9.24.21 | Revival Services | The Pursuit

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hey good evening listen i want to invite you come on out of you see join us at the altar come on find your place here in the sanctuary let's worship god together come on let's put those hands together but the miracle that i just i have resurrection power still the miracle that i just can't get over my name is this is my by testimonies sons and daughters sing the praises of the spirit son and father our god will finish what he started jesus come on put those hands together tonight if i'm not dead it tonight if i'm not dead and you're not done this is my testimony from death cause grace rewrote my story by jesus jesus break it down i thank you i see you yes i see you love came dancing i see you thank you this is my testimony from death to life cause grace rewrote come on declare it tonight one more time greater things are still to come greater things listen listen listen now i want to do something tonight we're going to fill this place with the testimony i want you to take a second turn to somebody next to you and i want you to testify about the goodness of god in your life take a minute turn to somebody tell them one good thing god has done in your life come on then he's not done is one more time this is jesus hello thank you father now we honor you tonight and i see heaven invading this place i see angels praising we're holy it's right here jesus we give you praise crazy jesus falling in this place oh oh is me all of the honor you are our god oh uh one of the things that happens when the glory of god begins to fill a place is that it puts a mandate from heaven on every heart that will receive it and that's why you feel the way you do in this environment tonight it's like this thing that pulls on you to engage it's this thing that pulls on you to be in a church on a friday night in snohomish at 6 00 p.m there's like this there's like this holy invitation that happens when the glory of god fills the room and one of the things that we've seen here over the last number of weeks one of the signposts of of this move of god here in this region is that people are following the lord through the waters of baptism and water baptism is not like a good idea if you can get around to it it's literally a mandate from scripture the bible says this repent believe and be baptized and in doing so come into right relationship with who jesus is and what he declares to be true about your life i can't always explain the things that happen in the natural and how they speak to the spiritual but i know oftentimes when jesus calls people it comes with an invitation to do something in the physical he'll tell the man who was lame pick up your mat and walk sometimes when people are receiving their sight they're told to go wash in the river the lepers are are told to go present themselves to the priest and bring the offering of moses and in doing so be made whole all over scripture there are different invitations and as people are being invited into a physical act it makes waves in that spiritual atmosphere and friends you've got to know this tonight if you've been here before you've heard me say this but you're not just a human person who's experiencing something spiritual on a friday night no you are an intrinsically spiritual being having a human experience here on earth and so we believe that what happens in the spiritual realm is actually the highest truth that declares identity and value over your life when you give your life to jesus there's a spiritual transaction and in doing so often there's a physical manifestation in just a moment i'm going to invite you here tonight if you haven't yet been water baptized we're going to make time and room for you to be baptized this evening something spiritual happens in this tank i can't explain it i can't give you a formula for how it works i just know this people line up on this side and by the time they come out of the tank on this side something's changed in their life and i don't want to sell you short on the power of the gospel it's like people say in worship well why do i have to lift my hands well you don't you can be mad all night if you want now you have to lift your hands but i know that scripture says that god desires that people everywhere would lift their hands without wrath or doubting and praise jesus and pray and engage with the spiritual realm and so these are the things that we do well can you explain it no i just know that when i agree with what god says in the physical oftentimes it makes waves in the spiritual it's why we invite people forward to the altar for prayer is there anything magic about the altar no but oftentimes god is waiting on the other side of an act of obedience and when you obey heaven response watch what scripture says obedience is better than sacrifice and when you come into obedience friend something changes in your life now i can't promise you that all your problems are gonna be fixed by the time that you step out of the tank but i can tell you this he who begins a good work is faithful to finish it and oftentimes when people follow the lord watch through the waters of baptism it's the starting of a good work in their life that god by his covenantal promise makes sure that it will come to completion in your life i i every move of god has different signs different characteristics different things that help identify it for whatever reason over the last number of weeks we have baptized hundreds of people in this building but what i know is this people never forget it they can't argue with it they know something transpired in my life now you might be here tonight you're asking yourself the question how do i know if water baptism is for me is let me make it real simple if you're here tonight and you've put faith in jesus christ and haven't yet been water baptized in a format like this tonight's your night or you might be in a second category you might say pastor maybe i was baptized as a baby sprinkled as an infant maybe it was at a catholic church or a mainline denominational church you know we believe in baptism by immersion after a confession of faith in christ now if you want to baptize a baby in church that's fine they don't offend me i just don't think we see it in scripture what i see in scripture is when people put faith in jesus then they say here's water what's stopping me from being baptized and so you might be here today and say well i was sprinkled as a baby but really i haven't been water baptized since putting faith in jesus or maybe you've been far from the lord gone from god for 20 30 years and you're just circling back now in your relationship of faith oftentimes i see baptism as the culmination the culminating event of a prodigal coming back home i just make room for people because i believe it's important we got towels some people may have come ready others didn't we got texts and emails and messages we even had folks driving from out of state just to be here tonight we had people say please hold the tank open hold the tank open we're coming in late we're coming in late we got traffic it's friday it's snohomish hold the tank open i don't want another moment to pass me by in just a moment friend i'm a count to three and if you're in here tonight you say pastor that's me how do you know it's me because your heart's doing this right now you're going oh god is he talking to me yep talking to you talking to you friend tonight short night tonight sure night you might say pastor i didn't come with clothes i just did my hair and i just you know everything else and just listen i promise you this would be one of the most important decisions you ever make and i believe god responds to obedience and so if you're here tonight you say pastor that's me i know that's me i know you're talking to me i haven't yet been water baptized but i want to tonight when i count to three i want you to line up on my right your left here we go one here we go two here we go three quick come to the altar quick quick quick come to the altar come on let's celebrate come on let's celebrate come on let's baptize people by faith in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy ghost come on if his water is 100 we're going to celebrate because all of heaven celebrates all of heaven celebrates come on let's baptize let's worship come on let's do this me me foreign me come on oh come on fred it never gets old to see people go all in on jesus it never gets old it never gets old double this weekend tonight tomorrow of course on sunday you're just going to be a part of witnessing the transformation timeline of people's lives and you'll go remember hey i was there when when that person got baptized i was there when that person got healed i was there when i saw that miracle i got to be a part of i got to witness what god was doing in that space it never gets old the glory of god never gets old the presence of god it never gets old and fred as a community we get to gather and we get to celebrate and honor and and and and recognize the work of god's spirit in people's lives in such sovereign ways and yada yada sense it tonight and i believe you do but you ought to sense it tonight that we are walking a little bit into uncharted territory and we're just trusting that god is going to lead us he's going to be the light and the lamp upon our path he going to lead us day in and he's going to lead us day out and we are seeing now really the very first fruits of what god is beginning by his spirit to do in people's lives and we'd be foolish to take credit for it we'd be foolish to think it was because you or i had a great idea it'd be foolish to think it was because you or i had all the talents or or all the gifts no god just found people who are willing to agree with what he wanted to do here on earth your kingdom come your will be done in the northwest even as it's being done in heaven come on one more time if you're here tonight you say pastor i don't want to miss my opportunity could be one could be none but but we just want to make room make opportunity in this atmosphere of faith for people to follow the lord through the waters of baptism just before we close the tank water is a little warm so it's going to be okay for you tonight but but if you're here you say pastor i don't want to miss my opportunity tonight's my night come on one more time we're going to welcome you down to the front we're going to invite you into the waters of baptism let's see god do some transformative work in your life tonight if not we're just going to continue on in worship but just give me a minute guys in the tank just stay up here for a minute because see sometime what happens in an atmosphere of worship is the spirit of god begins to put a little conviction in our hearts and then he says i it is you that's you that's you don't miss it don't miss it and so if you're here we're just going to leave the tank open for a few more minutes but if that's you in here tonight why don't you make your way forward as we continue to worship and let's see god do some incredible work in your life hey ben come on let's sing this fill the room come on more people coming forward more people coming forward awesome come on friends let's declare this fill the room oh foreign is oh wow fill every lives touch room in here holy spirit holy spirit oh i i'm is i'll bring you more bring you more i'm coming back is is all of my heart oh all over this truth you come on you know i'm sick is is is so so what's your me is face to face i'm convinced that one of the key ingredients of revival is simply recognizing what already exists which is the manifest manifold presence of god friend here's what's incredible is not only does his glory fill this room it fills you as a person as an individual there's something about a place that honors god and there's something about a person that honors god and when a person who honors god encounters a place that honors god it almost always brings a double portion from heaven and so you're in a place watch that's been set apart for him but we've already declared that jesus is the highest authority that his name deserves the highest praise and the highest worship and the highest honor we've already set this place apart for him and as you as well consecrate yourself under the work and under the will of god a glory glory-filled person meets a glory-filled place and in doing so there's a compounding effect of his presence in and through your life come on can you sense him tonight he's already here he's in the room and by his spirit he's ministering do you know that right now in your life god is so good that he's working on things that you didn't even know were broken he's fixing situations that you won't ever even have to walk through he's solving problems that you didn't even know were happening god is so good right now by his spirit he's working in the background of your life all things together for the good of those who love him come on later in tonight's service we will pray for people for physical healing we're going to pray with people through spiritual deliverance we're just going to see tonight miracle after miracle after miracle here's what i'm going to tell you this evening guard your expectation guard your expectation meaning this continually stir up inside of your own life a spirit of belief and a spirit of faith for god to do the impossible service is just getting started we'll go spend some more time in worship i'm going to share some things out of scripture because anywhere the word of god is released faith is also released we're going to turn this place into a faith-filled atmosphere that is contagious and then we're going to see signs wonders and miracles because that's who god is but i want you to notice friend they've already started we had about 25 signs wonders and miracles just go into the water and come out of the water it's happening it's happening it's here it's happening and tonight's gonna be a night i believe of severe encounter for god's people because god is in the business of marking people even like jacob was marked as he wrestled with god and with men and prevailed and scripture says he walked with a limp the rest of his life but god changed his name to israel and can i tell you when god invites you to wrestle you show up and you don't quit until you get your blessing and part of that wrestling looks like an interior battle hear me to guard your expectation sometimes we feel like well i wonder if it'll pass me by or i wonder if everybody else will get breakthrough except me or i just i just wonder if maybe it's just for everybody else or maybe i've lost my chance or had my chance and screwed it up and and maybe it's just for somebody else and i want you to know tonight friend god is no respecter of person and he's here to meet you at the place of your need and i would challenge you tonight as we continue to worship as you hear the word i would challenge you tonight to allow your expectation to build exponentially from this point of the service to the next point of the service and in doing so prepare yourself like an aircraft carrier that god in his glory could land and in doing so transform your life tonight is a night of encounter we're going to see the glory of god in ways i believe that we have never seen it before friend tonight we're here to meet with jesus and meet with jesus we will come on can we one more time just give it up for all of our folks who are getting baptized incredible incredible incredible come on let's continue worshiping let's continue worshiping for just a bit a piece like a river wash over me immerse me in water as deep as i me see a healing embrace he's jesus yours come holy spirit rain down on me pour out your presents as i pour your jesus jesus flooded as we cry holy is as well won't you do it again cover this land is is every time everybody oh is moving on every day down keep engaging with the spirit come on keep engaging with heaven tonight come on fix your gaze fix your eyes on him come on he's the author the perfecter the finisher something stern in the atmosphere i feel something shifting something's breaking come on come on let's turn this into a prayer meeting tonight come on let's begin to pray let's begin to declare lord said revival come on do which only you can do begin to turn hearts begin to draw hands from the north south the east and the west sons coming home let's go open the habits mercy is oh oh night again hey there's a sound there's a sound that's gonna come up out of this place when the people of god when they start to see his face something comes out of the inside something comes up on the inside there's a sound there's a sound in every heart every believer sound of praise and adoration let your sound come up now let your sound come out let your song arise in this place it's time i said it's time for the people of god to arise it's time for the singers and dancers to arise it's time for the worship first now listen break it down bring it down can you all hear me way in the back i don't want to shout because my voice already hurts can y'all hear me way in the back over there just wave at me if you can hear me okay good listen there is something so profound about the worship in this region when the move of god that i got to be a part of in the 90s took place there was a i don't even know how to say it but a grace upon the singers and the worshipers and multiple worship teams and worship leaders were birthed out of that movement you know and we don't have to look far seattle has been known for some time for its sound how many remember the 90s i was in it all and all of that you remember there was a sound that came out of this region that touched the entire earth and i feel like we're on the edge of that again but it's not just for one person or one band or one you know group of people is for us as a as as as believers i feel like there's something that we need to allow to come out of us just like pastor russell was saying when i do something in the natural something breaks open in the spiritual see it's not for good enough it's not enough for us just to sing great songs and sing it from here see this thing right here is going to get you get you in a lot of trouble but what the lord's looking for in this season and in this region is for lovers that's what the lord spoke to me says i'm looking for my lovers in the northwest i'm looking for the people that are willing to let this thing right here become the compass the guide the place from which they worship a place that burns inside of them see when you have a burning heart you can't help but sing you can't help but worship and i felt like this weekend there was something for us by way of our our music our sound our worship and i feel like there's something for us tonight and again i don't know how all this works but i just know it does when together as a family as a community as a people we begin to corporately lift up our worship and our effects our attention and our focus on the lord something spiritual happens the bible says in ephesians we become fitly framed together and we become the tabernacle of god on the earth i said we become the tabernacle of god on the earth a place where god comes and dwells you say well god dwells in me yeah but there's something special about when we collectively turn our attention and our focus on heaven the atmosphere begins to shift it can't help but it's just the lord looks he it's like he hears the sound and goes i gotta what's going on down in snohomish this is crazy i got to come down see what's going on and i know we we worship here in this community and it's awesome i feel like there's the lord is saying there's more come up higher come up higher come on up come on up you say why i don't really know what i'm doing that's okay that's why we're up here together here's what the bible says it says to lift up your hands all you people it says paul says i wish everyone all over the all over would lift up hands without wrath without doubting lift up holy hands was it this is not only just a sign of surrender but it's a prophetic act this is actually a hebraic word to lift up your hands one of the seven hebrew words for praise means to lift up the hand and bless god it's a it's a thanking of god for what he's done and it's a prophetic declaration that he's gonna do good again come on all over this room let's lift up our hands turn your eyes turn your eyes let's begin to thank him for the good that he's done come on begin to thank him with your own mouth come on you know you've been blessed more than you deserve i see some of you i know you've been blessed more than you deserve hey i've been blessed more than i just come on thank you thank you lord thank you come on we're walking into deeper waters together here we go come on foreign open up the real news open up in this place is clap your hands yes now listen if the lord's been good to you do a little dance if the lord's been good to you do a little dance oh some of you're looking at me sideways come do a on dance now we need a little culture in here we got any culture in the house we got any are y'all all right it's friday night it's the homies listen there's nothing else to do around here so we might as well have a good time in the presence of the lord do a little dance now i need a little bit of help i need about if you're 30 and under i want you to on the stage right now come on 30 and under jump on the stage y'all gonna help us out tonight because some of us old folks we need some help now listen if the lord's been good to you clap those heads if the lord's been good to you clap your hands now listen if the lord's been good to you do a little dance do a little dance do a little dance windows wave your hands now listen listen listen listen good to you make a joyful noise that was pretty good let's try it again make a joyful note come on open up the windows is also awesome come on we got to re we got a reason to celebrate tonight and we got a reason to shout to the lord we we just have a reason to have joy in this place you know that joy is actually it's actually an anointing that comes on your life scripture talks about the oil of joy or the oil of gladness it's actually a supernatural anointing that comes on your life and it causes you to have the correct perspective even in the midst of a chaotic world it's a supernatural anointing it's not like a fake it thing it's not like a fake that you're happy thing no it's when god's presence comes on your life the bible says for the spirit of heaviness he gives the oil of joy and the oil of gladness and so for you tonight just go ahead and receive it's okay to be happy in church if you can't be happy in church ain't no hope for out there is about the happiest place on earth just for a few moments you can feel normal i don't know about you but church is the last place i feel normal the whole world's lost their mind the whole world's crazy everything's shut down and separated in six feet and 18 mass and passports church about the only thing we got left friend we go celebrate the lord you know joy is actually an act of revolutionary resistance against the spirit of the age that's a word for some of you tonight joy is an act of resistance against the spirit of the age see the spirit of the age wants to burden you wants to put a heavy yolk on your shoulders the spirit of the age wants you to operate in anger and outrage 24 7. the spirit of the age wants you to operate in hopelessness because watch the spirit of the age comes to steal kill and destroy that's his threefold purpose but christ has come to bring life and life more abundantly when you can maintain your joy and even receive a fresh infilling of the joy of the lord in your life it's actually an act of spiritual warfare it is an act of violence against the spirit of the age just let me help you understand something this evening oftentimes one of the manifestations that we see in revival movements is laughter this really broke out in in toronto some years ago people always didn't understand it and people got offended and people got you know why are they laughing in church well what else do you want people to do i thought it was okay to be happy in church i thought that was one of the places where it was okay to have joy i tell you what about 24 7 you're surrounded by negative news negative spirits negative voices and i think it's okay for the people of god at least once a week or a few times a week to be in the house of the lord where the oil of joy comes upon his people so just want to surprise me tonight to see some of those types of manifestations break out in this place because i feel the i feel the oil in the room i feel it i sense it and so so just wait just wait because it'll get you and then once you start you can't stop but anyways it's just it's the oil of joy it's the oil of joy listen if manifestations offend you in the wrong spot tonight friend and we don't worship manifestations we don't worship gifts we worship the giver but but but the bible even says when the lord sees the nation's rage he laughs he laughs because his laughter it beckons with such authority that it establishes his sovereign will even over the nations of the earth his laughter when god laughs everything changes so i'm just telling you tonight you're in the right place to just to experience the goodness of god in the land of the living you got to give yourself permission tonight number one to interact with the presence of god but number two not be offended by the way other people interact with the presence of god because you never know what somebody's laughter is unlocking in their life you don't know you don't know yeah somebody bound up in depression 20 years tried to kill themselves three or four times been on every drug in the book tried every other thing in the book all of a sudden they get freedom guess what happens they laugh a little they smile a little why because whom the son says free is free and deep so i just i just promise you tonight you're going to be all right but but but what you're going to see in this place as you're going to see the manifestation of god's glory you go see you'll go see the benefit of his presence multiplied in and through people's lives and in doing so which you've got to make room for is for people to interact with living water imagine somebody who's dying of thirst who all of a sudden comes in contact with living water they don't drink it all dignified at a table well thank you i was about to die but thank you for this drink how about a person who's starving who finds food you ever see those clips they show on the news from around the world when the u.n with their food programs comes in and feeds people who are in the midst of starvation and drought in third world nations you ever seen those clips on tv people don't stand in line all dignified please could i have one plate for today no people mobbing all of a sudden when they hear there's food and there's water the community gathers friend that's what's happening here people are seeing man there's living bread and there's living water in the house of god and when people begin to to realize that there's a part of their dignity that sheds in the pursuit of those higher things and you can have dignity or you can have desire but oftentimes they can't occupy the same house and so we unapologetically go after the things of god the presence of god and in doing so we allow his anointing to do its best work in our lives once you find a seat if you can tonight i just want to share a few things come on can we thank our worship team tonight now scripture says this it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and and and i think it's important that we sing the word of god and that we preach the word of god because in doing so it releases faith in the atmosphere i could go after miracles all night and oftentimes uh oftentimes i do but in this atmosphere i just want to lay some groundwork tonight because what i feel the burden to do as the pastor of this community is to lay for you the framework of revival from a biblical perspective because if we can get our definitions right that's half the battle if we can win the war for definitions right there that's that's just half the battle and i think sometimes we think revival's a new idea it's actually a really old idea it's founded in the heart of god the very first miracle that god ever does in all of recorded scripture is to cause something to come out of nothing the second miracle he does in all of created order is take dirt and make man from the very beginning the dna of the way that god operates is always in the context of reviving he always takes things that are dead formless and lifeless and he causes life to come i think one of the keys for us as we think about what it looks like to be in a move of god as a church family and as a region is that we ought to be continually aware of our great need for god to do an ongoing work of revival in our lives it would be so much easier if revival was just a course you could take with a certificate at the end of the course to recognize that you have fully been revived in fact most of spiritual life would be easier if we could break it down in those simplistic terms but here's the reality revival is much more an invitation than it is an event it is an invitation into the heart of god in such a way that it elicits a passionate and desiring response from you to him by which you commit yourself to pursue him in his ways for the rest of your life it's not only a personal invitation but it's what helps us do the spiritual work of interior design here in this community because i need you to know what you signed up for i would fail as a pastor if i didn't help prepare and disciple and prep what you should expect when you enter into this building and although we've learned to expect the unexpected what i want you to know is that the groundwork that we're laying here in this community is that we are going to be a people who model a relentless pursuit of god's presence and sometimes people come into church and they're expecting something else so they leave disappointed they were expecting maybe like a ted talk with the word god thrown in once every 25 minutes they were maybe expecting like a lot of events to fill up their calendar they were anticipating the church to be something that i don't believe it was ever created to ultimately be friend we are a laboratory in one sense of spiritual experimentation by which we're bringing all of the ingredients to god allowing him to mix them the way that he desires and then responding to the explosion of his presence here in this room i think sometimes the reason why people are so uncomfortable with revival movements is because we have learned to count on the regularity of our spiritual experiences i know once a year i go to camp once a month i go to men's breakfast and once a week or once every other week i show up for church on sunday morning and i've figured out how to pre-program god and then god shows up and he blows apart every one of your boxes and every one of your preconceived ideas and notions and biases he just asks you this question will you allow me to be god so that you can give yourself permission to be you and i've found out that life gets a lot easier when you spend less time trying to do his job and more time just doing yours and if we'll allow god to be god and if we will commit to being his people then friend i can promise you this we are just now beginning to scratch the surface of another awakening in this region and i believe in this nation and you and i get to be a part of it that's the invitation it's not safe church it's not pre-programmed spirituality it's not always feel good sermons although we do hope that at least every once in a while you feel good in this place but what it mostly is is voices crying in the wilderness behold the lamb of god behold him in his beauty and in his brilliance see him for who he is the lamb who was slain to take away the sin of the world see him for who he actually is and friend here's my heart i want to find god more beautiful than i find him useful not as a tool in my spiritual toolbox but instead of god who invites me into encounter and transformation and i think sometimes for us our spiritual life both begins and ends in our salvation prayer moment we invite jesus into our heart and then we stop growing from there and yet paul says not only are you are you saved but you are being saved are you sad yeah i am but i'm also being saved i'm being transformed i'm being renewed i'm being sanctified we're in this lifelong process in pursuit of who he is scripture tells us a lot about awakening and encounter i'm going to share with you one story tonight it will be familiar to some of you and others that won't but just let me help you and i think this is a teaching moment for for the church and for the community i know sometimes people come to to services like this and they just go well let's just pray for the sick and let's just cast out demons and we're gonna do both tonight i promise you but if we want revival to tarry we've got to be anchored to the word and yet flowing in the spirit and sometimes revival becomes more about the personality of the leaders than it does the substance of scripture and can i tell you even in some of the greatest awakenings that we have in history like the protestant reformation that we're going to celebrate here in the month of october and thank god for the protestant reformation at least the summary because you're sitting in a protestant church but early history shows us that one of the key indicators of the protestant reformation some of what helped fuel the fires that swept across europe and eventually engulfed the whole world watch was just this the public reading of the book of romans not even preaching just reading it in old english or not english but old language just the public reading and it was so convicting for people in the streets to hear laymen read the book of romans that history record that as people were walking by sometimes they would stumble out of bars after a night of drinking and as they would walk by somebody who would be just publicly reading the book of roman they would fall under the power of the holy ghost and revival spread across western europe through the public reading of the book of romans and i just think we have the opportunity to form and shape this thing we have the opportunity to set up guard rails in a sense not to control it or manage it but to keep it healthy just like you do when you bring a baby home from the hospital you don't stick it in a room and hope it develops no you pay attention to it you check in on it you go feed it the right stuff you go you go take care of it best you can because it's fragile and it's sensitive and it's a gift and it also inconveniences you about seven eight nine ten eleven times a night and it also really irritates you at times and takes you to your wit's end and it also costs you money and time and attention and a whole lot of affection and at times you feel like why did i even have these kids but it's what you do in those early stages huh that sets up success as you're contributing to development and one of the feedback that i get all the time from people who visit this church is they'll say things like this they'll say man i'm so glad that i attended church what a pastor isn't afraid to preach out of scripture and i always take that as an encouragement but also as an indictment on the church at large i feel like honestly it's an indictment on younger generation preachers there's been this expectation jesse that you come into a church and you see a young man or a young woman in their 30s there's an expectation that people just go oh it ain't gonna be scripture it ain't gonna be sound theology it's gonna be wacko weirdo stuff it's gonna be jokes and stories and illustrations but no scripture and if we can be a church that honors the word of god it will constantly release faith in the environment for miracles signs and wonders first kings 18 first kings 18. i know what you're thinking well just preach acts 2. but listen i'm going to show you tonight revival has always been in the heart of god i'm also going to show you tonight that revival isn't just for a church it's for a region and ultimately for a nation this is what we're leaning into this is what we're leaning into and what i found is this that the best way for what is in you to come out of you and impact the lives around you is for you to get filled up so much that you are naturally overflowing i don't want to give out of the reserve of my spirit i want to give out of the overflow of my spirit because burnout doesn't come from working too hard it comes from working in the wrong spirit it comes from operating out of a place of reserve and you ought to be filled up tonight in such a way that what naturally flows out of your life is a contagious desire to follow christ now watch watch first kings 18. elijah said to ahab go up eat and drink watch lady didn't even know what i i didn't tell you what i was preaching on tonight glad he had no idea watch then elijah said to ahab go up eat and drink for there is the sound of the abundance of rain there is the sound of the abundance of rain i'm gonna give you four keys tonight four keys that help lay the framework for a sustainable move of god watch the first is expectation the first is expectation elijah says ahab go up eat and drink for there is the sound of course the old testament is written in hebrew so oftentimes the way that we build exegetical sermons is by discovering where else these words are being used so that we can get context for the way that it's being used here this word sound is also used in genesis 3 and 8 and they heard the sound of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of day it's also used in ezekiel 43 and behold the glory of god of israel came from the way of the east his voice was like the sound of many waters and the earth shown with his glory it's also used in song of solomon 2 8 the voice of my beloved behold he comes leaping over the mountains bounding over the hills it's also used in psalms 29-3 the voice of the lord is over the waters the god of glory thunders the lord thunders over the mighty waters hear me friend revival carries a sound it's the sound of holy frustration it's the sound of undignified worship it's the sound of people willing to be in convenience for the sake of outpouring revival carries a sound and see sound waves carry energy and energy carries impact and impact changes lives it's the sound of god's voice that causes nations to shake it's the sound of god's voice that causes angels to assemble it's the sound of god's voice that causes graves to open it's the sound of god's voice that causes mountains to melt hear me revival is only a surprise to people who haven't trained their ear to hear the sound watch what the prophet say amos three and seven surely the sovereign lord does nothing without revealing his plan first to his servants the prophets surely god does nothing prior to first revealing it to people who have eyes to see and ears to hear man i was surprised by revival nope not me i've heard a sound i've heard a sound see revival carries a sound by the time that first kings 18 is written it hasn't rained in israel for three years in six months i often pray for this anointing when it comes into rainy season here in the northwest god just give us a reprieve help us but it hasn't rained in israel in in three years and six months hear me here's the danger the longer people go without rain the better they get at living without it and isn't this the danger of dead churches before you even know it you've substituted programs you've substituted performance you've substituted intellect and you've substituted information and what you've lost out on is pentecost outpouring encounter and revelation revival carries a sound it hadn't reigned because ahab and jezebel had done wickedness in the sight of god hear me jezebel isn't a gender it's a spirit. and when stupid and evil get married they become really stupid and really evil and that's the story of ahab and jezebel listen friend it's better to be single than to wish you were single i want that's a different message for another night i won't go there i'm preaching to somebody now watch watch jezebel tried to kill the prophetic movement ahab tried to kill the worship movement any movement that leaves behind the word of god and the worship of god turns into a cloud without rain a wine skin without wine and a sail without wind and i think often times you can tell the value of a movement by who opposes it and every move of god irritates an ahab and a jezebel ahab's fine until you change his worship jezebel is fine until you still believe that god is speaking to people who will listen they're fine until you say i'ma magnify the lord most over everything else they're fine as long as you operate in syncretism a little bit of this and and a little bit of that but all of a sudden they get irritated when you say no king but jesus no way but jesus no life but jesus no door but jesus the physical land represented the spiritual climate dead destitute and desperate and then all of a sudden on this day things began to shift i don't yet see it but i hear it and if i have ears to hear god will give me eyes to see hear me friend i'm telling you we are on the ground floor of another great awakening in the northwest grab everyone you know and tell them this statement there is a sound revival it's uh it's just you know sometimes mike you'll notice but sometimes when the spirit of god is so so heavy in a place it's like disorienting at times y'all ever been there just wave at me if you know what i'm talking i'm not crazy you know what i mean you get to that place in worship you get to that place at the altar and you're like i swear i'm not inebriated but i feel it that's because god is doing something deeper than you have human words for it's just let's see how to get you what is this yeah it's just i'm not like this most of the time i'm irritated but i'm not i'm not like this but now watch trying to get through it here it's a little yeah where was i here there's a sound yeah there's a sound somebody said it now watch it help me help me to get you yeah i do it's a problem yeah it's just you know yeah yeah yeah it is a little hot yeah it feels yeah it feels a little hot yeah okay yeah it's like you know religious people are okay with every emotion but laughter right right because inside the heart of every religious person is just a disappointed young man or young woman who missed out on living water right right i thought it looked different now watch revival is a sound that's so deep that you can feel it it's a wave that builds in intensity until it crashes into the shore for us we recognize this is a move of god we keep our ears to the ground and in doing so we hear the sound you must guard tonight your expectation against the tyranny of apathy and disillusionment you gotta guard it you gotta guard it apathy and disillusionment are like carbon dioxide by the time you smell it you're dead right by the time you smell it you're dead and unless we guard our heart against disillusionment and apathy pretty soon we begin to treat what's sacred as if it were casual and so for us we don't guard our heart from god but we guard our heart from the disappointment and disillusionment in the world around us the world will always give you a reason to be disappointed with god always always always and for us i've made a decision i'm going to focus on what god is doing not on what he's not doing because i got to be an expert on what god is doing that's what i've been called to be an expert on on what god is doing well why didn't happen before and will it happen tomorrow and why didn't it happen for the i don't know but i want to be an expert on what god is doing in the earth now watch watch what happens in verse 42. so ahab went up to eat and drink and elijah went up to the top of carmel then he bowed down on the ground and put his face between his knees i want you to see the difference in activity between ahab and elijah ahab thinks the rain is an occasion to celebrate his kingship so he calls a feast elijah knows that god is vindicating israel without pouring so he goes to the place of prayer watch revival is not a vindication of your personal character goodness righteousness or holiness it's not like we have revival and then call a banquet to celebrate our own genius like oh we finally figured it out but see that's what people do they prostitute the move of god by turning it into an attempt to make money by thinking about it like it's a formula and it's not i got a book to sell if you want what i got just read it in the back and that's not how this works and it began to rain and ahab went well look at me the great king of israel who has caused the rain let me call a feast in celebration of my kingship and that's why pride always comes before a fall you got to guard your heart against thinking that what is happening here is about you or about me no friend it's about him and if we'll keep the focus on jesus we can keep this thing pure because it's the pure in heart who will see god now watch elijah goes up to the top of mount carmel he bowed down to the ground and put his face between his knees and watch he said to a servant go up now look towards the sea so the servant went up and looked and said there is nothing there is nothing and seven times elijah said go again i love this the first anchor the first ingredient of revival it's going to be expectation revival carries a sound but number two is this watch persistence mount carmel overlooks the mediterranean sea i've been there watch i find it interesting that elijah tells his servant to go look for rain above the sea above an already pre-existing body of water watch almost as if to say it's not enough that this body of water exists we need fresh outpouring on the land see the earth is flooded with apathy but we need something fresh for the church watch how the servant of elijah responds there is nothing there is nothing and this is where revival starts when we admit that without rain there is nothing and faith looks at nothing and it sees something and the servant of elijah comes back now seven times in a row and says elijah there's nothing there and not only is there nothing there but there hasn't been anything there for three years and six months and i love the two word prayer and plea of elijah go again go again go again watch friend watch i didn't get healed go again i didn't get breakthrough go again i didn't get deliverance go again i didn't get my answer go again i didn't get clarity go again i didn't make a friend go again i didn't get my blessing go again go again go again watch what jesus says luke 11 and he said to them which of you shall have a friend and go to him at midnight and say to him friend lend me three loaves of bread for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey and i have nothing to set before him and he will answer him from within and say do not trouble me the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed i cannot rise and give this to you i say to you though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs i can't afford to not keep coming back and checking the sky for signs because i've heard the sound and i know the rain is coming watch elijah sees rain as his spirit before he sees rain in his city but the great confidence and authority in which he prays comes from being convinced in the secret place guys i am convinced rain is coming i'm convinced and you know these nights they operate as a plea to heaven as we continue to go again and go again and go again and go again persistence is a value of kingdom culture it is it is well if god wanted me to have it i would have it not necessarily true friend there is something attached to breakthrough that waits on the other side of your persistence the bible says in a parable of the kingdom that friendship watch wasn't enough this is important he would not rise to answer the door because he was his friend but because he was persistent the door was opened unto him and the friend gave him everything that he need i'm a friend of god you're a friend of god and we've been invited into friendship with i love that we're friends of god but i think sometimes we use the language of friendship to negotiate ourselves out of the position of persistence like well if god was really my friend he would just give me the things that i request no friend there is something that waits on the other side of your persistence hudson taylor the 19th century missionary to china said this there are three stages to every great work of god first it's impossible then it is difficult and then it is done a cloud led moses in the wilderness a cloud hovered over the tabernacle as the priest ministered to god a cloud received christ as he ascended into heaven and the cloud now rests over this house and it might be small but it speaks to abundance they said in the 19th century revivals in wales as evan roberts would hold his meetings the newspaper recorded that as evan roberts held his revival meetings in wales that oftentimes a physical cloud would rest over the churches like an abnormal cloud i know we have clouds here and we got clouds everywhere and that's just part of living here in the northwest but they would say about the revival meetings that that evans would hold that it represented the glory and the outpouring of god and it was like it followed his ministry it would rest and all over scripture god uses the terminology of clouds to describe outpouring they were led by the cloud by day and the fire by night and as elijah sees a cloud the size of a man's hand not only does it represent that natural rain is coming back to the land but also that spiritual rain is coming back to the land some of you don't understand the significance of first kings 18 but jezebel at this point had killed nearly all the prophets in fact elijah was so convinced that jezebel had killed the prophets that he asked god to take him home jezebel had killed the prophets she had killed the sons of obadiah ahab had allowed false pagan worship to be set up all across the land and when elijah sees a cloud it didn't just represent that rain was coming back to the crops but outpouring was coming back to the region and you need to know this tonight god isn't waiting for our culture to be great again in order to vindicate us without pouring the way that we get justice on this side of heaven is that god vindicates us without pouring you have to begin to see revival from that perspective it is a vindication of god's people do you know how god vindicates the church in the 21st century not by helping you win arguments online the way god vindicates us is through outpouring and when elijah sees the cloud what he's saying in himself is my god will vindicate me watch what's happening abundance is coming back to the land and i think it's been longer than three years and six months that this region has been without that type of rain but all god is waiting for is simple men and women of faith to look into nothing and see something this is why i love the book of james because james the brother of jesus talks about elijah and he says something so profound he said elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed that god would shut the heavens and he did and then he prayed that god would open the heavens and god did elijah was a man with a nature like ours which means this you and i have that opportunity this evening watch verse 44 i'm almost done then it came to pass the seventh time that the servant said there is a cloud but it's as small as a man's hand but it's rising out of the sea so he said go up and say to ahab watch prepare your chariot and go down before the rain stops you i think the first landmark the first key for a sustainable move of god is expectation the second is persistence but the third is this preparation watch prepare your chariot hear me prepare pursuit because the rain has started prepare pursuit you won't always get to sit next to the same people you won't always find a parking spot on sunday morning hear me you won't always get a personal handshake at a church service you prayed for prodigals to return you prayed for lost folks to be found you prayed for hurt people to be healed prepare because the rain has just begun now watch we often pray for outpouring and then complain about how it inconveniences us but if it didn't inconvenience us just a little bit i don't think it could be identified as a true move of god comfort is overrated we need revival now the rain can stop you or it can motivate you the choice is yours this is a season of preparation because the rain has started and there isn't any turning back now let me give you the fourth one verse 45. now it happened in the meantime that the sky became black with clouds and wind and there was heavy rain so ahab rode away and went to jezreel and then the power of the lord or some translation say then the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he girded up his loins and he ran ahead of ahab to the entrance of jezreel not only do we have expectation not only do we have persistence not only do we have preparation but fourth and finally the net result of those three steps is empowerment the power of god came upon elijah and he ran 14 miles with such supernatural speed that he outpaced ahab and his chariots revival didn't just result in rain coming to the land but power coming on his people and friend the power of god is coming upon your life that you would do super natural exploits sometimes it's easier to talk about revival in a corporate setting because it gives us permission to just be a nameless faceless person in the crowd but revival calls you by name elijah saw a cloud he said prepare prepare why because elijah's seen it before he's seen it before he goes ah you know when you travel into a different climate and all of a sudden you get off a plane or get out of a car and you're like man it's humid here it's different i was just preaching in houston a few weeks ago and i drove over from fort worth which is a much drier climate i got out of the car in houston it was like instantly you felt like you were in a in a steam bath it was hot the climate's changed and i thought to myself i've felt this before i've ministered in tropical places around the world i've been in west africa and different i've see i have felt that i have seen this before and elijah sees a cloud and it's tiny and it's not impressive but there is something that registers in his spirit i've seen this before and when i step in this room and and when i when i minister in these altars i'm reminded of things that i've only ever seen in books or in movies but there's something that's deep in the spirit of god that cries out to the deep things of me and says russell you were made for this i've seen this before and when we understand revival from that perspective we begin to understand that his empowerment comes upon our life not just to see the supernatural not just to see the work of the ministry but in fact to do the work of the ministry and i need you to know that although in a house like this we have identified leaders and pastors and prayer teams and different folks like this i need you to understand something god is not waiting for you to have a title in order for you to operate in supernatural power and you might not ever be recognized on a stage like this you might not ever hold a microphone and speak to a crowd and that's really really really okay all you need tonight is eyes to see and a heart to believe and god's power can come on your life to do supernatural exploits come on would you stay with me all across this route just above we're gonna open the altars we'll see god do some i think incredible things fred there's enough faith in the room tonight to see god do the impossible so we're going to make room for god to be god so we can be us ahead of doing so we'll go celebrate the goodness of god in the land of the living if you're here tonight you need physical healing in your body we want to make time for that it's one of the things this has been happening night after night people getting healed delivered just things things that have been wrong in their bodies we've even had folks go back to their doctor and their doctors are saying we got to get a second opinion third opinion doesn't make sense we did x-rays a week before now we're doing them now things look normal what happened i go to this church and ah you know i just the power of god is present to heal that's what he does he can't help himself he just gets in a room like this and just healing happens so if you're here tonight you need physical healing in your body i promise you friend tonight's tonight's your night you might go i've already been prayed for okay yeah but go again well i just feel like you know man i just don't want to be that guy who always comes forward go again go again go again because friend watch a little persistence goes a long way and you might be asking for bread from your neighbor but the scripture says when the neighbor finally opens the door to his house he doesn't just give him bread watch the bible says that he gives them everything that he is in need of some of you're going to come forward for physical healing today and not only is your body gonna get healed but your mind's gonna get renewed you'll be impacted by the power of god and he's gonna do about 47 other things in your life you came forward for a busted knee and you leave with just a healed and a whole body because a little persistence opens the door and once the door is open life and healing floods in if you're here tonight just a moment of a count to three i'll invite you for it if you need physical healing in your body it could be from an accident it could be something chronic could be something you're born with could be a diagnosis or a disease might be work related it might be sports related it might be recent you might feel like it's a big issue you might feel like it's a small issue friend just just let me help stir your faith tonight is your night if you're in in here tonight you need you do physical healing there's somebody with with like a slip disc in your back giving you pain for a long time there's healing for you tonight there's somebody else with a sciatic nerve issue you might even be feeling it tonight as you're sitting there's healing for you tonight there's somebody else we just had a healing just reported with cataracts somebody was was um in fact going blind they went into their doctor and they said even with glasses you should be legally blind but for some reason you're 20 20 we don't understand they got healed at a revival night and so if you're here tonight you've got issues with your eyes you've got cloudiness you've got a detached retina you've got cataracts there's healing for you tonight your healing for you somebody else with a blood disorder there's healing for you tonight there's others i feel like there's like a benign growth or or tumor it's not cancerous but it is problematic there's healing for you tonight while there's somebody else with with a an issue i see it in your heel i don't know what it is i don't know if it's bone spurs i don't know if it's diabetic pain but there's an issue in the foot i feel like specifically in the heel there's healing for you tonight somebody else with stomach ulcers healing for you tonight healing for you tonight somebody else with eating disorder healing for you tonight okay somebody else with a diagnosis mental health some things there's healing for you tonight healing healing heal it's for you tonight somebody else with a with a broken bone but it's been healed but it never healed right so it continually gives you pain there's healing for you tonight somebody else with a rotator cuff issue the ceiling for you tonight ceiling for you now you might be here tonight you go pastor you called me out it's really exciting and some of you are bummed you're like man i wish god would come there's somebody else with arthritis chronic their ceiling for you tonight somebody else might be going i just wish pastor would call out what i'm facing with well number one i'm not a doctor i mean i will be soon but not a doctor that counts like having a phd in something nobody else cares about and so it's not i was on a plane the other day to texas and they said they said is there a doctor on board and i wanted to raise my hand and go well if anybody needs a doctor of organizational management i'm here to help i'm not a doctor i don't know the names of everything that everybody's facing but we served a great physician we served a great physician somebody else with chronic migraines or healing feeling for you tonight somebody else with metal in your body from a surgery it's kind of free floating there's healing for you tonight that'd just dissolve we're just going to pray for you and here's what we're going to do as we pray for you as we lay hands on the sick and see them recover as scripture says i want to begin to hear about the testimonies of what god is is doing in this place so as as as you get prayer tonight we're talking about a two-step process i want you to come forward to receive prayer then secondly i just want you to begin to line up here on this stage as you receive healing as you receive healing because something's going to happen in the atmosphere because the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy and you need to hear this from me as your pastor this is not height this works this is the kingdom of god coming on people in power i'm not making stuff up i you don't have to hype jesus you don't have to hype revival you don't i mean we advertise we want to invite people and i hope you invite a friend and come tomorrow night but here's the reality if there's seven people here tomorrow night i'm gonna go after the person of jesus cause it's worth it it's just really worth it it's just really worth it it's really good there ain't nothing else for us to do they closed everything down it's just it's just really worth it to follow jesus it's just really worth it but could it be that god is arranging our culture and our society to help get believers to reprioritize the presence of god maybe maybe if you're in here tonight you need healing i might have mentioned it but maybe i didn't but you need healing in here tonight physical healing in your body when i count to three come quickly we're going to line you up here at the altars we want to make sure everybody gets prayer we're going to see god do some miracles come on one two three just come quickly come come out of your seat come quickly come on we'll go pray we'll pray we'll see god do signs and wonders and miracles now listen prayer team help me because when somebody gets healing in their body i just want you to come line up on stage because we're gonna see a stage two around two once you get prayer for something i want you to try it out i want you to test it out i want you to see has god healed my body has god healed my body there's other folks in here tonight you need deliverance in your life spiritually speaking and that can mean a whole lot of different things but you know who i'm talking about you're in here tonight you need deliverance there's demonic interference that's happening in your life for whatever reason it can manifest a whole lot of different ways but you know tonight hey i've got some things spiritually that i need to have dealt with and i'm not going to leave here without getting freedom there's freedom for you tonight because i'm going to take authority over every foul spirit every foul entity is trying to mess with your mind or your body so if you're here tonight you say pastor i need deliverance i've got demonic interference happening in my life and i know what's happening that when i count to three if that's you i want you just to find me here just right in front of this little stage area here by the baptism tank i just i want to pray for you because you're going to get deliverance tonight you're going to see god do some incredible things okay so if that's you in this place i just want you to find me if you need deliverance you say pastor that's me i've got some interference in my life i want freedom i want freedom i'm allow god to give me freedom tonight i gotta word for you sean before you leave sean cannell i got a word for you before you leave so see me so if you're here tonight you need you need freedom in your life deliverance in your life when i count to three just just join me right here one two three just come forward just right here where i'm raising my hand just just kind of line up we'll go take care of some things and see some freedom and some breakthrough prayer partners help me pray listen friend as you get freedom as you get deliverance as you get healing i want you to come up and join me on stage and we want to see god do some some things in your life we want to celebrate the testimony of god so once you get healing don't go back to your seat but join me on stage join me on stage okay come on friends we go pray we're gonna believe we're gonna testify and we're gonna see god do some incredible work tonight we're just getting started just getting started let's pray she foreign she foreign i want to see your glory like moses flashes i'm not afraid show me your glory show me your place like jesus did the glory surrounds me but i'm not afraid i'm not afraid i'm not afraid i'm not afraid show me me show me is is show me your glory show me your glory show me your glory me me hmm oh show me show me oh uh is everything changes darkness is everything changes heart darkness burning we love you we love you and we can't get enough all this is jesus situation oh jesus jesus we want you to hearts are yours hearts are yours give you permissions is jesus jesus yes cheese is nothing else is needed and when the glory is nothing else is come on friend if you're here you had a touch of god in your life tonight come on you had a healing in your body just join me on stage real quick well if you sense the work of the lord in your life working in a different area oftentimes when people go through physical healing it's like the spirit of god will manifest in different ways in their body sometimes they feel like a physical heat it'll come upon an area of injury it's just a sign that god is working in your physical body if you got a healing tonight or a healing began in your life scripture says he who begun is faithful to finish if you had a healing in your body tonight just join me on stage we want to celebrate we want to honor what god is doing we honor our way into increase watch we honor our way into increase and so we're going to honor what god is doing here tonight we're going to honor what god is doing here tonight awesome hey just join me just join me awesome i'll just go ask you real quickly what she was dealing with and then what area of healing you sense in your life is happening even right now then tell us your name my name is gabby um i had a nerve damage from a botched epidural and numbness and pain in my legs and it's completely gone wow wow wow did you hear that wow wow wow how long had you been dealing or suffering with this issue in your body um my son's three months old now wow for three months numbness no feeling in the legs watched from a botched epidural healed by the power of jesus tonight also come on just stretch your hand out just stretch your hand out we're just going to pray for you stretch your hand out father we thank you for gabby we say now father finish the work that you started we thank you for healing now we declare over you healing and wholeness in jesus day we say what what god began tonight he gonna be faithful to finish we say every area of pain in your body go in the name of jesus we say healing wholeness is not just your portion it's the portion for your family and i even feel like the lord is saying i'm putting a special touch even on your three-month-old you're gonna begin to notice even from a young age that they hear the voice of god they're gonna begin to even have dreams and visions the lord is speaking to you he's saying i'm giving you a mantle even of spiritual authority in the family the lord is saying i put my hand even on your life and on your children's life i've spared you i'm taking you from the my repent i've placed you on the high foundation the lord declares over you tonight the spirit of poverty is broken the spirit of family dysfunction is broken jesus says over you that you are not what has been done in the past you are not what has been done to you you are everything that god has said and now we say in jesus name power comes on your life here we go one here we go two here we go three in jesus name come on give god a great shout out awesome okay hey tell us your name and tell us what you were dealing with and then what god did god did in your life my name is georgia and a few years ago god gave me a new hip and i had developed pain in my hip area and when you called out metal in your body and pain i've asked and i've asked and i ask again and it's gone hey let's go now for how long had you been dealing with pain in your hip the last year last year a while for 12 months paid in the hip healed tonight by the power of jesus come on stretch your hands out towards georgia let's pray father now the mighty day of jesus we declare over you georgia your best days are not behind you but ahead of you i say every ounce of gifting and anointing in your life we say rise to the surface now in jesus name the lord says i'm putting an anointing on your life even to prophesy the scripture says in the last days god says i will pour out my spirit on all flesh i break every false word against your life i break every false word associated with your gender i break every false word associated with your gifting the lord says i'm breaking off the false ceiling because there's more in your future than is in your past and we say now even the same healing that you received tonight god would anoint your hands with healing for those who are around you and we say now in jesus name may the power of the holy spirit fill you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet here we go one two three there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is come on can we thank god for healing we thank god for healing come on awesome hey what's your day and what did god do tonight for you so my name is tila and um god has healed me from a herniated disc so praise god and also i've dealt with a lot of head trauma and i feel like god is knitting my body back together how long had you been in pain from the herniated disc two and a half years now wow two and a half years two and a half years healed by the power of jesus tonight listen friends it's real it's real it's real it's available it's real god is in the business he said you feel like god is knitting you back together knitting you back together also called stretch your hands forward let's pray father now in the mighty name of jesus we say finish the work we break off the spirit of trauma from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet come on we declare over your life not only healing but supernatural health from this day forward we say back come into alignment now with the way jesus made it we say body now come into alignment with the way jesus made it we say over your life everything that the enemy has tried to take that god would repay and restore i declare over you what the locust has destroyed god is going to rebuild in your life and so we we break the spirit of trauma and we release now to spirit of healing come on we we we break that pain and that infirmity that's been in your body and been in your head i even feel like the lord is saying there's cloudiness in your mind there's like this mental cloudiness sometimes it's even hard to think and form sentences and you feel like am i losing my mind and the lord says no tonight i'm renewing your mind i'm rebuilding your mind i'm remaking your mind forever change forever change forever change come on here we go one here we go two here we go three you just receive receipt there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is awesome hey tell me your name and what did god do for you tonight my name is julian i had a chronic knee pain and then among a handful of other things and uh the pain in my knee went away and my whole body just felt like in peace wow wow wow wow come on can we thank god for healing these how long had your knee been in pain and did you know what it was from no i don't know what it's from it's been going on for a long time though so awesome that's awesome you got to understand that when when when god does the work of healing often what we see him do is creative miracles to rebuild what's been destroyed so we're not the great physicians we don't understand could be acl mcl could be something going on with a cartilage we don't always know but god knows and all the time what we see in healings is god not only causing the pain to decrease or the pain to be completely eliminated but in fact god by his spirit recreating parts of the body for complete healing we honor our way into increase the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy so you want to get through a couple of testimonies and we're going to pray again for people who are in pain we're going to see signs wonders and miracles tonight awesome stretch your head forward cabo let's pray father now we say finish the work finish the work finish the work finish the work come on i declare over you the lord has not given you a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind and i feel like the lord is saying i'm giving you your authority back i'm giving you your voice back i feel like the lord i feel like the lord is even he's breaking off timidity and he's saying no courage now comes to your life i feel like lord is saying even what you've honored in other people from afar god is now placing in your life and the lord is giving you permission to run he's given you permission to run he's given you permission to lead he's giving you permission to be a voice and i feel like he's saying that courage that i placed in your life it's like it's like it's like a small flame that as you add kindling it grows into a raging fire i feel like the lord has declared over you what he said over joshua be strong and of good courage be strong and of good courage and so we release that over your life we say now god finish the work we thank you for healing in the knee we thank you for healing in the body we say every area of pain goes now at the name of jesus we say for pain comes healing for trauma comes restoration and we say over your life now from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet father finish the work finish the work finish the work now in jesus day here we go one two three finish the work finish the work finish the work finish the work finish the work now now now in jesus name in jesus name come on one more time let's celebrate come on let's honor come on awesome hey tell us your day what god did in your life hey uh my name is john and i came in uh being diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in my back and neck i got prayed for it tonight and i'm leaving with no pain being being a big guy i can barely touch my my my toes but tonight um after i got prayed for i can do this hey hey that's awesome that's incredible listen i want you to see what happened i had a word of knowledge about discs in the back because god knows because god knew and oftentimes word of knowledge gets released because what it tells people is that i'm on god's mind god knows god knows that this is the war this is the goodness of god in the land of the living and it might not seem like a big miracle to you until you can't even bend over and touch your toes it's not a big miracle to you when it's not pain in your body but when it's pain in your body is a big miracle to you come on stretch your head forward it's john come on let's pray for john father thank you for john thank you for healing in his body god thank you that the best days are ahead this is just the beginning father we thank you for divine health divine healing i feel like lord to say it over you john i'm even healing stuff you didn't know was sick i'm taking care of stuff you didn't know was broken there's not just healing for you there's healing for your family the lord is saying there's healing for your family it's not just for you it's for everywhere you go and so i come against the spirit of infirmity that's been on your family line i break agreement with sickness i break agreement with early death i break agreement with untimely disease i break agreement with false diagnosis i break agreement with pain we break agreement with overburdened backs and necks and and messed up bodies we say now healing healing healing is your portion in jesus name here we go one here we go two here we go three just receive receive receive there it is there it is there it is there it is awesome hey donna hey donna i love donna donna's great come on donna what did god do with your your life tonight well i've suffered from chronic migraines and daily headaches for over 30 years and it's been bad recently and so i had linda pray for me and there was a experience i had a vision just moving forward and so the pain was gone and then as soon as you started saying if you've been healed come up here the pain came back and i felt like the enemy was saying no that wasn't you that was no you didn't get it and i said no listen because the enemy is a liar he'll try to steal your healing by getting you to agree with a false confession it wasn't really for me it wasn't really my healing it was i was just making it up i was just feeling the emotion the enemy always tries to come in listen the ways that his lies become successful in our lives is they're always mixed with that little thing that almost sounds like it's true the enemy never lies to you and says the earth the earth is flat it's not round no it's obvious that's not true the enemy always tries to sew subtle seats subtle seats subtle seats listen if you get healed tonight i can almost guarantee you that by faith you're going to have to stay healed okay because the enemy wants you to come into agreement with that old infirmity and every time it come to the surface no you just remind the enemy i've been healed saved delivered by the blood of jesus come on stretch your hand out to dawn let's pray father now finish the work finish the work finish the work hey there it is there it is there it is yes yes there it is more more for donna or for donna or for donna i prophesy over you donna every every uh every piece of the family that that that has not yet come together the lord is reminding you donna he's saying it's coming together it's coming together he's i got your kids i got him it's coming together it's coming together do not worry it's coming together the lord says over you donna for shame i will give double honor it's coming together so we break off we break off we break off the lie of the enemy and we thank god for tonight healing 30 years 30 years of migraines and headaches tonight dissolved by the power of jesus come on church let's give the lord a mighty shout awesome awesome hey tell us your name and what god did in your life tonight okay my name's annette and all during the worship my left hip was really hurting and it wakes me up at night and i got prayer and as she prayed for me she said with each step i'll be healed more and more and the pain is lessened tremendously just as i walked around and how long has your hip been bothering you the last year yeah wow wow well well we're going to believe tonight we see healing one of two ways in scripture sometime at instantaneous and other times when jesus prayed for the blind man remember he said open your eyes what do you see he said i see men walking his trees which basically means i'm halfway healed but it's not all the way it's starting but it's not all the way there and sometimes what we see in healing is that god will begin it and then by faith he will finish it and all the time in this environment we'll pray for people and sometimes they'll say pastor i didn't get touched i didn't get healed they'll wake up in the morning healed and i'm like well please let me know that because i was discouraged you didn't get healed but we're going to thank god for pain being less than 80 90 down and now we're going to believe that god is going to finish the work come on stretch your hands out father now we say healing healing healing healing comes we say every ounce of heal every ounce of sickness goes at the name of jesus every ounce of pain goes at the name of jesus we declare over you strike and the legs and the hips that in fact they would feel better than you have ever felt before it wouldn't just be a return to like normal and it's kind of okay but no you would you would say i haven't felt this good in years and so we relieve life we release wholeness we release healing over your body in your hips in any area of pain left in your body we say pain go holy spirit come now in jesus name there it is there it is there it is come on church let's celebrate come on let's celebrate listen just let me help you i'm not asking you to clap for me i'm not even asking you to clap for them i'm asking you to honor the lord we honor our way into increase how long i've been preaching this mike we honor our way into increase and so that's what we're doing tonight watch watch what's gonna happen tell us your day what god did in your life i'm becca um three years ago in august i had benign tumors removed one from my neck and one off of my brain and in june they came back yeah so we i'm supposed to start radiation in october and we're just believing that god's gonna break free come on anybody believe tonight you believe tonight awesome awesome it's amazing what a little persistence will do in the spirit huh come on just raise your hands back we'll pray for you come on stretch your hands out just as a sign of faith father we thank you for healing in the past but now we need healing in the present we confess what isaiah said by his stripes we have been made whole so we just receive healing in our bodies tonight we declare over beckham the same god who has healed her in the past will heal her in the present and we say over you even as you go in for that next x-ray those tumors have shrunk they've disappeared off the x-ray they can't find them on the mri they can't see him in the cat scan jesus healed jesus removed the great physician did his best work and we know that the bible says this he sent his word forth and it healed he sent his word forth and it never returned void and so we thank you god for healing in the past healing in the present and healing in the future and so we say now god release it release it i say over your brain tumors go at the name of jesus i say over your neck tumors go with the name of jesus i say over your body every tumor benign or not it shrivels up and it goes at the name of jesus i say over you you will not die but you will live i say over you you will not die but you will live i say over you you will not die but you will live and you will have life and you will have life more abundantly and so we say in jesus name tumors go healing and restoration comes in jesus save here we go one here we go two here we go three father thank you jesus there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is awesome come on we see this before scripture says the mountains melt like wax in the presence of the lord we see tumors disappear we see tumors disappear there's nothing our god can't do awesome awesome there it is hey how'd you tell us your name tell us what god's doing in your life my name is kim and i am a type 2 diabetic so i asked for prayer for my diabetes and earlier i was 179 and i tested just now and i'm 128. it's awesome that's awesome how long you been dealing with diabetes oh probably 15 years listen i want you to see something god is not afraid of you testing out what has been previously wrong in order to prove that it's true some people think faith means i never got to test it and i just never better just even think of it or look at it but as a diabetic you need to know what are my blood sugar levels you need to know what are my levels at what are my levels at and god knows god knows he's the great physician i want you to see something tonight i feel this mic in my spirit we are going into a new season of signs wonders miracles at the church i feel i feel this could be a regular basis i'm telling you we're gonna see god do the impossible because god can't help but be who he is all of the time we act out of character all of the time we have to apologize for not being true to who god made us god never has to apologize because he can't help but be himself this is who he is this is who he is this is who he is come on we're going to believe tonight with you that it wasn't just lowered to 129 tonight but it's going to be 129 tomorrow and the next day and the next day and it's going to stay in whatever that normal range is for the rest of your life come on stretcher stretch your hands out stretch your hands out let's pray father we curse diabetes we curse blood disease we curse disorders of the pancreas we curse diagnosis we curse disease and we release life and healing and wholeness in jesus name so we declare over you tonight that your levels coming down is not a fluke it's not a one-time thing no tonight you have received healing and you are crossing over into a new era of health for your life so we break agreement with diabetes and we lose life and healing in jesus day in jesus day in jesus name here we go one here we go two here we go three father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you somebody else on the live stream you're being healed from diabetes right now somebody else on the livestream is coming it's coming it's coming somebody else is getting their healing you're watching on the cameras and you're thinking is this real and this seems and this is weird and this is benny hen and what's it no no no friend go friend watch the spirit of god is filling your room right now healings come into your life healing's coming to your life somebody else on the live stream there's an issue with it with with a son that you have a younger son there's a childhood illness i don't know what it is but there's heal it's it's something and it's something involving the head and there's healing coming right now even for your child they're not even the room watching it with you but there's healing coming from your for your child tonight lay hands on them anoint them with oil before you put them to bed there's healing in people's living rooms all across the region right now there's healing coming in your room father thank you father thank you father thank you in jesus name finish the work finish the work finish thor finish thor us awesome hey tell us who you are what god's doing in your life my name is will and i've started to get these floaters in my eyes lately the past three or four months and uh during worship god just like healed me and i was kind of like looking around like whoa i don't have any floaters anymore which is good because i look at a screen all day so it's uh it's amazing so come on can we celebrate that today god's in the mood for healing because it's who he is when jesus walks into the room even stuff that isn't called out on the microphone happens in people's lives now will you got healed even before we started praying for people for healing so you cheated you got you jumped ahead you jumped ahead of the line we'll go start having even in this community this is what i feel like is the word from the lord even when jesus was ministering in the house the house was so full the bible says they cut the roof off and lowered the lame man we're gonna start to have people who friends even bringing people who are sick lame and infirmed coming into the house of god receiving healing in their life we're gonna see it we're gonna see it we're gonna see it we're gonna see it guys this is what we get to be a part of in this hour this is what we get to be a part of come on let's pray father now in the mighty name of jesus we thank you for finishing the work finishing the work finishing the work we thank you for clearing up issues with eyes we thank you for clearing up cataracts we thank you for healing irises and retinas and corneas we thank you for restoring eyesight for getting rid of cloudiness for getting rid of blindness we thank you that jesus is still in the business of healing the blind come on and now we declare over you uh will that that what what god is doing in your life in this season i feel like the lord is saying and i'm not trying to do any discredit to places that you've been in the past i feel like the lord is saying will watch what i'll do for you and your family i feel like the lord is saying even over the next 12 months i'll do more in your life than you've seen in the last 12 years god is taking you into a season of supernatural acceleration supernatural acceleration and i know this is obvious but it's not just for you it's for your kids the lord has put even a supernatural hunger on their life for the things of god and they're going to start to see some of these things modeled in you in your life and in the life of your wife and i feel like even with you guys you've laid down your lives to invest in young people and i feel like the lord is saying i remember that i will remember that i will remember that and in the same investment that you've made in young people the lord is sending even people from this house who will make investment in your kids as well and i just feel like the lord is saying everything that you've invested has been a wise investment and he repays 30 60 100 fold and so father now we just release this over will his wife his family we say in jesus name in jesus name abundance and increase comes to your to your house abundance and increase comes to your house you could have got disillusioned but you stayed faithful you could have gotten disappointed but you stayed faithful you could have got lost in all the transition but you stayed faithful and god says i now am placing an anointing on your house so father we thank you for will come on one two three father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you jesus in jesus name jesus she just wanted to come up to see you she said she wanted to see pastor russell so i have had hip pain on my left hip for the last three years and since having children the pain increased a lot because i gave birth to to 10 pound babies and so it just was a lot of pressure i'm feeling pain right now just it's like a residual thing which is just but earlier today i was playing with her and we were just doing little kid exercises and i had so much shooting pain throughout it and i heard the enemy tell me you're never gonna get healed from this you're gonna need surgery for it and i was like no i'm not and so as you were speaking about herniated discs i was like that's close enough i'll take it i was like i'm getting my healing today so i mean it's hard for me to tell unless i'm doing specific like it comes at random points where it's just shooting pain and so i'm just believing that i'm healed and i'm whole and it's not i'm not gonna go through this for another three years awesome come on church can we celebrate it's awesome now milk is married to one of my friends uh ryan and they've been in our house and we've been in theirs and the lord sent them to the northwest on assignment i remember the first time ryan texted me and and said hey we got some mutual friends i'm moving to the area i don't know what we're supposed to do but we're going to partner with you and we're going to plow in at the pursuit and i i have been praying for god to send people like ryan and milken to this church uh and and he is and and they were in snohomish for a season living in in snohomish and and god has put on my heart and i don't know how and and i don't know in what way but god has put on my heart that eventually we're gonna have a campus in seattle and so i've been praying that god would send people to seattle to pray and to prepare the way and out of the blue ryan milken text me about a month ago and they say hey we're thinking about moving to seattle and we don't know why we still feel connected to pursuit but we're supposed to be moving to seattle what do you think we're supposed to do there i said well you'll pray this thing in and so the lord has sent these guys really as missionaries on assignment uh and what i feel like over your life milk is is what the lord says he says one puts a thousand to flight but two puts ten thousand and the lord has the look the lord has engrafted you guys into this house in a way that to in in a way that that's gonna add exponential increase to the dna of what god is doing here and so is isn't it i like the enemy to say you're never going to get healed you're going to need surgery this will never happen for you isn't that just like the enemy and on the same day now a word of wisdom released healing and wholeness come on stretch your hands out let's pray and you already noticed but your daughter's got just a real prophetic calling on her life and she's already seeing dreams and visions and talking with angels and all sorts of things and so now father we just thank you for the rhodes family and uh ryan wherever ryan is just come up here real quick we just pray for you guys father we just thank you for the rhodes family and for what you're doing in their life i thought the lord is declaring uh over you as a over you as a family i feel like the lord is saying i allowed you to taste poverty so that you can value the wealth and the rich that is coming your direction i feel like the lord is saying i allowed you to go through the valley of need because i made you i'm making you a proper steward of the increase that's coming so we say now divine strategy and wisdom comes upon your life for resource for finance for business for entrepreneurial dreaming and i feel like even ryan you've dealt with a little bit in your life of like well i've i've thought that there were five or six different things that were all gonna pop and they didn't they didn't pop the way that i thought and that was a word for you tonight ryan go again go again go again go again go again go again i feel like the lord is saying right now you're seeing a cloud the size of a man's hand but it speaks to abundance it speaks to abundance and so we just release over your life uh even that the voice of the father which is the voice of waters which provides breakthrough and so we say even like a mighty rushing river what a mighty rushing river would break through come upon your dreams and your visions for this next season i feel like the lord is saying i am building a wall against disappointment i'm building a wall against deferred hope in your life the lord is saying i put a i put a gate even around your ears to protect you from those who would diminish the size and the scale of your dreams in this next season i feel like the lord is saying trust me i am the rod and the staff that comfort you for you will need comfort where i am taking you for i am giving you strength to stand where others have faltered and i feel like the lord is saying i'm causing you to pick up inheritances that have been laid down by others i'm causing you now to pick those up and you will reap from fields that you did not plant in as a sign of the abundance of god as a sign of the abundance of god we declare what the enemy is meant for evil now god would use for good we release over your life now healing wholeness vision spirit of wisdom and revelation now comes upon you spirit of wisdom and revelation now comes upon you the lord says i have made you gatherers i have made you gatherers i have made you gatherers and there's been seasons where you've gathered and now the lord says i'm gathering on your behalf i'm gathering on your behalf the lord says i'm networking on your behalf the lord says i'm building the house your labor is not in vain i'm watching the city you will not watch in vain and your eyes will see wow the goodness of god in the land of the living your eyes will see now the goodness of god in the land of the living and i say would god do double over you what you've honored in the lives of others i feel like the lord says you've honored fathers who didn't deserve honor and because you gave honor where people didn't deserve it the lord now releases double honor over your life the lord says for shame i'll give double honor father we just thank you we just thank you we just thank you we say now in jesus name increase comes upon your life we say now increase comes upon your life increase comes upon your life lord is giving you a mantle you don't even fully understand it's for authoritative walking in this season the lord is reminding you what you bless i will bless what you touch i will touch what you have vision for i will give resource for the lord says over you i will supply i will supply i will supply i will supply we say now in jesus name here we go one here we go two here we go three jesus there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is awesome hey why don't you tell us your name and what god did in your life tonight okay my name is mary and there's a couple things um the first one is i'm also type 1 diabetic and so i've been prayed over once and then i've been noticing different changes and just healing that comes from that so i got prayed over again blood sugar
Channel: The Pursuit NW
Views: 943
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZUR9LCoz_Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 59sec (11099 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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