101 Facts About Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

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greetings mana factors I'm agent Sam and welcome to level seven today I'm going to be talking to you all about marbles agents of shield the plucky little spin-off show for the Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone from strength to strength to strength to strength over it very seasons with death destruction and duplicity making it as entertaining as the film's maybe but what the shield actually stand for which popular internet meme managed to weasel its way into the show and how can I join shield exactly I've been considering a career change the wage of a disembodied internet voice can no longer support my chicken nugget addiction don't start kids or ruin your life anyway two out of three those questions are going to be answered so grab your Bambino get a nice seat on the bus or loner and prepare yourself for a very spoiler filled edition of 101 facts about marvel's agents of shield number one alrighty first things first agents of shield or sometimes specifically referred to as marvel's agents of shield is an american TV series created by Joss Whedon as well as his brother Jed Whedon and Marissa temp Tyrone based on the fictional spy agency shield from the Marvel Universe number two the show primarily follows the exploits of Phil Coulson a high-ranking member of shield who has served as a field agent second-in-command and as the organization's director actor clark gregg reprises his role as Coulson from the popular Avengers films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe now you might be thinking what Samuel my boy didn't Phil Coulson die horribly in the Avengers oh don't you re we'll get to that number three shield first appeared in strange tales number 135 released in 1965 in the midst of a very peculiar trend in fiction characterized by a fascination with secret international intelligence agencies and shadowy evil organizations with catchy acronyms I'll grant you they are pretty snazzy number 4 the specific source that inspired comic book legend Stan Lee to create shield was the American spy fiction TV series of the Man From UNCLE which first aired in 1964 the Man From UNCLE didn't just inspire Lee but single-handedly prompted a spy fiction craze on television people just love acronyms man number 5 by the way shield stands for strategic homeland intervention enforcement and logistics division which essentially means they seek to well from a litany of terrifying enemies beyond the capabilities of your average run-of-the-mill national security agencies like those thumbed woodless at the CIA in the Secret Service number six however the shield acronym hasn't always meant the same thing when the organization was first created in the 60s shield stood for supreme headquarters international espionage law enforcement division which was later changed in the early 90s to the strategic hazard intervention espionage and logistics Directorate eventually gaining its current meaning more recently there really isn't a clear vision as to why the agency renamed three whole times but whatever it's called someone was obviously desperate to abbreviate it to shield number seven several episodes of the show directly crossover with the earlier films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe for example there's a scene toward the end of the Avengers age of Ultron when Nick Fury arrives with the fleet for the bear ships wahoo Nick Fury didn't just pull these out of his mmm-hmm out of thin air there is in fact a multi-episode arc within agents of shield which follows the preparation and release of those ships number eight despite being a secretive suited and booted militaristic Security Agency shield is not conventionally part of the US government and is generally more closely affiliated with the United Nations however this is not always remained consistent throughout the comic books over the years which isn't too surprising given that the organization has been around in one form or another for over five decades that being said in the films and TV series shield has a distinct American quality number nine but shield is in the only Big Shot spy organization and is joined in the Marvel Universe by groups like armor and sword armor stands for alternate reality monitoring an operational response and was formed to handle extra dimensional security concerns and sword which stands for sentient world's observation and response department essentially deals with extraterrestrial threats ie aliens with armor shield and a sword earth should be well protected against pretty much anything we're Hyde's roommates number 10 interestingly there's also a division within shield known as wand Jesus while these acronyms never die one stands for wizardry alchemy and necromancy Department this area of shield handles all the security issues of the supernatural and magical we're coming for you Potter number 11 as I previously pointed out despite being as American as a base ball shaped apple pie delivered to your home by a flock of bald eagles shield is still ostensibly international in its scope however there is in fact a properly actually 100% bona fide the American version shield known as safe they must be running out by now which stands for strategic action for emergencies again this is slightly odd considering how super American shield is but hey I didn't write it Americans did numbers well all these not technically American but still like totally American agencies are also joined by strike which stands for special tactical reserve for international key emergencies strike is basically the British version of shield which in the comics due to it not being totally American obviously gets completely taken over by Hydra but wait what is Hydra number 30 shields main enemy is Hydra a shadowy terrorist outfit bounded by their not at all suspicious who named Baron von Strucker a former Nazi under the command of the Red Skull who was also totally and not saved oh oh Nazis have such balance number fourteen but Hydra isn't alone in his commitment to evil and opposition of shield Coulson's beloved spy agencies also face up against a number of major enemies over the years including aim which is not in fact AOL Instant Messenger but advanced idea mechanics a team of evil scientist who a vision developed diabolical weapons for Hydra but were inspired by Zayn Malik I assume to go solo then there's zodiac a criminal organization made of the villains based on the symbols of the zodiac there's also the corporation a criminal business organization and the yellow claw a Chinese villain which in retrospect is a thoroughly racist name number 15 you thought you were done with secret organizations with catchy acronyms for names ha hole you poor souls after shield failed to prevent the so called Secret Invasion a large-scale and long-term ami invasion of earth spider-man body Norman Osborn took over as director and converted the agency into a dark version of shield called hammer the meaning of hammer has never been revealed they literally only cared about the name number 16 Joss Whedon started to develop the pilot for agents of shield following the huge success of the Avengers series and in October of 2012 Clark Gregg was confirmed to be pre prizing his role in the show making it oh Mashal number 17 however according to TV writer and producer Jeff Loeb it was greg himself who planted the seeds for the show Loeb reported that when he and Greg were to fan event for the ultimate spider-man animated TV series Greg kept whispering in his ear as an idea for a TV series that sneaky devil number 18 in a 2013 interview with Entertainment Weekly Joss Whedon stated that the show was basically a TV series of the Zeppo an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer which deliberately moved the focus off the main characters and onto less important ones the main thrust of this was to highlight the everyman who Whedon is rooted as heroes for years and is represented in agents of shield by Coulson although number 19 and Foley they had costume designer on agents of shields worked closely with the show's writers to create outfits that are meant to evolve over time a carriages look is meant to change and develop as they themselves develop in the show so in Colton are never to be turned shield into a mixed gender brothel he'll presumably begin dressing in a flashy leopard print pimp outfit presumably not that I've imagined that or anything number 20 foley states that she drew inspiration from the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe but also claims her designs were inspired by other spy films such as Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and the James Bond outing Skyfall number 21 if the music and agents of shield sounds familiar don't worry you don't need to go to hospital the show's composer is bandik RiRi the same man who can boast the music for both the military sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica and zombie and coral fest The Walking Dead number 22 in the show's pilots the character of Maria Hill all played by Canadian actress Cobie Smulders says that Agent Coulson has requisitioned a mobile command unit a number of people have pointed out that mobile command unit shares the same initials as the Marvel Cinematic Universe making it a sneaky reference that the film's number 23 at another point in the pilot episode the Stark Industries logo can be seen on the side of a bus again linking the series the Iron Man films and the wider MCU it's as if they want people to know that this is connected to a multi-billion dollar film franchise funny that number 24 in another moment again in the pilot she old biochemist Jemma Simmons refers to their mission as a journey into mystery which was incidentally the types of the comic their debut Tamar wills Norse character Thor he's also been pretty successful in the MCU - we may have even made a video about him number 25 shield agents Jemma Simmons and grant Ward share the same birthdays as the actors you play them Elizabeth Henstridge he plays grant Ward her had to scary she plays Simmons was born on the 11th of September and Brett Dalton who plays grant Ward was born on the 7th of January their IDs can be seen in the pilot episode number 26 in episode 6 of season one when Fitzsimmons are talking about viruses Simmons makes a reference to the asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever Mary Mallon who came to be known as typhoid mary after spreading the disease to dozens of people killing at least three of them typhoid mary is also a villain featured in Marvel Comics and regularly comes into conflict with daredevil and occasionally spider-man or even Dead Pool number 27 the fourteenth episode of season one entitled Tahiti was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for outstanding special and visual effects the episode featured a number of impressive VFX moments such as scenes with cyborg Deathlok visualizations of the element gravitonium and various high-tech weapons number 28 in the 8th episode of season 1 entitled the well call sim receives a massage in a flashback / dream sequence during which he asks the masseuse did I fall asleep she replies for a little while this is a clear reference to Joss Whedon's dollhouse in which the same line too said as a question-and-answer response of the dolls when they had undergone programming no 29 there's also a moment in the well when owing to Thor status as a god but also an alien due to the fact he's from you know another world Daisy Johnson more on her later suggests that other gods such as Vishnu could be aliens to this apparently caused a slight amount of controversy among some Hindus Rajan's heir to the president of the universal Society of Hinduism even called for an apology number 30 the same episode features the particularly shredded corpse of a freaky blue alien the body of this alien dubbed gh needed to be ripped 8f and luckily visual effects supervisor mark kolpak had easy access to a necessarily muscular dude in the form of personal trainer and amateur bodybuilder Brandon kolpak who also happens to be son number 31 in the 13th episode of season 1 Coulson warns Ward that if anything goes wrong with their mission he'll spend the rest of his career in Alaska doing nightshift on bomb skis cryo-cell blonsky's of reference to emil blonsky otherwise known as the abomination who appeared in the movie The Incredible Hulk number 32 in the same episode the character of Melinda may has to walk atop a moving train as part of a mission in Italy unfortunately the actors he plays may the badass Ming now when suffers from a fear of heights and had to overcome some serious nerves in order to film the scene of her confidently strutting across the top of a train to be fair you don't really need to be scared of heights to be worried about walking atop a moving train you just have to be worried of you know dying Nambu 33 in the same episode the legendary Stan Lee who as you'll remember from fact 4 created shield has a cameo in which he scolds Coulson during a particularly awkward moment on a train Lee is known for his numerous cameos in Marvel productions frankly he's a bit of a camera hog number 34 the first series was received well enough but reception got more and more positive after the Winter Soldier twist came into play which makes sense because the show got a hell of a lot more interesting once Hydra became involved number 35 the creators of the show apparently liked to keep the cast on their toes - as they decided not to tell actor Brett Dalton that his character Ward was going to be a Hydra agent - it infiltrated shield until right before they filmed episode 17 of the first season Dalton was the very first member of the cast to learn about Ward's snaky duplicity Wallis named number 36 somewhat unsurprisingly a lot of fans did not respond particularly well to the emergence of Ward's true allegiance aburrá Alert for that by the way sorry however other fans who dug themselves Ward's warriors decided to support him and advocate redemption for him down the line they often tweet during the show with the hashtag stand with Ward to display their support for his wicked wicked ways number 37 and it wasn't just the fans who were upset either at the table read of the episode in which it was revealed that Ward was a Hydra mole indica sticker was so shocked by the revelation of his buddy's treachery that he refused to believe it he reportedly to shut down with his arms crossed saying it's not true over and over again down there it's only TV spin-off of a popular science fiction superior franchise number 38 in fact before filming none of the actors really knew much about their characters they were eventually portraying Meghna when say - she was only told her character's name and a very brief synopsis of her character's life before going into filming number 39 in fact in fact actor Henry Simmons who plays Mack on the show didn't even know his character had a brother until the last possible moment perhaps actors give better performances when they're surprised and don't know anything number 40 another thing you may not know about actor Brett Dalton is that before he began working ladies of shield Dalton literally went to drum roll clown school perhaps his clown based education helps Dalton with his stunts although I mean it doesn't look like a clown does he but then I suppose they never do number 41 in episode 18 of season one Garrett and Ward infiltrate shields prison and storage facility known as the fridge as they are doing so Garrett remarks of war that the last time he was here he helped put away a man by the name of Johnny Horton who had Lion claws for hands this is a reference to Marvel supervillain Griffin an occasional foe of the Avengers and x-men who was essentially you know a Griffin the meaning of life in the same episode Agent Coulson receives coordinates to his badge that apparently specified the exact location of one of shield's bases known as Providence in reality though the coordinates given point to a nameless road in the eastern region the Canadian state of Ontario less than 20 miles from the border of Quebec I mean by all means go check it out but the base isn't there number 43 the characters of scientists Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons were inspired by the bickering Malloy brothers from Ocean's eleven except they're Malloy brothers arms and bickering on and off again couple just bros well I hope anyway number 44 the cast of agents of shield apparently weren't receiving the adequate amount of mental stimulation between takes because the set was awash with juvenile hijinks and childish pranks in one such mirthful lock Chloe Bennet who plays Daisy Johnson on the show reportedly pranked co-star indica sticker ie Fitz by fitting his car and trailer with snow that's actually quite cruel that can cause water damage when everything Jesus Bennett what's your issue number 45 sometimes hilarious on such shenanigans were merely embarrassing mistakes for the entire first week of filming Elizabeth Henstridge referred to Clark Craig as Greg rather than Clark believing Greg was his first name rather than his last well that's what you get for having a back-to-front named Clark Gregor Greg Clark or Clark Ygritte the know or whatever your name is number 46 the writers of the show have noted that for the most part they have free rein to create their own narratives within the Marvel Universe that being said though there are some limits certain storylines in the movies have to be respected and cannot even be mentioned on the show however the writers view these limitations more as puzzles to be enjoyably solved rather than obstacles to be battled against number 47 the shield Globemaster aeroplane commonly referred to as the bus was officially designated shield six one six this is a reference to earth-616 the main universe within the Marvel multiverse in which the majority of Marvel Comics takes place by the way in case you were interested the Marvel Cinematic Universe is number is earth one nine nine nine nine nine the more you know number 48 the bus has interrogation rooms with walls that are lined with silicon carbide vibranium alloy vibranium is the same material used to create Captain America shield so it's clearly been designed to handle some serious interrogation the most versatile services are boss number 49 a number of the show's cast had also hoped to appear another Marvel franchise movies but maybe a slightly higher profile Adrianne Palicki who plays Bobby Morse and Brian Patrick Wade who plays Carl creel both audition for roles in guardians of the galaxy pillar key is Kimora and wide as Drax number 50 slightly awkwardly both Chloe Bennet and ruth negga who plays reina on the show originally audition for the role of simmons ultimately the role went to Henstridge but hey the other two still got substantial roles so yeah you for them number 51 comedian Patton Oswalt also makes several guest appearances in the show appearing in eight episodes in total as several of the identical k-league brothers he got the role thought only because he's a big comic book fan but also because he's close with Joss Whedon and even wrote a comic book based on one Whedon's motorola project Firefly number 52 in episode 19 of season 1 a shocking a monstrous truth is revealed about maeín wort it turns out guys brace yourself Melinda's middle name is Charlie n and grant middle name is Douglas I know I know number 53 in this episode Melinda Mays mother is played by Chinese born witches actress side shin when and Shane appeared together several years ago in the 1993 film Joy Luck Club which tells the story of a group of Chinese women and their chinese-american daughters sidechain is also one of the very few actresses to have played a Bond girl more than once number 54 in the penultimate episode of season 1 several characters state that they were only following orders this mirrors the infamous I was only following orders defense used a number of times by Nazis at the Nuremberg trials Hydra was originally written as a Nazi offshoot organization so this comparison is act number 55 the season 1 finale entitled beginning of the end features a threading fight between Melinda may and grant Ward according to when the filming of the scene took a horrific 17 hours fighting for 17 whole hours sounds like my ex-wife number 56 the weapon that Corson use is to defeat the centipede soldiers in season 1 finale it's the same he used to shoot Loki in The Avengers movie he even nods to his famous line arty blast Loki through a wall that's what it does this time stating I know what it does number 57 oh and by the way this Apple mentioned enormous gun that Coulson used to shoot Loki in the Avengers actually has a cute little pet named Bambino Bambino is the Italian musket in form of baby which essentially means silly little one number 58 in the third episode of season 1 entitled making friends and influencing people the Hydra owned cargo ship Maribel de Mar is actually the world war ii victory ship SS laying victory which is located in los angeles harbor number 59 one of the most impressive action scenes in the entire series takes place in the fourth episode of season 2 when may fights agent 33 a brainwashed Hydra agent who is shape-shifted to look exactly like Mae happen as the actors in the scene were wearing such tight fitting clothing it was impossible to hide the protective padding underneath their costumes as such the set resulted instead hard edges were rounded off and several items of furniture were replaced with foam and balsa wood copies number 60 episode 6 of season 2 features a particularly impressive and well-loved guest star in the form of the one and only grumpy cat well sawed off Colson holds up a mark adorned with grumpy cats grumpy grumpy face and asked whether or not someone brought it from home I'd assume so unless shield is issuing its agents with a grumpy cat as standard I mean the cat looks like a cook killer she tolerates all I was saying number 61 in episode 8 of season 2 entitled the things we Barry Morris mentions the back she has got that whole classic Bond villain thing going on well joke's on you Bobby Moore's Simon Cassie Anita's the actor who plays back she did actually appear as a baddie in the 2008 Bond film Quantum of Solace south theatre relatively minor body but a baddie nonetheless number 62 in episode 14 of season 2 it's revealed that Lola the pet name for Coulson's beloved 1962 red Corvette is also an acronym my god the can't get enough can they which stands for levitating Overland automobile get it because it levitates Overland that is genius number 63 that episode is also notable for a number of references to pulp fiction in the opening scene Ward orders pumpkin pancakes referencing the character pumpkin Ward in 1833 pulled their guns out at the same time and start yelling like pumpkin and honey bunny and when they corner the doctor he offers them his wallet much like pumpkin and honey bunnies robbery at the diner additionally one of the patrons at the diner robbery is Jules Winnfield claimed by samuel l.jackson new place Nick Fury in agents of shield Nintendo 64 the license plate on the Jeep that hunter and Coulson steal in episode 16 season 2 was from South Carolina this is a nod from writen producer Craig titli to the Palmetto State where one of his best friends worked as a professor at Lander University titli regularly travels to South Carolina to act as a charging guest speaker at the Lander University film festival number 65 though every precaution is taken to keep back to some property doing themselves in accidents do happen while filming a fight scene in episode 19 of season 2 Chloe Bennet fractured her elbow into places as a result Bennett was forced to come the rest of the season with a broken arm ouch number 66 in the season 3 premiere entitled laws of nature Calton references the Pym technologies disaster while Fitz is trying to learn about monolith this is a clear reference to the 2015 Marvel film ant-man which was released two months prior number 67 Malinda Mays father makes an appearance in the second episode of season 3 and is played by James Hong when in Hong previously worked together on Disney's Mulan Hong as chief Buu and boy to the Emperor and when we gave her voice to Mulan herself number 68 the title of the 10th episode of season 3 is mother which happens to be the Hebrew word for death sort of the Hebrew language doesn't have a that we take for granted in English and the actual pronunciation is closer to mothers the void in know number 69 towards the end of episode 3 of season 3 Matt can be seen playing halo 5 guardians but really much of a fact on its own that I mean maybe you could say that the Guardians bit is referenced against the galaxy but that would be reaching further than mr. fantastic number 70 eventually it's revealed that Skye is in fact and inhuman which are aliens with powers activated by a special mist Skye therefore becomes Daisy Johnson also known as quake another nice piece of MCU connective tissue is that sky grew up as an orphan in Saint Agnes orphanage where Matt Murdock aka daredevil also grew up number 71 in the 11th episode of season 3 entitled bouncing back Alan Partridge style Phil Coulson tells president Matthew Ellis we'll keep doing what we do and you'll keep pretending that we don't exist many people have theorized that this is in fact an affectionate jab at the creators of the Marvel films as the events of agents of shield have never been mentioned or acknowledged within the narrative of the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe number 72 the codename for Bobby Moore's used in episode 13 of season 3 is bird which is an affectionate reference to our code name in the comics Mockingbird I wish I had a code name it be something cooled like the heron that's not cool is it damn it I just ruined my own nickname number 73 there's a scene in the same episode when Mawson Hunt Road drinking from two bottles of Ben Deary English eh all this brand of beer is sadly fake a M and is named after a friend of the actor Nick blood called Benjamin Deary this particular fake brand of beer is actually made a number of appearances in the show since hunter join the team number 74 in episode 14 of season 3 Daisy Johnson explains that damage control will have to come clean up Mackenzie's house after it's left in a less than pristine condition following a shootout damage control is actually a construction company that appears in Marvel Comics which specializes in cleaning up the mess after conflicts between superheroes and supervillains they also make an appearance in spider-man homecoming to number 75 surprisingly episode 15 of season 3 contains a number of references to famous academics and mathematicians nerds out there there are characters named Charles Hinton Edwin Abbott and Rowan Hamilton who were all 19th century thinkers known for their work with the fourth dimension either there's some seriously clever people working agents of shield or the names such as a massive coincidence could be either really number 76 in episode 19 of season 3 JT James aka Hellfire says that he once considered firestarter at a codename but as I did against it due to it being a little 90s this is a reference to the song firestarter by The Prodigy and what a tune it is trace a firestarter number 27 the penultimate episode of season 3 features several contestants from the reality webseries agents of shield Academy in which three superfans go through several challenges to become agents of shield even though it's not a real organization they appear in this episode as agents of shield themselves number 78 the third episode of season 4 features a Sherlock Holmes reference when Holden and Simmons are attempting to figure out how to save may they paraphrase the famous Sherlock Holmes quip when you eliminate the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth fingers crossed for an agent of Sherlock crossover number 79 the fourth episode of season 4 features a significant reference to the classic film grease when calls for a McKenzie pursue Robbie Reyes in a car chase it mirrors the famous drag race in set Phil both the drivers of racing classic cars and both scenes were filmed in the dried up band of the LA River if that wasn't enough wink course on a Mackenzie catch up to Reyes Coulson quips I get his car now aimed at how this works alluding to the grease race in which the winner wins ownership of the loses vehicle number 80 this episode doesn't pay homage only to classic cinema but modern-day video games - writer Matt Owens has confirmed that several lines of dialogue with JT James and Jemma Simmons Arum artistic characters from the game overwatch created by Blizzard Entertainment specifically junk rat an explosive crazed Aussie as well as tracer a poorly voiced Brits the cavalry Z number 81 when may questions where the age of the Android thinks in the 8th episode of season 4 Coulson quips maybe about Electric Sheep referencing the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep which was allegedly adapted into the iconic sci-fi film Blade Runner which we know from the video about - you're interested number 82 episode 15 of season 4 was written and directed by Jed Whedon and is the first episode to be both written and directed by the same person although that being said the show's pilot was directed and co-written by Joss Whedon number 83 when mace shows Coulson and Simmons the shield wall of Valor in episode 17 of season 4 two of the first names that are shown are G Kitson and Egerton this is a rather arrogant reference to the names of the episodes writer George Kitson and the art department coordinator Aron guerre 10 number 84 episode 18 of season 4 features the very obvious inclusion of the line nevertheless she persisted were adopted by feminists in America after Republican Mitch McConnell uttered them following United States Senate vote to silence senator Elizabeth Warren subjection to the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as a US Attorney General number 85 the next episode the 19th of season 4 also features a number of references to the controversy surrounding US president Donald Trump never heard of him Coulson uses the phrase alternative fact while exposing Hydra on television and at one point back she tells a woman that she needs to buy furniture a clear dig at the infamous Access Hollywood throw to 20005 in which Johnny brags to Billy Bush about his attempts to seduce a married woman by her furniture number 86 the titles of several season 4 episodes contain references to classic rock songs the title of episode 2 from this season meet the new boss is it lyric from the song won't get fooled again by the who and a title the fourth let me stand next to your fire is a lyric from fire by the Jimi Hendrix Experience number 87 though agents of shield tenders primarily around the tenure of Phil Colton as director of shield there have actually been several directors throughout the organization's existence the first was Rick stoner followed by Nick Fury with Phil Coulson Maria Hill having stretches his shield senator in the comics the agency was even headed up by Tony Stark for a while number 88 in the comics a number of lesser-known superiors have also been part of shield - including she-hulk Spider Woman although she was a double-crossing traitor gargantuan ant-man and Deathlok number 89 add one point in the show it's revealed that Thor's hammer Mjolnir was designated as a zero eight for object by shield when it first appeared in New Mexico that code essentially means that shield haven't got a clue what they've got their hands on number 90 and one point Coulson's former girlfriend Audrey Nathan says that he was like out of a movie which is an oblique reference to how the character Coulson first appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and films like Iron Man Iron Man 2 Thor and the Avengers number 91 as previously mentioned Clark Gregg managed to play Coulson so well in the films but he apparently persuaded Hollywood bigwigs like agents of shield not only that though but Coulson was such a popular character he was later written directly into several Marvel Comics number 92 but it's not just Greg who got the comic book trick for neither oh no sir read several of the characters formations of shields were later introduced in the comics such as Jemma Simmons Melinda may and Leopold Fitz number 93 an interesting character in the show is Chan Ho Yin who is given the codename scorch because of his powerful pyrokinetic abilities however the name scourge has also been frequently used in the comics by other characters with a power similar to chance this includes Tommy young a pyro kinetic mutant and Ross Jonas a mutated former Air Force major number 94 scorch is actually a mutant in the Marvel Universe because Fox Studios owned the rights user term mutants stators has been alluded to rather than described outright by using slang terms like gifted and special just like I was given when I was at school number 95 many of the actors who appear in recurring or special guest roles in the show have also appeared in previous TV series and film was created by Joss Whedon including dozens of actors from angel Firefly dollhouse and Buffy the Vampire Slayer number 96 incidentally ruth negga and samuel l.jackson previously co-starred in the 2012 film poetically titled fury get it fury get it number 97 but enough about old sam jackson ruth negga and nick blood both previously appeared in the British show misfits which followed a group of young offenders with superpowers number 98 though many consider Clark Greg's roller notice of shield to be a continuation of Coulson's appearances in the movies agents of shield is in fact the second television show in which Greg has portrayed Coulson as he also voices the animated Coulson in the ultimate spider-man animated TV series although this time he's a principal number 99 funnily enough both Adrianne Palicki and Cobie Smulders have donned Wonder Woman's colorful costume meaning they've dipped their toes in the world of both Marvel and DC comics Pataki was going to be Wonder Woman in the canceled 2011 live-action TV adaptation where a small dispersed Wonder Woman for the lego movie strangely enough while promoting Avengers age of Ultron Joss Whedon claimed that Agent Coulson is dead in the mold films but not in agents of shield giving Coulson a weird Schrodinger's cat quality of simultaneous life and death I guess that means he won't be appearing in the movies anymore guys as you probably realize from this video agents of shield is filled to the brim with references allusions and more references there's by being absolutely saturated in them Joss Whedon has stated that the show is not an easter egg farm for the movies sure Joss sure Oh a straight farm that sounds nice I did actually write a letter to Jen the other day asking if you wanted to found a farm with manga nice trek farm sounds like could be right up her straight yeah I'll try that the corn one didn't go so well with her anyway that was 105 but agents of shield did you enjoy let me know in the comments below also what you want to see next let me know that in the comments down below to please and what one of these videos cuz you're really gonna enjoy them and I hope you have a lovely day goodbye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 87,076
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, Facts about agents of shield, agents of shield facts, agents of shield, agents of shield season 5, agents of shield season 1 episode 1, agents of shield trailer, agents of shield season 4, agents of shield daisy, nycc, Aida, theme, agent 33, avengers reference, agents of hydra, agent Carter, Coulson, agents of Shield cast, release date, infinity war, marvel, marvel agents of shield, infinity war trailer, agents of shield spoilers, shield infinity war
Id: 6ZCCQR6yml0
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Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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