"EXPIRED" MILK TURNED INTO FREE FOOD - how to make farmer's cheese at home

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today we are not wasting milk [Music] i had some milk at my job that passed their use by date and i don't want to waste it so let's make some cheese alongside this date on my phone so it's like nine days past let's talk about why milk goes bad and what this label means so first of all nine days passed the ultimate test of whether milk is good or not should be your nose and that goes for most things right nine days passed this is good milk i have an open gallon of this in my fridge and i've been eating a lot of cereal because this is free milk but curtis are you really going to eat that much cereal no let's uh let's use this up let's make some cheese the cheese we're gonna make today it's known as farmer's cheese or paneer or queso fresco and this is gonna be good for a week to two weeks in the refrigerator you can freeze it and the texture is gonna change slightly if that's okay with you it's okay with me so then why if this milk is more than a week past the date does this date say this date well there's really no governing body here in the u.s that puts this label on milk in fact the fda is only concerned with putting use by dates on baby food this restriction this use by date this is the domain of each individual state and each individual state can say a different thing in fact there are a handful of states who don't even require used by dates on their milk so what does that mean for manufacturers is that they usually put the date that their product is going to taste the best buy or they're going to put a date down that will urge you to buy more milk more quickly so why did i fearlessly drink this glass of milk well milk going bad is not really all that bad lactic acid builds up in the milk even though it is pasteurized milk it doesn't knock out all of the bacteria it just suppresses most of it the bacteria that produces lactic acid is present in grass and a lot of different green things that the cows are eating so this is a natural phenomenon and lactic acid is not really harmful to humans we should all take that with a grain of salt because a grain of salt makes things a lot more delicious but harmful bacteria can also grow in milk you're just not going to find it as much so if this smells like something other than spoiled milk that means that someone messed up so then why does milk get chunky and separate when it goes bad well that has nothing to do with the milk being bad either that has everything to do with the acid when milk is homogenized or made uniform it passes through holes that are small enough to break up those fat globules and distribute them all throughout the milk so this is actually a colloid of solids and liquids so then all those fat globules repel each other because they have the same charge and when we add acid on purpose or naturally it balances it up so they all come back together and that's all souring of milk is is those fat globules coming back together and forming the curd that's what we're going to do on purpose right here now you're going to need a couple things you're going to need a cheese cloth these are really cheap two three bucks you could also use a brewing bag this is a little bit more expensive picked up from any home brew store but i just happen to have one around because i brew a whisk something to cut and juice the lemons and if you're juicing lemons it doesn't hurt to strain this is going to take a minute to come up to temperature so let's get that going right away medium high heat i'll have all this stuff linked in the description below so you can get one of these if you want to i went with four lemons because one lemon will give me about an eighth of a cup or 60 milliliters of juice and standard recipe is about an ounce 30 milliliters per quarts or liter and that gets me just shy if it's not curdling quite the way i want to i'll make up the difference with white vinegar stirring just helps it heat evenly but it's not completely necessary a thermometer is also not completely necessary the magic number is 190 fahrenheit or about 88 celsius milk however is very recognizable when it's ready to go a watch pot never boils this is about 1 30 right now which is about the temperature that i like my coffee i've got a little bit to go here i'm just going to do some prep over here i'm going to make two cheese balls for my first and smaller one i'm going to take this brewing bag and i'm going to double it up a couple times you can also do this with a cotton t-shirt as long as it's freshly laundered and some sort of an unscented detergent you don't want that in your cheese and i'm going to make a bigger one in this guy here when the milk gets all foamy like that it's steaming really good that's when it's ready just for continuity sake let's take a temperature here okay 183 so it's not quite there but i've pulled it at this point before and gotten great results at this point the milk has visually changed texture i can tell i'm dealing with something that's a little bit different it's reached that point that i'm always warning you about above 155 degrees fahrenheit where milk changes and will always taste burnt we're doing that on purpose right now to get something amazing and i'm taking care not to really scrape the bottom or the sides too much if any milk does burn onto the bottom or the sides i really want that to stay in the pot instead of make it into my cheese all right 190 it's very bubbly it's noticeably changed texture so we're going to do two things here we're going to kill our heat we're going to add our acid and that will immediately start to curdle our milk i'm just going to stir that around so now i'm just going to leave it alone my heat's off i'm going to let it cool down enough to handle i'm going to come back in a few minutes i'm going to have visually separated curds and whey i'm going to get it into my cheesecloth let it start draining this is a lot of liquid so at first i'm going to use a ladle [Music] [Music] [Music] you can string these up however you want the gravity will force the way out of the curve we're going to be left with a really nice farmer's cheese we're also not gonna throw this away away this can be used for a lot of stuff you can replace the water in bread you can make ricotta cheese in fact the next few episodes i think that i'll do all about how to use your curtsy way from this that was probably a better vessel anyway all right these are ready we're going to put them on a plate i'm going to let it firm up in the fridge for at least an hour but i'm going overnight right these cheese balls have rested in the fridge overnight overnight's not completely necessary you only really need to do it for an hour [Music] and remember this is all free food this is all food that made from milk that would have gone bad it wasn't bad yet let's put this one away for future episodes and this can just live in your fridge for a week up to two weeks it's really the best tasting within the first couple of days though you can freeze it it's gonna get a little bit more crumbly and for this one i'm gonna coat it in some herbs i have here thyme some rosemary and then a little kosher salt white pepper doesn't really matter how much just use as much as you have there's only so much that's going to stick to it i'd say that all together here i have about a tablespoon of herbs white pepper you can use black pepper or mixed pepper a couple christmases ago my mother got me all of this peppercorn and it's been a dream of mine since then to get an individual grinder for each peppercorn and then i'd go through them a lot more quickly maybe i'll do an episode on all spices but for right now i have the mortar and pestle i'm not going to go too crazy here trying to get this too fine it's farmer's cheese it's supposed to be a little rustic and that was kind of a lot so i only used half of it and then really a decent amount of kosher salt remember i didn't salt this if you want to salt this or season this at all you can do it when it's still in the cheesecloth before you wrap it up i just wanted to be able to use my whey in whatever application i want to use it in and i didn't want a bunch of seasoning in there [Music] let me get that on a plate you can see it on [Music] as always we try not to waste anything these rosemary stems go in here to become future stock so this is about one gallon or four liters worth of cheese if you're using a smaller amount start with a tablespoon of acid to one quart or a liter of milk and you can work up from there if it doesn't start to separate you can also do this with milk that's already started to turn it's just gonna taste a little bit funky but that's fine it's not gonna hurt you at all if you're gonna salt this while it's in the cheesecloth before you tie it up start with about a quarter teaspoon per quart or liter of milk and you can always add more salt to the outside later or next time you do it you can add a little bit more let's give it a taste all right so it's reasonably crumbly but it holds together all right [Music] and that's just really really fresh so fresh so creamy it has like the texture of a chevron but without the goatee flavor i like this a lot also the crumblies from this unseasoned cheese ball are really good on this toast with this jam oh man that's so good guys get in the kitchen make yourself something awesome i'm here to be back over the next couple weeks with this cheese ball with all of that wave that i gathered it's in my fridge i'm going to show you exactly what you can make with all that stuff so that a month from now if somebody offers you four free gallons milk you're gonna know exactly what to do with it [Music] cheers [Music] you
Channel: Self Serving Skillet
Views: 29,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmers cheese, cheese making, how to make farmers cheese, how to make farmers cheese at home, how to use extra milk, how to use expired milk, how do i know when milk has gone bad, what to do with sour milk, why does milk go bad, milk into cheese, how to turn milk into cheese, how to seperate curds and whey, free food, expired milk turned into free food
Id: JAm7XmYognY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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