✔ Minecraft: 10 Rare Mobs

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hey what's going on guys my name is Antony don't get me wrong I do love winter but why do I always have to get sick but anyways today I'm going to be bringing you all the top ten rarest mobs in Minecraft now these rare mobs are not in any particular order in this countdown but yeah I really hope you all enjoy this video and if you do then be sure to give this video a like but anyways enough of me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video I hope you will enjoy it coming in at the number 10 spot we have the iron golem now I know iron golems are easy to spawn by the player by using 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin but they're also able to naturally spawn in your Minecraft world that's right you guys heard me correctly iron golems can actually naturally have a chance to spawn in NPC villages if the village has at least 10 villagers inside of it so yeah there is actually a very rare chance you can find an iron golem naturally spawning in an NPC village coming in at the number 9 spot we had the end of noise so end of mites are actually the smallest hostile mobs in Minecraft and are not seen too often by the player so the only way in which an endermite can spawn is with the use of ender poles now if the player uses an ender pearl there is a 5% chance of spawning an endermite making them a rare mob indeed I should also add as a side fight that they used to be more common back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the snapshot phase of one point a as ender might actually had a 15% chance to spawn when an Enderman teleported coming in at the number 8 spot we have the mushroom cow now the mushroom cow is another type of cows that can be found within your Minecraft world but they are however extremely rare to encounter now this is due to the fact that they can only be found in the rare difficult to find mushroom biome now if you do happen to encounter a mushroom then congratulations it will be full of mooshroom cows but as I said the mushroom biome is extremely rare so good luck a quick side fight about mushroom cows is that you can actually milk them with balls to get mushroom stew I don't know I always thought that was pretty cool coming in at the number 7 spot we have the evoker now if you didn't know the evanka is a hostile mob and one of the two images added in the 1.11 update the other being The Vindicator now a focus can only spawn in Woodland mansions and once they are killed by the player they will not respawn in the mansion this makes them quite rare to find due to the fact that the player would have to find a woodland mansion in order to encounter one which may be quite hard to come by at times oh and by the way if you didn't know woodland mansions can only be found in the roof forest biome coming in at the number 6 spot we have the zombie now I know that probably sounds very silly to a lot of you but let me explain so in the Minecraft 1.4 TFSI was added into the game where zombies would have a chance to spawn with any type of armor now the rarest type of armor a zombie can spawn with is diamond armor that's right there is a 0.04 percent chance that a zombie can spawn wearing diamond armor now that is an extremely rare type of zombie to encounter coming in at the number 5 spot we have the chicken jockey now a chicken jockey if you didn't know is the extremely rare appearance of a baby zombie riding a chicken which looks absolutely hilarious if you ask me now each baby zombie there spawns in your Minecraft world actually has a 5 percent chance to spawn riding a chicken there is also an additional 5 percent chance of an already-existing baby zombie to ride any existing chicken I should also mention that baby zombie pigmen and baby husks also have a 5% chance to spawn riding a chickens so yeah chicken jockeys are definitely a very rare mob to encounter in your world but they're certainly very unique and funny coming in at the number four spot we have the pink sheet now the majority of sheep that spawn in your Minecraft world are actually white with an 81 percent chance of them spawning the light gray dark gray and black sheep have a 5% chance of spawning and the brown sheep has an uncommon 3 percent chance to spawn but the rarely encountered pink sheep however only has a 0.16 4 percent chance of naturally spawning in your world which is indeed extremely rare be sure to let me know in the comments section if you have ever encountered a pink machine coming in at the number 3 spot we have the wither boss now the rarity of the wither boss is different as the spawn rate is controlled by the player as they have to create it themselves using three wither skeleton skulls and four soulsand now with that being said they are extremely hard to spawn in survival mode due to wither skeleton skulls being very difficult to obtain now the only way you can obtain a wither skeleton skull is from a wither skeleton which are found in the nether it's important to note that wither skeletons only have a 2.5 percent chance to actually drop them with a skeleton skull itself making them extremely rare so in conclusion creating the with the boss can be very challenging at times if you don't get the wither skeletons skulls off the wither skeletons coming in at the number 2 spot we have the spider jockey now a spider jockey if you didn't know is the rare appearance of a spider being ridden by a skeleton now when I say this mob combination is rare I mean it is rare as there is only a 1% chance for a spider to spawn with a skeleton riding air but yeah if you you happen to encounter a spider jockey then be careful as the skeleton combined with a spider can be quite deadly and dangerous for the player coming in at the number one spot we have the charged creeper now the charged creeper is by far one of the rarest mobs in the game due to the fact you will only encounter one if a regular creeper gets struck by lightning which of course is a very rare occurrence now the reason why I think the charged creeper is the rarest mob in the game is because firstly it is quite rare that it thunders in your Minecraft well to start with and secondly the chances of the Thunder actually hitting a regular creeper is very rare as well bard anyway you start just about does it for today's video everybody I really hope you all enjoyed it and if you guys want to play on my minecraft server then the IP as always is per later I deactivate MC dotnet now if you guys want to keep up to date and when I'm going to be uploading new videos and stuff like that then be sure to follow me on Twitter the link will be in the description below but yeah how have you all been recently you know like being pretty ill because you know it's the winter time and I always seem to get a cold and it seems to last for like four weeks which is pretty annoying but yeah I'm doing pretty good now but yeah I'm pretty much gonna go now everyone because I am extremely hungry right now I really need something to eat and I think I'm either gonna get a Domino's Pizza or we might be having a roast dinner I don't know but yeah I'm gonna get something to eat now everybody because you know as I said I'm pretty hungry so thank you all so much for watching the video as always and thank you for the awesome support and I will see you all next time in my next video goodbye man I'm so happy Katie I might get Domino's cookies tonight sorry not sorry
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 1,753,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 10, rarest, mobs, rare, mob, Minecraft: 10 Rarest Mobs, minecraft rare mobs, minecraft rarest mobs, rarest mobs, rare mobs, things you didn't know about minecraft, charged creeper, pink sheep, spider jockey, ideactivatemc, ideactivatemc things you didn't know about minecraft, Minecraft: 10 Rare Mobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2016
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