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[Music] i don't know what we're hitting bro that's what we ran over it's a monster truck so we are going to spend 24 hours in the sherp however we might need to hop outside because we got to fill it with gas might need to go get groceries this thing isn't really street legal so i don't know how we're going to do that we'll think of something we got 24 hours we have made it here to the unspeakable half court what we're going to do is james is on top he's going to try to make a basketball shot and if he does make a basketball shot i'll give him a thousand dollars but i'm going to be doing donut let's do it ready james yeah do you want more than one ball not right now cuz i'm gonna make it on the first shot am i supposed to shoot do i shoot make the shot make this shot i made it let me back in the car all right do it again all right so to be fair james did make a shot so i'll give him a thousand bucks wait what yes basketball hold on hold on we have one more thing for james oh right yeah yeah bring it up bring it up we have fishing with basketball how am i supposed to hand this out i don't really know it has a fish on the end so it's heavy all right good luck try to make that shot and i'll double your money [Music] oh that's pretty close [Music] it's probably about to break that fishing pole come on it's right there yeah he made it oh it broke well james congratulations on to our next adventure all right james where's he going probably towards that land right there dude it's so steep okay hold on hold on hold on cameraman we're going down why is that always the sketchiest thing how's it going up there boys bro that was scary yeah that was fun dude i'm underneath the chair is sitting on me the opposite of cherries let's hope i remember this don't catch completely wrong you'll get it glad we have these hats hats on hats merch on merch brand new merch did you guys even see this drop you probably weren't paying attention stop you're dripping that on my new merch yeah you're glad you have your hat stop it it's soaking wet chill i gotta get a hand on it alright you ready hey that looks better oh that was actually pretty good my yellow so how does it close when i pull it i don't see anything in there nothing empty net we got the chairs got some hats on top that's our bait that's a rubber fish on top of the tank it says subscribe and it's in giant claw marks so if you guys could do me a favor and click that subscribe button for more content like this on the channel maybe next week we'll buy a submarine really yeah it is on the list that'd be cool all right james here's the deal you're a fisherman you're good at fishing if you catch something then i will congratulate you with hand claps that's it i'm not going to give you anything else make me proud son catch me that six pound grouper bro oh sorry i'm still trying to catch a fish i bet it's been like 45 minutes apologies patience is key my god just enjoy the sounds of the birds it doesn't help when you drive through their home with a giant tank that is true fair enough right the neck yeah you catch fish yes okay well there it is i see it i got it i got it all right it's coming up right here take your left bring him in there it is cute there you go oh no that is slippery now we have a fish we can put them in our fishing bowl oh what's up little buddy that's a beautiful fish wow what an incredible species all right we're catching release you want to give them a kiss i ain't giving them a kiss good luck nope that's good you're ready all right boys we're on top of the tank right now it's moving this is survival where are we going i don't know never been on top of the tank while it's moving so hold on that's all i gotta say like a lot when we get on land hold on all right well hopefully i don't drop the camera how am i supposed to hold this we're gonna cross the road and then go over to the beach here we go boys i'm holding on bro i'm trying to hold this camera for you guys too oh my gosh oh oh rule you're like standing on the bar i'm literally standing up right now just keep swimming on to the beach i feel like a giant roly-poly it's a beetle dress i literally feel like a giant cockroach just sliming over all of the land are you surfing yeah tell me if we're gonna hit the bumps i might fall we might go in the water no i think we're going in the water yep we're going in the water again oh that never feels right i feel like we're just gonna dive in and sink one day we might one day honestly all right boys we're playing golf not just golf we're playing topgolf targets in the ground over there going to get a little nice swing oh wait it's falling practice swings it went super it was just a practice oh oh you hit it oh too much power and too much to the right thank you spotter you're welcome step in with the ball just hit it yeah a little bit more power on that one you want more power oh no don't grab the driver i'm gonna duck my head on this one all the power might as well more power all the power oh no not the lid oh that was solid yeah oh oh oh that was so close yo maybe you should try and attack this big allen yo you're not even getting close now are you even trying that was better bro i just want to make one hit it harder oh hit it harder what am i hit two at once maybe we need to play baseball you know stop it wait he's gonna pitch you a ball yeah are you ready i missed where did that miss i missed okay you ready here use this one all right ready watch out james we can still try all right ready oh i think it disintegrated yeah yeah we made it we're so good at this guys let's go find something to eat stop it oh what just pops up yeah can we go get some like actual toilet paper running out you see boys we haven't really driven anywhere yet i mean we are in a tank so i suppose we could do that but first we need gas we are almost all the way on empty so we need to get gas and then might as well while we're out we'll get food we can also stop by the store maybe pick up some tvs some televisions you know the playstation haven't we done this already i don't know we wouldn't be just sitting there oh boy i know why because you see this tank is not exactly legal on the street oh here we go it does have turn signals but there's no registration it's illegal you don't need that but it's not illegal if you have a police escort can we get one i can try okay let me make some phone calls not doing anything else all right boys we're gonna go across the water we're exiting the island house and we're going to get gasoline also we do have burn signals right here and we also have a horn so that's good uh we're sinking climbing after the water i slid down the sea so we actually did get a police escort i can't believe we're about to drive this thing on the road i can't wait to see people's reactions i'm turning as hard as i can oh no we're gonna have so much trouble in the gas station well i thought this mirror was that side again [Music] i yeah we're literally only going about 10 miles per hour right now don't forget your turn take them on speak oh yeah he's blocking the road we're actually on their own i hope we get some new subs for this because we're like sponsored on the side of the tape oh hey we're getting pulled over are we really yeah look there's a cop behind us he's escorting us thought that my tank would get a police escort so we can get some gasoline what is this [Music] all right boys we've made it to the gas station i also don't know what side the fuel tank is on we'll find out you guys want to go look real quick i'm gonna get some gas yeah let's do it honestly this thing is so convenient i could drive it every day hey boys should we get a car walk um do you think it'll fit yeah i don't think it was yeah i think the bigger question is can we get this gas lift all right i'm gonna try it out try it it's like ripped bro what it's not that hard all right let's just i'll take turns till we get it i guess right is it like the pickle jars this is like the strongest pickle jar i've ever seen in my life this is one big pickle jar how many pickles do you think are in here i want you guys to take a guess the tank right now is about a quarter way empty so i want you to guess how many gallons we're about to put in this bad boy [Music] didn't work why not it's supposed to work boys did you get it i got it did you get it i got it okay it's good why were you so hard okay grab some gas all right boys fuel's going in i have no idea how long we're going to be here filling this thing up how many gallons are you going to guess you might go with 30 gallons 30 that's a little yeah i was going to go with like 45 or like all right boys how many gallons do you think it is 45 37. i said 30. come over here let's look how big it is 10 gallons that's it this thing is fuel efficient so basically this thing burns a gallon per hour so if we have 10 gallons of gas we can run this thing for 10 hours straight all right now we're ready to get some food this thing's not the easiest to drive on concrete it's not really made for it everyone's waving at us they love this thing you don't see this every day yeah we're about to go through a red light but we got a police escort sorry guys i know you're trying to get your kids to school just trying to get some food down yo what do you think people are thinking you're seeing like a dragon beetle coming down the road no look at this car he stopped yeah that's my snack he said no yeah back [ __ ] up we're delivering our packages today all this just to go get some fast food there it is eight point turn into the drive-through that you never hit that on your driving test did we fit yeah we didn't even hit it what do you guys want barbecue chicken strips all right that's it i don't know if they got it but i said it i hope they get you savings all right how's it going stop don't mind me sorry i just had to buy a tank all right well we're just waiting on our food after this we should go over to the grocery store and maybe buy like a grill yeah maybe like a tv we're gonna make some hot dogs we're gonna be in here for a while so might as well get some entertainment going no you think we should connect with the xbox i'm not playing split screen all right here's our food hello how's it going got the food all right thank you to the grocery store we'll need to go get me some food because they forgot my sandwich really i guess i didn't scream it loud enough i mean you did scream it when she was talking i'm sorry got napkins for you guys they forgot his sandwich we're running through the grocery store now still got the police i scored we're gonna go pick up some goodies on your ride again oh no he's staying back there no stop signs for us boys thank you officer pulling into our parking spot right now you better get between the lines we got curbside pickup so they should bring us all our stuff in about 30 minutes take forever oh hello yeah yeah that does oh yeah what'd you put on that shopping cart i don't know i got us like grilling materials and popcorn honestly i don't remember is that a video game uh i think it was a movie oh it's smart so smart give me toilet paper see james didn't get his toilet paper they forgot his order of what a burger i'm sorry it's not my fault i'm just driving back to that i'm just house we got food we got groceries we got gasoline okay fourth gear i wanna feel like big diesel at this speed we can probably hit the highway oh we're gonna do it in space time continue on we're going like what 24. i'm probably going like 25 miles per hour right now that's about this next speed we're going 14 miles per hour you want to see some real speed why is that truck stopping keep going oh we hit the gate oh we didn't yeah there's a tire mark across the gate all right boys we're playing hide and seek i'm the seeker in the tank i can't find you i'm right here you're hiding it's funnier than i thought yeah that's why i stopped you guys five minutes to hide and i'm gonna come find you in the tank okay just don't run us over okay i'm covering my eyes i'm not looking five minutes let's go i'm gonna hide in that monster truck that one right there that we've run over multiple times it's probably not the best idea oh it's been raining for many days almost choked and drowned on my own saliva so what's your idea it's like straight from me tell me you were gonna go hide in the house i'm gonna go hide it in a shed oh not the actual and hopefully he doesn't run it over oh i see ducks ducks oh yeah yeah if i could get in that pipe that would be like overkill but it runs you over oh what you mean sorry i have mud on my own shoes kind of my fake malicious okay this is where we part ways say less bye we probably have like three minutes left yeah honestly it is i think i'm gonna go hide in the trunk of the ultimate there he goes sorry for everyone that's watching this video if it looks like i'm walking weird because i i hit late day the other day and i'm dying all right so this is where i am and it's slippery welcome to unspeakable barn i'll [Music] all right so there's this little house that's some equipment in it probably some spiders and i'll probably just hide in here it's kind of dark so i guess i have to leave the door open for you guys so you can see me smells weird in here what is that that's a spider there's like four of them i'm just gonna stand right here and hopefully nathan doesn't run the shed over yeah that would not be good time to go find these boys put in first gear honk horn okay well i heard the honks where is he there he is and the search starts so we want to look around the property we want to check into any trees oh is that a monster truck oh hi whoa do you think anyone's in this mud puddle nope i don't think so i will find you and i will never stop i love hiding in a shed with a bunch of spiders i don't think we've ever played hide and seek outside here okay i don't see him i think i'm okay there's spiders in there and there's fresh air out here all right so if i was james i would hide in the tree and then i'll just knock it over where are you james come here i wonder where james went if i had to guess james might be in a tree oh i hear him he's on the other side of that hill so i'm gonna go back inside with the spiders if i was gay but where would i be honestly no idea gabe probably cheated and he's probably hiding inside okay i'm closing the door let's see if you can see him drive by he stopped outside of the shed boy i think someone's in there i don't know if he can see him but he's right there i'm gonna huff hand puff and i'm gonna blow your house down if you don't come out i see the door moving i'm pretty sure someone no you don't oh there he is i'm coming there's so many spiders in here don't think i will knock that house down you're not gonna do it you're not gonna do it you won't do it get out i found you no i gave you five bucks five bucks five bucks in a smoothie or a snow cone i'm coming oh that's a big tree you stalled it that tree's too big i can't knock down this one all right fine you can stay and i'm not gonna knock down your shed because it's surrounded by these big trees that i can't knock down but i did find you yeah you did find me wait can i come with you now it's time to find james i guess he's going to leave me take me with you we're on the hot looking for james i have no idea where he is i suppose we'll have to drive across the water he's turning towards water ain't gonna find me and this is how we do it wow oh i didn't think that was going to hit me in the head as you can see we're in the back of an ultima we're trying to get like a golden hour look right now that's the zoo [Music] keep going i have no idea where james is it's also raining but we're gonna try to find him he ain't getting away oh it's raining i love the sun during so nice people usually tell me they're like the rain it's sad because you can't go outside there's no sun oh you just get sad i'm like not me i'll go outside during the prank i could play in some puddles put a fold-out chair out there and sit in it that's poop water i don't know where this boy's at but i'm going to find him yeah yeah gotta find you james i don't know where you are but i'm gonna find you when i find you i don't know what i'm gonna do i think this is gonna be my new profile pic right here that's a treat there's a lot of places that you could hide over here i'm not seeing anything unless he's down here all right we're going on foot i'm looking for james i don't know if that's how the rules work but we're going james where are you buddy i want to go your cats gabe just said he wants to glue my head baby oh i'm getting tired in here do you think he's in the fridge no oh this is kind of nice you think he's in a tree we haven't really been looking up have we we can check the trash you know what i think i know exactly where this man is he's in that car how much you want to bet you see him do you think keys are over here is there a button back here these are over here there he is is he in there no way like that bro it's a good thing we didn't run it over if you guys want to see us take that for a card go watch our second channel it's a convertible unspeakable 2.0 go subscribe you want me to grab it it's your turn a little throwback i don't know if you guys remember the first video james was ever in we played jenga this is how i know what happens if i slowly crap don't stop stop it's your turn you go get your brand new and speakable dad ads well they've upgraded their jenga set now knocking this one over oh i still knock that one over i don't doubt you just pick up now we're moving boys it's actually holding up pretty well i'm not touching it i actually slowed down maybe we should play no more ice cream sandwiches oh you won't play again i dare you to try to stack up that jingle set while i'm driving all right see how many layers hold up i dare you just try to draw a stick figure with a house all right boys you got your paint brushes yeah i'm ready we're gonna start off the roller coaster ride very very calm and then we'll go up into second gear third gear fourth gear and um yeah i would hold on to that yeah all right first gear all right uh stick figure great looking pretty good i think we can go up to second gear wow are these trees in front of me oh it's a big tree i'm sorry my side well i can't i had a big tree yeah i don't care reverse is pretty brutal too oh you're trying to hit that giant tree nah i'm good what's wrong with you to the beach okay yeah it looks pretty good that was the person this was the ground that was the house it messed the sky i'm impressed never again pushed his knee what that's right i'm bleeding oh no it's just pink it's the italian flag it's a lamborghini look at all it boys stop stop we are having dinner in the unspeakable tank and james is going to be driving us this evening you already lost the soap bro i found a taco [Music] oh this password i got onions no baby we literally don't have any more food that's it don't do this at home give me that taco i didn't even get knives hey there's popcorn we got onions no one told me we had funyuns wow these are pretty good [Music] it's night time we're insanely bored cooped up in this super tiny little tank but honestly i will say we literally got an xbox we don't even know how to play i play too much minecraft i'm good it's all you guys i'll hop in on some um here you need some bubbles in your life no i don't know no i don't you're literally going to ruin the xbox oh yeah right we'll stop throwing all the bubbles on the xbox we'll stop blowing all the bubbles on the other side on the electrical outlet you are something all right boys we're driving over to the beach that is where we are going to set up camp i'm not gonna lie driving this thing at night is pretty cool [Applause] [Music] i think right here is about dude set up camp boys and let's uh make some stories we got hot dogs we got corn we need ours we got it all we cooking on top of the tank and look it still says subscribe right there oh yeah it does do you see that and believe it or not most of you guys haven't subscribed i'm cooking on top of a tank with grizzlies and marshes and corn and you haven't even subscribed are you kidding me i'm doing this for y'all's entertainment and our hunger click that subscribe button it's free you know i think your glizzy's uh burning yo you burned in the glitch what do you mean yo what do you have in tinfoil you can't do that it's going to catch on fire no you can't microwave tinfoil this is not a microwave obviously you're wrong yo do you ever cook up s'mores in the microwave these kind of melted a little bit boys i've told nathan put it in the oven all i'm saying is it's late at night and after i cook this more i'm going to bed i think the fire's out yeah listen the smartest thing is toast your graham crackers then you put on your hershey's and marshmallows i've never heard of anyone toasting a graham cracker i might have to try that yeah we're all ready we got the the grammy we got the marshy and you know what else we got i think we're losing our minds you need one to lose weight this could not be this much tell me if that marshmallow one two bucks how much is one to that this is a ten really really good honestly oh you guys don't even get dark chocolates milk chocolate this is the greatest part of this video eat it eat the whole thing yeah [Music] don't stop i already know what you're doing oh dude i'm sorry i got s'more on you do you want yo yo yo did the moon out is there even a moon there's a star that's good enough right i actually don't even i don't think there's a moon no it must be a full moon tonight that's the one you can't no he requested yeah you want me to clear some space for you oh no it's all on him no i requested it like for one of you two to do it oh it's like can i get a horn hold on i don't know if i can teach you to wait ready i don't know if i can go you should like [Music] yo we're losing our mind we're slapping each other with hot dogs this is time for bed do you want a hot dog i have a tent bro that's messed up man man just wait till you fall asleep tonight you might got lizzie on the stick stop it was hot all right where's that i've gone to bed gordon [Music] i give you a hot one stop it we're supposed to eat the hot dogs i'm going to bed i'm going to get my tent oh hi boys we got a tent on the roof of the tank i'm sleeping up here they're gonna sleep inside i don't even know if i need this blanket because it's literally like 90 degrees outside it's so hot hey hello i know they can swim [Music] are you guys going to bed no yes all right boys it has been a wonderful day in the unspeakable i'm so tired we are going to sleep so i am signing off i will see you guys later once i figure out how to zip this thing up the zipper is stuck that's cool all right good no he's not driving this right now no way he's driving this right now oh bro he's moving he's moving no no no no sleep yo chill oh yo what are you doing why do we have to be driving right now he stalled it all right well i guess i am now going to bed drive again [Music] you're doing it wrong
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 28,663,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: uwS5-YcNyGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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