RECORD BREAKING WAGYU Chicken Fried Steak!!! UPGRADING Southern Food in the USA!!

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so you have like a normal kind of classic chicken-fried steak already on the menu what inspired you to create this monstrosity right here well [Music] in today's fun food video we're bringing together two unexpected flavor forces creating the most succulent meaty cuts on this side of the Mississippi Jackson Mississippi home of Dave's triple B we're chef Dave himself is dishing out southern favorites like chicken-fried steak but using top-quality Japanese Wagyu originally it was like nobody knew what I was talking about every person who walked in there wanted to know what that meant Wagyu is a Japanese word simply meaning Japanese beef and Japan's beef is some of the most coveted around the world we've black Tajima which is what Kobe beef is today we're taking on Dave's menu getting a sneak peek in the freezer and finally taking on the 3 pound big Rhonda has anyone ever finish that I don't have anybody really take the challenge so get ready to beat your I mean tenderize your meat we're taking on southern food of epic proportions [Music] [Music] Dave's triple beeped butcher baker barbecue maker Dave's father raises the Wagyu cattle Dave's flora butcher shop processes the meats and triple B serves it up at the ultimate farm-to-table casual dining restaurant David okay I'm so excited to see your place it's something very unique we're built for speed if the Triple P people come in for lunch they need to get in and get out so their food only takes them about five minutes we combine a lot of the plates right here and put them in the window so it's just out the door like really fast what do you have here it's a pulled pork yeah we get some amazing pigs from a guy in western Mississippi they are like wag your pigs he feeds them milk and bread beautiful we are in the smoking-room here where the magic happens we have these southern pride smokers we smoke everything in here the main reason we're here today is for the chicken-fried steak chicken-fried steak is really famous in Texas it's a tenderized it's usually around or something like that some people use fancier cuts like rib eyes and things but since we use Wagyu ours is already tender so you have a normal sized one yeah that's pretty big itself but we have a really big one how big is it three pounds or so has anyone ever finish that we haven't had anybody really take the challenge really yeah before I dive into the chicken-fried steak I feel like I should just get acclimated and maybe try some other foods on the menu [Music] this is tough guys all this food is so good and that's like all we're doing all day is going to places and eating I don't know how I'm gonna do it this is pretty kind of classic something you might find in the south but kind of all over the place except for this brisket is made with Wagyu beef beyond that we've got collard greens mac and cheese potato some thick bread all the bread is made in the house here as well this is actually a staple famous southern food in the USA I never tried in my life I'm gonna try it out right now for the first time oh my I'm telling you in the South they know how to make vegetables extra palatable you have like the actual you know normal vegetable kind of flavor in there but mixed with some fat some kind of porkiness you can see there's bacon bits in the collard greens I mean come on in the South eating barbecue without mac and cheese is an actual crime Dave starts by boiling elbow macaroni then the sauce they call it liquid gold it starts with melted butter flour and milk whisk and bill then we add yellow mustard salt and pepper dry mustard and cayenne finally a combination of cream cheese mozzarella and cheddar cheese after combining the macaroni and liquid gold it's topped with a layer of cheddar cheese and put in the oven I just grabbed this big crusty piece of cheese layer Oh smooth very soft noodles kind of mild flavor not super intense and insanely cheesy brisket is phenomenal we took them overnight just because we can't cook them like a regular brisket a sister tenders but it's so good so rich delicious so that was just a warm-up right here Wagyu beef brisket tender juicy I'm gonna just cut through it like nothing let's try it out a little smoky savory but it's not as crazy sometimes people get crazy with the salt the balance is incredible that nice black layer those are the carcinogens that's the one that gives you cancer but it's so good it's like the yummiest kind of cancer it's so juicy so smoky it just kind of melts in your mouth this is just the start we're gonna see what else they have here and we're gonna work our way up to that giant chicken-fried steak [Music] did you get it yeah give me cigarette Dave has brought me to his premium butcher shop in the small city of flora where he is selling Wagyu everything Wagyu meatloaf lasagna you name it dave is serving it using his own premium Wagyu beef I don't think I've ever done an interview in a room like this this is what we affectionately call the carcass cooler this is walk T right here when I was in Japan I went to a place that it was like grade a five so high quality that I could just eat it raw what does Japan doing differently with their cattle that people are doing here so we feed them corn which is different than Japan they just don't do this they've had on their massage room they do all the stuff to keep them very happy what is the highest grade of Wagyu you might see in the u.s. you can certainly see something that would consider a five they do it all the time we've got some that are just amazing I mean it's just like how was this cow alive that's crazy in Japan Wagyu comes from for special breeds of cattle here they breed black Tajima also known as the Japanese black the same breed as Co baby when we started nobody knew what it was we had to explain it and we really enjoy explaining it by now we've got a royal following and then people who always want to try to ID you and don't pay two dollars an ounce for something now with Dave's cattle bred close to home locals can enjoy top quality beef of all types at a fraction of the price even Wagyu roast beef most every other kind of cow doesn't have any marbling in the way but wag you do they marbled all the way back guys look at dad Oh soft smoky it kind of melts in your mouth a little bit we make our gravy using Wagyu beef stock that we make we see isn't it pretty heavily they don't cook it too much because you don't want to lose that marbling or that and we make a kind of a classic New Orleans po-boy this po-boy is stacked with mayonnaise pickle tomato and cheese toasted for a bit then topped with roast beef and savory gravy also some lettuce but whatever I mean it's just lettuce I don't care about the lettuce that much I'm going for it oh my lord I feel like the beef Lord on hide reached down from the clouds and put some beef in my mouth I've never had a po-boy before coming to the South and I'm really loving it especially the tang of the pickle and the mayonnaise on there was such a great combination with a little bit more like intensely flavored beef the roast beef is good enough on its own but when you dress it up with all those other ingredients that is a fine sandwich sir thank you sir yeah we like it and that is a top compliment coming from me [Laughter] chicken fried steak I'm hearing the word chicken I'm hearing the word steak I'm very confused you take steak and you fry it as if it were chicken and you get chicken-fried steak why couldn't I read that on Google somewhere you've really made that simple what inspired you to create this monstrosity right here well we thought it would be fun we wanted something signature and I promised a friend of mine I'd name something after and that's Rhonda that's Rhonda now that we have our giant sized Wagyu meat slab also known as big Rhonda we put Rhonda into some flour this is quite the challenge to keep this all in one piece this is what kind of flowers is all-purpose flour with salt and pepper in it buddy work with me oh that's a good flip we're gonna go from here into the egg wash I don't even know if that egg wash container is big enough I know we don't have anything better okay so it is completely soaking this whole beauty with all this egg in this giant egg wash it's kind of like a giant egg spa right now for this steak that's what I've never heard that but that's a good description next Rhonda hits the seasoned flour soaking up Cayenne paprika onion powder and garlic powder prep is done now the frying somehow you need to get this in there what is your strategy with the size of this beef it's challenging to find a suitable cooking vessel in Uzbekistan they have a cousin in India they have the tower but in Dave's kitchen he's got a tilt skillet you can crank that lever and it will tilt forward and you can pour things out of it okay here we go the big moment putting it into the tilt skillet the fryer boom it's not vegetable oil it's actually frying in wok huge caliber we take the kidney fat which is a really soft white pure fat and it's a really wonderful cooking fat it gives everything kind of a beef flavor even the French fries are fried in beef fat oh yeah it's so good oh man I didn't know that was legal even my kids eat it in there vegetarian your kids huh my wife's a vegetarian and I have three vegetarian kids she's fine with you having a restaurant that literally is responsible for killing hundreds of cows yep [Music] chicken-fried steak is out two pounds for fried fried and Wagyu tallow put those right in the middle oh yeah that's like a manageable amount of french fries now the most important part transport of the chicken-fried steak here onto the french fries success we've done it finally the gravy usually you'd see a white pepper great but dave has taken some Cajun inspiration in creating his own smoldering and dewy gravy and then there is your green salad this is like you know someone with a lantern in the night it helps them it's gonna help this pass-through [Music] [Applause] hey guys um I didn't want to eat this alone so I literally just went into the dining room and grabbed Wesley I have you seen one this big ever never are you going to school still are you done I'm done did you drop out no honey I graduated with a marketing degree oh that's a good idea I just dropped out I know well now I do this here we got two pounds of french fries let's try it off good that's a nice crime and there's a whole river of this sauce on top so you're gonna tip it in there is that crazy it's not Oh ma'am that gravy is ridiculous that's real nice Oh ma'am well I mean I don't know where to start for you what is the best part I like the middle part but the average you gotta start up there to get in there but no we can just start here no dude we don't even listen to rules you like the middle part we're gonna just get you the middle part don't they teach you that in marketing school everyone goes the left we go right David or probably and kill you right now is $80 they cannot meet like this there you like the middle I got you a piece from the middle awesome I'm gonna try a piece from the edge though Oh take a look at that nice and crunchy all these little crunchy little dudes right here on the edge and then oh my god it's tender lookin juicy Wagyu beef I'm gonna get a little bit of extra sauce on there [Music] all men that's really good it's so tender this thing was huge in the kitchen and I thought there's no way soon gonna be tender still it's too big but he's done it and then this sauce brings it all together just nice and savory thick that and doing cake it's got a little spiciness to it I've loved it yeah dig in man you can have another piece from the middle if you want I didn't even ask you how was your piece I'm almost really good it was really good it was just a regular sauce but it was good let me start that over again how was your piece your mom was very good all right one thing I really like is the confidence in this place because it's a butter knife they are like it is gonna be so tender and so delicious that you don't even get a steak knife there I go my chili and the biscuits probably oughta just go ahead and make your little sandwich but I'm so glad you're here put a little bit of beef a little bit of this fried part like an open-faced sandwich oh the part I find most funny here is uh there's a salad I know that's almost as cruel right it's like mocking you for being so on Elvis every country can offer its own unique flavors ingredients and cooking techniques the more we combine the best each place has to offer the more our taste buds will sing for joy as they join hands around the globe from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private Q&A and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's ok too we're just happy you're here guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,591,390
Rating: 4.8988328 out of 5
Keywords: chicken fried steak, wagyu, bbb, dave's bbb, jackson mississippi food, best ever food review show, sonny side, wagyu roast, wagyu meatloaf, wagyu spaghetti, southern food, comfort food, befrs, american wagyu, southern bbq
Id: LS_t5cWej2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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