$100 Mac & Cheese BANNED in the USA!! Chefs UPGRADE DINER FOOD!! | FANCIFIED Ep 4

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on to the show in the end what is making this worth a hundred dollars [Music] in the end magic wow [Music] enjoy american diners using deadly amounts of carbs butter and cheese to create the best in comfort food oh blend up i want to propose to you right now but today we're taking this perfection and making it a little more perfect when we came to you with this challenge what were the first ideas that came to mind you're crazy in this episode of fancify culinary experts are taking classic comfort foods and upgrading them with unlimited money ingredients and culinary technique what is the star of this dish in the sky there's many stars so here all the ingredients also is a star what about this though this is just kind of like leaves or something so will these chefs bring home a savory side of victory wow this is just too much or be 86 for eternity what is going to be the biggest challenge in bringing this all together how can i possibly take a deviled egg and make it expensive let's find out now boom logan how you doing good formal greeting finished the wagon wheel serving american comfort food was started by logan who was born and raised in oklahoma tell me about your personal relationship with deviled eggs well that goes back to my grandmother and easter sundays the original deviled egg was actually could be traced back to the romans they didn't actually do it the same way we do now they boiled eggs and they slathered it in a bunch of spices and then it eventually evolved into what we know as a deviled egg now classic deviled eggs most commonly start with hard-boiled chicken eggs after slicing in half the yolks are mixed with mayo mustard and other flavor enhancers then squirt back inside the egg whites this is one of my favorite dishes to make and bring to parties because it costs like five dollars and you've got two dozen eggs yes somehow logan will take this affordable party favorite and whip up the most expensive eggs you've ever seen so we've got chicken eggs nope that we're doing duck eggs that's a little bit different thing we're doing okay so for you what is the difference between a chicken egg and a duck egg i find the duck egg to be a little more rich in flavor is there anything special about these stuff no they're vietnamese ducks hey all right i had the idea of seafood japanese sea scallops came to mind have you ever tried seafood deviled eggs me neither here the japanese scallops are seared in miso butter what goes well with scallops bacon eberico pork belly what'd you get done originally it's from spain but i uh on the black market no well i thought maybe you paid a guy in cryptocurrency or something for the creamy duck yolk blend he's using homemade mayonnaise creme fresh dijon mustard truffle oil fried shallots bacon some additional seasonings honey and finally a cake of lemon juice time for the build first gonna do is i'm gonna put these little guys fresh rockets then come the egg whites how many deviled eggs will come on the plate totally five five half shells well naturally everyone's gonna be wondering what happened to the final half right when you come in with an even number of people you have to order more because there's only five it's kind of the crappy thing we restaurant guys do business fill them with the yolk blend the scallops then some pork belly if this was on your menu hypothetically speaking what price would i see next to this item forty dollars for some deviled eggs yes and finally the star of the show the salmon row and that rhymes these are our forty dollar deviled eggs thanks everybody [Music] deviled eggs done in a way that you or i have never seen before and listen i am a deviled egg connoisseur i made them before on my second channel although i do like to put some black olives on there but uh that's me i grew up in a trailer house so i like using foods from cans first of all i think most people trying this would have no idea that this is a duck egg let's go for it son of a frick i'm not joshing you that is good a moderate thoughtful use of truffle oil mixed with all these other delicious flavors it's very different it stands out a lot from other types of fillings i've had usually you're gonna get a lot of mayonnaise notes or a lot of mustard notes if you say note at the end of the word sounds smart so this green stuff is for viewing pleasure only it's not intended to be consumed like a tide pod mmm the salmon roe actually went surprisingly well with it it just added some richness it didn't take over the flavor the scallop and the bacon great little texture notes okay no one says that i do think 40 dollars seems pretty realistic at a high-end restaurant you're always expecting to see some kind of expensive soup some kind of a seafood maybe just like one scallop and these are the typical foods we've come to expect but here it comes with a deviled freaking egg you don't expect it i love it it's simple but it's not easy a great start to the day we have so much more to go let's do it i don't know why i turned to batman at the end appetizer ingested time for some midday meat classic chicken and waffles crunchy deep-fried chicken warm freshly made waffles and some sweet maple syrup to bring it all together this is soul food at its most seductive so how's our chef gonna turn this near-perfect food into a meal fit for a king chef or here is here better yes hand shank it is oh yeah good handshake we've come here to godmother an australian restaurant run by chef jun born and raised in bali indonesia folks in bali you guys know something about chicken when i was born i start to eat fried chicken everywhere i believe so from the time you're a baby they don't even give you a bottle they just give you a drumstick not drunk stick but the chicken feet jun grew up eating plenty of fried chicken and his pastry chef grew up making waffles together they're attempting to upgrade this ten dollar meal by ten times how do you get to a hundred dollars expanded giant duck liver foie gras we quickly sear to get the caramelized and then we chop and we put inside of the waffle dough oh what you're gonna put inside of the water into the waffle and also on the waffle as a mousse chef jun has taken inspiration from nashville chicken famous for its spicy kick the not spilled chicken normally we need to marinate at least 12 hours to get all the flavor the tenderness but with this you can make it in two or three hours this is koji a type of japanese fermented rice it smells a little bit sour yes can i taste it are you sure yeah [Music] oh after three hours coat the marinated chicken with flour and deep fry it until it screams crunchy finally homemade chili powder preparation is complete time for the build he starts with the foie gras waffles with foie gras mousse added on top i didn't know this could legally be put on a waffle secondly it's the raspberry jam and now we're gonna move to the chicken in the end what is making this worth a hundred dollars he tops that with his homemade ranch dressing in the end royal ocean coffee 30 gram 30 grams of lunch that's not it the flavors are locked but what about the presentation ah that's better on the side premium maple syrup so this is 100 us dollar chicken waffle and caviar enjoy blown away i didn't know what to expect but the presentation alone it is a feast for my eyeballs the waffle itself a lot of foie gras they put real chunks of this liver into the waffle that's something i've not seen before they have kind of a foie gras mousse as well i'm curious about that oh just like a delicious creamy pate [Music] the chicken it's unbelievably tender and moist and juicy so you can see the caviar and his ranch dressing kind of just dripping off of there now the chef was telling me to not put syrup over the chicken which usually i would so i'm going to kind of put that guy to the side for now and respect his wishes i'm going to put the maple syrup over the waffle we got a little bit of this sour sweet jam in there oh yes hello oh wow it's interesting it's really unique it pulls in a couple different directions it's not a normal like american over sweet waffle experience where you just have tons of whipped cream and syrup the foie gras in the waffle it's definitely not affecting the texture in a bad way it's very moist right here even though he told me not to i'm gonna mix the chicken with the waffle douse all of that with syrup and cut it in half because it's way too big of a bite this is like the classic combination right the fried chicken the waffles some syrup old school let's try that out oh and so heavenly this is one of the most justified prices i've seen so far 100 for this it seems pretty reasonable it's got everything going for it i mean they bring it out to you there's nothing more instagram worthy than this this is going to get you a lot of likes not in real life but you know on social media where it really counts our final location is creating a cheese explosion that would never be possible in the usa you'll see why soon chef put her there how you doing good nice seeing you california bread chef tristan is the owner of elbow room an american style bistro and diner i grew up in a asian family you know asian family basically when you go to college there's a trifecta that you have to choose lawyer engineer or some kind of medicine or medical doctor or something all three i didn't like no but i did wear the business school however it helps you run a business better yeah you could be the best chef but if you have bad business sense you're done that's right he's a member of vietnam's chef association and even collaborated with andrew zimmern of bizarre foods today it's all about the mac and cheese classic southern style macaroni and cheese it can include a multitude of cheeses mixed with boiled al dente elbow macaroni those ingredients are piled into a casserole dish and popped into the oven until the cheese melts and the top becomes a bit crispy when we came to you with this challenge we said chef we want you to make the most expensive mac and cheese you can dream of what were your first thoughts when we came to you with this challenge you're crazy okay good we're in vietnam right so not a lot of these high-end products easily available but you found them we got a few yes we are using kolomir which is almost like cousin of the brie and cousin of the common bear i'm gonna mix it with the other broth of it which is a truffle greek truffle yeah which is bad from the us yes most of the popular cheese and around the world are banned from the us because of the bacteria according to the usa's food and drug administration cheese that's made of unpasteurized milk requires heavy inspection some of the world's best food isn't allowed to cross the border could we uh break off a piece right now and try it out of course i want some of this like forbidden cheese oh my god what happens like when they prepare they would cut it in half and they would line it with truffle in between and they put it back on and let it continue fermenting there you go awesome and how about you try some too absolutely i love cheese what do you think about people who oh we're tasting it okay let's try it oh sorry i thought you had already tasted the truffle that's nice nice huh super creamy if you're selling this at your restaurant yeah how much would it cost easily 100 100 yeah how do we get to that price well live u.s lobsters u.s lobsters yes are you sure it's not canadian nope this is live u.s lobster i heard the canadian lobsters have free medical first he boils the lobster then extracts the meat from its shell everything is being used even the leg means have you made this already i've made this video before yes did anything go wrong no just no it's not enough that's the only problem i have for the pasta he mixes shaved parmesan cheese parsley macaroni noodles salt and pepper we have our ingredients time for the build first he bakes the camembert and truffle brie in a small cast iron skillet all that unites with the macaroni this is more like cheese and macaroni not macaroni and cheese that's how we like it so these beautiful lobster meat look at that let's mix it again wow this is just too much chef tristan tops this sumptuous skillet with breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese before it heads back to the oven for a final roasting vietnam is a land of balance having some herbs to balance out the heavy food that you're eating right are you doing anything to create more balance ah eat less you'll know it's done when you feel it in your heart he slaps on an entire lobster claw and if that wasn't enough the cherry on top sturgeon caviar there you go this is a hundred dollar lobster with truffle and caviar mac and cheese enjoy i think we have caviar at every location today okay what we learned today caviar is a very easy way to make things more expensive plus this is all contained within a wheel of camembert i'm eating mac and cheese out of a wheel of cheese this is the real wheel of fortune right here oh kind of a nice crust on top and some big pieces of lobster look at that [Music] wow that is so interesting the lobster is juicy it's sweet but the cheese is just so intense and bold and heavy and kind of funky too it's suppressing the lobster it's thick it's gooey let's try it out it's so cheesy i'm such a mac and cheese fan and this is like cheese violence i'm gonna put some caviar right on top of that let's try it out it's interesting because the cheese and the noodles it's already bold heavy and pretty salty it's always a caviar they're just doubling down it is a culinary assault on my taste buds here this is like the middle finger of the lobster this is its last fu to us right now undeniable oh my gosh and so you see it's just pure delicious juicy white meat oh even better than the finger this is my favorite part of the lobster a lot of people they're all about lobster tail no guys the lobster claw has the best flavor the best texture it's more of an even texture throughout and it's just full of sweet lobster juiciness regarding the price is it justified i mean i don't know did you see the giant lobster hand on top the only downfall is that it might be too much of a good thanks [Music] boom guys another fun food video that food was so good today i got type 2 diabetes worth it american diner food food that i grew up with you know you have it day to day it's delicious but it doesn't seem like anything super special certainly anything we ate today didn't seem like it could ever really be this expensive or this premium so i'm really impressed with our chefs today they went above and beyond there's a great combination of expensive ingredients a little bit to lunch caviar interesting techniques and a lot of cool presentation guys i'm curious i want to do a poll in the comments down below let me know which of these three dishes we feature today that you would want to try being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now what do you think about people who are lactose intolerant i feel sorry for that yeah doesn't mean to ban anything bad but just like it's they're missing out they're missing out if we're gonna go for pizza they shouldn't come with us no my brother's like toasted tolerant oh i'm sorry yeah but he can suck it yeah it's okay i don't care what you're gonna eat a cheeseless pizza you have a potato pizza not a cheeseless it's kind of yeah how to be funny why why why let me see if i get inspired damn damn damn damn damn the cheese and the noodles it's already bold and pretty salty it's always a caviar they're just doubling down it's just like a gangplank no it's like a culinary gangbang in my mouth i mean it's make it and eat it you love me i uh yes are you do i love you you love me i will give you free of chance only for you today but only if i love you seems to be a lot of strengths attached here that's what i can say i feel like i could just scoop this up and then resell that on the black market so that's what i'm gonna do that is boom all right [Music] guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a peace
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,486,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: befrs team, best ever food review show, sonny side, viet nam, fancified food series, diner food, most expensive deviled eggs, asian chef, unique food, Caviar, High end ingredient, expensive ingredients, truffle, caviar, indonesian chef, food challenge, elavate classic food, american food, SCALLOP AND TRUFFLE DEVILED EGGS, Deviled eggs, BUTTERMILK CHICKEN & FOIE GRAS WAFFLES, chicken & waffles, MAC ‘N’ CHEESE, LOBSTER, CAMEMBERT, TRUFFLE BRIE, vietnamese chef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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