Street Food - DIM SUM SKYSCRAPER!! Market Eating Tour in Southeast Asia!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens i'm in the lovely city of trang in southern thailand which is a city with a lot of history it's a city that's home to a melting pot of peoples and cultures and because of its history because of its trade because of its port tang has had a large chinese community and that's especially true when you look at the food in thrang so today we're gonna go on a specific thai chinese street food tour of trang and we're beginning at the market we're gonna walk around we're gonna hopefully see some amazing food have some amazing food and start with the number one delicacy that thrang is known for and i'm gonna share all of the food with you in this video and it's a beautiful morning in thrang and right out front you will see the entire called which are frog little frog tutux because of that front end looks like a frog it does look like a frog when you look like it from the from the front it's the signature transportation of welcome to the main prang municipal market you're gonna find everything from cooked food here street food snacks roast pork trang style roast sweet pork to snacks to ingredients to fresh seafood to vegetables just sprawling um and there's a section of the market kind of for everything right now kind of the dry chinese spices mushrooms different sauces everything [Music] at first the market on the the front side where we entered was kind of quiet but coming back here it's getting busier and busier i think on the other side is probably the busier side oh yeah already seeing some of the roast pork and smelling it the first place that we're going is to find one of the ultimate specialties of according to the map it's somewhere back here in the quieter section of the market is probably the most famous food from all of when most thais think about prang this is the first food that they will imagine that they will think about that's known they roast the entire pig using a special blend of seasoning and sauces and then bring it to the market and yes they chop that up you can just hear the crispiness of that skin they carefully select they chop it up and again what stands out to me immediately is how like the interior of the meat and the belly they kind of slice up they slash it up into little bite-sized pieces already like a honeycomb uh and then that way it just i think that helps the roasting process but that also maximizes the marinade flavor that seeps into the meat you can just clearly see through textures from that ultra crispy skin to the fat layer to the meat for my first bite i'll get one of the pieces of skin and again it has an unbelievable fire smokey aroma to it [Music] wow that skin is so unbelievably crispy that's some of the crispiest pork skin ever and that meat is tender and oily and fatty and juicy but there's my theirs is not as sweet as some other versions of thrang that we've had oh that's an amazing balance and harmony and the chinese spices in there are like at maximum level you really taste this almost medicinal herbal mix of chinese spices like star anise um cinnamon clove almost a bay leaf flavor to it it really is one of the stronger aromatic rose porks that you'll you'll ever have and then also paired with it does have a sweet kind of glaze to it now i know why they sold out so fast and why they are so extremely popular that is far superior to any other version of that i've had it's like chatsu but even stronger in aromatic spices and that almost gets to a texture where it's kind of candied and a little bit jerkyed they have excelled at the craft of pig roasting cantonese style but thrang style there's another stall sort of at the back of the market too that i wanted to check out next but there is an auntie who sells some other unique pork based specifically ear based an ear based dish a pork ear-based dish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is an awesome just a very old school thai chinese stall at the back of the market it's so cool to just be sitting table side chef's table overlooking the ingredients she has two main dishes that you can order here and we ordered both of them and i think one of her signatures here is also the the tauhuyi which is it's a soybean product that's very pink vibrantly pink in color okay i gotta start with the kampakuma because she pulled this off the off the steamer hot and fresh and again that's a mix of both coconut milk and the the soybean pink soybean sauce pulled these off they're hot and fresh and they're swimming in the juicy sauces this place is popular too [Music] this is so fresh and garlicky it's kind of like a sweet and sour taste but rich at the same time i think the sweetness comes especially from the pink soybean sauce then it's enrichened with coconut cream huge mixture of textures because the bean sprouts are crunchy and also the radish and the cucumber on there and then the noodle is just really soft really soft and just like silky smooth okay let's try the figure salad this is not only pig ear this is like the deluxe pig face there's ears oh there's ear for sure there's liver there's intestines um this one is lung i believe but i got to have that ear because the ear is the most famous thing um and then this is just the whole base of it is water morning glory and then the sauce is again the pink um soy bean sauce i definitely have to go ear on my first bite and i think i might add on a little bit more of that that immediate cardiology crunch to it but then at the same time you have this contrast of crunch from the watermelon glare and then you have that it's all wrapped up in that sweet it's like a sauce but a soup it sweetens out a really sweet and sour taste and has this kind of fermented umami so both dishes are a little bit sweet from that that sauce full of different textures [Music] okay and then there's also a chili sauce that you can add to it it looks like a chili vinegar over the chili vinegar that kind of cuts through the sweetness with that acidity and the richness as well the of the pork parts that was definitely a unique dish you'll find the the dumplings all over thailand but that's the first time i think i've had it with the tahui the pink fermented soybean so that was a different twist to it it's everything was kind of on the sweeter side because of that sauce but still good and i just love that location just the oldness and the heritage of that stall that was amazing most markets usually sprawl out of the indoor market to the outside and this section is always usually vibrant and full of color and energy and action [Music] it's getting busier as the morning starts to develop but i'm just loving the atmosphere of this market it's just like blooming with fresh ingredients there's so much going on everything you could want for a thrang southern thai meal uh the mix is it's busy but not too hectic not to pack just a great market environment for walking around for exploring for tasting things there's also a good mix of both fresh ingredients and cooked food to try something that we just came across walking through the market now that you have to eat and this is not always easy to find i think because it's hard to peel but also most people just let the fruit develop but this is mangosteen young mangosteen green mangosteen before it's ripe uh in thai it's called mangkut khat oh wow that is juicy [Music] and it's so crisp and kind of from the ripe fruit this has a totally different texture and flavor it's more like an apple in texture in crunch that's just wonderful that's refreshing i love it [Music] and you have to catch it at the right time of the year when the mangosteen is blossoming is blooming but isn't ripe and now is the right time of the year oh wonderful that was great yeah the overflowing outdoor sections of the markets are always my favorite you find some of the most vibrant the fresh ingredients and some of the most unique ingredients as well [Music] highly recommended market but we got to move on from here because next up we're going to eat what is something you cannot miss when you are in thrang and pretty much every single thai tourist who visits trang along with the roast drang sweet pork dim sum is another must eat it's something they come to thrang without missing without a doubt you have to eat dim sum when you come to taran and so we're at a restaurant it's called [Music] the main reason that i wanted to come here is because they're known to have one of the biggest selections of dim sum so we can see all the different dishes that they have [Music] inside of the restaurant it is huge it's kind of like a warehouse style just a huge seating area and i know on the weekends it would be extremely packed in here but then the seating just all the way goes around on the outside as well to the patio and how it works is you come up to the front uh you choose the different dim sum trays that you want and then they're they're like looks like they're uncooked i think they're uncooked and then you choose them and then they steam them for you so they're hot and fresh looks like there's about 50 or 100 different things to choose from [Music] it looks like a city a little mini city of bamboo steamers like skyscrapers all sorts of different things uh the dim sum is kind of like vibrant it's very different from hong kong dim sum kind of more vegetables there's tofus there's some braised items there's a lot of pork of course and then there's a number of different stations you can get other things too you can get the patangal the chinese fried donuts you can get some fried there's a fried selection and then they immediately as you as you choose them they go over to the steamer and they have your table number so they just stack up your steamer and then they steam until they're cooked and then they bring them to your table hot and fresh it really is an experience it's a an eating experience and i mean just like dim sum anywhere uh it's it's nice that you can choose how little or how much you want to eat okay awesome i didn't order too much in light of the fact that we've already been eating at the market this morning oh and here comes the button [Music] ying's favorite the oh yeah and that looks really good they're really puffy the patong with sankaya which is the the coconut custard the sauces i think you typically eat it with kind of a sweet it's almost like a sweet ketchupy kind of sauce [Music] and also something that's different here is you don't get chopsticks to eat with a little forks for poking i'm gonna start with the chive dumpling i always love the chive dumplings [Music] oh yeah that's pretty good the chives and i think there's a little bit of minced pork in there but the tribes are just naturally sweet next up are the shomi or in thai it's called kanamji oh and ying's chicken feet have arrived this one was always a childhood favorite that's porky and juicy and i like that contrast of crab flavor as well the sauce is okay but it's kind of like it kind of tastes like a a very sweet ketchup i would prefer a bit more of a spicy sauce or even the spicy mustard i love it with dim sum but i don't know if they have any any other options there's like a spongy meat on the inside of that oh it's really juicy i think it's like a pork meatball on the inside and then next up i think these are some meatballs maybe a mixture of pork and shrimp and then broccoli next up is for a little tofu sandwich i lost the tofu okay i gotta put the sandwich back together again [Music] oh i like that one the tofu surrounding it and i think it's fried tofu so it has this skin around it as well i like how they serve some fresh vegetables on the side too so that you can balance all the porkiness oh yeah that just kind of crumbles in your fingers oh there should be mushrooms in here this is also one that i typically love at any dim sum restaurant the fried taro kind of oily but again that texture the taro has this amazing creamy starchiness to it and then flavored powered or some minced meat and some shiitake mushrooms in there i think the joy of eating dim sum in thrang i mean and this goes for the entire yamcha dim sum throughout china is that it's a social eating experience you come with friends and family often uh you converse you drink tea you take bite by bite and that's exactly what it is here too except it's kind of more of a i mean apart from when you're you're scrambling to grab your trays and once you sit down it's calm it's relaxing it's not just a meal but it really is an experience to be honest i had no idea what the what the bow what the in thai it's called salapaw what it was filled with i just grabbed one uh but i think i chose right it's the barbecue pork casio [Music] sweet but kind of peppery as well and as we were just sitting here i think we met with the owner but he he's so friendly he's so nice he brought us a plate of muyang thrang the the thrang style roast pork and then just out of nowhere he brought us this huge plate of seafood ratna noodles which is a thai chinese style wide rice noodles with a mix of seafood on top and a like thick gravy sauce oh that smells incredible la na super he called it not super a super ratna oh that does smell incredible oh totally completely unexpected i'm gonna try a piece of that roast pork just look at that golden crunchy skin wow they're so crispy sweet and caramely so melt in your mouth that meat underneath the skin there's fish there's pork there's squid there's crab there's shrimp and then the noodles are on the bottom there's everything on here did i wrap you can really smell that aroma of the smokiness of the noodles um yeah smokiness of those noodles and that gravy sauce oh wow that is amazing yeah so much wok smokiness and a balance of saltiness a hint of sweetness a real meaty stocky porkiness and for this you can sprinkle on a little chili and a little vinegar too a total surprise dish oh man and it is it's extraordinary that texture it tastes almost like it's rock but but it's like cooked at the same time it's so light and fluffy and sweet and bouncy [Music] i can definitely see how you would make this a habit when you're living in tram at least at least a weekly maybe a daily habit come here for breakfast hang out it's great [Music] that was a fantastic experience and we've just been kind of leisurely hanging out now for me i guess if you think about the dim sum in hong kong this dim sum it's kind of a lot lighter there's more vegetables involved and it's more kind of dainty smaller pieces smaller bites both versions are extremely good [Music] next up on this street food tour of thrang we are at a restaurant it's called chew dum and they're famous for some noodle dishes it's a laid-back spot it's an old thai chinese shop house oh man and it just smells so good standing in front of here and even walking up i could just smell the fumes of those fried noodles just love this place from the outside the atmosphere the colors just the historical value of this place it's amazing pastel green walls [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh man talk about rocking that walk ah she is an unbelievable expert just her skill her experience just shines and we got two different dishes but the main dish to order here is the hokie and me which is the hokian style noodles yellow noodles uh in this broth sauce with meat with a little bit of vegetables with eggs which she just sort of like uh puts into the the sauce and then covers it and lets them sort of poach within the juices and then we also got some fried uh some of the fried yellow noodles the the dry version she's a true master on the wok for making uh hokkien style noodles and that broth you can see it's meaty it's thick there's an egg which is perfectly cooked you can smell that dark soy sauce in there and look at that yolk just perfect on there just just nested like a nest on top i cannot wait oh wow oh that is incredible the smokiness and that dark sweet soy sauce then you got the noodles in there you've got the crispy shallots in there soothing that's comforting that is just like wok flamed out and i like how the broth is not too oily you taste the dark soy sauce in there and then just the egg it is time now to to break open that yolk to unleash it oh yes it's just perfect it's uh yeah how she poached it in there so the white is cooked but the yolk just adds to an extra sauce and i think you can we can season two but i gotta taste it so i can take one more bite first [Music] that's just a home comfort bowl of noodles i'm gonna do a little seasoning a little chili dried chili on there oh man that smells good and then i always love to add vinegar as well to any bowl of noodles oh and a little bit of a sprinkle of white could be white pepper okay and then you really want to mix this up get this going get all the noodles all the noodles flowing with that chili that enhanced chili oh that smells so good [Music] and then the burst of acidity from that vinegar it's almost hard to tell you wouldn't really call this a noodle soup but at the same time it's not a dry fried noodle it's kind of like a like a saucy soupy noodle and i believe that these are the same yellow noodles uh but then just fried with the egg curdled up in there there's some chicken there's some kale in here as well [Music] oh wow that's good too again that dark soy sauce which has a bit of a sweet taste to it which is caramelized under the noodles but smoky that makes it so smoky but i think i like this the best just the this is the signature dish here [Music] that was outstanding and i'm dripping in sweat back here the chili oh that mix of homely flavor i'm still kind of seeing pastel green it's like a it's like a green world when you're in there but that was outstanding i loved it so home comforting smoky juicy noodles ah i was just everything it needed to be that just awesome and that's gonna end that's gonna complete this thai chinese street food tour of trang i've really enjoyed this city it has so much character it's a melting pot of people and cuisines and there's such an influence of chinese food within terran i'll have all the information in the description box below that you can check out and i want to say a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and also uh there's going to be a lot more videos in this series about drang trang also has some incredible full of flavor spicy curries those will be covered in separate videos which i'll have in the full playlist so be sure to check out all of the videos and i want to say a huge thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published goodbye from thrang and see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,676,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trang, ตรัง, Trang Thailand, Thai food, Chinese food, Asian food, Southeast Asian food, street food, Thai street food, Chinese street food, Mark Wiens, Trang street food, things to do in Trang, what to do in Trang, ตรังหมูย่าง, Trang moo yang, Trang roasted pork, Southern Thailand, street food videos, food videos, Mark Wiens street food, food tour, Trang food tour, dim sum, street food dim sum, dim sum Trang, Thailand dim sum, Thailand, Amazing Thailand
Id: dZ2RZEffqLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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