I Survived 100 Days with DRAGONS in Minecraft!

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having a dragon in my cave is super awesome especially when he came in you can do anything you want so today we're going to be surviving 100 days taping dragons in minecraft with two of my best friends jamie and connor make sure you watch till the end to see us get the ultimate dragon subscribe for the youtube algorithm and let's leave it it and let's get a whopping 15 likes on this video guys what what is this uh-huh what are you talking about why would you go in there jb oh chase yo we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go nope lemur just forget about a lever there this is survival of the fittest jamie from day one through five we got killed by a dragon of course and it was time for us to grab for some resources responded with an introduction book which pretty much shows exactly what we have to do so right off the introduction we created an entire silver armor set then we went grounding for some diamonds and other resources so we could get super rich in the game and later we started learning more about dragons how to kill them how to fight them and how to tame them do not bring that dragon to the village stop it ruin everything no he's literally gonna destroy your entire village okay we gotta go everybody loot raid the village we're getting out of here right now oh no i don't know jamie take everything you're gonna try to crops i'm going to go ahead and make some some oars i'm going to make some oars who says that bro oh i don't like this okay everybody everybody get 2k baby steps he's actually kind of friendly right now oh we gotta go okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry so we're looking for the specific ore called the silver ore now we have this actual book over here that we started off with and as you can see in the introduction it says you got to get silver ores because you can make silver armor and pretty much survive the actual you know dinosaur dinos bro the dragon okay you guys ready everybody we got to go on that resource grind right now everybody so make sure you grab all the resources possible we're gonna be here for a few days guys this is a little bit sus i found a ravine check it out and this ravine connects to a mine shaft grab the silver oars grab the chests grab the diamonds and let's flip it get out of here diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds yo should we get these animate over here we got to get as many eye vendors right especially for the giants copper ingots torches melon seeds uh i don't know and other things we can go farming and things that nobody cares about let's go over here as well two diamonds two diamonds yes diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds yo i officially have the doctor jerks got another one on the diamond i got all the diamond and then i got these little things yeah another one wow it's only just keep running around and getting the my car chest there's so many that's silver no i found gold though i found gold keep getting silverware you're in charge of getting the silver wars and yeah you gotta get rubies okay buddy rubies okay rubies get those rubies they gotta be right here no it's a sapphire what do you do with a sapphire it's just just get it it's getting three i don't know smelting time so we're all looking back up and we're gonna smelt all of our oars we need plenty of water before we go out there get killed by a dragon all right make sure we get plenty of golden apples we're gonna be strictly on a golden apple diet you got that oh i found silver that's my first time finding silver low-key you guys did all the work i have a bunch i have 31. i was gonna ask yeah oh the baby oh no no i need a diamond in my room right here right here give you more smoke is that what you call these things the smelters i need some more smelters for my pythagorean theorem jimmy i like how you place down more furnaces but you didn't put all the ores to speed it up i don't have the coal i need which i have now i'm on my way back oh it's already done everything's already done by the time you left all right so anyways now we're officially gonna make our silver armor boom okay check this out tada that looks pretty cool all right and wait it's technically iron armor stronger than silver armor is that even english no one so there's currently a lightning dragon above our actual dungeon that's why i keep hearing the lightning right now so it's pretty dangerous to be around those guys and yes i got my pants on so i'm not scared anymore let's go i like my i like my the baby shirt it looks beautiful the baby yeah the baby jam every single time i die i have to play let's go okay yeah that sounds good let's make some upset yeah all right connor you're in charge of mining the obsidian oh no oh you got some golden apples for me big boy thank you and jamie now we are officially stacking it and ready to fight some dragons of course this has to happen to me why why would it not happen to me on the way back home we came across a graveyard which was full of dead bodies it's kind of messed up jamie connor um i don't know what this place is it's trying to suspect yo i got something wait what was that oh my gosh this is where it goes that's where it goes i don't know what's happening i'm not about to die to a spooky ghost bro okay we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving so anyways we found a graveyard here i guess we're going to set up camp here temporarily and we're just going to get everything we can you know instead of camping no no in the graveyard to finish off day five we gotta create this thing called a lectern so this way we have some more knowledge and stuff and we're less of a noob so we're gonna set a base camp i guess here temporarily is this movie guys he's back this is how we keep upgrading our book full of more information on day 5 through 10 we started setting up our brand new house we also went ahead and fought a cyclops trying to defeat him and it didn't go as planned but it was time to get our house expand our things build an enchanting room and do all those kind of fancy things to make us a little bit stronger for the dragon fights yo this cyclops is distracted i repeat the cyclops is distracting you guys ready for battle oh but you want to go you want to kill it it's kind of like yeah i mean obviously a little bit of the iron armor was going to be like [Music] my god the homie just one shot me you won't get you don't worry yep that's why you're mine now he's just mad cyclops yo what if we get the creeper to blow up on him is that a stupid thing no i got it blown up oh wait it didn't do any damage to it i don't care what the cyclops does i'm coming for his head and i'm gonna eat this dude's face off where is he i got this right here i got to check this no no no i'm gonna die today you know while he tries to kill you jamie i'm going to read this book about cyclops cyclops are very vigilant creatures able to see potential prey and threats from far however due to the happening by taking an arrow and aiming it into his eyeball wait i i have a bow i craft one for the mine shop and i have strength i got one string never mind cycle hit him with the eye i just got recycled i don't know why i called you sorry i didn't have to call you cyclops oh i gotta die off i gotta die off you can't see i go no oh creeper yeah go get him get him get him get him get him come on you're almost there you're almost there we almost got him if we call his psychopaths he's gonna make his way stronger and then the dragonflies should be easier oh i got picked up from me i can't kill him i killed him you killed him yeah guess what he dropped what do you get what do [Applause] it was a cyclops eye i don't know what this oh i mean it makes sense a cyclops eye we came across a dragon fighting two cyclops it was a pretty menacing battle whoa look at this look at him yo that's a baby dragon fighting two cyclops this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my life i'm gonna pull my bed over here and i'm gonna just watch your baby and so we started building our house inside of the dragon's nest go build a house build while we build a house now finding his cyclops while building a house was extremely difficult it took a couple tries but eventually we figured it out here i'm gonna make it weird i hit him with a weakness thing yeah we just need to get his eye his eyes off i gotta tie up i got him again easy bro that was way too easy crafty table okay that would be chess oh bro wait no i can't even speak in my english all right grab much as possible you need a bunch of chest paper stuff in here connor the expert professional builder over here about this dude oh we need glass there we go this is our chest that's gonna have all of our stuff in it and whatever you don't need just throw it in here okay i'm gonna get some obsidian jeremy so we're just gonna set up a giant bunk bed okay now i'm gonna sleep at the top of the bunk bed because i want to have the height advantage especially when the cyclops come with anita's uh so we were just thinking that you should be at the bottom okay i think the first thing was at the top of the house would probably be the most dangerous spot yeah so i'll take the basement actually the second thought jamie you get the top of the bed i'll be at the first one so this way no way if the battery ever collapses the bobby knocks i love how we're talking about bunk beds you know what i actually i'm gonna claim the top of the bunk bed officially okay because i'm gonna turn it into my own room oh yeah this is gonna be sick and then over here we're gonna put a nether portal i get the blue bed we also started farming outside of our house so we'd have some more resources this way we officially had a beautiful looking house we even created a sugarcane farm and then we said you know what why not have some melons or some carrots or some potatoes connor only thing we need is a tree farm okay with a tree farm a tree from gold i mean like it's cannot see all the trees that we i know but it'd be really cool to have you know like unlimited golden apples who built this here who who in the world this that this is disgusting guess what guess what i got it and now we can officially go enchanted and now our house is officially complete so the first floor is going to be our like oh they're both shelf enchanting rooms oh i have torches actually let's go yeah baby all right now we are officially ready to go all right we're officially finished with our house there we go looks pretty beautiful we got everything done that we need all right the outside's pretty cool we got some crops the cyclops are still out there i got a full armor set for iron armor and i even have extra diamonds now let's go die in the wilderness this is my day to shine as you can see the dragon he killed the baby dragon wait the dragon killed the cyclops the baby dragon stop the baby dragon let's go it was my chance to loot the dragon while the cyclops kept stepping on it oh let's go what bro you want some of this huh you want some of this bro what you gonna do now huh yeah you legally blind you can't even see me give me everything the dragon has yes cough it up cough it up cough it up yep hold on almost got it all right that will do it sweetie hey guys hey guys guess what guess what we got to go on a montage right now but i have enough to make my first dragon armor set well well half of it not the full thing so first of all boom right normal set come yo wait that's so cool look at it it's my it's my diamond chain you want it wow i like your diamond chain bro that's pretty flexy here jamie no connor you take this boom we'll take that all right and then uh flint and steal this thing light it up we're going to the nether we're not going to go through the nether boy you get the point on day 10 through 30 we went hunting for some more cyclops we teamed giant chickens we even try to get a hippocampus or camping i don't even know what they're called we try to find pixies kill some gorgons and even more things so we're a little bit more powerful when we have to fight the dragons we're gonna get all the crazy xp out there so we can start enchanting our armor to make it even stronger than before and farming dragon armor was the most important thing especially being able to survive the giant boss dragons guys pixies pixies that's how we win this pixies give you a super powerful potion effect we just need to get a pixel jar and find them oh i found a sea serpent see serpent he wants him he wants some beef just just keep fighting those pixies okay we need those pictures hey okay i don't think this guy's friendly because he's not hitting me at all for some reason oh you're supposed to be home i don't know i just killed him though he's dead oh i got sea serpent scales maybe he was friendly i don't know it's sad i found a chicken the chicken is trying to kill me i don't know why the chick is trying to kill me hey we can be friends we can be friends mr chicken oh you found the pixies i'm literally being killed by a giant chicken i don't know why he doesn't like me don't kill me why are you running are you chicken no i'm not chicken he's actually killing me right now oh why is that killed by a chicken what is this be careful be careful look they'll talk to you i think but that's where they got him what did you actually wait did you actually no that's actually really sad do you see their houses give me the picture no that one's so pretty that's mine give that one to me oh i just broke a house oh my god look i have a pixie house oh guys wait wait wait don't don't break the pixies houses it's kind of mean bro on a scale from one through ten how much you like pixies did i drop the item oh there it is sweet hippo can't be so how do i tame these guys it can be noticed that hateful candy have an affinity to sponges okay got it got it all right so if you feed them this that's how you take them makes sense well um i would totally like to tame you guys i just don't happen to have any uh scales oh where they go there it is look the dolphin wait it's just dolphins oh there he is look it's a hippo canopy wait really wait where are you i really want to tame him but i can't i'm sorry buddy i had found a cyclops i got his eye i got his eye guys as i you've got his eye wow i suck at this guy he got your right now yeah you're right now what are you back to i got a lot of these guys bro what are these dudes oh all the colors oh yeah i got every single pixie i told you bro they steal something from me they never coming back what i do with these sea serpent skills what's the point of this oh what's this whoa look at this flex ready check it out now that we have pixies we're going to make the most powerful item in the game which is supposed to be all we need golden apples and glycerin melons great let's go and then we need some blistering melons coming right up perfecto all right now we need some golden carrots i got some older carrots let me get some more of these we're gonna need a lot of this because these dragon fights are gonna be very difficult wait are you kidding me guys yo we don't need any of that stuff they change your crafting recipes it's just as simple as this yeah that's it now you're super overpowered so you're literally not happy with this we i made all these golden carrots for no reason at all dang it bro i'm getting used up too oh we also need xp so let's go grind some xp in the nether let's go follow me on day 4250 we went looking for a giant fire dragon now killing this thing would give us an actual egg where we could hatch our very own fire dragon so the challenge started yo this place is so cool you guys ready yeah i'm ready yeah yo with these effects you literally have jump boosts and everything now just check this out because it's infinite yeah it's it's pretty much what what what does that mean infinite no it's just temporary oh listen so grab the quartz easiest way to get xp just go ahead and mine a bunch of these things all right and we can also farm blaze rods and stuff so that should be pretty easy too you okay bro you ain't looking like you're having a good time um you're talking about literally slash like half on fire bro yo if we trade with piglets do you think they can give us like different items it's like not just only oh give it a go oh i didn't bring my gold what if you find a dragon inside the neighborhood guys i'm not good at this i suck i'm terrible i'm in a bastion i'm in a bastion and i'm being chased by these hog things no thank you no thank you sir no thank you oh i'm dodging the weave in the room dang it after we finished grotting the nether i decided to start enchanting all my tools knock back two on a diamond sword oh sharpness for knockback two that's perfect okay the only thing i need is to enchant my emerald armor i don't know how this is gonna go but i guess i can just pull this off oh fire protection that's actually really good i got my infinity chant there we go okay so i just got combined this with my bowl i think that should work right oh that's sick yo that thing is crazy i got a super strong bow now gonna i'm coming back for some more levels buddy we're gonna need plenty of levels where's that piglet fun that he set up oh right over here yo let me see it hold on a second watch this guy ready yay yeah he's been he's been annoying me somewhere wait what just happened oh oh they're not mad at me because they love me can i have some golden boots please i feel ugly yes let me have you okay thank you um i mean can you come just get some gold to these uh yeah yeah i'm almost there i'm almost done you're right here the whole thing wrong take that gold oh that that little boy let's go okay so this should work dang it i thought it was gonna work in this update ah it only works on bedrock yo we have so many ender poles and we got fire potions now we can easily fight the dragons we have every single eye vendor we need 13 guy venus is not bad we can definitely use a few more for sure okay so anyways i think we're good to go we got plenty of spectral arrows we got plenty of fires as potions and that's about it so let's go fight the dragon now sounds good let's do it tara jamie [Music] oh diamonds oh that's actually way better if you go near him he will wake up great job jeremy i have an idea and a solution i'm gonna win this ha fight me ah your fire tags don't work it works it works on me it works off okay whatever weapon i was using i mean i i had like the pixie thing on me yo use the pixie thing remember the pictures i'm using it yeah oh yeah drink that drink that drink that keeps going i'm gonna keep going him right now okay oh keep bowing him here get him out of the lot oh wait i guess the lava's kind of keeping him still i don't want him to lose all his items oh he's finally oh he's fine he's flying that dude he's not really bad or he's just like yeah i got him i got him he's dead don't click it don't let no that was such an easy dragon fight let's go cough it up cough everything up you got yes oh it's a big boy bro oh you got the egg it's a bronze dragon egg let's go all right now to take care of a dragon egg so all we gotta do is stack up wood and then the rack into a large pile and place the largest of the eggs onto it so first of all it's going to make ourselves our brand new dragon armor okay so jamie i'm gonna give you your dragon armor set this is yours it's gonna be on the floor pick it up there you go ooh oh wait i need a pair of inventory connor europe yes okay buddy so let me do my helmet real quick on day 50 through 60 we spent most of our time trying to figure out exactly how to hatch dragon egg and then we finally figured it out we just wait for a little bit dude we're officially decked out okay now we just need to make a pile so grab a flint steel okay okay and then let's figure out how to make this real quick so we're already at the dragon lair so we can definitely have it here yeah like this and then light on fire do you like to keep a lit like this one what wait a minute yeah keep it keep going all right so funny so let my boy over here sit here for a couple days and it should be good to go on to the next dragon from day 60 to 80 we went looking for another crazy dragon we wanted more dragons to be a part of our team so we can be more and more powerful and this was getting a little bit more difficult because every single time the dragon was stronger and stronger we also started hunting other dragons now that we were more powerful so we could have some better armor enchanted and so on i got a dragon scale helmet check this out protection 4 baby i found another one boys i found another one yo y'all can stay there all right don't worry about me i'm gonna show this dude how is it gonna go you're gonna wake up wake up what's good what's up buddy i think he's a bronze dragon he might be glitched out actually i can't tell looks a little pushed out literally my bow is overpowered right now it's got punch on it flame oh that's it he's dead it was that easy are you going we gotta find the bigger dragons those are the ones that drop the eggs and then we came across a giant boss ice dragon [Music] never mind yeah it's over it's over just kill him just kill him go bowl him hold him to death baby go mind the sapphires don't mind them you should be fine let us kill the dragon we're just going to keep bowling at the death but just get the sapphires get this outfit okay i'm just getting all the sapphires right now where'd he go he's running away he's hiding away i'm trying to chase that through no these sapphires are like spawning here or man maybe i'm tripping i don't know i can't tell let's go he's right here he's trying to kill the village don't let this man kill everything there is that we love okay this is how we started too that's the funny part that was like a small baby ice dragon and now we have the giant one destroying the entire village again oh jamie jamie you got it oh my gosh jamie's so excited actually like yo i roll the dragon egg i got the egg ice dragon flesh i got an ice dragon heart anybody want to eat that heart oh i will here you go i got you a a wide variety of dragon hearts for you to eat okay on day 80 till 90 we started hatching our second dragon egg the first one was still hatching and taking a very long time connor i can't tell if we're doing this right or wrong bro i mean it's still going i think we're just gonna make a bigger pile this time so let's make the biggest pile of poop yeah so ice dragon eggs they require oh and then we're doing this rod i pour some buckets of water into a small pond and place the largest of the eggs into it so we gotta put this thing inside of a pond all right so we have to make a pond for this one and then we need some ice around it oh wait wait it's working it's working look we just gotta wait for that now so what i want to figure out is this is this is working for sure it makes sense right now okay there's ice dragon eggs right and if you want to tame a dragon dragons are ancient creatures and it must take a while for them to mature however and devise a plan to spur my dragon's growth faster do this by crafting a dragon okay so dragon mules is how we can instantly do that and then we can make a dragon stage thing which all we need is a stick and the dragon's skull so that's how we do that so we figured out that we can actually well we can get dragon blood from right clicking the dead dragon and there's these really insane items they're called legendary weapons so all we need is a dragon bone sword which we need a wither bone for okay and then we can just combine it with a lightning dragon blood so whenever we kill a dragon we're just gonna start getting the blood from them and we can fuse our dragon bone swords with it but i think the best option is to get of course a dragon steel sword which we need ice dragon steel ingots for i'm gonna attempt something with all these dragon scales so i can actually make dragon blocks with them right if we use something like this we can actually make this possible well anyways um all right we're set awesome so we're gonna keep all of our stuff in here and let's go farm some more dragons my dragon hatch yes so how do we tame this guy now i think he's officially mine come here buddy yo i'm feeding you look oh he's so cute i know i guess we're good now we can go in and find some other dragons oh what's going on is he on your is there's no way he's on your shoulder this is the real way to have a dragon ray now that i am the dragon master i will show my two beautiful dragons on how to eat food you don't want to eat this i will eat my own dragon flesh if you don't ah don't eat it don't eat it do not eat it whoa he's growing yeah oh my gosh you're riding it can you breathe fire oh he's really fine well um you know my my dragon's doing really good honestly it just happens that for some reason my dude wants to literally put the whole place on fire oh my god has destroyed the house yet so um this one's a little bit big all right well we're gonna go find one more dragon but first i'm gonna level up my second one too come on buddy the ice dragon is next he will be my second biggest dragon so now this one could breathe fire right or oh hey we could just fly around with this guy and fight all the dragons yo i'm just gonna fly let's go all right let's go find some other dragons yo i'm freezing everything in my way how cool is this all right connor have you found the other dragon oh yeah i did i did i did how do we how do we do this we can make pretty much any wait what is this dragon steel track i'm here armor you can make bro all right hook me up whatever you got so this is the neck part of the iron dragon and then you can make the actual head piece like seriously sitting right now hey he's waiting yo wait a minute and then if i just go up to him there's a banner he can put on him too now with this we can give him a banner and then it should show the banner on him too so yeah all right so ready i'm gonna put the final piece on him right now and now yo this is sick yo yo we found the other dragon so we're trying to get this guy to actually go up to the uh the top part you know what i mean the overworld oh wait i could i could just keep punching up here oh he's trying to kill me oh ow ow ow oh he's almost dead he's dead is that easy all right so now with all this loot that we got we can just keep on grinding and then stacking them up so now we have another dragon egg some more scales and with this we can make more of these like blocks and then turn them into forges and do all that fancy things you know what i mean jb while you wait for that dragon to hatch i'm gonna find some other dragons okay okay sounds good let me know yo i found the pixies take this pixies that's what you get yeah there it is look there it is there's a gorgeous thing oh easy bro don't worry about me okay i don't know if this is a naga or a gorgon take this you evil naga thing gorgon whatever you want to be called got him i have the gordon i got the golden guess what and i have the gorgon head so i can use that on the next dragon that we fight and instantly take him out by the way i lost all of my dragon armor because i was pretty much turned to stone by a a gorgon while the game lagged out so that's the thing uh yeah don't do that you'll lose everything you have that's pretty much precious and then i was kind of gone so why is there a baby dragon here uh cause there should be an ice one somewhere over here that had a baby wait wait there's a bigger one than that oh yeah yeah the mama is just somewhere whoa what happened out here you know that's where she was um as you saw she wasn't very happy with me think he does anything oh it swims oh oh it's flying over the sky this one should be kind of easy to take out of the baby one i don't know i don't know i don't know where mama went oh oh we found the other dragon there it is oh gee oh geez yo i wanna just i wanna we can probably get him right oh he's just flying away oh oh oh what was that what was that where were we going okay okay yeah oh he's coming in for a swoop wait there's another one look there's another one here is there another one oh there is another one in here oh no i just woke it up i just woke up oh there's two ice dragons yeah be careful for an ice dragon i don't think i don't think he wants to play no games bro i don't think he wants to play games at all i'm trying to like make him see the uh the gorgon face or something oh hey bloody it worked so what do we do now gotta go no we going in for the second one i know there's a lot of ice dragons here all right come on come on let's go come on give me your eggs yeah just get his face real quick oh he's dead that's it easy easy money oh he's hungry help help help okay i'm good i'm gonna grab his blood oh oh yeah so whenever you're right click again there's a bottle and this way you get the blood from him and now we can fuse it and make like ice stuff from day 90 to 100 we fought some more dragons and we started creating a dragon force to make the ultimate weapon which would help us out in our 200 days of dragon series it's time we start fusing things we need to create a forge and then with this ice core it's called a dragon forge ice aperture all right well we need the ice core first of all um so all we need is ice dragon heart and then we need these blocks here so we got to keep making a bunch of these blocks and then once we do that we can create the core and fuse it all together so now that we're officially back home we're going to create these dragon scales into these dragon dragon scales why are you here i'm here okay i want to take it out i want to see your dragon i'm trying to make a forge right now oh [Music] so we can have the ultimate dragon weapon so all we need are ironing it's a dragon forge blocks of stone bricks so let's do that exactly all right so let's grab this and then let's make it exactly like this so we got to go here gotta make a bunch of these okay there we go so for dragon dragon thing bricks okay oh i can't see anything oh wait a minute all right so how many do we need i think it's eight right no we need four only four all right i got four i got four of these now that we have dragon forge ice bricks okay so there we go dragon forge ice bricks all we need is a dragon oh you framed it that's sick right here i dropped it down thank you and then we can take this and then combine it together using these and make a dragon ice core and then in here i can put the dragon blood okay this is gonna take way too long all right so let me get this straight all right we're gonna set this up real quick and see what we can do but we have an issue all right now here's the thing having a dragonforge isn't so simple so we're gonna first set it up right now yo i got it look this is the dragon forge you see right and then the only thing we're missing now is power that's the thing we can't we can't use it until we got some dragon power so for that all right all we need is uh a wild dragon oh and we can actually use our own dragon go is it working i don't know so let's see if i just put this here now it doesn't power it [Music] hey buddy your one job is to literally power this thing how do you tell if it's powered stop stop powering bring it into it i got the chain on my dragon oh i chained him come on just give me it already this looks pretty legit for sure this looks yeah this is very cool oh it's doing something no it's working look whoa yeah i see it it's moving in his face it's lifting his face he's using it i just don't see him doing anything but i'm 100 sure this is it so now that i have the items inside he's breathing fire look at it hey guys we figured it out i think i think that's how it's supposed to work i'm not even touching anything bro just doing this thing oh you're not doing that oh oh it's making it look pay for it and another one oh wait you just keep going no way ah freeze yes anyways click this video right here if you guys want to see 200 days and see you tomorrow
Channel: Moose
Views: 1,793,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, I survived 100 days taming dragons in minecraft, i survived, 100 days, taming, dragons, dragon, i survived 100 days, taming dragons, how to train your dragon, minecraft dragons, dragons minecraft, minecraft how to train your dragon, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, 100 days challenge, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days dragons, moosecraft, moose, forge labs, i survived 100 days in minecraft, modded, mods, mod, beckbrojack, aphmau, ssundee
Id: Fj3WngOhga4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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