork i'm not totally sure mugata in thai without the seafood [Music] this is the main fresh seafood buffet section all in ice let me try to name all the different seafoods if i even know i think that's jellyfish there's fish another type of fish there's squid there's mussels there's there's scallops there's sweet shells kind of sea snails there's that's a type of clam another type of clam another type of mussel two types of muscles and then crabs and then there are shrimp which are sea water shrimp and fresh water shrimp wow that is a good selection of seafood [Music] whatever [Music] and they give you two different options when you choose the highest level the 339 baht level the seafood level you get a grill with a just a grill on top over charcoal and you get the traditional or the common thai style and thai it's called mugata which is a half moon shaped rounded circular griddle uh with little holes on it so it's it's a grill but at the same time you boil things because then you pour soup into a there's a trough at the bottom of that so you can boil things like vegetables you can boil things like some squid or some even shrimp in there so you have two different full grilling cooking options at your table two different types of crabs i think those are the blue swimmer crabs and then this other one i'm not totally sure what the name is but it almost has tiger stripes on it let's go back to the table and ying had already gotten a couple plates of shellfish and shrimp so i think we're ready to start putting things on the grill [Music] wow that fire is so hot yeah yeah let's just put everything on oh it's so hot man that is cooking ridiculously fast because the fire is so hot everything just bubbling juicing cooking in their own seafood juices oh yeah the shrimp are cooking so unbelievably fast you don't overcook it but i mean this is part of the entire fun the experience is being able to cook it in front of you fresh right before your eyes to smell it it's a leisure activity it's a social activity as much as it's a food activity yeah but people really come here to just chow down on as much seafood as possible all the time okay i think these shrimp are ready [Music] and along with grilling seafood at your table it's quite the quite the 90s soundtrack that they're playing too which everyone is jamming along to with the seafood okay but before digging into this fresh seafood that we just grilled gotta go get the seafood sauce you have a red sauce which is probably a sweeter sauce you have the main seafood sauce and then you have extra ground green chilies you have extra ground garlic and you can mix and match however you like [Music] [Applause] first round of seafood is ready i'll start with a scallop i added a little extra chili a little extra garlic oh wow yes that's delicious [Music] it's pretty fresh the seafood sauce the green chilies the saltiness of it the balance of lime juice that's pretty tasty things just cook like incredibly fast with that hot fire and i think once once the clams pop open they're ready [Applause] i'll just take this scoop this right off the grill pile in some garlic and chilis into that shell shellfish are just popping all over the place oh that's hot [Music] oh yeah that clam is wonderful let's have a shrimp next i'll go for that ocean shrimp and to be honest like i mean it's it's budget it is affordable and the seafood is pretty pretty fresh very fresh actually oh man this shrimp is so juicy wow that's good that's the best bite so far okay and on that bite before we get too deep into the seafood i think we should go see the upstairs see the whole area we we jumped in we got started uh they brought the fire started cooking the seafood i was planning on going giving you a whole tour of this place and so i could even see what the options are uh but we just jumped right into the seafood so let's go let's go take a quick walk around uh especially see that upstairs section again this is the main seafood section uh plus they have some pre-made seafood that you can order some fish some salads and then you can come over here and order a fresh horseshoe crab salad which i think will will come back for but let's go take a look up at the upstairs first to see what they what they offer up here first and this section is just massive literally gymnasium sized i think this is where you get the meat where you get the vegetables where you get the dessert it's huge a massive selection of pig of pork there's let me see if i can just go down the line and pretty much say everything pork fat it looks like there's pork bacon there's a number of different meatball options imitation crab hot dogs pork meat liver uh some type of shumai there is uh i think that's fish tofu i think that's another type of sausage there's squid there's fish there's more fish there's hot dog more hot dogs there's uh little fish cakes there's eggs there's egg tofu there's jellyfish there's shrimp uh there's more pork options different marinades and then we get into the vegetable section where there's pumpkin there's carrots there's cabbage there's bok choy i think that's watercress a mountain of water morning glory and napa cabbage so when you pay for the 339 baht option you get both this buffet and the other buffet but that's not even it you come over to this side um and here's where you can get some of the side dishes you've got your egg noodles some fried chicken some fried dumplings some french fries some other fried options and more deep fried crunchy options and then the next counter uh this is more of the salad section oh they even have noodles in curry karma but then you've got other salads mixed salads uh corn salad chicken feet salad uh hot dog salad with mung bean noodles another hot dog salad uh green papaya salad green mango salad um and yamaduku which is fried catfish and watermelon oh there is actually some salad options uh you can build your own salad but this is the size of the build your own salad compared to the seafood and the pork i think i think it's not the not the popular option at this restaurant and then all along down this entire lane these are all dessert options which they you mix with ice uh nam kang sai different options oh and then some bacon is that part of the dessert i really came to focus on the seafood so i'm just gonna grab some vegetables and then i'm gonna go back for that horseshoe crab salad [Music] and i'm going for the horseshoe crab [Applause] [Music] salad [Music] so [Music] uh okay horseshoe crab salad and you can see the horseshoe crab eggs they're kind of beady they look like beads they kind of taste like or they have the texture of egg yolk a little bit but more usually more dense [Music] oh yeah awesome tart salty a little bit sweet acidic and then just refreshing from that lime juice and you get that the yum timing the horseshoe crab eggs uh which are kind of starchy kind of dense and kind of yolky let's move into the crabs they're wrapped with rubber bands so gotta unband them oh yeah oh this one is pretty big that one [Music] this one the leg fell off [Music] all right three crabs and the grill is full next round [Music] as those crabs cook and they're cooking fast actually they're already turning pink but let's jump over the plate of vegetables are going to go into the other grill and what you want to do is just kind of you can you can kind of break them tear them and just kind of sprinkle oh those might be too big but that's okay sprinkle them within the soup on the edges of the donut pan the donut grill pan and then some of the mushrooms and onions i'll put them on the grill top [Music] and alternatively if you would be eating meat uh you would be putting the meat on top here and then vegetables in the bottom so the meat juices would flow down into the broth and increase the flavor of your vegetables but i think i probably won't even explore the meat options because i'm sticking to seafood i really want to eat all you can eat seafood for this buffet so i'm just going to keep the vegetables grill the mushrooms and the onions on top and then we'll keep that broth for the green vegetables and you can throw those in too [Music] i think we can turn the crop you think it's ready pretty hot okay and you should be ready pretty quickly too [Music] with the green chili and the crabs and they should just about be ready i [Music] think really hot oh yeah i love king oyster mushrooms they're crunchy and crisp but gooey and slimy at the same time but just perfect texture i love them and these vegetables are definitely more than done [Music] everything gets sauced [Music] and i think these crabs are ready and start from the bottom there pull off the apron pull off the top shell wow that's hot and that aroma though the aroma of the crab did i overcook it there we go oh there we go oh yeah just stacked loaded with fresh meat and i'm starting to just drip with sweat a combination of the actual humidity of sungla of hatyai and then sitting in front of the grills even the the soup boiling just adding humidity to the to the entire air and you can see now that it's starting to fill up now that there's more and more tables this entire if you were to you could probably see this uh restaurant from afar and just see a cloud of smoke rising into the air from all the grills uh everyone grilling the seafood [Music] oh wow okay that's the best oh you can eat crab it's pretty fresh oh it's good it's really good and then cooking it over the grill so it has a smoky flavor to it i mean it's not it's not i mean all of the seafood is not the best quality that you're ever gonna have but all you can eat of it um and it's it's pretty good it's impressively fresh and delicious [Music] oh yeah i kind of splattered that crab i don't know if that was the best way to take it out of the shell that wasn't exactly the prettiest crab claw opening i'm having to kind of suck and scoop out of their shelf but it still tastes really good it's juicy it's sweet oh yeah that's delicious look at that nugget that just came off i think the highlight here is the crab come here and eat all you can eat crab grilled right before you and alternatively i have seen people dish themselves entire place of crab and then they'll steam it for you in the back too or you can grow it like this and then in the middle of your buffet as you're continuing to eat there's all sorts of family activities it's like a fair here there's arcade games there's some rides uh small rides michael wanted to ride this spider-man so i took a little break from the eating even a playground there's some swings it's really a family environment people come here with big groups big families uh because it caters to everyone and you can get what you want there's food for kids there's food for adults and it's it really is a family social gathering meal oh man ying is such an expert at peeling crab she peeled this one for me the the crab claw oh yeah oh man juicy it's so juicy perfect nugget [Music] [Music] from here i think i'm really gonna focus on more of what we've eaten um the ocean shrimp and i think the crab those are the the two best thing but the clams are also really good the other shells they're okay but really i think it's those those things that i like the best so i'll probably go have a couple more plates grill them we're gonna sit here leisurely enjoy the atmosphere [Music] and usually what you do is there's this little hard part you can just pluck it out of the shell type of a sea snail [Music] kind of the picture of squid a little bit rubbery a little bit crispy because i kind of burnt it but still flavorful [Music] and then again when you need a little break from the seafood there are plenty of other options all the different salads i got a little bit of the the green egg noodles and although the green mango salad is typically supposed to go with the the deep-fried catfish salad i just got some some of it as a salad on the side but the the green egg noodles are always good too oh pretty good [Music] the fried garlic pleasantly surprised actually they're nice and chewy that's actually a pleasantly good combination egg noodles and green mango salad that works [Music] and i think i'm gonna stop there uh i'm definitely not 18 anymore i can't eat like i used to i'm gonna eat while i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna stop while i'm satisfied while i'm not overly full happy satisfied leisure uh ying has gone to get a little bit of dessert and that was another wonderful eating experience in hatyai yeah here you go mix it light dessert which is black jelly and again or grass chili hot jelly black jelly right crunchy cold eggs oh that hurts your teeth are so cold but i like the jellies the jellies have a almost a smoky roasted taste to them after eating all the seafood after eating a lot of sauce your mouth really has that kind of dry salty feel to it so eating something fresh and cold and icy feels really good and then finally to wash down all of the seafood helping the digestion wash it all down juicy refreshing crisp and so you remove the pink ribbon and that signifies your surrender a mission accomplished a buffet accomplished an all-you-can-eat seafood hatyai buffet accomplished people love to come here especially on the weekends to hang out with family again to just leisurely enjoy seafood and again it's not going to be the absolute best quality seafood that you ever eat but it is all you can eat and it's pretty fresh i'm i'm surprised especially the crab was really good uh and the ocean shrimp those were my two favorite things again uh so definitely check this out it's called rimroa uh and i'll have it on the map i'll have it in the description box below that you can check out okay so that's gonna be it for this video i wanna to say big thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published thanks again for watching good night good evening from hatyai and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,124,311
Rating: 4.8737826 out of 5
Keywords: seafood, buffet, Thai food, Thai buffet, Asian food, Asian buffet, food video, travel videos, food vlog, Mark Wiens, street food, seafood street food, crab, หาดใหญ่, หมูกระทะ, moo kra ta, Thai cuisine, Thai street food, Hat Yai, Hat Yai street food, Hat Yai Thailand, best Asian food, best Asian street food
Id: jlO1FaOeRms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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