101 Facts About The Paranormal

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hello mother factors and welcome once more to 101 facts but before we get started I'm gonna go ahead and assume that because you clicked on this you like to be creeped out and spooked up a storm well boy oh boy or girl do I have a brand new channel for you nightmare fuel for chilling readings of all your scary tales and the creepiest of all the pasta nightmare fuel is your go-to place believe me if you're settled and would very much like to be unsettled then head on over there now and subscribe I'll wait go on off you go just from it you can come back hey you never know you might hear a familiar voice over there anyway where was I oh yes how many vampires are there in the u.s. right now how many different kinds of ghosts are there who are you gonna call two out of three of those questions are going to be answered so load up on garlic bread silver bullets and some new underwear and prepare to face the unknown this is 101 facts about the paranormal number one paranormal creepy yes but what does it even mean well according to a Miss the dictionary never heard of her the paranormal denotes event or phenomena beyond the scope of normal scientific human understanding basically it's supernatural number two an example of this supernatural [ __ ] so to speak are ghosts spiritual apparitions of the recently or perhaps longtime deceased number three sightings of ghosts have been reported for centuries one of the earliest reported ghost sightings was claimed by Roman Pliny the Younger in the first century AD he reported that the ghost of an old man with a long beard and rattling chains was haunting his house in Athens sounds a bit like Marley and Marley to me where Marley and Marley our hearts were painted black number four Ed and Lorraine Warren were famous paranormal investigators who investigated this kind of thing the couple were involved in the famous Amityville case we'll get to that later have supposedly faced all kinds of demons ghosts and poltergeists number five what are those I hear you cry echoing a meme gone by well by definition poltergeist means a ghost or spirit that can make really loud noises like thumps and bangs as well as throwing objects around often destroying them basically they're like toddlers in Para physical form just kidding Baltic Isis don't get me number six it's at this point I should probably introduce the content of anomalistic psychology anomalistic psychology may sound like a made-up profession that you blurt out when on the spot when asked about your job by an estranged uncle at a family event but actually it's the study of the paranormal without believing in the paranormal ie debunking and finding other explanations for stuff number seven animalistic psychologists believe that poltergeist events can be explained by delusional behavior and people filling in the gaps of ambiguous stimuli that's what they say sure but can they explain this number eight in 1977 the Hodgson family from North London reported disturbing happenings throughout their family home to the police dubbed the Enfield poltergeist the event became national news and became one of the most famous haunting cases of all time number nine this Paranormal Activity if you will apparently included knockings on the wall bytes being flicked on and off furniture and a whole host of items from armchairs to LEGO pieces being thrown at the family number ten not even the thigh though which is gangster for police by the way could explain these spooking goings-on and police woman Carolyn heaps even went on record claiming she saw an armchair move on its own number eleven eleven year old Janet Hodgson became the most affected as she supposedly became possessed by the ghost even apparently using her as a vessel to communicate through number 12 photographs showed Janet in the room she shared with her siblings levitating through the air although some skeptics claim Janet is simply jumping off the bed which is kind of less scary well depends our bigger bettors number 13 a ghost named bill Wilkins used Janet as his voice claiming that he had died from a brain hemorrhage while sitting in his living room chair in the house Wilkins son later confirmed that this was how he died number 14 paranormal investigator Maurice grosse investigated the haunting and believed it to be real we're a skeptics and weirdly various magicians have debunked the cases just being pranks by the pesky little girls but what happened exactly I guess we'll never know anyway I'm gonna go house shopping number 15 ah here we go what about this place this looks nice right wrong well potentially because this is 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville where one of the most well known and one of the most well adapted into movie starring Ryan Reynolds assist paranormal interns of all time occurred number 16 in 1975 the Lutz family moved into the house it had been previously lived in by the DeFeo family almost all of whom had been shot by one of the family members number 17 28 days later no not you the Lutz family moved out during these 28 days the family reportedly experienced very weird phenomena such as one of the children having an imaginary pig friend with red eyes a secret room none of them knew was there appearing and the father hearing unexplainable noises such as a marching band or door slamming in the middle of the night number 18 a book was written about the events then the Amityville Horror by Jay Anton in 1977 the book caused masturbates I said mass debates clear mind out about whether or not the event in the book actually happened not only were there masturbate but even back in 4th lawsuit between the Lutz family and members of the media who would run stories about the events in the house number 19 the Warrens I mentioned earlier visited the place after the Lutz's had cleared out ed Warren was apparently pushed to the floor by an unseen force while Lorraine Warren claims she felt a strong demonic force there to be fair both of those things happen to me when I accidentally went to the OT while Justin Bieber was playing last week number 20 the house was sold in 2010 for nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars wow that's a lot for a house that sounds like a demented ghost train ride you can't get off of its had no more paranormal goings-on investigated or reported since number 21 the Tower of London is claimed to be one of the most haunted locations in London after all it was a prison between 1100 and 1952 dubbed the bloody tower some people today still report seeing the headless body of an Berlin strolling the grounds to be fair if I was Anne Boleyn I'd be pretty pissed off as well number 22 oh these kinds of hauntings don't just happen in the past either in early 2016 in Scotland for example a mother and her son fled their home claiming to the police that their pet Chihuahua was levitating around the room number 23 the police apparently arrived to a probably very confused to Wawa on top of a hedge as well as lights turning on and off and clothes flying around the broom number 24 an official statement from the police said that no evidence of criminality was found and the police had given the family guidance presumably to kept the gada there number 25 this thing is a Ouija board they're mostly known for using to talk to the dead width but actually they started off as just a nice parlor game in fact the word Ouija is actually trademarked by Hasbro who are the same people that make action-man and Furbies I'm never looking at them the same again number 26 it turned the name through a seance for a medium asked the board what they should call the game the balls bailed out we chair number 27 at one point we drew boards even outsold Monopoly Wow watch out uncle Pennybags the ghosts are coming for you no no seriously they watch out they can even get you in jail number 28 the Ouija board was first released in 1891 in a Pittsburgh shop and was marketed as we do the wonderful talking board it was priced at just one dollar fifty what a bargain christmas is coming up to write that down number 29 christian strongly advised against the use of Ouija boards as they claim it can expose the user to demonic possession I wouldn't risk it either just get a Furby if you want someone to talk to number 30 legend has it that after watching a rough cut of the first Paranormal Activity moving his own home Steven Spielberg got so spooked out he had to stop the film halfway through even claiming the DVD was haunted as his bedroom door locked all on its own while he was watching the movie he eventually got the courage to watch the rest the next day to be fair Steven it was probably on those poltergeists you pissed off while making the film poltergeist number 31 a recent poll said that 42% of all Americans believe that ghosts exist number 2 this is a chap named Peter Underwood no relation to Frank he was once described as the Sherlock Holmes of psychical research number 33 he once said that 98% of ghost sightings were likely to have rational explanations but he argued he was more interested in the 2% that cannot be explained number 34 Underwood describes ghosts is most likely being the surviving emotional memories of people who are no longer present or the result of some natural recording mechanism Arlis wonderfully poetic I just described them as creepy dead people above & cassper he's he's okay another 35 Underwood classifies ghosts into eight different categories elementals poltergeists historical ghosts mental imprints manifestations go to the Living Timeslips crisis apparitions and haunted inanimate objects number 36 ghosts of the living sounds like a terrible emo band but it's not they according to Underwood are projection to people who haven't actually died there like weird ethereal doppelgangers number 37 elementals are believed to be primitive entities and are often connected to places of burial they apparently don't really move they just stare at you as you pass by like a lecherous man at a bus stop number 38 we've already discussed poltergeists loads already but according to Underwood they often only haunt a particular person not a place not only 9 historical ghosts are your bog-standard traditional classic ghosts ie their ex alive people who tend to hold particular locations such as houses maybe number 40 mental imprint manifestations are images or energies that remain after a particular event not like a lovely trip to a funfair but often a more horrific or tragic event like a murder or execution these manifestations tend to repeat the same action over and over and over again on a particular date or time though they apparently don't interact it's kind of like an old movie going on around you rather than a conscious spirit apparently number 41 crisis apparitions a ghost that appear when people are dying or in life-threatening situations they're normally the ghosts of loved ones rather than you know just a random stranger checking in to say see you soon the meaning of life time slips are said to be when a living person finds themselves surrounded by ghosts or objects from another era often these experience include ancient furniture or vehicles a bit like if you accidentally visit Slough the ghosts in this instance don't actually pay attention to the visitor number 43 haunted inanimate objects are things that can exhibit a natural weird supernatural behavior such as moving on their own or turning themselves on top laughing number 44 one famously supposed haunted inanimate object is Anabelle made famous by the frankly awful film of the same name and making an appearance in the conjuring Annabel was a gift to a woman called Donna in 1970 but not long after receiving her she soon noticed the doll moving around the apartment of its own accord number 45 Donna took the doll to a psychic medium who said that the doll was possessed by the soul of a girl who died when she was very young number 46 the Warrens who seemed to be not the nick fury of this world investigated Annabelle and pronounced it demonically possessed it currently resides in a case in their Museum number 47 according to Justin McDaniel professor of religious studies and the director of the Penn ghosts project of the University of Pennsylvania God that was a mouthful there's a difference between ghosts in the east of the world and ghosts in the West number 48 in China Malaysia Singapore Vietnam and Thailand for instance The Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the seventh month of the lunar calendar people believe that during this festival the ghosts of the Dead are temporarily released a visit the living so you can say hey to your nan again huh number 49 in Taiwan some people believe that the spirits wandering around during this ghostly month can cause accidents for the living one study found that people even deliberately avoid risky behavior during the festival to avoid any paranormal problems number 51 study has found that hearing or reading about paranormal experiences especially becomes from a credible source is all that's needed to increase paranormal beliefs among people oh man if the people of Hawkins are just watch Supernatural maybe they'd have believed Joyce in stranger things number 51 on the other side of the proverbial coin Christopher French head of the animalistic psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths University of London has said that most people who believe to experience ghostly goings-on have actually experienced hallucinations or sleep paralysis which is experienced by thirty to forty percent of people throughout their lives oh boy can't wait for that number 52 in Hong Kong thirty-seven percent of people have reported experiencing ghost depression at least once during their lifetime nub of everday Tory in 1901 dr. Duncan MacDougall trying to prove the existence of the human soul by weighing terminally ill patients before and immediately after their death sounds a fun he had six patients who all lost weight when they died averaging about 21 grams each he therefore posited that the human soul weighs 21 grams number 54 now to another kind of spirit the Banshee Banshee - believed to be female spirits known for their wailing and crying in grief usually in order to foretell the death of a family member number 55 these Banshee legends have originated from the lovely land of Ireland and are rooted in the custom of cleaning which is when women or Keener's used to cry and sing at funerals as a custom I want Jennifer Lawrence to bust out Let Me Entertain You at mine number 56 hey by the way watch out if you see one of these things because it means it's werewolf time baby whispers of the legends of the werewolves have been a whispered since medieval Europe number 57 werewolf literally means man wolf the where meaning man in Old English and the wolf meaning air mattress haha now I'm just kidding it means golf number 58 another much cooler name for werewolf ISM is lycanthropy for what a word like contra P like a my first son met Mike Anthropy 101 number 59 clinical lycanthropy is an actual illness specifically about humans turning into animals or well at least having delusions that they can turn into animals number 60 there is also werewolf syndrome which is a completely different deal that no also isn't quite what you're thinking either it actually refers to hair growing all over your body abnormally god that looks like a nightmare to comb and condition number 61 legend has it that you can be turned into a werewolf or yourself by being bitten by a werewolf gosh it's all that biting with the paranormal isn't it some suggest that this idea could have originated with or been misinterpreted from rabies which can be transferred via a bite number 62 in other areas of the world they're aware animals - werewolves aren't available such as this and I'm gonna say this being a badass where Tiger who's a legend in some areas of Asia who doesn't even need a full moon to transform number 63 supposedly the first sighting of a werewolf was in 1581 in Germany after being cornered by an angry mob but the wolf apparently revealed himself to be a man named Peter Stumpp nintendo64 stumped then supposedly after being tortured admitted he had murdered and even eaten several people in the village as well as making a deal with the devil through black magic who gave him a magic belt this belt apparently allowed him to transform into a wolf and then back into a farmer again number 65 Peter Stumpp was then slowly tortured until death he would then forever be known as the werewolf of bed burg number 66 there's apparently four types of werewolf alpha beta Omega and teen okay maybe not that fourth one number 67 an alpha werewolf is the leader of the pack apparently these bad boys are physically stronger and bigger than any other type of werewolf not a 68 eat the beta as I'm sure you can imagine is the second-in-command number 16 are ya an Omega is a lone wolf or not part of a pack they're the bottom of the wolf rank and are the weakest so are most likely to die so if you have to be a werewolf stick together and make some buddies won't you also don't come to London number 70 a pure silver bullet is supposed to be the strongest weapon to kill a werewolf some legends say one shot one kill 360 no-scope others say it will take multiple shots to bring the howler down but like vampires or indeed my vicious ex-girlfriends over the years you've gotta aim to destroy the heart not a 71 the day of the dead sounds ominous as all heck but it's a festival celebrated in Mexico Dia de los Muertos honors deceased loved ones by decorating and having a party around their grave ah that sounds nice if only they could rise up and celebrate or maybe they can number 72 a zombie is defined as a corpse that is said to be revived using witchcraft their origins lie especially in African and Caribbean religions and law number 73 in Haitian folklore it was said that voodoo date in part time Bond villain Baron Samedi would turn those who had irritated him into zombies after death number 74 zombies while a scary paranormal concept actually help us humans in a way well in a in a money way they are worth five billion dollars to the economy with the Night of the Living Dead movie laying the popularity in zombies groundwork followed by things such as The Walking Dead and arguably the Last of Us reinvigorating interest in the dead rotting cannibals number 75 even though they are already turned popular culture teaches us over and over again that the best way to end them once and for all is removing the head or destroying the brain I will repeat that by removing the head or destroying the brain number 76 that being said according to Haitian folklore again zombies could be cured by being fed salt the more you know number 77 but the Dead Rising whether through witchcraft or technology or whatever isn't that likely to happen is it well tell that to clairvius narcisse yeah he's mister man in 1962 clairvius narcisse from haiti was diagnosed with hypotension and pulmonary edema disorder Wow good thing I'm not a doctor because I found that ridiculously difficult to say anyway some time later he was declared dead by two u.s. trained doctors number 79 the hospital produced a death certificate his sister signed it and clairvius was buried but it doesn't stop there number 80 supposedly a voodoo priest or a becau dug him up brought him back to life and then kidnapped him he was then forced to work on a sugar plantation he apparently could follow orders but couldn't think by himself effectively making him a zombie number 81 in his studies Wade Davis of Harvard University came to a conclusion that could explain what happened here he studied a zombie powder a substance that because use on people to simulate death the victim is then dug up from the grave and given an antidote or a zombie cucumber keeping them on this drug will keep them in a trance for as long as the picure once number 82 this zombie powder in case you've got some reason makes them at home contains traces of pufferfish which contains lethal neurotoxin a hilar tree frog and human remains yummy number 83 the 8th of October is World zombie day but don't worry real zombies won't rise from the dead on this day probably no it's just a big street parade where people dress up as zombies in major cities all across the world although if a real zombie uprising did happen on that day nobody would notice for ages just say number 84 speaking of ages these guys have been around for lots of them lots of ageism it's that make sense sorry I thought this would be a bit of a segue in for vampire section number 85 the folklore around vampires originated from 18th century Europe here they were said to be the reanimated corpses of witches suicide victims or just generally evil people number 86 the most famous fictional vampire ever isn't this twinkling tit but this guy Dracula many believe that the author behind Dracula Bram Stoker based his famous Dracula novel on real-life Romanian prints at Vlad Tepes number 87 blad Pepper's aka Vlad Dracula aka Vlad the Impaler got his multiple nicknames from his brutal torture methods to his enemies earning him a very nasty reputation number 88 Vlad didn't drink blood necessarily like most vamps do but boy did he spill it all over the bloody place no pun intended he would mount his enemies onto erected wooden stakes right through the heart does that sound familiar at all hey if Dracula was based on Vlad then you'd kill him by literally giving him a taste of his own medicine ah mind blown number 89 Prince Charles of the British royal family is a distant relative of Vlad the Impaler so yeah that's that's not anything to worry about is it child number 90 according to legend and Buffy to kill a vampire you need a trusty wooden stake straight through its heart just make sure your stake is either made from ash row an oak or Hawthorne as depending on your location these woods are the ones you need unless you're in China apparently according to legend in which case you need the wood of a peach tree number 91 you could buy your own kids for this kind of thing if you're worried in fact in 2012 a 19th century vampire killing kit sold at auction for over 2,000 pounds it included a small pistol lots of steaks and garlic paste number 92 vampires don't like sunlight we all know that however sunlight burning or hurting you is actually a real condition when severe porphyria can cause the skin to burn when exposed to the Sun if you have this back in the olden days people probably assumed you were a bloodsucker number 93 garlic repels vampires but why why would they deprive themselves of the joy that is garlic bread well garlic contains natural antibacterial properties that can cure blood diseases given that it was seen that vampirism was a type of disease it makes sense why vampires don't like the taste of it number 94 back in folklore terms it was said that garlic was a mosquito repellent mosquitoes tried to suck your blood a bit like vampires do therefore they apparently both hate garlic yeah they loved it there isn't exactly sound but it was ages ago and apparently had vampires to deal with okay so just give him a break number 95 but vampires are the stuff of fiction Sam there's nothing to worry about you dolphin faced twit well first of all that's a weird comparison and secondly they are well apparently in the u.s. anyway number 96 in a survey conducted by the Atlanta vampire Alliance which is an actual real thing they found that there are over 5,000 people in the u.s. of state that identify themselves as vampire number 97 these modern vampires aren't quite what you're thinking they're not the kind that you know blade would go out of his way to hunt down anyway however they do drink blood but from consenting donors number 98 these donors have to fill out lots and lots and lots of paperwork before being scalpel Don a part of the back that doesn't scar and the vampires get a slurp in they don't exactly stalk them down in any way either the donors come to the vampires often in exchange for money mum but no denying in fact of the vampirism and energy work research study found that ninety seven point forty percent of vampires that they art had not been convicted of any violent crimes whatsoever so that's reassuring if you're terrified of all this well fear not because help is here in the form of real-life ghost busters paranormal societies calm say that there are more than 3600 paranormal groups ready to lend a hand in the u.s. 53 in Canada and 57 in the UK number 101 if he fancied becoming a real paranormal investigator apparently it takes no qualifications no licensing and you don't even have to believe in ghosts all you need is patience an open mind and money because most of them do it for free still be one if you want or don't don't let me tell you what to do accept way around the end board cuz it's a cracker here we go that was 101 facts about the paranormal and I don't know about you but I had a lovely if not spooky time if you want more 101 facts like I really want to contact some paranormal investigators to investigate some weird goings on down the back of my garden don't ask then click on subscribe right now and you'll get exactly that also remember what I said at the beginning click to subscribe to nightmare fuel it's really really cool I might as well that's a little in fear right there so you can't be scared also it's not real but creepy stuff man [Music] you
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 918,293
Rating: 4.59554 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, alltime10s, top10s, paranormal, paranormal activity, paranormal activity movie, paranormal activity full, ghosts, demons, werewolfs, vampires, are ghosts real, are vampires real, real ghost, ghost sighting, ghost hunters, ghost documentary, paranormal sighting, paranormal footage, real ghost footage, zombies, black magic, voodoo, amityville, annabelle, ed lorraine warren, poltergeist, scary videos, paranormal facts, facts about the paranormal, ghost facts, facts
Id: cDzOZTBclcg
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Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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