9.25.21 | Revival Services | The Pursuit

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hey come on stand your feet we're going to get started tonight hey come on put those hands together here we go hey [Music] he's a great great guy [Music] come on let's see together he's coming in the clouds kings and kingdoms [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] confess who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] there's nothing that can stop him [Music] [Music] come on put those together here we go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] come on lift up [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] between us how high the mountain i could not climb in desperation i turned to heaven [Music] then through the darkness your loving kindness through the shadows of my soul the work is finished the end is written jesus christ [Music] [Music] such boundless grace [Music] [Music] i am [Music] jesus [Music] set me free jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] your buried body began to breathe [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's time for the sleeper to wake it's time for the old winds to change i hear the spirit say it's time [Applause] [Music] it's time for the dead man to rise it's the great light to shine [Music] the [Music] [Music] let the kingdom go [Music] it's time for the sleeper to wake [Music] [Music] it's [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time to raise your voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] open up the windows [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i don't know about you but i'm ready to praise jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let the king [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome hey listen over the last number of weeks here at the church we've had the privilege of of baptizing well over 200 people as folks are making dedications and determinations to follow jesus with everything that they are scripture talks about water baptism is the public announcement that your old life has been buried with christ and your new life has been raised in christ we tell people in this environment like water baptism isn't a good idea if you can ever get around to it it's not like one of those things that if you can ever like maybe check it off your list like maybe god's happy with you it's literally a command from scripture the bible says this repent believe and be baptized and so we tell people the bare minimum qualifier to be baptized in water is have you made a confession of faith in jesus christ not has your life been perfect not have you never made a mistake but have you put your full faith and trust in the finished work of jesus christ oftentimes in baptism we also ask people this question when we dunk them we say do you confess jesus as the lord and savior of your life yes do you renounce every work of darkness against your life yes and when we baptize people it's not just people getting wet it's not just water coming on people's bodies something happens in a spiritual place when you're baptized because what god does through the waters of baptism is he declares in every dead arid place that what once belonged to the enemy now belongs to him this is why baptism is so significant it's like god's showing you off it's what the father says over jesus when jesus is baptized in water at the jordan river this is my son in who i am well pleased it's a declaration in heaven on earth and below the earth of who you belong to and so we encourage people to follow the lord through the waters of baptism i can't explain all how it works but i just know it does i just know it does and when people follow in obedience to jesus christ watch what happens it commands a blessing on your life something fundamentally changes in that spiritual atmosphere when you align yourself in obedience and for whatever reason it's just been over the last number of weeks people positioning themselves say pastor i'm ready i don't want to miss it i might not have come with the right clothes even to get baptized but i don't want to miss my opportunity to publicly announce that i'm putting my full faith and trust in the finished work of jesus christ when when you're baptized god is declaring something fresh and something new over your life and we just believe that as we follow the lord through these simple obedient steps it might look foolish on the outside but scripture says this the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it's the power of god and baptism is one of those spiritual things that appears foolish from the outside in what's so important about getting dunked in a makeshift hot tub in front of a church why would god care about that it looks foolish to the world but in god's eyes it's one of the most significant things friend you will ever do and we're announcing something in the northwest we're announcing that jesus is king we're announcing that the kingdom of god has arrived it's breaking out all around us we're announcing that the invitation is for both jew and gentile man and woman men servant and maidservant rich and poor we're announcing the good news of the gospel the gospel isn't good advice friend it's good news it's not a good opinion it's good news it's the proclamation that jesus has arrived and because jesus is here everything changes and we're going to continue to see baptisms week after week after week here in this community because we're just trying to do our best to keep up with the transformation that god is doing in people's lives and something that's cool here is not only is god doing a work here but we got friends tuning in tonight literally from around the world people watching the live stream even last night i got texts and dms and messages and emails from people who are watching the revival service from their homes in different states last night one guy emailed me late last night and he said pastors you were praying i was watching the live stream from tulsa oklahoma and as you were praying the power of god hit my living group i flew back in my chair i can't explain what happened but what you're stirring in the northwest is overflowing in the midwest [Applause] it's significant it's important what's happening here people are paying attention to as folks are waking up to this reality god is better than we think he's closer than we think and revival has always been in his heart and it's always been his idea it is one of the great joys and great privileges of christian faith to follow the lord through the waters of baptism in just a moment i'm going to give you an invite and friend you might be here tonight and say well i didn't you know come to get water baptized and maybe tomorrow listen tomorrow's not promised you have right now and right here and baptism might be inconvenient for you good because most transformational things in your life are a little bit inconvenient you got an opportunity tonight to obey the lord not me not anybody else but obey what god commands over your life and if you're here tonight you say pastor i haven't been water baptized since following the lord and maybe you were sprinkled in water as a baby in a catholic church and i'm talking about baptism i'm talking about christian baptism i'm talking about immersion in water following a public proclamation that jesus is lord if you haven't had that experience in just a moment i'm going to call you forward and we're going to baptize people in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost and tonight friends something significant is going to happen in your life in just a moment i'll count to three if that's you i want you to come out of your chair real quick come to the altar and we're going to line up on my right your left on my right your left we'll have some pastors and leaders participating in baptism tonight i promise you this evening we're gonna see god do some supernatural things and so if that's you say pastor that's me that's me don't pass me by remember me tonight i want to get water baptized when i count to three just come to this altar real quickly and we'll go baptize you come on one come on two come on three if that's you just come forward out of your seat real quick why don't you join me on my right your left just come forward real quick real quick real quick awesome awesome awesome come on watch you make your way forward let's line up let's line up come on we're getting water baptized we're doing it right tonight god's going to do a significant work in the lives of people and come on when we baptize them i want this whole room to erupt i want people to celebrate the goodness of god in the land of the living come on friend if you need to get baptized come up quick come all this worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's time for the green light to shine [Music] say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] all your peoples is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] open up the windows [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i hear the sounds [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm coming [Music] this is [Music] oh [Music] i can't either i hear the sounds of lives that are changing i hear [Music] [Music] our destinies are changing i hear the sounds [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] let it go [Music] come on fred just before we end up closing the tank i just want to make one more opportunity if you're still in that valley of decision and maybe just debating in your own mind whether or not tonight's for you i promise tonight's for you just by virtue of you being here this evening tonight is an invitation and an opportunity for you to follow the lord through the waters of baptism so just one more time if you're still staying stuck if you're still kind of debating in your own mind and thinking maybe just maybe tonight's my night i just want to encourage you to come forward we're going to stand with you in faith we're going to celebrate people tonight as they follow the lord through the waters of baptism just before we close the tank is there one more is there two more is there anybody left who say pastor i don't want to miss my opportunity tonight's my night i don't want to miss my time tonight's my night i want to follow the lord through the waters of baptism come on fred make your way forward if that's you just prior to closing the tank if that's you just make your way forward might be one might be none if not no worries i just want to give you one more opportunity to follow the lord through the waters of baptism come on can we celebrate all those who made decisions tonight [Applause] awesome awesome awesome come on let's keep worshiping let's keep worst my god to save and deliver and heal and restore anything that he wants to just ask the man [Music] if there's anything that he can't do [Music] god [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] let the child play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i just wanna love you you're my desire i just wanna touch you you i just want to know you to feel what you like everything you are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord you're my desire i just wanna touch embrace [Music] everything you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are just loving me [Music] [Music] [Music] he watches and i just love you i just love you and i just love you i just love you and i just love you i just love you i just love you you are just everything you are [Music] dreams [Music] uh [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] on him tonight [Music] [Music] you're more than enough for me [Music] beautiful glorious [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] matchless [Music] would [Music] oh [Music] the beautiful [Music] no wonder they call you beautiful [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] david says it like this in the book of psalms he says one thing if i saw and that one thing have i desired to dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life and in doing so to gaze upon his beauty to behold him in his worth that in my time of trouble he would hide me in his pavilion come on one of the greatest things you will ever do as a believer is to simply gaze upon the beauty of jesus and as you gaze upon his beauty and as his brilliance you find yourself being transformed into the thing that you behold and god tonight we count you worthy of all praise of all honor of all adoration we join the song of heaven the one that is sung by angels and elders and saints and the four living creatures holy holy holy is the one who was and is and is to come all honor and power and glory due under his name we count you as worthy tonight we count you as worth it tonight we count you as beautiful tonight we count you as brilliant tonight father as we gaze upon your glory and as your presence fills this place god we thank you tonight that your power is present to heal and so god tonight we receive from the throne room god we thank you at the mighty name of jesus every knee bows in every tongue confesses that he is lord to the glory of god the father we thank you god in this atmosphere disease and sickness and dysfunction bows its knee we thank you god in this atmosphere issues impacting the mind and the spirit bow their knee at the name of jesus god we thank you tonight generational curses are broken at the name of jesus god we thank you tonight family dysfunction is broken at the name of jesus father we thank you tonight that prodigals come back home at the name of jesus father we thank you tonight things are reconciled and restored at the name of jesus father we thank you tonight people come under a canopy of god's blessing and abundance and their knees bow at the name of jesus god we thank you that in your atmosphere mountains they still melt like wax impossible isn't even a word in your dictionary and god tonight we give you permission to move into work and to have your way in hearts and in lives come on friend all across this room tonight god by his spirit is healing stuff that you didn't even know was broken is fixing stuff that you didn't even know needed fixing god right now by his spirit is doing a work on your behalf working all things together for the good of those who love him father we thank you at the name of jesus heart disease is healed we thank you at the name of jesus cirrhosis of the liver is healed we thank you at the name of jesus internal organs that are out of function come in to function at the name of jesus we thank you at the name of jesus blood diseases are healed we thank you at the name of jesus hereditary diseases are healed god we thank you at the name of jesus issues affecting the mind and the brain are healed we thank you at the name of jesus cancer vows diabetes bowels tumors shrink we thank you at the name of jesus there's turnaround there's turn around there's turn around thank you god by your stripes we receive healing that as you told moses healing is the children's bread so we receive tonight from the throne room and in doing so god we trust that you're working all things together you're working all things together and last night testimony after testimony people experiencing the healing power of jesus over and over and over again friend god is no respecter of person and if he did it last night he'll do it tonight we serve the god of the impossible we serve the god of miracles we serve the god of salvations and healings and deliverances he can't help himself because it's just simply who he is if you're in need of a touch of god this evening you came to the right place not because there's anything special about us but because there's everything special about him and i'm going to encourage you tonight just in this atmosphere of faith just to believe just to believe god has something special for me god we receive from you tonight we receive from you tonight scripture says this that he sent his word forth and it healed that when the word of god is sent forth it accomplishes everything it's been sent forth to do and as the word of god and as the presence of god is released in this place tonight friend it is accomplishing what has been sent forth to do and we receive healing and wholeness in jesus name we receive healing and wholeness in jesus name father we love you god we honor you tonight we glorify you tonight there's none like you there's none beside you we say god have your way in this place we avail ourselves unto you god have your way in this place in jesus day in jesus day amen hey would you find a seat tonight if you could thanks so much for joining us for saturday night of our extended revival services you know about a month ago we had one of our friends and one of the members of our board of directors pastor benny perez come and share over labor day weekend here with the church and god began something in that environment that we are continuing now as we're just making time for people to seek the face of god now if you're here with us on sunday morning you know what sunday mornings are like they're rather chaotic and people are coming in and coming out and we've got about 75-minute services and we got a thousand people in the parking lot and cars lined up out onto the street and we don't always have the time to really just spend time seeking the lord and yes scripture says this seek the lord while he may be found which tells me that there are windows of opportunity in our spiritual life by which god invites us to pursue him and it's in the pursuit of who he is that we find transformation and development in our life i think so many times the way that we view spirituality is in the context of outcomes and the way that jesus views our spirituality is in the context of process and there is something that gets developed in the deep part of who you are when you commit to a life-long pursuit of who he is and that's what we're signing up for and that's why we're taking time in the month of september we're going to do it again in the month of october we're going to do it again in the month of november if you guys could go ahead and put those announcements on the screen we're going to show you what's coming up here in the month of uh october in november october 29th through the 31st we're having a special guest dr michael maiden with us dr maden is out of the state of arizona and leads an incredible church and ministry there dr maiden really is a prophet to the body of christ he operates in incredible words of knowledge and words of wisdom and generally he's booked out a year or two and for whatever reason we just have favor in this season he was able to rearrange some things and be with us at the end of october and then of course in the month of november november pastor benny prez is going to be joining us again for another night of awakening and revival he'll be with us friday night saturday night uh and sunday night obviously as we get closer to these dates we're going to be pushing out some material on social media so we'll make sure to remind you but just go ahead and mark those dates in your calendar we'd love to have you in the house of god for those nights we just really since we're in a special season here as a church and there's just there's just moments in time there's just moments in life by which god invites you to pursue him and in doing so you have breakthrough in doing so you see miracles in doing so you find yourself on the receiving end or on the receiving benefit of his presence multiplied and magnified in your life and listen and the the pursuit of the presence of god is a lot more art than it is science meaning that we can't break it down into nice little boxes with formulas to try to figure it all out we just know when we've been invited and in fact the person of jesus and and the presence of jesus is is is is is talked about in in in the analogy of a wedding in the book of matthew specifically in in in chapter 25 where where jesus tells his followers he says prepare for you don't know the day in which the bridegroom will return but if you have oil in your lamp you'll be able to have vision for when he arrives and although we know that at least in one sense jesus is utilizing that language to talk about the return of christ which is our blessed hope in the future i also think that that language has some overlay for our current context as well for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear when the bridegroom draws near it's those who respond with a longing and a desiring heart who are able to encounter him and i've said this before but i think it's so foundationally true for our life and for our ministry friend god is more interested in revival than we are and when we can come to that place in our life where we honestly believe that and we come out of a place of striving to try to force his hand and instead coming alive to the reality that the kingdom of god is at hand and the gospel is advancing in incredible ways by force and the gates of hell literally cannot prevail against it i wanted to start off tonight by sharing with you a prophetic word not from me but from a pastor who who who pastored in in new york at times square church for a number of years before passing away about 35 years ago he wrote down something in his prayer journal that got recorded and i think it speaks to the day that we're in you can decide for yourself but guys if you could go ahead and put that on the screen i just wanted to share share this with you tonight go ahead and put it on the screens on my left and on my right please thank you david wilkerson in 1986 now watch this was 35 35 years ago in 1986 watch what he said i see a plague coming on the world and the bars churches and government will shut down the plague will hit new york city and shake it like it has never been shaken the plague is going to force prayerless believers into radical prayer and into their bibles and repentance will be the cry from the man of god and the pulpit watch and out of it will come a third great awakening that will sweep america and the world [Applause] 35 years ago i think people probably heard this and read this and thought oh man this just pastor wilkerson being a prophet again and saying some wild things and could you ever imagine something like that happening there's no way new york city would ever shut down no way it's the city that never sleeps and yet of course what we've seen over the last 18 months is just about word for word everything that wilkerson prophesied coming true in our midst and now what i'm waiting on is the last paragraph to be fulfilled the idea that what we're pressing the idea that the idea that what we're pressing into is a third great awakening and so that that's why that's why jesus says this he says in this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer for i have overtaken the world i've overcome the world so that's why it's possible for you to be of good cheer in the midst of a world that has lost its dang mind church is about the only thing left open for believers in the northwest it's about the only place that's not checking passports at the door it's about the only thing left for believers to rally around but i look at this and i think i think to myself god is so good that he was even awakening prophets 30 40 years ago and letting them know there's something that's coming there's something that's coming there's something that's coming and what i love is that in the midst of plagues shutting down cities and people being shaken god is returning prayer and passion and desire to the church and friend i'm here to tell you we are standing on the precipice of a third great awakening in this nation we're standing on the very edge of it and you and i will get to live in the fulfillment of what other people died still believing for and that's why hebrews 11 and hebrews 12 are so significant because as paul writes the church he tells the story of the heroes of faith who died not yet receiving their promise but who now form the great cloud of witnesses who watch with interest the affairs and the activities of earth believing that god will be faithful to fulfill every word that he said watch the promises of god are yes and amen they're not maybe and if you try hard enough they're not maybe if you figure it all right figure it all out or get all your theology correct the promises of god are yes and amen and i just have a feeling that there's more than one prophet pastor leader prayer warrior who died believing for awakening who hasn't yet seen it who's now in the cloud of witnesses peering down into the affairs of earth thinking to themselves could it be that this time we're going to see awakening in the nation and you understand that tonight friend that you are the fulfillment of somebody else's prayer petition and prophecy you are you're the fulfillment sometimes people think well have you ever seen a prophecy fulfilled just look in the mirror because you are you are one you are a living breathing fulfillment of prophetic words given during times where people couldn't even imagine them coming together and yet here we are today and so as we're leading into this we lean in with this idea of significance we lean in with this idea of ownership we lean in with this idea of destiny knowing that what god is forming in this moment is so much bigger than we can even conceive or imagine and friend you and i get to be a part of that i just want to share a few things tonight out of the gospel of luke and as i've been teaching over the last number of weeks we're actually supposed to be on a different sermon series as a church but i've just shifted just to teach and to talk and to prophesy into awakening and revival because it's a now word for this community listen listen if not now then when if not us then who what else are we waiting for you waiting for things to get worse before we have awakening not me no this is our time and what the enemy meant for evil what the enemy saw is death and destruction watch god is using for good and it's just so interesting people who aren't spiritual minded they can't even understand it they don't understand how is the church growing they don't understand it they don't understand it why are people showing up they have no concept for it doesn't even make sense and yet the church of god advances the people of god operate in divine favor surely goodness and mercy follow us the days of our life in the midst of chaos god is establishing his perfect peace and his perfect government on the earth and you and i get to be a part of that that's what you've signed up for so when we talk about revival and when we talk about awakening what we're not talking about is a finite moment in time but instead a line by which we cross where everything changes and nothing is the same we are in the ground floor of another awakening here in our nation in luke 5 luke who is the historian of the new testament church tells us a story about jesus luke is a physician he's also a gentile the only gentile author of any of the synoptic gospels he's telling us a story about jesus he says this in verse 17 now it happened on a certain day that as he was teaching that there were pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by who had come out of every town of galilee judea and jerusalem watch and the power of the lord was present to heal them so let me ask you a question tonight friend the power of the lord is present are you hear me the power of the lord is present are you now watch what happens the power of the lord existed by the virtue of his nature it wasn't conjured up by the environment he sat in it rested on the life of jesus because it was an inseparable part of his character watch and if i am in christ then i walk in present power too this is the benefit of you being hidden in christ this is the benefit of you being clothed in righteousness this is the benefit of you not being your own but instead you've been bought with a price this is the benefit of not bowing to the altar of self-identity this is the benefit of claiming jesus as the author and the finisher of your faith what is on him becomes on you because by virtue you're hidden in christ the bible says that even the disciples in the new testament as they walked their shadows would would fall on people who were sick and they would receive healing in life because what they carried in their lives was a reflection of what overshadowed them when you're seated in heavenly places it's not just to feel good about your own spiritual resume it's an indication of the things by which god has invited you to carry because we are living breathing ambassadors of another kingdom we understand that we operate with this same authority jesus said in the same way that i was sent so i send you so we've been given a mission and a mandate to take the life of christ and in doing so display the life of christ through our sphere of influence faith doesn't increase god's power hear me it increases your capacity to receive from god's power you have never stepped foot into an environment in which jesus wasn't king and that simple fact ought to give you confidence that anywhere you go you can operate in dynamic power in the same way that god tells moses i am his power and his might are an established reality that is unchanged by human circumstance what was on jesus is now on you because the spirit of god takes residence inside your life the power of the lord was present to heal the power of the lord was present not because it was a healing crusade not because there was a sermon on series on miracles not because folks had even seen his previous work but because jesus was the center of attention and any place in which jesus is the center of attention it becomes an atmosphere where anything can happen and here's what i found people are okay with jesus being in the house but as soon as you position him as the center of attention it seems like every relief religious demon gets activated no jesus doesn't just get a room in the church he's the head of the church jesus is the center of attention and this is why jesus says in the book of john if you'll just lift me up i will literally do everything else you just gotta lift me up you just have to reprioritize me as the center of all life and of all existence if i am the primary gravitational force in all of your spiritual life by which you revolve around i will cause every loose end to come together if i be lifted up and jesus was at the center of the house and the bible says the power of the lord was present you know what's so interesting about jesus anywhere that he walked his spirit introduced him before he even said a word let me prove it to you mark 5 and when jesus had come out of the boat immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling amongst the tombs and no one could bind him not even with chains because he had often been bound with shackles and chains and the chains had been pulled apart by him and the shackles broken in pieces neither could anyone tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying out and cutting himself with stones and when he saw jesus from afar he ran and worshipped him and he cried out with a loud voice saying what have i to do with you jesus son of the most high god i implore you by god do not torment me and jesus hasn't said a word he literally gets out of a boat and a guy in the graveyards starts to manifest and he's naked and he's chained up and he's cutting himself and he's all out of his mind and the bible says he runs to jesus and falls on his knees and worships and asks jesus this question have you come to torment me and friend can i communicate to you tonight that your spirit introduces you before you even show up which tells me this we ought to operate with a great confidence and great boldness knowing that where i walk god walks too that there's not one room that i'm walking in that he hasn't already established a table for me in front of my enemies that's what gives us the great boldness and courage that comes on the disciples in acts 2 and acts 4 and acts 8 and acts 19 is this idea that wherever i go goodness favor mercy miracles and power it follows me your spirit introduces you before you show up [Applause] and that's why your spirit interferes and irritates some of the demonic stuff that people around you carry you ought to be aware of what manner of spirit you're in this is what jesus says to john and jenks in luke chapter 9 as jesus is ministering and john and james go ahead to prepare the way and they're upset because the samaritans say we don't want jesus and john and his brother james have this brilliant idea let's call down fire from heaven to consume the samaritan villages and jesus corrects them and he asked them this question do you know what manner of spirit you are in and maybe jesus would ask that same question of us tonight are you aware of what manner of spirit you are walking in and operating in how many times do we talk ourselves out of the power of the lord which is present to heal save and deliver because we are unaware of the manner of our spirit see my spirit is strong even when my flesh is weak see my spirit is strong even when the house is crowded see my spirit is strong even when the finances are up and down no my spirit is strong even when life seems to be falling apart no my spirit is strong even when the government stands against no my spirit is strong because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world so what manner of spirit are you in see you've got the holy spirit and he's with you wherever you go and it's that spirit which makes an introduction for you prior to you ever showing up the bible says this of jesus in luke 2 verse 40 and verse 52. the bible says that jesus grew in wisdom favor and stature with god and with men meaning that as jesus continued to grow doing the work of his father that it was god himself who made an introduction into every room that he would walk in watch the tragedy of luke chapter 5 prior to us ever getting to the miracle watch the bible says jesus was present and the power of the lord was present to heal them who is the them the only characters introduced so far in luke 5 are pharisees and teachers of the law and the bible says the power of the lord was present to heal them but they would not receive healing i want you to know tonight even if you came as a critic of revival or have never seen a miracle in your life tonight is your night because the power of the lord is present to heal you but the tragedy of luke 5 precedes the miracle of luke 5. before we ever get to a man who's been paralyzed since birth being lowered down through a roof in order to be forgiven set free and healed we have pharisees and teachers of the law who have spent their lives their livelihood studying the words of god and yet are missing out on the son of god and yet the power of the lord was present to heal them how many times have i missed out on an encounter simply because the lord is more present than i am engaged the power of the lord was present to heal them now watch verse 18 then behold men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed whom they sought to bring in and lay before him and when they could not find how they might bring him in because the crowd they went up onto the house top let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before jesus now watch when he saw their faith he said to them he said to the man your sins are forgiven you the bible doesn't say when jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man he says when he saw their faith the faith of his friends now watch this word gets good faith oftentimes looks like an invitation for somebody else to receive in fact every time you invite a person to this church you're making a statement of faith and sometimes the reason why you operate in a gift of faith is so that you can make a way for somebody else to receive and jesus says this in verse 20 when he saw their faith he healed their friend there's something that happens in a corporate setting where the faith of people around you pulls on heaven just enough for you to receive and here's the great news of gathering in a church like this on a saturday night even if you came in low as it pertains to what you're believing for what you're expecting or what you have faith for i believe god's good enough to sit you down next to a person who's got a little more than they need in the faith departments and when god sees their faith oftentimes he works a miracle in your life do you know in prayer this is what we do all the time i am adding watch my faith to yours you might have not even a mustard seed and i might have barely a mustard seed but when we add our faith together it's enough for a mountain to melt like wax when jesus saw their faith he says to this man man your sins are forgiven you jesus is doing an inner work just before he does an outer work because oftentimes forgiveness and healing go hand in hand now hear me this is important the same faith that you use to believe you are forgiven is the same faith you use to believe you are healed watch have you ever asked forgiveness for something and known that you've received forgiveness for something yet woken up the next day feeling guilty for the thing that you asked forgiveness for that's called life and what do you do when you feel guilt for things that you've already been forgiven for you use your faith to believe you've been forgiven now watch you get prayer at an altar and you get healed but you wake up the next day and you feel that pain coming back and you've got a decision to make well i use my faith to confess that i've been healed or will i use my doubt to invite that spirit of infirmity back into my life the same faith that you use to believe you've been forgiven you've been cleansed you've been made new you're going to heaven it's the same faith that you use to believe god has healed my body and done a work in my life it's the same faith and it's also subject to the same challenges it takes faith to it takes faith to please god it's impossible to operate in this whole christian context without having faith to believe and oftentimes what you'll find is god pulling on your faith when everything in your life is pulling in the opposite direction your flesh don't believe it's healed because your flesh ain't born again your spirit is and your flesh isn't going with you you're getting a new body and your flesh is upset about that so oftentimes what people do is they receive their healing but watch over the next season they talk themselves back into sickness oppression and bondage and can i tell you the same faith that you believe the same faith that you utilize to believe that i've been healed and delivered and cleansed and set free and god's doing something new in my life is the same faith that you apply day in and day out as you walk this thing out it's the same faith and jesus connects these two now if i'm the paralyzed man to be honest i'm disappointed jesus obviously my condition is that i'm paralyzed and yet what jesus is addressing watch is an inner work before he does an outer work why because jesus says this do not fear the man who can kill the body but instead who can take the soul and what would benefit a paralyzed man from being healed and yet still going to a christless eternity in fact i think people go to hell with healed backs all the time watch the gospel is not healing alone it's healing salvation deliverance it's a package deal and oftentimes what you'll find is that when you come to an altar you thought you were coming up for prayer for one thing but god by his spirit actually knows the three things that you don't even want anybody else to know but god by his spirit sends somebody who's more nosy than you to deal with them and then god does a whole package deal while you're up here at the altar it happens all the time pastor i got a bad shoulder pray for my shoulder and all of a sudden you got to forgive that person you didn't want to and you got to repent of that thing that you didn't want to repent of and and then god does six or seven inner works before he does an outer work and jesus looks at this man being lowered through the roof and can you imagine the commotion it would cause and as this man is brought by his friends they say something interesting then behold men brought up on a bed a man who was paralyzed whom they sought to bring in and lay before jesus i love that this is all the strategy his friends have there's no follow-up strategy there's no following jesus book to receive after you're done like crying your eyes out at the altar there's nothing this is their strategy if we can just get him to jesus and friend can i tell you you don't have to have everything figured out in your life to make a decision to just get to jesus this is where it starts let god figure the rest out let friends and community in church help figure the rest out here's your responsibility be in a place in your life where either you can make the decision or other people around you can help make the decision for you just to get to jesus if we could just lay him before the lord man if i if i could just get to a place where his presence rests and i don't even know what's going on but if i could just if i could just get to if i could just get to the house of god if i could just get into the presence of god i don't know how it's going to work but i know it's going to work and his friends cut a hole in the roof and they lower them down watch what happens verse 21 the scribes and the pharisees begin to reason saying who is this who speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but god alone when jesus perceived their thoughts he answered and said to them why are you reasoning in your hearts which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up and walk again jesus equates forgiveness with healing which is easier for god to do forgive your sins or heal your body for him it's the same thing sometimes hear me taking every thought captive means announcing your disagreement with other people's assessment of your situation sometimes taking every thought captive means announcing your disagreement with other people's assessment of your situation pharisees aren't even talking but they're talking in their hearts and jesus hears he says i know your reasoning in your hearts thinking to yourself this is blasphemous and how can he say that this man's sins are forgiven he certainly doesn't deserve that only god can do that who does this guy think he is let me translate that though to a modern context in your life you're sitting around hearing people say things like this you're probably going to have to learn just to live with it i don't think you'll ever recover sounds impossible you could never achieve that it will never work it can't ever happen i bet it only gets worse and sometimes we allow the subtle self-destructive prophecies of well-intentioned people around us to keep us imprisoned in bondage for way longer than is necessary and sometimes you ought to take control of the atmosphere in which you're in and not give in to the subtle lies of the enemy friend watch the enemy is the father of lies which means this every father has sons there's a reason he called the father of lies it's genealogical and sometimes for us we've allowed little lies to sow seeds of distrust and hopelessness and despair and infirmity in our lives and can i tell you next time you're in a negative critical cynical environment listening to everybody else give a final diagnosis for your circumstance why don't you just take captive of every thought no i actually i don't agree with that that's actually not my assessment i appreciate your opinion but everybody's got an opinion i know what god said i'm gonna stand on his word if i don't see it today i'm gonna see it tomorrow if i don't see it tomorrow i'm gonna see it next week i'm gonna believe it in my spirit until i receive it in my life now i'm gonna break agreement with the father of lies and his sons and daughters who lie all around me that's what jesus calls the pharisees he calls them sons of the devil he says your father is satan and you make people twice the sons of satan that they were before jesus is addressing the lies that religion tells the lies that complacency and apathy tells the lies that are all around us in in in our world through our different cultural messaging and he's encouraging people to allow the spirit of god to guide you into all truth and then allow that truth to set you free and so for us as we come into church this is a canopy of truth a pillar of truth by which we hear god's words and god's declaration over our lives now watch jesus says this but that you may know the son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the man who was paralyzed i say to you arise take up your bed and go to your house immediately he rose up before them took what he had been lying on and departed to his own house glorifying god hear me healing is a manifestation of god's glory as a result of this man seeing god's glory his response is to glorify god and when you glorify god the net result of that activity is to see more of his glory now that might be confusing for you a little bit tonight but it's how we go from glory to glory healing deliverance salvation baptism encounter is a manifestation of god's glory in return when we see a manifestation of god's glory our human response is to glorify god as we glorify god we see greater manifestations of his glory which cause a greater honor of his glory in and through our lives this is the endless loop that jesus talks about in john 17. he says father that they would share in our glory so that they would be one so that they could see your glory so they could share in our glory so that they could be one so that they could see your glory so they could share in our glory so they could be one so that they can see your glory it is an endless cycle it takes you from glory to glory to glory healing is a manifestation of god's glory and as a result it caused the lame man to glorify god and as he glorified god it opened his mind and his spirit to see greater manifestations of god's glory and that's why it's so important for us that as we see god move and work in this environment we don't think of it as a result of our own goodness or our own deservedness but instead we take the opportunity to return all the glory back to him you know god won't share his glory with another but you're not another you're his beloved that that's what i'll get you about john 17. well you know god's in his glory you know people used to appreciate he won't share his glory god won't share his glory no he does on purpose and he likes to because you weren't created in your image you were created in his and do you know how the glory of god fills the whole earth when the people of god fill the whole earth that's how his glory fills the earth because you are a living breathing ambassador of god's glory which has been deposited in your life and this man who is paralyzed not only has an encounter that will forever change him but it will forever change his family his children his chosen children the narrative of that neighborhood the community as this man leaves running leaping jumping and praising god and i want you to know here what you encounter at a revival service at an extended conference on a sunday morning it's so important that it transforms you not just for a moment but instead that the overflow of your experience would even impact your family revival is best sustained when people don't view it through an entirely individualistic lens like man i'm so glad god is doing something in my heart hallelujah feels really great thank you jesus the the reason why you encounter glory is because you were designed to carry it and as you carry it everywhere you go it only grows and grows it grows and this is the principle of leaven of the kingdom the idea that one is once it is interjected it leavens everything that it touches and it continues to grow and multiply and duplicate friend there is no running out of this thing in fact the more you give the more you receive and that's why it's more blessed to give and for us in in this room as we're encountering the presence of god and the glory of god and we're walking in the favor of god and we're following after the heart of god what it returns us to is this idea of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled those who taste and see that god is good will continually come back to taste and see again what it invites us into is a never-ending continually transformational cyclical pursuit of who he is that results in the transformation of our individual lives our family lives and and our community lives as we're gazing on the beauty and the brilliance of jesus as we're allowing that inner work to happen in the deep places that people can't see we are putting our full faith and full trust in the finished work of jesus christ knowing that what he began what he has established he by his spirit will see come to pass and fred tonight there's there's more for you there's more for us as a community you haven't graduated out of your need for glory you never will literally for the rest of eternity you'll gaze on the glory and the beauty and the brilliance of jesus and you will never get bored ever once there's so much more for us might have got healed last night good news there's more for you you might have got baptized 40 minutes ago i got good news there's more for you you might have just finished a a career and heading into your retirement years i got good news there's more for you regardless of where you find yourself on a spiritual roadmap tonight friend there is more for you and it comes from him we're creating an environment of faith by which anything can happen and as it does we return all glory and all honor to god why don't you stand with me this evening we're going to open the altars here in just a moment and we're gonna see god again do the impossible in our midst and there's living water here tonight for your life i'm confident that impossible circumstances are not more than just one request away from changing and shifting and tonight we're going to see the god of the impossible do some some impossible stuff healing is such a part of who he is that even when isaiah in the old testament prophesies about the messiah who is to come he says the way that we'll be able to identify that he's the messiah is that as he rises there will be healing in his wings as we honor god and his presence rises in our midst one of the direct benefits of that presence is healing oil that impacts our lives for some of you in here tonight you're alive today is the net result of healing that's happened in your life and some of you are in here tonight needing healing in order for your life to really continue or prosper regardless of where you're at we serve a jesus who meets us at the place of our needs in just a moment we're going to invite people to to the altar to pray one of the cool things from last night is we saw over and over again people who said i've gotten prayer a hundred times and i feel even dumb coming to the altar to ask for prayer again but for some reason this time something happened in my life and i want to want you to leave tonight missing an opportunity to receive prayer for god to do something incredible in your life because we serve the god who does the impossible maybe you're here tonight and you say pastor if i were to be honest i just i i just feel like there is a fire that should be in my heart but it just it feels lacking for whatever reason feels like maybe at one time i was really walking under a canopy of open heaven a canopy of god's grace and god's mercy but if i were to be honest man i feel dried up i feel like where did my passion go i thought where did my fire go and i'm here today to be interjected into the fire again friend tonight's tonight's your night god is so good he's so much better than we deserve and these are moments in time where god draws especially close to his people and in return the way that we honor that is by drawing near in our hearts and in our minds and i just sense that if you're here tonight you're here on purpose and there's something special from god for you in your life and i wouldn't want you to you to miss it i always tell people this when we pray for people at the altar there's all sorts of different manifestations manifestations are simply exterior physical signs of an interior work that the spirit of god is doing and before you're quick to judge somebody else's physical manifestation just be aware that you have no idea what has led them to this point you have no idea their journey their story their testimony what god has brought them through and so i try to just make room for people to interact with god any way that they want if you've been paralyzed your whole life and all of a sudden you're healed probably a little emotional he probably didn't get up from his mat all dignified and neatly packed it away and folded it up and he's probably yelling and screaming and he might have been cussing i don't even know all of a sudden he had feeling in his body and i'll just tell you this when the goodness of god interrupts your life's story all of a sudden people get free people get happy people start to move something begins to happen in people's lives if you're here tonight you need a miracle in your physical body or in your mind here's what i felt coming into tonight that people are really going to experience freedom in their mind and we love doctors and counselors and therapists we have many in this room we have a lot that we work with one of the ways that god heals people is through the work of doctors and medicine we believe in all that i also believe in a jesus who supernaturally heals saves and delivers and so we're not either or we're both and if you're here tonight and you've been suffering with a mental health condition i really believe tonight there's freedom for you there's freedom for you and mental health is one of the strongholds in this area depression and stress and suicide and anxiety and and mental disorders one of the strong men in this region is one of the disorders that's very prominent here in the northwest and jesus has come to make a public embarrassment of every demonic stronghold okay so in just a moment we're going to invite you forward and you might just be here tonight you say pastor that's me i know that's me maybe it rained in my family maybe it's recent maybe it's been with me for a long time i just really believe there's healing for you tonight and i think even as a manifestation of healing happening in your mind there's going to be joy the oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness there's going to be things that just lift off you some of you here tonight you can literally feel the oppression on your shoulders and your neck it just feels like a heaviness you feel like man there's a dark cloud that just seems to follow me wherever i go friend there is healing for you tonight others of you here you're just you're dealing with really demonic nightmares night terrors in just a moment i'm gonna invite you forward there's healing for you tonight there's other people here just even randomly you've been dealing with like suicidal thoughts and maybe you're not even that type of person you're like i don't even know where this came from it just feels like it came out of nowhere well it came from the pit so let's send it back and let's get you healing and freedom tonight in jesus day come on there's just freedom there's deliverance for you tonight come on there's somebody with an ankle injury tonight you're going to receive healing i really believe too that god is putting his hand on blood disorders and i know those are harder to tell in an environment like this but there's some of you who've been dealing with stuff even for years and the next time you go to your doctor they're going to go hey we can go ahead and take you off this medicine we're not sure what happened but you no longer have this condition and you're going to remember this moment and you're going to go oh that's what happened the lord is healing congestive heart failures tonight he he's just healing i just keep getting his word he's healing internal organs he's repairing he's restoring he's healing he's healing he's gonna do a great work in your life he's also healing stomach issues so different people uh i think i already mentioned ulcers but but but even folks with uh with with just different things going on uh you know in their stomach there might even be somebody here with stomach cancer i want to pray for you different things in the gi tract the the small intestine the large intestine there's healing for you tonight we're just going to pray and and there's going to be deliverance for you there's others of you somebody's dealing with partial deafness in their ear i believe there's healing for you tonight so we're going to invite you forward there's just others others others you say pastor there's something in my body something in my life a diagnosis a disease something i'm dealing with we just want to see you healed up restored and we we just simply believe in a god who can do that work so if that's you when i count to three i'm going to ask you to come to the altar we're going to pray we're going to anoint you with oil and we're gonna see god do just a magnificent work in your life if that's you you got that physical stuff i talked about or that mental stuff that i've talked about okay you need freedom in your life you need joy in your life it's gonna happen it's gonna be really good you're going to be glad you did it so i'm just going to encourage you to take a step of faith and we're going to bring you before the lord we're going to bring you before the lord and then he's going to do an incredible work in your life come on if that's you one two three come quick just come quick come to the altar come quick come on let's get healing let's get breakthrough let's get deliverance let's see god do incredible work in your life we're just going to ask people to come to the altar line up best you can alter workers just help me let's pray let's make sure everybody has somebody standing behind them as well we're going to see the power of god on display if you're here tonight friend and you're standing in belief for somebody else you got a friend you got a neighbor you got a loved one you got a family member they need breakthrough in their life i want to pray with you tonight as well god oftentimes uses the faith of friends to pull miracles out of heaven and we're gonna see god do some incredible things this evening we're gonna spend time in worship we'll go spend time in prayer if you're here this evening as well and you say pastor that was me as you were talking about needing a fresh fire in my life a fresh passion for the things of god i want you to make your way forward at this time just stand in the presence of god some of you are gonna get healed without anybody ever even praying for you tonight because that's just how good god is others of you are going to receive deliverance and breakthrough when somebody else lays their hands on you we'll go pray with chris and we're believing for total healing for kimmy as well just just different ones come on we believe in the god of the turnaround we we believe in the god of miracles there's folks watching on the live stream you need a miracle in your body some of you are not even in this state but you're just watching you're just watching the live stream and i'm going to encourage you right where you're at just lift your hands and just receive and just believe that god by his power is meeting you at the place of your need we're just going to see miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle if you need prayer for any other reason maybe i didn't mention it but there's something in your heart you need to do business with god you need somebody to agree with you in faith why don't you make your way forward i know it's a little busy here at the altar but we're gonna make time to pray for people lay hands on people we're gonna do our best to see god do some incredible things in this place man a little bit of faith a little bit of persistence it goes a long way goes a long way it goes a long way come on we're going plow tonight tomorrow morning we're gonna be here at 9 10 30 in noon we're gonna see god do some incredible things it's not done it's not over it's the overflow it's the overflow a cascading effect a compounding impact of his presence in our lives come on let's worship come on let's press in come on let's believe god now by his spirit is beginning to do a great work in our lives and our families in our homes the god of the impossible is on the move the lion of the tribe of judah is walking through marching through every difficult circumstance in situation we receive now we receive now we receive now in jesus day come on fred let's pray let's worship [Music] that is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] our praise to you [Music] where are you [Music] to the darkness [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] in our lives do [Music] [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry these our hearts will cry these bones [Music] [Music] these bones [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where are you crazy are you hey [Music] [Music] i'm just [Music] nothing is impossible you're the healer [Music] the thing is [Music] you're the savior [Applause] [Music] come on if you're here you've received prayer for healing i just want to encourage you to begin to test out whatever area of your body you've received prayer for if there was pain in your body begin to check if it's left if there was something that you weren't able to do within a safe way you can check to see if there's been a healing in your body and as you do as you receive healing i just want you to wave at me i want you just to just just just to show a sign just to testify i've received a healing touch of god in my life what begins to happen in an atmosphere like this is a chain reaction one person recognizes that they've been healed and all of a sudden you have 5 10 20 30 40 and so as you receive prayer part of what activating in your faith looks like is then to begin to step out and then to begin to test that thing out all of a sudden i can move my shoulder all of a sudden i can move my knee all of a sudden i have range of motion in my back all of a sudden something has lifted off of my life oftentimes the spirit of god will begin to manifest in or on our bodies sometimes like a heat sometimes you'll feel it like a heat in a certain part of your body and you'll go what's going on and then all of a sudden god will begin by his spirit a creative miracle in your life so as you get prayer as you receive prayer come on now begin to test that thing out begin to move oftentimes as you begin to move what happens is god finishes the healing god finishes the healing okay we've got one we've got two i saw another hand in the back we've got three come on as you begin to receive prayer now begin to move that thing begin to exercise begin to just just just try to do something you wasn't able to do before and watch watch watch what god will do tonight just watch what he'll do tonight come on let's pray let's continue to press in let's just see there's more miracles in the house there's more work there's more business to be done come on who are those you're dealing with even nightmares sleeplessness just just come find me real quick come to the altar real quick if you're not already up here there's deliverance for you there's joy for you i want to pray for you come on i have an impartation for you tonight if you're dealing with that just come find me real quick at the altar come on let me pray let's see god do something cool in your life tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] whatever it is [Music] [Music] lord said revival lord send it now a move of your spirit heaven break out come now in power cover this land like you've done it before won't you [Music] come now in power [Music] [Music] is [Music] through [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] jesus my [Music] i worship your majesty i worship jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] flood every heart flood every heart with mercy pour out your presence inhabit operates as we cry holy [Music] flood every heart with mercy pour out your praises [Music] [Music] as we cry holy [Music] pour out your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] as well [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] a move of your spirit heaven break out come now in power cover this land like you've done it before won't you do it again [Music] cover this [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh again [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Music] come on if you're still here believe it for a miracle tonight just lift those hands all over this room come on the lord's still healing he's pouring out his presence come on right now right where you're at you can receive healing someone with degenerative disc of being healed right now but nerve damage is being healed right now pain from past accidents is being healed right now someone with a rotator cuff issues come on begin to move your shoulder and see that you're healed right now in the presence of the lord well receive your healing tonight we release the kingdom of heaven the king of peace is here release the shalom of heaven over your body right now over your mind someone with a thyroid issues being healed right now thyroids be healed right now in jesus name inner ear problems being healed right now tmj is being healed right now lockjaw is being healed right now be healed [Music] oh the king is in the room the healer's in the room [Music] someone's got someone's got hip issues from one leg being shorter than the other if you've got back pain and back problems because one leg is shorter than the other wave at me does anybody know that for sure their spine is crooked because they got one leg shorter than the other wave at me wave at me one two three okay this is crazy if you if you need uh if you got one leg shorter than the other i want you to come forward i want you to sit on these front chairs right here come come and sit down come and sit down right here if you have one leg shorter than the other i've seen this god heal this multiple times people's backs are messed up because their leg is shorter than the other it's very it's kind of typical actually strangely enough just have a seat and the team's going to pray somebody knows how to do this yeah you know how okay hold up their feet and see how you know what i mean and then let's we're gonna command well them what they want if they want to be do you want the long one to shrink or do you want the short one to grow [Music] it's true because once we start declaring it's going to happen so i've seen both yeah so ask them which one they want to have it and then let's declare it come on we're not we're not asking for healing we're declaring healing we're declaring healing come on in jesus name we release the kingdom of heaven over you now the shalom of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] scoliosis is being healed right now [Music] watch it straight now right now in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] well the angel of the lord is here i feel the lord stir in the waters if you need a miracle come on run to this altar come on run to this altar the waters are being stirred right now come on you're still believing for a miracle run down to the altar something shifted just now something's shifted come on run to the altar oh the waters are being stirred the waters are being stirred i can feel it [Music] when you move [Music] here [Music] is [Music] [Music] if is is [Music] [Music] commodities the presence and the activity even of angels tonight even as i was praying i felt like the lord told me he said the angel of the lord is in this place and we believe in angelic activity and we we don't always understand how it works but we just know when heaven shows up you get angels and when hell shows up you get demons but heaven's here tonight heaven's here come on fred if you're here tonight and and you would just you just say to me pastor but i've just been believing for i've been believing for my prayer language for whatever reason maybe i haven't received yet or maybe at one time i did but i just haven't been active in praying in my heavenly prayer language i just want to add my faith to yours to see god release that in your life tonight i think is one of the most important and powerful tools for a believer especially in this season i'm asked joe and charlotte to help me pray for that they're standing here by my right your left if you're here tonight you say pastor i i haven't yet received my heavenly prayer language sometimes we call it speaking in tongues but i want to i'm open to it i'm interested in it i believe tonight is a night of receiving and if you're here tonight you say pastor that's me i just want you to come forward real quick on my right your left joe and charlotte we're just gonna agree with you in faith to see god do something really cool in your life friend tonight is a night of encounter jesus is here jesus is here jesus is here and when jesus is here anything is possible y'all go receive tonight you're gonna see god do something incredible in your life we're seeing the release of gifts the release of miracles signs and wonders we are entering into a new season of an outbreak of god's spirit in this community and friend you and i get to be a part of that it's one of the great privileges of being a believer in this season we are invited as co-laborers and co-heirs of god in christ jesus into the harvest field so we're just gonna believe tonight for unlocking and unlocking and unlocking and by faith by faith by faith come on worlds are being framed tonight by faith by faith god we're going to continue to pray we're going to continue to see miracles happen in this place come on the river is flowing the river is flowing and everything planted by the river comes to life it bears fruit in season and out of season come on god's releasing some stuff some of you aren't even going to realize the totality of it for a few days a few weeks it's going to build it's going to culminate it's going to continue to flow come on god by his spirit is at work tonight the hand of the lord is moving it's moving it's moving it's moving and where he moves we follow the hand of the lord is coming upon some of you tonight come on let's come up with breakthroughs come more freedom it's coming with deliverance it's coming with fire it's coming with the oil of joy it's coming with the oil of encounter the oil of intimacy come on his hand his hand is on this place tonight come on just allow him to place his hand on your shoulder and just watch watch watch what god will do [Music] [Applause] away the holy spirit [Music] as well [Music] [Music] is [Music] feel the rest [Music] feel the rain [Music] [Music] i worship your holy name jesus [Music] [Music] jesus all that i am so lovely come on if you're here and still waiting for prayer haven't received prayer yet just just come forward here to the altar just real close let me pray for you tonight come on there's there there's there's a miracle in the house for you if you haven't yet received prayer and you want prayer just come forward to the altar real quick real close let me pray for you let's see god continue to do an incredible work in your life as you know we're going to be praying and encountering tonight i think there's more for the lord to do we're gonna be back here tomorrow 9 a.m 10 30 and noon we're going after it again we're continuing to see the goodness of god in the land of the living here we are building a house of revival a house a house of revival in the northwest it's a really good idea actually it's a really good idea and so this is my grand idea we're building a house of awakening and revival in the northwest and you are living stones in the house of god we're going to do this thing again and again and again so i look forward to seeing you tomorrow listen invite a friend invite a family member come on they need to experience what god is doing here the northwest and we're going we're go we're going to invite them into the goodness of god come on but before you leave if you're here tonight you still need prayer come on make your way forward let's pray let's see khan do a miracle in your life man it's just incredible incredible incredible what god is doing tonight so my breath of god upon this place [Music] let's all [Music] move upon this place upon this place [Music] [Music] streams of mercy streams of mercy falling down [Music] around it's falling to the ground [Music] god upon this place [Music] [Music] spirit fire fan the flame spirit fire fan the flame passion for your holy name [Music] every day everything [Music] forever [Music] upon this [Music] is is [Music] [Music] singles mighty breath of god upon [Music] mighty breath of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] singles [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it's [Music] my breath of god [Music] upon this [Music] mighty breath of god grace [Music] jesus has given me [Music] [Music] jesus has [Music] jesus has me [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] [Music] when you [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah father now the mighty name of jesus we ask that you would seal every good work that you've begun because we know it's a good work that you finish you never leave things halfway done ever we thank you that you are both the initiator and the finisher of our faith god tonight we give you great glory and great honor and great praise for who you are and for what you do now we thank you that tomorrow is simply a new opportunity to reflect and gaze on the god of more than enough we thank you that you are the author of life the father of light in you there is no shadow of turning this is just simply who you are god we thank you for the work that you're doing tonight and god we say tonight to the increase of your kingdom and your government and your peace there is no end father we love you god we honor you the mighty name of jesus amen hey ben come on if you're still in the altar area receiving prayer just just go ahead and stay up here you'll be all right you're gonna be okay i know a lot of folks have already left you feel free to hang as long as you'd like leave when you must but we know that this is an atmosphere that people like to stay in and continue to receive and so we want you to feel free to have permission to do so we'll be back here tomorrow 9 10 30 at noon thanks so much for joining us this week and it's really been i believe an incredible time of breakthrough and development for this community we're so excited to be doing this again in the month of october in november and hope you can join us for that god bless we'll see you real soon you
Channel: The Pursuit NW
Views: 889
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: ZF-WB4-cdZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 12sec (10572 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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