10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of January 2020

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it's a new decade and the first month of it was nice and weird but then again the gaming world always is hi folks its Falcon today on game ranks weird gaming stories that happen in January 2020 a Japanese dating sim by the name of love Plus coming to us from Konami you'll find out why that's relevant in just a moment added a new feature in that once you get a girlfriend that girlfriend stays your girlfriend perpetually and you get to cycle through the dates and just sort of have a nice time it's companionship and in the modern alienated world that's not the worst thing however it being Konami I mean if it's not one thing it's another right when selecting the option tried to kiss her on any dates there was a decent chance you would get an Josh [Laughter] error message an error has occurred returning to the title screen tons of people posted sort of jokey I just got dumped tweets they did end up fixing it but still I mean that's funny at number 9 during a samurai shodown tournament a controller died and the competitors obviously stopped and the commentators I mean this is when I first saw this clip I really cracked up they called it like an Acura Kurosawa movie claiming that there was an epic staredown going down I mean it's hard to even say like can you really imagine two really skilled competitors in a fighting game tournament just stopping a match to like have a pretend stare down and these announcers like oh yeah this is respect mode acknowledgement of the skills like no that's that's not what tournaments are like and I'm not saying that because the competitors don't respect each other I'm saying it because no one does that and when they realized that it wasn't a staredown that there's a technical issue going down you know by looking at the competitors and seeing that they were incredibly frustrated they had to back out of this really goofy narrative oh god I may have misspoke like I I'm not trying to be mean to these guys they're only doing their job and I mean who wouldn't get hyped up for like something that seems like it's out of a movie for a couple of seconds I get it but I also think it's the funniest possible thing at number eight endemic creations had to remind players of plague incorporated that the way that diseases spread inside the game is not quite the same as the way they do in real life that the disease spreading model is not based on a scientific model it's a game and therefore it's exaggerated a bit they had to do this on account people have been playing the game specifically because of an outbreak of corona virus a virus that we've been hearing about in the news a fair amount which has actually killed over 50 people worldwide at this point and whenever there is an outbreak of some kind of disease apparently plague ink servers get overloaded in fact with this it was to such a degree that their servers went down they couldn't handle the load it was brief but still endemic creations said plague Inc has been specifically designed to be realistic and informative will not sensationalizing serious real-world issues they noted that the CDC recognized this here's the really important part they said please remember plague Inc is a game not a scientific model and that the current coronavirus outbreak is a very real situation which is impacting a huge number of people they then recommended people get their information directly from health authorities at number seven a civil rights case in which a gamer alleged that being muted in a video game violated his civil rights ended in a federal court telling him that no that's not true like let's go ahead and just acknowledge the actual argument being presented here if you're playing a video game and somebody mutes you it doesn't matter how invested in the game you are and to be clear the petitioner of the case had put over two thousand hours into this game it doesn't matter how invested you are you're not being censored you're being ignored somebody doesn't want to hear your dumb voice while they're playing a video game in their living room or computer room or whatever apparently the case itself was also mostly handwritten which was a wild thing to learn can you imagine writing a lawsuit on paper with like a pen just for context I cannot I absolutely cannot imagine that also can you imagine thinking that being muted in a game is a violation of your rights no sir at number six a league of Legends player by the name of faker real name sanghyeok who currently plays in South Korea he's probably the biggest player in the game in a recent talk show appearance he revealed that American organizations people who wanted him to play in the United States of America have at this point offered him a blank check now for those unfamiliar that means they basically said name your price that's kind of when you know eSports has really arrived if you had told me somebody was offered like anything they want to play video games in another region five years ago just 5 I would have said well you're gonna need to prove that to me cuz it doesn't sound real eSports are huge now and in 2020 they're probably only going to get bigger so while it is kind of weird when you put it into context with the beginnings of eSports it's also really impressive you know at number 5 everything got delayed in January so the Final Fantasy 7 remake got delayed a month which isn't bad they put its release date right near cyberpunk cyberpunk was like [Laughter] we got some polish to do they delayed to September which is the same month that a vendor has got delayed to as well probably the biggest delay in terms of time was dying like - which has been delayed indefinitely now they haven't canceled the game which is what wording like that kind of scares you into thinking but it really is about making the game into something bigger than it is also I just want to note that the developers are dying light to deserve some praise for actually saying that in public a lot of the time when a game enters a extended phase of development people don't say a damn thing about it and we just don't hear anything for like two years but I mean like yeah we're gonna be waiting for a bunch of the games this year that we've definitely wanted to play it's okay though I'd rather have a better game later than a broken game now at number four in Portland a man didn't want to wait for his flight with the boredom of the news they have on in airports all the time he also wasn't a big fan of the loop of video they play promoting various things so he hijacked the monitor he plugged his PlayStation 4 into one of the monitors and played it I mean he didn't take over any important information it was one of those monitors that cycles through like various like commercials and promotional things for stuff you can like eat in the airport so not like a particularly big deal but still the airport was not happy with it I mean you're sitting there talking though they're gamers on a headset in some game you're playing online and yeah it was 4:30 in the morning so it probably didn't disrupt a whole lot of people watching that annoying loop of video at the airport but the airport did say to CNN we would love travelers to plug into our power outlets but just ask that they don't plug into anything else at number three if you're familiar with the twitch streamer Limi who is also a comedian outside of twitch was told to stop playing video games by his son which is just a really funny role reversal his son opens up the door to his I presume game room where he's streaming a game from and his kid is like stop playing a game go outside get some fresh air which sounds very very familiar to me as somebody who played a lot of video games as a kid having parents say the same thing I mean that's just a hundred percent hilarious I don't have any more commentary on it like where are we as a society what what what is going on at number two a dad of a physically disabled daughter modified an Xbox adaptive controller in order to be able to play Zelda breath of the wild on switch it made a pretty cool looking controller let's go ahead and say had two sticks on it and a bunch of glowing buttons which yes glowing buttons are great it's also just really nice to see kids getting to play something they want to do and finally at number one a UK teen had a seizure while playing video games he was playing online though and his friend in Texas in the United States who called an ambulance who showed up at his house and took him to the hospital I mean it was an actual serious thing and he was saved by somebody who was five thousand miles away and recognized that he wasn't responsive I mean it's basically the best case scenario for being alone in a room having a seizure I mean can you think of how many people might actually die in that kind of a situation because they were in their bedroom had a seizure and weren't attended to it's a really touching story honestly couple of quick bonus stories for you a twitter user by the name of de minused hung bananas in his room in order to replicate what it looks like in donkey kong country people on twitter assumed it was some kind of alternate reality at some kind of smartphone app but it was just a guy hanging bananas in his room WWE 2k 20 broke literally write as twenty20 began was basically a y2k style bug in which the game is PI some weird failure of 2k games not compatible with the year 2020 gamers were setting their times manually back to 2019 while the developers fixed the bug and somebody sold a ship in EVE Online for 1 million Plex which is the in-game currency if you translate that to real-world money it's $33,000 which if you don't put that in a weird gaming Stories video I don't know what you're doing with your life $33,000 somebody paid for a ship in a game the proceeds did go to charity at least but still that's just utterly wild that's all for January it was a weird month leave us a comment let us know what you think was particularly weird about it if you enjoyed this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we have low brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter Falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 846,504
Rating: 4.8797493 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, weird gaming news, crazy gaming news, bizarre video game news, ps4 gaming news, japan gaming news, funny gaming news, gaming entertainment, interesting gaming news, controller fail, game delays, gameranx, falcon, january 2020 gaming news
Id: zoa1P2ua_tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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