Blind Tasting PREMIUM Ingredients vs BUDGET Ingredients | Where Best to Spend Your Money?

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we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal Pat's at Drake's we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join our community where everything we do starts with you well welcome to fridge cam I'm Jamie and this is Mike today's episode is called pick the premium and we blind taste a whole load of staple ingredients to see if it's worth spray in a cache or whether you should just spend your money elsewhere [Music] so in front of you you have two closures Berry in front of you you have plush number one Jamie you have plush number two there are the same ingredient under each cloth but a different version a cheap version and a premium version we'd like you to sniff taste eat and try both products and then pick the premium okay make sense it is a competition yeah would you like to lift your plushies so you have a little dish in front of each of you and in the middle if you'd like to feel you have no note to the middle yep Jay's on it berry still not going to the middle there we go okay guys we have some bread in the middle come from a hand here Cheers Olive Oyl wanted well absolutely correct day number two is in front of you so why don't you try that comparison tank that I would tape I am getting far less flavor it's almost cleaner yeah and number one had kind of almost had burned to the end of it as well it tasted what like olives is this in a positive weight yeah it's morbus it's giving more sensations okay so we're gonna come clear down and then we'd like you to make your choices okay boys right d mask hello and now you can scribble on your board which one you think is the premium all we're asking to do is pick the premium okay so if you'd like to reveal in three two one number one so Paris's letters well done oh so you are both correct you can lift up the cosh and have a look the one under number one is a premium extra-virgin olive oil it is not only the first press but it is the first harvest the other one is a more standard supermarket olive oil perfectly good but very different in price they serve two very different purposes I always have a premium extra-virgin just for finishing off a salad I have a lot of salads and then I have a well a huge amount of just normal olive oil I use for frying and everything typically you wouldn't want to heat the extra virgin olive oil it has a lower smoke point which means you're going to lose all of those extra flavors the fruitiness the bitterness the pepperiness all of that quality that you're paying for because you're going to burn it and it's going to come acrid yeah good spot you both got one right but we're against each other don't forget that one Oh what do you think the price difference is Oh the average one that you might buy in a supermarket works out at five pounds per litre 10 pounds or twice the price yes twice the price 20 quid 70 pounds unbelievably premium 70 pounds not that for a litre but yes if you are going to drizzle dip dress with an extra virgin olive oil then do pay a bit more for it it will be more expensive and look after the premium by storing it correctly so it should be stored in a cool dark dry [Music] three two one Wow same as usual one is premium one is not all it's a long battle start with berries just as you did before is that what you mean is that a pretty obvious in it tomato soup it's a fairly classic homemade tomato sauce onion garlic sweated off a little bit of olive oil then we've seasoned it we've added a tin of tomatoes a little bit of white wine reduce it down with a plume of basil and blended it it was a actually quite a sweet it was sweet that's why I thought it was soup it was lovely I really liked it along the lines of fair testing I've done identical but with a different tin of tomatoes and a spoon stressful to see whether they get it in their mouth before it spills all over them the first one is a lot sweeter did you put the first well dear you think a big beginning are you an only child they were a favorite ago I think is premium is different interesting but will clear up okay boys I'm blindfold pick the premium turn three two one one no you have both picked the premium were they both are 400 grams in a tin Tomatoes however the premium one number one or cherry tomatoes they are found in hills Italy just outside Sorrento the other tin is found on the bottom shelf of supermarket in their value basic range members here is gonna tell you the price of the cheap one we're gonna see if you can guess the price of the expensive one 45 pence so I've I've only ever bought the cheap tomatoes the supermarket I've have made a cherry tomato sauce it is a lot sweeter but I would never put them in the same bracket again cherry tomatoes by weight are a lot more expensive i buy chopped tomatoes because I'm putting them into other things like a source like for pasture or they're going into a chili or they're going into something else I've never opted to buy the expensive ones because I'm gonna be masking the flavors with onion and garlic and anything else I'm gonna be putting into that dish priced what you reckon so if that was 45 P eirick and that's one pound 20 all right that's what I five pounds for a 400 grand 1000 now I'm thinking I'm thinking about buying in a pack all I just to Michael so the premium tomatoes are 2 pounds 40 for a single tin so though it doesn't sound like the most explosive it is five times the price would you say that tomato sauce was five times as good would you spend more on your tinned tomatoes or not no and no you're getting the idea now you can both D close thank to blood pow pow Wow oh oh oh all I've done is the same to both I've bored them in slightly salted water and then toss them in some black pepper butter and a few mint leaves that will use the butter so they should be nicely seasoned both but you can't leave anything alone hello try the second Bowl somehow oh these are bigger there are not sweeter not a crunch-ry' these second ones are like little pockets of flavor and you they burst in your mouth they like delicious pea where is the first one they're a bit crunchy are you close enough to make a decision if we re close and give you a board I am yes yes scribble down pick the premium pick the premium nope three two one like oh the thing that I'm thinking is that number two were fresh Peas and I think number one might be frozen peas and that frozen process it has Wow removed has removed flavor and nice texture you can now lift the cloth and reveal for yourself the premium is number one now this in this instance they are different products you're right we have compared fresh with frozen and we have said that the fresh are premium purely based on price per kilo there is I thought these were premium is because I love cheap peas fresh Peas probably aren't as fresh as the frozen peas so frozen peas are frozen often in the field within hours of being picked and therefore they retain that sweet freshness whereas fresh Peas especially this time of year because they are not fresh British peas they are going to be days old by the time you get them the only thing you lose with them texture wise is the freezing process starts to break down like with frozen berries that are mushiya than fresh berries I would have assumed that fresh would be better to pound 75 kilo mm yeah because you don't buy a kilo of fresh peas you buy those little packets like this and they're still like two pounds so actually yeah five pounds is probably not far off five pound a kilo 10 pound 50 so it's quite a lot more why do we found upon frozen stuff when that technology is fantastic some taste and some waste sack off the fresh peas and I'm gonna go for frozen peas yeah [Music] testing stand berry is currently to one-up and so J best you can do is draw this he also didn't have any glass during the prep of this last one he was cleaning them and he snapped them why they're there what glasses were dirty so I took them off to clean them and then this happened and they're not the ones that come apart they're not like everstyle foldable ones weiss it's great I'm going to be blindfolded for the rest of this video unfortunately I also have a day left the clock 31 correct berries whoo whoa whoa someone has been cooking something baking Oh oh my goodness hang on boys thanks why is that yeah it's a chocolate fondant absolutely right the plates gone but you've still got it next year if you want it better because you scooped it off the plate before the plate moved the next one you have is an identical recipe it's the sort of chocolate fifteen-minute fondant however we have subbed out to chocolate [Music] the first one has a steer has a is slightly ever so slightly more bitter but I like them equally are you ready yeah I'm ready I'm ready no no miss at all still can't see take the premium joy you're number one or two no pressure J but this is the draw reveal your numbers in three two one oh I got different again the premium one is [Music] number one Jamie was right and pulled back to the draw sit that was a toughest one yet the first one was more bitter and you I associate bitterness and chocolate with dark chocolate and dark chocolate carries more of a premium to it more than thing else you get a lovely fruitiness it's almost like berries yeah as you're swallowing it in Bothell the difference is quite astonishing when I say extreme but I was too much but yeah astonishing when baked into a fondant I preferred the the normal bar and I think it complete depends on what you're going to bake it into if you're going to bake it into a rich chocolate cake you're going to sandwich between chocolate buttercream you're going to have all the sweetness if you're doing it something like this it's pretty solo chocolate and if you were to serve it with creme fraiche maybe you want the sweeter one if you're going to serve with vanilla ice cream maybe you don't it's all very subjective the cheaper chocolate was bought as a 200 gram bar belgium dark chocolate 54 percent and that was 1 pound 45 so it works at at 7 pound 25 per kilo the premium one was bought as a 70 gram bar so a much smaller weight it is single terroir which means all of the cocoa comes from the same area from earth tower and works out at how much per kilo given your level pegging on score all osis takes it please reveal in 3 2 1 one is substantially higher than the other the final price was 107 pounds per kilo oh it is very very premium well sourced eating chocolate how much of that bar seven pounds 50 what I'm well played playful pulled it back but genuinely I will put this on a similar place extra-virgin olive oil I wouldn't cook ever with that premium we did single - I did for the purpose of this video and it proved the point although it is richer and there is more complexity to it it's not 15 times better what I liked about today was it reminded me of when I first moved out of home and living by yourself and you suddenly realize where you can and can't save money bin bags don't get the cheap ones toilet roll do not get the cheap ones but everything else falls into this kind of quagmire of in-between should I shouldn't like but doing an exercise like this and being able to tell I actually know I don't need to go for the mid-range Tomatoes I can go for the cheap tomatoes because I'm going to do 20 different things with them which is going to make them taste great anyway I'd love to do more of these because I feel like we've only covered four don't be handcuffed by the preconceptions of premium well shock horror it turns out that more money doesn't necessarily mean a better product it send us more of your ideas and we'll get to blind taste testing them and see if we can all be a little bit smarter with our money when it comes to purchasing ingredient this is the kind of thinking that we're trying to put into our mill pack zap so we can create shopping lists for you that help your meals go further and loads of you are already using it so please carry on sending us your thoughts thank you who do went to the bank the other day to get a loan for my new small bakery business bank manager said what's your turnover well my favorite Snapple it's about money if you're looking to buy less and cook more check out the pax app it's just one of the tools used by loads of you around the world as part of the sorted Club members are also discovering and sharing restaurant recommendations using the eat app listening and contributing to our feast your ears podcast and giving us inspiration for new cookbooks received throughout the year it's all included so check out sorted membership by heading to sorted Club and now a blooper can you start ispai yeah little bit you've got a little bit of penis in that
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 909,034
Rating: 4.9485049 out of 5
Keywords: sorted, sortedfood, Where Best to Spend Your Money, Blind Tasting Premium Ingredients vs Budget Ingredients, Blind taste testing, Normals blind taste test, how to save money, taste test, budget tips, money saving tips, blindfold challenge, olive oil, chocolate, peas, Tinned Tomatoes, Sortedfood Packs App, Save money food shopping, cheap eats, does premium matter?, Taste the difference, taste testing challenge, ways to save money, frozen ingredients vs fresh
Id: 1wBjGyfN5Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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