I Survived 100 Days as a DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore (Day 1-50)

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what is good everybody it is your voice switch and in today's video i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft as a dragon yup you heard me correctly not riding a dragon not taming dragon but as a dragon i've downloaded some mods that i can earn the right to become one of these beautiful creatures there's many steps along the way in this video you will watch me traverse in this beautiful minecraft map on my journey to become a dragon and earn that right but before we begin i know a lot of guys who watch these videos are not subscribed but make sure to subscribe to keep up with my adventures and smash that like button now let's get into this beautiful minecraft story on how i become a dragon and there we were on day one guys and man was i excited i was excited to become a dragon we first spawned in this village here and it actually had this village statue like they praised it or something i rang the bell just to troll them and of course guys i had to go look through every single house and you got to take everything right guys you got to go into everything you got to make sure there's loot that's isn't that the point of villages guys it was a really good start to our adventure and i was really liking the map and i was just excited for our adventure and like many great journey guys you gotta start by punching the woods so of course guys on day one we proceeded to punch the wood after we scouted the village and don't worry guys i saw those hay bales don't worry that was gonna be my food for a long time and luckily you know some of these villages here were built at a cobblestone so i gathered all of that stone so i can make stone tools made myself a stone hole and yeah i destroyed every single hay bale in this case i had no idea what to expect so i might as well grab all of it i mean the the villagers don't really eat the hay bales they're just there for decoration right so these hay bales were definitely gonna aid in my you know journey becoming a dragon the sun was setting and i noticed all the villagers were gathering around the statue i'm not quite sure why they gathered around here was there some type of power to it or i didn't know exactly why so i had to dig into it i literally broke it to check if there was anything going on nothing down the middle so i filled it back up and i went into the water because we were basically on an island and look there's axolotls guys and this shader pack just looks so good i could not even stop oh it looks so good guys let me know if you guys like the shader pack down below in the comment section below of course guys gotta take out the iron golem so i can make my first tool the iron pickaxe and then i finished the night on top of the village statue thingy bobber it was a good sleep let me tell you we were getting a lot of rest for our adventure we started off day two just looking around the world and leaving the village swimming you know it was just really nice to be in this oh my goodness this map is beautiful you guys are gonna hear me say it so many times but you guys are probably wondering yo switch you literally mentioned you're gonna be a dragon this video well let me tell you exactly what's going on here you guys will slowly pick it up throughout the video but basically i have a mod where i need to collect dragon dust elder dust and when i have nine elder dust i can create an elder dragon bone and once i get an elder dragon bone i can become a dragon so these next few days you guys gonna watch me collect these elder dragon dust and bones so that i can become a dragon you guys gotta watch the whole journey i mean it wouldn't be cool if you guys just watched me become a dragon right away maybe maybe not i don't know but i want to show you guys my whole process through the 100 days near the end of day two i actually decided maybe i should go caving you know get a little bit of resources a little bit of coal maybe iron so i can get a full set of iron armor i mean we are in hardcore and i did not want to die so usually i like to prioritize my armor my coal and just all that good stuff and to mention guys if you mine coal or any ore that gives you xp this would be my best chance to get that dragon dust the percentage to get the dragon dust was 0.33 a third of one percent yeah get your head wrapped around that that percentage is really really low yeah that's like a percentage of a percentage guys that's how low it is it is really hard to get that's all i got to say spend a lot of my time in the cave grabbing the iron and the gold and you guys kind of noticed during the gameplay i have a mix of minecraft 1.17 and 1.16 blocks it's because i'm actually playing in 1.16 but i have a mod so that way i have the casing clip for 1.17 and i'm twerking in my iron gear now pause guys i actually do want to explain how to become a dragon a little bit better because a lot of you guys are probably confused this video is titled i survived as a dragon in a hundred days but gotta wait till we get there so we have to become a dragon feel free to pause at any time basically like i said we need elder dragon dust which can be found in a lot of ores and it's gonna be really hard to find so what i did was i actually made it a little bit easier on myself to get the elder dragon dust i have some easy challenges and some hard challenges here so each time i complete one of these challenges i will award myself with one elder dragon dust i did this so i could speed up the process and become a dragon for your viewing pleasure i hope that explanation cleared up a little bit better for you guys here so we have our first elder dragon dust here and we need nine so that makes one out of nine we need eight more to go and it'll become a dragon actually when i was mining one of the coal dropped another dragon dust so that zero point three three percent it actually works on humans i don't think i was ever going to happen again so i took it and i was very happy about that on the night of day six i actually reached the surface once again it's been a while i spent a lot of time down in the caves and i ran into my first mobs in the adventurous world there was a lot going on here as you can see there is a lot of skeletons here and they are relentless good thing i had a shield here because i actually maybe could have died you guys are probably wondering because i'm in a mystical world of dragons and this and that is their other predators and the answer to that is yes they are very scary um they're called magic predators and they look like dogs but skeletons you guys will see in the video when i find it and it is absolutely terrifying i spent the rest of the night on day six climbing to the highest point of the mountain here i don't know for some reason i just wanted to sleep on the peak of the mountain that way i'd be the safest it was pretty cool being up there but you know it's time to keep moving on with our adventure and then i realized oh i need a water bucket i want to get more elder dragon dust so i was literally on top of the mountain and i had to come back down for a water bucket and look at this guys i never use auto jump in minecraft but to scale the mountain all i did was keep my finger on w i snacked on popcorn and i scaled the mountain the popcorn was delicious all right guys i want you guys to comment down in the comment section below your favorite crunchy snack go but one of the challenges i set out was going to hype to get some elder dragon dust and also landing an mlg water bucket clutch i put hay bale at the bottom so i wouldn't die if i messed it up and it was a good idea because your boy switch he's not very good at this type of stuff this was really good practice actually and now my third try let's go guys i was actually really happy and excited because it took me a long time to get up there i was now three out of nine on my elder dragon death so that was progress guys and we take those on day 8 we hit the sea in our boat and damn did it look good guys the world looks so much different from a boat the perspective was totally different and we found some new lands here as you can see we ran into a mountain with a little bit of snow on it and this lake that looks like it was frozen over look at this ice it's so shiny oh my god it's so cool and then i actually found a cherry blossom forest it was pretty cool actually the cherry blossom trees were made out of glass it was stained pink and white glass i thought it looked really really cool and i actually set up shop right here why because i found clay and one of the challenges to get more elder dragon dust was to put a flower in a pot of course guys i had to give it a nice lighting area i grabbed a nice red flower the red tulip i put it in the pot and i admired it it looked pretty nice guys and then we got another elder dragon dust so we take those we're that much closer to becoming a dragon on day nine we set out to adventure more of the world i feel like there was so much more to see we'd already seen so many cool things i mean these natural biomes in general and just seeing the cherry blossom forest there's probably so much more to see i saw the axolotls i mean that's always something to see guys they look so good they're so cute i love it and we went down this river canal everything just seemed to be so well placed and planned if you guys want to see this map actually there will be a download in the description below the link will direct you over to the page where i found it i continue moving through the terrain it was really really cool i even ran into this i think this was like a wasteland for a volcano i'm not sure if i was approaching a volcano at this point but it was starting to look a lot like one and i kept climbing and climbing until i reached the peak it was a huge active volcano there was a huge lava pool in the middle it could erupt at any moment i started day 13 off by running off this volcano i did not want to be there when it erupted or anything were to happen i didn't want no smoke guys i didn't want to get burned i don't want my feet to get burned i wanted to live this world so that i could become a dragon there were a few mobs that came along my way when i was trying to flee the volcano but that's just what it is you know you gotta live to survive and then i saw my first magic predator my goodness yeah i know i'm quite a curious person but i'm also a very safe person so when i saw that thing i just all the way looked i got out of there on day 14 we made it back to the cherry blossom forest i thought it was such a beautiful place i wanted to make my base there you guys know as soon as you put your chest down that's where you're starting your base you know and if you do and you don't i mean have fun moving your chest and rearranging all the items because that is probably one of the worst things that happens to me when i play minecraft and i know guys you guys have been hearing me say this map is so beautiful this and that yes 100 but one of the downsides of this map is the trees every single tree has so much detail that the branches are literally fence post so that means you can't chop down the whole tree and it'll stop decaying so trees were really hard to take down i mean props for it for looking beautiful but that was a task as well and i started building a nice base i didn't want to make a super crazy looking base too complex because i was more focused on the adventure itself and becoming a dragon and just having a nice humble home in this beautiful cherry blossom forest i mean all he really needed was for stuff to protect me during the night if anything were to try to attack me and i actually ran into this chicken and little zombie riding it oh man shortly after that i ran into a chain skeleton and that that was pretty rare but i took it out that was no problem as i was building the roof to my house as the elite builder i am i noticed something in the distance i don't know if you guys can see it there but it's another magic predator a black one to be specific there's a magic predator just sitting right over there and i don't think he saw me luckily because i don't know how strong these things are quite yet so i brought out my bow and i shot it from a safe distance i did not want to mess with these guys until i became a dragon i mean after i killed it i felt a lot safer because maybe it would attack me but then i finished off the roof to our home because i did not want any magic predators jumping from above or coming from any direction whatsoever so we needed a base i also grabbed a little bit of sand by the river there because i wanted to get some glass so i could make some windows so i can look for any predators trying to come at me at full speed in the night of day 21 i was finally finishing up the base here something very humble nothing too crazy just enough to protect me and that looked good in this nice little adventurous mystical area now that we had a base on day 22 i found myself down in the caves i made myself a little mine shot that headed towards the bottom here and yeah finally i found my first diamond not diamonds one singular diamond bro yeah so we spent the time down in the cave strip mining here and also if we could find more redstone lapis zazuli or anything i can get xp from then i'd be able to get more dragon dust i wasn't down there for very long it was only three days i went back up put all my stuff away and i actually want to get more of dust and one of my challenges was to go to nether so that would get me one piece of dust there i practiced my speed running making a nether portal from water bucket and lava pool obviously i'm not the greatest so you guys see me blocking off just in case the water messes up and it was a really complex time right here i had to search up a tutorial i was talking to my artist and we were trying to figure it out but we got it guys and we are now in the nether do you guys see how many zombie pig ones over there or piglets in general this does not look safe whatsoever i slowly crept around the nether here looking for as much gold as possible so i could trade with the piglets and blend in i didn't have any gold prior so i needed to make a helmet while i was there i did not want to get jumped by these guys i wanted to be their friends what the heck did you guys not just see that a hogland died in the wall and a magic predator came out of that no shot guys this this is too dangerous this mod pack is way too dangerous i didn't want anything to do with these magic predators whatsoever yet i finally found myself a bastion and i slowly and safely climbed up it i made sure i blocked myself off at all times and of course the pumbas the hogwarts they're always here to haunt me to give me the worst time of the nether ever this guy knocks me off and i thought i was gonna die here i boxed myself in luckily and none of the mobs got to me i swear they're literally out to get me i mean good thing i was boxed up because i was able to loot this chest and i got myself a diamond shovel which was kind of lit and some other things that i didn't need unfortunately the pigments were still anchored on me so i actually had to kill a few of them and that made a few of them mad it's okay we slowly went around the bastion looting all the chests that we could i would slowly slowly but carefully super carefully actually let me emphasize try to get myself to the chest and i did as you guys can see this is not the right scrap let's go baby and some golden carrots lots of obsidian we can always take that because we can get home faster that way and in this chest here i got a mending pickaxe yes sir that is so lit i was slowly traveling around getting the gold blocks and i began trading with the piglens on day 32 when i finally finished trading with the piglens i got everything i needed i got the fire pots i got the ender pearls i got the arrows i got the random blocks i got it all then i kept adventuring around and i found myself the big boy bastion i still don't know what this is called guys i'm so bad with names but as soon as i got to the top of this bastion here this gas was full beast mode on me firing those big explosions at me he just wanted me dead he didn't want me on that bastion so i had to take care of it myself i pulled my bow out landed one shot i lined up for the second i missed it obviously because i was nervous but my third and boom i showed that gas who was boss he really thought he could stop me from getting in the bastion and when i got in sheesh that lube was busting man the first chest i hit had so many golden carrots and uh yeah you guys didn't see that in the corner of my eye this piglen literally starts running at me and the only thing i think in my mind is drink that fire potion and jump into the lava thank god i thought that because that saved my life that whole world could have ended then and there oh sometimes i'll give it to myself i'm not bad all the time i took out the spawner killed all the magma slime qb dudes and of course another piglet attacks me and my only defense mechanism hopped back in the lobby it worked though there were so many times where we should have died while i was in the lava i ate a golden apple to regen my heart and another piglet jumped in look at this and tries to kill me luckily i ender pulled at the right time and i got to regen my hearts i went back in looted the chest there was three ancient debris which means we could have made another red ingot so we can make one tool or piece of armor another right tool i collected all the gold and i began trading with the piglens once again i had so much gold so for sure if i needed anything i was going to get it from these piglets and that is definitely what they did they traded me so much stuff which was going to help on our journey before we became a dragon i finally found another fortress on day 37 here and it was really big there was a lot of exposed blade spawners i went in for the chest i want to get all the loot and i want to kill the withers as well one of the challenges i gave myself to get some more elder dragon dust was to kill those wither heads so i hunted down some withers i actually picked a fight with too many of them so i ran i retreated i blocked him off just in time and so i can kill him from a safe distance no wither head unfortunately after i gathered another group of withers i ran over made myself a three tall tower and i attacked these withers come on was there a wither head give me a skull please paul skull let's go oh let's go that's right boys and girls seven out of nine for the dust and we become a dragon while i was already in the nether i might as well grab the blazer rod so i can make those under eyes so we can go to the end eventually so i spent the rest of day 37 killing all the blazes getting just the right amount of blaze rods and got seven blades rods that way we'd have 14 dust you know you never never could be too safe just to be sure right on day 38 it was time to leave the nether and of course the big booty hoglands they're gonna have to chase me i know i get it i'm juicy i'm delicious you gotta attack me i'm the alpha i get it i was so rich guys i'm not even kidding you i made a full nether portal just kidding i didn't you know i don't know why just by default literally just by knowing i always make the 10 unless i'm really rich with obsidian on the end of day 38 i finally made it back home and i looked around to make sure there was no magic predators watching me and i finally got to sleep in my bed day 39 i started back on the boat adventuring i don't see guys i have seven dust out of nine i needed two more [Music] what what is this oh my god get to the boat oh my god what is that go oh my god what was that [Music] i don't know what just happened guys i think i got spooked by one of the magic predators it almost killed me guys i was so lucky to get out of there i don't know if they're not found with water but good thing i got to the water so i got in the boat and i paddled away i gathered some snow because i lost my snow from last time and one of the challenges was to make a snowman and i'd get one more piece of dust i put a nice little spot for the snowman in the corner that way he wouldn't escape and you know grief my whole base and then i made my snowman i put a nice little roof over him you know just in case somebody wanted to attack him and i also made another ingot we had enough another right scrap to make an against which was pretty cool i was pretty excited about that because we'd even go looking for another red which also means guys i could get two pieces of dust making a snowman was part of the goal and also getting another ingot boom the elder dragon bone finally we could become a dragon i found a log i right click the elder dragon bone on the log and there it was a dragon altar was this gonna be my last moment as a human i scrolled through all the options here it looked like there was a human a sea dragon a forest dragon and a cave dragon the sea dragon was blue the forest dragon was green and the cave dragon was red i didn't know what to choose i don't know if i could reverse it but i ended up choosing the forest dragon guys what happened i'm so short but i'm a dragon oh my god yo oh my god look at the way i want look at the way that i walk oh my lord i was even given a dragon's nest so this was going to be my new bed i guess one of the abilities as a dragon here especially the forest dragon is my claws were actually axes that was a tongue twister but yes my claws are axes so i could chop down trees i could become a bigger dragon and my claws would get stronger i went and i didn't even know what i was doing guys i had never been a dragon before it was so cool they put in this position and i just checked myself out i mean look at me i look so cool and when i left click my dragon even bit my life had changed drastically i don't know if it was for the better or the worse but in this mod the armor textures even followed the dragon it was super cool i snuck into the snowglobe's corner and i accidentally pulled them out of his fence i kind of messed up no go back no what did i do how did you get out no the sun was setting on day 39 but i just wanted to run around as a dragon it was oh man i worked so hard to get here and i just wanted to run around the world and explore and just see what was up when i got back i crafted a dragon door yeah a dragon door and i had to kill our friend the snowman because he was making the base look really bad this dragon door is three blocks high but obviously i'm only one block high at this point so i found a solution we do like a dog door because i was just i was basically the same size as the dog right now my dragon had a long way to go before it became a beast after a long day of running around as a dragon i took my first sleep as a dragon in my dragon nest i started day 40 off just going to adventure as a dragon i wanted to see the world from the eyes of the dragon i was very very short but i think i move faster it might seem like i move faster just because i'm shorter but i actually think i move faster on grass imply my forest dragon and if i'm a cave dragon i move faster on stone after adventuring i made it back on the night of day 40 and this zombie villager he was following me around i wanted to keep him just in case we could use them for later i was slowly slowly reeling him in here mr zombie come here you want to kill me yes but look at this trap i set up for him once i got him here i would just make him drop down below and whoa why is the snow golem why is the snowman literally firing snowballs at this zombie villager here i accidentally fell into the hole and the zombie villager started attacking me i started panicking i need to get out of here before i died i used the water bucket and i got out of there i don't know if you guys noticed but i only have seven hearts i only had seven hearts for now only because i was a baby dragon but i could slowly level up my dragon and become a beast i was excited for that now that i was a dragon my percentage to get that elder dragon dust was a lot higher 40 to be specific so of course i had to go back down to the caves and take advantage of this the reason i wanted more elder dragon dust was because if i crafted nine elder dragon dust into an elder dragon skull i could make nine elder dragon skulls yes this is very confusing and make a heart and if i ate the dragon heart i could become a bigger dragon and upgrade my dragon something was going on when i was down in the caves here i started getting poisoned because based off what i was eating and i wasn't getting any sunlight i later realized that i was a forest dragon and i did not belong down in the caves so i returned back to our base and converted myself into a cave dragon so it looks like i could switch in between dragons the cool thing about cave dragons are is they only eat coal yeah coal that makes sense they're cave dragons but then also there's a new item i mean look at my hunger bar it is literally like dark pieces of meat but i made charged coal which is a mix of coal and redstone this saturation was so much better now that i was a cave dragon i was ready to hit the mines and get that elder dragon dust and become a beast you guys can see already i move so fast on stone and actually one thing i want to experiment was if i was a cave dragon would i be okay to hop in lava i crept up and i fell right into the lava and i was good once i went under the lava it looked like you see those little bubbles they're red bubbles so looks like i can hold my breath under lava as well i guess being a dragon had its perks especially a cave dragon and don't worry guys i know i saw that diamond so i went back and i collected it and of course nice two vane not too much i mean you can't ask for too much but you know that's minecraft for you one of the perks of being a dragon was i was literally only one block high i mean at least for now i was in the most baby form of a dragon that you could be and i continue strip mining and just looking for diamonds and anything where i could get elder dragon dust if you guys watch these clips here and as i'm breaking all these ores you can actually see some random elder dragon dust flying at me so it's 40 when you're a dragon which increased our odds so much while i was mining for diamonds luckily you know i can swim in lava so i wasn't worried about any of the dangerous stuff while strip mining except for water you guys will see here right away really soon that i am uh water is not my best friend but first guys watch me collect these diamonds because who doesn't love diamonds as you can see here as i'm mining through the strip mine water comes flowing at me and it's like i'm taking damage from lava so i have to be really careful when it comes to water when i finally reached the surface just knowing my luck it was raining so the rain was killing me yeah i could have died if i stood out there for too long the reason why i went back up because i had enough diamonds to make a full diamond set and to add to that we actually got a lot of elder dragon dust as you can see here i'm eating the heart here and i'm getting bigger as you can see i now have 11 hearts and i'm finally two blocks high i'm no longer a baby dragon boys now admiring me and my dragon in its full diamond drip even my nest got upgraded when i got bigger for some reason after i got bigger and i got my armor i was kind of feeling myself so i went out there and picked a fight with an enderman a creeper literally anything i could find i just wanted to see how strong i was and how different i was now that i was bigger i was now a big boy dragon guys i am now two blocks tall i replaced the doggy door with a regular dragon door it was super cool and then i left off to go find the end portal now you guys might be wondering why am i going to go look for the end portal well the only reason i'm looking for the end portal is because once i go to see the ender dragon they'll ask me if i want wings and of course i'm a dragon i want wings i want to fly i can fly around the world and enjoy it and just actually be a genuine dragon now one of the downsides to this guys here you can see me traveling through the ocean and you guys already know water is one of my weaknesses so i have to take a lot of risk to get into the stronghold here i finally found it after a couple days of searching and it was time for big risks [Music] i went down to the water as you can see i'm taking so much damage i'm about to die here and boom half a heart i should definitely be dead that was literally insane i had to make slow progress on getting into here because this was the highest point in the water then i thought i could do it i ate a golden apple i slowly descended i boxed myself in and i dug for my life at any point i could have died here and if i died my whole world would have been deleted i was freaking out guys look at this i should be dead three hearts two and a half hearts one and a half hearts and boom i lived there was an air pocket thank god i chilled there for a bit and i ate my charged skull it was kind of interesting being inside a stronghold as a dragon the first thing i did was try to find that library i always try to get as much books as possible so that way i can make an enchantment station when i get back home i even found this other library here that was like half finished there's a creeper around the corner that tried to kill me and ruin my dreams but don't worry guys i got it got some paper the books and then i found the frame and of course knowing my luck there was one ender right in there so i only had 10 unfortunately which meant i needed one more eye to actually go see the ender dragon so i did a little bit of exploring no worries guys i'm a cave dragon i can swim in the lava but the one thing i had to worry about was this water i messed up my parkour and of course i'm taking damage but luckily there was some enderman nearby this guy right here did not drop me any ender pearls unfortunately but the second guy here he was a hassle he kept teleporting everywhere eventually i got him and i got myself the ender pearl now i had the last ender eye and it was time to go see the ender dragon i wanted me my set of wings it was time guys day 50. i hopped into the end portal and boom i was in the end the dragon asked me have you come here for your wings switch get out of here before it's too late i said sub the switch and he said okay sounds good i bestow your wings and now get out of here and just like that i had a set of wings i don't know where they came from but i got them from the ender dragon i didn't really know how to fly i knew how to turn them on but then i said screw it i jumped and then boom i was flying we did it guys we're no longer a baby dragon i'm not a dragon that can fly i was flying amongst the ender dragon and i thought we were friends but then all of a sudden she used her dragon's breath on me and was trying to kill me the mod told me after i got my set of wings i could leave without killing the ender dragon but then i was like wait how i didn't see any portals there was no void i was stuck with the ender dragon it was a trap guys that was what i was doing stuck on day 50 guys i was trying to get out i even typed to the ender dragon get me out please nothing happened guys i flew around for the rest of the day but this is where i'm going to end this video today this is going to be the first part in part 2 you'll see me become a full grown dragon with 20 hearts and become an absolute beast and own the land and maybe beat this enderdragon who really knows guys just be tuned for next week now for the next part i'm gonna be a dragon the whole entire time i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're new part two aka day 100 will be out next week be excited for that guys and if you guys are watching until now comment secret dragon squad it's been your boy switch and i'll see you guys next week in the next video peace
Channel: Swidge
Views: 555,971
Rating: 4.911592 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft dragon, minecraft dragons, 100 days as a dragon, dragon in minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore 100 days, swidge, dragons, dragons minecraft, minecraft modded, minecraft dragon mod, minecraft 100 days modded, dragon in minecraft for 100 days, swidge minecraft, minecraft, minecraft dragon egg, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days
Id: 6F7bDeAoNbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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