100 Days Of PRANKING In Minecraft!

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today i'm taking on 100 days of minecraft but in this version i'm doing 100 days of minecraft pranks on my friend which is 100 pranks all together that is an insane amount what crazy pranks will i play let's find out also this took a long time so if you enjoyed be sure to like and subscribe thanks day one i started out by following ian around since he's the easiest target for pranks of course i was invisible while following so he couldn't see me i followed and found him finding diamonds his pickaxe broke which was funny but he was mining so when he left to go get a new pickaxe i turned his diamonds into dirt it was funny and i think he was super happy about it because i heard him scream for joy on day two ian was still mad at the diamonds he had found turned into dirt so he decided to prank pierce in order to steal pierce's diamonds ian blew up pierce's house hey oh i think pierce was pretty mad about that day three was rather interesting i followed pierce for a while and he eventually went to punch ian for explosive house send in and pierce got into a slot fight for a while it was hilarious since their slot fight lasted for hours i ended up pranking them by stealing all their farm animals and replacing them with tnt [Applause] for day four i switched my attention to noi i decided to keep it simple and put super sneaky ghost blocks in front of his door he fell right in and got stuck on day five i set up an armor stand disguised as kawaii chan right outside of zayn's door of course i made it look like a date so when you open the door the two of them had an explosive date i realized i hadn't gotten to kauai chan so on day six i went to her house but saw she made a cake so i switched it out for a trick one i soon saw that pierce came over for cake but they thought too and got gelatin busted in lots of drama ensued so i literally i was really lost on what to do for day seven but thankfully zayn came over and he had a plan he found a cave full of creepers so we told pierce it was full of diamonds his surprise was pretty explosive on day eight i realized that i had run out of tnt yeah just kidding i didn't but i wanted to pull it on the tnt pranks for a little bit so i decided to ask ian for help hey ian help me out uh okay i wish we do and help me steal noise cheap of course we replaced it but i probably shouldn't have let ian write the sign it's a day nine came faster than i expected and i realized that i had promised to help ian paint his house you want me to paint this yeah yeah you do that i'm going to take a nap bye guess i gotta paint it so i painted it with lava but this isn't the color i wanted day 10 i had just finished my flower garden and wasn't really planning on pranking anyone that was until pierce drove through my flowers [Music] so i put down the spike trap and piercing over then kawaii asked me to babysit her prize sheep but mr wooly wanted to go to the moon so i put him on a sofa copter and he flew far far away quiet and started crying and pierced laughed at her so i decided to make her she fly away too he was pretty happy about it i soon realized that noi had a pet too so on day 12 i saw noy's very lonely pet bunny so i decided to give him a friend joyce house ended up exploding in buddies so i guess that counts as a prince godzilla stuck again i was starting to set up my prank for day 13 when i saw pierce trying to steal kawhi chan's cakes i set up a trap chest to bait the thief and get him exploded wait what unfortunately i forgot it was in kauai chan's house day 14 i caught kauai-chan sneaking into my pool so i decided to prank her by filling it with green dye and let me just tell you green is not her color day 15 i built another portal right in front of noise door noise seems to fall for some pretty obvious pranks but as soon as he fell in i broke the portal i'm sure he knows how to get back i passed noise house on day 16 to prank him again but he wasn't there so i made a tune tina the portal just the kids came back buddy and thought it was rare what is that everybody's going to prank accomplished dang it day 17 i helped rebuild noye's house just you know in case he came back but there was still no sign of him but i saw kauai chan leaving a kick outside his door but she fell into the same shop except for him on day four so that counts as a prank no sign of noise again on day 18 everyone tried to leave he came to his house [Music] on day 19 pierce made his attempt to take noy's house by turning into you victory is mine i found a way to turn his blue into water on day 20 ian took noy's house by making everything a dark blue but before i could prank him zayn took over with everyone trying to lay claim to the house fully distracted i summoned the ender dragon for day 21 pierce tried to take noyce house for me but i made sure he lavad me alone get it lava like leave uh yeah i'll just eat myself on day 22 i realized i hadn't pregna in a while so i made another portal to bring him right back right back to the edge of a cliff of course day 23 i told pierce there was something scary in my house and you need to help me get it out pierce come on there's something scary in my bathroom okay but why do you pick me i don't i don't think i'm really really ready for scary things he saw a reflection it's you pierce put his one brain cell to work and figured out i was up to something these past 23 days and try to get revenge on me by turning all my cows into creepers but he couldn't fool me because i became a pink creeper and led all the creepers into pierce's up wait papers now i had lunch with noy on day 25 but i pranked him with some stone soup i turned him into a caveman he went and found a nice cave to be his new home day 26 came so fast i watched roy be a caveman for a while and he just got fired which he used to burn down pierce's house it's still canada as a prank but i turned him back so my house didn't suffer the same fate all right what's going on why is pierce's house on fire don't worry about it okay day 27 was pretty normal we all had a picnic and i brought soup it exploded randomly and he revealed he was sitting on some diamonds ah he's so lucky it took about a day but my prank soup from yesterday made itself known on day 28 when everyone realized i put broccoli in the soup no one likes broccoli except mac but we don't talk about that we lost pierce somewhere though and i couldn't find him on day 29 i was looking for pierce for a simple tnt prank i had planned but i still couldn't find him but then i found him in the bathroom pierce excuse me privacy are you in there yeah that broccoli doesn't sit well with me i might be for a bit yeah i'll wait as long as i need to yeah okay all right well i'll be here oh my god it's taking forever pierce then what is he taking so long in there pierce you've been in there for six days oh okay boy you do not want to go in there let me tell you wait wait no oh come on [Music] it was worth the wait on day 35 i decided i need a new perspective on these pranks so i turned kwai chant's house upside down oh free stuff yeah i got started early on day 36 moving ian's bed into the sky while he was still sleeping then as he fell out of bed he kept respawning for day 37 i decided to buddy up with pierce for this prank unfortunately we had a little difference in opinion on what a little tnt meant wait wait wait this this is a lot oh what are you doing what's going on we still need the well you know this this is getting a little a little too much fine no no no no no no no you need to stop you need to stop i i i blew it up come on day 38 everyone tried to fix the server but ian found my secret tnt hut and everything exploded again f now is this more tnt no don't worry about it it won't activate anything else off the server i debate so we spent the rest of the night rebuilding we forgot all about our troubles on day 39 and had a pool party celebration it was all super chill of course until i joined the pool which i thought was gonna be a normal prank but ian ended up using a potion to give everyone gills so uh everyone kind of needed that water i see on day 40 i told ian i made a roller coaster that would be the coolest roller coaster he's ever been on um are you sure this is safe i'm pretty sure it's safe don't worry it's super safe okay i'm ready to go go go hey it's gonna be fun it's a that's a big drop that's big except i forgot to finish it day 41 marks the beginning of my slime war on everyone it started off simple with me replacing all of ian's items in his chest with slime balls where's all my gold i'm getting up zayn logged on on day 42 i fill up his bathtub with slime oh uh hey af what are you doing in my house uh pooping i i didn't need to know that but okay bye bye bye bye and when he got out he became a slime what do you think happened what did you do to me zayn came for me to help on day 43. okay f i can't take this anymore how do i change back so i told him the only way he could return to normal is to get a kiss so i went to kauai chin and made her kiss a slime only it wasn't the zane slime wait what who is this who are you how dare you try to sneak in on me trying to steal a chest from kawaii i will destroy you day 44 zane was convinced someone did this to him and he didn't suspect me so he asked me to help him prank noise since he thinks noi turned him into a slime so noy could get with kauai chan that was totally the plan and we just filled noye's house with slimes pretty basic but you know where do my slimes come from oh you like slime so much here have all the slimes you want day 45 okay so real talk slime jay wouldn't turn back into normal zane so i tried a few potions on him to see what worked and i only ended up making him grow big and he kind of destroyed each other's house yo maybe being a slime isn't that fast giant slime doing oh no my house day 46 and zayn is still on his rampage being a giant slime is awesome day 47 zayn has become the slime king of the server and is getting used to having so much fun battle before your slimy master puny mortals day 48 i told ian and pierce they could explode they with tnt and they only ended up exploding yeah yeah yeah yeah we got this we got this uh here's here's mine first we place the tnt okay got it and then we light the tnt wait we should yeah not bad t49 i found a clever way to get zayn back to normal i lured the giant slime zane into the nether by telling him knowing kuwaitian went on a date in there what i knew that slime ball was up to something pun intended i'm going after him he fell into the ladder and melted the big old day 50. well um we we don't really talk about what happened day 51 i told ian i could upgrade his dog and so i did and i used the dog to burn down his entire house um i i appreciate the effort bud something interesting happened on day 52. noy and i got into an argument about if this was pudding or not i'm telling you it's a pudding spring doesn't it look delicious how about you take the spoon and just jump in there eat all you can go okay turns out it was quick then not pudding and no uh we on day 53 i gave zayn's luxurious bathtub an upgrade by putting a motor inside of it whoa whoa whoa oh this is awesome pierce eventually found a way to control zombies and had been sending zombies after us i decided to replace all his tasty mutton with rotten flesh he was pretty stinky for a while wait oh wait i like that [Music] day 55 pierce try to get revenge by replacing all of my potatoes with rotten ones so i summoned some mighty hot space potatoes to destroy i just realized that ian hadn't been the target of my pranks in a little while so for day 56 i decided to turn all of his gold into honey i i mean honey's good but not nearly as good as gold ended up attracting ian's new bear roommate was going to be my next prank victim for day 57. i guess they were fighting a lot so uh that counts since i made the bear go to him right right i checked on them again on day 58 and they seemed like pretty good friends right about now so i figured it would be a good time to prank them both i threw some bees into their house get out of here the bees on day 59 the bear moved out so i decided to do a nice prank for ian for once so when he was all alone and not looking i replaced his golden hoe with the teddy bear he super liked it on day 16 noy looked pretty lonely too so i pretended to be noy's brand new dog and twice he was angry but he wasn't lonely anymore noy gave me some treats to stop all the destruction day 61 really fun because i realized how fun it was to be a dog so for a few days i pranked everyone as a puppy especially since i got some pretty awesome treats but everyone kept calling me a chunky puppy and kept saying that i was chunky so as a puppy i had to make sure that each day they called me something i exploded them oh boy it's song break break break break look at this fat little nugget call me a fat nugget i think we need to lose a little weight you're looking at a little no no not again i got pretty bored of all exploding on day 65 so i decided to take a nap and refresh in the morning day 66 gotta admit trying to get a hundred pranks was really hard i was almost out of ideas but then ian said he was getting chilly can you help my house is a little chilly oh my god i'm solving all your problems then so i set his house on fire simple but it sparked a new fire in me to continue okay so i might have forgotten to put the flames out of ian's house so on day 67 kawhi and i sat back and watched the pretty lights while we worked on our tent the fire and i replaced all the water buckets with lava buckets so uh the fire was finally out on day 68 but kawaii wanted a colder fridge i forgot she said fridge and thought she meant her whole house what did you do day 69 was nice but noy needed help rebuilding his very very burnt farm so i helped him out with some super bamboo that's uh but so good for you have a nice day that was not nice on day 70 zane found a hand cannon and started shooting obsidian everywhere it was all fun and games until i threw some fire into it and it opened up a nether portal apparently this summoned the wither and yeah things went thick no that that shouldn't be here ah by day 71 everyone kind of knew i was doing daily pranks and wanted to get in on it ian fled to pierce's house and it wasn't very funny so i gave him a few pointers and just threw a shark inside of there oh a shark that's more funny yeah yeah that'll be something's safe up here where he can't get me it'll go get pierced yeah you know wait what are you guys doing down there that was a great idea on day 72 pierce tried his hand at making pranks and filled ian's house with dirt i told him it wasn't very original and showed him dirt mines check these out okay what do i do for a bit it was a stormy day on day 73 so i gifted noy this iron helmet during a thunderstorm oh thanks aphmau welcome here let's go play in the rain [Music] he'll be fine he'll be fine on day 74 kawhi and i were talking about how much we love taking walks in the forest so i decided to make a forest pop up right around her house some people say she's still lost in the woods to this day me and zayn snuck into pierce's house on day 75 and filled the whole thing with lasers while he was sleeping day 75 called for a nap of our own when pierce wasn't able to get out of his house for the whole day he pretended it was on purpose and through a party yeah disco dudes let's go on day 77 kauai chan tried her hand up pranks and filled my house with tons of kitties jokes on her though because i love kitties remember those kitties from day 77 well on day 78 i ended up training the kitties to chase her all around the server on day 79 pierce built a whole room around ian while he was sleeping and then locked it with a keypad i told ian he could do it and told him to just try to enter a code that's true what give it a shot day 80 i gave ian and pierce dog flame throwers and let them work out their issues on their own the real losers were everywhere day 81 put spiders in pierce's house oh those watery friends no no no no no day 82 i found noy and pierce practicing with bow and arrows so i decided they need to spice things up and replace all their arrows with explosive ones on the 83rd day i helped pierce cook dinner i was so proud of my soup it was perfect so when i share it with pierce he said the soup needed to be a little meatier so i gave him a little meteor alright i gave him lots of meteors yeah there he caught my soup that's not what i meant by being here oh my god you just don't appreciate no taste please day 84. ian told me he wanted to try pranking again so i watched him target kauai-chan he suggested to her that she opened a lemonade stand and after she finally set everything up he revealed there are no lemons in minecraft so i found the lemon and threw it at ian the juice got in his eye it wasn't really a snowball but i totally convinced him it was a lemon on day 85 zane decided to prank all of us he lured us into a cave saying he found diamonds we didn't have our tools on day 86 and wasn't working day 87 we tried to prank zane by making him think we all died in a cave that didn't seem to work day 88 ian revealed he has a potion to turn us all into cake so we became cakes zayn came down and then we beat him up as cake on day 89 i convinced pierce that this creeper was his girlfriend it was day 90 and pierce and his new girlfriend got into a fight and she blew up the house day 91 i challenged everyone to a race of course i filled up everyone's cars beforehand only i filled up mine with gas and everyone else's with gun powder on day 92 ian stole the motor from zane's bathtub and put it in his sofa he sped around the hub and he ran over zayn beautiful day 93 i called the police on ian he got a speeding ticket and was banned from tnt for life late on day 94 i became a zombie and led the zombies after everyone on the server everyone prepared for the zombie apocalypse on day 95. zayn sacrificed himself for kauai chan and she was pretty like me about it on day 96 i tried to prank noy into another nether portal but he kept screaming so i was just like nah you know what i'm cool day 97 i filled pierce's house with parrot ian found out about the parrots on day 98 so i gave him some tnt and he just you know he just did whatever with it i just let him be in yeah you go ian yeah you do that yeah yeah day 99 was the best prank of all i took a nap that's a prank for you guys because you're watching this so i didn't do anything i was lazy on day 100 nothing really happened but everyone thinks the server's out to get them now even me me thinks the server's out to get me so just in case me blew up ian and things get back together you better stay safe now i can rest in peace that was hard
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,308,292
Rating: 4.8266006 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau 100 days, aphmau plays 100 day of minecraft, aphmau 100 days prank, aphmau pranks, aphmau pranks for 100 days, aphmau funny prank, pranks to play on your minecraft friends, minecraft friends, funny prank moments in minecraft, minecraft funny pranks
Id: UwYVSw11g9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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