I Spent 500 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Rimworld

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I spent 500 Days in R World Zombie Land can I survive in a Brutal Zombie Apocalypse string on a deserted island and try to escape the planet while searching for the zombie cure I'm playing on the hardest difficulty welcome to rim world so we're here on a tropical island and we're going to have zombies coming in in fact there's one zombie right here yep it is a burrowing up and right there so we need to really prepare well then we have limited resources here on the island but we will start off by chopping down some wood I think we will base right here because we have some rich soil we can swall these two choke points off since we have only one colonist there's not really going to be a lot of zombies but it is going to get very bad soon so for now we're just going to wall off this section right here and of course this big one right here I'm going to forbid those for now because I need a shack first silver is halfway done with the house I don't really have to worry about food because we have banana plants and blood orange trees on this island now there's one zombie here will infect us if it bites us so we have to avoid it the good thing is that you can craft a serum or a cure for the zombie virus if you kill enough zombies we will have to sleep here for now without a roof because there's too many trees in the jungle and we're also getting heat stroke on day number two silver will work on the roofing of the house I will have to get a table down because eating without a table is a war crime we can also to construct a zombie shocker here so this thing will make every zombie in a room unconscious for a short while so we do have rimatomics and rim fillers so we can get some oil maybe burn the zombies and rim atomics we can well destroy them so we are playing on 500% fret scale in the rimol Zombie Land settings so the Fret forecast here well it indicates hell so it's currently going down but we need to prepare defenses because as you can see in 2 days it will go back up it also gets it's really dark in the night but we will stay up Co in here okay the shack and its interior have been constructed the silver will now work on the walls they're going to have to be made out of food for now but we're going to double layer them with stone walls perfect so with that done we will now start researching maybe get some power up during the gloomy nights of the tropical jungle silver we'll start to mine some steel now on the tropical island there is not a lot of resources on the surface so we will have to resort deep drilling now I did land in a Sandstone SL Marble Island here because Sandstone builds the fastest out of all the stone blocks and that will be crucial when repairing up the base anyways got the Stone Cutters tables to make some Sandstone blocks and we are trapped on this island so we cannot go out to Caravan for help well that is unless we can get a boat or a flying vehicle so we have a Siege zombie here that will destroy our walls I'm not sure how to deal with these things without a ranged weapon we do have free crafting so I need to craft a bow I suppose we have our raid from groups of edin H group it's singular there's only one edin but I suppose raids will be very easy to take care off the zombies can just kill him anyways we need to take this thing out free shooting experience though which is absolutely magnificent does this thing have infinite armor or something so you saw right there that zombie has one shot our wall oh the edin here got maed by a zombie a poor 14-year-old furing and now we need to spend the night fighting this thing and now it's going to break into our house yep it is um H this is not good visitors o free food maybe they can die and give us their pimin ah please help us this is insane yes come and eat and yes kill the zombie wow you're not going to kill the zombie okay we need to sleep this is absurd and now a herder can you kill this thing shunks of spacecraft from Randy H sad wander on Silver she'll be fine as long as she avoids the zombie the zombie is finally dead what was that 4 days just killing this thing well then we will have to rebuild and hope that never happens again so looks like we'll have to get defenses first so smiing up to Machining maybe well then finally peace upon the lands there are now 25 zombies on the map but the threat level is going down well then so as I said I want to get electricity and construct this wall after that battle I think we went from level four shooting to level 16 need some Stone chunks I'm going to have to move our Stone Cutters table out here for now just kill off these zombies they do take quite a lot to kill though another raid from wasters which will die oh my this is a great Genie though please do not get bit by a zombie you can barely see it but a zombie child is there but a good thing with Genies is that they're wimp so they will almost always get down before killed yes shoot him there we go okay Norman is secured so he will be great now I just need to get more Stone chunks rare fros what happens if I make the Manhunter won't they like attack the zombies okay let's see this fumbo Revenge yep okay we managed to kill one frbo another raid from wasters again this time an actual waser which are quite bad in the early game we don't have yo so she will have to die to this zomboid I mean wers are like zombies already so nothing will change for you dusk oh what is this Surplus Raider the military is here these people have a bunch of good stuff to trade but we don't have any money more chunks of oh no a new raid one iin I believe okay got a nice prisoner room for Norman so stop complaining we' finally reduced the resistance of Norman so let's convert him and then he is ours we are soon done with the walls here as well the deserter Quest but this guy is a haar and we do not have goju so I'm going to have to deny this Quest another raid from waster who will die Norman new recruit welcome aboard kagar so what you will do is mostly research and craft maybe make some clothing with this fromer for our settlement name it will be the Zombie Souls compacted meteorite from Randy we're going to start off by researching battery and then go up to Machining maybe get some solar generators and wind power we will now grow some crops for the future and yes keep on researching ooh batteries already get some solar panels another raid from groups of imps pleas just kill the Zombies yep oh this woman right here was actually decked out but she's going to become zombified finally got some power now we can replace everything with batteries get some lamps a refugee Quest for 7 Days Martin let's see your pyromaniac in a wooden base spot double passion intellectual I guess you can just research and another Surplus Trader but there are a bunch of zombies coming in New Lover silver and kagara well then don't have to worry about your mood 116 zombies already this will be great solar panels finally we have another one of these zombies which we have to kill oh they're shooting their own muff oh look at all that loot oh no that's so much wealth armor skin glands a this is so bad too much wealth but the zombies can handle all of the raids maybe I can sell some of these things back to them this muffalo is also dead which has a gun let's see here bunch of advanced components oh no we have an engineering zombie that can open doors the zombies are Smalling the wildlife everything is dying to these zomboids well at least we are safe inside of our walls oh well the Fret level is soon at zero so then we can collect all the loot from the Caravan back then and a mechanoid cluster an Emi Dynamo how will I take care of this maybe the zombies can do something zombie spitter attack what the hell is this thing a monster that spits zombies to attack your base from the air what the hell a mortar filled with zomboids okay it's dead need to be very careful here these things are so damn tough though okay so what's going on on the outside world there are special zombies here oh what the hell look how much Lo is just lying around the map the problem is it has increased our wealth to extreme height mechanoids have woken up great zombies take care of this there's a zombie here that spits out black liquid anyways got Machining well we already have weapons now so maybe we go up to micro Electronics get to trading with the coms console so what is going on at this Mech cluster okay so the sent theed is getting demolished the mech cluster will be quite easy to take care of there will only be one point in 5 days where the zombie count kills to zero you know what I'm just going to deal with this straight away we need to jump this turret okay Martin take care of that hopefully you don't explode to death okay that is not good at all run the hell away yep uh Martin you might be dead ah well that was quite easy please do not explode I want that power cell me cluster has been defeated well then bring back this unstable Power Cell back to the base now a defoliator refugees leaving let's see what will happen to Martin there's noow leaving this place I can tell you that goodbye Martin a yep he is getting muled but the zombie scratch Marching In the Torso and exposing the flesh underneath why are these zombies so violent take it easy we're soon done with microelectronics we're going to start mining get a machining table up while then silver will become the leader of this Colony couple of the ciphers are just dying to the zombie so all the me clusters will be free micro Electronics now this will be our only contact with the outside world since well every single Caravan will die to the zomboids we're going to make a comms console and the orbital trade Beacon we're at 0% threat here so it's time to go out and loot only a few ciphers here we can take care of that finally some rain to clean up this hell hole of a map just a random ass boom [Music] whale I took out a few zombies here because they were a part of this tanker zombie once again I hate these so since we can't really get recruits I'm going to focus on getting kids so silver and kagar will try for a baby and we will have fertility procedures here and get some growth Vats to get some op kids to run the colony and the outside world is deadly as always just a random child zombie here hopefully our kids don't become zombies our first harvest of corn coming in but I might have to start planting rice if I want grow bats we also have a small research room here so we're going to place down some steel high-tech research benches and I will also make a small freezer so let me plan that out so we've researched fertility procedures and a bunch of other stuff so we got Advanced lights and ster on materials there's also a heat wave here which means it's 46 Cel I'm made a cooler here we got the freezer coming up soon 57 Cel this is the extreme desert okay this should fix it all yes close ourselves in here and yeah it's going down to 21 okay our first OV them we will stack the uping at a lot of kids raid from the Ander Falls this time 11 of them to take out the zombies there are people visiting and Kendra here is Silver's daughter uh she will die though Valkyrie you better help Silver's daughter neander Falls are fleeing wow look at this neander F though he is insane but well he is probably going to become a zombie oh no KRA she's going to die and everybody will turn into a zombie which is also great but Silver's daughter died so that is minus 20 mood for 30 days we will floor in the colony because having dirt lying around Is Not Great ah Kendra how could you become a zombie zombie spitter attack H not this again it's just standing there will you start shooting oh know a zombie here is going to destroy our door okay another Caravan and there it is our first high-tech research bench we're just going to go for Grove Vats the zombie spitter is just still standing there is it bugged a huge forest fire here hopefully Randy will send us rain I mean surely he won't let the island burn down well base is nice and cleaned up not much we can do here because we're getting no comms consult trades we have no components so we cannot really progress so we're going to have to mine in the mountain here maybe get some of these components new Quest a 9-year-old child to join I mean we need pawns so doesn't matter if it's a child for now I just hope she can run back safely I'm Miss Andress child she already hates men run forest run just keep on running she is faster than the zomboids though so I think she will make it safely oh now we have to deal with them a this is not good at all now the whole horde is here how are these zombies so [Music] fast oh no yes more and more piling up another zombie [Music] bruise that was quite a situation but they're all dead or wait they're already dead they're dead dead welcome aboard meic and I will have two convert her so let's do this oh not one of these zombies [Music] again we are piling up some zombie extract though I think it was 100 we need another zombie knocking on the door silver pregnant finally you know what I think it's best if I just wall these exits off because zombies can only destroy doors only special kind of zombies can destroy walls as well so if we need to go out and we has deconstruct the walls multianalyzer well then we need to mine for components need more resources I will probably have to go into fabrication and deep drilling get some steel make components so we don't have to buy and mine them because as of right now it's not looking too good finally some components with the growth that will insert embryo a Manhunter pack chasing pants so me epic now 17 sheep so far so good we're just researching up to ground penetrating scanner as I said need more components but not much to do I would also like to get a multi analyzer but we don't have enough gold or plasti this is why we need to get some deep drills or Caravans also going to construct a nutrient paste dispenser finally a combat supplier well then this is what I'm trading getting some components and Medicine got ground penetrating scanner well then can can we afford this yep we can afford this let's just have kagar Scan our first scan of uranium I mean the ultimate endgame goal would be to wall off the entire Island here by the beach make a huge compound but of course we need more colonists we've already scanned plel uranium and steel up North so I think firstly we will expand up here you seal all of this off and then the Northwestern side another Man Hunter pack I mean with these zombies no threats are really bad only drop pod raids would be horrible but other than that it's quite chill still have the zombie spitter here it's probably bugged out raid from the mech hiive okay so just a bunch of ciphers lancers and a Pikeman they can clean up the map for me oh we scan steel right in our base how are the mechs doing here uh They're All Dead [Music] zombies for just too op finally converted meic you will be released she will mostly be doing cooking and Mining Royal tribute collector how will this go free weapons what the hell is that a bison wool Hello Kitty backpack and this guy is an absolute gigachad with that backpack well then my piic get to cooking a 9-year-old child will surely call C no food poisoning oh they're going to clear out this area nice this is an opportunity to take back our land they're not attacking them no food poisoning from that meal meic will become a Master Chef contestant meic watching silver cut down the trees what we're going to do is plan out a huge wooden wall at first and then double layer it with Sandstone now the Fret level is only at 18 so no new zombies will spawn for a while as you can see the max is 200 and right now there's 159 so hopefully we will be able to construct this in time healthy vat birth well then it's a she so welcome aboard kol Baka and you will go back into the grow fat until you're 3 years old we have a visitor here to trade this is what I'm trading growth moment for meic we can choose a trade for her so great memory oh no uh the visitor got absolutely demolished anyways we have successfully constructed the expansion of the perimeter anyways we have enough Sandstone for the outer expansion so we don't have to worry about fires and yeah I mean we're going to construct more wind turbines and solar panels out here oh not blight new Quest here for Stanley so Stanley here as a reward is too great to give up on who smart which means 75% Global Learning factor and double passion in mining and shooting which we need I mean raids are not an issue and we get six Champions that will be placed under our control oh they can work for us wonderful and just like that the Sandstone expansion has been completed oh no Nicholas got a zombie bite and is going to become a zombie soon well then I have a plan for you you're going to be enclosed in here forever an Ambrosia sprout in the middle of our Fields zombie bite 143 hours to become a zombie okay I guess you're fine I mean this Quest will be completed soon they will come in 1.4 days a new Caravan a hunter Caravan bulk Goods Trader so this is what I'm trading with the bulk Goods Trader from the coms console they had all the golden plas steel that I needed for the multianalyzer raid from groups of imps they're going to they have chainsaw uh this time they're actually getting through oh fire what is that chainsaw sound they're all fleeing this guy here psychopath gormand oh no he is going to become a zombie of course well zombie organs we can get that so every single human that dies has a zombie infection in their brain you need to make sure to extract their skulls so here is the raid from the quest let's see what happens to gun here he will be mauled anyways we're getting the organs out of this guy another raid from garbage waster there were two I mean the zombies are Smalling them and the multianalyzer has been constructed this zombies are is too vicious look at this guy there were three raids okay so yeah there are three groups this will be hell oh no one group is coming for [Music] here [Music] Min gun I want [Music] that they're all fleeing or just one group but now these two groups are together which is not ideal we will be grabbing that Minun uh what just happened our Empire people have just given up and we failed the quest why a this is not great at all okay let's go back inside before all of these corpses become zombified silver is just so slow H somebody has to carry her a new raid from imps now what this is just great this is absolute hell I'm not even sure what's going on anymore and now all of these people have turned into zombies yeah we have lost this land here now because of these zombies and the Gap right there cannot go there anymore well the imps are going to take everything out I hope although they're not doing so good we also have a bunch of rumos we have a combat supplier now we have some visitors I don't even know what's going on the zombies and the visitors for living in harmony kill them all why can they not attack Trev seems to be a few bugs imps have given up and are leaving the map is just a mess the zombies are feasting upon the imps I'm going to send out meic on a mission here the mission impossible to get two fos here that have died I mean she can easily do this a single child hauling a 240 kg thrumbo oh no one zombie here closed that up Haka became a child we will have to make some Child clothing for you so we're going to research fabrication now yes we can make components we only have 14 silver in labor there it is a baby boy welcome aboard Andreas he will of course go into the growth vat because you're a useless child your sister can haul you into the growth vat we've also extracted one more o them out of silver because we need more kids I won't insert it for now because we do not have a lot of food where the hell are these zombies going I mean I guess that's great for us more fos here we can acquire but this is the perfect opportunity to patch this up although silver is currently down the zombies are behaving very Str strangely okay we have successfully done it and the zombie spitter is still here ooh finally the threet level reaches zero so all the zombies died we are now free oh my no lag no nothing got a Garland pod Sprout I think this playr I'm actually going to plant it all the loot out here can be hold in safely well then we're expanding upon storage we're soon done with fabrication we also need more food for the babies we are slightly starving there we go fabrication I have a new Quest here for a three-year-old child named Sam I mean he will probably die now let's accept it okay Sam you are in the middle oh not too bad of a spawn location barely fast enough there we go Sam a three-year-old can outrun zombies we will of course convert him first welcome aboard Ben Ambrosia coming in and all the food but the thing that Sam was fleeing from was a climate adjuster and apparently WEA swim in the water here will take 3.8 days but I believe it's reducing the temperature by 10 celsus so let's just leave it this tropical island will become a temperate forest too deep infestation this is uh not too [Music] good that was not dis move is fat at all I did not expect that did take quite some damage on Silver okay looks like we're okay looks like we're not drilling for a while until we get a Mist a transport crash in the middle of our compound but he isn't too great I mean combat is the only thing he's good at maybe he can try to organ Harvest but silver is still injured right as we were rescuing him he joins you know what maybe he can become a shooting Specialist or something could become good in my Mining and animals well and toxic welcome aboard now he does have cataract in both of his eyes so not a great shooter for now once we get those bionic eyes on him he will be great Andreas became a child we're going to go into beer brewing here let's get some of that so we're going to grow hops and smoke Leaf smoking and drinking is what this colony is going to be about maybe we should get our own Cacao Tree here I mean we have all the time in the world let's get some chocolate going a psychic ship okay this will be quite easy to take care of as you saw previously and the action is on here we go get some cacao trees healthy vat birth another baby boy so liquid lion another zombie spit attack uh this one also seems to be bogged that is very strange I another tanker zombie that took forever my goodness raid from the mchive this will be very interesting I hope they will die before they get to us there are two centurions on the map though let's see see how they fair oh I didn't even notice all the raids died H yep dead centurions everywhere finally converted Ben let's release him so we got a new Quest here for sangu fages vampires and the funny thing is that vampires are Undead so let's see how the zombies Fair against them crash shuttle hopefully they don't get moulded instantly oh she is actually really good though there he is watching their Master die the whole raid is getting destroyed though oh maybe I can capture four ice but she has been bitten about 500 times I hear she's dead okay for ice you are going to become a zombie and the outside world is yes filled with zombies we have Ballard here trying to kill one yeah that is just free loot the guy will be mauled anyways we soon have beer coming in need to get some W and then we can start brewing beer so our kids can drink that raid from the mchive yeah that is very big but there is 100% Threat Level now so bunch of zombies here that can kill them more Ambrosia from Randy in our compound okay mix our attacking but they will all die as I said got an exotic Goods Trader let's see they had a bunch of good stuff like a telescoping component let's go of course you had to land in here why mechanoids are slowly getting tripped away at there is no raid that can stop The Horde yeah I do not have to worry about this and now a slave ship let's see if we can get some good slaves or recruits so I got s here he is very good double passion in art and Mining I think I will change him out for toxic unfortunately I mean toxic here can only become a shooting specialist and even then he has cataract in both of his eyes of course the drop pods are in this order what is this I have to deconstruct the walls every time I make a purchase huh okay so I forgot to set you into The Home Zone get back here we will have to convert and recruit you liquid lion became a child well then out of the growth vat so I think that's good enough for now we have five kids and three adults plus Scotch so eight colonists is enough for now also got the fabrication bench coming up finally some components oh no 51 celsus I got this climate adjuster a while ago and I thought it was reducing the temperature but apparently it's increasing it so I'm going to have to go out and deal with that but it will be nearly impossible 3.8 days and a toxic Fallout from Randy ah this is worst case I need to harvest our plants get all the smoke leaf and the corn this might be the perfect opportunity to make some gas masks the gas mask has an 80% toxic environment resistance and we do have enough chem fuel for it so let's make some let's make some W for the beer and get some fermenting barrels meic cooking up some wart oh my makes zombie serum 10 up to 100% pure serum from dead zombies that guaranteed cure zombie infections during operations I'm guessing the 50% one only has a 50% success rate yeah but what I wanted to do here was to get some smoke Leaf joints just have some CH labor to complete that task Royal tribute collector finally help us so we got a fermenting barrel so we will have Ben Hall some wart in there and we got beer coming in meic roll up some smoke leaves get our kids high on this o the Fret level will soon reach zero and here we go all the zombies will die we are free once more but there's a toxic Fallout so there's not much we can do oh while we have one day to do what we need to do I'm going to have everyone take beer and smoke Leaf if mood is below let's say 30% I believe that's the freshh hold for minor break oh no it's 35% if you're sad kids don't talk it out just take some drugs we actually need to take care of this climate adjusters so I'm going to caran out there I think kagar will have to go you can borrow Silver's gas mask and get out goodbye Dad I hope we will see you soon also going to have a Christmas tree party here upon the toxic rounds another albino zombie taken care of he has appear out of nowhere meic has leveled up to level six cooking now she can start making fine meals ravenous crabs a group of hungry Island scaring crabs have just arrived yeah they will die to the zomboids Caravan has arrived at climate adjust so we're in the middle of the ocean and there's a few mechanoids here oh no zombies are appearing here I did not think of that okay get in here quick and here it is+ 10 temperature yeah the tanker zombie here will destroy the cipher and get the hell out and goodbye also got another slave ship see if we can get even better recruits unfortunately nobody that I'm interested in so you're selling off some ambrosia oh no we have another tanker zombie here which we need to kill I think it's bugged or [Music] something finally dead hate those things ah the worst of the toxic fallouts has settled the island looks so dead when there's no plants around a toxic Fallout has killed the island okay kagar you're finally back please just run on okay he is safe luckily didn't spawn on top of a zombie going to do a few rituals so we can reform the ideology well then let's reform the ideology choosing human Primacy but then this is our newly reformed ideology and we will have kagar become the production specialist silver is so busy raising these kids she is such a great mother another Surplus Trader finally a new Caravan while then trading away a bunch of weapons and clothing to them so much loot to sell back oh my look at that loot got the whole Colony here to grab all of this and some Recon helmets meic became an adult so these are the skills and traits I'm going for her she is decked out with tough shooting and Mining passion and then you will go back into the grow V meic so one problem we are facing is that nobody can mine now though kagar is the production specialist so he is off mine we will have to wait for the kids to grow up before we make real progress yeah it's unfortunate there's no real way to get recruits easily here we need to get so here soon he is sted out still haven't converted him another albino zombie taking care off new Quest here for Oxana a 9-year-old and there will be a huge raid let's accept it and see okay slowpoke mining passion and the raid chasing her yep I think they will all die time to convert you imps have given up and are leaving yep katonic Oxana why are you so sad and now a growth moment for her oana let's go for kind silver pregnant uh do we really need this he you know what let's have this one kid and that's it I think we're also going to research for drill for oil let's get some chem field refining maybe burn the zomboids and our wealth is at 77,000 but as you saw all the raids just die instantly to the zomboids transport crash Stone mic's brother I mean he is quite good but will we be able to reach him come on Stone oh he is dead he's he's just dead and meic will get a minus 14 Moody buff new recruit so welcome aboard J man we will have you do Mining and art and now we can finally make someone the moral guide come converted oana welcome aboard Malarkey we will release you we will have the kids do some deep drilling get more steel that's all we need drill for oil we will go straight into chemfuel refining and get some oil up meic is finally 18 years old well then you will do cooking and Mining cam fuel refining and a Mech cluster o foggy rain but it is so far away well I guess we will just have rain for a while then I cannot risk going out to take care of of that o or maybe in yeah a few days when the threet level reaches zero bul Goods Trader they will also die 1% and here we go let's see them all die or they're already dead but dead dead everybody is free now I want you to loot and a bul Goods Trader to trade with and I will have kagar here take care of the mech cluster it will take 6.2 days that is so far yeah know I think I will go into Vehicles now so let's get some basic vehic Les get some boats and such wonderful this will increase our wealth but more resources for us got two bulk Goods Traders you always want to trade with the best social Pawn here so Andreas has 15 social at 5 years old but he has a better deal than silver so 22% so this is what I'm trading with the first bulk Goods Trader and with the second one I'm buying some medicine and selling off some clothing another zombie spitter attack uh spawned right next next to his brother but they're bugged new Quest a damage shuttle I think I'll accept this for the knee Spike I mean the ra should just die instantly oh threat level is zero I did not expect this silver is the best mother smoking and drinking while pregnant kagar is finally here at the weather controller oh I've never seen a Mech cluster like this with the turret inside of the building maybe it's because we're on the ocean well then we have defeated it let destroyed this and finally no more rain for a while growth moment for Ben going to go for Mining and tough tough is the best tra in the game so we moment for cool Baka now so I think she will become an artist yes go into medical passion art passion and shooting passion with the two smart trait three deep infestation and a solar [Music] flare okay that went a bit bad but we're fine another zombie spitter attack okay so all it did was spit out a few zombies and now it's leaving goodbye and clear out all of [Music] these there we go nice and safe beer production is going good good we have 100 beer almost 100 smoke Leaf so our drug colony is coming along and we also got chocolate coming in soon drop pod with skull spikes from Randy is he warning me while kagar will soon be home so maybe it's a sign that he might spawn on top of zombies so zombies here are quite interesting they can survive 209 celsus and- 82 celus her life expectancy is at 9,9 99 okay kagar welcome back we want to avoid these zombies that have been turned from Human while these are all zombies that have been turned to human but these ones in particular are very fast okay kagar you are safe what the hell um I think a suicide bomber zombie just exploded yeah so there are zombies with the suicide vests and once they touch any wall they will explode oh now these things are are getting smarter okay we will have to repair that another day silver in labor finally the new kid but she's in a mental break uh I guess the baby will just have to pop out on the floor oh she's actually going to give birth standing up okay she is now down there we go looks like a baby girl welcome aboard sacred you will of course go back into the grow fat well we have a caravan here but this suicide bomber zombie here that is what exploded our walls then got a resource console and look how much oil we have we will become so powerful with this we can get chem fuel power and everything well then focus on this oil industry become Dubai I'm also going to construct more lights in the base and in the compound I hate seeing all of this Darkness oh we got some chocolate coming in from the chocolate trees Grove moment for Andreas well then could become a good melee so melee passion and passion imp Plants Plus hard work worker we will have him do planting another zombie spitter attack what the hell flying [Music] zombies I think the zombie spitter left I think that's all of them exotic Goods Trader let's see well then buying a mega screen television don't need a nutrient past dispenser now that meic is a sufficient cook sacred became a child welcome back out so we have three drill arms from a caravan earlier so we will install that on our miners have our miners mine even faster you better not fail this silver random albino zombie here okay what the hell is it doing come on Andreas with the chainsaw there we go Andreas this is chainsaw man well then the oil well here is at 93% and then we can start drilling so we have 3,400 steel and 52 components to work with and an infestation okay I think I know how to deal with this and now we yeah yes lur the insects into the zombies yep and we should be safe wonderful insects I mean it looks like it's working free meat we also have a Man Hunter pack here with Carib Bo so they're working together another zombie spitter attack this one is also bugged anyways we've also installed lights in this section of the base so no more Darkness got basic vehicles I would much prefer to get a mosquito a helicopter or maybe get some tanks to deal with the zombies smoke Leaf addiction it was found to have happen Jamon but all the lamps in this section have been constructed finally rare fro and FBO Revenge can we get the corpses maybe and here we go we have a large chemfuel power plant so all the oil is up this thing outputs 16,000 Watts I could have two of these and then replace everything goodbye wind turbines and solar panels oh no a tanker zombie how did I not notice this I can deconstruct the batteries as well this is so great we have become Dubai this place will rise to power Hall one and two corpses growth moment for liquid lion I think I'm going to go for these things for him this is actually so cozy though our own little compound in the middle of nowhere aerial Vehicles let's see here get a mosquito a helicopter there's also a bunch of vehicles here I would like to get a tank to destroy the zombies but I would like to invest more into defenses to get gun turrets outside of the base okay gun turrets no more research we're simply going to construct all of these things what is this a zombie fper a Stamper to attract zombies uses Fuel and does damage to the environment per hit what so we can get a killbox with turrets and you shred the zomboids let's test out this steel sentry gun for this thing is from reation security and this thing is automated defense yeah and zombies cannot destroy anything other than doors I believe so this is so good we will take back this island so then let's expand up here and then we will take back the Northwestern part we will need a lot of blocks for this though so work on that I mean this turret is just carrying us now we will need a lot of Steel to upkeep this because the turrets they consume so much of it the sacred will have to go back and forth refueling the thing but as long as we have child slaves to do the drilling for us we should be good oh no we have another tanker zombie here you can barely see anything but these zombies need to be killed okay we have better accuracy in the light so get back [Music] here okay get some zombie extract [Music] here Brett has been dealt with Malarkey became an adult well then these are the traits and skills I'm going for her raid from the mchive 24 ciphers oh no the ciphers are making their way over here okay stay in doors that turret is just dead oh oh no it somehow took out all of these ciphers ciphers are all dead we're safe I'm going to research Outdoors yes to improve the movement efficiency of the colony our base is getting Cozier and Cozier I'm going to expand the base more here get our ideology room and yeah just continue expanding defoliator ship let's see here a diablous and just like that the wall has been constructed so now we will move over to this part me cluster is still holding off strong I guess the zombies cannot get near another zombie spit attack and that was about all of them oh my there's a random tanker zombie in here not my TV the re desperate refugees why not okay they did not spawn on top of zombies come on get inside a dirt mle Mining and ooh cooking could be good they're all all right defoliator is increasing in size I might have to M this do we have any reinforced barrels I don't think so well then this part has also been constructed so now we have occupied almost half the island we just need this part I think if we get a zombie fper to try to attract every single zombie will that work betrayal the refugees have turned against us I butcher them all up oh no Sammy with the sniper okay they're fleeing we only took one shot to the Torso anyway zombie fumers on we can toggle the intensity so the max setting lows in a radius like this I thought I could get the whole map okay well that will not work do some organ harvesting towards the betrayers another too deep infestation okay took quite some damage growth moment for Ben let's see here you know what he's going to become a miner and a Constructor well he's already a miner but now he will also do construction Now growth moment for Kaka fast learner again and D skills for her so was going to close off this section here yes so I wouldn't get infestations now we do get one okay well we have the same Strat maybe they can attack the [Music] mech or the diablas is friendly firing but we still need a morar to take care of [Music] this okay we've filled out the entire cave here so every single Mountain roof has been covered so no more infestation so I need to deal with this Mech cluster now it has destroyed the southern part of the map I think what I'm going to do is get silver here and get this four rifle here this thing has a range of 52 so maybe I can kite the mech into zomboids this is working take out all the Pikeman maybe we can take out the ship defoliator from here wow I could have just picked it off from here this whole time okay it's getting dark and now accuracy will be reduced so let's finish this off [Music] tomorrow come on one more shot there we go we're finally free well then just get inside let's see one Zombie solo this diabos oh never mind oh it seems [Music] bogged well then I would like to claim this area right here it has a lot of plas steel that we need exotic Goods Trader and growth moment for Andreas well then these are the skills and traits that I'm going for him oh so much free loot okay we need to haul all of this nasty loot back in pick all of this up halfway done with this wall here we have almost taken care of the whole island so much black sticky liquid everywhere soy is approaching with a child in toe they say they escaped from a slave Caravan why not let's be kind to them we will totally not get some kid organs let's see here use this child and an okay mother oh no soy is too slow yeah she got bit once so she will become a zomboid oh soy got no infection risk so there is a chance you do not get infected another tanker zombie that needs to be [Music] killed oh no another tanker zombie well well the infrastructure has successfully been constructed I don't think we need to construct more I wanted to construct this mosquito here but I'm missing some resources I have no gold here which is an issue and I haven't got a Trader to buy from the only gold I see is over here so I'm going to make it a bit harder for us now instead of the random movement style here you can read I will change it to Smart this will eventually bring them to us so they will start stacking up around the walls and such but I think we are ready we have all the infrastructure and all the turrets necessary and then we can research up to marine armor maybe get Advanced fabrication get some better weapons the miners are finally mining some plast steel now the only thing I need is gold now a volcanic winter from Randy I mean it's much better than a heat wave so let's go I know the zombies are ganging up on them walls what the hell is happening they're all being brought to us which is yeah not ideal we will need more gun turrets so what's going on here they're all just piling what the hell dangerous situation there are zombies being pushed over your walls zombies from accumulating to dense groups yeah this is very bad and the same thing here okay we need to reload these trets there are so many of them need more backup the whole base is so dark during a solar flare group of colonists passing by branch and she is the grandmother and mother of all of these people if she dies we will get a major Moody buff oh no Branch she is dead another dangerous situation A turrets can handle that I always need to be prepared for these things to deep infestation no problem we have turrets and now malaria on three colon [Music] so I'm going to research Napal here we can get Napal bombs and all of this to really kill the zomboids refugees leaving well you already know what we're doing with you mousy you will die anyway so let's get your [Music] organs [Music] all the organs out of the kid Refugee and now soy will take over so you can organ Harvest and capture the refugees but if you try to strip them then you will anger the refugee Clan yeah the Outlander Refugee group does not like having people naked I also have a combat supplier so this is what I'm training to solve the problem with the drop pods Landing in the freezer all I had to do was construct some barricades and drop pod raids can also not land in there so they will just spawn out here growth moment for liquid lion well then these are the skills and traits I'm going for him got Napal well then I want to try out some Vehicles now so combat Vehicles get a bulldog maybe combat Vehicles let's see so then a bulldog this seems very expensive oh my goodness a dangerous situation they has popped out of the walls and mold silver literally instantly what what just happened yeah that is um highly unfortunate jeez just gone well then uh we have learned from that my daughter's sacred DME minus 20 for 30 days just drink some beer eat some chocolate and smoke some smoke Leaf joints okay Ben you're doing the same thing my sister sacred died my 14 mood [Music] debuff it happened again okay we need more kids let's get some more pretty good Gene here for J Man and meic let's get another kid I'm also going to double layer our wolves now after that we don't want that to happen again exotic Goods Trader you know what let's get some animals get some Yaks well then making a huge trade here finally got some gold so I can construct the helicopter oh a royal tribute collector let's see how how this goes uh-oh bunch of fire got a bu Goods Traders some trading docks getting some sheep more medicine more gold we're going to build a small animal Empire raid from wers the threet level is just about to reach zero okay 37 humans where are they going oh my all the way through the mountain uh what exactly can we do against this you know what I have a plan we're going to haul the unstable Power Cell this will 100% work okay that did not work okay we have to wait this one out there's no way we can kill that many people they're just eating our food okay they're just relaxing I mean EA yeah they've made a giant hole throughout the base now they're going to fight the zombies a this is so funny what are they doing now they're just throwing grenades everywhere oh the whole base has been destroyed it's unfortunate that the threet level had to reach Zero wasters have given up and are leaving okay we need to patch this thing up now okay we are safe but that was hell and they will all die to the zombies I mean what was their goal they didn't even steal anything they just destroyed some stuff and that's about it they didn't even destroy my multianalyzer someone turned into a zombie oh no oh no oh no Ron marar G oh okay oh [Music] no yeah I forgot about that corpse right there that was very sloppy okay 10 to malari uh how do we deal with this luckily it's in the right shoulder so all we need to do is amputate it replace that with a bionic arm speaking of which let's get some bionics what is going on here why is there fire okay this is just great the zombies are vicious way too vicious you can see here the zombies are trying to force their way in also on this side what the defenses are holding tightly but one wrong move and this Colony could crumble I need to take care of this the wooden walls are constantly [Music] burning so Malarkey got no infection risk that is a delight to hear that I don't have to waste my zombie serums but I might need some rain Randy all the zombies have been killed though silver is so depressed the whole colony is just sad even though we have so many drugs to help us but defenses are back up katonic silver it was bound to happen well then we have enough zombie serum for one cure it's time to cure the zombie apocalypse one by one so then make zombie serum 100% here we go kagar and there we go the 100% cure if someone gets infected they will be resurrected the zombies here have been burning for forever and there's rain trying to extinguish them but they is so persistent what the hell another tanker zombie that has broken through oh no there are too many way too many and well yeah looks like we have lost this part of land for some time burn all of the zombs this smoker zombie here is ruining everything no no line of sight we're going to lose [Music] everything I need some rain Randy this is too much more zombies through the northern side are breaking through uh-oh our base take out that damn tanker zombie they're just more and more pouring in come on patch up the wall there we go and the rain has finally arrived but the damage has been dealt got an exotic Goods Trader with the tech print for cact armor so why not oh no we have a suicide bomber zombie if that thing makes contact with the walls we will have another assault to take care of that's just hold a few rituals to improve the mood what the hell another suicide bomber has just opened up the [Music] base okay yes kill them all uh okay huge bunch of zombies yeah how do I deal with this open up the base oh no silver of course zombie [Music] bite pretty much everything had to Die For This [Music] patch up the base come on no infection risk again wow okay we are finally done a lot of serums but was it worth it run while jamman everything is just going wrong well there's nowhere for him to go so uh goodbye so we have a new Quest here for Pugsley he is really good here here tough acidic and yeah all of these skills so we need to take care of something of course you have to spawn outside of the walls and healthy thatat birth a male human welcome aboard ghost matter there's no way to get J man we need to tame him but we have no taming skill once we get pug Le and he can try to tame it we are slowly falling apart we need to do something all these zombies up top here keep on breaking in here well so far so good taking care of the baby want to put him back into the growth that but he is very starved and the base is a mess need someone to clean it up so J man is a wild man but he's still walking around the base eating our food and smoking he's just a Lee so the only animals we have remaining are a bunch of ducks here bunch of ducklings oh so cute though so all the zombies have accumulated on the northeastern and northern part of the base it's essentially a safe down here well since J Man became a wild man we need a new moral guide so Maly you will be it Andreas is such a gigachad taking care of a younger baby okay the walls have been double layered everywhere now these zombies are acting very very differently what are they doing I mean the leader of the zombies seem to be up to no good wow now I have some naal if needed raid from The underf Falls okay they can just take out the zomboids neander fall wielding a katana yeah the neander Falls are just going to die okay neander Falls are given up and are leaving but they did set fire tower walls but there is some rain now from randing oh no we have another suicide bom zombie but we have double layered our walls so shouldn't be a problem let's see here how will this [Music] go yep that is uh exactly what can happen you shredded off our walls but I you can see as long as you double layer the walls nothing can happen a new zombie spitter attack it has SP quite some [Music] time okay that should be about all of them the last one is in [Music] here deep drill infestation taken care of now we did lose a do here but as long as we have a male alive we should be fine a mechanoid cluster an Emi Dynamo H luckily I did buy some reinforced barrels a while ago yeah we have two of those let's start bombing what is even going on Ben became an adult well then he is sted out now tough fast learner quick sleeper and D skills he will go back into the grow that until he 18 years old an adult is only 13 years old in Rim world and a toxic Fallout so we have a toxic Fallout in a volcanic winter um this is actually horrible all I need to do is SM the Emi Dynamo and the mix will die to the zombo the Ducks are smart hiding under the roof so they don't get toxic buildup and Kaka became an adult well she is actually cooked look how good she is great memory to Smart fast learner and all of these skills now she has double passion in all the most important skills it will also go back into the growth bat next to Ben or actually we cannot afford it we barely have any food oh no we won't have a lot of food with this toxic Fallout okay silver start bombing I'm just going to have the docks live in the freezer for now yes so they don't die from the toxic Fallout a surplus Traer to help us oh they're going to take out the spec cluster speaking of which we're only two shots away oh there we go now the turrets can just continue to kill all the zomboids in this [Music] area you're really not going to finish it off you're so close even more loot from the traitor armor skin glands my goodness 3,000 free silver but more zombies are going to take over this area oh you know what this is worth it need to kill all of these zomboids what is that marine armor get all the marine armor and get inside okay I got all the loot wonderful so the quest here that we accepted 15 days ago with Fin and we got Prosthetics time to research bionic Replacements and send it off uh where is our Quest reward uh I don't get my quest re board I believe I accepted a colonist now that is very strange a tanker zombie versus a bunch of crabs who will win you know what I'm going to do instead of making one zombie serum 100% cure one I'm going to make 10 of these 10% ones if it's all chance based and it's a gamble like and I like to gamble another godamn tanker zombie yeah I'm never going to stop hating those things so we got a bunch of ducks just hatching and the first thing they go for is beer uh that is yeah that is ah this is Rim World everyone loves spear the zombies are acting very strangely so ever since I double layered my walls they've gone back to their random pathf finding I guess there's nowhere for them to yeah get over the walls but I do have it set to Smart movement style here so what are they up to oh no we have a huge oil spill here now Andreas became an adult well then these are the skills and traits that I'm going for him Doling 2 has developed a condition chemical damage in its brain oh my oh no another tanker zombie oh the toxic Fallout is over that was very quick but now the whole island is dead once again raid from wasters okay just one group but as I said zombies will always take care of raids uh there is 0% Threat Level so the zombies are all dead uh I did not expect this now a zombie spitter attack at the same time this one is bugged as well oh no they're inside waers are fleeing what the hell is going on on this map yeah we're not holding off too well here we're about to lose this Southern section here I should have built this with stone in the beginning but whatever bionic Replacements let's go for advanced fabrication okay the task now is to rebuild the walls then we should be fine again the game is so much faster when there's no zombies the threet level is zero but it will go back up we don't even have doors anymore to the outside world we've just closed ourselves off ghost matter became a child the final one two tanker zombies in one spot need to take care of this all dead and now we have to patch this up another suicide bomber here yes destroyed everything of course but we can quickly rebuild the problem is that with each one of their attacks we're closing ourselves in even further Advanced fabrication There It Is Well let's just make some Advanced components for we already have 14 the one thing that we were missing is the car transmission which you can only get with Advanced fabrication and that is the last part for this mosquito and the tank here we go a mosquito we will name it savior because if all goes wrong then we have a backup that we can escape with so we can finally fly into the mainland if all goes wrong but yeah with that thing done we can go do quests and such wonderful but you can see everything here the engine fuel intake and all of this so I think I'm going to research up to Precision rifling there are a lot of weapons with reation weapons here but I think I'll just go on and make some assault rifles what is this we got our tank up well done a bulldog wow liquid lion became an adult wow all of our kids have really grown up well except for ghost matter well then this is what I'm going for him yeah the reason I want them in the grow fat is that when they're 13 and not 18 they will have a reduced global work speed we have too many ducklings here so we will have Alto Slaughter but this is how I'm going to set it up five male adults and 15 female adults so if it exceeds that then they will get slaughtered the plague on 14 docks that's funny so one thing I wanted to do with this Garland tree is connect it so Andreas here is a good plantis so let's do this I never go for the Garland pod Sprout thing but it's quite useful here so now we can choose dryad Kettle I think go for carriers they can haul and there we go a dryed cocoon we can straight up make the equivalent of Doomsday launchers at the Machining table 600 damage and this thing only cost eight components and 150 steel to make so for the tank here our Bulldog I'm going to make an exit through the tunnel here so we can try to test this thing out on the zomboids a mechanoid cluster another one of these and there's no actual threat yeah let's test out the TCH on this thing let's load up the tank here maybe with silver and then we need a gunner so get kagra the couple and start up the engine everybody needs to get out I'm going to run over the Ducks oh I forgot to make a garage door over here as well and now a psychic ship oh my goodness okay that will be very difficult but the tank will destroy them okay tanker you're going to go for here and you're going to destroy this [Music] wall a zombie spitter attack uh that thing should die to the mix come on kill the zombie spitter what are you doing okay we need to take care of this why are there so [Music] many okay should all be good there just so many [Music] zombies a the zombie spit attack is way harder than the previous ones but it is done okay we are fine I think so we're going to try to take out this defoliator or psychic ship with the tank now [Music] that's that Lancer is just [Music] dead oh that was a great shot open that up and then go for [Music] here there we go we have successfully taken Tak it [Music] out okay we are out of here let the zombies take care of the rest our tank here is slightly damaged and close the door behind okay we need to get one more of these they are so much fun to use the whole map is in chaos I mean this is just a war zone I guess the whole world is in war zone but the vehicles will save us I have one more bulldog in Productions so with these two we will take back the world diabos is just dead here but two people can repair a vehicle at once H it is taking quite some time to get this back to full condition you can see it's armor sharp and blunt and heat as well uh oh two tanker zombies need to kill let's see how long it takes to kill these things I mean the tanker zombies are just so op too much health to be honest [Music] all the power to take out these [Music] things a Siege from pigs okay uh we can just tank this the turrets here are dealing damage as well so they shouldn't be an issue they cannot build in the water here so they might have to go in [Music] land okay that did not go so well because the explosion doesn't expand in the water oh we got a carrier dryad here so yeah yes an automatic hauler like the lifter I think the siege here is just going to die well then took out the mech cluster here and the threet level is currently at zero so we have some peace for a few seconds but the whole map is a great yard still have interest search we've just been distracted with crafting and there we go another Bulldog this one will be named bull cat so now we have two tanks in case of a raid or something so we're safe we don't have to worry about anything new lovers Ben and Malarkey interesting Ben courted Malarkey by describing her as a bright son that would make me fall in love a me cluster here with a defoliator why not the zombies can take care of it and I want to test our our tanks take it for the gold so they're going to land over here all hell [Music] aboard Yep this is lovely but we need to get out of here now we're taking quite some [Music] damage I like the paing try to avoid each other I like that okay this is the most fun ever just taking the tanks and killing off everything Precision rifling get some weapons I think we're going to go for STAR Flight Basics okay that's enough damage for now the defoliator will initiate in 10 days we have a long time to take it out I could have just m it but as you can see it's more fun with the tanks you know what I'm going to try to do get a javelin here that I have constructed it deals 600 damage Target it right here and let's let's see oh my okay okay okay kagar has created a ace 52 Masterwork so I was looking around at which gun was the best and this one seems to be the best gun okay I think I will take this on tomorrow yes M and tank this thing another zombie spitter attack that zombie has spawn on top of our duck and killed it so I think I'm just going to construct one more vehicle here a Tango instead of a huge explosive shot it's like an alter Canon turret oh my goodness what a shot okay that was epic meic the Epic on no Cipher okay the zombie is killing the cipher oh no a tanker zombie here to kill everything okay this will totally be our last vehicle a Tango so this thing has higher armor and HP than the Bulldog so is it better an infestation this is the perfect time to test out the tanks but the insect should attack the yeah the zombies this thing seems to be working wonderfully though the vehicles are overpowering them another Mech cluster climate adjuster with minus 10 that's not too shabby and a raid from [Music] imp yeah this SM cluster is just done [Music] McCluster has been defeated well with these things we can expand the base down here now well our people are starving so let's go home and the imps here uh they're going to go to The Mex yep imps are fleeing oh these zombies here might kill everything so I'm going to start taking back this area just constructed this wall here but I just need to seal all of this off yeah all the mechs here were just destroyed by these zombies so the ones with the name tags under are way overpowered o zero threet level I can take this out now and a perfect opportunity to expand upon P base okay this Mech cluster has also been defeated well the map is such a mess but we can take over this area okay we got the entire base here here down so we have taken over the island I believe well I just need to capture this area here but this is wonderful another tanker zombie it's going to destroy the EXO [Music] strier oh wait I have a m134 minigun here oh yeah uh ducks the ducks are getting shredded oh my my goodness this is [Music] Mage there we go that was quite interesting okay we're safe well done this whole section here has been completed we have double layer the walls we got another Garland pod Sprout so planted the tree and yeah just relaxing here we're soon done with starflight Basics Ben told Malarkey that he wants to spend his life with her Malarkey rejected the proposal it was too much for the relationship to continue and the two have now broken up Ben tried to flirt with Malarkey by cheerfully making fun of her family Malarkey ignored the advance Malarkey tried to woo Ben by describing him as a shining River Ben was attracted and this now malar's lover so essentially they broke up and then they went back together one second later so I think the problem with the zombies is when there's no door to Target they will just wander around aimlessly because when we used to have doors then they would stack up against the walls so I think we're doing the right thing well the base is nice and calm there's not much happening on the outside world one thing I'm going to do now is try out our savior the helicopter so we have three ancient complexes I want to check out and I also want to check out the mainland see if I can get there so we will do that tomorrow morning let's launch it to the ancient complex perfect and we're just going to fly all over the zombies Goodbye World so we've arrived here but we seem to be bugged inside of this thing well then open it up and yeah take care of this starfly Basics well then get all the ship stuff oh a bunch of zombies and More Zombies okay I think we're out of here there are zombies here then this might be too risky oh no we got bit I needed to remove the roof why why did we spawn inside of here okay I want to actually discover the mainland here so let's go here we are so oh my the first time seeing a proper map the mainland will also have zombie Stone but nonetheless it was nice to see let's go back home yeah this is pretty damn cool but there are some bugs I need to see if Ben will be all right Ben also got no infection risk what ah so it's 5050 that a zombie by this infectious I thought we were getting lucky and we are but 50% is not too bad you better be careful there yep insta [Music] dead [Music] [Music] okay that was nice another Mech cluster with a smoke [Music] spew Mex versus boys it's not going to go so well nice shots kagar we're done a zombie spitter attack okay we can take this out but the me cluster has been defeated raid from Max okay just a bunch of centipedes they're dead what are the centipedes doing yes following this albino zombie around so I'm going to make the game a bit more difficult here instead of a 50% chance that we get infected by a bite it's going to be a 100% so we will see I think I would like to expand down here get the final section of the island so let's go just going to deck out the tank here and expand another Surplus Trader with free loot deep drill infestation will be destroyed we got a transport crash here with a refugee and he is very good could become an artist and maybe clean up the base and such I would also like to get all of this loot from the Surplus Trader so when the Fret level reaches zero in half a day or so we can go out hopefully he survives until then zero fret level and Rin has managed to survive so let's get him welcome aboard Iceman an impid named Iceman so iceman has a 36 day paralytic abasa but you can cure this with 10 glitter wal medicines so let's do that ah look looks like the operation worked Iceman welcome exotic Goods Trader can we get the final tick print for catract armor well they didn't have CCT armor but circadian influence our people can sleep less because sleep is useless why waste a third of your life okay we've constructed this wall here finally as always all the lights have been placed down so look at the island now we have successfully taken it over grow moment for ghost matter could become a good Craftsman this is what I'm going for him we've also decided to renovate our house here so we got some paved toes they're better than concrete another zombie spit attack okay I need to prepare they are [Music] everywhere okay this should be over raid from the under falls I can leave them to the zombies right it was spound to happen another [Music] infestation okay they are uh Icemen okay well they're almostly dead 10 to everyone a lot of damage taken but that makes is tougher a defoliator ship ah yes the bunch of ciphers so there was a new update for the biomes Island mod and it has messed up The Path finding of the zombies here they're stuck to shallow water I don't think they can walk over the deep ocean water now and we also have a breacher right here which we have to deal with where the hell are they going oh they're going after the Caravan what are the breachers doing they went from the East side here all the way up to to the north a bunch of zombies here to help us this seems to be [Music] working okay they're all dead finally some of us are very injured left leg shut off that's great to hear let's get some bionics but patch up the base ooh rare fos when there's no zombies perfect opportunity to get some free meat and [Music] lever so so much loot from the zombies so there was a new update to biomes Island and they had a new pathf finding mod to be dependent on it so it looks like they cannot spawn on deep water anymore which is strange but whatever so since this part here and this part here is connected to the mainland with shallow water there will only be zombies going through here so let's see how this will play out but yeah there was a surplus Trader here and look at all that loot okay so the zombies have gathered up here quite weirdly but we need to take out this defoliator so let's do [Music] that and the defoliator is dead new lovers Andreas and meic so Andreas tried to attract meic by comparing her to a dazzling shrub so now we have researched everything for the ship so we're just going to construct it okay I think I'm going to do it down here should be good enough now I do need a Persona core so I need to requested from rain the Civil Outlander Union but the closest one is all the way out here I will just have silver borders with some gold and silver that we can give them okay helicopter has arrived so let's gift them so gift mode we will just offer them some stuff 100 gold and 4,000 silver will give us 68 Goodwill okay we're just close enough to become allies so why not and now we're allied with them so let's launch back home yeah this thing is super convenient you can get anywhere with it now we will request the location of a Persona core and it is on an island here so let's go now this is quite a nice map to live in and there are some turrets here okay silver you can solo this oh my goodness what zombies in here that was a very close one anyways pick up this Persona core and we're done oh converted Iceman and we can reform the ideology I think the Clear Choice here is transhumanist we can get the Sleep accelerator neural supercharge and all of this so this is our new ideology and we will research bios sculpting neural supercharger and all of this the ship is coming along nicely good to see I'm going to add a triple layer here so plas walls raid from the mchive oh my I mean they should just St to the zomboids I mean look here they are spawn on top of them even a Giant Raid like this will get destroyed because of the zomboids as long as they keep on spawning in there's no way to stop them yeah I mean the war Queen here here is also struggling what a graveyard all the mixs have died also got an exotic Goods Trader with some pretty good stuff so getting neural computation I still need that last piece of catract armor this ship has almost been constructed at day 328 so that is quite early a lot of other things we can do sangu Fage Quest here maybe we can get a vampire yeah well then we will take this for the Xeno germ implantation I hope they will land inside of the walls so he is just is going to walk here uh well the good thing is that the zombie s has clumped up here so maybe he will make it we do have to defend him though uh where are you going you're going to die you know what uh let's just get him we will try to arrest him yep you're coming with us an unwavering prisoner so he has to die but the good thing is you can Harvest every single organ out of sangu fages as long as your brain doesn't get destroyed they will not die I do want someone in the colony to become a Mist he has to do melee combat okay I think Ben here he has tough and he will get the robust trait so he will be op absorb Xeno germ oh he must be down okay you're going to get absolutely violated strip him and harvest his organs and Ben has become a vampire I think we can name you Ben Tan welcome aboard anyways the Sleep accelerators and the neural superchargers are up a neural supercharge here gives you 25 Global Learning factor which is insane but I also think I want to EXP the base a bit more want to make this area here indoors the ship has successfully been constructed so everything is up we could start this up if we wanted to but yeah for now let's get catract armor as soon as possible we need to research all of this time to start making bionics for everyone replace the arms and legs oh no a break up Ben 10 and Malarkey well then we have researched a lot here I think one thing I would like to do is get rimat mix and get a nuclear bomb up so yeah yes nuke some factions would be quite interesting we would need a lot of uranium the bionics are being installed praise the omnis bunch of friendlies to help us against the zombies now this is very weird cuz there is no rid they're is going to attack the zombies you're going to dig out to escape you're going to destroy my walls okay I opened the garage door here so they can escape me cluster with a sun blocker let's get the helicopter so I am here at the island but where's the sun blocker I literally do not see it oh it's up here this is quite interesting oh my okay this is very [Music] interesting oh no the fire is spreading get the hell back Ben oh my goodness groups of iin above us ah this is very unexpected the first drop pod [Music] raid okay so far so good they've destroyed my TV but oh well okay they're all fleeing I should have gotten fire foam poppers but I think we can handle [Music] this okay everything seems to be fine so these rpg7 are not single use and they deal 180 damage that this thinking us kill everything oh my goodness I forgot about the zombies okay luckily we are just in time oh no kyar come on save him okay they're eating the corpse not kyar uh we need to yeah take care of all of the Bodies Okay extract their skulls never mind come on Save kagar okay he is safe all the zombies and the last body should be here and that should be about all of them I completely forgot well then we have survived that somehow the first wave of zombies there could have infected us we do have 100% Bine infection now so no messing about and the plague on four people from Randy yeah he wants to beat me while I'm down so far so good almost rebuilt breach raid okay the zombies are stuck on the outskirts here okay this time they are attacking us properly [Music] oh no ghost [Music] matter [Music] okay we are fine silver lost the finger Kaka lost an eye and ghost matter lost his right arm and we lost our tank well that can happen but at least we won the raid okay we need to patch up this giant wall more friendlies again I guess gu having Friendly's free resources yeah there's nothing to kill all the zomboids are stuck H I wish they hadn't updated the biomes Island mod because now zombies don't come around the edges all around and oh silver got a permanent crack or spine from the mech fight luckily you can make a bionic spine well the base is so good now we have all the defenses we got room atomics coming in soon so we will nuclear bomb the world yeah everything else is looking good zombie apocalypse cannot stop us new lovers again liquid lion and ly Grove moment for ghost matter well then fast learner and then these passions okay so I got the rimatomics research table so I think energy weapons is where it's at Siege from group of Eakin so they will go here yeah we have to deal with that ah perfect shot and they will have to break in or they will go attack these zombies I will just open up this garage door and they should come here oh my the RPGs yeah they're all fleeing and our wealth is at yeah 400,000 soon we are literally so immensely rich I don't think I've had this much territory in the single playr another toxic Fallout from Randy yeah this is not too bad as the last time since we have enough food stock pile but still okay so I've done everything here for energy weapons we got the sack down attacks the PPC and now for rimatomics we will get a where is it a liberator here 6,000 silver that's almost all of it it requires plutonium that has been reprocessed from spent nuclear fuel Fu H so we'll have to get a nuclear reactor as well like imagine there's a Siege coming in and we just drop a nuclear bomb on them another Mech cluster with a sun blocker I mean a very beautiful map here once again just take this [Music] out o breach raade Mex oh not this once again the same angle and everything but this time we're going for the terrorist build so 10 people with RPGs where are they [Music] going oh my goodness this will destroy the [Music] centipedes oh the centipedes don't stand a [Music] chance oh my goodness this is so good they're all dead y just erase them from reality hold then patch up the base nothing can stop the RPG Squad another tanker zombie now let's see how op these RPGs [Music] are I remember when it took Days to Kill one of these things and now we do it in seconds ooh transporter crash here I'll take the tech proof sub Persona core hopefully they land in our perimeter ah never mind well let's see if the zombies will take care of this okay here is the raid 33 humans demolish them [Music] now everyone is getting [Music] evaporated if you stand still for a moment you're a [Music] [Music] stad each one of these RPGs is a doomster rocket launcher Yep they're all fleeing and there it is the sub Persona core so this will instantly research any research our first legendary work a devil strand button- down shirt I'm also going to go into the nuclear research reactor to get a nuclear facility up we have been depending on these two large chemfuel power plants for power but nuclear power is better I think we casually just have a steam gazer in our base a nice warm shower if anyone needs it okay the zombies are spawning and behaving normally so they've ganged up on the walls here they're pretty angry we also have two ancient complexes which I want to check out now so let's go so you cannot walk on water with the new biomes Island update so yeah these ancient complexes are now invalid well then that is strange we'll have to live on another Mech buer this one looks nice and cozy an outer morar that will activate in 6.7 days an infestation it has been quite some time since we last did one unstable Power Cell kill them all oh not the ship it will be fine and we can use rebuild all of this but they're all dead it is time to take care of this Mech cluster so let's head out here we [Music] go and the me cluster has been defeated okay we've done all the research for nuclear research reactor the nuclear power we need to get plutonium all of this for a nuclear warhead the nuclear reactor is coming along nicely it is almost done another another mechano cluster minus 10 climate adjuster I am keeping that let's turn this into a temperate forest and nuclear power should be done so with nuclear power done I need to get fuel reprocessing so yeah plutonium and a plutonium processor but firstly a new power source here that will carry us got marine armor as well so this is everything that we've researched I'm just waiting for the last bit of catract armor but for now we should just relax load up the nuclear fuel rods so the thing is that I will have to run this for a while before I can get plutonium so I guess I can get radiation suits and all of this okay we have nine fuel rods so let's start this up at full power I need to deplete the rods as fast as possible so max power is 57,000 and we can turn off all of these large Campfield power plants huge zombie invasion they have broken through the walls I mean there he is getting bombarded there's nothing they can do patch up this base here and we should be good ghost matter became an adult while then the final child this is what I'm going for him oh I cannot believe it we used to have all of these people as kids and we have successfully raised them well except for who was it I think it was sacred that died yeah she died right here oh also got an exotic Goods Trader here so I can get all the silver for plutonium reprocessing so with this done I believe we can buy yeah Fuel reprocessing and then we can get our nuclear warheads up random slate meteorite in our compound hey we will keep that as an artifact just let it sit there so we now have a full nuclear power plant full of fuel so 21 fuel rods and we're getting 147 KW uh these suicide bombers zes keep opening up the walls so we have to clear all of this out although the zombies will die any moment now it's at 2% okay yes let them be they will die not my helicopter oh my more zombie serums how many do we have we have 22 of the 10% chance one and we only have one guaranteed cure zombies are all dead so I will take care of the turrets here I think all the mechs died okay the climate adjuster is nice minus 10 but we will have to get rid of it okay with the me cluster defeated we can go back oh no the zombies are starting to break in again more dangerous situations yes equip the Minun wonderful let them all in random zombie behind us hey we have to tank the this one uh we did oh no Andreas how did he double block okay that should be about all of them 42 free zombie extract out of that luckily we have such good armor and implants that we aren't getting bit they simply cannot penetrate machine well the colony is flourishing we have Z zombies here but they cannot do much we are soon done with fuel reprocessing just need to research bit more but yeah then we can get our nuclear nukes to Nuke the map so now I need a plutonium processor a machine that uses chemicals to separate fusable plutonium from spent nuclear Fuel and a plutonium processor silver ask kagar for some space silver and kagar are no longer in a relationship okay silver time to launch you into space we will have you get some space soon enough when we launch the ship raid from the mech bunch of ciphers that will die finally got fuel reprocessing let's try some of this we can have 12 nuclear fuel rods in here and we have 21 in the reactor okay cool back up let's see this radiation what is that pu1 is that plutonium ah it doesn't work I have to spend all of it which means I have to wait like 70 days or something so apparently rimatomics have their own trade ship so what, silver they might have plutonium it will take 2 days to arrive now that's a problem with all the zombies ah here we go the rimatomics trader I thought they would show up as a caravan but they're here as a trade ship maybe we can get some plutonium now without having to wait here we go 48 plutonium is 3,800 silver I should have been prepared for this I guess I can just sell off some resources like uranium and plast steel here we go this is what I'm trading we'll have to mine up some more PL Ste in uranium but we need this oh my goodness also got an exotic Goods Trader here with the last piece of catract armor um yeah we don't have enough money for this so we will have to sell off mostly everything that we own this is what I decided to trade then selling off some gold and insect jelly mainly for the silver we will have cool Baka apply the tick print research that and since we have a tech proof sub Persona core we can instantly research this so here we go and now we can start crafting it okay so step completed create plutonium we didn't have to create it we just bought it so continue with this Liberator research time to construct a liberator 650 steel 15 components and two Advanced components let's see here make nuclear warhead 120 plutonium uh so 40 that we bought was like 3,000 and the Liberator has been constructed while there are a lot lot of things you can use here for the bombs but we just need more plutonium there's a 15-day cool down between the trade ships so it will take quite some time to get our first nuclear warhead well we've had all of these stucks for a while now but they do reduce our performance so they will all have to die they have provided us with a lot of meat and eggs though well everybody almost has cata frct helmets on speaking of which we have a legendary cata fract helmet there is no zombie in the world biing through that raid from Eakin 128 humans this is the largest raid yet imagine just dropping a nuke on them right here but the zombies will kill all of them a complete war zone what and an infestation okay at the same time we have a Minun here let's see all hell on board [Music] insects are all dead and the Eakin are all fleeing what the hell happened here the zombies are feasting upon all of them so any zombies here but in half a day they will all die oh no tanker zombie this one will be huge these tanker zombies are acting very strangely instead of going for my walls they're just walking around and the zombies are all dying well then time to loot the outside world would like to get all of this loot here lots of zombie serums o 44 a this is so funny they're wearing a balak laava over their catac helmet when it's supposed to be under everybody looks pretty pretty damn weird all of these raids what is this 100 millors 195 millors to [Music] die as always have to clean up after these zombies yeah all the tanker zombies have to die even if it means breaking up the walls we have three 100% zombie serum cures and 27 10% cures so we should be set for any infections we've also summoned the rimatomics trader again and this time they have 99 plutonium but as you can seeus 8,000 silver W this should be enough for the Warhead nuclear warhead we have enough for it new Xeno German ghost matter than great crafting elongated fingers and fire spew but also a few negative genes the nuclear warhead is being produced now initially I wanted to take out factions with this thing but that might take too much time since there's a lot of factions it takes a long time to just get one of these we will find a better use for you the nuclear warhead there is a feature here called contamination in Rim World Zombie Land so this is a hazard to our Colony here and and it is looking quite bad in the base here especially the meteorites and the outside sources I believe we will get sick from it so yeah and there it is a nuclear warhead this thing is where 14,000 silver and weighs 50 kilos so if we wanted to we could arm this to bomb up in 2 minutes or 30 seconds but we will just insert that into the steel Liberator finally some action so with that nuclear warhead we have one missile so you can have a total of five nuclear warheads well then let's prepare maybe we can get one more nuclear warhead another Mech cluster another defoliator here which will die while most of our people have cataract armor now so we should be fine and another raid from neander Falls okay this time just a smaller group that will die this time no demolishing with the RPG keep it nice and civil NE underf Falls are getting [Music] shredded nobody stands a single chance zombie versus human with cpra [Music] armor Ben will never get [Music] bit and a defoliator ship now okay we will just have to M these things up oh no what are the zombies doing don't tell me they will activate the mix okay Mex have woken up time to take them all [Music] out oh no all of these get the hell back in that was a close [Music] one this is your small [Music] Edge now there's only a few of them left we can take this [Music] out defoliator is out we can just take the tank for this one and the mech cluster has been defeated another Mech cluster in the middle of our base oh Jesus this is hell and now we have to take care of it oh not the ship [Music] please [Music] well that's a first and now we just have a sun blocker here casually chilling in our base but we will take it out okay M cluster has been defeated my goodness that was unexpected oh no a minor zombie mining through o Quest here for 38 man hunting elephants and one of the rewards is an orbital bombardment targeter we will 100% accept this and that is some free rewards okay silver this will be an emergency item our people are so decked out now oh we have a tanker zombie here filled with zombies behind them [Music] yeah the RPG might just be better okay they're all dead I mean we can manage all of them now so our people are decked out in gear now fromo for shirts all at Masterwork C frct Masterwork armor so everybody will not be bit it's literally impossible for their teeth to penetrate us oh no contamination so what 100% we will die from it as I said we need to try to avoid this contamination raid from pigs they will [Music] die we have finally ran a nuclear power plant for long enough so now we have one fuel Rod here that is radioactive but it will process some plutonium so let's see here loading this up here and we're going to get plutonium in uh 14 15 days another infestation this one is smaller than [Music] before and H yeah they're all dead there's nothing stopping the death squad and a raid from the mchive breachers ah they will die to all these zombies The Raid was absolutely demolished by the zombies got some more plutonium ready to be process the one with the green tags on them so all of these oh we're getting a bunch of radiation sickness not good another breacher raade from neander Falls that is the wrong entrance they will all die um what the hell is going on here they're just letting them go they're not attacking each other ah very very interesting M them down the zombies and the ne underf Falls are working [Music] together Yep they're all fleeing okay the military Trader is here but this time they only have 46 plutonium I need 120 for a warhead oh wait you can buy nuclear warheads here 95,000 silver for all five I mean you know what if I were to buy one and sell off all of these resources here I could get it I mean why not let's do it uh so we have two nuclear warheads now I'm going to have to mine out those resources again okay I would like to test out one of these missiles so if there's like a me cluster or a huge Siege then we will bombard them I currently have no more gold so I will accept this Quest here of 20 hives for 190 [Music] gold once you start getting cata frct armor you can just ignore kiing the armor will protect you from everything and all the gold that we need finally I also have a bulk Goods Trader here so just getting rid of some items to free up space rare fros for free fur always love to see [Music] it so in 14 days we will start up the ship we are done with the defenses and everybody is sted out in Masterwork catract armor we also have some nukes to help us in the defense so yeah he has the last bit of preparations monkeys versus Zombies they're mulling each other ah poor monkeys you will be safe well then the Next Room atomics military Trader getting some more plutonium so with this we should be able to make yeah one more nuclear warhead so we will have three and we should be able to get one again in 15 days so that is wonderful oh our plutonium processor has gotten us some plutonium but we also have some nuclear waste so initially I wanted to wipe out this world of factions but our Liberator can only launch nukes to this pirate faction here so yeah I will have to use it on our map or something but just to test it out we will bomb these wasters here they are unluckily just within range and there it goes launching n okay this thing will fly and demolish it there we go base destroyed and there's a bunch of nuclear fallout that will spread well I wish I could see that explosion but I think it's enough we still have two more nukes oh my goodness another Surplus Traer arrived and they have given us some free Zeus hammers the zombies will die soon so we can collect all the loot raid from imps okay 70 breachers I don't feel like nuking these things oh my so much fire I think I should waste the nuke on a Siege or something a m cluster Ben is Immortal from the zombies is is what happens when you have all the armor oh no they're getting through Ben 10 help oh we got a zombie bite they are jumping over our garage [Music] door oh there are just so many we're being overwhelmed okay they're all dead let's see here so only liquid lion got bit also got some contamination we have 3 100% zombie serum so this should be fine okay so liquid lion has a zombie bite infection so we need to cure this straight away let's try to cure zombie infection here we have to do both his right foot and right little toe let's see here will this be cured then okay we cured one of them but we used up our 100% zombie serum oh well we need liquid lion alive Iceman with the other one the zombie virus has been cured so it is St 485 so it is simply time to start up the ship here yep the process will take about 15 days and we will get a lot of raids so yeah let's start it up finally and we will make the zombies even harder so instead of destroying only for the regular zombies they will destroy everything that was built this will increase the difficulty of the game substantially so let's go all hell is on board now I'm going to go for Ace 52 load out but if things get too wild we will take the RPG Squad they're not actually destroying the walls because I forgot to untick this only when they are agitated so now all the zombies will start destroying the walls let's see yep they are starting to punch away it's a glorious to see they're all banging on our walls I guess I'm going to have to double layer the walls even further a Siege from wasters I have a plan for this we will take this new K set it to low yield and we will launch this thing on top of them all hell on board I would like to see this oh oh no walls but they just got evaporated um yeah we just absolutely disintegrated that raid yeah we should not do that we should use Ms but I needed to see it so most raids will be quite easy because the zombies will take care of them almost all the raids that are outside of the base but every drop pod raid we will have to deal with they are slowly destroying the walls but we should be able to out build them the power of Plasti walls is too powerful they kind of bite through it I thought this would be worse but as you can see we are rebuilding after all the layers stay destroy raid from groups of imps okay no drop pods so oh they might be able to kill all of these zombies though okay the imps are going to flee okay only two raids so far and the zombie still cannot puncture through we simply have too much plas steel which just the highest HP wall in the game 840 HP okay pigs they spawned outside of the wall so you already know that they're [Music] dead all the pigs are fleeing raid from the mchive again spawning outside into the chaos they spawned right into the pigs oh they have an ocit but it doesn't matter the zombies will kill them all so on one hand it's quite hard to fight against the zombie apocalypse but on the other hand they take care of every other threat so as long as you can have a good wall around your base you should be fine for the most part another raid from pigs to be slaughtered a too deep infestation and another raid from pigs breacher raid again except on the East side this time the pigs might get through they are through but they are also getting destroyed by the zombies let's see the m134 Min gun against these yeah they're all fleeing so far they've destroyed the walls significantly we have to close ourselves in another breach raate from Mech to die oh the mechs are getting through all hell on board okay they're all dead chunks of space crapped in the middle of the base oh no more mechs getting through down here oh they're all dead well then patch this up real quick we're halfway done with the spaceship here 6.8 days not sure if you can see the outline here but we have yeah built ourselves in even further but we still have a lot of Steel and pl steel so they cannot penetrate another raid from the mchive this time is this a breacher no they're not breaching so they should die to the zombies although this looks very tough I know what get the RPG and kill them all oh we got an orbital bombardment targeter from earlier so we can use this yeah this is war everything dies to our [Music] wrath all the Diablo just get insta killed and yeah they're all vaporized another raid from wasters more breachers this time the zombie level will die off so we need to take care of this everybody kill [Music] them they're already fleeing I mean the RPG Squad is so op oh a Siege from waster well we nuked the last one from them but this time we can murder them or it looks like they will just get muled by the zomboids okay wasters are fleeing they didn't even have a chance another raid from Mex yep more upper crons to Die Another raid from what is is Eakin on top of the mech but still again outside of the walls so they're all dead what an absolute graveyard of fos mechs ikin and zombies these zombies here are starting to break through so patch up the zombie level has reached zero once again and one group of heakin are still alive let's kill them and now they are all dead but the ship is almost up in been 2.7 days neander Falls breach raid to die that's not going to go so well one more breach raid from Mex no drop pod raids yet and even more neander Falls to Die the neander Falls will get through I [Music] think okay the reactor is ready but we still have another 24 hours before it's day 500 so let's just wait but this means that all the raid should be done ah the whole base is getting demolished though we can't keep repairing but we're going to close ourselves in though we have to get out of here out of this hell hole okay a final raid from the mchive they will also die so it has been 500 Days in Rim world we have survived through hell and back to try to keep these zomboids out they are mauling some mechs here they've broken into the nuclear reactor but it's to no avail we have three ship Crypt slea caskets here I couldn't afford more because well you need Advanced components to make more and to make more advanced components you need gold which we well also don't have so I've chosen Silver And kagra The Originators and their firstborn child kulbaka so they will enter and other than that these people will have to be left behind unfortunately but we have done it so let's just [Music] [Applause] launch so you've launched your ship in these colonist escapes so silver Kaka and K and then the people behind were meic Andreas BenTen liquid lion Malarkey ghost matter and Iceman your machine Persona will try to guide the ship to a safe place it might find a prosperous planet in the system or it may undertake a centuries long journey to another star but yeah in memory of sacred I remember her dying but that was quite the playthrough there's no way I can leave behind this place as it is we might as well end it because these people are stuck here I don't want you all to suffer Ben 10 I want you to man this Axe and we're going to launch a high yield tactical nuke on our map it's time to wipe out this place once and for all yep the nuke here and it will disintegrate this map as we know it goodbye and just like that we have demolished the map No More Zombies nobody can win the zombie apocalypse but anyways thanks to my patreons members and if you're bored then watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 185,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1SSYJ1d6eGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 53sec (8273 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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