BIZARRE Pizzas of Asia!!! What Was Domino's Thinking??

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hello and welcome to the best ever Bhutanese show headquarters today we can't go outside still I think you know right so instead of going out for food we are bringing the food to us today's topic the most bizarre pizzas we'll find anywhere in Asia and honestly probably the world I've seen pizza in every country I've gone too deep in Africa in Cuba in Korea no matter where you go people have adopted a love and affection for pizza but what they put on that pizza differs from place to place here in Asia you will find pizza toppings that you won't find anywhere else in the world is that good do it again here in Asia you will find pizza toppings that you won't find anywhere else in the world and that's what we're exploring today right now I'm in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam where they have pizza Domino's all the familiar brands plus brands you've never heard of before and we're gonna search for their most unique strange or I should say creative pizza next I'm gonna go inside we're gonna look online and see what we can find let's go here I've got the Pizza Hut website pulled up every fast-food place in Asia has Fried Chicken is that an onion ring it says fried cheese cheese each slice of cheese is crispy and fragrant that doesn't sound good salmon brown bread chicken spice and sweet meat tuna mixed with tuna soup meat and chicken cream are you seeing these names oh this is so way more entertaining than I thought it would be okay hold on I switched it over to English it turns out this is actually disappointingly called a cheesy ring I want a cheesy ring and I want a cheesy pop all right those aren't weird that's kind of just for me it's cuz I have a cheese fetish now let's jump into the Pizza Hut pizza here these are its it's the Bears I think the little cheese sticks on the edge okay they call it cheesy bites so all of these are full of cheese okay I'm definitely gonna get a cheesy bites trio with the shrimp in Vietnam there is so much sea going on the pizzas fisherman's tuna oh it is canned tuna on a pizza okay we'll get this one as well next Domino's Pizza cheesy sausages ah it's still weird kid mania it has bacon corn quail egg okay we're gonna definitely get that one I don't think I've ever had eggs on a pizza it's a Minzy pizza' minion yeah Domino's created that word so I'm gonna get a pizza min because Domino's invented that word and I like that that's innovative and it's new next up the pizza company let's see what we got here Oh Pizza bun me oh I like that they're going local you all know that famous Vietnamese sandwich the Bundy here they have a pizza it looks inspired by the bond Nate I can tell because it has cucumber on it I might have to eat a piece of cucumber Pizza bun me a combination of the iconic Italian cuisine and the most favorite Vietnamese cuisine all over the world with secret recipe sriracha sauce and it's not really a secret we're gonna definitely get one of these there's one more here pizza and are you a weary traveler and you want to eat a pizza go to Pizza Inn let's take a look at what's going on at Pizza Inn whoa what is going on here kimchi pizza huh okay we're gonna get that and I'm gonna try this potato pizza - next we're gonna be calling all these places ordering the pizza and seeing what shows up at the door you guys ready I'm the car bomber let's do this oh yes Pizza time boom and welcome to with the tasting kitchen our first delivery has arrived right here Pizza Hut oh I can't wait to dig in I got a couple sides as you know some dishes I have never seen before here the only type of ring I would ever want to put on my finger a cheese ring to try that out one oh that is heavy I think they took the cheese and they usually will put in a stuffed crust pizza and they just breaded it it's the flavor of bad decisions oh because that can create its own pandemic in here a little hot pops filled with I don't think this one looks like what I tried to order if it's basically the crust from a stuffed cross pizza did you order just the crust this is it how long ago I just bread and cheese our first Pizza Hut pizza right here big reveal the tune of Pizza we've got onion pineapple little like pieces of mock crab leg and then what tastes like canned tuna all right nice bread it's got so nice bread to it let's try it out hmm is it a good sign when the pineapple is the best part of a pizza I don't know the tuna itself is kind of dry and they've sprinkled some mayonnaise on tops but not enough I'm gonna just put it back up there you go can't even tell I took a bite this next pizza I'm really looking forward to this the cheese what's it called me mmm big reveal mmm look at that stunning it's like a car accident because I shouldn't be interested notice but I can't stop looking at it okay I think the trio part comes in that there's three different types of crust it does look like they have a pesto crust a mayonnaise and just maybe cheese on top in the middle shrimp with the tails on it seems irresponsible I mean look right here this is just a tail without any shrimp attached I can see it now every pizza has three cheese bites let's take a bite hmm no tomato sauce kind of sweet and a little creamy let's break off one of these cheese bites in a normal cheese crust all the cheese is gonna be contained inside but here since it's open to the world and open to the heating element in the oven the cheese is kind of just spewed out it's not like a satisfying cheesy bite it's just kind of like a little bit of cheese on there but not a lot of cheese I don't like to give ratings but since we're eating pizza it's not really a cultural thing I'm gonna break these pizzas because I'm rating one pizza to another pizza so the tuna pizza to me is intuitive I'm sorry this one here it's confusing I adore the creativity creativity here it's like a tent they went for it they just threw everything at that like they had a brainstorming meeting and they included everything idea I love that for yumminess I'll give it like a six round two dominoes let's see what they have brought us here by the way in much of Asia this is the the biggest pizza they would bring us in the US this is like a it's like a single pan pizza for a six-year-old in the USA let's open it up what is this my pizza min ocean um is this my Aquaman Pizza here there's a little discrepancy between the picture which looked amazing and this which looks like something's missing how about the toppings there's like three shrimps in here again no tomato sauce I'm pretty sure maybe people in Vietnam they don't like the tomato sauce so we've got cheese onion shrimp pineapple and they're supposed to is there supposed to be squid and then a tiny amount of squid well let's try it out maybe it's delicious anyway so it's got a shrimp and a half on it or it's got a cheese crust we order cheese crust I mean I know that I'm at home alone and I ordered cheese crust me me I the cheese what's it called me here we go that's pretty good it's a few things here they got right first of all no shrimp tails good amount of cheese it's very creamy but very sparsely and occasionally you will find some squid the squid of course has no flavor and they're so tiny it doesn't really offer much texture either see my final rating here I'm gonna give it an eight nut right here big revealed Wow what is going on there this one is called kid mania because if kids don't know what the hell a pizza is supposed to taste like so you give this to them while you eat the good one let's take a closer look there are tons of quail eggs bacon corn cheese I don't know about the build of this pizza the cheese doesn't even go all the way to the crust I don't know why why'd you guys do that I listen to an in-depth interview with Papa John he said there needs to be a cheese lock here you can see there's a cheese lock with the crust then you get over here someone got lazy this is just pure bread content all right let's try a piece again no tomato sauce white sweet I'd say the bacon has some sugar in it interesting textures as you're biting into it because you're like oh yeah corn I kind of like the quail egg as an ingredient the pizza construction I give it a 5 because they don't have the cheese lock on the edge for the taste though I'm going to go to 7 do you know what mania means mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria delusions and over activity and over activity kid mania right here third restaurant I feel great no I feel bad this is what people think it's just fun Paul and it's gonna eat a fun amount of food until I'm a little bit full no I'm gonna eat me too I hate myself so first of all these pizzas are so tiny and cute in the USA this would be a for an infant six month old this one is called the crab stick cocktail pizza cheese is pretty cheesy stretchy [Music] crunchy edges and just super doughy where the topics just flew off there I don't believe I tasted any crab eNOS okay that's that one good next on me pizza big pieces of meat what kind of meat is it oh let's not meet that act Hey what it's a pizza with a liver pate on top oh I've never had pizza wouldn't have to hang on it that's nuts I mean pate if you don't know it's like a port liver they round it down hooked it up obviously it's like a spread people put it on crackers and their bond me on sandwiches so here we have pickled daikon and radish and cucumber I think I need to assemble it myself and cucumber oh I ran out oh no no I don't have any more I'm just gonna eat the one without the cucumber so other people can oh yeah I'm alone I'm gonna eat the one I'm gonna eat the one without the cucumber all right let's try it out it's pretty good it's super sweet man but men and that pickled radish on there and the carrots is surprisingly good it's refreshing I'll take another bite setting that pork mm-hmm Oh pate is really salty overall it's like that oh yeah it's gonna hard to breathe that I think nine for creativity I'm surprised I didn't realize there's gonna be just a bunch of pate on there super salty and then I like that they give you fresh ingredients on the side you can kind of make the pizza yourself that's fun the actual flavor I'm gonna give it a 6.80 I forgot this one final vote for the crab cocktail I'm giving that a 4.5 out of 10 we are on to restaurant number four here I think this one is the potato pizza because they wrote the word potato I then this one would be the kimchi one oh that's just french fries it's like soft and mushy no it isn't a french fry it is like a square cut piece of potato also on here they got some ham naming a little bit of green pepper some mayonnaise once again no tomato sauce let's try it out all right this cheesy kind of a fun texture in your little mouth hole but why when you look at it it kind of is drawing you in like a tractor beam okay potato pizza of creativity - you just put potatoes on a pizza flavor buy next one here is the kimchi pizza I lived in Korea for eight years I mean if anyone's gonna love a kimchi pizza it should be me hmm it's got a little bit of a punchiness to it so far I'm intrigued I'm liking it okay yeah let's try it up I mean a hundred percent kimchi flavor it is spicy it's a little sour it's hot if you love kimchi and you love pizza why not put them together and try this out I'm gonna give it a waiver taster score of five point five next restaurant buzz' pizza here I think this one is very unique it's our final one let's open it up to find out more wow there's a lot going on here so these are big fried shrimp yes they do have the tails on but these shrimp it looks like they ran them over with a car tire they're very flat in the middle we've got some bean sprouts and and then some cherry tomatoes cheese it looks like you would pick the shrimp off and eat it that way like this in timing me list let's try out the shrimp it's a good fried shrimp here's the pho mmm okay thin but soft crust once again no tomato sauce I don't know what's going on I know there are options for tomato sauce on pizza but how did it happen that we got nine pizzas today and none of them have tomato sauce I'd say overall good it's just mild sweet not a super strong flavor I think it's a fun pizza I think if you had kids they would like it buzz of pizza a local pizza chain here in Vietnam good job guys and some applause sound with that and so it doesn't look so silly Thank You editor final score for this pizza I'm gonna give it a seven point nine boom guys that has been wacky bizarre pizzas in Asia particularly in Viet Nam in Ho Chi Minh City I want to know in the comments down below which pizza would you guys most want to try out for me as you remember I gave the highest rating - which one okay let's do a quick recap editor ah that pizza that was my favorite one I hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making myself morbidly obese I think that's it for this one hope we see you guys next time take care of yourself and your family hope you're doing good we'll see you next time thank you for watching I'm Pete all right I'm gonna do with all of this I stopped watching go do something else the wrong with you oh just putting it away hey guys how's it going with that quarantine more like borign teeth am i right if you're anything like me you're probably stuffing yourself twice a day listen we're gonna get through this I'm not talking about the apocalypse I don't know anything about that I'm talking about this constant stomach stretching that we keep doing but if we move forward if we persevere at the end of the day we can call ourselves food coma survivors by the shirt and we're donating 25% of the profits from this campaign to feed America's Cove in nineteen response fight they are assisting food banks and helping people across America who are in need so it's a cool shirt it's a great cause thank you guys for the support
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,189,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: besteverfoodreviewshow, befrs, streetfood, foodreview, foodblogger, foodandtravel, yummy, foodie, nomnom, travel, sonnyside, sonny, foodgasm, foodporn, foodandwine, seafood, food, delicious, travelchannel
Id: Cx-_QN55f50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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