101 Facts About Supernatural

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good eating some other factors I am Sam and today I'm here to talk to you about two supernaturally good show called Supernatural could have written that better I suppose yes the record-breaking show with the uber passionate cult following is still going strong and why shouldn't it it has monsters magic and a pair of brothers whose voices are weighty per than I thought they'd be what's not to like but how did supernatural scare the bejesus out of P Diddy which supernatural weapon is like a fidget spinner and why oh why is wince Esther thing to utter through those questions gonna be answered so get comfortable put your phone on silent and prepare to be inundated with supernatural facts as that's what the point of this whole channel is as we take you through 101 facts about supernatural number one supernatural is an American fantasy horror television series created by Eric Kripke starring Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles brilliant leaving on number two padalecki in a cosplay Sam and Dean Winchester two brothers who hunt all manners of monsters ghosts demons and other supernatural beasties following the death of their mother at the hands of a you guessed it supernatural beastie buddy why the show is called supernatural number three according to Kripke Sam was originally going to be the primary protagonist of the show and the story was going to be centered around him individually obviously something changed at some point can you imagine supernatural that Dean perished a thought number four the series is produced by Warner Brothers television and airs on The WB well it did anyway before the WB was shut down after which it was moved to another almost identically named Channel The CW number 5 though the pilots was filmed in sunny Los Angeles principal photography ie the actual filming of the show takes place in the less than sunny but I'm sure still very nice Vancouver Canada number 6 the show was in development for almost ten years with creator Eric Kripke spending several years unsuccessfully pitching it apparently people just didn't think it would work by the way it's currently on its 13th season number seven the very first written draft of the show was called unnatural but at some point it was obviously changed good unnatural isn't really a great name for it we show that is unless it's a TV show about pineapple on pizza heyo but seriously that's an abomination number eight unbelievably the entire first season of Supernatural was made on ridiculously small budget of only $200,000 this included the special effects and the way to savour the actors $200,000 sounds like a lot of money but to produce the entire season of a TV show that to basically peanut pennies I mean what number nine of the genuine of staple this had consequences though croakies original wish and padeen was that he would have a lot of tattoos but the show's meager budget - meant that his skin remained unaged they couldn't even afford fake tattoos guys number ten Supernatural often shares extras for the show psych as the shows a filmed fairly close together beginning the picture here no DeNiro number eleven everyone's hard work paid off however as the pilots for the show was viewed by an estimated five point six nine million people about as many as gonna watch this video right guys who like number 12 creator Kripke had originally planned for the series to last only three seasons but he later expanded it to five the fifth season wrapped up the main storyline of the series and upon its conclusion Kripke departed the series as showrunner however much like the base in a black IP song it kept running and running running number 13 since Kripke's departure the series has continued on with new show runners for several more seasons with its eleven season supernatural became the longest-running live-action fantasy series on American TV number 14 that being said Kripke originally envisioned Supernatural as a series of movies obviously that didn't work out and Kripke had to settle for a highly successful record-breaking TV series in stage harm or Kripke number 15 Kripke or Rice Krispies I keep accidentally saying his name as decided to have the Winchester brothers be from Lawrence Kansas because of its closeness to Stull Cemetery Stahl cemeteries emerged as the focus of a number of spooky urban myths some of which suggests that the devil appears there twice a year or that the cemetery itself is one of the seven gateways to hell as such Stull Cemetery was the site of the final confrontation between Lucifer and Michael in the finale of season 5 number 613 many of the episodes are based on myths and legends about real people from history for instance episode HEPA fact for instance episode 8 of the second season entitled cross road blues is about Britney Spears coming on a road trip I'm just kidding it was inspired by the legend of American musician songwriter Robert Johnson he is said to have sold his soul to the devil in exchange for extraordinary skill as a guitarist and died at the young age of 27 number 17 Chris Beck dammit Kripke had originally decided to name the main characters Dean and Sal as Anna Mars to Jack Kerouac road trip novel on the road which features friends named Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty however he eventually decided he didn't like Sal as a name for the main character and subsequently changed it to Sam it's a good name number 18 Chris Kripke also originally wanted the brothers to have the surname Harrison in reference to Harrison Ford and his portrayal of Han Solo quickly wanted Dean to have a devil-may-care swagger that Han Solo exudes so effortlessly in the Star Wars films but as there was already a Sam Harrison living in Kansas they felt they had to change the name as well number 19 additionally the first name of Sam and Dean's father was originally Jack as there was also a Jack Winchester residing in the state of Kansas Kripke had to change the name of this character as well Jack Winchester was strange to John Winchester their troubled patriarch we all know and love number 20 t by the way if he thought that John Winchester looks a little too young to be the father of Sam and Dean you're completely and totally correct Jeffrey Dean Morgan who plays John is only 12 years older than his on-screen office son Jensen Ackles I mean it's not impossible but not super realistic not that Supernatural is realistic you know what I mean number 21 as all true supernatural fans will know the most important character after Sam and Dean is the black Chevy Impala the brothers used to galavant around the country watching demons Kripke has revealed that though he always knew he wanted the Winchester brothers to drive an American muscle car his first choice was a 65 Mustang he changed his mind when a neighbor of his said that it had to be a 67 Impala because no one could easily fit a body in the trunk stay away from that neighbor dude hmm there are a total of eight different impalas in rotation on the production of the show each of them are set up to do different things like slide or burn out the most frequent use of these is lovingly known as baby and only has 15,000 miles on it number 23 in the first two seasons the impalas license plate reads at kaz 2y5 a subtle reference to Kansas the state from which the Winchesters originated and the year 2005 when the show premiered number 24 the inspiration for the overall tone of Supernatural comes from a number of sources films like poltergeist influence the context of the horror themes putting it in a familial setting rather than a remote location as often seen another examples of horror additionally films such as Evil Dead 2 in an American whirlwind London inspired some of the more jovial elements mixing horror and comedy together into a single cohesive whole number 25 additionally Kripke is also stated that shows heavily inspired by the works of dark fancy writer Neil Gaiman specifically sound man and American Gods number 26 Kripke explains that his sole desire with the show was simply to scare the crap out of people but after seeing the on-screen chemistry between padalecki and ackles Kripke and executive producer Bob singer decided to move the principal focus of the show away from the monsters and on to the Winchesters I mean they totally kept the monsters in there's still loads of flat ass monsters don't worry about that but they just decided to focus on sandy number 27 Hannah Leckie was personally interested in the role because of its love of horror with favorites including The Twilight Zone and The X Files which he found to be somewhat familiar to the plan for Supernatural he watched a lot of these shows to prepare for the role because he's a damn good actor and he's committed to the craft number 28 some of you may be shocked to buggery to learn that Jensen Ackles originally auditioned for the role of Sam Winchester not Dean when Jared Padalecki arrived producers said he'd be a better fit and talked gentle into playing Dean instead saying that he was the Han Solo character the two requiring charm and swagger can't say but I'll just move my hips when I said swagger Jensen accepted I mean obviously who wouldn't talk being compared to Han Solo number 29 the writers created the angel castiel because they wanted to incorporate Christian authority into the series however Kripke wanted to keep the introduction of an angel a secret so the auditions for the character was actually described as a demon for fallen in cave number 30 Kripke needed a name for a character and since the show was airing on Thursdays he simply google the words angel of Thursday and got Castiel back as result which is a variant of the name Castiel number 31 one particular building Riverview Hospital in British Columbia is first seen in the season 1 episode entitled asylum as a large mental health facility that's the name however it's also been shown as an apartment building a prison and a normal hospital in different episodes of the series shoestring butter guys remember number 32 Sam's laptop as seen in season 1 features a blue skull sticker that to you logo of a prominent mountain bike company in North Vancouver called Cove bikes nabber 33 so far the first season is the only season to not include the classic song carry on wayward son during its finale with fight the good fight used instead carry on wayward son Watts used in the penultimate episode however number 34 the significance of carry on my wayward son goes all the way back to Eric Kripke stalled hurt he explained on Twitter of all things that there was an old jukebox in his basement growing up and that when he found the song he liked it so much he played it over and over and over again and I don't blame him it's a certified banger number 35 the 19th episode of season 1 entitled Providence caused discussion amongst fans due to a possible slip-up on the part of a calls in one particular scene Dean tries to get Sam's attention but pronounces his name in a very odd way that sounds an awful lot like Jared huh what it's it some people maintain it sounds more like Sam but others insist that Apple's call his co-star by his real name number 36 Linda Blair guest stars in season 2 is a detective investigating the Winchester brothers towards the end of the episode when the brothers are walking away Dean says the she look familiar to you except in a more American and masculine voice when sam says he doesn't Dean then says I'm hungry I could really go for some pea soup which is exactly what Linda Blair projectile-vomited as Regan in The Exorcist number 37 in the 12 episode of season 2 the magazine that Ron show Sam and Dean features a picture of a metal robot along with the caption birth of the Cybermen the names Cybermen as well as the obvious likeness of the robot a references to the Cybermen from Doctor Who prominent antagonists in the show intent on converting the human race to into more Cybermen number 38 in the 18th episode of season 2 Dean mentions wanting to go swimming to which Sam replies this seems like swimming pool whether to you teen it's practically Canadian referencing the fact that the show's filmed entirely in Canada number 39 season 4 of Supernatural is dedicated to the memory of Kim manners who died of lung cancer in early 2009 Manas was an American television producer and director known for its work on the x-files and supernatural number 40 before the season premiere of the fifth season in which Lucifer is finally freed from imprisonment and promoted the show on Twitter using the hashtag Lucifer is coming which quickly took off however those who are unaware of the origin of the hashtag including P Diddy of all people assumed it was started by literal Satanists who were literally promoting the emergence of the literal Satan many people responded with the hashtag God is here and the original Lucifer is coming hashtag was eventually blocked by Twitter after people complained about it losers number 41 in response Misha Collins began promoting the hashtag P Diddy is scared of his TV however after only an hour Twitter blocked this from trending as well who knew that Twitter was such a buzzkill Lou Marini of Life Paris Hilton guest stars in fifth episode of season 5 towards the end of which Dean tests the line I've never even seen House of Wax House of Wax is the name of a 2005 horror movie famously starring Hilton and less famously starring Jared Padalecki number 43 as mention the show was originally meant to last five seasons which is why the season 5 finale is entitled swan song Haho they were number four for the seventh episode of season six features a number of references to 90s sitcoms for instance Dean greets Christian with hello Newman referencing the way Jerry greets his nemesis Newman in Seinfeld and the title of the episode itself Family Matters is also the name of an American sitcom that aired from 1989 to 1997 famously starring T Lil Wyte a Steve Arkell number 45 the creator of the show Eric Kripke was supposed to be in the classic episode the French mistake from season six but his on-screen W was aborted for one very good reason in November 2015 he tweeted the following I wanted to play myself in French mistake but I'm such a crap actor we decided it was a bad idea I can't even die well number 46 the tweet that Becky post in the 8th episode of season 7 are actually real and can be found on the Twitter account at super Becky Rosen number 47 at one point had a lucky dislocate his shoulder while wrestling with ostrich Chow who plays the Prophet Kevin Tran as a result the show's writers were forced to devise a story within the plots the show explaining why Salman to wear a sling for the start of season 10 number 48 in the sixth episode of season 10 it's revealed that Sam is lactose intolerant in a thrilling coincidence so is padalecki who plays Sam it's poetry really isn't it number 49 while Sam is in the cage wood Lucifer in the 10th episode of season 11 Sam asked Lucifer what he'll do after killing Amara Lucifer responds move to LA and solve crimes this is a clear reference to the show Lucifer in which Lucifer himself lives in Los Angeles and works with the LAPD solving crimes yep that's a real show number 50 the inscription on the barrel of the cult of Supernatural gun with the power to kill anything reads naam team a bomb Allah which is Latin for I will fear no evil number 51 the names of the characters Alistair and Crowley are references to Aleister Crowley a notorious English occultist who became known as the wickedest man in the world for his forays into mysticism number 52 Sam's birthday is the second of May 1983 which is also the birthday of Eric Kripke son however Kripke son was born in 2007 two years after he gave Sam that birthday I thought that Kripke himself describes us creepy coincidence yes number 53 many episodes are either named after movies such as the usual suspects or I know we did last summer or classic rock songs like in my time of dying born under a bad sign what is and what should never be and sympathy for the devil number 34 this all points to a common theme within supernatural as Kripke is a huge classic rock fan I mean who is it and includes it prominently in the show most of the songs heard in the show came from Eric Kripke zone record collection although one of his favorite bands the legendary Led Zeppelin has always been far too expensive to license I suppose Led Zeppelin need the money if they want to buy back Kashmir that's sir that's one of your dad's I think number 55 in fact Kripke is such a massive fan of classic rock he wrote a specific message in the script of the pilot episode reading key music and you can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass come on Kripke no one likes a music snob none 56 if you're not getting the message to Kripke likes classic rock all four members of Led Zeppelin had been used as aliases for the Winchester brothers in an early season Sam and Dean use the aliases plant and page referencing Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and in season 8 they used Bonham and Jones referencing John Bonham and John Paul Jones number of ever 11 but it's not just classic rock musicians you get the supernatural treatment all the way back in season 1 Sam and Dean used the alias agent Ford and agent Hamill if you don't know who that's a reference to you are beyond hope and they need a new home number 58 Castiel's outfit including his signature trench coat was created in a march to one particular trench-coated comic book character the antihero conman and magician John Constantine number 59 but Collins isn't just a sensitive bad boy angel with a sexy voice in actual fact he's also a published poet two of his poems baby pants and old bones are featured in the 2008 edition of the Columbia poetry review number sick day and yet there's something off about that Misha something not quite right Misha Collins is not his real name in a shocking revelation it turns out his real name is Dmitry tippin's crush Nick the name Misha comes to his mother's Russian ex-boyfriend and has been his nickname since childhood so he decided to use it professionally number 61 Misha Collins generally didn't think he'd be around for long he assumed he'd just be a and guest-star he would eventually be written out but fans loved him so much that from the fifth season collins was promoted to a series regular number 62 in fact Castile became so popular with the fans that he was spared from being permantly killed off at least twice for this very reason there are plans to off Castiel in episode 16 of season 4 entitled on the head of a pin and in the season 5 finale swan song number 63 Collins has said that he wished he hadn't adopted his trademark gravelly voice in the role of Castiel as constantly having thought like that for far longer thing anticipated keeps giving him a sore throat started he mean to go on Misha I mean that's why I give this amazing little twang nintendo64 actor Jim Bever who plays Bobby singer was also under the misapprehension that his character would just be a one-time guest star he has stated that he believed the initial guest appearance would be a one-shot deal but has since appeared in almost 60 episodes number 65 in fact none of the cast or crew members ever really expected the show to last anywhere near as long as it has done Misha Collins tells a story that had a party the team held to celebrate the 100th episode he joked maybe we'll see you at the 200th prompting everyone to laugh at the ludicrous idea that the show would last that long the party for the 200th episode of the series took place on October 2014 and the 300 episode will air sometime in the 14th season assuming he gets a 14 season widget well because it will probably last at the end of time number 66 her lucky is hinted that he knackles may be ready to end supernatural after the 300 episode mark which frankly is fair enough it looks exhausting that's almost half as many episodes of The Simpsons took it mistake number 67 the character of ruby was originally played for the lovely katie cassidy but in actual fact cassidy wasn't the first choice for the role the role of ruby was in fact specifically written for Kristen Bell who sadly declined discovery in the good place at the moment you should all watch that show it's good number 68 his role in Supernatural padalecki as one of People's Choice Award a Teen Choice Award and despite being an American to constellation Awards which are Canadian Awards the award excellence in film and TV as long as it's filmed in Canada get up salt however a cult has padalecki bait in this particular category as he has one no fewer than five awards for Supernatural Oh burn not literally number 70 one unfortunate accolade the show has earned is at odds of 2017 supernatural was the longest-running TV show to never win an Emmy the previous record holder for this was Baywatch and hey that the game a hit movie that everyone let oh no did number 71 both angles and panda liquor are native Texans Jared was raised in San Antonio and Jensen in Richardson both actors now live in Austin with their families ah that's the city by the way not number 72 both Echols and Penelope have auditioned for the role of Superman in some form Ackles was the second choice to play a young Clark Kent in the show Smallville and padalecki was the finalist for director Mick G's reboot which I'm sure you remember never happening number 73 speaking of Smallville by the way a small village supernal crossover was proposed but ultimately scrapped Sam and Dean would have to save Tom Welling from the infamous Superman curse that supposedly victimized the number of actors oh my god someone check Henry Cabot okay number 74 aside from the joy that supernatural brings to all of you the show has been highly instrumental in the very trajectory of padalecki love life Jared Padalecki found his soul mate in the form of guest star Genevieve Ortiz who was the second person to play Ruby on the show obviously they were very impressed with each other because in January 2010 they announced their engagement lots of salt at that wedding number 75 panel ecchi proposed to cortés in front of their favorite painting Joan of Arc by French realist artist Jules Bastian Lapage at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in October of 2009 it's not the most romantic painting the world but good for them number 76 incidentally Jensen Ackles was also a groomsman at Jared Padalecki 's wedding because of course he was number 77 the show has had a huge cult following online which has fantastically led up to ish load of supernatural fan fiction there's Destiel a couple made up of Dean and Castiel SAS DL a couple made up of salmon Castiel Andy and win cest a couple made off of well sure you can probably figure out yourself number 78 the online supernatural fandom has become such a forceful entity that it's even been referenced in the show in the 200th episode very conspicuously titled fanfiction Sam and Dean visit a high school where they're putting on a play about the Winchester brothers they even reference destiel and sass TL ah one day I hope schoolchildren will reenact the marriage of me and Jennifer Lawrence number 79 amazingly before being cast in Supernatural Misha Collins ran his own software company eventually he decided he was tired of the software game and started taking acting classes and the rest as they say is supernatural number 80 it's not just Collins who has hidden academic prowess Jensen Ackles wanted to study sports medicine and became a physical therapist before he's decided screw that and moved to LA to become an actor number 81 Jared and Jensen are known to their light-hearted yet still hilarious pranks against the one and only Misha Collins Jared and Jensen assaulted yes I said it assaulted him with the most ignoble of schoolyard pranks I to the face animals number 82 as is customary with highly popular shows targeted mostly at the young end of the Millennial brackets Supernatural has a vast amount of merchandise available including calendars t-shirt shot glasses temporary tattoos and posters there's even a supernatural trading card game with some cards featuring autographs from the actors and swatches from actual costumes even though number 83 supernatural results were developed and expanded universe with the publication of free six issue comic book miniseries by Wildstorm which is owned by DC Comics one of these entitled supernatural : origins tells the story of the early lives of John Sam and Dean Winchester and details about how John became a hunter number 80 there's also full length supernatural doubles based on the series at least 15 literary adaptations have been published since 2007 got a hook in that Fifty Shades of Grey crowd number 85 indie Thor novelizations were crazy prepared to literally pull yourself in shock because in 2010 the official Japanese Warner Brothers website announced an anime version of the series entitled supernatural : the animation which would debut in Japan 2011 panel lucky reprised his role as Sam in the english-language version for series but unfortunately Ackles only voices Dean in the final two episodes due to the bane of actors everywhere scheduling conflicts in all other episodes Dean was voiced by Andrew Farrar number 86 the actors who played Sam and Dean's half-brother father and grandfather have all had roles in Grey's Anatomy gilma Kenny and Jake Abel appeared in an episode each whereas Jeffrey Dean Morgan had a recurring role as Denny Duquette in the medical drama series starring in over 20 episodes number 87 God who goes by the wildly unassuming name Chuck in the series uses a pseudonym to write the supernatural books Carver Edlund this pen name is created by combining the surnames of two of the show's producers Ben Edlund and Jeremy Carver number 88 Sam is the only being on the show to been possessed by five different beings Crowley Meg gadreel the Wicked Witch and Lucifer seriously he's been possessed more time for my house number 89 in 2013 Jensen Ackles was ranked 39th from the hundred sexiest movie stars by Empire online Jensen number ninety think that's impressive well in 2005 panel lucky knackles were voted People magazine's sexiest Ghostbusters presumably beating scooby-doo and his team and the actual Ghostbusters in what was no doubt a furious battle the ghost busting supremacy I assume what a weird competition number 91 during San Diego comic-con 2017 Echolls was asked which of the many props seen on the show was his favorite he replied that his favorite prop is the angel blade comparing it to a fidget spinner haha ah phidget spinners remember those number 92 several members of the real Echols family appear in a number of Supernatural episodes Jensen's father Alan our calls appeared in a second episode of season 8 in the role of a detective and his sister McKenzie Ackles have appeared in two episodes the first time Minnesota for season two and again in episode 6 of season 7 initially both of ackles parents have appeared as extras in other episodes two good old nepotism number 93 if you look very closely indeed at Sam and Dean's FBI badges you'll see that they don't actually have Federal Bureau of Investigation online but rather Federal Bureau of Justice United States Department of Investigation this is because it is illegal to fake an FBI badge even for a movie or television series that spawned sports number 94 that's a number of supernatural Easter eggs in timeless Sarat cookies new show for instance both shows feature characters called Jessica who have very quickly killed off of sorry spoiler alert there's also a moment in which an NSA agent played by Jim be dimensioned agent singer referencing Bobby singer who leave a place in Supernatural it's all connected 95 hardcore supernatural fans will be very familiar with a certain special timepiece that appears very frequently in the show it's called the starburst clock and it's been tossing in diners bars hotel rooms and even other people's houses number 96 Jensen Ackles hasn't just acted for Supernatural he's also a directed five episodes of the show his first was weekend at Bobby's the fourth episode of season six and his most recent was the third episode of season 11 entitled the bad seed number 90 Misha Collins has also stepped in the directing role to having taken the helm on episode 17 of season 9 entitled mother's little helper number 98 one kind of monster that Sam and Dean sometimes tackle are sirens and the perceptive viewer of supernatural would have noticed they all have something in common they are always named after Disney heroines the Winchester boys him encounter sirens named Belle Ariel Aurora and jasmine number 99 in the earlier seasons Dean gave out his phone number as one eight six six nine oh seven three two three five fans who called that number would hear the following message read by the actual Jensen Ackles this is Dean Winchester if this is an emergency leave a message if you're calling about one one two eight three page me with your coordinates 1 1 2 8 3 refers to the 2nd of November 1983 or at least a dozen stupid American we're doing dates we just of course the date of Mary Winchester's death as the story progressed the aunts phone message was correspond with current story lines at some point the message was changed the following again spoken by Dean dad we really need to hear from you leave me a message text me check your Jay Winchester 1 to 46 email anything we have new info unfortunately though before you get that phone out of yours the number carry your number 101 yeah at some point Jensen Ackles was asked by female characters in the series don't tend to stick around for very long I thought was candid in his response saying the female fan simply don't like seeing them with other women ending his explanation with so you asked for it you got it we're alone and only have each other anyway that was simple 100 watt supernatural which bad was your favorite let me know below and what else do you want to see next we also need to hear that from you otherwise how the heck do we know what you want you also follow us on Twitter and Instagram they are on screen now and check out these videos - they're more bang for your buck what I don't know what I'm saying anymore anyway watch these videos and sayonara until next time bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 257,541
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, Facts about Supernatural, Supernatural Facts, Supernatural Series Facts, Supernatural Season 1, Supernatural Season 13, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Destiel, Wincest, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Felicia Day, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Supernatural Synopsis, Supernatural Behind The Scenes, supernatural season 12 gag reel, supernatural bloopers, supernatural parody, supernatural trailer, supernatural season 13 premiere, facts
Id: LwoIP8tv2PY
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Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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