I played 100 days of Stardew Valley as a THIEF 🦹🏻‍♀️

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I played 100 days of stardew Valley as a thief this is Ember my evil twin she's been left her grandpa's old Villa Farm which was once a full-on Empire but since his passing it's become completely derelict Ember tried her best to stay out of trouble she didn't want to follow in his footsteps at first and we're not going to talk about how Grandpa got his Empire but Emperor got bored of her mundane life and couldn't resist her need for Mischief anymore so now Amber plans to shoplift her way to Victory in this 100 days we'll be aiming to complete as much of the community center as possible probably not the entire thing though because I installed a mod called more bundles so now we have an expert mode because I just love to make my life more difficult since we have the shoplift mod we won't be allowed to buy items from any of the stores with a few exceptions services like building and upgrades are allowed since I provide the materials backpacks and fishing rods are also allowed I don't hate myself quite that much I'll also allow myself to buy one of each non-egling animal because they can somehow multiply even if you have just one for the ones that do lay eggs I'll have to get an egg and hatch it the traveling Merchant is allowed since she smuggles her illicit Goods here plus they do cost a fortune and I know you guys have one massive question on your mind if Emperor is evil why doesn't she just go the JoJo root or while she's new to the valley she needs to try and blend in with her community earn their trust and along with gifts in the odd chat the community center is the perfect way to do this they won't suspect a thing a list of mods we used are linked in the description don't forget to hit like And subscribe and let's get started waking up on day one I rearranged my house because a bed next to the door is important to me I broke a lot of the fiber by The Farmhouse because mixes will be extremely important they are free after all I cleared a small space for crops not quite where I want them but I was already low on energy so for now we do what we have to do I made my first chest which you'll see cost 69 wood nice I've got the randomizer mod for this playthrough to make my life even more difficult this randomizes some of the crafting recipes which level we unlock these recipes and some other fun things which you'll see as the playthrough progresses I dumped my stuff then it was time to go foraging since I had literally no energy and I also wanted to meet all the locals and uh yeah the randomizer mod also changes some of the Villager sprays as you can see Mario and Penny don't quite look like themselves I gave Caroline an initial daffodil her friendship is valuable for that important tea sapling recipe then hung out to inspect Pierre's potatoes till he left the store area for the night time for our first shoplift I can only do this once per day and it's important not to get caught because you get fined lose the items and a lot of friendship I somehow accidentally used a tool and exhausted myself but as you can see my first day got us a couple of potato seeds and a pomegranate sapling it's a lot but also not really at the same time I decided on a spot near the greenhouse for the fruit trees and headed to bed to get level 1 foraging and as you can see we don't have the help of field snacks just yet so this is gonna be kind of painful day two started with clearing more of the Abundant Farm trees not forgetting to water all of the crops I went to pick up my fishing rod from Willy who didn't seem all that pleased to meet me then it was down to sintercept Forest in desperate need of spring onions I had a very full inventory which I came home to empty returning to Pierre's in time for a daily shoplift and oh my God we got so much stuff this day several saplings and a few seeds but I do have to hope that more varieties come up later on for the community center and for shipping a plant on my peach tree and saved one of each to put in the greenhouse when I eventually unlock it so any spares will be sold for the extra cash I also got into my first fight which made me very excited for the minds later because fighting with the Scythe just isn't it yup another way of making things more annoying for me is having monster spawn on the farm but hey we do get more mixed seeds we got six grand from those fruit saplings which is amazing we'll have to hope to get lucky with more of those Bursa money on day three we have the usual spring third Reign and oh my God why does it look like that Yep this is the randomizer at play again I only had a few people left to meet starting with money who looks like Emily then got started with fishing I think this is one of the earliest I've ever started fishing but I was trying to be smart here because I'm not sure what the bundles were going to be so working on my fishing level couldn't hurt Clint was my last to me so I gave him a fish to complete the journal Quest because who even likes Clint anyway I just wanted the 100 gold since Pierre's was closed today so no shoplifting for me I reached level 2 foraging and level one fishing that night then on day 4 I used up most of my energy on watering and chopping Farm trees I bought the first backpack upgrade to carry more Loot and to make Pierre think I'm actually spending money here I donated my first artifact which I got from a dig spot for that extra 250 gold I then accidentally exhausted myself chopping trees whilst waiting for Piers to close and for today's haul I got a few new seeds which was a win day five was cat day I plan to call my little orange friend Phoenix but because of the animation canceling script it changed it to an R so we'll just have to live with it my first harvest of parsnips was ready and because of the lack of field snacks I'll be using most of these for food for the Minds The Traveling Merchant paid her first visit who had absolutely nothing of Interest then it was up to the mines to find Marlon with a fresh new look I got really lucky on floor 3 with a small glow ring but since I arrived with basically no energy and I didn't want to burn through my food in one day I only got to level eight before leaving plus I didn't want to miss out on today's dose of thieving six saplings Don't Mind If I Do I added the cherry and apricot trees to my collection and sold off the excess with level 1 farming that night we got the Scarecrow recipe and the basic sprinkler one there are some perks of the randomizer and we made 1500 gold that night the next morning I skipped the furnace cut scene because who has time for Clint the community center was open today so I went to look at the assortment of symbols on my way up to the mines these crafting recipes are so weird iron ore oh man no smelting for me for a while I leveled up in mining and reached level 10 to get my first pair of boots then put my head into the adventurers Guild having slayed 10 slime I checked the shop for recipes forgetting I'm not playing expanded then chatted to the locals whilst waiting for Pierre to leave for the day today's haul was pretty decent on day seven I got a super important letter from The Wizard I tended to my crops first then passed by the traveling Merchant where I bought a summer spangle to invest in Caroline it's been a while since I've done this so I actually watched the funky cut scene for once then I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way to the community center right now so I checked those first bundles from my menu to see what hellscape we're gonna have to navigate through first of all no spring foraging bundle which is a cruel and unusual punishment but the most annoying ones are going to be the construction bundle the sprinkler bundle and the totem bundle so for now I'll be aiming for the Exotic foraging bundle because that's the same as the vanilla one I plan to spend this afternoon in the mines and actually remembered to bring a chest this time but when I got down the elevator I realized my error that's the wrong tool you Dingus oh what am I doing I went home to swap it so it's ready for next time today's the fall was a bit disappointing ingredients will be useful later but for now I really need seeds Step It Up Pierre I returned to the farm to chop more trees and clear paths I also thought a scarecrow would be a really good idea and notice the field snack recipe had appeared which was a weird recipe I'll have to eat fiber and sap on day eight I just got the recipe for the tree topper but I don't have any hay yet I picked my newly grown potatoes then headed up to the mines for most of the daylight hours to make more progress I ran out of food by floor 17 but this coincided nicely with shoplifting hours where I got my first Bean starters I wasn't waiting to get these planted day 9 started with the varied Harvest of forage crops and flowers I replanted some empty spots with more forage seeds still waiting on those tea saplings which Speaking of I handed over that summer Spangled to Caroline today bringing us very close to two hearts this was yet another mind's day and because the spiral floor gave me some trouble I only got through 5 five levels to 20 but at least I got a much needed weapon upgrade I pilfered some orange saplings and ingredients another one to add to the collection then use the rest of the time and energy by fishing on the farm here's what I unlocked for level 2 farming then on day 10 I ran up to Robin's with some stone for a while remembering her kind male the other day because refilling the cans so far away was getting really annoying but when I got there I was reminded that building materials are randomized too we could do robin for false advertising paletta just said 100 Stone this makes it not worth it because when I get to the iron floors I'll be wanting sprinklers at that point anyway but I did take a minute to check out the chaos that is some of the other building materials this will be fun Vincent got a daffodil for his birthday conveniently at the Museum because I was here to donate a few goodies this was my ticket to some free cauliflower seeds legal ones this time I did a quick foraging loop around Cinder sap Forest before coming home to plant my cauliflowers and spent more time clearing up the farm especially to look for free mix seeds since Pierre's is closed today I shoplifted from Marni's normally a few bits of hay would be really disappointing but this was important for me because now I can make some tree toppers on day 11 I got really lucky with the mines crates again and received a forest sword which is a great upgrade I got through 10 more mine's floors and I don't know how I still forget about this at this point but I'm always still surprised and disappointed to see no reward on floor 30. this upsets the loot Goblin today's shoplift was not very fruitful and neither was my foraging trip to find spring onions because there was literally only one but at least I unlocked life elixir with a level 2 combat only trouble is I forget to check the recipe at all from this point on I had more crops ready to harvest on day 12 and was super excited to find a morel on the farm on my way to the traveling Merchant today I bought the large milk in case I needed it for the community center as well as the summer spangle and the fried egg I ran straight to Caroline with gifts not realizing I already gave her two this week and decided that I'll save the spangle for a birthday or something because we were already so close to the two hearts I needed as you can probably guess this was an afternoon in the mines again we need to be spending a lot of time here to hit floor 40 since everything I now need requires iron I got to floor 35 today before taking my leave our mind's progress being hindered by our need to shoplift today we got nothing but saplings but that's a good little money boost on day 13 my first cauliflowers were ready Shane there was only three of them today is the egg Festival no strawberries for me since Pierre is selling them and I can't exactly shoplift here so I just spoke to all the villagers for the Friendship points then let the egg hunt begin it's been a while since I've done this in vanilla so my mind completely blanked on which way I needed to go but I still managed to bag 12 eggs more than enough for that Victory Straw Hat now I can start to look like I fit in more day 14 was supposed to start with giving a birthday gift to Haley but I forgot she spends a long time in her room getting ready so it was off to the traveling Merchant instead you had a coconut for sale for the community center I also snapped up the coffee beans since there's plenty of time to grow it I tracked down Haley at the fountain with a daffodil then forgot I was saving the spangle for Caroline's birthday and gave it to her anyway that's okay though because now I could get into the Tea Room to view the cutscene which I skipped no time for peace and quiet only chaos are loud here I donated two more bits to the Exotic foraging bundle only two more to go and for today's loot we got a single kale seed since I still had the energy the rest of this night went on chopping down Farm trees on day 15 I finally got that tea sapling recipe in the mail just in time for the next batch of forage to be fully grown I made my first 10 zaplings thankfully the recipe had not been randomized then planted the remaining 20 forage seeds I had left to hopefully turn into even more seeds later on with food still being an issue I needed to take advantage of salmonberry season to its fullest this did also remind me to pick up Robin's lost ax however I seem to forget by the time I got to her house and didn't give it back I came back home to chop trees whilst waiting for Pierre to leave for the day and for today's round of shoplifting I got a bit of variety this time this was also the last type of sapling I needed to complete the collection on day 16 Demetrius was at my door to talk about the cave on a normal Community Center Route I would choose the fruit bats but this time I went with the mushroom cave for the Exotic foraging bundle and a reliable source of food I pluck some more crops from the ground and hydrated the rest before planting another 10 forage seeds I donated a couple of things to the museum then it was over to Pierre to talk to everyone there so when I went in to hand Robin her ax I realized how goofy the randomizer makes the exercise class look money is quite something and Emily I don't even have words for what's going on here anyway I returned Robin's ax collected my reward and plucked all the berries I could on my way to the adventurers Guild for a brand new cutscene this is from The Adventurous Guild expanded mod I thought this one would fit in well with our little theme here and I thought it would make a nice surprise Marlin here was trying to negotiate a project with Robin to build an extension onto the adventures Guild but apparently this was gonna be a massive job this was going to need 600 wood 500 Stone and 500 Grand that gave me a bit of a heart attack Marlon 2. together with the wizard we devised a plan I'll fetch the word Marlon will handle the stone and The Wizard will supply the gold that part in particular was a massive relief I then went back to Berry hunting and even forgot to shoplift from Pierre's but thankfully I do have the saloon to fall back on even if it means waiting around in there for an hour between the place closing and Emily actually leaving I picked up one single Pizza which was definitely better than nothing overnight I unlocked the bee house and The Preserve jar recipes which I checked on the following morning this sucks because preserves jars need fire cores and I'm nowhere near getting those and the bee houses need iron and JoJo Cola no Mass producing these either I was delighted to see my first set of mushrooms donating a red one with some pine tar I got earlier to complete my first bundle my reward being some Autumn's Bounty but more importantly unlocking the pantry and the fish tank the pantry bundles were interesting the odd crops bundle has Beats which are going to be absurdly difficult to get we've got a flowers bundle which should be alright same with the animal bundle the quality summer crops worries me because I'm still a low farming level and the randomness of which seeds I get and when are a concern the desserts bundle is mildly annoying and The Pantry stock bundle should be difficult but manageable I was almost too scared to look at the fish bundles the basic fish should be absolutely fine but the next one I set my eyes on I have to donate the legendary fish what guys we're doomed the expert fishing bundle is pain the fish suit bundle is pain the deep sea bundle we just have to wait for and The Tackle Box what have I gotten myself into but now what I can do is hand over that 600 wood to Robin and descend further in the mines actually making it to floor 40 finally I then just cycled through resetting floor 41 to get as much iron as possible since pretty much everything I was waiting for needed it and Pierre's is closed today anyway I even passed out there that night waking up the next morning to rub it on my doorstep letting me know the guild expansion was going well and should be ready tomorrow she also gave me a thousand gold because some of the costs were lower than expected with my 51 iron ore from yesterday I made my first four furnaces and got some bars melting I started to fill a chest with future Community Center donations then ran over to Willy's with a birthday potato except it's not Willy's birthday it's Pam's whoops a fish for a sardine whilst I was there before running up to the lake to fish and smell stuff mainly aiming for the basic fish bundle but the largemouth bass I needed was evading me these disappear at 7 pm so I'll have to try again another day by the time I got home to put stuff away it was too late to make it to Pierre's before his doors lock at nine so I brought Pama parsnip fished in town for a bit then headed back into the saloon to buy all the recipes and wait for Emily to leave so I could burgle a single beer on day 19 I bought a tulip from the traveling Merchant but passed up the star fruit a decision I was gonna severely regret later I fished up by the lake again to catch that largemouth bass meaning I could now complete that bundle for a reward of 42 bait of what this unlocked the Boiler Room the first bundle will need to upgrade the house for the fossil bundle pains me because I've already donated two of these to the museum I could have been halfway there and the last bundle is fine nothing too crazy this was the day I got the final backpack upgrade I need that space for loot then I headed down to the beach to check for artifact spots for those fossils but I only got clay I fished down by the beach for a bit and caught exactly two fish before getting bored of that and leaving thankfully Pierre vacates the premises early on Fridays to go to the saloon so I looted several saplings before heading up to the adventures Guild to check out the expansion here I met Marlon's nephew Gabriel and his chaotic little sister Zinnia these two will be moving to the valley and will live in the new Monster research Wing I'm so excited about the future Adventures Gabriel showed me around the wing which includes several monster testing Chambers and his first task for me is to slay 20 green slimes I went to work on that right away and got a wooden Club from a crate a fun little upgrade on day 20 t i put away yesterday's loot including a slime gem which will be important later I had a few rice plants ready to go then I gave Shane a quick visit to give him a totally not stolen pizza for his birthday I shipped 10 more tea saplings because I was low on funds then it was back to the mines to continue with the Slime Quest I returned to Gabriel that evening with the Slime gem he thanked me for bringing it and will let me know once you studied it today's shoplift yielded a few bags of rice and after chopping a couple of trees I headed to bed to receive level 3 combat on day 21 Gabriel had waited on my doorstep for hours I was a bit weirded out by this but he was here to tell me that we might be able to create a slime Soul using 10 of those slime gems and a life Essence which he taught me how to craft and this can later be turned into a live slime the ingredients to make these were a little upsetting star fruit this is the point that the regret set in I really should have bought that one the other day I sold off some of my stockpile crops for a bit of extra cash then took a pointless trip to the traveling Merchant because I came away empty-handed Jody received her cauliflower delivery for a bit of extra gold and from there I wandered over to Clint's to request an ax upgrade even though this was a bad luck day I still tried to make progress in the mines but I forgot floor 59 was a spiral floor so I left to make time for my daily shoplift which should gain us a decent profit for today an extra 12 Grand to be exact day 22 had many crops for collection enough for level 4 farming I made it to floor 63 in the mines but needed to leave to get to Pierre's it was worth it for a few more Peach saplings then I did make a late night stop off at the Wizards to give him a green bean he asked for for some extra pocket money on day 23 I grabbed the last of the forage and to be honest I was relieved not to have to water very much for the next few days I made a few more donations to the museum to collect a couple of rewards most importantly the melon seeds in prep for next season I collected my ax as soon as Clint's opened and swapped it for my pickaxe so I could go home and spend the rest of the daylight hours hacking away at trees in fact I was so focused on tree section I actually forgot to shoplift all of that paid off though because I made another 38t saplings and reached level 5 foraging so I chose the gatherer profession to help with more forage seeds my coffee plant had finally come to fruition on day 24. I replanted all of those coffee beans so I could get more in the summer now that my field was almost empty this was the perfect time to make my first sprinklers ready for the next season but I did accidentally delete some of the coffee plants in the process it was flower dance day sorry brought bless you it was flower dance day so I bought the rack roll and the recipe as these are required for Perfection and talk to everyone for the Friendship points but I didn't have enough friendship for a dance partner so I stood awkwardly in the corner and watched the weirdness that was Mani Sam and Penny what the heck is going on here on day 25 I made a whole load of donations to the community center but not enough to actually complete any bundles I got some trash bread in town which is the only way at the moment I can get them for the pantry stop bundle since I still have no kitchen then it was over to Clint's to pick up my shiny new pickaxe I'd been missing mining already so I ran straight over to try and make more progress finding this nice bundle of nodes I got through five more Levels by shoplifting time there were several goodies today don't mind if I do when I returned to the farm I redid the sprinklers because I tend to prefer them untilled underneath does anyone else do this or is it just me on Day 26 I harvested and replanted more coffee before slashing some of the home Beach fiber on the hunt for more mixed seeds I bought another tulip from the traveling Merchant for about bundle a duck egg to hatch in the future and a large white egg too Pierre got a daffodil for his birthday then I brought Zinnia a leak after seeing her request on the board as you can probably guess this was another afternoon in the mines and I seem to be getting really lucky with the crates here because I got another weapon upgrade from one again and later on some better boots I actually made it down to floor 75 today the Napier's I was pleased to take home some speed grow and obviously any seeds I get now I'll be saving for next year I ended up returning to the mindset night to get an additional five floors done collecting another pair of boots from floor 80. after passing out that night I chose minor for My Level 5 mining profession and reached level 4 Combat on day 27 I helped resolve a dispute with Hayley and Emily gotta share those responsibilities but then I had to wait in their house for a few hours to give Emily a birthday gift I asked Robin to build me a silo since hay is now a crafting material I was back in the mines again and in another Stroke of Luck I got a farm totem I can use for the community center bundle and hit a decent mushroom floor on floor 86 I left on floor 87 though because it was infested plus I needed time to shoplift from Pierre's on day 28 I visited the traveling Merchant and came away with a big fat nothing but I did collect plenty of spring onions for the last time this year at risk of majorly repeating myself we went mining again I promise we will do other things but my focus right now is reaching the bottom for the skull key floor 89 was an infested floor and after over an hour in Game of fighting I got overrun and died I didn't wake up at Harvey's though because Mario dragged us out I lost five grand I lost the Slime too but I didn't care about that because 5 000 gold ugh I made a mere fraction of that back by selling my spare weapons and boots I was hoping for some better luck with the shoplifting and I managed to grab a good few seeds for next year satisfactory on day 29 I decided a load of grass because the silo was now done and that long grass was encroaching on my crop space I re-hod all the decayed spots and got those mixes planted then stopped in at Robin's because I wanted some path recipes I ended up just buying them all I dropped into the mines to reach floor 90 for that obsidian Edge but as the pattern goes it was now floor 91 which was invested I can't be bothered with that so I left the first days of a season are important shoplifting ones I needed as many seeds I could get my hands on and today Pierre left a radish seed and a few blueberry seeds which were a great win and of course I went straight home to plant them on day 30 I was relieved to wake up with many crops and no watering okay fine I made a mistake with one spot but I just destroyed it since it was only a corn anyway for today's Minds trip I persevered with that stupid infested floor which felt extra Infested by the way but a bus line dropped the slammer another good weapon upgrade this meant I could smash my way through the rest of them I did hit another infested Flora online 27 but this was much easier to handle I had to get up and do something though and I start recording when I paused but when I came back I forgot to resume the recording for the rest of the day all that really happened was that I reached floor 100 and got my first star drop no big deal day 31 was a mind's day again you know what these look like by now so I'll just tell you I picked up the space boots on floor 110 found mushroom floors on floor 113 and 117 then successfully reached the bottom that night since Pierre's is closed for today anyway so shoplifting was less important on day 32 I wanted to expand my crop space so I was back in the mines again for Ryan but it was a bad luck day so I wasn't doing well with finding nodes I did however find two frozen tears which meant I could complete my first Boiler Room bundle the reward being a glow ring and unlocking the bulletin board a few of the bundles were loved gifts for villagers and I was really regretting giving Shane that pizza earlier so let's hope I can get another the gift here weren't exactly easy either we also had two color bundles the green bundle and the yellow bundle and there's that starfruit haunting me once again I rushed over to Clint's before he closed to ask for the steel pickaxe upgrade because I wanted to access the secret words without using the chair hop exploit and the reason for this is because I'll be needing a fiddlehead fern for the summer foraging bundle I didn't forget Jazz's birthday she got an amethyst then I went home to plant a few forage seeds completely forgetting about the daily thieving at least I got level 6 foraging unlocking the lightning rod in time for storm season on day 33 I replaced the wheat with some more forage seeds and got a few more sprinklers placed the traveling cart blessed me with a survival burger for the community center which Speaking of I use today to drop off all the items I'd accumulated there even this wasn't enough to complete any bundles yet I used my single Georgia Cola to make my first bee house then the messy Beach was bothering me so I took today to clear up what I could minus the wood because my ax isn't done yet but it's still looking much better than it was I'm not quite sure what happened this evening because not only did I forget to shoplift but it was because I stayed home to fish am I okay day 34 started with a pretty spicy Harvest then made my first lightning rod with a copper bar and a frozen tear because the storm was due tomorrow I burst into Clint's dead on 9am to collect my ax and swap it for a pick then sprinted straight over to the secret Woods to break that log and gain entry those fiddle headphones are now mine all mine I dropped some stuff home then rushed to the community center to complete that bundle in return for some extra forage seeds and unlocking the boat room this had a 1000 gold bundle with a couple of sprinklers a 10 000 gold bundle containing a keg a 37 and a half thousand bundle which I can't afford yet so I just got the 3500 bundle with some quality fertilizer I made this a day of donations also popping into the museum with a few more items to drop off and the reward for these was a star fruit seed I wasted no time in shoving this in the ground and filled my new keg with a cauliflower this was the first time in a few days that I'd remembered to shoplift but there wasn't all that much behind the counter to today I also finally fixed the beach bridge for a bit of extra Pocket Change and foraging XP on day 35 my first radishes were ready including a single gold quality one which will need a couple of for the community center the traveling cart had nothing at all useful and this rainy Sunday morning was spent chopping down Farm trees I was mainly waiting for Zinnia to be up and about so I could give her a birthday gift of a potato Sebastian was asking for a red mushroom on the town board which thankfully there was one waiting for me in the mushroom cave so I took it over to him whilst he was chilling in the saloon I spoke to everyone there whilst waiting for shoplifting hours then robbed two apple saplings from PS counter coming back to the farm to continue with the tree chopping on Day 36 I harvested my coffee plants and made some more tea saplings to sell before collecting my upgraded pickaxe from Clint's I took this up to the mines for the day to farm for more fiber for tea saplings and for five quarts for preserves jars I only managed to get three this day though so we won't be Mass producing jams and pickles at least till we can get crystallariums but on on the bright side we did leave with almost 100 fiber and we managed to pill for my first few tomato seeds my last stop before going home was to drop off a diamond to gas for his birthday when I did get home I planted my new seeds and added some quality fertilizer to some radish seeds and the tomato seeds in the hopes it will help towards the summer quality crops bundle on day 37 I got a fossil from a dig spot which I can use for the community center my second dig spot was far less exciting though I spent much of this day grinding for iron squishing any dust Sprites for coal along the way when I left the mines for the day I'd gained 142 iron ore but got a much less pleasing five corn seeds from Pierre's Beggars can't be choosers I guess this was made slightly better by getting a risky trash bread for the community center on Day 38 I made my first couple of jars and got a bit irate that I couldn't just line them up next to my house not realizing that the tile it won't let me use is where Robin stands to upgrade that house but it's fine we make do having built up a good supply of iron ore I don't with the number of furnaces and began to smelt some quartz whilst waiting for that I started clearing up this section of the farm which as you can tell I've completely neglected till now and I finished off the beach cleanup it's looking much better now my first boss on the juice was ready so I swapped out for beer having accumulated loads of spare gear I sold it all to Marlon for the gold and chess base then on my way back towards town I got my first cutscene with Zinnia Vincent was playing alone and bored when Zinnia came along to teach him how to kick the ball strong and far like his brother Sam I seem to have come along at just the wrong time because I then took a ball to the belly thankfully it was just a beach ball so I was fine I forgave the kid this time they then challenged me to a kick so I Unleashed my raw power anyway no more games I forged on the beach and did a loop of Cinder sat forest and whilst I didn't do any shoplifting tonight I did manage to buy that last Vault bundle and for that we got an auto Grabber what's weirder is the UI info mod glitched the auto Grabber definitely isn't needed for the expert fishing bundle ah skull cabins how I've missed you I cannot wait on day 39 I received my very own beach ball in the mail from Vincent unfortunately this one isn't kickable so I gave it its rightful place on the beach I think my game was trolling me because the first day after the Bus Repair was a Max luck day except today was the luau and I really didn't want to miss that because I need to be seen to be fitting in with the community I talked to everyone and dropped a gold quality ball head into the pot which unfortunately was the best I could do but it was still a soup good enough to make the governor vanish for a second weird on day 40 I had quite a lot to harvest I bought the egg and the garlic from the traveling Merchant and came back home to ship 22 more tea saplings I picked up several goodies from the beach and fished there for a while until I had enough stuff to sell to Ali to afford the fiberglass rot I fished some more until it was shoplifting time except because of the rain Pierre hadn't left for the saloon yet time for another hour or so of fishing but when I did get around to stealing the only Seas were sunflowers I was alright with this though because when you harvest a sunflower there's a chance it will drop another seed having scored another JoJo Cola from a trash can I made a second bee house and headed to bed to get level 5 farming choosing the tiller profession and got level 3 fishing too on day 41 I gave Alex an emerald for his birthday before making a few more drop-offs to the community center but again not enough to actually complete any bundles even though it was quite late in the day it was also a super good luck day so I just wanted to do a light skull cabins run I couldn't wait anymore I scored a pink cake from a slime on the very first floor and even got my first treasure floor which contained an auto Grabber I think my last series is trying to haunt me the rest of this run was pretty uneventful I passed out on floor 31 and got level 8 mining unlocking the crystallarium I also got level 7 combat but that was whatever of course the first thing I did on day 42 was check the recipe for the crystallarium and Nautilus shells well there's gonna be no Jam City inside I don't think on the bright side my first blueberries came to fruition although harvesting four plants doesn't quite have the same satisfaction I got a letter in the mail from Mr key challenging me to reach floor 25 in skull Caverns which luckily we've already done a quick trip to the traveling car meant I could take home an algae suit for the community center then I popped on up to Robins to ask her to build me a coop the shape of the farm made it hard to find a good place to put it so I settled on this spot for now this was the day I began to place paths around the farm to make it easier to navigate and easier to plan I went with these Crystal paths because refined quartz didn't appear to be needed for many recipes so it was pretty safe to use for something like this I took a break to get in my thieving fix and I was ecstatic to see a hop starter because we needed six gold ones for the community center once seed probably won't be enough though I came home to plant those crops then got back to placing those paths so I didn't have to push my way through the long grass anymore on day 43 I got that 10 grand reward in the mail from Mr key and dealt with a decently sized pepper corn and melon Harvest thankfully I got the two gold melons I needed for the community center I plopped some speed grow on that hot starter so we can benefit from a couple more harvests then it was over to the community center with a couple of totems I crafted completing that bundle in exchange for seven rain totems I wanted to work on my fishing level so a few hours was spent fishing at the lake and with a fresh largemouth bass I completed the green bundle the reward for that one being a green strange doll very strange indeed I didn't get a huge amount from behind Piers counter today then took advantage of my fishing Mood by hanging out at the beach catching my first super cucumber on day 44 I slashed more of my farm fiber for mixed seeds and later crafting tea saplings I planted all those seeds being my main source of crops then I walked over to the museum to drop off a couple of bits but forgot to collect any rewards I'd not been up to the train station at all yet so I gave it a quick visit to pick up some of the fiber here ensuring I leave some of it to spread then I fished in town whilst waiting for Pierre to leave the hall was a great one today look at all those seeds better get them all planted though I did need to make a couple more sprinklers to make room for them on day 45 I withdrew all of the hay from my newly built Coop so that I could Scythe more of my farm grass and not waste it with the coop now completed I went straight up to Robin's to get her to upgrade it because I can't get any chicks or Ducks without hatching them which means I need the incubator that comes with the first upgrade I then got on the bus to the desert because today was a decently good luck day and it was a Wednesday meaning Pierre's was closed and I wouldn't miss out on stealing seeds before going in though I traded in for a few warp totems so I can get here a bit quicker in the future this day went as well as you can expect from Manila quip to run I didn't get very far and didn't get anything too valuable except for this ministry I can use for the community center on Day 46 Emily was at my door to grant me use of her sewing machine I ignored that because I don't have time for fashion I dealt with the day's crops and then added a bit more to the paths when I left the farm for the day I happened upon another fossil and another JoJo Cola on my way to the beach to spend the day fishing but I did fish in town too for a little change of scenery this was one of my better shoplifting days when it comes to seeds I'll save the blueberries till next year but I still planted the Hops with some speed grow hoping for more gold ones on day 47 I had more stuff to harvest including the gold quality tomatoes for the community center the traveling Merchant was helpful today with some duck mayo and caviar I'm not sure if I'm gonna need the caviar yet but I didn't want to regret not picking it up the big Coop upgrade was now complete so I got my first egg incubating and readied some food for the future new arrival I then made some more tea saplings for the extra cash Dimitrius got an amethyst for his birthday since I didn't have any loved gifts then I hit a spot of luck at the lake because the single fish I caught also came with another fossil I wasted no time with my next Community Center drop off which included completing the Pantry stock bundle rewarding me with a seed maker this is huge because I can now boost my output more than just what I can steal I also dropped off my fossils because I thought I only needed three and not four but hey one more to go is not bad as for the miners pack all that's left is the roots platter so we'll have to find a way to get that one soon I realized that I hadn't actually met Sandy yet so I went to handle that make no mistake though I am not a customer by the time I got back to the valley it was time for my daily shoplift then I made use of my shiny new seed maker to get more radish seeds since there's still time in the season to take a chance on more gold ones I accidentally passed out in the field planting those radishes but we unlocked a whole bunch of stuff with level 6 Farming two of which I need for the community center and The Keg being a future money maker and we made over 14 000 gold on day 48 I grabbed all of my crops being careful to leave the sunflower for more valuable honey actually I forget this fact just over one minute later and harvested it too what a dingus now the honey reverts to Wild Ones and that's when I realized my mistake I asked Robin to upgrade my house which thankfully wasn't randomized then I visited the secret Woods for the first time in a while except I forgot to bring my ax so I just grabbed all the forage and left I stole a good variety of seeds today which I'll save for next summer then I came home to chop down Farm trees on day 49 I bought another large milk from the traveling Merchant as well as a rare seed for four I got around to checking the keg recipe and the only weird thing was the Slime but the quality sprinkler needs a gold bar the old sprinkler and oil this is gonna be a right pain I delivered Demetrius a melon he asked for before coming across a couple of good trash finds who throws away an entire perfectly good tuna I did some Mountain fishing for a while then I was relieved to find some oil behind the counter at PS today being my current only source I was determined to hit Level 5 fishing today so I hung out in town until I did though I wasn't expecting an algae to be the thing that tipped me over the edge for my profession I chose the Fischer one which makes fish more valuable day 50 and we're into our final week of Summer after harvesting my crops I gave Robin a peach while she was on the job the museum was still looking sad and empty so I opened all my geodesic cleanse and got absolutely loads of stuff to donate with the plentiful donations came several rewards including the pumpkin seeds ready for fall I placed the furniture bits around my house except the paintings which I don't yet have room for then returned to yesterday's fishing spot to keep trucking along with that level as a bonus I managed to fish out the last fossil I needed for that bundle when now a single item away from Minecarts but this reward was a warrior ring which I was less than pleased about Pierre left me a good few things at his counter today so I came home to sell the saplings along with all the fish I caught and turned in a good but modest profit for the day on day 51 I was delighted to see that the house had now gotten bigger I rearranged the furniture a little then wasted no time in cooking that Roots platter for the miners pack bundle I had a few crops to collect but with those now dealt with it was time to complete the Boiler Room the reward for that bundle was 17 magma geodes not the best but I didn't care because tomorrow we'll have Minecarts having not been to the mines in a while I dropped in for the day to farm for iron and coal and by the evening I only got 12 coal but I did get 84 iron which could be worse unfortunately the only reason I left was to shoplift which today barely felt worth it on day 52 I made my first set of cakes which I filled with the remainder of my coffee even though it was a bad luck day I didn't let that stop me from hitting up skull Caverns whilst Pierre's is closed the first floor was a spiral one so I just reset it to get a better start much easier most of the Run was mediocre until the final hour this group of crates dropped me a lucky ring my inventory was full and I didn't even notice just chilling killing a dino seconds from parcel and I did score a dino egg which is cool but wait for it I was now desperately trying to think what to do starting with making some more room I then chopped a minor Street for the extra magnetism then constantly paused and unpause to check my backpack and empty any junk but I was too late no no I didn't even care that I hit Level 5 mining because I was absolutely distraught let's move on to day 53 I put away all of my Loot and started Brewing some beer whilst waiting for the seed maker to give me next year's hop starters since there was no way I was getting all six gold ones I needed my new chick had hatched which I decided to name Lucifer and that meant the incubator was now free for my Dino egg I spent much of today chopping wood on the farm and added bits to the paths not forgetting to go for my nearly daily dose of shoplifting I returned home to make a couple of charcoal Kilns because the burglaring progress was slow and I needed coal before getting some sleep I moved the bed closer to the door again for safety reasons and overnight I learned the recipes for the seed maker and oil maker which will both become very important checking those recipes the following day the seed maker won't be too bad but the oil maker 40 iron are you kidding me since I need the oil for Quality sprinklers making masses of them will be very expensive the traveling had been pretty kind to me so far and today was no different I bought the pricey yamses to secure some for the next season the goats milk for the animal bundle then the fairy Rose for the flower bundle I was planning on keeping Robin busy with the deluxe Coop upgrade but I came up three grand shorts so I'll have to come back another day with that plan out the window I fished in town for a while I managed to catch the back end of a train which granted me a few bonus bits of coal I made it back to town in time for some more freebies grabbing some poppy seeds from Pierre's then to prep for more skull cabins runs I visited the trailer for more warp totems and some cheese which I'll also need for the community center on Day 55 I'd now made enough money for that Coop upgrade this part of the farm was still a disaster so I took this day to clean it up connect some more paths and only took a break to go shoplifting on day 56 I harvested the last of my summer crops including another gold quality hops still not enough for that Community Center bundle though which as a reminder I'll need six I bought another rare seed from the traveling Merchant because I'm gonna need more than one the finally handed over the pale ale that Palmer does for all those days ago this afternoon was spent grinding in the mines for coal and burglaring progress and my final shoplift of the Season gave me nothing but three bottles of vinegar I planned to go back to the mines and pass out there but then I was reminded of the dance of the Moonlight jellies I made it there in time to talk to everyone for the Friendship points then relax on the pier to watch the show no rest for me yet though because when I got home I wanted to split she no rest for me yet though because when I got home I wanted to start swapping my sprinklers out for better ones but then I realized the time and practically sprinted to bed my first stop on day 57 was the secret word for hardwood I took some time that morning to set up the new sprinklers which wasn't the easiest with the shape of the farm I also had to put back down loads of the basic ones because I didn't have enough to upgrade all of them but at least it meant we could expand the area a little bit I planted the few four seeds I obtained with loads of mixed seeds I've been saving up and my mess up with the sprinklers last night meant I had to water these all by hand today for the all-important first day of the Season there weren't that many scenes but they are free so I probably shouldn't complain it was the amaranth I was excited about though because I needed them for the community center on Day 58 Robin fixed out the other Town board so now we have access to do special requests and for my first one I had the choice of bugs or grubs so I chose grubs Penny got a diamond for her birthday then it was up to the mines for iron and coal because it seems in the time it took for me to walk up there I already forgot about the quest I was insulted with a single corn seed from Pierre's and when I got home I made another two B houses with a couple of Georgia colas I'd left in a chest on day 59 I bit the bullet and made that absurdly expensive oil maker this Wednesday had lined up perfectly with a Max luck day so it was over to the desert for a skull Caverns run one of the main reasons I was here was for cloth because I needed 11 of them to build a slime perch due to the randomizer and the reason I wanted one was for profits and because several crafting recipes needed a good quantity of slime I was also hoping to find beet seeds in the Treasure rooms but I didn't get that lucky today day 60 started with some chest reorganization because my mining chest got full All That Corn from last season meant I had a nice early mini Harvest and since yesterday's skull cabins trip didn't gain enough cloth for a slime Hutch I asked Robin for a bun Instead This was the day I decided to start that grubs Quest and gathered any fiber whilst I was there but annoyingly today's Thief break was a massive waste of time with nothing but four grass starters I came back to the mines to continue with the grub slaying which I finished that night with just enough time to make it home to bed on day 61 I collect my reward for the cave Patrol Quest including the geode Crusher recipe from the mail I found a strawberry at the traveling car and the goat's milk on need to make cheese for the community center I completed that construction bundle which gave me this teddy bear clock what the hell probably the weirdest reward yet I donated some of the other things for other bundles whilst I was there too I popped to the beach to give Elliot a birthday gift and fished a little at the pier as well then it was over to Cinders at Forest for a foraging Loop to hunt for a second hazelnut for the full foraging bundle but I couldn't find one yet luckily I did find a load of seeds I needed at Pierce today then I actually found that second hazelnut when I was on my way home to plant them I took it straight up to the community center in exchange for more seeds after getting everything planted I placed my weird teddy bear clock and headed to bed on day 62 I chopped some more Farm wood for most of the day and collected my first eggs from The Coop I had a batch of juice ready but it then occurred to me I don't have all that much to place in the kegs so for now I settled on a few coconuts because it was better than nothing today's Thief run had just a couple of orange saplings which was fine for a little extra cash then I made myself a few more preserved jars ready for wherever I want to use them day 63 was a stormy one so I made a bunch more lightning rods for batteries I made a few more quality sprinklers specifically for the community center then took a trip to the traveling Merchant and bought the rare Crow here since it's cheaper than the Festival of ice from there I trekked all the way up to Robbins to buy all the Brazier recipes and I only found this out recently but you don't have to come back on separate days if you buy the recipe that's for sale and just close and open the shop again a new recipe will appear until you've bought them all this has saved me so much time back on the farm I crafted and sold another 38 tea saplings since I just spent a load of money with all those recipes then I got soggy in town chipping away at my fishing level till shoplifting hours we aren't missing out on these goodies today I got that great starter planted on the farm and rounded off the day by getting some more paths down these have been taking me some time because it does take a while to accumulate the courts on day 64 I was happy to see my amaranth was ready in addition to my single cranberry plant Blackberry season had started today so I retrieved Linus's basket munched on some Autumn's bounty to boost my foraging level then grabbed any berries I could on my way up to Robbins to ask for a bun upgrade and of course I returned Linus's basket to him being low on food today was predominantly dedicated to Blackberry picking but once all the bushes were empty I was over in the mines farming fiber of course I did still make time to pop into Piers to Nick some stuff on day 65 I planted some new fall crops before another day of harvesting blackberries once that was done I was in the mines again looking for the Prismatic slime which didn't take me long to find at all but it did take me a while to walk over to the Wizards with the Jelly when I got home I wanted to check on that Dino egg which had finally hatched and its chosen name is Pandora unfortunately that distraction meant I was too late to steal stuff today so I got a duck egg incubating instead on day 66 I got the monster musk recipe in the mail and I was treated to another Max luck Wednesday a perfect day to run skull Caverns again the main thing I was here for was cloth and I hope for beetseeds too but once again no luck on that front I did however score on auto better and passed out on floor 72 getting Level 10 mining so I chose the blacksmith profession on day 67 I proudly carried my new auto Petra over to my coop Jody got a diamond for her birthday on my way to the museum to make a few donations including completing the dwarf scroll collection so now we can speak the language we also got a regrow too it was then back to Blackberry picking for the day but I did also stop in at manu's to buy one of each non-egling animal because then they have a chance to uh multiply and I obviously can't have to go I styled some fairy seeds from PS today important because this was a new find for the save I wasted no time in getting them planted specifically placing one in front of the bee houses on day 68 I made my first bottle of monster musk and bought a stupidly priced pumpkin from the traveling Merchant not sure why I did this because mine were not far from being fully grown I asked Clint to upgrade my pickaxe to Gold then went up to their mines without it anyway to smash some dust Sprites for coal and for that Monster's legal the only reason I took a break was to Nixon sees for Piers this meant I came home late that night with 57 coal I got level 8 farming and level 9 combat that night then on day 69 I set off some apple wine with the coconut ones now done I had loads of foraging crops ready today and on my way into town I said hi to Pam who asked if I could do her kindness and clean her house which is ironic because she screams at you in that one cut scene I gave Abigail an amethyst for a birthday and found a whole bunch of forage at the beach since it was a Saturday and these accumulate over the course of the week then speaking of beaches I came back home to clear mine up and placed down some crab pots for a little boost in money and fishing XP that evening I placed more paths to the animal homes to pass time until I could shoplift except I kind of forgot today because I was fishing on the farm on day 17 my pumpkins had come to fruition see I only had to wait two days I put a few towards making some more seeds and today was the first day in quite a while that I didn't buy anything from the traveling Merchant I collected my shiny new pickaxe from Clint's then took it back to the farm to redo this path because I wanted it at the front of the cliff so I can decorate behind it and still see where I walk I actually forgot to steal stuff for another day in a row because I was distracted with chopping down more trees I was finding the deforestation therapeutic okay on day 71 I refilled all of my crab pots and was happy to get the trash for another source of refined quartz I took a trip out to the desert to hand over Sandy's birthday gift then waited in her store totally inconspicuously for her to leave with Emily because this is the only day of the year I get to steal stuff from her definitely a bit cold but hey we gotta do what we gotta do except I was gutted to find everything but the beetseeds something tells me they're going to be the last item for the community center I stayed to fish for a few hours hoping for that scorpion carp that only came away with a few sound fish now that I had a star fruit seed for next year I could make the life Essence and the Slime soul but when I went to run it up to the Avengers Guild I walked in on an argument between Zinnia and her dad who was trying to make her leave the valley there is a story behind this and I won't spoil it but she's an adult and she should be able to make this decision on her own and I think she's gonna do great here thankfully he did let her stay in the end but with that out of the way it's time to show Gabriel the research you set up a soul incubator in the first chamber and I slapped down the Slime Soul except nothing happened zinni assumed burst in with some iridium and that seemed to do the trick eventually a cute little pink slime popped out and Zinnia named silly poor little silly seem to be absolutely terrified Gabriel just wanted to capture it and run tests on it but Zinnia wanted to go for a more friendly and Humane approach so I ended up siding with her I might be a thief but I ain't heartless and silly seemed to be thankful too I can start making friends with silly tomorrow and Zinnia will be setting up their room in the meantime before doing anything else though I had dinner plans at Jody's on the menu tonight is crispy bass seasoned in Florida with a full belly it was over to the Wizards to learn to be able to communicate with silly he'd prepared me a remedy for this but I really wish he didn't tell me what was in it it sounds quite horrible and the goat's milk in particular is what's probably going to make me want to throw up well only one thing left to do I'll get to test it tomorrow when Silly's room is finished but that whole Adventure meant missing out on shoplifting yet again Zinnia was waiting on my doorstep the following morning and she snuck silly over in a box it worked I could Now understand them so it was now my job to build up that friendship it was also fair day today so I spoke to everyone for the Friendship points and of course grab that free legal Burger I put together a very random display and somehow I managed to win I wanted to make that stupid wheel work for me this year so I put in half of what I had on green each time until I lost at which point I then put all I had because I just felt the next one being a win and sure enough I was right I now had enough tokens for my next star drop and the rare Crow then I went in for another round on the wheel because there were also pepper poppers being sold and I needed that for the community center this is fine because I didn't spend any gold on it on day 73 I put the other autograbber in my barn ready for when the animals grow up I made several drop-offs at the community center bringing several bundles annoyingly close to being complete then as much as it pains me to say it I accepted the bio and balance special request to force myself to work on more fishing I got started pretty much immediately but I did pop into The Adventurous Guild as soon as it opened to check on silly who was still terrified of Gabriel and actually after the other day they didn't like like him can't say I'm surprised but I wasn't going to sugarcoat the truth and that got him to apologize after a bit of encouragement they forgave him turns out humans and slimes were once good friends Tilly's parents taught them about it but unfortunately their parents were eventually slain by humans looks like we have a lot to learn about their history before I left Gabriel asked me if I could apologize to Zinnia for him I don't know why he can't just tell her himself but fine I guess I'll be the messenger when I went to telsinia she seemed more shocked than anything but I think she accepted it I don't know it was then back to Lake fishing for the evening completing that Quest just after 9pm and collecting my reward of 1500 gold I gave my feet a rest in the saloon whilst waiting for Emily to leave for the day because today Gus's was the Target and I made a way with some spaghetti and some bread but I was looking for the pizza so I'll have to come back another day on day 74 Gabriel was at my door to tell me he'd learned more about the history of slimes from a book he found online for 30 000 gold he told me I should stop by the monster research Wing when I can to help him look into how we restore peace with the slimes I shipped off most of yesterday's fish before collecting a farm computer recipe from the mail I refilled my crab pots which I have been doing as many days as I can remember and this was the day I found my new hatch duckling with the randomized name sucker suck a duck I found it too funny not too I used some hay hardwood and oil to craft a loom because I got my first roll from my rabbit and I really wanted to turn it into cloth for that slime much I chased our money in town with a birthday gift and the amaranth for a quest then I donated a couple more bits to the museum for one new reward which happened to be the next rare Crow I decided to spend the next few hours in skull Caverns trying to farm more cloth but I only came across one mummy the entire time and it didn't even drop any I got a cutscene with Abigail so I joined her for some Journey in the prairie king I still couldn't get her past the first level though on my way past the counter I took some wheat seeds orange saplings and fertilizer with me and as usual I sold the saplings when I got home on day 75 money came over to ask me to bring her goats a cave carrot let's see what I actually remember to do this over at my kitchen I made a pale broth for the fish suit bundle and some trout suit too the traveling Merchant had nothing good for me today then I gathered all the forage from the beach I headed into town to hide in a bush till the saloon opened because there's a short window of opportunity between the doors unlocking and a gus getting to the counter for me to steal his Goods we're gonna have to go back every now and again until I get the pizza I need even though I didn't have that many recipes needing the various tree saps I still marked out an area I wanted to have a few tap trees just in case then the evening was spent in skull Caverns looking for mummies for cloth but I didn't come across a single one for the morning of day 76 I hid in a bush and pounced on villages with gifts of course I was mainly here waiting for the saloon to open and only just about managed to safely steal that pizza and a coffee I took the stereo pizzas straight up to the community center to complete Shane's bundle which rewarded me with strange buns that was definitely strange so I just dumped them in a chest at home before going to visit silly at The Adventurous Guild where I got this cutscene once we got Gabriel to wake up he told us about the harmonious history between slimes and humans and how the humans absolutely ruined that so this is why they fight back my job now was to befriend silly so we can show the town how lovely slimes can actually be to make a good start on this I gifted silly one of their favorites an apple the next Gift Stop was to Clint's because he's the source of the bean hot pot recipe which I'll need for the community center and despite my good fortune with the traveling card so far there's a slim chance it will show up so I need to get Clint up to seven Hearts back on the farm I was accumulating lots of animal products so it was about time I crafted some cheese and mirror machines for another stream of income on day 77 I sold off the day's crops and Mayo before picking up another strawberry from the traveling Merchant to turn into seeds for spring I was craving skull cabins today but still made the effort to run over a birthday gift to Robin before I left and when I got there I also traded for some staircases for the first time to save with only 15 though I'll be using these sparingly I succeeded in getting the last cloth I needed today but honestly other than that that was really about it I didn't even get much iridium on day 78 I could finally ask Robin to build me a slime merch which I'll situate just behind the house Caroline got that pumpkin she asked for then for this week's special request I decided to help the wizard again I wanted to start immediately so I sprayed myself with monster musk then hit up those frozen floors looking for ghosts as usual I did take my shoplifting break not to miss out on the freebies then lucked upon the ectoplasm later that night I did still stay for a few more hours though to make use of the monster musk for the dust brights I started day 79 by refilling my crab pots to reach level 7 fishing I delivered the wizard his ectoplasm and got promptly shoot away so I retreated to the farm to fish for the day Pierre only left two rubbish packs of soil behind the counter today then it was over to the community center to complete the animal bundle in exchange for another cheese press on day 80 Marlin was at my door to talk to me about my new slime Hutch and because of the randomizer he vanished while trying to give me the Slime egg but hey I'll always take the freebies it was time to set up the Slime pouch with some sprinklers for the slimes and defense to keep me safe then I got that first egg incubating I'd been saving George a leap for his birthday then planned on skull Caverns once again for another lucky Wednesday yup a second Auto better this was my most interesting find of the day really and I passed out on floor 70 still beat seedless on day 81 I gave the new autopetter a home in my barn before making my first ever iridium sprinkler which requires four Omni dudes and a quality sprinkler which also needs the basic sprinkler so these truly are an upgrade I harvested my three sweet gem berries one for shipping one for the star drop and the other to keep just in case I need it for something that sprinkler we just made was the single last item I needed to complete the crafts room and the reward was 18 ancient seeds this was a huge deal considering we had none at all but with that that's our third room in the community Center complete in another Victory today I then ran over to the secret woods with a sweet gem Berry to appease old Master cannoli here's to another star drop I did have to come back later with my ax though for the hardwood because I forgot earlier I looted five bok choy seeds for the next year then sold all of my spare weapons to Marlon obviously making sure to check in with my favorite little slime whilst I'm there on day 82 the traveling Merchant blessed me with tomcar soup the last item I need for the fish suit bundle I stopped by the secret Woods for hardwood whilst I was there and a slime dropped me another egg my first egg was still incubating though so this one will have to wait to start on the winter prep I withdrew all of my hay from The Silo then started siphoning up all the grass when I realized I now have access to the Quarry and I can get a better Scythe I made my way through that quarry cave being careful not to die and clean that golden Scythe I also recently learned that if you click on the statue at the end you get teleported to the start instead of having to run all the way back another amazing time save then it was time to get on with the mowing I was so engrossed with this I I temporarily forgot I was a thief so we missed out on PS today on day 83 my first slime had hatched so I set off that second egg I harvested my final batch of pumpkins for the year then continued with the grass cutting because I didn't finish yesterday safe to say I'm prepped for winter with over a stack of hay I made a start on clearing out the Quarry that afternoon but there'll be no thieving today because tonight was spirit's Eve the first thing I did there was buy the jack-o-lantern recipe and the rare Crow since I need both for Perfection then I made sure to talk to everyone for the Friendship points before taking on that maze to claim the free golden pumpkin on day 84 I bought the blueberry tart from the traveling Merchant for the community Zender which I took straight over to donate I also donated that tomcar soup to complete the fish soup bundle which gave me a lovely Treasure Chest I ended up just shipping it because I couldn't be bothered with tailoring it I cut down the last of the grass which I probably could have done yesterday given that it's raining today then I stopped in at Willy's shop for the first time in a while because I was here for an iridium Rod I took this to fish just north of jojamar because this would be the last time this year I could catch the anglerfish which surprisingly I succeeded unfortunately we can't keep it because it has to go to the community center the last shoplift of the Season gave me a whole bunch of seeds for next year this was one of the best finds yet and now I felt ready for winter [Music] on day 85 I built apart from the house over to the Slime perch which I extended to the water to make it look less weird I accidentally startled crobers who I found hiding in a bush by the playground and they handed me a magnifying glass so I could Now find secret notes I went for my first bit of winter foraging where I picked up a couple of crocuses one of which went to completing the flower bundle and the reward for this was 15 fan totems I was excited to see community cleanup on the special request board today and after completing my foraging loop I went straight to floor 100 of the mines because this is one of the best ways to get loads of trash I also killed two birds with one stone by catching the lava eel 2. late that night I shoplifted a fish taco from the saloon with plus two fishing this could come in handy later on on day 86 I dropped off the last bits of trash needed to complete that quest after yesterday's lava eel I wanted to tackle the other mind fish so I went to catch the ghost fish the ice pip and the stonefish which took the majority of the day a shoplifted from PS today but being winter he didn't have any seeds the saplings were still nice though then it was off to bed for another good luck Wednesday on day 87. I handle Linus's birthday first waiting till after his birthday bath to hand him a gift of a cactus fruit over to skull Caverns where I got my first Prismatic Shard from a serpent on floor five and since I was still so close to the start I decided to pop outside to get that Galaxy sword it was about time the rum became a fair amount easier with my shiny new sword but I still use staircases to skip infested floors which I was still using sparingly because these cost wood and three geodes to make so I can't just emergency craft them I also got my first cowboy hat today and I think this suits the vibe much better I even found more Prismatic shards but alas still no beet seeds on day 88 I fed my starving barn animals before incubating a purple slime egg we acquired yesterday having recently learned how to make fiber seeds I made as many as I could to hold the sprinkler spots for spring till I ran out of mixed seeds then I filled most of the rest with forage seeds which are probably Harvest and replant later on I found a fried eel in a trash can and snuck in tippiest for my daily goodies then it was over to the mines for the night to finally hit the dust break goal on day 89 I bought two large white eggs from the traveling cart one to hatch and one to ship I finally broke my way into the area to access the dwarf so I went to introduce myself then I was briefly in the mines to get a few more bits of bug meat for bait whilst waiting for the adventurous Guild to open I could finally collect my burglar ring to make my burglar status official then I popped back home to craft a glowstone ring to replace the magnet ring and glow ring I was wearing that evening I picked up my first Nautilus shells then stayed till after dark ocean fishing on the lookout for a squid which I gave straight to Willy for the quest but then I left without stealing anything on day 90 I fertilized the trees I wanted to add Taps to so actually grow this season I gave the wizard a fresh purple mushroom from the cave then I was up at Robin's asking for the deluxe Barn upgrade now that I had the cash I delivered an amethyst to Emily today on behalf of Clint which she didn't seem to understand but hey I'll take the credit since it was my gift after all and speaking of gifts I also brought another Apple to silly the rest of this night was spent in the mines to farm for solar Essence to craft with and as a bonus I leveled up in combat on day 91 Pierre was at my door to tell me if I keep buying seeds from him I'll be even more productive next year he doesn't even suspect me he's also expanding his seed selection so now I'll have even more variety to steal and don't worry Pierre I'm not interested in those nasty JoJo seeds oh no I only want to get my hands on the best quality stuff I refilled my crab pots on my way for a pointless trip to the traveling Merchant then it was over for a quick visit with Caroline with a rabbit's foot for her birthday I fished the afternoon away till I caught myself a sturgeon then it was time for another night of farming solar Essence I began day 9 22 crafting a bunch of fishing tackles for a community center bundle I brought these up there with a few other donations and got close to finishing the large tackle box for my next special request I'll be hunting down the juiciest of bugs and before heading to the Festival of ice today I wanted to take advantage at least a little bit of this bowl spot I caught six fish before deciding to head in for the festival where I did the rounds to get in on those friendship points then it was time for the annual fishing contest my little warm-up this morning served me well because with five big slimy fish I claimed that victory that sailor hat however is not for me I spent the entirety of day 93 farming for bug meat which included finding my first ancient seed artifact actually I came away with three as well as four slime eggs and 156 bug meat for the quest and for bait I don't know why I had not thought of this before but the ice cream counter is almost always open to steal from which was perfect because I needed two of these for the community center on Day 94 I incubated another slime egg before going straight to the Moon Museum to make those donations but when I got there I got a cutscene with Zinnia Gunther had found a book which showed a gem that Zinnia happened to be wearing one her mother had given to her turns out this was her mom's Journal it spoke of many good things about her father and brother but the last entry in the diary was about how miserable her pregnancy was with Zinnia this made her think she wasn't actually wandered I didn't know what her mother was thinking so I told her I didn't know but it doesn't matter because now there are people who appreciate her right here right now and this was all the reassurance she needed with that out of the way I made my first donations of the day then went back and forth to Clint several times to open all of my dudes and donate what my backpack was full by the time I was done I had several rewards to collect including that agency recipe finally I got Sebastian a frozen tear for his birthday then walked all the way down the pier to drop off the boat meat for Willie back at the farm I got around to making my first crystallariums putting Jaden one for staircases a marble and the other to duplicate once so I could craft with one and donate the other I then took a second trip to the beach that night to do some more fishing till near the saloon's closing time so I could Rob the place of a salad on a cart surprise the following morning Gunther came by to thank me for my contributions to the museum and handed over the key to the sewers believe it or not I spent even more time fishing today until the adventure is Guild opened I handed silly another Apple then took a straw back home to sell off my catches and craft a worm bin for a slow steady source of fish bait because the crab pots were really eating up I cleared out the stumps at the secret woods and rounded off the day planting and fertilizing mahogany trees my forage seeds matured on day 96. I turned what I could into more seeds which I filled the empty spots with and then found nothing I wanted at the traveling car on my way to the secret Woods for more hardwood I came home to drop stuff off then had to make a second trip out that way because I forgot to bring the wizard his void Essence that he had requested by mail Emily came out of her house right as I was searching the trash so I made it up to her with an aquamarine then I unlocked the sewers so I could go and meet crobus for the first time I then popped down to the beach to have a gander at that nasty Wrigley mess but skipped half the cutscene because I just wanted that recipe I pilfered stuff from Pierre's for the first time in a while taking home a good few saplings that made this day one were upgraded my sprinklers first equality ones then some of those to iridium it took me some time to set these up it definitely expanded the area but the awkward shape made things look a little odd on day 97 I connected up more of the paths and added some more up the side of the farm winter is perfect for decorating and this took me most of the day the night time being used to plant more fiber for those sprinkler spots on day 98 I was excited to see another strawberry at the traveling car on my way to catch the woodskip I wanted to give a cup of coffee to Harvey for his birthday but when I got to the clinic he just headed upstairs and I wasn't good enough friends with him to enter I'll just have to hope he goes to the saloon later I fetch Pam and Earth crystal she asked for on the town board then I wanted to buy a pig from Marnie before she closes except she wasn't at her counter by this point I wanted to go check the saloon but when I got there I had to hint at Palm to pay off that bar tab first with that now dealt with I was relieved to be able to give Harvey his birthday gift then waited outside Clint's to be able to give him an aquamarine he was then suddenly rude to me so I stormed off to the farm to fish for the night on day 99 a crystallerian produced a jade so I swapped out the marble one for more Jade since I already had two marble by this point I asked Robin to build me a fish pond for another source of cash fishing XP and cooking ingredients and when I went to say hi to Sebastian I walked in on a very weird game of solarian Chronicles Sam what are you doing anyway I joined in to get a c rating I could never seem to get any better than c a new week means new special requests so I decided to help Robin with her project I headed to the secret Woods to start on this right away because the wood has to be fresh for a bit of a change of scenery I wanted to steal from Robins except this was pointless because all I got were three bits of stone and three bits of wood tonight was the first night of the market and the traveling Merchant had kindly brought along five strawberries so I snapped those up for next spring I then watched the mermaid show so I could do that puzzle to get the free Pearl for the community center I grabbed a free legal cup of coffee then spent the rest of the night submarine fishing because I needed all of these for the community center on Day 100 and all those strawberries into seeds from last night and then took all the fish up to the community center to complete the expert fishing bundle for 15 Beach totems and the deep sea bundle where I didn't even need the Pearl and that was in exchange for loads of wild bait some of which are used in the large Tackle Box Abigail asked me to secretly bring her a snow yam so I gave it to her right in front of her dad then I checked in on silly and gave them an apple before spending my final night fishing in the submarine so that I could round off the series by hitting level 9 fishing this was a very fun but challenging hundred days let's see where we are with the community center we know we completed our goal because we finished the Vault room the crafts room and the boiler room as for the rest of the bundles most of them only have one or two items left but it's the quality crops that might cause the most pain that is if we ignore what's left in the fish tank most of which is that stupid legendary fish bundle here's a little before and after of how our farm is looking from day one till day 100 we've got it pretty tidy but it's still got a long way to go if we have any hope of turning it into the Empire again please leave a like if you enjoyed the video and make sure you're subscribed with notifications on in prep for the next 100 days let's see what other chaos Ember can bring us thank you so much to my channel members and I will see you in the next video bye no rest for me yet though because when I got home I wanted to start swapping out my sprinklers for better ones bless you no rest for me yet though because when I got home I wanted to start swapping my sprinklers no rest for me yet though because when I got home I wanted to split [Laughter] thank you
Channel: emmalution
Views: 655,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days of stardew valley, 100 days of stardew valley as a thief, 100 days of stardew valley as my evil twin
Id: RKo6KCI01so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 40sec (4300 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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