75 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft

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today I bring you 75 things you didn't know about Minecraft so what's going on guys oh my name is Anthony and today I'm going to be bringing you guys 75 things that you might not know about Minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating now with this video is able to hit over 75,000 likes then I will upload a hundred and 50 facts about Minecraft that's right guys double defect by the way guys this December I will be giving away 5 minecraft account gift codes and all you have to do to enter is follow me on Instagram and follow me on Twitter and then retweet to giveaway tweet the details for the giveaway can be found in the description below but anyways guys without further ado let's go ahead and get straight into today's ginormous video I hope you guys enjoy it back in the earlier days of Minecraft in Minecraft Alfred there was a feature plant where ghasts would spawn from a nether portals in the overworld however the feature was never implemented and good thing too because that would be absolutely mayhem when squids were first added into Minecraft you are able to milk them with a bucket for some reason which is a bit strange but ok as of 2019 minecraft has taken the record of being the best-selling game of all time selling over 176 million copies of the game across all platforms using a piston on a cake will simply make the cake disappear as of the my graph one point 14 out eight there is a really cool little trick that allows you to crew in a one by one gap to pull off this cool little trick simply dig out a one by one tunnel as you can see then place a trapdoor by the entrance right click on it then you'll be placed in the swimming animation allowing you to crew in a one by one gap as you can see which is really cool be careful your friends don't trap you though originally boats in Minecraft looks like this not having their paddles may a lot harder to turn husks are slightly taller than zombies when the arrow was first added into Minecraft it was originally crafted with one feather one stick and one iron ingot whereas in Minecraft today it's crafted with one feather one stick and one Flint originally a baby zombies did not burn in Sun lights making them extremely annoying for players but now they do the animation for loading a crossbow in Minecraft bedrock Edition is actually different to the animation in Java Edition as you can see I don't know if anyone's actually tried this but you are not able to make a nether portal in the end I come first will always point towards the world a spawn point from where you first created the Minecraft world however using the materials to craft a compass is pointless because if you lay out the crafting recipe in the grid you'll see that the compass preview is already pointing towards your spawn so there's no need to craft it in the bedrock edition of Minecraft players eyes will actually now blink as you can see I don't have that's just creepy or a really cool feature in the upcoming Minecraft 1.15 update you are able to extinguish a campfire by using a shovel believe it or not you can actually be killed by a bush in Minecraft because you take half a heart of damage if you touch a berry bush back in the earlier days of Minecraft boats used to break if they collided with a block too hard giving you back some sticks and wooden planks which was very annoying villages are able to sleep in beds in the nether whereas if the player tries to do it then the bed will explode in the alpha version of Minecraft the top of the furnace had the stone texture making it very easy to blend in with regular stone you will always pick up your items in the same order you threw them on the ground you can create a pretty cool looking bridge design by using unlit campfires as you can see I really like the look of this when torches were added into the game they were originally planned to burn out after a certain amount of time and would require to be relit with flint and steel in an early version of Minecraft in dev when removing the block the torch was placed on the torch would move to a nother instead of falling off the blog which is really weird back in the earlier days of Minecraft in beta 1.9 jumping would give the player experience for some reason which is a little bit weird but okay also in beta 1.9 the Sun was changed for a brief time from being a square to a circle looking like this if a player tries to sleep in a bed that is occupied by a villager that the villager is kicked out of the bed how could you be so mean before shields wandered into Minecraft the player used to book mob damage by blocking with their sword and it was also a great way to say hi to other players the original default skin for Steve had a beard or a smile it could have been a smile to the crafting table used to be called a workbench the Enderman is the only mob in Minecraft that can naturally spawn in every dimension which is the overworld at the end and the nether knotch the creator of Minecraft plan to add exploding arrows into the game but sadly this feature never made it which is kind of sad because they looked really cool placing carpets on top of fences is a great way for the player to get in and out of their form without hostile mobs interfering as they are not able to climb on the carpet when the wolf was first added into Minecraft back in 2011 they were able to attack and kill the player in peaceful mode if they were provoked whereas in Minecraft today they can't I guess minecraft worlds back in the day weren't as peaceful as they thought back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the early versions of Minecraft in dev items used to stack up to 99 instead of stacking up to 64 like they do today when TNT was first added into minecraft you could activate it by just simply punching it rose bushes do not apply damage to the player when you walk through them despite them having thorns on them as you can see do you think they should change this let me know in the comments in older versions of Minecraft in creative mode attacking a hostile mob would actually cause them to be hostile towards you which was a little bit annoying I will never stop talking about this until they add this back to Minecraft and that is that the Rose you to be in the game but they've removed it and added the poppy instead why why can't we just have both all sunflowers found in your Minecraft world will always face east making them quite useful for navigation and Des Moines will suffocate and die if they are on Sol sand rest in peace random ender mites on April Fool's Day on April 1st 2014 every player had their minecraft skin replaced by a villager skin as you can see which looks really funny unlike tiny slimes tiny magma cubes can actually deal damage to you as you can see if a cauldron is left outside while it's raining then it will actually slowly fill up with water as you can see destroying obsidian with only your fists that takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds to do and unfortunately I had to do this for the sake of the video and I wish I didn't if you fall from a high place and you're about to die then exit the world right before you hit the ground and then load back into the world and you won't take any damage as you can see back in the beta days of Minecraft a message reading minecraft beta on licensed copy with a sad face could be seen if someone was to play Minecraft without purchasing the game in the beta days of Minecraft ladders had a 1 block gap between them and you could still climb them when the creeper was first added in the minecraft survival test they actually had a melee attack and dealt 2 hearts of damage to the player if the player was to travel or teleport 30 million blocks from the spawn point than they will actually reach a world border as you can see one tropical fish spawn in Minecraft 90% of the time they will appear as one of the 22 varieties that are seen on screen whereas the other 10% of tropical fish that spawned their pattern size and colors are completely random resulting in two thousand seven hundred different naturally occurring combinations of tropical fish in the beta 1.8 demo at the Pyke's gaming event when the Enderman was first added they actually dropped in diamonds as a placeholder upon death instead of enderpearls you are able to make a really weird-looking staircase by using fences and carpets this is weird you can kill a blaze with a snowball I guess they just don't like snowball fights the most amount of blocks you can fall from before dying on any difficulty is 23 blocks so if you fall from 24 blocks you're gonna die another weird feature about creepers in the survival test version of Minecraft is that they would actually explode after the player killed them rather than the creeper exploding on the player as a method of attacking you you can create a weird-looking staircase by using cake slices when Enderman were first added they originally had green eyes and emitted black smoke particles whereas today they have purple eyes and emits purple particles gunpowder used to be called so far when spiders were first being created in Minecraft they were originally brown back in the earlier days of Minecraft the goths fireball actually used to be a snowball that was on fire there used to be a bug in Minecraft where if you shot yourself with an arrow your tamed wolves would actually turn on you and begin to attack and kill you mana lifts were glitched areas of terrain that could be found in Minecraft alpha which resembled chunk errors and they looks like this before beta 1.8 cat toy appeared to be somewhat larger than other blocks when dropped on the floor I mean just look at this character it's absolutely huge in the survival test version of Minecraft players were able to cancel the detonation of TNT by hitting it for the second time as they'll get the item back rather than the TNT exploding at some point in Minecraft development there was a bug in the game where wooden slabs could only be destroyed with a pickaxe instead of an axe which was a bit weird if you exit your Minecraft world when holding an item like a diamond for example and then create a new Minecraft world you will actually see a diamond in your hand for a split second before returning to having nothing if a red fox happens to spawn in a snowy taiga biome then it will instead be a snowy fox which looks like this on top of that if a red fox is bread with a snowy fox then the baby has a 50% chance of either being a red fox or a snowy fox before I so vendo were added into Minecraft glass pillars were added in beta 1.9 to mark the location of strongholds and a looks like this you can break a boat or a minecart by using a bow apart from the air block and a bedrock chests are the only other block in the game that can generate in all three dimensions being the overworld the end and the nether wooden fences and nether brick fences are not able to be connected with each other in older versions of Minecraft and remember able to pick up cacti and place it on any block like grass for example which is weird because you can't place cacti on grass although foxes appear to be holding items in their mouths they are technically holding items in their main hand similar to the player so there you have everybody that was 75 things that you might not know about Minecraft I really hope you all enjoyed the video and/or found it informative now once again if you did enjoy the video then be sure to give this video a like rating as it really helps me out a lot and if you are new to the channel and want to see more videos for me then be sure to subscribe as well real quick before I go I just want to give a quick shout out to Ronnie thank you so much for watching and supporting the channel if you're watching this video I really do appreciate it a lot anyways guys I am going to go now because I need a break after making this video this was a very long video to make and I am so tired so I think I'm just gonna get some sleep now so thank you all so much for watching once again have an amazing day and I'll see you all in my next video goodbye I am so dead after making this video I hope you guys appreciated this [Applause]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 5,713,937
Rating: 4.8914528 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 75, things, you, didn't, know, about, minecraft 75 things, 75 things you didn't know about minecraft, things you didn't know about minecraft, fact, facts, 75 things, 75 facts, minecraft things you didn't know, minecraft facts you didn't know, minecraft things, minecraft 75 things you didn't know, minecraft 75 facts you didn't know, feature, removed, update, version, changed, changes, crafting, recipe, block, item, mob, mobs, minecraft 50 things, 50 things you didn't know about minecraft
Id: mJ7cXLy0tvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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