Korean Food Tour - SHORT RIBS BBQ and Juicy FRIED CHICKEN on 14-Hour Incheon Airport Layover!

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bathing in that smoke right now it smells so good the most logical thing to do and it's so freezing outside is to stop at another restaurant and we just really really wanted to eat Korean barbecue [Music] [Applause] everyone I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I just landed at Incheon International Airport I've been to South Korea now I think three or four times and every time I land at Incheon International Airport I just jumped straight on a train and go directly to Seoul but I've never actually been to or explored Incheon City and Incheon is known for a number of things including Chinatown and some delicious Korean food right now I have a 14 hour layover about 14 hours until I need to catch my next flight and so I thought it would be a fantastic idea to go straight into Incheon we're gonna go on a Korean food tour of Incheon on my 14-hour layover and I'm gonna show you all the food that we eat [Music] when I should be subsidies indication this is a disposable transportation card printout machine please select arriving station two tickets according to Google Maps the fastest route to get from Incheon International Airport to Incheon City actually we're going straight to a market is to take the train the airport train in this station right near Chung International City then jump on a bus from here and go down to simple international market and that's where we're going first we left Bangkok last night at about midnight and then landed at Incheon International Airport this morning early this morning so is a late night flight I slept maybe an hour maybe maybe about two hours so if I look sleepy just that heads up in this video it might not only be the food that's making me sleepy oh it's cold oh okay that's our first time stepping outside oh it's freezing hahaha okay from here where I think we're gonna take a bus directly to the market like a that's by far the coldest weather you've ever felt you're smiling oh it's so much warmer on this bus that heater fills up amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just jumped off the bus directly at Shin Poe international market this is where we're gonna start eating oh yeah and by the way welcome to Incheon one of the things that you absolutely have to eat when you come to this market is Korean fried chicken with a spicy sweet sauce and so I think that's what we're gonna eat first [Music] they have some fried chicken which looks like it might be lightly battered and then deep-fried and then they have this sauce when she opened the the sauce container you can smell that teh meanest of the sauce coming off of it she scoops it on to the Fried Chicken and mixes it with a plate and a spoon combination and then she tosses in some sesame seeds and then some chopped up peppers okay there's nothing like starting off for breakfast with a giant plate of fried chicken spicy tangy sweet Korean fried chicken it's called Dewey they just generously douse it just drown it in that sauce and I didn't exactly know what how big the plates were gonna be or what size they were gonna be so I naturally had to order the large size it's pretty large there must be like at least 20 pieces of fried chicken on his plate I think I'm going in with my my fork here even though you could go in with your your fingers but it's definitely definitely gonna be messy that's for sure [Music] initially it's a little bit sweet for me but it is awesomely good oh I do keep on training you do taste a little bit of spice it's saucy and sticky like sticky saucy but at the same time it's still crunchy and crispy and then the meat the chicken underneath it is still really juicy and really like moist [Music] that drumstick goes down very easily okay okay you're gonna need a lot of the wet tissues okay this is the type of fried chicken with sauce that when you take a bite you can just feel that like coating your lips and you know you're gonna get it all over your cheeks and all over your fingers and there's just no way around it I was definitely just kidding myself when I used that for for my first bite so I'm going right in with my hands okay I gotta try one of these chilies Oh the chili is not spicy but it is really pregnant a tiny bit spicy but you can kind of feel it going up your nose a little bit though I got white meat chicken this time it's kind of an addictive type of sweet it almost reminds me of a caramel apple that's only on the surface of the of the chicken because it's just a coating once you get like a big meaty bite of chicken it sort of mellows out the sweetness and you can taste all the flavors in there switch things up with some radish Oh missed him [Music] very refreshing it's a little bit sweet to kind of taste like oh hi petrified that's what I was looking for this is when it starts to get really sweet and sticky down here just look at that sauce [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that had to be some of the most sticky sauce I have ever experienced it's like it's the type of sauce that you might find on your fingers a week later and it's all over my camera now to overall like the flavor for me honestly is too sweet but I will admit that it was tasted pretty good and it's it's like the addictive kind of sweet where you just can't stop eating it [Music] it is so cold outside that we had to stop at the nearest coffee shop and take a break just to drink a coffee and just get the heater oh man we are we're freezing we're freezing it out to be honest it's just way too cold it's now negative one the most logical thing to do and it's so freezing outside is to stop at another restaurant and we just really really wanted to eat Korean barbecue really cool little barbecue restaurant oh she's bringing it to our table right now okay I got to run back to our table but it feels like a real family-run BBQ restaurant and she lit up that charcoal I'm so excited now [Music] did we get on bathing in that smoke right now it smells so good and she's grilling everything right in front of us and grilling it for us and she just handed me my first bite of meat [Music] all that is ridiculous all the flavor of the meat is just like it's the marinade is embedded all the way into the meat it's a little bit sweet and salty you can taste the sesame oh look what she's doing out now this is some soup that we ordered I'm not even sure the name of it but there's beef in there there's egg in there and looks like a week or [Music] [Music] come tell me doc Oh can't you fed us a bite and now we have all the bunch on the side dishes the soup the basket of vegetables this is exactly what young and I were craving what we were looking for what we wanted to eat on this layover a base leaf pepper actually yes to give it some extra heat a piece of meat and then grab a clove of garlic and what she did is she dips it into the sauce the chili paste to pick up the chili paste and then puts this directly on top of the meat put it right on top okay I think that's a perfect bite right there I'm not gonna overdo it I'm just gonna wrap this guy up combination probably my favorite thing about that entire bite is the perilla leaf the perilla leaf it's so wonderfully unique in flavor it has sort of a licorice flavor and it's both refreshing and balancing at the same time and it's just like a it just like it just completes your entire bite with that salty meat with the pungent garlic with the soybean fermented salty paste it's it's the sum of all of those together is an immaculate bite in your mouth you got to eat it all in one bite [Music] even if it's a really big one bite I think these are it might be some of that same beef that this is made with and then egg in here as well mm-hmm that's just like a you can taste the boiled bones in that soup eating soup when it's so cold outside is it's necessary it's mandatory okay for my next bite I'll double up meat goes in then this time I'm gonna grab some of these onions and leeks which are marinated onto the top there oh yeah that half a chili as well that was perfect and that so I think it's actually soybean mostly soybean paste maybe that is just the perfect combination that's immaculate one of the side dishes one of the bunch on dishes that she served us is this crab I think it's blue swimmer crab in Chile and I think it's raw you can also use that sauce but you can also grab a piece of the crab all will get that that piece is full of me okay it's raw you can see how it's transparent on the inside and then just marinated in that sauce oh that's stunning oh yeah that's rock it's a little bit slimy but in a really good kind of way it's really garlicky it looks spicy but it's not really spicy and then the chili flavor is a little bit sweet as well it is a little slimy but it just also melts in your mouth at the same time next bun-chan I'm gonna try is a block of tofu with some chili paste on top and some sesame seeds oh yeah oh that just Wiggles oh it's so soft and tender you got to get it to your mouth fast before it breaks out of your chopsticks oh it's so soft oh just dissolve Oh sook I'll be okay that's the name of the restaurant this place is amazing if you are in Incheon she is so friendly she's so nice and amazing whoo that's one of the better Korean barbecue experiences I've had well partly because it's just like a whole family run restaurant fall back into the cold and also her balance of dishes was perfect and I feel comfortable thank you thank you that was absolutely awesome back into the fridge and you has a uh no that means hello and goodbye right I think so Micah it's a little bit warmer than before isn't it now it's just one of those meals that you walk out of the restaurant and you're just smiling you're just like beaming shining with light because that meal just lifts you up and just boosts your spirits that was absolutely sensational I love day that that meal alone for me was worth leaving Incheon International Airport to come to Incheon just to eat that and to experience that oh I'm happy now we're walking towards Chinatown and that's gonna be our last stop before we head back to the airport and we're gonna walk around here and especially try one famous Korean Chinese dish but I think we need to walk around for a little while maybe have another coffee before we eat that next [Music] oh yeah I had to but I'm gonna leave Union mica here in the coffee shop and then I'm gonna go walk around and explore Chinatown a little bit just to get some photos but yeah it's it's it's too cold and then after that we'll eat one final meal hopefully most of the Chinatown seems to be filled with Chinese restaurants and little souvenir shops and again it's really really quiet today but I'm sure on the weekend it's it's it's the type of place that a lot of people come to just walk around for leisure to eat and to just enjoy but I'm gonna I've decided to take a walk up this flight of steps to see what's at the top and to try to harm up [Music] I'm coming into I can get to park up here on the top of this hill oh it's even windier up here oh really nice though really nice and peaceful [Music] up here you have a pretty decent view and Incheon is known for its Harbor which it's a very major Harbor in South Korea as well as a major hub of transportation including the airport which is located here just by one with red bean okay coming down from the mountain park I stopped to eat what is one of the favorite Chinese Korean Street food snacks along this road they have griddles all laid out and then they fill it with a batter and then he adds a number of different toppings you can get the classic red bean you can get free and you can get some of the other different flavors as well I got the classic red bean and then it's topped with a another layer of pancake to top it off so it's like a hockey puck sized snack and mine is hot and fresh I got the red bean you can feel that it's a little bit dense in your hand yet at the same time yes it's kind of heavy but at the same time it's it's very squishy it's very very supple oh no it's pretty pretty awesome actually the red beans in there are kind of starchy not overly sweet and then the batter is like it kind of has that that kind of sweet meringue egg you kind of taste to it the batter is also gooey and has that henna kind of egg white flavor to it I do like that better than I expected to it's it's really really like soothing and partly because it's so cold outside and this is so warming you can feel that going that warmth going down your belly we are on our way to the last restaurant to eat what is a dish that many consider when you come to Chinatown in Incheon you just have to eat it because it's a yeah it's a Korean Chinese noodle dish we'll we'll see [Music] Oh jajangmyun with seafood seafood the final dish in Incheon that I'm here to eat is called Yong Yong and it's a it's a very well known Korean Chinese dish throughout throughout South Korea you'll find it and it's very popular but this is the origin this is where it's from it started off as a dish that was brought over from China and then evolved into a Korean Chinese dish and it started off as a addition one of the first dishes what I was reading that that people would go out to eat outside from their homes and so it was usually a cheap meal it was usually a lot of Labor's would eat it it's filling its hearty and we're gonna eat it right now we got two different dishes one is that Jack down the Yun and we ordered the version with seafood it comes with a bowl of noodles and there's a fried egg on top with some shreds of cucumber and then on the side is all the sauce which is like a very dark dark black sauce actually in there you can see some onions in there and then pieces of seafood there's some sure if I think there's some squid as well and then we also got a plate of boiled dumplings boiled mandu and I think what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to take the sauce and pour all of it onto the noodles oh yes oh you can really smell the onions in there and that looks excellent all the pieces of seafood in there I have been to South Korea I think three or four times and I've never had this dish I've never had Jetta me on even though it's it's it's so common it's everywhere it's a very very popular dish but this will be my very first time and unhappy that I I saved myself for an original version in Incheon and if I'll have to admit it's not the most like a tractive looking dish with a really black dark sauce you don't really know what flavour to even expect actually they're very tangley noodles yeah you might get the entire blob if you try to pick it up without scissor cutting it okay maybe I will scissor cut it real fast give it a cut right there in the center and right there in the center oh yeah I got that egg I want to maximize my sauce though on this bite with some of the noodles mm-hmm Oh the first taste that I really that really comes out nicely is the onions which taste like they've been sauteed but are still crunchy and then you've got the seafood in there the sauce the soybean sauce it it's mild and sort of has like a a little bit of a salty look at that flavor even be compared to its it's not sweet at all I was thinking it might be sweet it's not sweet at all it tastes like a raw soy sauce flavor almost [Music] I'm impressed by it except for the dumplings nice little bite-size and you can see the juice which is kind of dripping out of them you can really taste the sesame oil the wrapper is a little bit on the thicker side so they're more hearty dumplings and what's also good about them is they're not overly oily on the inside you taste that minced meat I think it must be beef on the inside lots of green onions lots of sesame oil and yeah very fragrant but not too oily mmm that's just what it needed with that vinegar a little bit of saltiness from the soy sauce actually I don't taste any spiciness from that chili at all those are good simple simple classic dumplings and the meat juices that are inside of the dumplings are it's good back to the German and I think you can season with more of the black the black sauce the paste I'll add a little bit to this section right here stir it around all the egg is over here two more of those onions and then I'll add some of the onion as well oh yeah with another piece of raw onion some of that egg mm-hmm a little salt here a little more pungent it just like soy sauce but it's almost like a concentrated like soy sauce to me but a very like a thick like a paste soy sauce oh that's excellent mm-hmm oh you've got the sweet onion the onion is sweet and a little bit it's a little bit burning and then you've got that that soy sauce paste that soybean paste I gotta say that was delicious both the mandu the dumplings and the jam Yin the noodles with that soybean paste sauce and seafood that was really good that was my first time to ever have it and it's like I said it's a very very common Korean Chinese dish you'll find it all over South Korea very popular in Seoul and it also it's also very it's also a very famous Korean dishes one of the one of the top ten dishes I'm sure that's in any list of Korean food that you check out that's going to be the final bite from this Korean food tour of Incheon on an Incheon International Airport layover that was that was excellent that was so much fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just made it back to Incheon International Airport being and I both we were just dozing off for that entire ride oh man it kind of surprised this that we made it through the airport so fast okay we're back to where we started from okay if you have a long layover like this it's great to do something but if you haven't been to Seoul you know I would probably recommend going to Seoul but if you've already been to Seoul and you're looking for another day trip another outing to go to Incheon is great to be honest it was a little quiet today it was a little that was kind of nice at the same time but then some things were open so that was one of the downsides however we found some delicious food the barbecue was amazing the jamia Mule at the end really nice people really delicious food and those were experiences that I am very glad we had and that we were able to have on this long layover at Incheon International Airport so I want to say a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also make sure you click Subscribe I'm going to be publishing lots more food and travel videos thanks again for watching this Korean food tour of Incheon I'll see you on the next video thanks again for watching
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,247,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean food, Korean street food, Incheon, Incheon layover, Incheon food tour, Incheon International Airport, Incheon airport layover, Incheon airport, Korean airport, South Korea, South Korean food, best Korean food, Korean bbq, Korean short ribs, Korean fried chicken, Korean barbecue, Mark Wiens, food travel, travel food, street food videos, travel vlog, travel, 홍두병, 신포참닭강정, Jajangmyeon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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