Five NIGHTS at FREDDY's in Minecraft!

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a freddy fazbear's pizzeria has invaded our minecraft server and it's not just the restaurant but the animatronics living inside that want to get us now me and my friends what's by the way to save our server from freddy and his crew who are slowly kidnapping my friends one by one will i be able to find my friends and who is the mysterious puppet master but mind it all you'll just have to watch to find out also be sure to hit that like and subscribe button to save me from freddie all right so we got gold and iron which is useless we found no diamonds yeah well i mean at least we could do something with the iron make some new tools out of that so we can try again tomorrow yeah it is getting pretty late tough day in the mines huh real problem eh yeah it sounds like you guys had a really tough time and no diamonds left it's a shame that they all just disappeared somewhere huh hey you want some gold for those diamonds here you can take them yeah yeah maybe some cookies too good i'll take the cookies just for free but thank you anyway uh but no no hey i'm willing to give a but couple are we gonna do all i need is just a little bit of work from you too and the diamonds are yours all right i got plenty of them right here tell you what i'll even give you a little a little uh forward advance here though there we go yeah damn okay just yeah just a little taste of what's to come you know what do you mean no so you you guys will sign up yeah yeah absolutely no questions why would you ask questions yeah awesome that sounds like a question let's go awesome right this way come on what is that it's a restaurant it's my restaurant slash birthday party zone slash pizza joint slash arcade pizza oh yeah yeah yeah say no more cinderella i am ready come on in this is nice wow this is actually really nice oh my god thank you thank you you know some people have side gigs teaching people kids how to play guitar i have a side gig of running a very large restaurant with animatronics anyway let's come on in yeah look at this okay so let's let's kind of get down to the bases for a second i wanted you to just kind of glance witness the glamour and beauty of this place but here's the trick i want a break i wanna i wanna go home for the night i wanna get some good sleep before the next day we got a big birthday party tomorrow i gotta make sure everything's good so uh-huh i'm gonna leave you two in charge of taking on the night shift all right this will be really easy all you gotta do is you gotta make sure that everything's nice and cleaned up after everybody else is here anyway make sure everything's just nice and clean everything uh you gotta double check the ball pit sometimes with those kids in there that's real problem uh you gotta make sure you you switch out all the pizza machines uh you also got to make sure that another animatronics wake up at night uh let's see here clear up the quarters out of the arcade machines uh kauai i'm a grown-up and i can use my grown-up money to book a birthday party at my favorite place if i want to oh so i'm going to enjoy the ball pit if you don't mind our pizza's not even that good but he just keeps showing up yes there's no such thing as bad pizza obviously it's got to be hey whatever floats you both son that's great anyway so uh yeah make sure that the uh the merry-go-round doesn't have any uh well it's a little less merry before the next day uh don't go in that room definitely that's fine uh yeah make sure all the arcade machines are unplugged before you leave uh video games yeah of course we got arcade games here how can i get quarters from kids this is too good same don't make me get the whistle this again come on this happens every day come on get out of here we need to leave ah come on let's go out all right all right come on thank you you're you're just so nice okay all right uh pierce anyway so so yeah so you're gonna be with us here right to help us no of course not that's what this orientation is for here i'll show you a few more things here don't go in there that's real bad that's real nasty i don't like that room uh come over this way make sure that you are oh yeah over here uh this is the uh the dining room we need to make sure that all the pizza is cleared off how you deal with the pizza is up to you wink quick nudge does you know what i'm saying anyway let's see here bathrooms need to be cleaned both of those double check to make sure there are no animatronics that are sneaking underneath the uh the stalls uh let's see here what do you mean by that what does that mean what's sneaking under the stalls they what you what you mentioned a lot about animatronics yeah and showing up in weird places oh yeah no oh sorry i forgot to mention yeah no i got these animatronics i got them out there they fell off the back of a truck a couple years ago uh yeah no they don't have an off switch so at night they just kind of wander around a little bit no big deal here's uh here's your nice security room for you uh everything is all set to go state of the art from 1997 just the way mom used to make it oh nice and modern yeah real solid uh and that's about it any questions uh yeah a lot of them actually oh too bad that's the same what wait i gotta get out of here you can't leave you can't just just no you guys signed up for this you signed the contract verbally uh and it's uh time for me to head out yeah it's shame yeah i can't hear you through the class i don't know i i'm sorry what okay well how about we open the door and just ah doesn't open no no no the doors don't open till 8 am okay i'll i'll see you later okay bye bye have fun uh let me see maybe if i push the button uh right here oh that did something is it working uh oh that didn't work okay nice all right so um all right i guess we gotta get everyone out of here uh let's let's go tell zayd in kauai chandler hey kauai chan i am not going to listen to that punk who told me i couldn't be in the ball pit anymore i'd make good money for this place so i am going to enjoy this excuse me sir sir excuse me hey uh yeah you guys are just gonna leave it it's closing time with closing time yeah we need to clean up so uh if you could please just head on home and uh yeah no no not my head is my money not good here oh it's very good after 10 a.m yeah yeah when we open up again all right bye yeah come on let's go home oh oh oh you're making noises i should probably follow you then hi guys all right finally they're gone okay all right as long as they're gone we've done our job uh i guess oh i forgot to get my cool prizes i won earlier no right sir just all right go to the back and grab something out of the the recycling bin okay it's all right it'll just be a minute all right so we just we just gotta clean up all right before anything happens uh let's close the back over here what zane he made a noise um okay all right that's fine uh that spot is that supposed to be like the other products are gone okay all right nobody's gonna come looking for him it's perfectly fine don't worry yeah let's go check the ball pit yeah yeah it should be the ball pit wait uh no there's someone in the door do you want to check on the ball pit while you check the door uh no we just gotta uh hello all right oh hi hi in here um uh noy can you can you uh give me one second we'll just wait right here we're gonna go find him uh yeah we're gonna play him here somewhere that'd be really weird oh my gosh i can't believe it we'll see uh uh he he's not back there uh no wait come here come here all right come on i need you to pretend like you're saying all right just to scream over here okay just make me are you over here it's gonna work no quite uh hey all right uh so he's actually in the back um and zayn uh looking for you yeah kawaii i um hey um my little pinkie pie i'll um i'll meet you at home i just needed to grab my uh prizes that i had lost so uh yeah you you just go on ahead and i'll uh see you in a sec all right that was it okay uh wow you just doesn't call me that in public uh you you can leave man bye bye ma'am i'm going to want to get myself some pizza or all the time i don't know pierce pierce we have a problem what zane went inside and and we we don't know he's at all right he's got an animatronic's gone and it's bad okay okay okay okay calm down calm down there's an easy solution to this all right listen he's in the ball pit where else would he be of course he's in the ball pit did you didn't you check the ball pit noise i i tried to but we had to get kauai chan out of here because she was gonna do something otherwise okay all right whatever the case this is your problem go find him he's just probably crawling around in there he uses any excuse all right i'll see you in the morning best of luck have fun see you later all right got my wallet now i can finally buy some good pizza all right why not sorry i can't the glass let's just go check the security cameras maybe maybe zayn's there okay oh yeah let's take a look just be careful just i don't want to run to any of those animatronics stay close to me okay stay close to me nothing oh yeah come of a dog inanimate compels you come on let's use the camera to try to find him okay uh huh i thought i heard something in the vent uh okay just my imagination okay it's fine it's fine um take a look hold on don't don't look just don't jump um let's see if we can find zayn all right i don't want to just have this property oh my god okay um there's a thing i don't want it i don't want it uh okay all right it's fine it's fine it's gone there's nothing else to worry about uh oh they're over there can we just stay in here for the rest of the night maybe it's our job to find zayn okay if we took this job for diamonds okay we traded our soul for diamonds we have to take it out well yeah but i mean the pizza isn't well actually how is the pizza you already have the pizza okay whatever it's not bad here we go all right we gotta go find them okay let's just try to get out of here um maybe if we just sneak around uh slowly they won't find us okay let's maybe it was just a shadow when we saw that coming towards us that's fine don't worry okay okay they're over there they're over there don't just just see them be yeah we should be perfectly fine don't worry we oh yeah annoy stay still all right just just you're right don't let your right don't don't i said don't sit down run run run it's me it's me it's me okay it's me all right it's fine it's okay don't make any noise okay because look i was right there standing right in front of it it saw me and it didn't bother me especially when i put this one it's okay it's me okay all we gotta do is put on these suits okay so let's see i'm not turning on that generator no i am not turning on my generator i'm not doing anything uh here no you you get this one you get this one right okay can i be foxy though no you cannot okay come on let's we don't have any we don't have any choices no others around let's go come on i know right or right there you go they go perfect perfect all right it's i mean it's not that perfect but come on let's go we can get out of here we can get out of here okay if i put this down right here make an explosion they're gonna come over here hopefully okay all right let's try it let's try it just count just go run run run this way this way this way come on come on get out let's go let's go here it goes there goes there goes they're going they're going they're going they're going they're going okay all right let's just try to get out of here should i get here we got it we got to open it up we got to open it up we got open the door we got to go oh i am not ready for friday no they're leaving no they're leaving brother leaving to the server oh no this isn't good oh no no no they got out they got out well you know maybe they just wanted to be free you know like oh my gosh spirits or something we gotta go help him come on we gotta help him let's go let's go let's go oh all right oh we gotta get here we gotta warn everybody should we tell her about jane yet no no no don't tell her about zana right just just we have to find him still all right as long as everyone's safe we should be okay huh hi chen no time you have to be careful okay you got a knife perfect all right gotta be careful all right there's some there's some creepy things outside there's some really creepy things no it's not hide and seek delivery guy the only pizza that's gonna be delivered is yeah pizza uh what's it taste like yeah with extra meat we don't have to worry about anything else whatsoever don't let asparagus you guys up too what's going on ian all right looks like someone didn't pay the electricity bill again uh what no no i always will die why do the lights keep going out it's fine it's fine we don't have to worry about it everyone just sit down all right just let me annoy take care of the situation at hand all right yeah just yeah what's the situation it's a cookie kids could come okay and just we're gonna go check upstairs make sure everything's boarded up everything will be fine don't worry okay oh my bad no you pork the rest down there okay i'm gonna go burn up your rooms all right let's see uh board up the bathroom it's good it's fine let's go look at that what was that noise upstairs what was that screaming oh my god we need to take it pizza just just just notice oh okay okay oh yeah it's fine just trust us okay okay huh nothing could possibly go wrong in here right behind you come back oh no no no no this can't be happening this can't be happening okay i just need to take us back and go see my friends there it is where it all began it's not even what is happening this is creepy okay they will rip me apart i'm sure all my friends are dead but you know what i'm i'm just gonna go in to make sure because maybe by some hope they're still alive okay okay just just pee be good be careful sneak around is anyone in here why am i doing this why am i doing this i don't know i'm crazy okay just come over here right there close this and then uh camera camera yes the security system okay perfect uh that's where we got exploded see uh all right this is the room where i got that stuff in it oh oh oh wait what oh that's the room next to the ball pit what are they my friends must be in there oh my god oh okay okay okay okay this is fine i just need to sneak through and make sure that none of them catch me where are they oh there's one over there okay just oh oh it's moving oh it's moving it's moving it's moving okay that's fine that's fine to the side just stand out just stand down and don't make any noises okay all right maybe if i just uh everything should be good down there okay no no no no no i gotta get it here i got i got i got here i gotta get out i gotta get it get in there get in there okay oh perfect okay all right all right i just gotta make it down over there i just gotta make it i just gotta make it i just gotta make it please please just gotta make it past the store just gotta make it past the stores just gotta get it gotta get it okay okay perfect okay all right hello hello guys is anybody in here who's that guys oh no oh guys oh there you are you guys doing lots of pizza uh having prison pizza what yeah they gave us but they brought us down it's actually pretty good they got my foxy head now mm-hmm that's nice not creepy at all i was just losing my okay you know what oh thanks so much you guys could have done is get me some pizza chase give you some now i mean yeah super yummy come on guys let's go let's get out of here i i don't want your pizza all right it's half eaten ian just come on up come on come on come on come on all right all right i can't believe you guys i oh my god all right and you got oh look at you you got your plush that's great it's kawaii it's not mine all right we need to find a way out of here okay we need to find a way out of here we need to find someone um it was me all along i just you know i i just wanted to to kind of give you guys a little bit of a scare just a little fun little prankster kind of thing yes ah i can't believe you said this oh no come on shut up jesus don't worry i'll give you all your diamonds no i can't i don't even watch dirty diamonds do you know how many years you took off our lives i can't what is that here's oh god are you going to keep this up what what do you mean very funny pierce that's i don't i don't controlling him anymore i don't got it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,860,750
Rating: 4.8670278 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft freddy Mod, Surviving freddy, surviving freddy for five nights, five nights with freddy, freddy Minecraft mod, freddy Minecraft Aphmau, freddy Battle, Defending against freddy, scary minecraft, scary freddy, the story of freddy, freddy story, minecraft freddy defense, house of defense, minecraft base invaders, freddy mobs, minecraft challenges, minecraft mods, aphmau minecraft, aphmau freddy, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments
Id: 6tTLUuKGCh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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