Giant FRIED GARLIC SHRIMP!!! Best Food From The DEEP Sea!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in krabi in southern thailand and i love it here it's so laid back people are friendly food is delicious and actually this is where my wife ying is originally from today we're going to go to a restaurant it's called nangjok and the owner pijok he's a good friend of ours he actually went to school with my wife ying so every time we're back in krabi this is one of our favorite restaurants they specialize in southern thai food and especially ultra fresh seafood there's one dish in particular the fried king mackerel which i just dream about every time i come to krabi so today we're gonna hopefully see the seafood delivery as it comes uh we're gonna see some of the cooking and then we're gonna eat a full seafood meal at nong joke and just hang out with my friend pete joke but this is an awesome restaurant and i can't wait to share all of the food with you in this video [Music] oh we just arrived to the restaurant to nangjok and i love this area of krabi town because it is a local fisherman community there's shipyards commercial fish yards there's small time fishermen and just arrived to the restaurant this is the time when some of the seafood is going to be delivered to the restaurant especially a huge blind sea which is king mackerel which is the fish that i am waiting for uh every time i come here it's the first thing we order without even thinking about it seafood directly from the port which is right here from the fishing community arrives by motorbike sidecar the ice chests these that's the fresh catch from last night or from this morning oh man it's so fresh he pulls out the king mackerel there's barracuda there's pompano there are some other they call it baikonun which is a jackfruit leaf fish everything is so fresh the vibrancy the colors the shiny brightness those gills but the main ticket the main fish that i am the most interested is the plan c which is the king mackerel at nang jok they serve one of it's my favorite version of king mackerel fried with they just have the perfect recipe that is my favorite dish to order here so being able to see the fish before we eat it is awesome and also supporting the community and so it is straight up fisher man to table at non-joke [Applause] additionally when you buy the fish they trim it all up for you they take out some of the innards they even the for the king mackerel he slices it into the steak pieces uh to then be able to prepare so that's nice also they trim it up for you right here before you buy it they weigh it on spot it really is an entire fish market on wheels on motorbike that's just comes to you and in krabi you can just be guaranteed ultra freshness that is ultra fresh fish [Music] wait wait wait let's see the shrimp oh and then also we're buying some fresh tiger shrimp they said they're from the deep deep blue sea uh and they're kind of rare they're not they're not in everyday because they're so deep [Music] [Laughter] hello an awesome way to begin an awesome seafood delivery just seeing that fresh fish makes me hungry um and then this is the front of the restaurant but just to quickly tell you the restaurant is called nang jok uh nang is like somebody who's younger than you or a child and i believe either his grandmother or his parents started the restaurant um and they named it after him when he was still very young okay let's go inside we're gonna see some of the cooking and then oh i can't wait to eat especially that king mackerel but yeah literally everything here is delicious we're just thinking about our order our well-rounded order but there's so many things on the menu southern thai food and a huge variety of seafood to choose from always awesome to hang out with hijok every time we come to krabi we gotta eat here the best restaurant and now we're going back into the kitchen to start cooking wow and it's an honor to meet hijoke's mother we're still in the kitchen i think she's 84 years old and still in the kitchen wow okay we're gonna start cooking so first dish he's making is the plansi pod cpu which is the deep fried king mackerel in soy sauce and i've had it many different restaurants this is my standard this is the best of anywhere that i've tried i love it i cannot get enough of it i dream about it and every time i come to krabi i come to ngo to eat it [Applause] [Music] and so she quickly just soaked those pieces in salt water and they go into the hot oil [Music] okay okay and there it is that is finished that is the fried king mackerel and i think that's why it's so good is it so simple just ultra fresh fish fried the simple sauce of a little bit of oil soy sauce just simmered until it glazes just bring it to a boil until it almost glazes and then directly on top of the fish it just sizzles oh that smells incredible but fresh fish that is the key next up for the tiger shrimp and she's just deveining them slicing off the whiskers and preparing them those are going to deep fry as well she has a flour mixture i think it's just flour and salt uh just gives them a little dusty coating of flour and then directly into the oil all those are gonna crispify and guarantee she's going to cook them perfectly so that they're not overcooked so that they're so juicy and i can already imagine that muscular texture these are beautiful like blooming like fully blooming flowers because it takes them out at the precise time and now uh literally she's chopping up an entire cutting board chopping board of garlic that must be like two full heads of garlic which they're gonna then quickly stir fry with the fried shrimp thank you the color of those prawns that recipe is incredible that amount of garlic and the fresh tiger shrimp but it they're so they turn so ready almost look like a red glaze on them and that's not because of chili that's not because of tomato sauce that's because of the mangon it's the head oil butter that came out of the prawns that came out of the shrimp as she stir-fried them giving them an entire glaze in their own head butter liver juices [Music] man that is just a platter it smells so good and we're moving over to the other side of the kitchen now to make the gang uh sour curry southern tired sour curry with turmeric with uh fresh blue swimmer crabs yes the joke ordered it for us with blue swimmer crabs okay it's cool the way they make the gang here which is they have a whole huge pot of it prepared in the morning uh which is kind of like a master stock and from there they can dish out the and made with fish so it's a fish-based broth with all that curry paste with all of that turmeric and then from there you can choose your choice of protein that goes inside so we're getting with crab so she scoops out some of that curry and now just trimming up that crab to go in [Music] man she just like so carefully made that taking care babying that crab so that it's not too so it's not overcooked so it's perfectly cooked with the coconut shoots and then into the bowl with the crab heads on top for display that's beautiful that is oh that smells that is [Music] aromatic [Music] and next up because they have fresh today uh hoi crane which are blood cockles but these are huge and they're from right here just in the mangrove swamps off the coast right here in uh fresh ultra fresh ultra huge and those are just gonna get a quick boil and then just pop those open those are huge that orange flesh on the inside [Music] yeah we're rushing upstairs to come eat and there's two main dining room areas though downstairs that you can see from the road and then the full upstairs in the back which i think is really nice and quiet up here it's breezy uh so we're choosing to sit upstairs the upstairs section that's just how popular nangjok is he's expanded the restaurant it's awesome to see how he's made improvements to the restaurant over the years as we've been coming here as we've known piechok [Music] and the dish that we have to begin with is the dish that i've just been talking about this entire time that i dream about coming to krabi just to eat which is the king mackerel deep fried with soy sauce moving in that sauce just the simplicity i'm going to rehydrate a little bit just to get those juices flowing maybe swish it around a little bit in that juice that juice that sauce is the actual is just so good all right there we go and you have to eat this with rice it's just it's made for rice all right let's go oh even that texture is just perfect you can feel it's perfectly cooked oh wow oh yes it is still the best of the best it's just the simplicity of the recipe and of course the freshness ultra fresh fish that texture the crispiness on the edges and just that salty umami of that fish when it's fresh when it's just done simple like this is the best and a little bit more of that soy sauce glaze so good it's so simple so perfect i love it it's just comfort next dish this one is which is a water bug chili dip with pounded fish with chilies you can see the spices you can smell the aromatics in there and then serve with a huge assortment of vegetables everything from cucumbers and pumpkin and long beans to entice called salai which are grape seaweed and also some herbs and leaves all right and take a take a cucumber first get a little bit of that i like how it's dry just with all of that pounded fish flavor is condensed oh yeah and if you take a whiff of that you can smell the giant water bug it has an anise or a licorice flavor to it the fish all the chili in there the the water bug just provides an essence and the garlic i love it wow that is a next level fish dip yeah that is so good and with some of the some of the seaweed it's kind of like the most flavorful tuna salad that you've ever had okay next moving on to the hoi kreng the blood cockles these are probably the biggest blood cockles i've ever seen i'm just sprouting that orange color on the inside they are beautiful i'm going to try to take off one shell and then maybe put seafood yeah you need to eat this with seafood sauce that garlic chili that is huge and that's exactly why they're called blood cockles that juice that comes out of it is kind of dark murky red orange in color and the seafood sauce i love it at noongjoe cow it's so chunky with so much garlic so many chilies in it um and i'll just apply [Music] a huge one-biter blood cockle the texture of that it's so juicy it's a little bit elasticy you can taste the ultra freshness because it doesn't have any kind of a actually barely even a seafoody kind of flavor it's so neutral in taste it's a textural dream and then with that power of acidity with the garlic the raga like the chilies in that seaweed sauce they're just so big and neutral tasting like sometimes blood goggles have a kind of a murky taste to them almost a muddy taste to them these are so neutral so clean tasting you can almost think it's a chicken like a little bit of a rubbery elastic chicken oh that's delicious that is awesome and then moving over to the gangster the crab curry and i love how it's displayed with the shells on top you can kind of pick this up to reveal the insides take off the shell there is the stock which is full of turmeric which is full of chilies uh and then also we got it with yo map which are coconut shoots and you can see some of the crab has even come out so it's there's little strands of crab throughout the curry now too all that balance that well-rounded flavor it's sweet it's sour it's spicy in krabi the taste of the gingsom is usually a little bit on the sweeter side as compared to some other parts of southern thailand but it really is a balance it's a harmony it's still it's very spicy and then it just like that sweetness that sourness it just blends together so well okay now let's dig in for uh for a crab drumstick there we go and these are uh fresh local blue swimmer crabs sea crabs the crab the sweetness and then the crab is a sponge just absorbed all of that curry and then you can chase that with coconut shoots with more curry okay another dish i can't wait let's move on to the shrimp and again this is one of the most spectacular half moon just display platters of shrimp that i've ever seen i love that display all of them just lined up some of them are huge and i'm gonna take this one right in the center here because it has the most goodies on top but look at the size of this and that glaze that it's created let's peel peel off some of this shell and i think you can actually eat some of that shell too because it's it's pretty crispy it's fried with a little bit of flour so you can chew through it i think uh but i'll probably peel off most of it look at that meat if you pull off the head probably the juices will run and you'll see some of the red red oil tamale come out of it here we go the meaty muscular texture of that is incredible and they said it's from really deep sea the freshness the that texture and then again the balance of flavor the garlic the crispy glaze its own juices and just kind of layers of different salty flavor going on in there i do a little dip for my next bite a little more garlic on there and then chase with some of the garlic from the dish [Music] so awesomely good you'll lick your fingers and chase that with some of the goodies from the bottom of the plate [Music] next up is the yam salai and this is a salad and so there's a dressing there's peanuts there's cashews in there there are shrimp there's squid in that dressing and then with egg and so what you kind of do and you take this salad dressing chunky seafood salad dressing and put it all over all right and then you can eat it with egg you can do it with a shrimp just the seaweed on its own i love the seaweed it's so it's so good [Music] [Applause] the crunch and the pop of that seaweed oh i love it the dressing is acidic you taste the lime juice the mix of sweetness the balance of sweetness a little bit spicy a little bit nutty and then just that amazing seawater saltiness coming from the seaweed and seaweed is a superfood not only is it a super flavor but the nutrients the the minerals in it and i think the final dish that we got today is these are squid with eggs little squid with eggs and it's kind of a it's kind of a sweet glaze so i don't think i've ever had this exactly prepared this way but these are beautiful little squid you can tell they're just full of eggs that could definitely pass as a one biter squid but i think we'll put it on the plate here so we can open it up and see what's inside see those eggs it's almost like a little natural sausage oh and that popped that texture oh there you go oh yeah now that you open up you can see the squid eggs those are the squid eggs and they're the they're almost transparent it almost looks like a stuffed crust pizza except squid all right [Music] oh wow that is a sweet glaze but it just works and that texture that contrast of texture and the freshness of that squid the outside of the squid it almost has a snappy texture like you bite down and it snaps in your mouth then the inside those eggs oh i've never had squid eggs like that before it's so creamy soft and silky and kind of gooey that must be the way they cooked it and also that variety that type of squid that small squid they're just like plump and oh man just soft soft full of eggs it just tastes like a braising sauce a sweet braised sauce along with that onion the natural sweetness of that oh wow and not forgetting the roasted sink beans this is one of my favorite ways to eat steak beans just roasted in the shell in the pod um you can just pop them out you can eat them like vitamins you can eat them with the nam prick you can eat them you can chase them and you can eat that skin kind of the fruity kind of like sticky skin when you roast stink beans like that even brings out the flavor even more and the flavor just keeps on coming as you keep on chewing i love them and they also go perfectly with the giant water bug chili oh i just keep coming back for this the fried mackerel to me it doesn't get better than this that simplicity that freshness just the way they make it here is the best and the flakiness the texture the firmness of that king mackerel [Music] absolutely nothing cleanses the palate like cashew tree leaves that chalky just acidic sour astringent that's what it is they're astringent [Music] [Music] more chilies and garlic you can balance on a single bite on a single blood cockle the better i'm drooling a little bit that is just so as good the top of the top as good as it gets for blood goggles the neutral freshness spongy slightly elasticy the juices that come out when you chew down and just that like clean flavor yeah that's the best blood cockles i've ever had [Music] [Music] all right so now is at the peak of lunch oh man they are busy that is awesome but this really is a a very local it's a favorite local especially family restaurant and you can see because they have big tables big open veranda breezy good weather open air it's a perfect southern thai family restaurant in khabib and again the consistency the freshness that's what stands out to me i love pique and his wife they're so nice how his parents started the restaurant named it after him and so he's carrying on the legacy and now he's the one in charge of the restaurant even though his parents started it when he was one years old which is awesome too this is a feast so much food so we're gonna sit here for a while and slowly eat slowly finish this meal so yeah we're gonna be here for a while but oh again highly recommended when you come to krabi and you can you can order anything on the menu but do not miss the king mackerel so i'm gonna wrap up this video right here and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching uh please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published and again huge thank you to pete joke and his wife for hosting us for having us here today for lunch and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,087,732
Rating: 4.8933554 out of 5
Keywords: ร้านน้องโจ๊ก, Thailand, Thai food, seafood, deep sea, shrimp, tiger shrimp, Mark Wiens, Krabi, best restaurants in Krabi, best restaurants in Thailand, food, street food, food videos, food tv, best food videos, Thai restaurants, Thailand vlog, food vlog, best food in Krabi, best Krabi food
Id: j8u3WvWT6HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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