Traditional MALAY FOOD in Thailand!! 🌶️ Nobody Makes This Food Anymore!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens i'm in patani in the very far south of thailand it's a special afternoon it's a friday afternoon when families come together i've been invited with my friend muhammad and his entire family they've invited us they have some relatives who live on the beach right along the beach on the cape uh in patani and we're gonna go to their house we're gonna cook a couple of special dishes and also on friday afternoon they have this special market right at their house on the beach it's a community market so we're gonna walk through the market we're gonna cook some special local patani food um some very unique dishes dishes i've never had before and i'm gonna share it all with you in this video one of the dishes that they're gonna make tonight for dinner is a squid dish but squid stuffed with uh sticky rice and it's i think it's a sweet dish something i've never had before so we're just stopping on the side of the road to buy some fresh squid different size what is it called satong though the dish that you're going to make to pass on to pasu it's actually going to be a squid dessert dish this is going to be a first for me squid dessert there you go we are moving on and we're gonna head towards the beach towards the cape uh where there's another market where we're gonna get some more ingredients and also where we're gonna cook where we're gonna hang out on the beach at some of their relatives [Music] we are on our way to lam tachi which is the main cape coming off of patani it kind of wraps around the city sheltering the city it's just a narrow strip of land and the beaches are beautiful it's a cape but it's almost a peninsula because it's so thin uh and we're i think we're pulling up to the village that we're at very soon yes this is the market that we're stopping at and this is the house it's like literally right the house on the beach on the ocean front is right at this market [Music] the kids are excited very excited to be here today already i love this market just a community market the village community market it's literally in the sand uh people from the community gather here and i believe that it's every wednesday and friday within this village and we are right along again we're on the cape somewhere halfway down the cape wake up thank so far just passed through the clothing section of the market at the beginning but now there's more and more food fruits vegetables things that come from the community produced by the community there's snacks street food [Music] it's extremely fluffy it's kind of like a waffle but egg very heavy on the egg the batter it's almost gooey in your fingers and there's coconut on top a little bit sweet the coconut it's like a cross between it tastes like french toast almost [Music] is um [Applause] [Music] donut it's doughy it's almost kind of gummy and you can tell from the batter it's very it's a wet batter um not runny but it's a very wet batter oh man the crispiness of that is amazing that's actually really good kind of sweet but really good oh my god they're so incredibly nice they gave me a whole bag of these just gave it to me they wanted me to taste it oh man people are so nice what a perfect market literally on the sand on the coastline and just just community and also one of the awesome things here is that everybody knows everybody because people are just from this area oh it's stuffed too and you can feel the crumbly rice flour batter but very crumbly coconut on top and there's a there's a filling oh it's more salty than sweet actually oh that's delicious you can really taste the maybe the coconut sugar the kind of glutinous crumbly rice flour and then it's fruity like you taste some kind of fruit in there very few people make that snack because it's hard to make it's very traditional it's like it does look like a kebab but it's combination i believe of sticky rice flour and regular rice flour made into a dough put onto a skewer and then uh grilled and then covered in sugar [Music] well that one is awesome oh wow i actually have had this one one other time it's so elastic-y is what it is um and then the outside is sweet the inside i don't think is sweet but you taste the sesame or sesame seeds on there you taste the roasted flavor a lot of coconuts the texture is almost like mozzarella cheese it's incredible and literally the market is right there the beach is right here and the beach is beautiful families are hanging out kids are playing their house is right here or i think this might be a shop they have and then i think their house is right there but what a location oh or just i think we're just walking through we're gonna buy some vegetables now for the for the cooking what we're gonna make talk about convenient to have a market right out your doorstep hello he is the man he is so awesome and he's yeah he's a chef he's gonna make a it's a traditional patani food called uh which is a it's a duck soup yes [Music] um next stop at the market uh we're buying a bunch of tamarind i think shallots a bunch of garlic a bunch of black pepper uh eggs oh hello lamb wait wait wait get [Music] hey um these are fresh homemade blind sea which is um king mackerel king mackerel fish balls and she's actually rolling them in the back they're frying him at the front and selling them for actually mix it with the sauce okay awesome blind see oh yeah that's great it's kind of like a little bready and in case the fish the texture is kind of elasticy really good and as you keep on chewing you taste more of the fish flavor and this is one of the coolest kitchens that you will ever see the sea right here we're gonna be cooking on this it's a massive table that you can be used for sitting on as a table this is where we are cooking dinner tonight some serious amounts of herbs and lots of lemongrass lots of ginger shallots garlic tamarind lots of black pepper in there and muhammad was explaining to me that they you don't find it at restaurants it's very traditional you only it's only a home-cooked food in patani and it's rare to find nowadays because it's i think it takes a lot of ingredients it's uh it takes a lot of time to boil as well so it is it's an honor to be here to have this opportunity spent a lot of time with the older community with the traditional older community uh learning these recipes that have only been passed down by generation to generation so even even him we've been talking he's the one who lives here at the house he's never tried this dish before it's just so traditional it's so old and so rare to find it really is a dish that needs to be preserved that needs to be passed down from generation to generation so again what a privilege it is to be here there's gonna be so so much this is just for one duck and there's these amount of ingredients these amount of herbs so much lemongrass like literally there might be 50 stalks of lemongrass that we're going to pound now and that's the reason why it's hard to find this dish because you literally need a community to to help with the process to help with all the peeling so much it only cooks for one hour but the process of pounding all the lemongrass peeling all the shallots and the garlic that's what takes time that's what's time-consuming that's what's tedious oh and now he's pounding the ginger oh they even peeled the ginger too i think just scraped off the skin otherwise it's kind of bitter so that's really the time consuming part of this entire dish it's just amazing aromatics wafting through the sea breeze the ginger the lemongrass the shallots the garlic oh man the pepper smells incredible okay now they're getting started on stuffing the squid with the sweet sticky rice oh [Music] glutinous rice and coconut milk goes into the each of the squid pockets a perfect pocket uh then she closes it with a toothpick or a little piece of wood and these are going to be boiled then with coconut milk [Music] this is where all the peeling all the pounding is going down but over here is the coconut milk station where he's grating the fresh coconut making everything fresh [Music] what are you guys doing eating snacks over here micah what are you doing oh man talk about relaxing [Applause] literally it's a mountain of pounded herbs and spices and so much black pepper that has to be like a couple hundred grams of black pepper black pepper being one of my favorite spices it's so pungent oh it's gonna be spicy from black pepper oh [Music] is the ratio is actually more than 50 herbs and spices than duck huge amounts of herbs and spices so much black pepper so unbelievably mouth-watering aromatic and he just gives that a quick toss pot goes on the fire a little bit of oil he's getting ready to put that in the [Music] are pot one yeah okay [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] give me [Music] foreign [Music] we actually just sizzled it down with a little bit just a little bit of oil the eggs are finished boiling so we're gonna add the eggs in there uh and then it's just gonna basically boil to release all of the fragrance and we've already released most of i mean some of the fragrance from all those herbs from pounding it when you boil it then then everything's gonna just be unleashed into the soup unleashed into the the flavor of that broth and my mouth is already watering just thinking about the broth and those spices in there and that pepper and then lemongrass and then there's lemongrass in there also okay and then in the meantime on the other burner on the other fire goes the squid they added in lemongrass for fragrance and then more coconut milk to boil it in coconut milk nothing makes me more excited than cooking on the beach with the sound of the sea over fire traditional pathani dishes and i cannot wait to try this duck soup i'm to the stage where i'm just giddy with excitement and i think i'm a little bit hyped up a little bit sugar high on all those sweet snacks that we ate earlier too [Applause] that needs to boil for about one hour uh but he's gonna add chilies there's an entire plate of uh just coarsely ground coarsely pounded chilies as well he'll season it with uh patani which is the famous salt from patani sea salt and then also all of that tamarind i totally forgot about all the tamar no lime juice only tamarind is going in there and that's an interesting move uh the eggs are boiled then remove the or separate the yolks from the whites onto separate plates i'm not sure if both of them are going to go into the soup or oh that smells insane the lemongrass and the pepper and the galangal and the ginger unbelievable aroma a major test of patience we need to boil it for one more hour oh this is the coconut sugar wow oh palmyra palm sugar okay [Music] is wow that's amazing screaming i didn't know quite how he was going to use the yolks when he separated them like that but what a move i don't think i've ever seen yolks used like that the mush's mashes them down to create a sauce to create an almost creamy sauce that's going into the whole pot the master pot the master stock um wow what a move and then to the squid that's where it becomes sweet she added in a whole plate of palmyra palm sugar oh that is almost ready the the weight is almost over it's almost time to eat just to taste test the soup oh i cannot wait rocky see how the duck oil has come out the pepper it's unbelievably aromatic oh wow yes okay said that look at that oh that's incredible all the lemongrass the pepper it's spicy oh that's that is ridiculous flavor oh man good duck okay yeah that is pretty that is blazing hot oh oh the texture yes that is a free-range duck just soaked up with the pepper with the lemongrass the galangal the warming properties of that soup and you can feel it just like kind of warming all the way down your throat because of all of those medicinal spices that will blow your taste buds away yo chef chef papa [Music] [Music] um [Music] done so we are all here for the meal this is an ultimately special meal because many of them have not even tried it tried this dish either this might be one of the coolest meals i've ever had in my life all getting bowls of the duck soup the fish there's fish there's the squid there's extra chilies it is just the pepperiness is unbelievable the lemongrass the ginger and the galangal and then thickened just with that egg yolk the sourness from the tamarind oh man it's just complete herbal sensation in your mouth duck with the egg with the chili and you can eat all of those herbs and all of those spices that is stunning [Music] it's like stunning beyond belief one of my new favorite dishes and i got a huge piece of galangal on that bite i'm almost in disbelief the amount of flavor that is overdose medicinal just thrilling a roller coaster on your taste buds and then follow with bites of the broth no sugar in there [Music] at first it doesn't start off that spicy but as you keep on eating because it's that slow burn i think from the ginger and the pepper it builds oh wow i'm just blown away i can't even i can't even believe myself i can't even believe my tongue right now [Applause] [Music] um delicious too a total contrast of [Music] flavors [Music] even the rice is really good it's local patani rice [Music] absolutely stunning the unbelief one of the best meals of my life both the setting the amazing people chef um and the flavor of that my my entire torso is just burning right now from the pepper from the ginger unbelievable dish i that took me on a a new culinary high right now but after you do that uh so what you're supposed to do then is eat the the sweet squid for dessert like a pudding squid pudding i like it because it's it's really a mellow sweetness because only palm sugar is used no white sugar was used at all in here it's a much more mellow sweetness it's more caramelly it's not even that sweet oh it's good really extraordinarily good and then again the squid you can kind of cut it in half eat it like a pudding and again it's stuffed with sticky rice this might be one of the best desserts i've ever had any dessert that includes stuffed squid it's high up on my list as best desserts in the world that's so good though again the because the way the squid is cooked it has this amazing snap to it like a like an egg white a boiled egg white that is new for me something i've never had before squid dessert i'm on a new level of food a new level of taste bud right now that was literally unbelievable i still can not even believe what my tongue is telling my brain about how flavorful that was the flavor overdosed and what a meal what a setting amazing people a huge honor to have the opportunity to be here and so i have to say a humongous thank you to chef mohammad from papatagu chef papa chef papa and his wife and his entire family and they have generously taken us around and cooked and shown us the best food and amazing friends in patani and throughout these southern thai provinces again thank you and in patani malay or jawi they say terima kasey and then i will have the information and and so i'm going to say good night from patani from the coast of patani southern thailand i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also be sure to check the link below i'm going to be publishing a lot more videos from patani and yala be sure to watch more videos in this series of these videos thanks again for watching see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,970,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thailand, Pattani, Thai food, Malay food, street food, duck, Mark Wiens, duck soup, soup, Malay street food, Malay market, Malaysian food, Pattani Thailand, ปัตตานี, food videos, Halal Thai food, Halal food, halal video, street food videos, ซุปตอเระ, soup dorae
Id: YgFAG3nG3a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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