Every time I Laugh, I Spend $1,000!

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all right so let's get serious no laughing whatsoever every time i laugh in today's video i have to spend 1 000 so if i laugh 10 times i'll spend 10 grand all right don't don't laugh unspeakable it's just snow whoa that's so sick yo wait what oh wait i think i've seen this before oh yeah he pushes it down the stairs and it just oh my gosh that's so satisfying where did you get that where did you get that he's gonna throw the snowball oh my gosh i love it i love it i love it that is so it's so beautiful it's so realistic i'm i'm not gonna laugh i'm gonna cry stop throwing snowballs it's too good yo where did you get this mod bro look at all this little particles all over the fences dude do you have a nasa computer running this there's no way my computer would ever run oh sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend you i'm sorry please don't crash on me please don't crash on me okay this dude um is pressing a button oh now he's up oh is he gonna land in the hole okay well that that sounds easy enough you know just gotta go through the hole and then he oh comes up oh is that his secret base what an interesting way to get to your secret base you could just put a ladder and go up through the dirt though i don't really understand the i'm not gonna laugh at this one this one ain't funny this one will never be funny this dude's got a diamond and he's going up to these guys he's like hey look at me i got a diamond and then they start beating them up and they're rude and oh they start beating me up oh that's so rude and oh was kind of funny when they got struck by lightning but i ain't laughing all right dude it is so hard to not laugh in a video i just laughed so many times for so many unnecessary reasons like i would probably laugh at this tree right now because it's funny but it's really [Music] yo stop it right there yo stop it right there take back what you just did take back what you just did how did you how did you do that how did you yo take my money how did you do yo yo how many rooms has this tree got bro yo what you even got a mirror in here yo i'm so confused look at this poor little guy oh he got swooped up in the bucket he was just trying to have a nice swim oh you just keep them all in there oh that's nice i what in the i'm not gonna laugh i'm not gonna laugh that's not funny i should laugh at that okay this is uh you know he's got all his best friends lined up he's ready to take that minecraft wallpaper screenshot but little do you know he's actually going to somehow combine all of these mobs together and this will not make me laugh this is not going to be funny this is going to be um absolutely epic i am kind of scared oh they're starting to walk away oh what is that oh it's just a giant it's just a giant herobrine oh well i thought it was going to look like 10 different mobs well that's not funny uh you know just me driving my car in minecraft hey buddy uh do you want you want to ride do you oh uh 64 diamonds for some yeezys oh um now okay now you're going to rob me i don't even have to oh he just took my car he just oh no i couldn't i'm sorry okay what are we gonna buy first all right so i have to spend a thousand dollars right now and look at this bro i found a go-kart what yo this thing is sick look at this it's got like off-roading tires a whole engine in the back wait how much is it 1288. i'm gonna have to buy it okay so i've ordered this go-kart as you can see it says it arrives the 27th through the february third so yeah if you guys want to see me open this go-kart go to unspeakable 2.0 it's behind the scenes i'm honestly not even mad about spending a thousand bucks on that i'm not even mad that's gonna be a fun time yo what is this this is mama sheep is this mama sheep where's mama sheep go what the heck is that is that a roblox character yo i'm so confused am i playing the wrong game right now all right assist you just put a creeper in this uh oh it's a creeper dispenser oh very nice wish i had one of those oh no those guys in trouble i'll save you get out of here get out of here you uh squinty squids you calamari looking players all right run away guys wait we can talk about it wait we can talk about it oh there's my friends oh save me oh are they oh my gosh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop this dude's gonna turn into herobrine i don't know why every time i see a steve in the background i just assume he's gonna somehow turn into herobrine in this video i just watch i bet you guys a thousand bucks i can't do it for what watching no i had to let one out there's no way i would have made it any farther than that oh my gosh okay now what what is the next best place to spend a thousand dollars on some unspeakable merch duh yo how do i even spend a thousand dollars on my website my stuff is not that expensive bro all right let's let's pick some shirts okay so we got uh one of these these are one of my favorites dude this shirt is so comfy let's uh do um 30 oh oh not 130 sorry 30 of these we'll do 30 of these oh that's 600 i mean but that's a lot of shirts to be honest with you oh look this one's on sale okay let's do uh seven of these and we'll do four of these and ooh the spectacular t-shirt bundle very nice you get three t-shirts that's sick i'm gonna have to do three of these which means i get nine t-shirts let's go all right what else do we got what else we got we gotta pick a hoodie okay we gotta pick a hoodie oh these just came out these are so fresh these are so sick the logo is like 3d kinda i'm gonna have to go with uh 67 of these yeah that that's gonna be nice okay so uh let's go ahead and press the checkout button and as you can see our total is four thousand that's a little bit more than a thousand dollars all right here's the deal i'm gonna give away thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and all you guys gotta do is go like this photo and comment on it go to the unspeakable shop page and you can win literally tons and tons of merch thousands of dollars that's right i'm gonna be giving away all this merch to you guys so go comment on the photo there's a link in the top of the description it's completely free why would you not go comment you can win free stuff this dude's walking down a hallway and uh there's just creep there's this creep bro yeah you're dead ah speaking of creepers we got a nice big thing of tnt here isn't that nice nice oh a flint and steel oh yes yes yes yes light it up line it up light it up yes happy new year okay what what what what what cooked chicken and a spyglass very nice okay okay so uh what are you gonna do with that cooked chicken by the way whoa chill chill chill chill don't you place that boat don't you do it don't you please no you did not you did not you did not just do that okay so let's do this she's just running to the forest trying to get to his minecraft house which doesn't have any doors in it bro you would think after all the chests and paintings and everything you put in there you put doors on your house but apparently he's gonna show his friend a cool trick so we better watch this it's totally not gonna make me laugh i'm not laughing i've already spent five thousand dollars on this video but i did get a go-kart i don't really know what to say about that one i definitely didn't laugh mr villager you're looking kinda sus okay i'm gonna have to give you a flower for being kinda sus oh you're gonna run away with my flower that's also kind of sauce are you gonna give it to your girlfriend is it your girlfriend why you why are you so excited oh wait what happened are you good oh she rejected you oh my gosh i'm not gonna laugh i'm not gonna laugh hello hello mr villager would you like some wood yes yes oh and n rod uh very nice a floating in run how about that you gotta do some pull-ups to get a workout in yeah dude everyone's done this to talk me by now i have you foreign dude that is a lot of wheat how long did it take you to grow this ah yes let's just put down uh a doc what that pickaxe didn't make a lot of sense oh oh oh oh snap oh it's the minecraft wallpaper i see what you did there mr polar bear oh it's a missing polar bear oh wait oh hey hey hey bro come here come here bro you're missing come here bro what is that magic portal that's kind of soft oh it's another portal very nice uh polar bears wait polar bears don't belong in the nether oh oh he's missing that's his kid oh it all makes sense now it all makes sense okay so this is oh my gosh and apparently he has superpowers yo this is better than twilight wow oh no i know exactly where this is going and i don't like it oh here we go i was about to laugh i was about to laugh don't look at me like that i did not laugh yo wait what am i wait wait calm down hold on i gotta look at it like this oh yeah it makes sense now okay i i can see it yeah very nice that's a good looking house i like that i like that yeah walk through the front walk through the front door that's oh yeah that's nice uh yep okay uh what was the point of that again okay so these dudes are getting wrecked by like giant herobrines and some other mobs and he's like yo go off friends i'm going to defeat them myself and then he's like oh bro you could have just walked in there with him why why you got to be a hero he's not wrong oh yeah look at this super flat minecraft world and look at all my sheep friends oh yeah oh yeah look at all of them just going towards the wheat and then we're going to breed all together and make a a beautiful farm and uh i don't know i'm talking like that i'm sorry but i really don't know what is going on in this video it's just building a farm there better be something epic i feel like something's gonna happen something always happens in these videos oh he separates all the baby wait that's actually genius that's actually g why'd i never think of that okay girls and boys wait i can't build a baba generator wait i can't wait this is me wait i'm confused oh i do the same thing i do the same thing oh dude what what is happening right now boys no connection girls are getting eaten by bees yo i've been eaten by bees what does this mean i've i've died by a creeper i've also done that i've done this many times i did that last week crying i'm crying oh here we go about to make hero grind again all right what does this do got he's got a witch a witch zombie some other dudes he's going to combine them together to make the ultimate what is this gonna be i'm nervous bro it's gonna be something dumb it's gonna be something dumb i'm scared turn it around turn it around turn around i knew it i knew it was gonna be something dumb i'm not laughing oh oh that's creepy oh that's creepy yeah i don't like that how did you get that out of those four doesn't make any sense uh yes let's uh summon the ender dragon in this little hole and then cover it with tnt what a genius idea wait this dude is not summoning the inner dragon he is making a insane troll on one of his friends oh this is so savage bro that is gonna be such a big explosion don't open okay so how big is this explosion exactly i mean to be fair he did tell him don't open oh my god yo did you go through bedrock yo what ah yes let me go ahead and troll a villager yes yes yes yes we love the villager trolls yes we do oh that's the oh that's hilarious that is hilarious oh oh oh i'm not laughing i really want to laugh at that one now it's so good i love when people troll villagers just warms my soul what is that oh that's a thick boy yeah run back in that portal bro also why is the obsidian so thick on that portal that is such a waste of obsidian what is this what is this oh he's gonna go in the smaller portal oh yeah that will fix your problems oh okay now the mobs are just a little bit smaller nope nope run run go back okay oh now we're gonna go in uh the normal size portal okay so now they're gonna be normal size oh no that's too scary though run back oh my gosh what the heck is this oh look how tiny the yo what look how tidy that portal is okay so now he's gonna use oh he's just gonna go to the smallest one and it what it's so small oh but that dude's still thick okay so this is a test uh to see how smart these dudes are and it looks like not bad considering they're from a fire biome pretty impressive how they can walk on ice like that but snow not their best what about water do they know how to float yo what okay yeah you're gonna have to improve your system bro they're a little bit smarter than that all right let's see let's see let's see big brain very nice very dude he's so focused on that gold what about oh tnt not a chance yeah i didn't think he would make it far wait did that count as a laugh i wasn't really laughing it was more of a like a that wasn't a laugh all right this dude has made it made a portal and it's sn i'm not gonna do it don't make me do it what is this yo that's some nice diamond blocks yo that's so sick cave system breath and you're dead nice you'll never get to explore it what is that oh oh oh that's trippy oh that's trippy it doesn't even look like you're falling oh what is that it that one was really funny i only you almost got me on that one what is this dude doing what kind of tree is this bro oh absolutely not yeah i would have done the same oh my gosh it landed on you in the water that sucks bro that sucks you gotta get out of there bro all right little chickens how's it going are you guys having a good day don't mind me i'm just trying to get my morning food yet don't mind me it's gonna be okay oh okay okay i'm not gonna say it's not gonna get my morning food not gonna give my morning i almost lost it on that last one bro i'm not gonna lie thank you guys so much for watching this video hopefully you guys did enjoy i've literally spent like five thousand dollars on this video so if you guys could please give me a favor and go to the unspeakable shop page so you guys can win some of this merch i sell coffee bro i promise you want it thank you guys for watching till then i'll see you next time peace
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,962,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Minecraft funny, minecraft silly, Minecraft you laugh you lose, you laugh you lose, ylyl, Minecraft memes, minecraft tiktok
Id: pkhYJyZI4VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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