10 Things Gamers Trick Themselves Into Believing

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Ori and the blind forest developer pointed exactly that. They promise, we deliver

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Kitsune_BCN 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Videos like this help to put it in perspective. The majority of content creators on YouTube that promote Star Citizen are nowhere close to millions of subs. The majority that actually think about it critically have millions of subscribers.

It's nice to see.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/OfficiallyRelevant 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

As an early backer for NMS I have to come in to bat, just like the SC fans.

NMS actually did 95% of what was on the box at launch. We were explorers, looking for exploration gameplay, launch NMS delivered that. It was the few that got suckered by the 'multi player' stuff from playing COD or whatever who whinged. That and the dinosaur fight in the forest and the sand worm were the most egregious omissions shown in the E3 video that did not make it to release. What Hello Games did since is nothing short of amazing though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OG_N4CR 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
part of the immersion of games is believing you're in a virtual world but it's still possible to be delusional there hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 things gamers trick themselves into believing starting off at number 10 it is blaming the mario kart track for your lack of skill now mario kart isn't the easiest game of all time it's not the hardest either but well let's just say i've seen more than a few people get particularly angry at the mario kart track you know they mess up hit an obstacle don't take a corner right and it's the game's fault it's the track's fault it's uh the stupid track that's i mean you can learn the track you can learn to play the game better and there are a lot of people who well go through those tracks without having problems now it's important to understand that this does not apply to rainbow road which is evil the person who designed it has no soul and all of the things that it randomly does to you which have nothing to do with your skill genuinely are definitely not what we're talking about here but basically any other track you mess up on it it's kind of your fault you can predict everything that's gonna happen you can memorize it like i said just get better at the track stop fooling yourself at number nine the idea that your favorite studio can do no wrong now we have seen this very recently there are a lot of cd projekt red fans who just absolutely love everything cd projekt red does which is there's nothing wrong with enjoying things however pushing it to the point where you think that there is nothing wrong with cyberpunk 2077 and defend it endlessly on forums all day long as much as i would say that cyberpunk is rife with problems some of which that have been fixed since launch some that haven't i would say it is you that has the problem here but sometimes it's not even based on a track record that's when it's really weird there were people that were defending no man's sky at launch just based off of the hype cycle which is insane don't even get me started on star citizen we've done videos about what is going on with star citizen that crap's a friggin cult forget dream forget tricking yourselves into believing stuff in fact a lot of crowdfunding projects end up turning into this thing ah the guys that i put my time and money into they couldn't do anything wrong ever and that's kind of exactly what it is people do invest their time and money into these things and eventually at some point there is a sunk cost fallacy here snap out of it star citizen crowdfunders at number eight the idea that you could beat them if you just went another round like let's say you're playing fifa or a fighting game or something and you're playing against somebody else and you feel like you would beat the other person if only you'd match again with them and fight them again and that he just simply got lucky or let's say it's somebody you know and they just beat the living tar out of you and you start saying things like best of three best of five best of ten i mean this is one i think a lot of people end up doing probably everybody at least at some point but a gamer with some amount of humility will realize that maybe the other person is actually just better than you that is not necessarily a bad thing it is a long way to the top and once you get there everyone is gunning for you here in the middle things are much better i promise you that that's not actually the point the actual point is that people who spend lots of time getting good at a game that's a great thing and you can do it too you're in no way locked out of getting good at a game and telling yourself you would just beat that person if you played against them again that kind of thinking kind of blocks you out of it just play the game enjoy the game take the game seriously and number seven the idea that if you just had more time you would practice more and you'd get better and you'd beat this guy whoever this guy is whether this guy is another player whether this guy is a boss whatever the thing is if you have a busy life wishing for more time is not going to bring you more time people who fantasize about having more time are usually people who do too much anyways and i'm not gonna lie if i had more time in my day i would probably use it sleeping and not practicing again as much as video games are tons of fun practicing means attempting to get better at a specific element of the game and that is ultimately work you will find that that is a less fun version of playing video games it's just this is often something that someone who does too much would want and not only probably isn't gonna happen but if it did might be better to spend simply resting i'm not saying that's definite it's kind of an individual thing but yeah don't just make the assumption that if you had more time that's the key and number six is not having a better pc or mouse or keyboard or graphics card or something involving your hardware now i'm not going to tell you that there is no instance in which your gaming hardware causes some kind of problem with your game that makes you lose like i've certainly had temporary freezes that mess up a match but if you find yourself very often saying like oh if i just had a better pc or mouse or keyboard it's probably not going to make you into the crazy good player that you think you have lurking around inside video games are not something that just appeared out of nature we do not have instincts which make us immediately good at them now it's not impossible that getting slightly better equipment will make it so that you have better reaction time or are a little bit better at something but it won't make you way better it's not the reason that you constantly lose and on the flip side them having that equipment is not the reason they constantly win if somebody's got good equipment and they just generally trounce people it's probably because they're good at the game not because they have that equipment unless they're cheating which screw them if that's the case but that's also not really what we're talking about really it's time and dedication and somebody with the money to buy better equipment probably has more money to have time to dedicate but it's not the equipment and number five one last round and then i'll go to bed and then i'll go to work and then i'll eat dinner and then i'll do homework one last round and then no that is not how that works that is that is you playing the game all night that is you playing the game and not eating dinner oh not eating dinner is a big one actually i've done that more than a few times and don't even get me started on homework i don't have to deal with homework at this point in my life but i've done that before needless to say the thing is it's good to have a hobby it's good to occupy your free time with something that makes you feel fulfilled and happy just to have something that's enjoyable to do is obviously a good thing but when it starts interfering with other things and you're telling yourself it's not that's where we start having problems i think everybody has like a story they can tell that is relatable to this point specifically but the ultimate end of the story is you you just gotta stop playing and move on to the thing that you're supposed to do and number four is the idea that racing games can make you a better driver in real life like to some extent yes there are people who play racing simulators and have extremely expensive setups in which they are a lot closer to driving in real life however you're generally not driving like a racing game in real life for one so even if it was a one-to-one experience the style of driving is not necessarily the same thing for two there are no consequences of any life or death variety for driving badly in a racing game there are consequences obviously in real life and a false sense of confidence because you press left to right on a joystick better than other people do can translate to some serious problem now again there are people with expensive setups that learn to drive virtually and end up actually racing cars but i would argue that even racing a car is not necessarily a completely applicable skill to driving in real life because again driving in real life is not about taking risks for a reward it's about getting from point a to point b the mentality is completely different now that's not to say it isn't good to react quickly while driving that certainly is a good thing and that can be helped a little bit by video games but for yourself and the safety of others don't consider these things applicable and number three is the idea you will never rage quit in a video game now i don't know how you can tell yourself you're never going to rage quit on a video game that's like saying you know exactly how frustrated you can get at all times in your entire life now there are game developers that seem to thrive on creating new situations that will force other people to become frustrated an element of their creativity is specifically coming up with these types of scenarios we call them sadists but in truth you're going to come across a situation at some point when you are losing so badly or you have no idea what to do you're just up against a brick wall and you realize you're lying to yourself if you think you can get beyond this point at least right now and you rage quit like sometimes you really have to think about it too you're you're not going to get anywhere as full of rage as you are that's why you rage quit at times it may even just to be to calm down i have to stop right now and that's not a bad thing it's just don't tell yourself you're never gonna do it yes it can be discourteous to other people if you're playing with other people but it can also be discourteous to continue playing with other people if all you're gonna do is yell and scream too there's sort of a cost benefit analysis that you should do before rage quitting at number two i'm sure you've said this to yourself before if you've ever engaged in this activity i am of course talking about the phrase i will eventually play all of these games i bought on the steam sale now steam sales can be totally insane you can end up with large numbers of games for very very small amounts of money you can end up getting a game for like 15 of the cost of the game and people will wait the entire year for a steam sale and buy a ton of games and then act like they're gonna play all of them you're not gonna play all of them a lot of these games take tens of hours to complete some of them even over a hundred and most people don't play games like their full-time jobs they are my full-time job and i don't play them like they're a full-time job a lot of the work i do is actually figuring out what to say about them that's not to say there aren't people that play games like a full-time job but most people with stuff to do don't you probably have a full-time job for instance or you go to school if you have more than one 100-plus hour game a year that's really impressive and then finally at number one is blaming teammates for almost every loss now if you have ever played a game where you have random matchmaking and you stay on the team for multiple matches and you've lost multiple times you've seen someone do this so you know how irritating it is don't do this because not only do you know that they are being a jerk to everybody on the team but they are also fooling themselves yes it's out of frustration probably from losing quite a lot and that's understandable but it's not just a rationale that could potentially prevent them from actually trying to get better at the game it's also demoralizing to everybody else on the team like that person isn't going to adequately communicate during the course of the match if their mo is just to tell everybody that they're doing badly and they're ruining their ratio for the day or whatever if you see somebody doing that just go ahead and look through their record for previous days it's probably not a lot different that person is sucking the energy out of the team demoralizing them don't do that don't let yourself get to that point be encouraging and cool about stuff if there's a mistake fine accept it and move on on the flip side if you blame yourself for the loss in a team game that's also not a really great response it's good to just discuss as you're playing the game what's going on in the game ate my bad here and there is helpful as are actually talking to people giving them tips and pointers but also having some humility about your own limitations that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 405,387
Rating: 4.8047447 out of 5
Keywords: gamers trick themselves, gamer problems, gamer culture, video game culture, ps4 gamer problems, xbox one gamer problems, pc gamer problems, switch gamer problems, ps5 gamer problems, gaming life, gamers who lie, biggest gamer lies, top 10 gaming, gaming, video games, gameranx, falcon
Id: Swq9Dy43m1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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