$13 VS $810 Korean BBQ!! Korea Has The NEW Wagyu!!

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in this video I'll be experiencing Korea's cheapest barbecue I cannot get over the fact that all of this costs 13 after that I'll be experiencing Korea's most expensive barbecue this is going to be the most expensive restaurant you're gonna find anywhere in this country so let's back up right now I'm in the city of Busan South Korea the second biggest city in all of Korea Busan is a fantastic place to try seafood already we have had a lot of that but no matter where you are in Korea you are never in the wrong place to try barbecue there is nothing better than Korean barbecue meat served to your table raw is that for me and then you get to do the cooking and even better you get to do the eating in addition to being delicious Korean barbecue is also very wide ranging you can get unlimited all-you-can-eat buffet style barbecue for just over ten dollars but you could also spend up to hundreds of dollars on barbecue if you're looking for the top quality stuff today we're going to experience both ends of the spectrum let's move well Welcome to our first destination this place is called manso and they have an insane Buffet deal here 16 900. that is a little bit less than 13 for all you can eat meat let's go inside and check it out so I just ordered from the menu right here there are two different types of Buffets you can do or a beef Buffet but if you're trying to save money in Korea you're going to be eating pork what's nice is they initially bring you a bunch of side dishes and if you want refills or if you want more you can go get it yourself we've got a salad some onions kimchi garlic some junk sauce and more I don't know a whole place like this makes any money because that is incredibly cheap oh my God remember earlier I was trying to figure out how they afford these low low prices well it turns out it's because they don't have to hire humans they have robots serve over the food here we have some Gibson mushrooms pork skin some milk salt lots of different dishes thank you robot you did well leave how do I need them stroke you or something I gotta say similar personality to our actual server they were both wearing a mask I could tell them apart right now we have our meat we have the side dishes they brought us I'm gonna get some of my own side dishes and we're still waiting for the fire there's a lot that has to come together to make this work let me show you what they got here all you can eat of everything first of all a big old glooping container of samjong sauce here we have a classic Korean Italian pasta that's elbow macaroni mayonnaise and corn very nice here we have garlic kimchi onions with soy vinegar sauce some pickled radish more onion green onion and then we have even more stuff on this side I've never seen this at any barbecue in Korea before different flavored salt we have Wasabi salt garlic salt Curry salt and Himalayan salt too on this side some vegetables to put on the grill squash zucchini potatoes chilies three different types of greens we have a plant called Bracken which I've never even heard of before in English I'm gonna scoop up some side dishes sit down and let's eat right here we have the most common affordable meat you're gonna find in all of Korea it's called some Gibson and it is the pork belly I think bacon except for it's not cured [Music] all right our first course is right here it's looking crispy and delicious I'm just gonna hit it with some Wasabi salt I've never had Wasabi salt before let's see how it tastes Wasabi flavor but I like it it's creative it's interesting here's how I would typically eat something like this a little bit of garlic maybe some onions a little bit of kimchi samjong sauce then we put in our meat and that right there is like a little flavor package ready to go to heaven oh man that will happen the thing with Korean barbecue is if you find a good place with the right side dishes you don't need expensive meat I could just eat this so I'm gonna be pretty satisfied because I can mix and match it with so many different flavors this is our second course right here they actually brought us some thinly sliced beef putting that beef directly over that pork fat now that is Haram I can't wait to try it out so I've got my beef right here looking crispy fatty delicious cheers [Music] it doesn't even have to be a good cut or a good quality cow this could be a cow that did drugs that was homeless what's important here is they've got the beef so thin it's impossible for it to not be tender and melting in your mouth sorry I was supposed to say an unhoused cow now the cows will not be offended we have a few more Cuts here these are both neck meat this is just like a Vienna sausage I'm not gonna get into that but this right here is skin now the skin has already been cooked so we need to re-cook it to get it crunchy over the fire our pink skin is finished it's popping like popcorn this is a peanut powder you're supposed to just put a bit on there that's gonna give it a peanutty flavor cheers it's delicious the peanut dust gives it like a little bit of an earthy flavor I think the star of this dish is how gummy the skin is like eating sheets of collagen oh yeah so this has been our inexpensive location to me it's unbelievable that's the 13 for all the meat you can eat there are a ton of sides up there the meat is delicious there's service from robots what more could you ask for let's find out because next we're gonna go to the most expensive Korean barbecue I could find in this country you ready let's go alas we've come to our final destination the most expensive restaurant we could find here in Busan perhaps the most expensive in all of Korea I'm talking a place that dignitaries go presidents popes Russian gangsters which stands out to be first is that the building from the outside looks really boring his real wealth knows when it's Rich it doesn't have to show off look at Flavor Flav compared to bug Zuckerberg one of them wears a T-shirt and has billions of dollars this is barbecue like you've never seen before let's get into it [Music] the first thing I noticed as I walk in is a huge wall of their wine selection now almost every place you get barbecue in Korea they're gonna have beer and maybe different types of Soju but it's not that common to find a big wine selection so I'm really excited about that let's keep moving here is the meat so there's a guy inside this guy is a maestro with the meat let him take a look at the way this meat has been cut do you see how it's like a lattice shape it looks fantastic and it's going to make it even more juicy and even more delicious after it hits that Grill from here we're about to head to our private room let's go we are inside I've got the menu and this thing is a beauty immediately I'm drawn to the prices for example this a T-bone steak is 75 000 Watts that's not too bad and then you realize that for a hundred grams it's not that much meat pound of meat here would cost around 250 300 pretty expensive we're not starting with the meat I'm gonna start with the drink I'm going to get a bottle of wine because it is noon on a Monday then I'll be able to make a decision about what to grill so I'm John that has arrived these are our little Korean side dishes oh wow really beautiful then this right here is going on the fire immediately that looks like a welcome bike oh and there's the wine I've never brought wine but no wine opener maybe she went to go get them maybe it's up to me all right I've got a chopstick wine glass I have a spoon I have a cup how can I open this wine bottle [Music] boom we've got our Wine open it's brilliant let's try out some of the food they brought here first of all here this is a yuk John a meat pancake let's try it out [Music] rushy and delicious yeah I think this is an egg try that oh that's really good let's try some of this right here our first real taste of meat I'm just gonna hit this with a little bit of salt and pepper all right salty it's a little sweet it tastes of soy sauce that's how you make someone feel welcome I don't need someone to pour my wine for me I need someone to bring a little tiny boiling bowl full of meat this is a great way to start the meal from here I'm going to order my first course and before I even get something to grill I want to order a caviar and I want to order Korean style raw Bean you quit so it turned out they don't actually have the raw beef here but what they do have is a cow foot jelly and that's what this is right here let me just take a look at that you can see the texture of it is so bizarre it's like a jelly that they made from boiling the cowpea cheers to cow feet [Music] that's like a mini but Jello leaves sticky texture to It Funky but lovely at the same time now this is a Russian caviar so that's how you know it's good so I have mixed feelings about supporting Russia during this time I'm mainly focused on the caviar so no I can't say ideal cheers [Music] that's really nice little Briny and fatties sticky sticky I would say very decent quality from here I want to order some meat to finally put on the grill you'll see soon we have beef beef Tom 100 grams of beef you can see it's not a lot of volume she's put clay plates onto the burner and then she starts kind of glazed it with a little bit of fat all of the brisket goes in here this is some sort of kimchi that she puts on it's actually taking the beef and actually wrapping it around the kimchi some kimchi inside beef on the outside chairs my first bite oh no kimchi is so fermented and almost stinky the beef is so oily but it tastes incredible this is real Wasabi 99 of the Wasabi that you find in supermarkets is fake because the Wasabi plant is expensive and it's a finicky plant to grow the difference is you can eat a clump like this and it's not going to melt your brain step I'm gonna put it on the beef and let's try it out it's decadent so rich the Wasabi is a nice contrast in flavor it's so delicious oh yeah cook up that tongue it only needs 10 or 15 seconds on each side he said put some of the green onion on there put some Wasabi and some salt and pepper that tongue is ready for my top oh it's so strange it's like something between a heart and lungs so that should be pretty relatable right there I used to get the cow tongue and I used to think like oh where was this cow who was he licking who is he in a relationship with and then I learned to not think about weird things all the time from here I need to bring out the big guns I am looking for the most expensive thing on the menu it's going to be a variety of meats that they choose and it's coming in at 516 000 Korean won this is such an irresponsible use of company funds let's eat some beef wow guys this is what 423 dollars looks like I thought it would be bigger to be honest you can see the meat is like dark red tons of intramuscular fats I cannot wait to sing my teeth into this [Music] we have our first cup right here this is the iPhone 8 it looks fantastic I'm gonna give up just a little bit of a dab in the salt and pepper throw it back shut the front door oh it's almost like a mini crust that sear on the outside is so perfect so this is a honeymoon beef and that's part of why it's so expensive it is like the wagyu of Korea the only thing is Japan is a lot better marketing team when it comes to their beef than Korea does because I've only heard of hanwo in Korea and that's it we're on to our next meet right here this is the inside skirt different from upskirt which is a type of Photography made popular in Japan I'm gonna give it just a little dab of salt and pepper here we go not softer more firm definitely more oils and juices popping out too really different texture soft but chewy what's fascinating here is there are so many flavor enhancing options so I would take this expensive you want the flavor of the beef to shine through and ma'am let me tell you it's shine right here we have our fourth chorus it's cut here known as the beef flap tail and it seems like it's kind of a trend among food reviewers in Korea to eat some of their barbecue raw so why not cheers it's not bad you can feel the fat melting on your tongue that's good quality beef I like it very nice so she did seem very concerned about cooking the steak too much after she saw me eat a piece Raw get it it's gonna be my first time comparing the raw version to the slightly more cooked version and so on I prefer I cooked a little bit more this has a delicious buttery taste to it it is so rich every bunch you take more of this intramuscular fat is spilling out of the meat and just kind of gliding down your throat it's like A5 wagyu it says A5 on woo we are down to our final meat right here we have Korean ribs Koreans are the masters of ribs because what they do is they take the beef bone they cut it and then they slice it until it becomes this long blanket of meat it's just like an accordion this looks stunning it looks delicious it's the most popular thing they have right here a time to try it out juicy Smoky and a unique texture that you can only get by cutting it in this very unique way it's like they've created more space for the meat to get exposed to heat but the juices and the oils start leaking out and it makes it softer and a little bit more tender as you eat it this has been a meat Journey what I can tell you is that this was a delicious experience now aside from being a delicious ingredient so this is a very expensive experience this is absolutely the most I've ever spent on barbecue I think anywhere and certainly the most I've ever spent here in South Korea please don't tell my wife even though she's filming right now babe earmuffs all right guys that is the end of the video we had wine we had caviar we had Meats of all type how much did I spend today about 810 that is the most I've spent on just about any food purchase ever that is wildly expensive if you had to ask me is it worth it no of course not I could have Korean barbecue for twenty Thirty forty dollars on this tree that brings me a similar amount of Happiness as this but life is all about a spectrum of experience I like to experience from time to time the very high end but mostly I like to hang out in the middle or you know with the other white trash or Korean trash in this example wait sorry I shouldn't include that that's I didn't mean that I'm gonna go take a nap thank you so much for watching I will see you next time something's happening oh [Music] this is unexpected [Music] [Applause] it's a 10 million subscriber cake thank you so much Joe one candle remaining for our final subscriber [Music] huge thank you to Joe here for helping support us in this trip thank you my man let's play Joe has been instrumental in making sure we get every location we needed and helping us go to every place we wanted to go I also want to point out I got my first subscribers when I lived here in Korea and then now coming back I got my 10 million subscribers so what a wonderful Circle I love it celebrate boom
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,422,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z9r9nT8_ND8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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