VINTAGE PYREX COLLECTION and Glassware - Federal - Fire King

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how's it going YouTube taco stacks are back open our vlog if you guys are just joining me today i am showing off the Pyrex collection that i've been attributing to and all my flea market through storing videos like that pickings and you know of that nature a lot of people have asked me to show off this collection of Pyrex federal fire king and other kitchenware from the 50s and 60s sort of era bowls and plates and stuff like that and so here it is if you guys are new to the channel you're just coming across this video because you might be interested in Pyrex or stuff of that nature this is a collection for a friend that i've been giving a lot of stuff to and thrift store videos flea market videos and stuff like that so here's her collection and hopefully you guys will enjoy it i am someone who actually does not collect anything but one thing I definitely can appreciate is nice and collections I think this is very very unique very nice it's well organized so we'll start from left to right over here we have our primary sets these are your primary mixing bowls you will see this a lot and a lot of Pyrex books a lot of flea markets sometimes at thrift stores this seems to be the iconic set you'll come across that quite often it is a very sought-after set because a lot of people still use these bowls for a variety of reasons it is something it's very neat very modern-looking nice simple doesn't have a lot of crazy designs it's just simple so there are essentially two different sets there's an older set a newer set one set is a little bit wider and thicker gauge in this one as you can might be able see on the yellow Bowl the one on the right is a little bit thinner that I believe is a newer set I'm not sure about the years but those are your mixing bowls in the primary set colors you have your green Cinderella bowls I am unsure of this bottom one is I don't know if it's earth tone or Browns or what I might be never really seen main bullsááá like that has a white ridge on the top I'm very very neat here you have your Browns not sure if this is woodland design this I'm pretty certain is the harvest wheat in their casseroles and then these are your mixing bowls your Verde squares whole set of casseroles this might be the americana set a lot of people do collect this because it doesn't have a cat on it and a lot of other things notable in the 1976 Bicentennial style design here is well might be the butterfly gold or a flower gold very common is their fridges it's sort of difficult to find the lids for these this I believe is the primary set there the lids for the fridges seem to being a fairly difficult I believe you put these in your freezers believe you put these in your freezer if I'm not mistaken I'm not very very certain about that your horizon blues you got a bunch of red hostess green mixing bowls over here is sort of stuff that just had recently been acquired she does all she often does a lot picking she doesn't document it in a sort of way but this is her newer stuff that she hasn't found a way to display it just yet it's on nice I say 50s or 60s Costco Costco cart pretty cool you have your flame glows and a mixing bowl set you might go see that kind of glow it gets lighter as it goes to the top I don't know how it shows on camera this actually picked up today it's your spirograph I picked this up at a local indoor flea market from what I can tell what she can tell it appears I was never used it was used as something that was probably a display piece it's a promotional Bowl it is extremely hard to find the lid but most important it's extremely hard to find the charger there is no charger or plate for this it did not come with it you have your Shenandoah casserole bowls some more mixture of a sort of mixing bowls you have a blue bowl in the middle and some others very very cool this blue one is also very hard to find print this came from a rummage sale I would say probably rummage sale videos or if not the last rummage sale video I came out with it was picked up there all of these came from either rummage sales swap meets flea markets local yard sales none of this stuff was bought online it's all stuff that was found in the wild so if there's someone who likes to collect or is thinking about collecting some sort of item all this stuff is still out there and still available to be picked this collection is not this collections not being sold she does not sell off any for collection online or at flea markets it is strictly all picked the old-fashioned way as someone who loves to do yard sales myself it's a it's cool to see what you can you know amount to in terms of what kind of things you can find and this collection is no different some of this stuff is Anchor Hocking federal fire camp some more mixing bowls just recently I picked up a bunch of these for her she our he has a couple she's mixed she's missing this bolt though if you guys check out thrift store videos you'll see that I did pick up a couple of these recently so that that's very cool I always like to find new things I've tried to urge her to document what she has and what she doesn't have but she literally would buy five or six of the samples just because she loves pirates so much and I think his ain't collector if you can get to the point where you can just literally buy anything as long as you just like it you find something you're very passionate about you find something you really enjoy something you love you know such as you know Pyrex or whatever it might be maybe comics video game whatever it might be and you know you can just buy it no matter if you have three of them or four of them just because you love them that's what truly I think a great collection definitely you know holds it's not really always trying to find the rarest pieced or this piece or making sure you have the 101 if you can find something you love regardless if you already have it he's still happy about I think that would be awesome and that's what this collection definitely has it has a lot of awesome pieces up top you have some clear Pyrex this I don't think is Pyrex or anything I had a bunch of these I got these out of the state that was what I thrown them out and she was like no I'll take them so I believe they are candy trays here you have some more lids some of these have prints on them as you see you have an oil and vinegar Pyrex vinegar on the side this is what they call it Big Bertha to my knowledge they only came out with well this is the biggest size that Pyrex makes in terms of ain't Bowl that's very cool they're very hard to find in the wild she says off all the air she's collected I remember she bought this and she found it this year and there was the first time she's ever seen one in you know out for sale and she definitely had a hot she definitely had to have it definitely a great piece I think comes in like four or five different color schemes or prints but this should be I believe the heart are the biggest I believe this should be the biggest Pyrex ball made you have these these are your space savers and your lasagna tray this one is one of my favorite I don't know if this is Canadian it is called the delphite it's a different color inside the light blue inside like a whitish off-white blue outside big fan of that kind of stuff very very cool you have some more bowls out here to have to be put away blue this isn't our Verde square and other Americana big Cinderella pool here are some fridge ease these are pretty cool as well you have some fire king over here this is luster where you'll come across that quite often at their stores fire King didn't really come out that May pipe then come out with that made patterns that seems to be one I come across a lot and a lot of different things so you have these as well some nice bowls these are all I believe promotional rolls and so when you see what these casseroles right here these are the lids as I am one who's actually come across these lids I think there's exactly the right amount from here to there and a lot of people can watch my videos have seen me pick up a lot of lids whether it be whatever size it might be somehow there's exactly the right amount from here to there it's weird how it works if you are someone who collects Pyrex or fire king or whatever you come from across the lids especially like these older casseroles style lids try to pick them up or if you know someone who does collect them pick them up because you know once in a while you'll come across the bowl but you won't come across the lid or vice versa some more hazel atlas up top these are the England Pyrex version pretty hard to find the United States some pink balls as well these are federal I'm pretty certain these are federal on the bottom you have a clear Pyrex set on the bottom on the bottom some really cool snowflake designs a lot of people might not be familiar but pyrex used to make a lot of plates here's a small selection of Pyrex plates and other brands you have some sets down here as well here all the Pyrex mugs some are recording some are Pyrex this might be federal this is federal on the bottom I'm a big fan of all these federal mugs random random towns and promotional advertisement very very cool here is where she keeps her more sought-after ones that she appreciates and uh as someone who likes the iconic look as well you'll see there's a lot of blues whites and Pink's these tend to be a lot harder to find in the public because they are really collected by everyone who wants a sort of vintage look you have your turquoise mixing bowl set you have your pink mixing bowl set some pink and white gooseberry sent more on the top here you have your butter print design it's a very very nice mid-century hutch which kind of goes with the theme as well you have some fridges and pinks and turquoise some more gooseberries some are black and white some are pink and white black and white snowflake you have your dot scent these are not Pyrex I'm pretty certain there's something a fireteam maybe I'm not just not very certain and I know they're not pirates no not Pyrex on the bottom you have your barbed wire then the compasses below that and the snowflakes very very cool I do like the black and white you have some more butter prints and Cinderella bowls and you have your flamingo stripe set here that was recently picked up very very cool nice mid-century looking hunch as well as someone who does a lot of buying inside I definitely love the mid-century era look but she also does you is she Osen does use a lot of Pyrex and her daily kitchenware so let's go check that out all right before we go to the kitchen area did want to show up this this is actually pretty neat this is the UFO with the authentic Pyrex cradle now the UFO is not extremely common to come across but the cradle itself is very difficult you can come across the fire king one but the Pyrex one is pretty sought-after and we check on eBay they are actually very hard to come by and they appear once every three or so months most of times they are complete there are the lids for these UFOs but you know obviously with the festival season going on right now it definitely looks a lot a lot more like a lot more like the holiday season to have ornaments and stuff like that so very very cool hard to come by I actually came across these cradles at an auction and it was in a pile of scrap metal you believe it or not so someone along the line probably just threw this into a metal pile and it was heading out to the scrap year I didn't think they were actually the Pyrex ones but they actually are alright now for the kitchen section this is what she this is what she uses quite frequently as you can see you got the primary color fridge ease at the top these are good for a little low snacks and stuff your bowls as well there are more and more going on backwards going on back in there you have some more bowls out front as well some more over here as well as over here likes to display things in a unique way you have a lot of Corning and stuff like that I here's some more yellow bowls now of course you got the vintage lunchboxes up top very very neat so hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video this is the collection I've been you know contributing to in my thrift store videos auction videos flea markets always put aside one or two pieces ghost this collection she uses in one way or another hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video if you guys want to see when I pick this stuff up and you're stopping for the first time please subscribe have a great day keep living the dream [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 60,060
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Pyrex, Pyrex Collection, Pyrex Collector, Vintage Pyrex, Vintage, glassware, collection, collecting, milk glass, mugs, pyrex bowls, bowls, kitchenware, vintage kitchenware, personal collection, museum, corning, corningware, 50s, mid century, mid century modern furniture, flea market finds, yard sale finds, swap meets, collect, bakewear, kitchen, kitschy, glass, cooking, mixing bowls, fire king, federal
Id: 81zNL2fjpcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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