10.03.21 | Sunday Service | The Pursuit

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[Music] uh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] really nobody [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] feelings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey good morning pursue come on stand to your feet if you're able we're going to get started today excited you're joining us want to welcome you if you're watching by way of internet welcome listen want to invite you to come on out of your seat join us at the altar for worship come on find your place in the sanctuary let's get started come on put those hands together here we go [Music] come on if you know it singing with us i am a holy nation i am a holy nation i am a priestly king a chosen generation to bring my offering i'm calling out for mercy i'm crying out for praise oh god come heal the nations and come change everything let god arise let god arise let god arise [Music] let god [Music] my words and declarations shape worlds and destinies [Music] [Music] my words and declarations shape worlds and destinies you cannot silence this life his fire [Music] let god arise [Music] oh [Music] a fire goes before him and destroys our enemies you fight so valiantly as our praises ring you are the king let god [Music] [Music] one more time let god [Music] come on give the lord a shout of praise today oh thank you lord oh we praise you lord we honor you we love you i've lived stories that have proved your faithfulness i've seen miracles my mind can't comprehend there is beauty in what i can't understand jesus it's you jesus it's you and i believe you're the wonder working god you're the wonder working god all the miracles i've seen too good to not believe you're the wonder working god and you heal because you love all the miracles we'll see too good to not believe [Music] and i can't resurrect a man with my own hands but just the mention of your name can raise the dead so all the glory to the only one who cares jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god and you heal because you love all the [Music] to miracles believe it [Music] believe [Music] i've seen can't disappear i've seen metal plates dissolve don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals return don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen troubled souls delivered i've seen addicts find me free don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen cancer disappear i've seen mental places off don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i see real life resurrection i've seen mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals return don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me all the [Music] you're miracles one and you heal because you love all the miracles hey [Music] [Music] come on if you're believing for a miracle here this morning just lift those hands all over this room oh the lord is still in the business of healing restoring and delivering oh cause i've seen cancer disappear i've seen metal plates dissolve don't you tell me he can do it yes i know that he can do it cause i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health restored yes i know that he can do it yes i know that he can't come on i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals return yes i know that he can't do it yes i know that he can't do it i've seen troubles delivered [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] god all the miracles [Music] we'll see [Music] [Music] yes we believe you yes we believe [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] always get to see everything and when i'm holding out my hands when i'm counting every breath lord all i need to know is you choose me you choose before my breakthrough [Music] i will sing because i trust you [Music] and i'm shutting out the noise [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] till my song becomes my trust i will sing because i [Music] trust my soul is [Music] my [Music] he will come again [Music] this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] my oh [Music] live on fred this morning it should be of great comfort to you that we serve a god who is the same yesterday today and forever [Music] so as we're talking about what jesus has done we are prophesying that what has been done will continue to happen not just in our present but also in our future and that's why when the scripture speaks of jesus it says he is the one who was and who is and who is to come come on you got to believe this morning that the blood of jesus has not lost one ounce of its power it's not lost one ounce of its healing ability it has not somehow become less efficacious today as it was back then and god heals as a reflection of his goodness not as a reflection of ours and this is who he is this is the god who saves and heals and delivers and redeems and restores and friend he is no respecter of person which means today that there is no mountain too big that it won't melt like wax in his presence there is no problem too hard that it would be impossible for him to solve this is the jesus we worship and on the first sunday of the month is the church family we celebrate communion because in communion we're reminded that what jesus did he is still doing watch because he bore stripes on the cross i can receive healing in my body today because of the blood that he shed on the cross i can receive forgiveness of sins today because of his body that was broken on the cross i can receive wholeness and redemption today the cross wasn't just an event in history it was an event that defined history and friend today we stand on the finished work of what jesus has done on our behalf and he wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against you no you owed a debt you could not pay so he paid it on your behalf and today you have become the righteousness of god in christ jesus seated in heavenly places because watch when he died you died and when he was raised you were raised and now where he is seated you are seated because you and i are in christ watch what paul says in the book of hebrews he says this how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offer himself without spot to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god and for this reason he is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant that those who are called may receive the promise of his eternal inheritance oh it's really good news [Music] the god that we serve is so much better than we deserve we deserve hell we've got in heaven we deserve wrath we've received grace we deserve sin in its due penalty and we've received righteousness and redemption that flows from him friend you are standing in the best deal that has ever existed in all of human history christ's death has produced your life and the bible says this in communion watch we prophesy the lord's death until he returns you might feel like that's odd this morning why would we keep declaring the lord's death because in his death he swallowed up death hell and the grave so the next time that you face a circumstance that's been marked by death hell and the grave you just go ahead and declare no christ died in my place and now his spirit rests in me and gives strength to my mortal body no i'm not what people have done to me i'm not even what i've done to me on what christ has done on my behalf i'm going to declare the lord's death until he returns and can i just remind you for a moment this friend jesus did not stay in the manger jesus did not stay on the cross jesus did not stay in the grave and he is not staying in heaven forever this jesus in the same manner that he was taken into the sky ascended on a cloud with a great shout he will descend with the tr with the blast of a trumpet this jesus would descend and the dead in christ will rise first and those who are alive will be caught up with him in the air and we will see the one that we pierced and the one that we crushed we will see him resurrected with power from on high and in the twinkling of an eye we will be changed fred this is not our forever home but what christ has done on our behalf secures an inheritance for us how we receive community here in our church families on the first sunday of the month we just invite people forward and sometimes people take the elements and they'll receive here in the altar area sometimes people take the elements back to their seat and receive their we just do it as a part of our worship listen communion is not like a mid-service snack you know it's not like just a moment for you to beat yourself up because you made a lot of mistakes no it's a celebration that what jesus has done on my behalf speaks a better word about my past present and future and you need to know today if you belong to jesus the communion table is open to you i didn't say if he was perfect i didn't say if you had to figure all out i didn't say if you got all your theology right i said if you belong to jesus the communion table is open to you and all the time in communion people are healed delivered set free restored renewed why because there's something powerful in receiving elements that speak to what christ has done on our behalf if you're in the altar area why don't you just receive first we'll go ahead and make room for those who are coming from their seats if you're still in your seat why don't you begin to make your way forward come on let's receive communion as an act of worship today and in doing so celebrate the risen savior [Music] [Music] [Music] he will come against [Music] again [Music] he will die [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] till [Music] okay [Music] [Music] again you gave me [Music] again he will come again oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i lift up my song too i'll bring you my heart now god cause all that i have that's fit for a king oh i'll bring you my heart i'll lift up my song i'll bring you my heart and worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the prize worth [Music] is your name jesus you deserve the prize [Music] [Music] [Applause] christ [Music] he's worthy [Music] is is [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] you were come on listen somebody shout to the prayer [Music] hey listen we just got a prayer request on the online campus i want to put it up on the screen for y'all real quick we just got a prayer request coming in we're going to spend some time to pray put it on the side screens for me please we got finley little baby in the hospital has covet in the emergency room they're watching pursuit from the hospital bed right now watch making do with what i have to receive communion today is an act of worship let me show you what faith looks like let me show you what faith looks like so we'll pray for finley today and believe healing is coming right into seattle children's hospital anybody got faith this morning anybody got faith this morning come on friends stretch your hand stretch your hand to the screen come on let's pray now father in the name of jesus we command life and healing into finley's body we command life and healing into finley's body we say the word of god was sent forth and it healed we say by his stripes we receive healing we say healing is the children's bread we say even as an act of faith receiving communion in the hospital healing comes turn around comes life comes we say spirit of death go spirit of life come we say life and more life and abundant life and resurrection life we say turn around begins turn around begins turn around begins we prophesy life life life in jesus name sickness go healing come infirmity go healing come fear go holy spirit come we say now god finish the work finish the miracle finish the miracle now now now in jesus name come on one more time come on let's sing this out come on let's declare from [Music] is [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] come on one more time oh oh hey [Music] hey the spirit of god is here to support him yes he's always here but there are certain times in the life of a people in the life of a church where god especially leans close and in those opportunities he says things like this ask me anything wherever two or three would agree on anything they could consider it done that's why we come into agreement for healing and life and development and miracles and resurrection because it's part of who he is so often we live below the level of our authority and our invitation because we don't recognize when god is close i'm telling you this morning healings signs wonders and miracles are not just happening in this room they're happening in hospital rooms and in living rooms all across this region because this is the god that we serve this is the god that we serve come on it's a good day to get healed it's a good day to get saved it's a good day to get born again it's a good day to get renewed not because there's anything special about us but because there's everything special about him people say oh why do you get excited and worship why do you run around why do you jump up and down if you had a kid sick in the hospital that god healed you might be jumping up and down too [Music] if you were supposed to be dead but now you're alive you might jump around too [Music] if you was dead in your trespasses and now you've been raised under new life and you really had a revelation of that you might jump around too come on let's sing this again let's get freedom in this place this morning come on guys god is in the business of life and even more abundant life and if you could just recognize a little bit this morning how good this god has been on your behalf he better than you to serve he better than you even recognized he's healed things you didn't even know was broken he fixed things that you didn't even know was wrong this god who's the lion of the time of judah is marching in the streets of snohomish and of the northwest and revival and reformation is here and it's coming come on come on [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you are [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on last time [Music] hey come on why don't you take a minute say hi to a neighbor on the way back to your seat man thanks so much for joining us for church [Music] good morning pursuit family whether you're joining us here in person or online we're so glad to have you here with us here's what's coming up here at pursuit tomorrow october 4th is pursuit night join us from 6 to 7 30 for a time of fellowship teaching and community tomorrow we're finishing out our series on spiritual gifts so you don't want to miss it if you missed the last event you can still join us tomorrow so head to the pursuit nw.com pursuit nights to sign up for your table dinner and child care are provided so we'll see you all tomorrow you're invited to pursuit trunk or treat on october 31st at 6 pm this is an event for the whole family so dress up in your best friendly costume and enjoy an awesome event there will be dinner inflatables a photo wall and trunk or treating in the pursuit parking lot we can't wait to celebrate with you our next revival weekend is october 29th through the 31st with special guest michael maiden we are expecting an incredible time of outpouring so you're going to want to join us all weekend as always friday and saturday services will be at 6 00 pm and all three services on sunday you don't want to miss this weekend we will see you there pursuit youth is every wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m for students going into sixth grade through their senior year at youth there are games worship a message from pastor alex and students have an incredible time each week make sure to bring a friend and we will see you on wednesday night as always you can find out more about pursuit events by checking out our church calendar at the pursuit nw.com calendar that's all the announcements that we have for you today thank you again for joining us here at pursuit stay connected with us throughout the week by following us on social media by searching at the pursuit nw or you can find more resources like sermons ways to become a member or learn about other ministries by going to the pursuit nw.com hey pursuit family we want to say thank you again for joining us thank you for all your financial support and prayers this community is continually blessed by the faithful giving of god's people and we could not do church without your generosity today we wanted to extend an opportunity for you to partner with us through giving there are a couple ways that you can give today on the screen here you can text to give give online through our website or use the envelope in the seat back and come forward to put your tither offering in the bucket in a few moments the band will begin to play and this will signify your opportunity to get out of your seat and come forward to give thanks for faithfully sowing into our church and we will see you again next week [Music] awesome [Music] i felt the offerings double in the spirit right there so i hey two things i'm just gonna put on your radar uh real briefly is um tomorrow night is our second installment of pursuit nights we do these on the first and third monday of every month when people ask things like what do you do for small groups and what do you do for community first and third monday of every month we host pursuit night from 6 to 7 30 p.m we provide dinner for everybody who's in attendance we provide free child care as well and what it is is an opportunity for a bigger church to still have some of the smaller group church interactions and in doing so really build community and have fellowship with other people who are going in the same direction as you know that's one of the primary benefits of church is you get around other people who are going in the same direction as you and when you get around other people who are going in the same direction as you it creates a wind behind your back and so we do that the first and third monday it's a great place to meet new people get a free meal have somebody take care of your terrible kids for about an hour and a half and uh in doing so just help build community here at the church so want to invite you out for that we're doing spiritual gift tests spiritual gifts surveys it's really really cool really helpful we ordered a bunch more the publisher we ordered so many they ran out they had to reprint them and so we just got a fresh box of spiritual gift tests we're going to be handing them out for free for anybody who wants them so hope to see you tomorrow night at 6 p.m and then next sunday next sunday we're hosting baby dedications so many babies been born here over the last season mostly because there's nothing else to do and so people just having babies so if you have a baby or you act like a baby we're going to dedicate you next sunday 12 p.m we'll dedicate your kids to the lord and so anyway some of you need that so anyways just bring the gremlins we're going to dedicate them next sunday at 12 p.m you know somebody was upset they said why are you doing the uh the trunk or treat why are you doing the harvest carnival that's the devil's day listen the devil doesn't own anything in the northwest [Applause] no i thought my bible said this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad and i thought that's what the bible said i know you're too busy watching cnn and fox news to read the bible but at least my bible says something different oh this is the day that the lord's made am i use every opportunity to get people into the church so that they can have a fun time and then hopefully meet somebody who'd talk to them about the gospel that's what i'm going to do [Applause] you can be mad all you want but it's not the devil's day the devil don't own music he don't own media he don't own days he doesn't own holidays he doesn't own celebrations he doesn't own styles he doesn't he don't own anything he's the father of lies all he does is manipulate lie and try to do cheap copies of what god does no god created the days he hung the stars in the moon in the sky no god created that now the devil tried to prostitute it but no more not any longer the devil doesn't own one square into this city so that's the type of christians we're going to be in this season and you can be a defeated believer and have a real big view of the enemy and but that's not how i'm going to live it's for me in my house we're going to magnify the lord and in doing so multiply his benefit in and through our lives and so that's just that's just that's just who we're going to be because we don't got any other option you can attend to defeat a church but this isn't one of them you can be around defeated believers but not in this house because our eyes are set on the hills where our hope comes from because our hope comes from the lord so that's just who we're going to be in this season because we don't have any other options defeated powerless christianity has done a great disservice to the west no more not any longer oh i'm turned up this morning listen when you need a miracle you ain't looking to a dead church you're looking to an alive church when you need god to do something in your life you're not looking for a defeated believer but a believer who's grabbed a hold of the hymn of his garment i didn't say perfect i said committed to the lordship and the power that he provides now the holy spirit wants his church back so we're going to give it to him because it was his to begin with the devil doesn't own anything so i'm i'mma break every agreement i'm gonna break every agreement people made in their minds with the enemy for this reason the son of god was made manifest to destroy the works of darkness [Applause] that's how i want you to feel when you rally here on sunday morning i want you to feel like yeah we destroyed some things it was a little dangerous i almost got hit in the altar we destroyed some things no we broke some chains and broke some bondage and broke some limitations and broke off some false ceilings and broke off some false words well no we broke some stuff today [Applause] no we're destroying some things in the northwest because people through agreement have allowed the enemy to build false monuments false idols false wars no work we are breaking agreement with what the enemy has said about the northwest now i don't need that lack of faith here oh the northwest is too hard no nothing's too hard for him oh no the northwest already missed it no it didn't no i don't think the church of god can survive in this cove it is pandemic it's politics no there's no king but jesus there's no authority like jesus there's no room i've ever walked into where he's not already seated on high in heavenly places no we are demolishing every argument and high thought that comes against the kingship and rulership of jesus christ now you should you should feel a little rattled this morning you you should you should feel a little disturbed this morning you should feel a little i this is a little dangerous i feel like i'm running into traffic and it just feels it feels a little discombobulated no we are not playing safe church because lives hang in the balance this counts for eternity we are destroying works of darkness in the northwest [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is sunday ought to be the absolute most wild day of your week we had a season of miracles if you don't believe it just look at the mariners they're about to make the playoffs [Applause] ain't nothing too hard for god come on 20 years baby that's it let me preach luke 2 and luke 2 i want to tell you a story of jesus because i think it's important in your life i think it's important that i love luke because he's the church historian he's a doctor he's a gentile he writes about jesus in a way that's forensic he includes details that other people don't and i love this story that's told in luke 2. it tells us something key about the life of jesus because as he was so are we and in this world we are living breathing ambassadors of another kingdom and so the more that we understand about the life of jesus the ministry of jesus and the kingdom of jesus the better we are in replicating that type of stuff in this type of place so i want to tell you the story of jesus now luke 2 the bible says this so when mary and joseph starting in verse 39 so when mary and joseph had performed all things according to the law of the lord they returned together to their own city nazareth and jesus grew and jesus grew and became strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of god was upon him let me ask you a question this morning friend if even jesus had to grow then what is your excuse if even jesus had to grow then what is my excuse sometimes we have this over deified view of christ like he comes out of the womb all dressed proper with a halo doing miracles and he was always god and is always god but he was also fully man and he submitted himself to the natural process of growth and maturation for your benefit and for mine in a way that we could look at his life and go as he was so are we and the bible says in luke 2 and starting in verse 40 that even jesus grew that word grow in the greek means this to undergo significant development to be transformed to advance increase and change for the better here's my favorite definition to lengthen out by hammering if growth was easy everybody would do it and yet most people don't because it's not easy and it doesn't feel good and most of the time it feels like getting beat with a hammer and being lengthened out you know people love impartation more than they love development because impartation you get to receive what somebody else has developed but can i tell you real growth and real transformation happens in your life when you take the breakthrough of the altar and you marry it to the follow through of monday through saturday and see that's what we're being invited into in this season it's not just momentary breakthrough in a charged environment it's consistent daily follow-through by which that breakthrough turns into life-altering maturity and developments now watch because it gets better in the spiritual realm there's only two options we are either advancing or we are retreating hear me you are not built to hold ground you were built to take ground and some of us have become bored in our faith because we're occupying instead of developing we're living in neutral instead of advancing we are simply existing instead of being continually transformed if you're not growing you're dying friend growth isn't a good idea it's what we owe god and what we owe others as a result of our salvation no growth is what i owe this church that's why even now i'm still in a phd program i'm growing and i'm learning and developing because the best way that i honor you is by growing me it's actually what i owe god in response to salvation as well because it was a free gift but can i tell you even free gifts their development is costly that's why when jesus is making the call to discipleship he says if any man desire to follow me tell him to pick up his cross be my disciple and follow me no the gift is free it's not based on your work it's based on his work no the gift is free but the development it will cost you everything and i think in an attempt to draw crowds oftentimes in the western church we have downplayed the cost of following jesus no this costs you everything it costs your time your money your attention your dignity your affiliation your partisanship it costs you everything but jesus didn't promise you an easy life but a worthwhile life it's worth it to follow jesus and here's what we're living for well done good and faithful servant not well done good and faithful pastor leader teacher apostle prophet evangelist business owner ceo mom no no well done good and faithful servant and when you position your heart to receive the affirmation of the one that you worship then you are not moved by what the crowds call you when they don't agree with you oh they're gonna call me a hater okay they go disagree and be upset they already are but i'm not living for their affirmation i'm living for his well done good and faithful servant now there's a mandate on your life to grow watch colossians 1 and 10 be fruitful in every good work and increase or grow in the knowledge of god colossians 2 and 19 from whom all the body nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments grows with the increase that is from god acts 19 and 20. so the word of the lord grew mightily and prevailed second corinthians 9 and 10 god give seed to the sower and bread for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness ii corinthians 10 and 15 but having hope that as your faith is increased we shall be greatly enlarged by you and our sphere second peter 3 and 18 but grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ here's what i found what people want is a church to do everything for them without requiring anything of them people want a great pastor until he expects them to be great christians now here's the deal there's a heavenly mandate on your life to grow and if you don't get engaged with the mandate for personal growth you will often feel left behind by a church that is responding to the mandate for corporate growth scripture says this to the increase of his kingdom and his government there is no end people want to be a kingdom church but they don't want to respond to the mandate to grow no you're not a part of a kingdom church until there is growth both in depth and in width can i tell you sometimes the lord takes you through deepening seasons and sometimes he takes you through widening seasons because he knows you need both in order to grow tall you must first grow deep and we want the reverse of what jesus had jesus had 30 years of private development for three and a half years of public ministry but it changed the world and we want 14 seconds from a youtube clip and then 45 years of fame and money can i tell you if you find yourself in the wilderness if you find yourself in waiting if you find yourself in hiddenness guess what you're in really good company because the greater the development the greater the destiny no i'm not hitting fast forward on development because we need it and we never graduate out of it your destiny isn't the end of your development it's simply the next stage that your development takes you to no we are life long committed developing disciples of king jesus you don't get a degree in finish or discipleship you don't receive a title from a church and then end your discipleship no when you signed up to say yes to jesus what you made was a daily choice to pick up your cross and follow him for if a man desires to save his life he will lose it but if he loses his life for my sake he will find it here's the deal there's a mandate on your life for growth this church i want you to think about it like a greenhouse and you and i are plants and the environment is right and the ingredients are right and the sunlight is right and we've got a great gardener named jesus but the initiative to grow is on us what i found is people think about growth the same way that they think about prophecy like if i get a prophetic word from somebody regardless of what i do god would just magically accomplish it on his behalf can i tell you something prophecy is an invitation into obedience if i were to give you a word today and say hey friend i see something over your life the lord says he's raising you up as a musician and he's going to give you a voice to lead worship so on and so forth and you just thought well man i hope god just drops that off on my doorstep like a leprechaun with a pot of gold i just lord i just received thank you no my prophetic word over your life was an invitation for you to google voice lessons it was an invitation for you to google how to play the piano it wasn't a guarantee that god was magically kicking electric electric shock talent into your life no prophecy is an invitation into obedience it's not a guarantee of an outcome that's the same way we think about growth no it's an invitation into obedience i don't have the option not to grow because when i signed up to follow jesus i said not my will but your will be done even jesus grew and if he grew then what's our excuse people say this i hear all sorts of things as a pastor people say this watch i can't make friends have you tried being friendly i'm happy to be at church did you tell your face there's too many people you tried coming to the noon service i missed the place where everybody knew my name how many names have you learned i don't feel like i can grow are you hungry sometimes we make it the responsibility of the pastor to do all the spiritual work for us hoping to by osmosis magically develop based on somebody else's due diligence we want other people to do the work and then have someone to blame when it doesn't go well but watch what paul says brothers and sisters i could not address you as people who live by the spirit but as people who are still worldly mere infants in christ i gave you milk not solid food because you were not ready for it indeed you are still not ready you are still worldly for since there is jealousy and quarreling among you are you not worldly are you not acting like mere humans can i tell you friend the greatest threat to the church is not progressivism it's not culture it's not liberals it's not republicans the greatest threat to the church is worldly christians who should be on milk but they're still should be on meat but they're still drinking milk that's what paul says he says i would love to give you more but you ain't ready for it i would love to move beyond the elementary principles of the faith to something more but you're not ready for it i'd love to give you something he's writing the church and he's writing believers they have jesus in their heart but the world in their mind watch second thessalonians 3 and 10. for even when we were with you we would give you this command if anyone is not willing to work let him not eat hear me watch the principle at play those who work develop an appetite to eat those who wish for others to work on their behalf can only handle milk there's a difference between can't work and won't work and when you engage in the work of growth you find yourself being transformed in the process greatest way to work up an appetite start working start developing start helping start serving and then all of a sudden you go man i am more hungry than i recognized and all of a sudden growth begins to matriculate and develop in your life it's not just that jesus grew but watch what scripture says he grew in wisdom and grace what's the reason to grow in grace and wisdom well because it's likely that god is going to lead you into a season where you're going to need both in your life and god won't ever take you into a season of testing without first placing you in an incubator of development knowledge is knowing what to say watch wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it knowledge is known how to use a gun wisdom is knowing when to use a gun knowledge is knowing how to have children wisdom is knowing how to raise children knowledge recognizes a problem but wisdom knows how to fix it for wisdom is the application of knowledge proverbs 9 10 the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom the lord by wisdom found to the earth through wisdom a house is built my people are destroyed from a lack of vision or wisdom or knowledge proverbs 23 by the truth and do not sell it get wisdom jesus grew in wisdom scripture says this in james if any man lack let him ask and the lord will give liberally and without reproach now as a church we're growing in wisdom lord has given us wisdom over these last 18 months to navigate political waters cultural waters social waters financial water lord has given us wisdom and we had to grow in it now watch scripture doesn't just say he grew in wisdom but he also grew in grace hear me i don't think grace grows i don't think wisdom grows i think we grow watch i think you have the same amount of grace today that you had when you got saved but what it means to grow in grace is to grow in the wisdom of applying what you already have to your current circumstance scripture says this you've already received everything you need pertaining to life and godliness no you've already got it what you need is the wisdom on how to apply it in your life it's like having a bank account that you don't know how to access and then all of a sudden somebody gives you the password no you still have the same amount of money you've always had in there but now all of a sudden you've got access to use it that's why i tell so many believers we live below the level of our invitation i've already been invited to sit in heavenly places i've already been invited to approach the throne of grace in my time of need i've already been invited to share in his glory i've already been invited to have his renewed mind but we live below the level of our invitation and then pray for things we already have no we already have it no we i already have grace i already have favor i already have wisdom i already have knowledge and the more that i grow in it the better i am to apply what has always been there to my current circumstance god i need you to put more grace in my life i already put the max amount god i need more of you god says back to us no i need more of you i don't think grace grows i think we grow i don't think jesus had more grace at 13 than he had at 12 but i think jesus grew up in the grace of our lord and savior i think jesus grew up in the grace that the father had provided for him for example i'm a son of god through faith in christ but watch my sonship isn't increasing or decreasing it exists as an established fact but i grow in my sonship by deepening my understanding and application of what it means to be a son of god i am not more a son of god today than i was when i was six years old and gave my heart to jesus but i am better at applying his identity to my life because i have grown up in my sonship and this is what it means to grow in grace i'm not going to live in shame because i've grown in grace i'm not going to live in condemnation because i've grown in grace i'm not going to live in rejection or abandonment because i've grown in grace i'm not going to live in insecurity or doubt because i've grown in grace now watch verse 41. i'm go quake now watch his parents went to jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover and when he was 12 years old they went up to jerusalem according to the custom of the feast and when they finished the days as they returned the boy jesus lingered behind in jerusalem but mary and joseph did not know now listen you haven't been raised in church unless you've been forgotten at church by your parents a time or two in life supposing him to have been in the company they went a day's journey and sought him among their relatives and acquaintances when they did not find him they returned to jerusalem seeking him now it was that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers both listening and asking questions and all who heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers hear me so clearly friend you were not left behind you were strategically hidden by god for a season of supernatural development some of the greatest growth in your life happens in seasons of separation from the crowd it looked as if jesus had been left behind but instead he had been strategically positioned by the father in a cauldron of supernatural development one of the things that you must wage war against in this season is the anxiety that comes from feeling like you've been left behind like everyone else is zooming past you like everyone else is living their best life and you're just waiting for yours to begin no god has you right where he wants you he hasn't forgotten about you your season is coming so it's time to stop complaining and start developing because this is your time for growth and that's one of the dangers of social media is we see everybody else's highlights we see where everybody else is going and we feel like when is it my time when is it my time to get married when is my time to get promotion when is it my time to get record when is it my time but my identity doesn't come from being seen by the world but instead by being hidden in christ no being hidden is one of the best positions you could ever have because if it's on christ it's in me and as i am hidden in him and his power overshadows my life then all of a sudden what he walked in i walk in and surely goodness and mercy and favor follows me all the days of my life please don't compare where you are to where somebody else is you don't know their journey and you don't know their story and jesus warns in the parable of the seed and the sower he says stuff that come up too quickly the cares of life choke it out because the roots are shallow so if god's doing a deep work just stay there you know when you get anxiety about god keeping his end of the agreement you almost always step out of line and create an ishmael when you should have waited for an isaac [Music] god must need my help because his promise isn't coming through god must need my help god must me not my strategy let me help him out here no listen god knows where you're going and in his grace he's doing a deep work in your life because when you get there it's important that you can blossom and flourish there see a lot of people build things in their gift but destroy them with their character because they prayed for a widening instead of thanking god for a deepening no we're growing deep and we're growing wide but see god knows the potential of this church he knows the potential of your life he knows the potential your talent he knows the potential of your gift and so god in his grace says let me go deep now going deep isn't impressive to any in the crowd but one of the key parts of your development is breaking your addiction to the approval of the crowd and so god in his mercy will do things that other people don't even care about because what he's after is your heart what he's after is your heart he's after those deep things now watch verse 48 when they saw him they were amazed his mother said to him son why have you done this to us look your father and i have sought you anxiously he said to them why did you seek me did you not know that i must be about my father's business but they did not understand the statement now watch the longer you walk with jesus the more he will say things to you that you don't understand one of the most profound things that jesus ever tells his disciples is you do not know what i am doing now but later you will and if you make your understanding the altar that you worship at you will miss out on development [Music] well i don't understand why god why why why why why why you know i got a two-year-old who asks why about everything and it's irritating but i bet it's even more frustrating for god when we do the same thing well why why why me why this why that why why why why why why because his ways are not your ways his thoughts are high above because he sees things that you don't he has a perspective that you don't that's why so i'm going to trust that the one who began my story is going to be faithful to finish my story and even if i don't understand now there might be a day later that i will but i'm going to allow the one who framed the universe to hold my destiny in his hands i don't understand but i don't need to because that's not the business that we're in i'm not in the business of my understanding but instead of receiving a peace that passes my understanding then he went down with him and he came to nazareth watch the bible says this he was subject to them that word subject means to place under or to be submitted to you know we don't like talking about submission in our culture because it's become a dirty word submission is not i'm always right and you're always wrong submission is not you must agree with all my preferences and see the world exactly how i see it submission is not a domineering spirit that can't ever admit that they're wrong because if submission is forced it's not submission it's control submission is a trust that god has placed people in your life who are seeing things that you aren't and can help you avoid unnecessary pitfalls in your life i don't think you grow in this life until you submit to something else or someone else no we're not free agents no we're not self-made no we're not independent autonomous now you're part of a community you're part of a family and you've got privileges but you also have responsibilities and the best way that you honor the person you're sitting next to at church is by making the decision i'm going to grow i'm not going to blame everybody else i'm not going to blame my family history i'm not going to blame mom and dad i'm not going to give in to poor me i'm not going to ask why till i die i'm gonna take the initiative to grow because it's what i owe you and it's what i owe him and in doing so we submit to one another even as we submit to the lord meaning you're not always right and neither am i and god places people in your life who have a set of experiences that you don't so that you don't have to learn every lesson the hard way some people honestly have the spirit of stubborn stupidity well i got to learn the lesson the hard way why well i got to touch the stove to see if it's hot i'm telling you it's hot i just got to learn myself now that's the language of a person who's living an unsubmitted life now i want to trust that god's place people in my life are going to help me grow in wisdom favor stature with god and with men i look out over this crowd today and i see the unlimited potential of god who's placed his hand on each and every one of you and my invitation to you is to not allow the corporate growth of this church to overshadow the responsibility for the individual growth of its members we have a responsibility to grow i do you do we do and as we make those commitments to go deep god honors us watch by growing wide this is the season we're in we're going to grow in revival it's always been in me it's always been in you it's always been in this region hear me revival isn't growing we're growing we are growing into the already established reality of his kingdom advancing on earth i don't need more of god he needs more of me let's grow up in this thing and in doing so see our lives and communities and families forever transformed call stand with me as we close spirit of god is here to support him wow he's here because god is so much better than we deserve really i promise you i promise you fred he's here today come on can you feel it can you feel that invitation in the atmosphere to come up higher can you sense it this morning he's here he's willing to do an incredible work in your life father down the mighty day of jesus we ask that you would do your best work in and through each and every one of us and god we commit in this moment we are responding to the invitation to grow there's more for me there's more for us there's more for this community there's more for my family there's more more from my sphere of influence so we are going to grow because if even jesus grew then what's our excuse god today we commit to a lifelong pursuit of who you are we'll give you all the praise we'll give you all the glory we'll give you all the honor both now and forever in jesus day amen friend if you're here today and you want prayer before you leave i'm going to invite you to the altars i'd sure love to add my faith to yours to see god work a miracle in your life every week we see miracles healings baptism salvations i'd love to see that for you if you need prayer for any reason before you leave why don't you make your way to the altar let's pray let's agree in faith together if not god bless we'll see a lot of you guys tomorrow 6 p.m for pursuit night and even more of you next week for service 9 10 30 and noon look forward to having you god bless we'll see you soon you
Channel: The Pursuit NW
Views: 735
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WVvgX_NdUf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 3sec (5583 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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