8 MISTAKES You Shouldn't Make While Gaming

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hey every so often we give some life advice here at game ranks you know things you should do with gaming things you should tell your friends about gaming hey even things you should teach your parents about gaming we've covered a lot over the years in terms of these weird topics but today we're going stupider and we're talking about mistakes you shouldn't make while you're playing games we got a good mix of viewers here we got a lot of hardcore folks and we got some casuals so we got a little bit of wide-ranging advice for alia we've got eight things so let's get started leaving the game when you don't have it your way like so players leaving the game when they're you know say not an imposter in among us or maybe you're playing predator hunting grounds and you didn't get to play as the predator oh boohoo or maybe you're just not on the team you wanted whatever it really is insert any short-sighted problem that honestly would probably change within the next round or so the problem here man is just you're disrespecting a player base and making it worse for everyone else by giving them the annoying experience of a match stopping abruptly or a lobby rebooting or whatever the specific game in question does this it's kind of a selfish thing that shows you might not really be thinking about the player community just really yourself but you're playing yourself at the same time anyone who plays anything else competitive like sports or something know that it doesn't really work this way you can't do this whether you're playing with friends or just playing with randoms the bare minimum level of respect is important you probably already know that i mean like look we all bail out sometimes just try not to be that guy will you like if you're doing it for a specific reason and there might be a reason maybe you're trying to get an achievement or a trophy or whatever and you have to do a certain thing and play a certain type of match okay i get it you're grinding a little bit but just try not to make it a habit now next at number seven um don't get hooked on micro transactions that is a mistake you should never make while playing a game you know you want to buy a map pack or maybe an expansion sure fine you know we're talking about the really bad stuff here now you guys might be like hey dog game ranks this is obvious but not everyone is a hardcore player some more casual folks are far more susceptible to this because honestly i hate to say it the numbers don't lie you know the companies that make the more predatory microtransactions and those awful loot boxes continue to do so because some folks out there buy them don't be one of those people ask any gamer you know gaming would probably be better for it if you didn't buy these things and eventually the companies realized and they shut the doors on them cosmetic or actual content dlc is one thing that's a little bit more up for debate and your situation might be different where you can or want to buy whatever you know it is a free country we can't tell you what to do but it's the loot boxes and stuff specifically man once you buy one of those it's game over i don't mean like i'm not doing a video game pun i i mean for real like game over man now next at number six one thing you should never do while gaming is turn the system off while saving this is a rookie mistake honestly what does every game tell you this is clearly an important thing to pay attention to i mean it's literally the first thing that a game will tell you when you fire it up almost every single time for a long time in multiple generations of gaming so if you don't pay attention to that that's screen warning this is the icon that shows that the game is auto saving don't turn off the system while this is in progress like that thing if you if you're really ignoring that i don't know what to tell you man we can't help you so what exactly can happen if you turn off the system mid save well it's not a guarantee but a higher possibility that your save file could be corrupted thankfully if you're good you know you probably got quite a few other saves backing you up on deck but you never know always play it safe with something like this you should never play with fire you should never get reckless when it comes to saves especially if it's a massive save file for like a big game you've been playing for months and months imagine having a zillion hours in a jrpg or you're building something crazy in one of those types of games or you're collecting something in a big rpg and you lose it all because you jumped the gun and turned off your console mid-save not everybody has this luxury maybe you have a younger sibling or a child that'll wander over and hit the power button on your machine your pc whatever it is mid-save and maybe you've gotten lucky a couple of times but these games hit you over the head with these warnings for a reason it's basically one of the one things you can screw up while playing a game so don't do it next over at number five we're getting really into preachy advice territory but be careful with trying too hard to get good in a game you know recognize that there's a balance between games designed as a challenge to overcome you know like a dark souls or something and trying to become a professional call of duty player these are different beasts and you need to recognize what you want out of these games you know you can be a competitive minded person but do you want to train all day and night to be better than anyone at insert whatever competitive game is popular at the time it's a free world you can go for it but don't lose sight of the fun in the process we're getting a little older here at game rank so like this is the best advice we think we can give you as wisened gamers like going too far or going too hard like trying to keep up with the joneses it's like ash trying to become the greatest pokemon trainer and ending up hating pokemon in the process remember why you signed up and never feel like you have to be the very best just remember to have some fun there's fun and competition and there's fun in playing games on hard mode but don't lose your hobby and yourself in the process you know as you get older it's something really important so uh you know keep an eye on that next over at number four a big mistake while gaming is playing multiplayer games just trolling like screwing around not really playing the game properly on purpose maybe your team killing that stuff look this is another one where you know we can get a little preachy we've all done it we've all messed around before but it gets old we can all get like you know hey do unto others foster a positive gameplay environment make the community better as a whole by doing the right thing blah blah blah yeah of course but then there's also what you you should know what's coming next it's open season everyone is gonna gang up on you to make your gaming experience in this lobby or this match complete hell same goes for cheating cheating in multiplayer in any of its various forms stream sniping wall hacks aimbots whatever you're using anything that gives you a huge unfair advantage when you're playing against people just say no dude trolling cheating all that stuff especially if you're not kicked out of the lobby if you're doing this stuff and you find out that you haven't been booted uh that means it's open season you have a massive target on your back good luck because everybody is going to be hunting you down and punishing you for being the in the match hey to go back to before it's all about being sportsmanlike right now down to number three we're getting a little real here uh learn from us don't work and play video games at the same time especially in such times as now where you know a lot of people are working from home more jobs are remote than ever trust us you know as someone who knows from experience you're not going to be able to do either thing properly you're either going to half-ass your game or half-ass your work and in both ways in a lot of situations you kind of lose out yes every job is different some people may actually be able to perfectly play games you know if you can play your switch while you work an overnight shift as a security guard or something like that more power do you do that's awesome but if your job is say on a computer and you can game on that same computer that's where the lines are going to blur and that can be messy uh we're not lying when we say this uh we actually know someone who copy pasted something they meant to drop into a discord chat into their work zoom by accident so there's a lot of different types of mistakes to be made if you can't tell now you can avoid this mistake you know playing games while you're working trying to multitask and failing you can make playing your games your job simply by learning game development by going to www dot no i'm just i'm kidding the reality is more than anything multitasking is hard and what we're trying to say is that gaming or at least most genres of games some can be played passively but a lot of games are worthy of your full attention so give it to him damn it now down to number two abc always be charging you hear me always be charging if you're a console player man this is like the cardinal rule you might notice already the biggest mistake you can make is your controller dying in the middle of a boss battle oh my god don't ignore those low battery warnings man it could happen to you at any time now i know a lot of games have gotten much better at completely pausing everything completely suspending everything if your controller's disconnected or your battery dies but still sometimes when you reconnect that little bit of recovery time to get your head back in the game when you press pause to unpause the game that could be life and death in a boss battle especially for a souls-like game so be careful you know you might feel invincible with your battery life but you are not believe me you probably know this already but we're including it because there's a good chance you've probably still screwed yourself over one time or another we have you have don't lie so we're putting this out there for everybody now down to number one when we kind of pulled everyone here in terms of like advice one of the weirder ones we came up with we don't really know how to tackle this if you have people in your lives whether it's friends family members whatever don't forget them don't replace them with the video games i know this suddenly got very real and corny but the video games are always going to be there they're going to be waiting for you they're going to be ready they're going to be able to be fired up no problem anytime at all but people and people's attention and people's feelings and all that is a finite thing so whether it's a girlfriend a boyfriend a husband a wife a child a cousin a like your best friend ever i don't know i don't care what it is make sure you give them some love too you're probably listening to this going hey shut up guys i didn't come to game ranks for preachy advice like this but hey maybe we're having our own therapy session here over in our game ranks office i don't know what to tell you the best thing that we can say is if you haven't already uh bring these people in your life into your world of gaming sometimes you know hand someone a controller someone you haven't seen a while join them in an xbox lobby send somebody a request on steam you haven't talked to in a while or just some good old couch co-op i don't know but bring them into your world you'd be surprised how fun it can be sometimes those are eight mistakes you can make while gaming uh there's definitely probably more i don't know specifically why we even chose eight but it felt right if you got more though definitely let us know in the comments any mistakes you've made while gaming like maybe eating flaming hot cheetos over a keyboard come on dude there's obvious ones there's more subtle ones there's life advice ones so we want to hear any type of advice or any mistakes you've made down in the comments if you enjoyed this silly little video with us though clicking the like button is the best way you can help us out show a little appreciation because we would genuinely appreciate it back for real but if you're new consider subscribing hitting the notification bell because we put out all types of videos every single day but as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 342,619
Rating: 4.8752303 out of 5
Keywords: gamer mistake, 10 mistake, gaming culture, video game mistakes, how to play video games, how to choose video games, gamer mishaps, gamer problems, first world gamer problems, gamer confusion, gamers blunders, gamer judgement, non gamers, angry gamers, gamer parents, nagging video games, funny gaming videos, gameranx, gamer fails
Id: 5t_JU8Jxa1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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