100 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft, But I Died

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this is me spending a hundred hours in Minecraft hardcore but I had over a hundred mods installed to the game we're jumping right into it boys we just spawned into this world and I am already seeing a crab this is the beginning of a brand new series I am so pumped for this I honestly can't wait for all the adventures we're gonna have going to the nether going to the end and finding all the things out about all the modifications that are in this game and building the sickest house there's so many things to come in this series but this right here is episode one setting up base camp and seeing where we're gonna live unless I die you guys are probably curious bro why are you doing a hardcore survival series and to be completely honest I miss just playing Minecraft that's it like I just missed the game but looks like we got a sunken ship over here is there like shark in this water because I know there's a lot of modifications I don't know what all the modifications are by the way we are in for a uh a little bit of a surprise whoa what is that is that a tree house freaking tree house okay let's just try to quickly go in here oh I'm gonna drown I'm gonna drown I'm I'm uh I'm not dying on episode one oh it's already night time looks like we're going to this uh Tree House Monument boys I am not about to get blown up by a creeper in the middle of the woods all right so let's throw on some stuff real quick beautiful have my short out I'm ready I'm scared oh what the heck is that is that a flamingo dude look at this freaking tree house are you insane what is this oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no you're shooting at me he's dog water I'm a freaking die in episode one there's no freaking way bro I'm so freaking scared right now let's go okay dude there's so much wood here oh oh oh boy what the heck is that bro I got myself in a bad situation oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no I'm just gonna sit and I'm gonna wait till daytime four hours later the sun is coming up I can um hear some of the mobs burning I'm still terrified oh there's one oh hello my friend yeah come here oh there's another one oh hello other friend get me some more of this wood please oh nope nope nope nope nope oh my gosh oh my gosh this dude's gonna kill me I'm so scared right now I have two freaking hearts and I have nothing do I have anything to eat oh I have some fish let me try to get a little bit more help up real where'd he go he's got he's got okay I'm pretty sure that's the last one I think we're good what's in here oh my God yes I'm just gonna take it all it looks like there's multiple layers to this place this is this is good got some bread let's go ahead and eat up here oh my gosh bro I don't even know what to take and what not to take give me that freaking helmet bro oh look at all these oh bruh oh I'm living here [Music] Shane we're stuck if I die now you guys officially can laugh at me because I really suck at the game we need to find a location for a house right now we're gonna take everything out of this tree house busting all right let me go ahead and convert all these nuggies all right bro we have so much freaking iron I don't even know what to do with it next mission is to find a place for base camp and it's not the street house because I don't like it I want to build my own spot I'm scared I am getting shot at by many things right now okay we're going to just keep running but I really don't want to build in a what the heck is this I don't want to build in a forest like this like I kind of want to be in a different biome what the heck is this it's a bridge why do you need a bridge here ah the Sun is going down again are you freaking serious oh wait this is where we started okay well this sucks is that a temple oh snap there's zombies and I'm next to Lava yeah what is up there bro okay there's there's too much going on here I don't know what is up there but I I want to be up high oh no oh no no no no no no we are not doing that I don't like anything about where I am right now right now I need to be all the way up there you know I'm just gonna start digging I need all this Cobblestone for the house anyways so oh I forgot I have silk touch so it just like turns into standing okay I've gathered many resources and I am now going to build to the top of this thing I can't believe I'm doing this through the night oh no oh no oh I just peed bro don't be doing that I legit oh my gosh okay what is at the top of this hill literally nothing bruh this massive freaking mountain and there's nothing oh I'm getting shot at oh don't do that don't do that sir oh there's two of them I don't I don't like this oh my gosh look at that freaking view I want this view this is where the house is going boys uh before I die I'm gonna build this house look at this freaking view bro right into the valley I'm gonna build the most beautiful freaking house right here what is that what is that oh the tree broke itself oh my gosh I'm so stressed out right now okay hello please don't do that please don't please don't do nope screw this screw this build I'm in a hole now I am not getting out till it's morning voila I am going to sit here until the sun comes up screw that did you see how many mobs are out there imma wait it out bro look it's B dude this piece of land is beautiful it's really messed up right now but we're gonna fix it up don't worry boys I also love how there's like lava at the bottom of this hill I feel like it's like a nice defense these axes die so fast when you mine these trees instantly look at this I can only take down like three or four trees there's a lot of landscaping to do today boys a lot of landscaping uh what is this what the heck is this hello is there like a chest here no that's disappointing yo what is that I didn't even see that is that like an Airship like literally what hold on hold on okay first off this Ravine is sick I'm gonna use this to trap so many mobs yo what yo this hardcore world is sick okay how do I get down here bro could you imagine breaking one of these ladders and falling and dying in Hardcore Minecraft that would not be me I need a freaking water bucket bro I need to like MLG catch myself hello what the heck what's up here I'm scared what the heck is this is there anything in here what the heck oh a mob spawner wonderful oh a bunch of redstone that could be useful why is there so many mob spawners in here I do not like that what the heck is this I'll take this stuff why not bro we could use this for something we're gonna make some sort of trap piston door opening mechanism thinking of bobber oh hello oh oh no nope nope you are not coming out of there my friend all right well uh that was interesting can I take this yep thanks guys oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I am good I can't see anything where's my torches I don't have my torches bro I almost died there I straight up almost died there that would have been death episode one could you imagine episode one and I pretty nine whoa where are you are you coming from okay hold on we need to craft a torch real quick sir I guess all the lights from the Redstone was preventing you guys from spawning I destroyed the lights so that was my fault there was like six of them there goes one I need to be more cautious about these places bro all right let's get out of here bro is that it all right let's skedaddle all right well would you look at that it's night time again yeah yeah I spent some time clearing all of this land here we're gonna build this sick house that looks over this insane view look at how much rainbow wood I have what am I going to do with that all right let's just start by grabbing all the wood that we have the normal wood I'm just trying to use the normal wood this house is not going to be anything like super insane I actually want to make it look really really nice really homey feeling and then the area around it I want to make it insane boom all right so this is going to be the outline of the house it's pretty fat but it's not like a mansion this house is going to require a lot of wood if you can't tell okay and then right here a staircase okay it's gonna be let's just make it two blocks wide I think that's good and then now we can start with the flooring up here on the Second Story I know it looks very confusing what I'm building right now but I promise it'll all make sense in a second I'm also trying to build this before the sun goes down and oh yep where's grid so I continue to build through the entire night and luckily nothing happened no one messed with me but here is what the house looks like in the morning this is what I got so far it really doesn't look like much the bottom story right here is pretty much going to be full of storage and then underneath the house I'm actually going to dig down lower and make a underground kind of base and then this part right here this is going to be an open balcony where we can just see the view and then this is going to be like my actual nice bedroom maybe some armor stands we'll make it fancy but everything else is just kind of storage and chest downstairs for all the resources that we're going to acquire so yeah I'm excited this is going to be sick we're definitely going to need a ton of glass because I'm going to put like all glass right here it's all gonna be glass I'm gonna start digging out this underground portion right here and I also need more Stone so might as well we're gonna have an underground base we're gonna have a wooden base boy this thing's gonna be sick when I'm done with it I said I wasn't gonna build a big house and I somehow ended up building one it's freaking it's kind of it doesn't look that big but like it is just taking so long bro all right before the sun goes down I really want to try to get a ton of sand and and wood so let's get it this is not good boys I did not bring any food I have one apple okay great and we're walking down in the forest at night I hear a zombie where is he I'm getting shot at I'm getting shot at get out get out get out get out run it's a baby it's a baby I'm out I'm out I'm out nope nope nope this is not sit oh there is sand here okay I was about to say there's freaking snow here not sand this is gonna be all the glass for the windows so I think I'm gonna need literally every single piece of sand that I see in front of me okay I think that might be enough sand ladies and gentlemen I think we are chill hello sir I'm gonna go the other way oh nope nope nope nope nope go go go go go go oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no go go go go go go build build how am I still getting shot at how am I still getting shot at okay we're back baby we're back oh yeah here we go back at the crib what's up there's some skellies here what's up what's up what's up what's up oh freaking skeleton oh no oh no no no no no no no oh no no no I will not tolerate that I will not tolerate that I don't think I've ever been more scared of my life oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys are not allowed up here anymore this is a uh contaminated Eric how how did you do that how did you do that how did you do that oh my God oh my God oh my God we're good okay they still got up here it's fine please don't do that that's very rude okay I think we're chill I think we are chill I just need to smelt all of this freaking sand that's that's gonna take a while things are finally starting to move along a little bit I am almost done with these floors here I've dug a massive freaking hole down here to start on our underground base later and boom voila the bottom story floors are done check it out so pretty much everything here is just going to be glass I don't know if I'm gonna hate it or love it and then we go upstairs we got that patio I talked about and then this is kind of like the nice this is like my room it's gonna be nicely decorated and then bottom is just straight storage straight usefulness there's like an underground layer in there I I don't know what we're gonna put here but the good thing is we have a lot of room to just like expand and do whatever we want um let's start putting down some of this glass why don't we we're definitely gonna need a lot more glass though so that kind of sucks but it is what it is oh don't you come in here boy are you a zombie you ain't coming in here I'm closing up this house yeah we closed up for business now wait I don't have a way out of here that's whatever I'll figure it out all right so let's start putting down some of these chests because I think you guys will kind of get it once you see what I'm doing here on all these pillars right here we're gonna have chess re-double chests on each one this is sick we're finishing off this glass let's go oh all right bottom story is done I mean the the the structure oh bro look at the side of this house bro it's beautiful it's so pretty it's so I'm so I'm so proud of myself I'm so proud look at that look at that that's that's me that's me I did that with my my hands I think we're gonna make another entrance right here why not I think it deserves a chance here we go all right Mr furnace I am going to have to politely ask you to leave got two iron doors boom boom now I don't know how to open them that's okay oh we got 50 more pieces of glass let's go okay we can definitely finish off this part oh my gosh I gotta build a freaking roof too are you insane we're gonna give this boy fully sealed up today it's not gonna be furnished I'm sorry that is well that is gonna take way too long but we are gonna get this house fully sealed up it is going to be a home even though I haven't gotten a single piece of wool so I can't even make a bed but that is okay that is okay as long as we have this big old house that is all right at least it's better than nothing right and we also don't want to get rain dogs that's why we're sealing this bad boy up yo this is sick this is is this not cool like look let's look at the vision all right let's let's look at it that that's pretty sick okay once we get all the glass in there I like it I like it it's a nice place wanted it to be kind of cozy I like all of the wood wait till we do all the landscaping around here oh my gosh this place is gonna be so sick okay I really like need some food like legit hello sheep how are you all doing um I actually need you for a bed as well yep thank you yep thank you all right let's try to get some more sand and not die guess we'll go down the same way we came last time there was still some sand over there still some sand on the other side as well hello Flamingo are you having a nice day that's that's great that's fabulous oh bruh nope nope nope nope we going together wait we going the other way that's why I don't like being in the forest bro I need a lot of sand bro I can't find like these little patches and it's gonna take me forever to mine underwater oh no oh no no bro absolutely not absolutely not sir I I don't mess with you all no thank you I do not negotiate with with you what are you doing why are you okay where'd the other one go I'm scared oh he's right up there you know I'm just gonna make a run for it do I have enough I have enough sand I think we're good no no no no no no no no no stop it stop it stop it right now oh no oh no oh no oh no go go go go go go all right I gotta get all the way back up there bro and I gotta do it without dealing with any of you annoying people I swear if a creeper lands on my freaking head bro okay hello sir there's a Skelly hello my friend please stay over there please stay over there I'm just gonna go inside I'm just trying to get home I'm just trying to get home I'm just trying to get home please stop it please stop it please stop it your dog water Dollar Tree headset okay here we are there's so much work to get done [Music] bro I literally did I not say that I should have put torches on the roof because I knew mobs would spawn up there I should put a lot of torches up here though this is a fat roof I don't have any torches all right we'll come back oh my God oh my God oh my God I decided to make an entirely new world and we're starting over but I already built a house so basically we're right where we left off in today's episode I figured we would go out and explore see what we can find and hopefully not die was that a deer behind me hello are you scared of me are you spinning like that are you excited to see me I have not explored much of this land around me at all oh what is this this is a well oh there's a barrel oh oh wait it just disappeared when I clicked on it but oh I'm holding it wait you can do that since when can you hold blocks like this oh I just put it back down wait what what just happened okay whatever whatever I just heard something snoring what is that is that a freaking grizzly bear he snored do you hear that listen listen he's literally snoring I'm just gonna let him be I do not want that dude to wake up I am encountering high levels of lag through this massive Force bro look at these freaking trip that boys where do I even go I feel like I need a boat what is that this is the pirate ship that I already took down very proud of myself for doing that what is that is that snake you're gonna hurt me you're kind of cute oh oh oh nope nope nope I'm out why is it already dark bro is it still chasing me nah we're good MLG what's up oh it's a Pillager Outpost what the heck was that is that a seal oh my gosh I love this game it might indeed be a bad idea to go over here but you know what if we die again I'll just start another brand new world I'm just kidding if we die again this series is actually over hello who goes there hello Mr zombie okay nope I'm out not even gonna do it that's a creeper that's a creeper that's for killing outside there's probably that same one there's another I am freaking scared for my life you know what I'm just gonna go sit in my house till morning Falls up there's skeleton I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead clutch sweet dreams it's morning good morning you're dying now it is now time to go on a long exploration goodbye home whoa what is that is that a house bro there's so many structures yo look at this I almost died look at this it's like a little log cabin in the middle of the oh excuse me sir are you stuck under the eyes that sucks it's like a village but it's not a oh there's lava okay anyone home hello wait I should just make this my home oh bro this is beautiful all right we're moving we're moving why am I even living where we're living this is our new house boys it's already has as a fireplace as a bed and it's freaking it's 10 times better what I could have built on the road again look at this giant mushroom bro what the heck is going on here I just love exploring at the beginning of the series because you find so much cool stuff like this and plus we have so many mods so it's like stuff I've never seen before what the heck is that okay you guys don't look very nice oh there's another oh geez okay okay oh oh my bro what is going on there has to be something good up here because the fact that all of y'all have Enchanted armor is a little insane to me oh my gosh look at how many there is that is insane look at how many freaking mobs there are bro I don't know if I should go to the top because what if there's even more up there do I still have that bed can I sleep what if I put it up really high I want to try to sleep it off and maybe a lot of these mobs will die but then again they also have helmets so they might not even die bro bro there's got to be like 50 of them there must be some insane loot up here okay I can sleep yes all right okay let's go turn into daytime I don't think any of these guys are gonna die they all have freaking helmets oh my gosh all right boys here goes nothing I am so freaking scared right now my goal is just not to die all right that's that's the number one goal here obviously that's the number one goal is this a good idea is this like you all think this is a good idea oh bro there's no freaking way this is a good idea how do I even begin getting in here should I just dig through the side or something what if I dig from the bottom there's so many oh my gosh all right I got an idea we're gonna get in this place there has to be some freakini absurd Loot and also we got some decent armor like I think we'll be chilling all right let's try to like sneak in through the back bro oh I'm so scared I am so scared I don't know if this is the best idea oh did you just fall oh nice hello hello guys hello oh my gosh oh my gosh they're freaking op they are freaking op oh my gosh okay I'm just knocking them all to the bottom they're all falling to the bottom down here [Music] the amount of mobs I hear I am so freaking scared right now I don't think you guys understand okay what if we just try to dig all the way to the top I think that's not a bad idea oh we got something I'm scared oh my God I'm so scared okay okay there's one right there okay what is it what is in this chest that's it show me where the goods are at nothing what the heck is that you stuck down there buddy look at all these guys below me look at this look at this okay some of them are shooting each other honestly let them shoot each other this is great oh my gosh look at how many there is if one of them shoot me down I am screwed there is like some barrels and some double chests down here bro there has to be something insane watch it be nothing okay I'm gonna die I'm literally gonna die okay here's what I say we do I'm gonna make the jump I'm gonna make the jump oh no oh I almost missed that look at all of them coming after me bro these are just the ones on the bottom we're gonna gear up and we're gonna come back to this place if I would have fallen right there and all those skeletons I would have died instantly there's so much wheat should I taste some of this I definitely should oh what is that oh oh no oh no no no oh no no no wait is this like a Pillager Outpost we are gonna come back to this as well why are you so fast the amount of stuff I'm finding but I can't conquer it I just don't have enough armor I need like a bow we should probably figure out how to get home and I don't know to get home bro bro what is this that looks like there would be a warden down there I am not going down there right now okay boys we have made it to our second home right here let's go uh I forgot there's lava here gonna go around legit this is gonna be my new home legit and I'm gonna prove it to you guys on how this is gonna be my new home first off let me get in here before I die all right so let's go ahead and drop off a ton of this stuff we're gonna clean this place up you know get the cobwebs out of the corners make it look all nice the second story is really nice too clean up this a little bit you know fix the holes in the roof oh wow whoa whoa all right well I guess I am not living here anymore wait I should probably take my stuff back okay are you freaking serious bro I was excited to live here I was so hyped all right and we should probably get out of here it's fine it's fine everything's fine we'll find another house nice desert temple okay okay should we go in there I think we should why are you angry it is literally morning time why would you do that okay oh the block just activated the TNT okay oh no oh no no no no no no dude why do I suck at this game so much we're gonna dig out of here not dealing with those guys today that is a tomorrow thing that is not a today thing I'm gonna take a lot of y'all's farming by the way don't mind if I do the snake okay anyways all right we're doing this boys we're raiding this we're right in this well I'm just gonna go all the way to the top I can hear them loud and clear where are they okay I actually don't see anyone up here okay this is good this is good oh I see a chest over there what's in the chest is that a bow oh oh y'all are done you're done bro nope you're done this bow have Infinity on it oh it has Infinity oh my gosh oh my gosh like some of this stuff I'm gonna have to leave behind and this is just the top layer all right should we dip down I don't know if there's anything good down here I don't see any loot but I see a ton of mobs honestly it's not worth it I don't think it's worth it I think we should just let's just go to the next one this is gonna be the hardest battle by far I don't even know how I'm gonna do this honestly I already see him up there okay y'all are already mad I get it these guys do not mess around bro oh oh you wanna fight you want a tussle I just need to get rid of the skeletons I'm more worried about the skeletons than anything else oh no oh no oh no no no no I'm out no sir I think we're gonna go up the same path we kind of took last time pretty much gonna build all the way to the top and then just turn around and drop some TNT on these two tens oh my gosh y'all see that y'all freaking see that oh we gotta go all the way to the top okay here we are all right hello hello we're good okay cool okay hello my friends hello where are y'all if everyone could just come over here please oh oh my God oh my God oh my God we're freaking good don't ask me how I know I'm good I need some protection for my fall okay I'm just gonna knock these guys out with this bow I was gonna drop TNT on their heads I mean we'll do it to some of these other guys I thought that TNT was gonna be hilarious okay I think we got them all all right moment of truth what's in these are you freaking serious is it literally just iron ore you have got to be joking oh never mind protection two on breaking two you know I'm just gonna put these on right now I'm just goofing new boot goofing I'm gonna replace my pickaxe bro I don't even know what to take I can only take so much okay I'm definitely gonna come back for more but okay more diamonds protection four uh yeah are these bombs what the heck okay wait I gotta try this can I just throw them is that how this works oh snap oh that's literally how it works oh my gosh that was actually sick I'm scared because I don't know what else is down here let's go down very slowly hello no one else there we go nice nice this is insane bro look at this freaking loot there's so much of it too I don't know where any of these guys are oh okay it's a normal skeleton I freaked out there for a sec some more bombs I like these Bombs all right it's starting to become nighttime too so I'm getting a little more worried about exploring the rest of this place honestly it's kind of what I expected with the amount of mobs that were guarding this place uh I don't think there's anything too good here I think we got all the Dank stuff that is insane bro look at the armor I have I have protection to I'm breaking two protection for and breaking three fire protection Thorns protection 4 I'm breaking three respiration three and then my sword is sharpness three I got a power five flame Infinity bow I have a fortune 2 efficiency three on breaking three and curse of Vanishing pickaxe like how does it get better than that I think we're chilling bro that is insane okay all right we need to go dump this stuff off at our house all right let's see if I can make the jump again y'all think I can do it uh that was sketchy last time ready oh oh look at how many zombies and mobs bro what oh yeah I'm out I am out of here bro but always insane one shot kill on that creeper still more of their stuff just because I can uh get away from me creeper you can probably still kill me which is ridiculous if we look in this house this house is almost gone bro what these houses are rigged with traps that's kind of insane look it even closed the door behind me well never mind I don't think we're gonna live here it is a nice looking house though I really want to live in one of these like structure homes I mean they're so pretty why would I not just move all my stuff in there the house I built literally looks like a doo-doo Shack all right we have made it we've made it back to our Voodoo looking house aren't those other houses literally so much more beautiful than this bro so we got 13 diamonds 41 pieces of gold looks like we got a couple stacks of iron plenty of armor 13 diamonds we're chilling not bad all right so I'm gonna take a fat nap I think our next step is to find where a new house is going to be I think we got a bunch of our important stuff so we are going to move houses all right this boy gonna be gone I'm just gonna walk for as far as I can I'm not gonna stop until we find the perfect house where we can set up new cams so I kept walking for hundreds and hundreds of blocks and I eventually found this this is the perfect home it is freaking beautiful other than spiders look at the water it's Crystal Blue but look at this house this is the house right here it's beautiful it has a view of the water check out the inside it definitely needs some improvement but that's what's gonna make this project fun we're gonna build a massive underground base and after we build a massive underground base we can build tunnels that go under here and we can build underwater houses in here as well that is going to be sick but at the same time the area is just beautiful like there's this really nice Bridge there's also is it excuse me sir no no no please don't do that please this is oh my gosh I'm almost freaking dead no no no no no okay okay okay we're good sorry almost died and lost the entire series look at the land over here like I think I'm gonna leave all this stuff here I think I'm just gonna clean it up a little bit but like there's this little tent here there's a campfire like this is actually sick okay okay we probably need to get rid of the Pillager infestation but we'll work on that bro look at this there's like freaking 10 of them in the water you know just doing some housekeeping on the new house okay there has to be like a spawner what's going on in here okay yep that's your home all right I get it now I get it now just doing some pest control that's all the good thing is I have an insanely powerful bow that now has half its durability I think we got rid of most of them this is our new home we need to do a ton of landscaping but we should drop off all the stuff we have now and then go back and grab all our other stuff we're back baby let's go this is the new home I'm so excited we're gonna make a whole chess organization room we're gonna make an underground part of the base we're also gonna make underwater parts of the base we're gonna prep today to fight the Ender Dragon hold on is that a excuse me sir um you can't park there yep thank you give me that XP what I was saying is since we have Minecraft over a hundred mods there is a special sin sinusite Diamond Tool or diamond sword that we can get it's like a super op version of diamond tools that can't be burned by lava and have extreme attack damage Step One is we need to find diamonds first and then we can transform them into the synanite diamond stuff I'm gonna be on the lookout for like a cave entrance and oh what is that what are you is that a pig anyways oh snap oh snap we about to take a water slide into this cave system oh let's go that's actually so cool why did I grab potatoes out of all the things I could have eaten I mean I gotta get rid of them eventually right oh my gosh boys look at this freaking Cave System get out of my face oh my God if I don't find diamonds in here I'm gonna cry I'm so glad I have this Bow by the way there is a lot of mobs down here so that is uh something to be very uh careful on I think I'm going to just dig down let's try this probably not my smartest idea actually this is my smartest idea oh hello oh hello okay gotta keep going hello I'm looking for the diamonds don't see any probably not low enough oh I think I see diamonds dude this place is huge job look at how many diamonds there is bro and I have Fortune 2 on this pickaxe I freaking love modded Minecraft oh my gosh yes yes how many diamonds was that with the fortune to 20 diamond S I am in heaven right now we're up there oh my God hello diamonds how's it going oh thank you you guys have a wonderful day now 36. anymore I see more is there more in the ceiling too let's grab these boys okay I think I might have a stack of diamonds like legit let's check it hold on oh the next thing we need to acquire is the sensenessa site it says actually stop it how the heck do I even get out of here I don't even remember where I came in why do potatoes take so long to eat I'm never taking potatoes on this adventure ever again yeah could you imagine oh my gosh could you imagine when I got up and both those creepers just explode in my face like what happened last time I would have cried where am I this is not where I was before I found the sky it's dark outside boys we are freaking loaded my dude all right so what we need to do next is we need to make a portal where should I make this portal I feel like I don't want to make it like right next to my house it's kind of weird oh oh my gosh I'm so scared for my life I'm scared I'm gonna put myself 360 no scope 360 no scope dog water [Music] okay poor Charles portal time all right let's see if I remember how to make one of these boys boom baby let's go so this is where we are going to get the sin sinusite to upgrade our diamond tools that we're gonna craft we just gotta find it that's all wow wait I spawned in a freaking Forge oh you've got to be kidding me I'm uh currently peaking max level stress right now the whole series will be over if I fall right now it would be it would be over I'm not going to fall not right now maybe later not right now all right I'm going to make a staircase down here oh my God gosh I almost walked up bro oh you jump for it what are these weird mushroom things all right here we go okay I'm still alive be gone whatever you are watch it explode I don't even know what this stuff is oh oh what is that is that like the blaze God over there no idea where I'm going look at this it doesn't look like another Fortress we are going over to that little city boys that might be the place where we get the Cincinnati I have no idea we about to find out could you imagine it's just like a blaze shoots me off I'm trying to build as fast as I can oh my gosh this could be the end of the episode right now literally right now if I fall off hello what is this wow this looks very this looks very fancy what is this can I take this oh my gosh what is that is that a totem oven dying oh oh this incentive site this is it oh no way I wait I just destroyed their statue should I put it back I feel like I should put it back this is where we get the Sensen aside I have no idea where it is it just like chilling in the chest no but we do need these as well oh my gosh everything is so beautiful in here I feel like there's gonna be like a boss in here I'm scared oh enchanting table oh with books and everything oh this is too good to be true I feel like something's going to attack me there's going to be like some super powerful dude chilling upstairs what is this oh I found it boys the Cincinnati ingots that's the weirdest looking chest ever it looks like a mailbox I need to find more of those oh hello staying warm by the fire that's nice should I take this yeah I'm a snatch this yeah I'm just gonna snatch all this we're gonna make this back at the house what's up bro how's it going you good yeah me too all right we got 48 books Let's Go boys no forget it I'm gonna take the statue I want it I'll put it in my house dude this place is massive look it look it keeps going oh [Music] okay okay I you know I didn't really think you would be that rude but if you oh my oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I straight up almost peed myself I thought it was dead I straight up almost okay yeah I think it's time for me to leave this place go go go go go go go get me out of here bro oh oh my gosh this is too much this is too much I need like a security system on my house we gotta make the enchantment room this is about to be sick I say we make it upstairs this place needs more lanterns it's freaking dark in here dude oh yeah that's nice oh okay what are the cobwebs too what are the cobwebs doing dog yeah that's nice I'm gonna like drop the lantern like right there yeah that's nice we can also move this over house we're innovation dog we leave me right wow wow wait why is this place looking so nice this boy goes right there oh my gosh that's sick look at all that freaking knowledge just feeding into that boy hold on hold on oh yeah What freaking go dude looking like a palace it's time to craft this boy let's do it all right so we also need diamonds as well so let's grab some of these step one we're just gonna make a sincennesite pickaxe and then we add the diamonds to it and it oh my gosh the obsidian breaker number three okay we got the Cincinnati sword oh I did it oh oh boy can you make a sense ax yes you can can we turn it into diamonds yes we can let's try these new tools and see what they can do so this is the diamond ax okay very nice let's try the pickaxe oh okay not bad but the moment of truth let's try the sword because this is what I'm going to be fighting the Ender Dragon with and I'm pretty sure we can still enchant this by the way this is not even Enchanted and also we need to make armor as well hello is there anyone in the woods that wants to die hello no one really seems to be out to play today huh oh hello Mr Cow oh I missed can't be doing that on the Ender Dragon okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right so two hits honestly it's kind of like a diamond sword but when we enchant this boy I mean look at this this has eight and a half attack damage with no enchantments this boy about to be busting it is time to enchant these tools and see what this enchanting table all about boy I'm scared sharpness too okay so all these are sharpness too I'm gonna take this one I guess now we're at 10 attack damage that's not bad let's hit the ax let's do it just for fun efficiency do efficiency too okay that's not bad not bad should we try to combine these boys this will be sharpness 2 and fire aspect I'm gonna call this sword my bare hands yes and now I have no freaking enchantment levels and I haven't even done my armor
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 1,192,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft but, minecraft ultrahardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 1000 hours, minecraft 1000 days
Id: 0xnF5RHQclE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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