$18 vs $99 Las Vegas Buffet!! Unlimited Lobster!!

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in this video we've come to Las Vegas to try this City's cheapest buffet take a look at this super crazy thin piece of skin and their most expensive Buffet I got to tell you this is the most beautiful lobster tail I've seen at any Buffet ever in my life but first let's back up volx Vegas it's really expensive if you want affordable eats you have to know where to go this is also a city famous for its buffets especially seafood buffets I think because of all the money that is lost through gambling the casinos have a little bit extra dough that they can spend on sweet buffets buffet that you might not be able to try in your normal hodunk town today I want to start with the cheapest buffet we could find here in Las Vegas let's move right behind me nestled into this little strip mall you can see our first location Cina Loren Buffet all you can eat this Buffet here behind me is only $17.99 let's text this day and age $17.99 has pretty affordable pretty much anywhere you go in Las Vegas it's especially affordable but this isn't any average food this is Filipino food right now we're going to head inside and check out what kind of food they're offering here so not only is this a buffet but they also have a Filipino market let's take a look let's see if I recognize anything in here coconut gel this is for making the Philippines most famous dessert Halo Halo I might buy this one canned quail eggs looks like it maybe came not from the Philipines though came from China this I like coconut milk perfect if you're thinking K Kade I believe that is at the buffet just kidding I know it is I saw the buffet already every video you see is a lie this is really the Filipino stuff right here often times when you eat street food in the Philippines there won't be a side of ketchup there will be this it's basically banana ketchup very cool all right let's go check out the buffet I'm inside the buffet area this is D the manager here we're going to go through the food and see what I remember from my travels to the Philippines let's start with the carbohydrate section we have the fried noodles here it's a p cuz it sits in a pun when you cook it correct what's that that one is chicken skin this what I'm saying go to Caesar's Palace go to the bagio to their Buffet are you going to get fried chicken skin I don't think so right here this looks like the dessert section correct that one is banana fritters so Banana inside it comes in a wrapper and then the whole thing is fried and it's kind of glazed in Sugar yeah with jack fruit too right here we're headed to the hot area what is this one right here the one is four cups this looks like car car correct which uses plenty of coconut milk right no it has like peanut butter sauce oh this I like coconut milk perfect if you're making Kad K all right editor I'm glad I checked on this side this is Dinan there's a couple things that are special about dinuguan one is that it's a lot of the internal organs intestines but it's also mixed with the animals blood is it pork blood yeah it is pork blood you can buy pork blood in the USA yeah I had no idea finally at the end here we have the condiments we have the typical stuff soy sauce fish sauce then right here I want to take this one home probably this is garlic vinegar but the most extreme condiment they have here is this this is known as ble this is is fermented shrimp what should I eat the B with that one is good for okay I'm going to try it that is the tour let's eat some food I'm going to start with this ped it looks incredible and then I have to get some chicken skin too that's going to go right through me sorry too many details next I have to try this k o get some veggies for color oh we've got some eggplant right here it looks like some stomach some tripe and of course with the Kade we need to have bong that intensely fermented shrimp paste this stuff is intense super salty super fermented that's be too much all right we've got our first plate let's go eat folks for $17.99 we have our first course right here first of all this stuff looks awesome [Music] cheers yeah that hits the spot it's salty in the best way definitely plenty of oil in there too oh look at this chicken skin this thing is huge M it's so crunchy it's so crispy it's pure decadence Mas finally here we have the k k it's full of veggies eggplant and green beans M I love that peanut butter flavor in there but here there are some unusual Meats I believe this is beef tripe or cow stomach I'm going to hit it with some of that Bogle before I take this bite I can tell you no other buffet in town is going to have fermented shrim [Music] paste wow it was a hair too much crazy salty and that tripe is really gummy cuz it's been boiled or brazed for so long but I got to say pretty good flavor overall this is just plate number one but right now I'm going to go into the kitchen cuz I've been told by Dell that there is a special surprise for me waiting in there let's go see what that is and we are walking into the kitchen to see a preparation of a familiar food that I've never seen before come take a look right here inside this giant oven there is a lechon now I've only seen lechon cook over an open fire but here they are oven cooking the lechon it takes 4 hours let's see what oven cooked Leon looks like we're taking the one from the bottom he opens the doors boom check out that that looks incredible so there is still a pole inside going through the pig that way he can get a good grip on it it's not going to fall apart when he takes it out ladies and gentlemen a 47 lb piggy it looks amazing it has a nice Sheen to it it looks crispy it feels crispy I just want this sorry are you still watching here's what's going to happen next we're going to let this cool down for 5 10 minutes I'm going to get another course and then we'll come back to try it out here we go round two I'm starting with another foundational element fried rice you can't eat Filipino food without eating rice pass the dessert this is what I'm trying next denan something I never expected to see in the USA ooh look at all those Pig Parts in there it's like a put it right here we have the pork Hawks two generous portions here and I think I might fill a cup up with this stock right here cuz it just smells so good we have our second course let's go eat we're going to start with the fried rice I see pieces of egg too oh it's not egg this is garlic fried rice Filipinos make the best garlic fried rice next to Pork Hawks they've been brazing for so long that they' become kind of gummy and they just peel right off the bone it smells like Chinese five spice let's try it out that's legit delicious slightly firm but mostly gelatinous it's sweet it has a deep savoriness to it it's like a sticky Porky glaze on the outside it smelled so good I got a little container of the pork foot jeo you know when you get a massage a foot massage and they make you wash your feet first that's what my foot water looks like afterwards same thing with the pig wow super Savory salty full of collagen finally we have this right here this is thean it's definitely bloody but you taste a lot of savoriness and then a hit of vinegar it's really sour I wouldn't necessarily pile a mountain of this on my plate but if you're switching between different foods it's nice to switch it up that lechon should be cooled down by now let's go take a look it's been a few minutes the pig has had time to rest we're going to take it out now to the dining room I'll be here for moral support make way for the pig we have Brey here he's going to start chopping it up for us he's going to give me a little piece of skin that I can try right off the bat thank you super crazy thin piece of skin Del was telling me in the oven it's not going to get as crunchy but let's try it out it's pretty dang crunchy nice flavor oily I like it so he's peeling the skin back you can start to see some of the seasonings that were put inside some lemongrass onions I've got my plate right here take a look at this skeleton graveyard it's a complete Masterpiece all right folks our final course first lechon with a variety of dipping sauces right here we have vinegar with garlic soy sauce and then this is called all purpose sauce from Mr mang Tomas no further explanation oh yeah that is some of that side Meat you got skin but you got some meat on there too I'm going to fold it like a little burrito I'm going to hit it with that allpurpose [Music] sauce that awesome it's a perfect combination it's not just skin it's skin and a little bit of fat and a little bit of protein too all mixed together I'm going to hit it now with the garlic vinegar mhm when it's cooked this way maybe the skin is 20% less crispy but the meat is 50% more soft the skin and the pork they're so heavy that the vinegar kind of cuts through that heaviness and offers a new dimension of flavor very satisfying next we're going to go to a buffet that costs about five times this much we're headed there now and we have come to our second location right behind me the M Resort inside Anthony's Prime Steak and Seafood today is Sunday it is a brunch buffet it is the most expensive Buffet here and certainly one of the most expensive in the city coming in at $99 do they get to that price is it worth it let's go inside and find out it is 10:30 right now this place opens up at 11:00 they've allowed us to come in early so we can film the food before all these animals come here and destroy it animals like me first of all we have more traditional breakfast stuff here and the Eggman right here we have french toast we have breakfast meats right here I love this this is eggs benedict with holiday sauce and then potatoes they're breakfast potato potatoes I'm here with Tony the manager of Anthony's Prime Steak and Seafood restaurant it is a pleasure to be here pleasure to meet you thank you for coming Las Vegas is obviously famous for its Buffet we came here cuz it's one of the most expensive $99 how do we get there so we have the best items pretty much you find in any buffets all you can eat lobsters all you can eat crab legs claws jumbo shrimp and we go to our meat station we got Prime rip we got the lamp chops and we got the beef wellington I had beef wellington when I was at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant I had the per personalized version there here is the much bigger version this is for a whole family or one really fat guy right here we have a bunch of Italian offerings and they smell and look delicious if people try to make a reservation here how far are you booked out at this point fortunately as we speak we are sold out till next year of May 2024 we started it this year in May it went viral on social media and people enjoyed the buffet and we had a great feedbacks what would you say are the most expensive items on your menu here the most expensive I'll be honest with you the lobster cuz that's our number one item I got to tell you this is the most beautiful lobster tail I've seen at any Buffet ever in my life these look stunning and evidently I think you could just H High them up on your plates that's what I plan to do some people they come to a buffet and they're like I'm going to beat the buffet I'm spending 99 bucks I'm going to get my money back what do they go for you will have people they come in just for the seafood only to make sure that $99 they got their money back I plan just to have eggs and toast you sure this right here is the sushi we've got tuna shrimp Yellow Tail on this side even more Seafoods we have giant jumbo shrimp we have crab legs and we have a different kind of crab legs Al last finally we have our dessert section right here but it's going to be a while before I get to that cuz I got a lot of seafood to eat it is 10:57 3 minutes until game time baby let's do this all right it's 1059 I'm starting early here's the thing I got to leg up on everybody cuz I know where all the good food is starting with the lobster I'm going to get one also for my wife all right I'm going to get some Yellow Tail here and a couple Tunas our first plate is full let's go eat first of all I've got the Yellow Tail right here put the fish in the soy sauce and throw it back mhm delicious usually if I go to a buffet and they have sushi I skip the sushi but here they've got big fat pieces of fish on here look at that rice to fish ratio mhm this throw back a little bit of grape juice that may or may not be fermented and let's get to these lobster tails this is like a very American preparation if you're in Vietnam they probably cut it in half put cheese on it here they cut the shell down the middle and they pull the meat up so it creates this illusion that there's meat up here end down here but the reality is the bottom is actually empty and you can just so easily pull it out and I've got this big beautiful piece of lobster tail tried [Music] out it's just so buttery garlicky and delicious oh my God eat five of these eat 10 of these it would not be hard to get your money back if that was your goal at this Buffet so that was a very fast round one a big success let's go get some more all right we had a taste of the ocean now we're heading to land hi there cuz I have some L trops look how succulent they look pink in the middle thank you he's going to cut up this Prime Beef get a nice big old slab throw that on board oh my God just that is a dinner in itself and one beef wellington that looks excellent sir boom course two red meat let's start with the lamb these are cooled down a little bit cuz I spent 10 minutes getting beautiful modeling shots of them but see that crust on the outside this is quality stuff right here let's try it out I need a moment of silence what the heck that is some of the best lamb I've ever had in my life it's tender it's succulent it's soft it's dripping with goodness and you I feel like a chef in the kitchen sold his soul to the devil to get the recipe for this right here we have the prime beef let's see if it passes the fork test it fork and does not well that's okay doesn't mean it's bad oh this is a nice piece right here my wife's mouth is literally watering people say hey do you ever let your wife eat no we're here to do work okay it's a joke calm down I was told to put a horseradish on the prime [Music] beef oh now I feel it up into my brain the beef is absolutely delicious when you you pair that with the horseradish it's an Unstoppable combination it is so delicious seasoned to Perfection these guys really know what they're doing but the ultimate test is right here the beef wellington is a piece of beef cooked wrapped in a puff pastry am I eating a beef am I eating a pastry it's basically a pastry every Bakery should have this and they should have it with this bunet sauce it's inredible I'm trying to compare it to the one that I had already at Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen restaurant here it's bigger the texture is a little bit different the pastry is more crunchy cuz it's a little bit thicker and that sauce incredible parot with that meat this is course two I got one more in me let's keep moving all right enough with the land animals we're going back to the ocean right here we have some of the biggest jumbo shrimp I've ever seen in my life and then they have two different types of crab I believe this is snow or dungeon is crab and then they have this one called uh Jon crab I've never heard of Jonas crab in my life let's get a four of these claws I think we're good here we should go all right folks we have our last course right here this is a seafood medley we're going to start with the shrimp going to hit that in a little bit of cocktail sauce so simple yet so perfect cheers this is my first taste today of chilled Seafood it changes the texture it's still delicious from here we have the Alaskan crab I'm going to break this open can you imagine if you want to you could just go up and get this crab for 3 hours in a row legally that cannot stop you get the tendon out break the quadricep oh there you go shimmy it out be careful be gentle be patient a beautiful chilled Alaskan crab quadricep lovely naturally sweet delicious Cold Juicy from here a crab I've never even heard of before this is a Jonas crab I believe she said what I really care about is what's in here the claw meat break this in half I mean guys are you kidding me I'm going to get gout tonight imagine you go to Vegas people ask how it was you're like yeah I got a disease and you're like oh no what happened Lady of the night no I got Gout [Music] yeah and I chipped a tooth oh there's still Ed in there it is sweet it is very firm it's dense it's flaky it's delicious from here I'm going to finish all the seafood and I'm going to have 10 to 15 desserts I'm going to do that off camera but what I'm going to do next with you is tell you which Buffet today gave me the most bang for my buck let's go to the parking lot and find out boom guys that is the end of me trying two different buffets at two different price points did you want a middle Buffet I'm not doing it I'm so full I'm going to die I liked both buffets a lot they both have a lot of redeeming qualities but I have to pick just one that I think gave me the most bang for my buckaroos so which one is that it was the expensive Buffet I I'm sorry I love the Filipino Buffet an incredible value for $17.99 but this this is some of the best quality buffet food I've ever had in my life I had a great time and the service very nice too and here's the thing it's uh not 1,000 bucks it's 100 bucks it's still something the average person could save up for it's like a good celebration meal for a birthday anniversary you just bought a new house you just lost your house to the bank whatever you need to celebrate come here or you know go to the Filipino one too otherwise guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time yes oh my God I swear I ate at least $300 of seafood I think I owe money I think I owe more money that's what ridiculous if you love Indian food then you're going to love our new channel best ever food India subscribe now for weekly videos showcasing the most unique street food from around the country
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,659,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mNKrKhDgvrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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