How to Identify & Value Antique Glassware Bargains by Dr. Lori

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found it in a dumpster Santa throw it away don't need it this and that this is a footed Bowl right this particular Bowl did not have a lid right so this is just basically for usually fruit fruit bowl centerpiece it is depression glass green the pink and the green are usually the more desirable colors for collectors and this piece dates between 1930 in about 1945 value on the piece here about 55 dollars thank you from the dumpster I love it is this crystal Adrian is it crystal Adrian Mary [Applause] so tell me you don't think it's crystal how would you know cracking it has to be clear 24 percent or more weight of blip indicates it's led crystal so it has to blend content to be crystal this particular piece is led crystal it's heavy right and also the length content that makes it nice and clear this particular piece is unmarked as most Milliken American brilliant cut crystal is this particular piece page with a crack to about 1925 value on it about $95 what kind of glass milk glass right milk glass hobnail there you go and this particular milk glass has what's called a decorated color or a scrolled collar with hobnail that's while these bumps are called if you look on the bottom and you can see the scene usually if you can see the seam it's going to be less valuable than if you can't see the scene on the bottom seams on the side indicate that the piece is fused together in two parts your piece is a piece on the side fuse but it doesn't have a seam on the bottom value on this piece about $40 higher quality than typical pieces of that same type Helen great-grandmother huh so you've had this in the family in one long long time yeah what is it what's used for you have no idea it has a handle and it has a spout what's it used for yeah a pitcher so and it's got a couple of figures on it what do we know about these figures you know nothing you're just Lin you don't really know much hide it in the closet dr. Lori's gonna be in town I might as well bring to her let her do all the work grandma gave it to me I have the object what else do I have to do dr. Laurie you know okay I get you oh you tried to look it up on the internet what happened can't find it anywhere job security for dr. Laurie know you're finding all this stuff in the Internet some of its right so if it's wrong a lot of it's wrong yeah I'm 125 pounds on the internet you know this goes so basically what you're looking at here is these particular elements this whole piece dates to about 1880 so let's look about 1880 it's probably made in South Jersey southern part of New Jersey Vineland that neck of the woods this particular piece if you look at it and you can see the color the color has a sort of a purplish tone sort of even a lavender purplish gray tone the reason for that has to do with the type of material that's inside so people say well isn't it just glasses it's just pressed glass yeah but there are certain elements when they're actually using this in the furnace that get encompassed into the pressed glass or the glass making process these figures are of course Cupid the goddess of love and gardens Cupid and of course the goddess of love and gardens that of course is Aphrodite also known as Venus the Greek the Roman Aphrodite Venus and then of course Cupid it's usually associated so it's a love piece has something to do with love and unions usually these are given at anniversaries or weddings make sense now you're going oh yeah my mother said that was about my grandmother's wedding Dada something like that the actor might have to look back maybe you gotta talk to his sister you haven't talked to in a while get a little more info that's what you're looking at here peace dates as I said too about 1880 in value on it about $800 how often do you open the china cabinet once a month for eight hours you gotta open the china cabinet you're probably trying to keep the dust out you got to keep that let the heat out the dust is not doing as much damage as the heat is open it up you see me on TV oh there's dr. Lurie you see me on YouTube there's dr. Lurie open the china cabinet walk over wait till the grandkids go home and the pets are in bed and everybody's calm and open it up I don't know 9 o'clock at night on Sunday night until you get up the next morning close it up about 8 hours let some of the heat escape all right there you go you're welcome darling give it to your grandmother in 1908 when she was 18 yes Wow that is something else well what kind of glass do you have you have what's called a collar a fluffy collared hole and you would put your hands in it to get fruit or nuts right okay cool when they gave you the hot lunch the dessert was fruit nuts and you're like where is the chocolate pudding popular so this particular piece is one which in fact is indicative of the early years of the 20th century because it's a very special kind of glass this is called vaseline glass Vaseline glass right is what you see right here and it's difficult to make Vaseline glass that is non Vaseline and that has the vastly it's all about control as they're making the glass in the mold the pattern is also quite important because most people who are collecting glass will collect by pattern or color and the more popular colors are usually pink and green over time other colors can be valuable too but their popularity indicates value green and pink are usually more valuable more popular this particular piece dates from about 1900 to about 1910 just as Bell yuan in about one hundred and forty five dollars thank you very nice Vaseline glass bottle we found in the Mississippi Reyes Missouri maidens from Missouri River what are those wrappers from the Ohio the Mahon Dalila the Missouri the Mississippi it's a river you know dr. Lord the river just pick a river a great quantity or somebody found it great-grandfather somebody she's like I am overwhelmed I got a house little stuff dr. Lori you've got to come over I got to start sending you pictures through your website nine up you got big problems what is this used for I want you to look at the bottle and what does it use for I've got a big opening here big triangular element here that's going to do what what's this for a label or possibly a plaque in in a metal right like a necklace around the neck with a plaque right then what I have here as I have all of these striations right this crisscross pattern all the way around I end up the top which has a painter's top which means it dates after 1887 it had some type of stopper in it at some point do you have one but it doesn't match then it's not right it doesn't match it's wrong doesn't match wrong oh she's digging for the stopper that doesn't match let's waste time looking for the thing that I'm gonna tell her is wrong okay show me the stopper now I'm gonna show her the stopper and it's gonna be wrong to look right to you okay that's what you got there let's go back to the bottle and teach you about the bottle so it's got a actual seam here and a seam here when are the seams that means it follows knit in two parts because this is a different mold because it has this opening element here then this party I'll follow me it's not that hard but bottles are valuable bottles are a thing bitters bottles hooch bottles you know liquor bottles all different types about Coca Cola bottles bottles gonna be valuable okay so he's not this you come as the stopper we just decreased value but 25% for not having the stopper 25% cuz this is not the right thing okay so you've got this so these two pieces come together right and there's a seam now we know that this bottle has to date sometime after 1900 or mass-producing these with a machine okay what's the bottle used for vodka scotch alright any other type of liquor that basically you're gonna see you have to protect from the light which is why it's dark brown it also will reflect or get rid of the reflections of the light because of this patterning so the light can't get in and make your scotch or your wine or your whatever in the decanter tastes lousy that's the idea so this particular piece of my in about $65 for it without the correct stopper nice it's not bad right this is Augustine glass also known as purple glass right it is blown woven glass this is called the pontil relatively rough that means there was a rod you blow into and then this area is actually shaped into the tip it into the furnace where the glass is being actually molded if you look at it there's a crackle pattern all the way through if you turn it you can see the light will hit this crackle powder which is popular tonight 60s but this piece probably dates to about 1895 1905 really value on this piece is about three hundred dollars you know it's no bank account but a nice piece you're amazed don't be amazed it's good that you were nice to that hundred two-year-old what was the glass aubergine hot asian glass
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 376,526
Rating: 4.8572383 out of 5
Keywords: collectable (Industry), collectibles, antiques, dr. lori, Auction Kings (TV Program), Antique (Taxonomy Subject), Appraiser (Profession), Oak Island, Appraised value, Appraiser, value, glass, bowl, depression glass, tinging, lead, crystal, american, brilliant, cut glass, milk glass, hobnail, pitcher, pressed glass, vaseline glass, dish, color, pattern, bottle, painter, bitters, aubergine, purple, vase, glassware
Id: YpiasmotTbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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